decisively. To implement the idea, one has to create a
hierarchy for available evidence.
It is quite often that relative rather than absolute
uncertainty is of primary importance. Position fixing
is an example problem where relativity of
uncertainties really matters. The idea is establishing
grades affecting the final solution by each piece of
evidence compared to other ones. The relative weight
of contributing to the final solution is an important
issue. Given a set of histograms, their ranges and bin
heights for each structure, adequate measures can be
calculated [8].
Table 4. Example set of points, their supporting by
observations at hand and measures that they are the true
location of the ship
plausibility of support from data on
observation: representing a fixed
point o1/0.15 o2/0.29 o3/0.28 o4/0.26 bel(xi) pl(xi) un(xi)
x1 0.613 0.537 0.463 0.416 0,145 0.585 0,44
2 0.474 0.514 0.540 0.514 0,192 0.582 0,39
x3 0.363 0.473 0.594 0.593 0,214 0.604 0,39
4 0.000 0.364 0.659 0.627 0,157 0.557 0,40
oi/X i-th observation with its relative uncertainty
i) belief measure that xi is the true location of the ship
(refers to a
i in the uncertainty model)
pl(xi) plausibility measure that xi is the true location of the
ship (b
i in the uncertainty model)
i) uncertainty that xi represents true location of the ship
(bi - ai) in the uncertainty model)
Vertical and horizontal layout uncertainty of a
histogram are considered. Measures referred to
variety of bin heights and to their widths enabled
estimation of an overall uncertainty. Doubtfulness
amount and shape of the membership functions are
mutually dependent. Both are main factor that decide
on shape of converted histograms, which can be seen
as conditional dependencies adequate diagrams. Pool
of data required for solving the problem engaging
distorted data, needs additional normalization.
Processing introduces comparable probability density
distributions. For this purpose, expected is ranking
regarding decisiveness on affecting the solution. Items
with lower uncertainty are of greatest influence in this
respect. Final ranking list regarding amounts of
embedded uncertainty for the poll of four
observations is {o1/0.15, o4/0.26, o3/0.28, o2/0.29}.
Indication o1 mostly decide on the final selection.
Figure 6 part c) includes example application
screenshot with belief and uncertainty calculated for a
rectangular frame of discernment. The distinguished
fragment contains items with the highest beliefs along
with rather low uncertainties.
In nautical practice, there are randomly distorted
indications or observations. Referring to one of the
available items one can discover support that given
position represents the true observer location. Range
the proposition is considered true varies from
observation to observation. The same refers to
uncertainty and false truth of the statement. Items
such as belief, plausibility and uncertainty are
included in uncertainty model that is presented at the
beginning of the paper. Combining models,
assessments of a truth of the statement extracted from
various observations delivers fixed position. At the
beginning, the paper contains combination of two
structures being belief functions. It should be noted
that result diagram is very much like less uncertain
compound. More accurate observations dominate
others while position fixing or other problems
involving randomly distorted data. Individuals that
are more assertive dominate final opinion.
Exploiting presented model one requires methods
of extracting data from sets of recorded instances of
given random variable. Proposal of exploration of the
raw data deliver good estimates of uncertainty
models. Partial results of processing are items of the
popular uncertainty model architecture. For example,
locally injective transformed histogram shows
plausibility measures. It can upgraded with reference
to given uncertainty. Overall evaluation of reasoning
on the true location can be delivered by combination
of the assignments created based on available
indications. Calculated belief and uncertainty
measures are helpful when the fixed position is
selected. Solution is an item feature highest belief, in
case of ambiguity one has to choose smallest
Uncertainty regarding vertical and horizontal
layout of a histogram are considered. Measures
referred to variety of bin heights and to their widths
enabled estimation of an overall and relative
uncertainty ranked among the available observations.
Shape of the cell’s membership functions depends on
doubtfulness feature by given piece of evidence.
Converted histograms can be seen as conditional
dependencies diagrams [7]. Pool of data used for
position fixing needs to be normalized. Additional
processing introduces uniform, relatively balanced
density distributions. Initial reference vector is
required in order to obtain the hierarchy and
subsequently adequate probability assignments.
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