The Baltic Sea is an important socio-economic zone
with countries in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR)
depending on it for movement of traffic and goods all
year round. The northern part of the Baltic Sea, the
Bay of Bothnia, experiences strong winters resulting
in ice-covered waters for nearly 5 months each year
[1]. To ensure the safety and efficiency of traffic in
winter in this region, icebreakers are often employed
to assist vessels. The icebreakers are a critical and
shared resource, often jointly managed by the traffic
authorities of neighbouring countries (such as Finland
and Sweden). The icebreakers perform many tasks
during the months from October to May, when the sea
is usually covered in ice. Icebreakers create and
maintain channels in ice called directed pathways
(dirways) which are then used by other vessels, that
are not designed for icebreaking capabilities, to
operate in. Icebreakers also tow vessels with lesser
icebreaking capabilities through regions with tougher
ice conditions. They help vessels navigate the tricky
fast ice region closer to the ports [2]. Operating,
maintaining, and coordinating icebreakers are
expensive [3]. Hence, the icebreakers always try to
optimize their trips, assisting multiple vessels at a
time whenever possible and reducing their own travel
time. It is often the case that the number of vessels
requiring assistance at a given moment are more than
the number of icebreakers in service. The icebreakers
are then tasked with prioritizing the assistance
requests. These priorities need to consider multiple
factors such as average waiting time, fuel
consumption, distance to be travelled, expected
departure/arrival time of vessels from/to ports, and
safety requirements. Icebreaker decision-making is
Cognitive Task Analysis to Understand Icebreaker
ecision Making
M. Musharraf
, K. Kulkarni
& S. Mallam
Marine and Arctic Technology, Aalto, Aalto University
Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Canada
University of South-Eastern Norway, Borre, Norway
ABSTRACT: Icebreakers are a critical shared resource between Finland and Sweden required to keep the Baltic
Sea clear for differing waterborne activities throughout the winter season. The safety and efficiency (both
ecological and in terms of time) of the winter transport system is highly dependent on the decision-making
process followed by the icebreakers. The captains in charge of the icebreakers must decide the priority of
assistance among all the merchant vessels that may be in need within a given time window. While captains
successfully do this every year, with experience, this decision-making becomes second nature and a transparent
picture of how the decisions are made is often missing. It is not always clear what salient features captains pay
attention to, and how they use those features in their reasoning process to reach a decision during operations.
This paper presents a pilot study that uses cognitive task analysis (CTA) to outline captains' decision-making
process for ice breaker assistance allocation. In-depth interviews of three subject matter experts were conducted
using a naturalistic icebreaker scenario. Results include identified critical decision points, identified, and
prioritized salient features, and characterized icebreaker assistance strategies.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 17
Number 4
December 2023
DOI: 10.12716/1001.17.04.
thus a complex task, involving multiple dynamic
factors and system-level Key Performance Indices
(KPIs) [3]. These decisions are currently managed by
the icebreaker captains with the support of other
expert seafarers on land [4].
In the recent years, maritime traffic authorities are
additionally faced with challenges emerging from
climate change [1]. On the one hand, the winters are
more unpredictable with more brash and slushy ice,
and on the other hand, vessels are now required to be
Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) compliant for
fuel efficiency, which results in lesser ice breaking
capabilities. The policymakers are now interested to
understand how these changes are set to affect the
icebreaking needs in the coming future. This has
resulted in multiple research efforts, especially in the
BSR universities, to study and predict the future of
icebreaking under climate change challenges [5][6].
While many of these works have been successful at
capturing the ice dynamics, the traffic flows, and the
vessel performances, the one aspect that has been
hard to model is the icebreaker decision-making.
Previous attempts at capturing this decision-
making process have resulted in logic-driven and/or
mathematical algorithms [6]. However, when
compared with historical data during validation
studies, large gaps were identified in the actual data
and the modelled versions. One reason for this gap is
that the purely logic-driven approaches fail to count
the human factors (such as the on-the-job adjustments
made by experts to suit dynamic situations) that are
involved in the decision making. This paper uses a
cognitive task analysis (CTA) approach to elicit
knowledge about icebreaker decision-making from
the subject matter experts. This allows capturing the
human element in the decision making.
A pilot study with three participants has been
conducted. The participants were recruited based on
their experience with the Finnish-Swedish winter
navigation system. Among the available CTA
methods, the Critical Decision Method (CDM) [7] has
been used with a predesigned naturalistic ice-breaker
scenario and predefined probes. While the results of
the study are preliminary, they show that the CDM
method can be useful in identifying critical decision
points, identifying, and prioritizing salient features,
and characterizing the strategies used. The outcome of
this study is expected to increase the realism of winter
navigation simulation tools that involve icebreakers,
contribute to intelligent decision support systems for
winter navigation, and generate training materials
that will be useful for less experienced seafarers
tasked with ice breaker decision making.
CTA is an approach implemented to uncover what
people know and how they think, to better
understand the mental processes that underlie
observable behaviour [8]. CTA describes a collection
of differing methods that are an extension of the
traditional task analysis approach to describe
knowledge, thought-processes, mental strategies, and
goal structures of actors in complex systems [9].
Among the many CTA methods available, CDM is
used in this paper. The CDM aims to achieve
knowledge elicitation through cognitive probing and
reflection as a form of retrospective CTA technique
[10]. CDM is commonly used to elicit specialized
knowledge from subject matter experts across a
diverse number of domains to better understand
expert decision making and reasoning in naturalistic
settings [11]. Although CDM was primarily intended
for non-routine events [10] CDM can also be applied
to both routine and non-routine analysis of highly
specialized or difficult events and tasks, especially
when decision-making and actions of experts may
differ from those with less experience [12].
CDM is implemented through a semi-structured
interview approach, typically consisting of seven
steps: i) define the task or scenario under analysis, ii)
select CDM probes, iii) select appropriate participant,
iv) gather and record account of the incident, v)
construct incident timeline, vi) define scenario phases
or decision points, vii) use CDM probes to query
participant decision making. This study uses the
typical CDM steps with some modifications. Steps iv
and v which are purposefully designed to analyse
non-routine retrospective incidents, were eliminated
from the current study as the focus is on typical ice-
breaking scenarios. The other steps also needed some
small adjustments to fit the purpose of the study. The
steps are described in the following subsections with
more details.
2.1 Define the task or scenario under analysis
The first step focuses on defining the task or scenario
under analysis. Unlike typical CDM applications
where focus in on non-routine incidents, the current
study focuses on a typical ice breaking scenario.
However, ice breaking itself is a highly specialized
task and even for typical scenarios the decision-
making is quite complex in nature.
The scenario used in the study focuses on the
Northern Baltic Sea, the Bay of Bothnia region. The
scenario is a snapshot of a situation in winter, in line
with some of the commonly occurring instances in
winter navigation. During scenario development,
academic collaborators with prior experience of
working with seafarers were consulted for
understanding what information are crucial to design
a credible scenario. Figure 1 shows the scenario that
was presented to the participants. Four vessels are
shown to exist in the system (that is, the area under
observation: Bay of Bothnia) at the time of
observation. The vessels are assigned details such as
ice class and name. Discussion with academic
collaborators during the scenario design phase
revealed these details as crucial. While other ship
details (such as hull type and propulsion power) were
also deemed important it was concluded that captains
and seafarers who work in the region on a regular
basis can infer the other vessel details from the vessel
name. The vessel name and ice class were assigned
from a set of vessels that frequently navigate this area
using public data sources [13]. The locations and
departure times of the vessels were inspired from
instances that occurred during simulation runs of a
winter navigation simulation tool [6] developed at
Aalto University. The tool uses inputs from
Automatic Identification System (AIS) data for the
year 2018. Additional information that was
Figure 1. a) Scenario under analysis with 4 vessels and 2 icebreakers b) Symbols for ice information in (a).
identified as crucial was the prevailing ice condition.
Historical ice data [14] from the Finnish
Meteorological Institute (FMI) were used to represent
the ice conditions. In practice and in the simulation,
the icebreakers operate in their assigned zones,
prioritizing the vessels in their zone. This information
is not drawn explicitly in any chart and the zones are
decided dynamically by icebreaker captains.
In Figure 1(a), V indicates vessel and IB indicates
icebreaker. Both IBs have the same capacity to create a
wide enough channel. The black directed arrows at
the vessels’ end indicate the direction of intended
travel of the vessel. The pink lines indicate channels.
Single line indicates closed channels. Two lines
indicate open channel. Some channels are partially
open (near V1), some are fully open (near V2).
Narrowing width of channels indicates that the
channel is progressively closed. Figure 1(b) shows
the interpretation of the symbols used for ice
information in 1(a).
Given the scenario, the participants were tasked to
prioritize the vessels for assistance assuming they
were in charge of the icebreakers. With assistance
from the analysts, the participants described how they
would use the icebreakers to help the vessel in need
until all vessels are either safely at a destination port
or are safely navigating.
2.2 Select CDM probes
Since the aim of the study was to identify and
prioritize salient features and characterize the
icebreaker assistance strategies, the CDM probes were
designed accordingly. The set of probes relevant for
this paper is presented in Table 1.
Table 1. CDM probes for investigating ice-breaker decision
1. Goal What were your specific goals at this
specification decision point?
2. Cue What features were you looking for when
Identification you formulated your decision?
3. Information What was the most important piece of
integration information that you used to formulate the
4. Situation Except for the information given to you,
assessment was there any additional information that
you might have used to assist in the
formulation of the decision?
5. Basis of Do you think that you could develop a
choice rule, based on your experience, which
could assist another person to make the
same decision successfully?
Why/Why not?
2.3 Select appropriate participant
Since this is a pilot study, the participant pool was
limited to 3. The participants were recruited based on
their experience with the Finnish-Swedish winter
navigation system. Inclusion criteria required that
participants were certified nautical officers and had
experience with ice navigation in the Baltic Sea. The
participants had between 17-25 years’ experience
working at sea in various operational positions, with
two of the participants also having additional
management experience in planning and executing
winter navigation. Define decision points and use of
CDM probes to query participant decision making
The decision point identification was done in
conjunction with the participants. It was agreed that
every time the icebreaker is taking a new decision
(e.g., deciding on a new vessel to assist, deciding to
form a convoy) it can be called a new decision point.
However, all participants agreed that their answers to
probe questions would not change for the different
decision points. Keeping this in mind, the probes
presented in Table 1 were used once per participant
per scenario rather than per decision point.
To increase the reliability of the interview process and
data collection, two analysts were used throughout
the CDM steps mentioned in section 2. Several data
were collected but the data that has been analysed for
the purpose of this paper includes notes from the
analysts and notes (along with drawings) from the
participants (if any were produced during the CDM
interview process). While audio recordings were
taken for each participant, they have only been used
in this paper to resolve conflicts that arose while
comparing notes of the two analysts, as a form quality
assurance and inter-rater reliability. Two direct
outcomes of the analysis were 1) the participants’
answer to the question regarding prioritization of
vessel as described in section 2.1 and 2) a CDM table
with the participantsanswers to the questions listed
in Table 1. The CDM table can be further analysed to
identify and prioritize salient features, and
characterize the strategies used. One indirect outcome
was an evaluation of the credibility of the scenario
and suggestions on how the scenario can be further
improved for a future full-scale study.
The following subsection summarizes the most
significant outcomes of the study.
3.1 Prioritizing vessels for assistance
For the scenario presented in Figure 1, participants
discussed how they would prioritize the vessels in
need and plan assistance until all vessels are either
safely in port or are safely navigating.
For the first assistance decision (decision point 1),
some similarities across participants were observed.
All participants agreed that IB2 should assist V4 first.
Regarding IB1, two participants chose that IB1 should
assist V3 first. Both participants mentioned that V1
and V2 can sail independently at least for a while
given their ice class. The other participant used IB1 to
assist V2 first. At the next decision point, again some
similarities in decision making were observed across
participants. Two participants mentioned that V3 and
V4 may construct a convoy that can be assisted by IB2
until the zone crossing and then the convoy can be
handed over to IB1. One of these participants
mentioned that V2 can also join this convoy later.
While V1 was identified to not need help, two
participants mentioned that it can be assisted by IB1 if
needed but only after the other assistance has been
taken care of (so not a priority), and at the zone
crossing IB2 can take over V1.
3.2 Salient features and strategies used
Questions 1 and 5 in Table 1 focused on the strategies
of icebreaker assistance while Questions 2 to 4 focused
more on identifying and prioritizing salient features.
When asked about goal specification (Question 1,
Table 1), it was realized that traffic safety is of utmost
importance and the goal is always to ensure this.
Given that this is usually already considered in terms
of ice class of the ships and assistance restriction, the
goal in hand is to minimize the overall waiting time of
e vessels. Next goal would be to optimize fuel
consumption, and this goes hand in hand with
optimizing overall waiting time of vessels. All
participants had the same view on this question. The
goals specified by the participants and their priorities
are presented in Table 2.
Table 2. Goal specifications and priorities
Goal Priority
Traffic safety 1
Minimize overall waiting time for vessels 2
Optimize fuel consumption 2
Regarding the features that are important for
decision formulation (Question 2, Table 1),
participants had slightly different views. All
participants identified Expected Time of Departure
(ETD) of the vessels as an important feature. Ice
condition and ice class of vessels were identified as
important features by two participants. It is worth
noting that while the other participant did not directly
mention ice condition and ice class as important
features, they did use them while formulating the
basis of choice in Question 5. Zone of icebreakers, size
of the vessels (i.e., are these technically good vessels),
dirway location, and location of icebreakers with
respect to vessel were other features that were singly
mentioned by the participants.
Arguably, the most important piece of information
needed to formulate the decision (Question 3, Table
1), two participants mentioned ETD of the vessels.
The other participant identified ice condition as the
most important information.
The question regarding gaps in the provided
information (Question 4, Table 1) was appreciated by
the participants. The most critical information that
was identified to be missing was the wind
information. The wind direction, strength, and
pressure dictate the dynamic ice condition (such as ice
drift). Two participants mentioned that based on the
wind information one may almost have a new ice
chart. In practice, with access to Icebreaker Net
(IBNet), the icebreaker captains can create this new ice
chart. The wind information along with the
temperature also dictates how quickly or slowly a
new channel will close. Port information (such as port
calls and berthing availability) was missing, and it
was also identified as a critical information.
While the use of ice chart was deemed okay, it was
mentioned by the participants that in real life the
captains will have access to satellite images through
IBNet. In the absence of IBNet, it was suggested that
instead of using a static ice chart, several ice charts
(perhaps from a few days before) should be provided.
The icebreaker captains also have access to fairway
traffic information including how frequently the
fairway been visited in recent time. This helps to
identify if the ice in the fairway is new, recently
broken, or has hardened over time. The nature of
assistance is affected by this information. Other
missing information includes assistance restriction on
certain ice classes for certain ports, history of a ship
for this winter: is it a frequent caller (already have a
history on how they have been assisted this winter),
ice field updates and other records from pilots put in
the IBNet, records of phone calls to pilots, more
specific vessel details such as propulsion power and
hull type. The captains also have access to past tracks
(knowledge of icefields, where channels have been
created), and in-field information about the location of
difficult spots in ice.
The last question was about the basis of choice
where participants were asked to develop a rule to
assist another person to make the same decision
successfully (Question 5, Table 1). There is some
similarity in the rules that participants 1 and 2
developed. The first step for both participants was to
identify the vessels in each icebreaker zone that may
require assistance. Vessel ice class and prevailing ice
condition was used to assess the assistance
requirement. Participant 1 also mentioned that for
vessels in port, we know how they have been able to
get there so chances are that they will be able to get
out in similar manner with similar assistance
requirements (depending on fairway situation). Then
within each IB zone, participant 1 proposed using a
first come first serve rule. This participant mentioned
including incoming traffic while doing this.
Participant 2 proposed choosing a vessel in need that
is closest to the icebreaker. This participant added that
the ETD of the assisted vessel dictates icebreaker’s
own departure time. Icebreaker will adjust its own
engine power based on the departure time. If there is
time, there is no need to go full throttle. Icebreakers
will meet the vessels as close as possible to the point
at which it is likely to be needing assistance. The goal
is to minimize icebreaker movement.
Participant 3 had a bigger picture perspective
based on choice. For non-critical situations, the
participant had a rule to focus on minimizing the
waiting time. The participant pointed out “[As IB
captain] You have zones, you know each other, you
know vessels in your zone, and you know the
incoming traffic.” Based on this, the waiting time
minimization can be done. For safety critical scenarios
like having high ice pressure, the participant advised
to prioritize safety over minimizing waiting time. As
mentioned by the participant “It takes guts to make
safe decision since you may be increasing cost and
waiting time.”
Table 3. Basis of choice: rules provided by participants
Parti- Rule
1 First use vessel ice class and prevailing ice
condition to decide who needs assistance. For each
IB zone, follow first come first serve. Look at
incoming traffic in the zone.
2 The ice condition (at departure time) and vessel ice
class suggest where vessel might get stuck. Then
the IB chooses the one that that is closest to its own
location. Vessel ETD dictates IB’s own departure
time. Adjust engine power based on dept time.
Meet the vessel as close as possible to the point at
which it is likely to be stuck.
3 If you don’t have any pressure, focus on
minimizing the waiting time. If there is pressure,
prioritize safety. It takes guts to make safe decision
since you may be increasing cost and waiting time.
The basis of choice and the rules provided by each
participant are presented in Table 3.
3.3 Credibility of the scenarios and suggestions for
Question 4 reveals the information that are important
for assistance decision making but were missing from
the scenario description. The participants suggested
that discussion on this should be continued as it is
possible to include at least some of the missing
information quite easily. They offered to help in
increasing the credibility of the scenario. Besides the
identified missing information, all participants
mentioned adding a 3rd icebreaker to the South to
make the scenario more realistic. One participant
mentioned the missing wind information as critical
and had to assume a wind direction to proceed with
the scenario. This participant also evaluated the
dirways to be unrealistic. This is because although the
current location of dirways is set in easier ice
conditions, it is too close to the shore. In practice,
dirways are located further away from the shore, even
if it means breaking channels in harder ice. This is to
prevent grounding incidents. The participant
suggested to refer to IBNet data and consult with
experts in drawing dirways for future scenarios.
Icebreaker decision-making is an important and
elusive piece of the winter navigation operations that
greatly affects its efficacy. The outcome of this study is
expected to increase the realism of the ice-breaker
behaviour in the simulation tool developed by Aalto
University in close co-operation with the Finnish
Transport Infrastructure Agency. This will enable
realistic evaluation of several “what-if” scenarios,
including engine power and ice-breaker scheduling
optimization for safe, efficient, and environmentally
friendly winter navigation. The outcome of the study
will also contribute to developing intelligent systems
that will support decision making for winter
navigation. Given the nature of this study and the
necessary detailed documentation, the results are also
expected to generate educational materials, which can
be used for training less experienced decision-makers
and seafarers. The results are also expected to bring
transparency to a process that has otherwise been
hard to understand for those not directly involved in
it. This could lead to better trust overall in the
navigation environment and facilitate healthier
cooperation between all stakeholders.
This paper describes a novel attempt at using CDM to
decipher the complex icebreaker decision-making
process. A pilot study was conducted to test the
efficacy of this approach in this problem domain. The
study involved subject matter experts in winter
navigation. The results brought forth multiple
interesting facets of the decision-making process that
were hitherto unidentified by prior research efforts.
The participants also gave several important inputs on
how the scenarios can be improved for more directed
knowledge elicitation. The future work will involve
conducting a full-scale study with a larger number of
participants with inter-rater reliability analysis and
with refined operational scenarios that are more
comprehensive and more realistic.
This work was supported by the Academy of Finland
project: Towards human-centered intelligent ships for
winter navigation (Decision number: 351491)
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