In recent papers delivered by the author, fuzzy
systems and Mathematical Theory of Evidence were
used as a platform for processing uncertainty [4, 5, 6].
Models require methods to obtain objective
evaluation of uncertainty. In nautical science, sets of
random variables instances are exploited as main
source of knowledge on observations. Usually they
were perceived as governed by Gaussian dispersion
patterns. Knowing the magnitude of standard
deviations enables introduction of an observation
rough assessment. This attitude is popular among
navigators. Modern computer procedures accept
uncertainty as an element of a processing scheme.
Identification of doubtfulness was discussed in the
author’s publications [7, 8]. Proposed approach
exploited evidence proximity exploration and
engaged principles of fuzzy systems. Suggestion was
that an application should include analyses of
available raw recorded instances in order to extract
required range of useful parameters. Introducing
uncertainty model enriches the approach. This paper
contains presentation of dealing with doubtfulness
using its popular model. Association of uncertainty
items are included and result with its increased
informative context discussed. Further, histograms
conversion is recalled and their embedded belief and
uncertainty extracted. Concluded part concentrates on
numerical example being an output of the application
implementing presented approach. For those who
want to get deeper insight into the terminology and
the engaging scheme of reasoning the author
recommends recent excellent book [1].
Position Fixing and Uncertainty
W. Filipowicz
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, P
ABSTRACT: Taken random observations are usually accompanied by rectified knowledge regarding their
behaviour. In modern computer applications, raw data sets are usually exploited at learning phase. At this
stage, available data are explored in order to extract necessary parameters required within the inference scheme
computations. Crude data processing enables conditional dependencies extraction. It starts with upgrading
histograms and their uncertainty estimation. Exploiting principles of fuzzy systems one can obtain modified
step-wise structure in the form of locally injective density functions. They can be perceived as conditional
dependency diagrams with identified uncertainty that enables constructing basic probability assignments.
Belief, uncertainty and plausibility measures are extracted from initial raw data sets. The paper undertakes
problem of belief structures upgraded from uncertainty model in order to solve the position fixing problem. The
author intention is presenting position fixing as an inference scheme. The scheme engages evidence, hypothesis
and revokes concept of conditional relationships.
International Journal
on M
arine Navigation
and Safety of S
ea Transportation
Volume 17
Number 4
December 2023
DOI: 10.12716/1001.17.04.
Let us consider a problem of evaluation of a truth of a
statement. It is popular that to some extent the
proposition is considered true. There is also interval
where it is treated as uncertain. Finally, range of false
truth of the statement might exist. Figure 1 presents
probability vs possibility diagram as uncertainty
representation. The polyline is a membership function
that specifies fuzzy probability set of the proposition
truth. One can use interval [a, b] to define the function
[10]. The abbreviation indicates three subsets: [0, a);
[a, b); [b, 1] that feature the diagram. It should be
noticed that a and b are equivalent to belief and
plausibility measures adopted in Mathematical
Theory of Evidence (MTE) [11]. One can upgrade
models for popular statements such as “I am
convinced that something is true, at the same time
some doubtfulness exists and lack of acceptance
might also be present”. In formal way, the proposition
can be written using Equation (1). Formula (1a) could
be followed for mentioned uncertainty model [2].
( ) ( )
( )
( )
( )
{ } { }
( )
( )
{ }
m , , , , , , , e T mT FmF TF m TF=
( ) ( ) ( ) { }
( )
{ }
m , , , 1 , , , e T a F b TF b a=−−
Figure 1. Diagram of uncertainty representation
Fragments of evidence and hypotheses exist in
inference schemes. To some extent each piece of
available data supports given hypothesis, uncertainty
of the backing is unavoidable. Quite often lack of
support also occurs. In nautical science, there are
observations and sets of points considered as potential
true locations of a vessel. Each measurement supports
the true location to certain degree. Mentioned
relations can be meant as conditional dependencies.
Conditional relationships can be considered as a
function that identifies belief and plausibility of
support measures for hypothesis items embedded
within each of the evidence fragments. Observations
neighbourhood explorations were subject of the recent
publication by the author [8].
Many persons or methods might evaluate the same
statement. It is usual that extent the proposition is
considered true varies. The same refers to uncertainty
and false truth of the statement. Problem of combined
assessment of a truth of the statement assessed by
different experts or delivered from various sources
appears practical. Figure 2 presents diagrams of
uncertainty representations and result of their
combination. Intervals [ai, bi] were used to define the
respective membership functions. Note that
assignment feature lower uncertainty contributes
more decisively to the result of combination. It is in
line with popular meaning of weighted contribution
from various quality inputs. The idea is native for
MTE’s scheme of combination.
Figure 2. Two diagrams of uncertainty representations and
result of their combination
In formal way, the two propositions can be written
using Equation (2). Formula (2a) could be followed for
mentioned uncertainty models.
( ) (
) ( )
{ }
{ }
( )
( )
) {
{ }
1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 22 2 2
m , , , 1 , , ,
m , , , 1 , , ,
e Ta F b T F b a
e T a F b TF b a
Combination scheme [3, 10] adopted for
association of two structures being belief distributions
and illustrated at Figure 2 is presented in Table 1. First
structure is shown in shaded part of the first raw,
second one presents first column. Each cell contains
two elements: involved set and a mass attributed to
the set. Note that for an assignment total mass is equal
to 1. Single element sets identify range of true (T) and
false statement (F). Sets consisting of two items
represent uncertainty. Association partial results are
included in other cells of the Table. Each result
contains two elements: combined involved sets and
product of their masses. Intersection of engaged sets
are required while conjunctive structures association
is carried out. In considered case two sets common
t is empty when {T} and {F} are being combined.
Instead of empty set uncertainty equivalent
molecule {T, F} was used in respective cells. In this
way non-null generating associations are obtained. It
should be noted that the idea follows the Hau-
Kashyap and Yager concepts [9, 12] of normalization.
The one is recommended for discussed scope of
Table 1. Combination scheme
set {T1} {F1} {T1, F1} Result
mass 0.100 0.150 0.750
{T2} {T} {T, F} {T} {Tr}
0.45 0.045 0.068 0.338 0.403
2} {T, F} {F} {F} {Fr}
0.35 0.035 0.053 0.263 0.345
2, F2} {T} {F} {T, F} {Tr, Fr}
0.20 0.020 0.030 0.150 0.253
Tirange of i-th true statement equals to ai
irange of i-th false statement equals to 1-bi
Ti, Firange of i-th uncertainty equals to bi - ai
One expert claims that he beliefs that given
statement is true with probability at most 0.10. The
upper limit of accepting the proposition as true is 0.85.
Thus, the range of uncertainty is 0.75 and simple
model takes the form [0.10, 0.85]. Other expert beliefs
that the statement is true with probability up to 0.45.
The upper limit of accepting the proposition as true is
0.65. This time the range of uncertainty is 0.20 and
simple model takes the form [0.45, 0.65]. Obtaining
overall opinion on the truth of the statement is the
challenge. Adequate solution delivers combination of
available expertise, obtained model is [0.403, 0.656]
(see result diagram at Figure 2).
In nautical practice, there are randomly distorted
indications. Referring to one of the observations given
position represents the true observer location with
probability at most a
1. Note that probability is meant
as product of density and width of adjacent area.
Hereto unitary range is assumed. The upper limit of
accepting the representation as true is b
1. Thus, the
range of uncertainty is b
1- a1 and simple model takes
the form [a
1, b1]. Other observation indicates that the
statement is true with probability up to a
2. The upper
limit of accepting the proposition as true is b
2. This
time the range of uncertainty is b
2 - a2 and simple
model takes the form [a
2, b2]. Association of available
indications evaluates the truth regarding given
location. Combination result diagram is very much
like the one shown at Figure 2. Note that more
assertive individual, this with lower uncertainty,
dominates the final solution. Challenging are
proposals of methods estimating uncertainty models
elements [a
i, bi].
Figure 3 illustrates the idea of proposed processing
scheme aiming at dependencies extracting. Part a)
displays a piece of evidence (labelled o2) with a set of
instances showing its dispersion. The four hypothesis
points labelled with Hi is also presented. The
statement that a given location Hi is the true position
gain some endorsement from this piece of available
evidence. From the Figure, one can perceive that H1 is
the point with the highest support in this matter
provided lack of a systematic deflection. For the case,
conditional dependence P(HO) is to be considered
as a function that identify measure of support for
hypothesis item Hi embedded within an evidence
fragment o
j. Thanks to the relationships appropriate
supports can be obtained and evaluated. Respective
metric is calculated and analysed. To obtain the
support, x- and y-axis histograms are upgraded based
on crude data, instances related to the indication.
Then they are converted to gain stipulated continuous
Part b) of Figure 1 shows the result of processing
the initial instance set. At first raw data are converted
to step-wise histograms. For these structures,
evaluation of trustfulness of an observation at hand is
to take place. Uncertainty of 0.37 is estimated for
presented case. The value is obtained based on
vertical and horizontal expansion of each histogram.
Respective partial metricises are also presented.
Figure 3. (a) Single observation with an example of its two-
dimension dispersion set and four hypothesis locations; (b)
horizontal and vertical axis histograms; (c) histograms and
their converted to continuous function versions.
Based on obtained results, further on rectangular
cells structures are transformed to injective diagrams
of density functions shown at part c) of the Figure.
Taking advantage of fuzzy sets and Bayesian
conditional dependencies, an adequate converting
method was implemented. Locally injective function
is required in order to obtain solutions for many
problems engaging random variables [7]. Figure 3
presents a basic scheme followed at the first stage of
imprecise data handling. At the stage uncertainty
embedded in initial data set are to be discovered and
injective density functions identified. The function
diagram shows support plausibility of density a
position being located approximately particular point.
Randomly distorted evidence can be accompanied by
sets of recorded instances, which are traditionally
converted to a histogram. It displays a diagram of the
distribution of observed data. A histogram consists of
adjacent rectangles, primarily erected over non-
overlapping intervals. The histogram is usually
normalized and displays relative frequencies
considered as empirical probability densities. It shows
the proportion of cases that fall into each of bins. The
intervals are usually chosen to be of the same width,
percentage of the value limits the range very often. It
is assumed that family of instances sets of relative
frequencies are given as a result of a long term
observations. Histograms quality should be evaluated
in order to get knowledge and variables processed in
many applications. Although histograms are popular
and widely used, attempt of their quality assessment
was proposed by the author [8].
Histograms should be subject to evaluation,
intuitively and objectively. MTE’s scheme of
combination stipulates knowledge of uncertainty
embedded within engaged structures. Histograms
quality differs. Differentiations refer to their bin
heights and ranges as well as to the whole structure
expansion. Uncertainty refers to a certain feature
within the discussed scope. The number of items with
the same or almost the same value of the feature
defines uncertainty. In this view, uncertainty might be
related to distinguishability. One should note that
points within single cell are not distinguishable.
Following this way of reasoning one can conclude
that the wider is histogram the higher is its
uncertainty. For this reason, uncertainty of
rectangular cells histogram is higher compare to
continuous version of density distribution (see Figure
Si i-th histogram cell, crisp valued limited area showing
number of observations falling within the range.
i is membership function for i-th cell.
g1 is a diagram of converted histogram.
Figure 4. Three bins histogram with membership functions
for each cell for uncertainty level 0.05
The idea of bin-to-bin additive method is crucial
for the histograms transformations concept [7].
Modern approach enables treating rectangular cells as
fuzzy density sets. Limitations of such sets are
established by membership functions which diagrams
are uncertainty dependent. Figure 4 presents
diagrams of membership functions for three cells
histogram with rather low uncertainty level (assumed
0.05). Table 2 gathers data referring to items presented
in the Figure. The Table contains membership grades
for each of the marked points within consecutive cell.
The assigned cell densities are included in the last
raw. Result measures, highest densities approximately
i-th point are included in the second last column.
Included values are plausibility measures since way
of their calculations refers to fuzzy systems well-
known formula [3]. Note that density contributed by a
cell is a product of the cell density and grade of
belonging to the bin. One should perceive the value as
bi, the title used in Figure 2. Thus to get belief (a
i) one
should subtract uncertainty from plausibility value.
The values are included in the last column.
Table 2. Grades of belonging to the histogram cells and
result of bin to bin product summation for example set of
i(S3) pl(xi) bel(xi)
x1 0.830 0.000 0.000 0.291 0.241
2 0.910 0.100 0.000 0.371 0.321
3 0.000 0.002 0.990 0.130 0.080
m(Si) 0.350 0.520 0.130
i(Sk) grade of i-th point belonging to k-th bin
i) plausible, highest probable density measure in the
vicinity of i-th point
i) belief, highest certain density measure in the vicinity
of i-th point
Si i-th histogram cell, crisp valued limited area showing
number of observations falling within the range.
i is membership function for i-th cell.
g2 is converted histogram.
Figure 5. Three bins histogram with membership functions
for consecutive cells for uncertainty level 0.44
Similar to Figure 4 is the next Figure 5, which
presents diagrams of membership functions for three
cells histogram with much higher uncertainty level
assumed equal to 0.44. Due to higher uncertainty,
ranges of membership functions expand compare to
those presented at Figure 4. For discussion on relation
between scope of range and doubtfulness, refer to [8].
Table 3 contains data referring to items presented in
the Figure. The Table contains membership grades for
each of marked points within consecutive cell. As
before the assigned cell densities are included in the
last raw. Result plausibility measures also referred to
as b
i, highest possible densities approximately i-th
point are included in the second last column. Result
belief measures also referred to as a
i, lowest densities
approximately i-th point are included in the last
column. Grades of belonging to adjacent cells are
much higher compare to those included in table 2.
Figure 4 and 5 present three cells histogram and its
two converted versions obtained for various
uncertainty levels (see curves g
1 and g2 at respective
Figure). Both were obtained using presented scheme
of calculations regarding three example points.
Obviously, number of locations involved was much
Table 3. Example set of points, their belonging to the
histogram cells and result plausibility
i(S3) pl(xi) bel(xi)
x1 0.960 0.410 0.005 0.550 0.110
x2 0.980 0.910 0.120 0.832 0.392
3 0.040 0.590 0.980 0.448 0.008
i) 0.350 0.520 0.130
i(Sk) grade of i-th point belonging to k-th bin
i) plausible highest, probable density measure in the
vicinity of i-th point
i) belief highest, certain density measure in the vicinity
of i-th point
Random data evaluation aims at the discovery of
certain patterns included within available sets of their
instances. MTE combination scheme stipulates
probability assignments, which include uncertainty.
Differentiations refer to the histogram bin heights and
ranges as well as to the structure expansion.
Uncertainty refers to a certain feature within the
discussed domain. In discussed field, uncertainty is
related to discernibility. The more discernible abscissa
points the less amount of uncertainty contains
histogram. Thus, the diversity of bin heights can be
proposed as a factor to measure distinguishability.
The average of cases falling below and above the
mean line of a histogram can be perceived as an
objective measure of a bin heights diversity. Inserted
numbers in Figure 2 are respective metrics for each
the presented cases. The greater the numbers and
smaller the horizontal extension the “better” is a
histogram. Total of points that fall above and below
presented horizontal line may be zero when uniform
distribution of the feature is involved. Note that this is
in line with the popular understanding of uncertainty.
One can perceive doubtfulness as thinking of
something that might be somewhere within a given
scope but there is no hint as to where in particular.
One can perceive histogram with the same cells
heights as extremely unreliable. It should be noted
that in such case total of instances below and above
the central line is zero. As mentioned above, the
number of items with the same value of the feature
defines uncertainty. Thus, considering two histograms
with the same numbers of bins and different bin
widths, one can assume that wider structure embeds
greater uncertainty.
Figure 6. Results of case study engaging four observations,
selected histograms converted versions and four hypotheses
points. (a) four observations with their recorded dispersion
sets, hypotheses points are also included (b) dispersion set
for observation number 4, its histogram and converted
diagram (c) converted histograms for observations 1 and 4
with exploded insertion containing belief and uncertainty
measures for example mesh of points.
Results of a case study engaging four observations
with their instances dispersions, selected sets
converted versions; four hypotheses points
histograms and result of exploration of included space
of discernment are presented at Figure 6. Exploded
insertion contains belief measures and uncertainties
for selected mesh of points.
Set of hypothesis points from figure 6, their
supporting by depicted observations and measures
that they are the true location of the ship are gathered
in the Table 4. Available indications feature included
relative uncertainty. Given the input data one should
consider point x
3 as the best approximation of the ship
location. The point feature the highest belief and
reasonable uncertainty.
6.1 Normalizing a pool of data
Position fixing problem exploits a pool of various
quality observations. They need to be evaluated prior
to the final usage. Preparing a pool of data requires
their normalization in order to achieve uniform
density distributions [8]. This enable construction of
adequate conditional dependency functions. Also
expected is relative uncertainties vector to enable
definitions of basic probability assignments. Fixing
aims at the selection of a point that represents the true
location of a ship in best way. An evidence fragment
supports the choice of each item from the considered
set of hypothesis. Degrees of support are expressed as
conditional dependability that rely on credibility
attributed to the evidence items. Those with low
uncertainty should contribute to the selection more
decisively. To implement the idea, one has to create a
hierarchy for available evidence.
It is quite often that relative rather than absolute
uncertainty is of primary importance. Position fixing
is an example problem where relativity of
uncertainties really matters. The idea is establishing
grades affecting the final solution by each piece of
evidence compared to other ones. The relative weight
of contributing to the final solution is an important
issue. Given a set of histograms, their ranges and bin
heights for each structure, adequate measures can be
calculated [8].
Table 4. Example set of points, their supporting by
observations at hand and measures that they are the true
location of the ship
plausibility of support from data on
observation: representing a fixed
point o1/0.15 o2/0.29 o3/0.28 o4/0.26 bel(xi) pl(xi) un(xi)
x1 0.613 0.537 0.463 0.416 0,145 0.585 0,44
2 0.474 0.514 0.540 0.514 0,192 0.582 0,39
x3 0.363 0.473 0.594 0.593 0,214 0.604 0,39
4 0.000 0.364 0.659 0.627 0,157 0.557 0,40
oi/X i-th observation with its relative uncertainty
i) belief measure that xi is the true location of the ship
(refers to a
i in the uncertainty model)
pl(xi) plausibility measure that xi is the true location of the
ship (b
i in the uncertainty model)
i) uncertainty that xi represents true location of the ship
(bi - ai) in the uncertainty model)
Vertical and horizontal layout uncertainty of a
histogram are considered. Measures referred to
variety of bin heights and to their widths enabled
estimation of an overall uncertainty. Doubtfulness
amount and shape of the membership functions are
mutually dependent. Both are main factor that decide
on shape of converted histograms, which can be seen
as conditional dependencies adequate diagrams. Pool
of data required for solving the problem engaging
distorted data, needs additional normalization.
Processing introduces comparable probability density
distributions. For this purpose, expected is ranking
regarding decisiveness on affecting the solution. Items
with lower uncertainty are of greatest influence in this
respect. Final ranking list regarding amounts of
embedded uncertainty for the poll of four
observations is {o1/0.15, o4/0.26, o3/0.28, o2/0.29}.
Indication o1 mostly decide on the final selection.
Figure 6 part c) includes example application
screenshot with belief and uncertainty calculated for a
rectangular frame of discernment. The distinguished
fragment contains items with the highest beliefs along
with rather low uncertainties.
In nautical practice, there are randomly distorted
indications or observations. Referring to one of the
available items one can discover support that given
position represents the true observer location. Range
the proposition is considered true varies from
observation to observation. The same refers to
uncertainty and false truth of the statement. Items
such as belief, plausibility and uncertainty are
included in uncertainty model that is presented at the
beginning of the paper. Combining models,
assessments of a truth of the statement extracted from
various observations delivers fixed position. At the
beginning, the paper contains combination of two
structures being belief functions. It should be noted
that result diagram is very much like less uncertain
compound. More accurate observations dominate
others while position fixing or other problems
involving randomly distorted data. Individuals that
are more assertive dominate final opinion.
Exploiting presented model one requires methods
of extracting data from sets of recorded instances of
given random variable. Proposal of exploration of the
raw data deliver good estimates of uncertainty
models. Partial results of processing are items of the
popular uncertainty model architecture. For example,
locally injective transformed histogram shows
plausibility measures. It can upgraded with reference
to given uncertainty. Overall evaluation of reasoning
on the true location can be delivered by combination
of the assignments created based on available
indications. Calculated belief and uncertainty
measures are helpful when the fixed position is
selected. Solution is an item feature highest belief, in
case of ambiguity one has to choose smallest
Uncertainty regarding vertical and horizontal
layout of a histogram are considered. Measures
referred to variety of bin heights and to their widths
enabled estimation of an overall and relative
uncertainty ranked among the available observations.
Shape of the cell’s membership functions depends on
doubtfulness feature by given piece of evidence.
Converted histograms can be seen as conditional
dependencies diagrams [7]. Pool of data used for
position fixing needs to be normalized. Additional
processing introduces uniform, relatively balanced
density distributions. Initial reference vector is
required in order to obtain the hierarchy and
subsequently adequate probability assignments.
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