Safe and efficient mooring is essential for ensuring the
safety of the ship, terminal, and environment.
Therefore, it is important to continue developing and
improving mooring systems. Traditionally, ship
mooring systems have relied on an arrangement of
mooring lines that attach the vessel to the shore, or to
the other vessels and onboard fittings such as chocks-
fairlead, pedestal rollers, and bitt-bollards [1].
However, novel systems of mooring have come into
play by applying alternative physical principles to
join the ship to the quay or the other vessel ([2],[3]).
The components of the mooring system are
determined by vessel type and size, regulations, and
rules from the classification society chosen by the ship
A mooring system for a ship must withstand
various forces including wind, currents, surges,
waves, and swells. It is also necessary to consider
factors such as vessel type and size, mooring system
characteristics, terminal disposition, and physical port
or sea conditions [1]. The influence of disturbing
hydrodynamic forces generated by the propellers of
other ships passing in close proximity to the vessel,
the ship's trim, its draft and freeboard height, and
thus also different angles of the so-called "looking"
and "bending" of traditional mooring lines used in the
STS mooring system [4]. In practice, however, due to
variable loads, it is recommended to avoid mixed
mooring techniques that use different types and
categories of ropes, as this may cause uneven and/or
excessive load on individual ropes, leading to their
breakage and uncontrolled disconnection of
previously moored vessels, exposing these vessels
Ships-To-Ship Magnetic Mooring SystemsThe New
P. Kołakowski, G. Rutkowski & A. Łebkowski
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: Each type of ship must have appropriate mooring systems adapted to the fact that after the end of
the voyage and shutdown of its propulsion, it is moored and is not exposed to the dangers related to the
negative influence of external factors. Moreover, the mooring of two ships of different and/or similar sizes at sea
for transshipment or service always requires special techniques and special care to ultimately avoid damage to
the vessel throughout the approach or breakage of the lines due to excessive loads. As reported by the UK P&I
Club, mooring incidents are among the top seven types of insurance claims. Most of the vessels still use
traditional mooring systems, knowns for centuries. Despite changes in regulations to reduce the number of
incidents, also new technologies related to the mooring of ships began to develop. This article provides a review
of the latest research focuses, applications, and future perspectives regarding mooring systems mainly related
to ship-to-ship interaction. Moreover, a new device called Mobile Electromagnetic Mooring System (MEMS) has
been introduced and described. Finally, modern mooring systems' challenges and future perspectives have been
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
d Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 17
Number 4
December 2023
DOI: 10.12716/1001.17.04.
and their crews to danger [5]. In the past, accurate
estimates of ship movement and loads on mooring
ropes were only possible through costly tests with
scale models. However, with increased computational
power, numerical methods based on simplifications
have become available, allowing for the development
of mathematical models for calculating moored ship
motions [6].
Nevertheless, the design requisites for mooring
systems must consider the elasticity of mooring lines
and how ships are subject to wind, currents, and wave
forces. The designer can then choose and position
mooring equipment and fittings on board. Wind
action is an important factor, considering changes in
intensity and the longitudinal or transverse angle of
incidence. Maximum current also plays a crucial role
in the ship’s draught’s interaction with under-keel
water clearance.
The transportation industry has seen a significant
increase in the number of ships and ports due to the
growing demand for shipping operations [7]. For
thousands of years, ships were moored by human
hands using ropes, which have become increasingly
difficult and time-consuming to handle. The
traditional rope mooring method has resulted in
hundreds of accidents and injuries each year, causing
losses of millions of dollars [8]. The statistics on rope
and wire mooring accidents are presented from
various sources such as the European Harbour
Master’s Committee (EHMC) [9], the UK P&I Club
[10], the Australian Maritime Safety Authority [11]
and the International Maritime Organization (IMO).
As per the UK P&I Club report, approximately 300
people have died every year in accidents related to
ship mooring, 95% are caused by ropes and wires, and
60% of these injuries happen during mooring
operations [10].
There is a plan to update and modify the central
rules and regulations to decrease the numbers related
to the unsafe mooring. These updates include changes
to SOLAS regulation II-1/3-8 and the introduction of
fresh guidelines for the secure mooring of ships. They
were sanctioned in 2019 and are anticipated to come
into effect on 1 January 2024 [12]. According to the
updated rules, all new ships must follow the revised
regulations for mooring designs that are safe to use.
On the other hand, existing ships need to comply with
new regulations concerning the inspection and
maintenance of mooring equipment and lines while
also providing appropriate documentation [13],[14].
Therefore, it is up to flag states, governing states of
the ports, ship-owners and loaders to create the
regulatory framework that makes it possible for the
ship to operate safely. The International Association
of Classification Societies (IACS) [15] has produced a
document to harmonize requirements for mooring,
anchoring, and towing ships but has not specified the
design requirements for mooring winches. The Oil
Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) [1]
has also established guidelines for safe mooring
systems. Recent influential guidelines such as MEG4,
Section 2, have incorporated principles of human-
centric design that take a comprehensive approach to
mooring equipment and procedures to ensure safer
operations. These guidelines emphasize managing
mooring lines in a way that considers the well-being
and safety of humans.
Therefore, mooring two ships of different and/or
similar dimensions for transshipment and/or service
always requires special techniques and extreme
caution to ultimately avoid damage to the units
throughout the approach or breakage of the lines due
to excessive loads during their securing. Such
mooring can be done in three ways: (a) in port, using
the so-called double berth, where one of the ships is
already berthed to the quay and the other is moored
to its outer side on the side opposite from the quay,
(b) at anchorage, when one of the ships is at anchor
and the other is approaching and mooring to the ship
already anchored, (c) when mooring operations are
being carried out when both ships are in motion in the
water and/or over the ground (drifting).
In this respect, the issue of mooring a small service
unit to the side of another ship with a very high
freeboard becomes particularly dangerous. In such a
situation the lines are usually directed at a very large
vertical angle upwards from the service watercraft to
the mooring bollards situated on the main deck of the
serviced vessel, usually, a larger, longer vessel with a
high freeboard, to which other vessels need to moor.
Such a situation limits the correct distribution of the
forces keeping the service watercraft at a stable
mooring position at the side of the serviced vessel,
exposing it, especially in the event of unfavorable
hydrometeorological conditions in the area of work,
to uncontrolled longitudinal and transverse
displacements with dynamic oscillations of the ship
on the wave and dynamic impacts of its hull against
the larger serviced vessel.
An additional problem that arises in the case of a
small vessel performing underwater works due to
damage to the serviced ship is the propulsion, which
must always remain turned off for both the
intervention boat and the serviced vessel. The
propulsion on both units must be secured against any
unwanted activation at least for the duration of time
when divers are underwater and could be exposed to
the associated dangers of injury or death. Therefore,
such ships cannot support their mooring position by
dynamic positioning (at a given position and/or
course) using ship propellers. Such practices are
necessary to maintain the required safety procedures
when performing underwater work. The correct
mooring of two ships side to side with the propulsors
and water-jet propellers turned off is in this case
crucial for the safety of divers below the water’s
The type of mooring system used depends on the
size of the ships involved in the operation [16]. To
begin, the maneuvering vessel must approach the
anchored or drifting vessel at a steady course,
minimizing the approach angle. The preferred
approach area is located behind the traverse of the
vessel being approached. The maneuvering vessel
should steer parallel to the other vessel's course and
decrease the distance between them gradually and
slowly, using the engine and rudder movements.
Once the appropriate distance has been reached, the
fenders located on the sides of the vessels make
contact, allowing the two ships to connect in parallel
and the ropes to be secured according to the mooring
plan. This process is challenging for both the operator
of the maneuvering vessel and the crews responsible
for the safe and efficient mooring of the ships.
The currently proposed mooring systems, in
particular with regard to small intervention, diving,
service and cargo or people transfer units where it is
also crucial to perform underwater repair works, pose
many problems, including: (a) they increase the risk of
the mooring breaking or sliding off, which may result
in serious injury or death to crew members; (b) they
cause a high angle of the mooring lines directed
upwards to the main deck of the serviced mothership
with high freeboard, which has a significant impact
on the level of stresses and breaking forces (loads)
generated there, and in combination with unfavorable
hydrometeorological conditions (e.g. strong wind,
current and sea wave) may cause significant mutual
vertical and horizontal oscillations of both units with
dynamic impacts of the intervention/service unit
against the serviced hull with the possibility of
breaking the mooring lines and drifting of the
previously moored unit; (c) the prolonged time of the
required emergency response usually increases the
risk of more serious consequences of an accident, e.g.,
in the event of a dangerous cargo leak from damaged
bottom tanks. The fast mooring and movement of an
intervention/service vessel along the side of a ship in
need (e.g., to locate damage) is usually time-
consuming, and in emergencies, every minute counts,
especially in the case of ships with damaged hull
plating. There is also the necessity to engage many
people from the crews of both involved vessels in the
mooring, unmooring, and moving of the service
watercraft along the side of the serviced ship. During
an accident, the crew of a damaged ship is usually
involved in performing other tasks related to the
breakdown, performing other official duties,
including saving lives and property. On the other
hand, the process of mooring and moving the
intervention/service unit alongside the serviced ship
is very time-consuming and requires the involvement
of a few additional people on the serviced ship and
the intervention unit. This issue has not been fully
resolved to date.
Traditional mooring systems have been known to
present numerous challenges, including the risk of
mooring line breakage, the involvement of personnel
in hazardous operations, and the time-consuming
nature of these processes. Therefore, there is an urgent
need for a safer and more efficient mooring system to
solve the above problems. In recent years, automated
vacuum and magnetic mooring systems have gained
attention as an alternative to traditional mooring
systems for ships [17]. These systems offer numerous
advantages over traditional mooring systems, such as
reduced crew workload and improved safety, which
can have made them increasingly popular. This paper
aims to provide an overview of the current state of the
art in ships-to-ship mooring systems, in particular
with regard to small service vessels.
Introduced by the authors, the Mobile
Electromagnetic Mooring System (MEMS) signifies a
considerable breakthrough in the field of mooring
operations, specifically tailored to tackle the primary
challenges faced by small service vessels. By offering a
safer and more efficient alternative, the MEMS holds
the potential to transform the industry, enhancing the
overall safety and expediency of mooring operations.
This inventive system utilizes electromagnetic
technology to mitigate the risks associated with
conventional mooring methods, ultimately boosting
the operational capabilities of small service vessels. As
the project advances, a MEMS prototype is presently
being installed on the fast motorboat Merlin 6.15,
which will be employed for conducting sea trials.
These trials will yield valuable insights into the
system's performance and functionality under real-
world maritime conditions, laying the groundwork
for potential implementation and widespread
adoption of the technology.
This article aims to present a thorough overview of
MEMS technology, its design, and its potential
advantages and applications within the maritime
sector. By examining the difficulties encountered with
traditional mooring systems and the benefits of this
innovative approach, the article strives to underscore
the significance of ongoing innovation in the realm of
mooring operations for small intervention, diving,
service, and other vessels. This article will explore the
distinctive features of the MEMS system, its
fundamental principles, and how it addresses the
challenges inherent in mooring operations.
Additionally, the article will discuss the potential
applications and advantages of MEMS technology
across various maritime settings, emphasizing its
transformative influence on the industry.
While detailed research results will be published
upon obtaining full intellectual property rights, this
article offers a comprehensive introduction to the
MEMS technology, highlighting its significance and
potential for revolutionizing the maritime
industry.The remainder of this paper is as follows: the
evolution of the modern mooring systems is
elaborated in Section 2. The currently proposed
Mobile Electromagnetic Mooring System (MEMS) for
small service watercraft, is presented and analyzed in
Section 3. Section 4 presents the results and
discussions. Section 5 concludes the paper.
To address issues with excessive ship motions during
berthing or mooring operations, there are two main
methods: reducing wave action or modifying the
mooring system's response. One solution involves
changes to port infrastructures, such as reducing
wave reflection or extending breakwaters. Whereas
the other one modifies the mooring system itself and
can be cost-effective. There is no one-size-fits-all
solution, and each case requires a dynamic analysis of
the berthed ship and its mooring system. However,
some studies have proposed solutions to improve
operational safety and reduce downtime [18]. For
instance: Yoneyama et al. (2009) presented a method
of reducing low-frequency surge ship motions using
computer-controlled hybrid mooring winches to
change the mooring system's natural period [19]. In a
study by Rosa Santos et al. (2014), different mooring
arrangements were analyzed to improve safety and
operational conditions at the Leixões oil terminal in
Portugal [20]. The results of wave tank experiments
indicated that high friction fenders could increase
tension mooring efficiency and reduce ship motions,
particularly when close to the system's natural
oscillation periods.
De Bont et al. (2010) conducted field
measurements and numerical simulations at the Port
of Shalah in Oman to investigate the effect of the
MoorMasterTM system on reducing surge motions of
moored containerships [21]. The MoorMasterTM
system, developed by Cavotec [22], uses vacuum pads
and hydraulics to secure and control moored ships.
While the researchers found that the system reduced
surge motions, some parameters were not measured
and the results were inconclusive. Van der Molen et
al. (2015) later investigated alternatives to mooring
configurations in Geraldton Harbour in Australia and
found that a combination of pneumatic fenders and
constant tension winches or nylon breast lines
resulted in the highest reduction of vessel motions
[23]. In addition, a new hydraulic mooring system
called ShoreTension has been developed by the KRVE
mooring company at the Port of Rotterdam [24]. The
system automatically keeps mooring cables tense in
severe conditions and was shown in simulations to
significantly decrease vessel motions and loads on
mooring lines.
Moreover, there are currently various systems and
technical devices in used for mooring vessels,
including single-point mooring systems implemented
with a single mooring, tandem systems, mooring and
transfer installations based on telescopic gangways
with a single mooring point, bottom mooring and
loading systems, and traditional multi-point mooring
systems. There are also different systems used for
mooring one ship to the stern and/or the side of
another ship in the ship-to-ship (STS) system,
implemented based on flexible connections with
mooring lines (natural, synthetic, steel, and/or a
combination) or based on rigid connections (e.g.,
mechanical connections of a barge with a pusher-type
tug, connection of a Hiload DP1 unit with a tanker
using the so-called Remora-type hydrostatic bottom
suction, or connection of two ships with the use of
electromagnetic mooring systems) [25].
Basically, the alternative mooring methods can be
divided into 3 groups. Shore Tension System, Vacuum
Mooring System, and Magnetic Mooring System.
2.1 Shore Tension System
The Shore Tension (see Figure 1) is a cylindrical
device that exerts constant pressure on mooring lines
fixed to bollards on the quay. It uses a hydraulic
system for proper tension and can move along with
the forces working on the mooring line, reducing ship
movement and absorbing energy produced by the
ship. The system is CO2 neutral and can function
without external energy after initial activation. High-
quality mooring lines can be used in conjunction with
the Shore Tension for better security. With the
increasing demands of marine terminals and
challenges posed by climate change, the Shore
Tension can enhance the mooring capabilities of large
vessels and reduce vessel movement and downtime.
While conventional tension winches on the deck can
prevent mooring lines from snapping, they require a
lot of energy and cannot provide the same benefits as
the Shore Tension.
Figure 1. Automated Mooring System Shore Tension.
SOURCE: Shore Tension:[ https://shoretension.com], [24].
Accessed on 20.03.2023
The Shore Tension System offers several benefits
such as reducing the likelihood of lines breaking and
therefore minimizing personal injuries. This could
potentially lead to lower insurance premiums due to
fewer mooring accidents. Additionally, the system
enhances the stability of the ship while being moored
and improves the safety and speed of loading and
unloading. It is adaptable and can be installed on
almost every quay or jetty, providing a steady tension
of up to 60 metric tons (600kN) and a safe working
load of up to 150 metric tons (1,500kN). The system
includes sensors that monitor rope loads, which can
be accessed by the ship's master, port, and terminal
operators. The data is logged for review of the berth,
and a warning system can be set up to alert when
force or displacement limits are exceeded. However,
one drawback of the system is that it requires a
considerable amount of space on the quay [24] and
cannot be used on small service vessel.
2.2 Vacuum Mooring System
The vacuum-based mooring system is an innovative
method used for berthing sea vessels. The system uses
vacuum technology, robot arms, cables, automated
winches, and fenders to dock the vessel safely and
quickly [26]. The vacuum pump starts when the ship
is a few meters away from the quay, which gently
sucks the vessel to the quay using vacuum pads that
apply a constant force on the ship during mooring.
The safety system ensures that the vessel remains
connected to the quay even during a power outage, as
the vacuum is maintained for up to two hours,
allowing enough time to address any leaks or restore
power. The system includes a vacuum pump,
hydraulic system, steel, monitors, and power supply
for controlling the whole operation. The vacuum pads
are connected to hydraulic arms that can move
horizontally up to 0.5 meters but cannot move
vertically, requiring them to walk on the ship to adjust
to changes in tides or displacement. The system has
sensors and monitors to detect any issues, triggering
an alarm on the bridge of the vessel, and the shoring
system if the vacuum drops to 60%. The vacuum pad
sensors measure the vacuum level continuously and
convert it into forces acting on the ship's hull, while
sensors in the hydraulic components monitor the
ship's movements, which are displayed on screens. A
small emergency generator is also included in the
system as a backup power source. The vacuum
system remains stationary on the quay and is
configured with a varying number of pads to
accommodate different ships.
The main companies in possession of automated
vacuum moorings at present are Cavotec [22] and
Trelleborg [27]. The MoorMaster (Figure 2) range
applications and the AutoMoor device are introduced
as effective solutions to the traditional rope mooring
method. The mainframe of MoorMaster is a linkage
mechanism that generates a suction force per mooring
unit during the operation, with small movements and
rotations at the end [21]. Trelleborg developed the
AutoMoor device using the environment detection
technology SmartPort and passive damping
technology, which uses vacuum technology to fix the
vessel to its berth securely, inhibits vessel movement,
and continuously monitors the mooring load of the
moored vessel.
The first automated ship-to-ship docking system
was developed by Cavotec in 2014, where two ships
could exchange deck cargo in the ocean. The system
mainly consists of vacuum pads, robot arms, cables,
automated winches, and fenders [22]. However, they
were two large ships of similar dimensions.
Figure 2. Automated Mooring System Moor Master -
Cavotec. SOURCE: MoorMaster:[https://www.moormaster
.com], [28]. Accessed on 20.03.2023
The vacuum mooring system is a safe alternative
to traditional mooring methods that do not require a
crew on the shore or on the vessel's deck. Securing the
vessel to the quay with ropes is also made easier by
this system. Additionally, the vacuum mooring
system is time-efficient, as it can moor a vessel in as
up to two minutes [28]. The forces exerted on the
vessel can be easily calculated using sensors and
software on the monitor. This system also results in
lower fuel consumption as it is quicker to connect the
vessel to the berth. Compared to the magnetic system,
the vacuum pads of the vacuum mooring system can
apply and release pressure gently.
The biggest disadvantage of that system is the
inability to move arm laterally, and therefore cannot
be utilized in ports with significant ebb and flood
currents unless some improvements are made. The
cost of investment varies depending on the size of the
vessels being serviced. The hydraulic arms cannot
move vertically and the pads can only attach to a flat
surface, making it impossible to attach to the bow or
stern of a vessel at an angle. The system is specific to
each ship, and if the system is designed for a smaller
ship, it may not be able to handle the forces of larger
ships due to significant differences between vessels.
2.3 Magnetic Mooring System
Currently, electromagnetic technology has reached a
high level of development and is extensively utilized
in various industries such as metal production,
machining, and automobile manufacturing. The
implementation of magnetic mooring systems is a
significant step towards automating shipping
operations. Such systems utilize piers, wharves, and
mooring buoys to secure ships, alongside several
components such as electrical cables, fenders,
magnetic pads, hydraulic arms, and a power supply
that generates magnetism. By using electrical power
to create electromagnetic fields, magnets are
activated, and these fields are utilized for mooring
ships. The temporary magnets act as electromagnets
by using an electric current, with the solenoid
functioning as a magnet as long as the current is
flowing. However, when the current is turned off, the
solenoid loses its magnetism.
The magnetic system offers advantages over
traditional rope mooring systems in terms of ease,
safety, and efficiency. It reduces the time for mooring
and unloading, eliminates the risk of snapping and
slipping ropes, and requires fewer workers to operate
[29]. The system is also cost-effective as it eliminates
the need for expensive mooring ropes, reduces
mooring costs, and generates savings for ship owners
by eliminating the need for rowers. The magnetic
system can be released in only 20 seconds and reduces
average calling time by 40 minutes, which enables
faster and more efficient working.
According to Mampaey - the main company
related to magnetic mooring systems, there are few
limits to the magnetic mooring system, and it is
possible to increase the force by adding hydraulic
arms and pads [30]. This would decrease the risk and
provide more stability. The system involves two pads
that work together and "walk" along the ship's hull
automatically, disconnecting and reconnecting as
needed due to changes in the ship's draft or tide. The
system is flexible and can be adjusted by changing the
number or size of the pads. Currently, the system can
only be used in ports with slack water, but it can be
made more flexible with the addition of a ball joint.
While the system is suitable for most vessels, it can be
challenging to moor tanker vessels due to the risk of
electrical sparks. However, this risk is minimal
because there are usually no dangerous gases present
around the tanker during the mooring process.
Moreover, the thickness of a ship's hull is a potential
issue for the magnetic mooring system. If the hull is
less than eight millimeters thick, the magnetic force
could cause it to bend during mooring or unmooring.
However, this is not a significant limitation as modern
ships typically have hulls thicker than eight
millimeters. Fenders are placed between the moored
vessel and the quay to protect them from damage, and
the maximum force of the magnetic mooring system
must be less than the maximum force that the fenders
can withstand. The system's fixed pads and hydraulic
arms can be a limitation if the quay is used for
different types of vessels with varying lengths and
drafts, but this can be overcome by using a portion of
the pads. The system can be affected by electrical
blackouts, so emergency generators, connecting the
system to the vessel's diesel generators, and backup
ropes and springs are recommended
Three known solutions use the electromagnetic
mooring arms disclosed in patent descriptions:
EP2844542 [31], CN108674582 [32], and
WO2012060511 [33] have been shown on Fig. 3. The
solution enables quick and reliable fixing of the
mooring vessel relative to the quay. However, the
main disadvantages of the above-mentioned systems
are, on the one hand, their extensive dimensions,
which prevent them from being used on smaller
vessels not exceeding 24 m in length, and, on the other
hand, the inability to move fast the moored vessel
horizontally along the mooring system. These are
large-size port facilities and cannot be used in service
watercraft operations. The proposal to use one of
these systems has been suggested in the Port of
Rotterdam on fuel bunkering barges - it is currently at
the conceptual research stage [34].
The Mobile Electromagnetic Mooring System
solution, tackles the problems and requirements of
small intervention or service watercraft, including
work dive boats, during mooring to a larger serviced
Figure 3. Diagrams of devices using electromagnetic
mooring arms, SOURCE:: A - EP2844542[31], B-
CN108674582[32], C - WO2012060511[33].
The main problems encountered by small
intervention, diving, service, and other vessels during
mooring operations necessary for underwater repair
work can be defined. These problems include:
The risk of the mooring line breaking or slipping,
which can cause serious injury or death.
The high angle of mooring lines directed towards
the main deck of the serviced high-freeboard
mother vessel has a significant impact on the level
of generated stresses and braking forces, which,
when combined with unfavorable
hydrometeorological conditions in the area (e.g.,
strong winds, currents, and waves), can cause
significant vertical and horizontal oscillations of
both vessels with dynamic impacts of the
intervention vessel against the hull of the mother
vessel, with the possibility of the mooring lines
breaking and the previously moored vessel
drifting away.
The prolonged reaction time required for
intervention usually increases the risk of more
serious accident consequences, e.g., during
emergencies with hazardous cargo leaks from
damaged bottom tanks. The mooring and
movement of the intervention vessel along the side
of the vessel in need (e.g., to locate its
malfunctions) is usually very time-consuming, and
in emergency situations, such as on ships with
damaged hull plating, every minute counts.
The need to involve many crew members from
both involved vessels in mooring, unmooring, and
moving the intervention vessel along the side of
the mother vessel. During emergencies, the crew of
the damaged vessel is usually engaged in
performing other tasks related to the emergency,
performing other official duties, including saving
lives and property. The process of mooring and
moving the intervention vessel along the mother
vessel is very time-consuming and requires the
involvement of several additional personnel
needed on the service vessel and the intervention
In response to the problems and requirements
faced by small intervention units, including diving
work boats, when mooring to a larger vessel (mother
ship) (see Figure 4), the concept of designing an
innovative mooring and movement system for the
servicing boat along the serviced unit has been
developed, which eliminates and/or minimizes the
risks associated with the possibility of mooring lines
breaking. Moreover minimizes the involvement of
personnel in the mooring and/or mutual movement of
these vessels, which ultimately has a very positive
impact on the overall safety and speed of mooring
operations, as well as on the safety and speed of
intervention activities carried out there.
Figure 4. Visualization of service watercraft equipped with
Mobile Electromagnetic Mooring System during mooring
operations. Source:
Authors' own study carried out on
manoeuvring simulators of the Gdynia Maritime University
in December 2022.
The Mobile Electromagnetic Mooring System
(MEMS) is intended to equip a small surface
intervention unit mooring to the side of larger vessels
to carry out servicing, repairs, or the transfer of cargo
or people. The main idea of MEMS is that is placed on
the overwater zone above the waterline of a small
service vessel. This system has at least two mooring
winches located at each end of the intervention vessel.
The mooring ropes have constant tension and can be
attached to floating power supply buoys with
insulated power cables. The ropes are held
horizontally in electromagnetic grippers that are
controlled from the central control panel of the service
watercraft. Each group of electromagnetic grippers
with an electromagnet that is powered by a floating
power supply buoys. The power supply can be also
provided from the integrated battery or a power
source supplied by a service or serviced unit.
Additionally, each electromagnetic gripper should
have an emergency electromagnetic release, which
can be activated from the central control panel of the
service vessel. Moreover, each mooring winch is
equipped with an integrated system to measure and
maintain constant tension on each mooring line
connected to the floating power supply buoy through
a common control panel.
The MEMS allows the small intervention or service
watercraft to move freely along the serviced unit,
which eliminates the risks associated with the
possibility of breaking the mooring lines and
minimizes crew interference involved in the mooring
process and/or mutual movement of these ships,
which in turn has a very positive effect on the general
safety and speed of mooring operations carried out on
the side (mooring and unberthing).
The main advantages of the presented solution are
the reduction of the probability of an accident related
to operations on the mooring lines by reducing the
“high viewing angles” and the breakage of the
mooring lines. In classic systems, the mooring lines
look up to the ship's main deck, usually with a very
high freeboard. In MEMS, the mooring lines look
horizontal and are attached to the mobile
electromagnetic grippers attached to the hull of the
intervention vessel. Through the reduction of the level
of stresses and loads generated on the mooring ropes
located in the horizontal position of the MEMS and
the limitation of inertial movement of the unit, the
risk of accidents related to operations on mooring
ropes is reduced to a minimum. An additional
advantage of the system according to the invention is
the short time of mooring and unberthing operations,
as well as the unnecessity of the crew of a
damaged/serviced ship interfering with mooring
operations. The valuable importance is the movement
of the intervention unit along the side of a larger
vessel to carry out the necessary work without the
interference of the crew of the serviced vessel and to
improve the safety of the diver in case of underwater
works. The central control panel of the Mobile
Electromagnetic Mooring System guarantees quick
disconnection of the electromagnetic grippers with
floating power supply buoys. The use of conventional
mooring winches ensures the system's mobility. The
solution allows the intervention unit to be attached to
a larger ship with a steel hull, even if it is
contaminated, which in standard conditions makes
such operations difficult.
Figure 5 presents visualization of: a) traditional
way of mooring small service craft, and b) service
watercraft equipped with MEMS.
Figure 5. visualization of: a) traditional way of mooring
small service craft, and b) service watercraft equipped with
MEMS. Source: Authors' own study carried out on
manoeuvring simulators of the Gdynia Maritime University
in December 2022.
The principle of operation is described as follows:
the service vessel approaches the side of the serviced
unit by its stern at the point closest to the bow of that
vessel. The electromagnetic gripper is attached to the
hull of the serviced unit above sea level. The
intervention boat, flowing perpendicularly from the
serviced unit, releases the mooring ropes using
mooring winches and places floating power supply
buoys in the water. Next service vessel with the use of
its propulsion system, loosening and keeping the
mooring ropes under constant, safe tension through
the mooring winches located at the stern of this unit,
approaches the side of the serviced unit in the place
closest to the stern of this unit. The electromagnetic
grippers are attached to the hull of the serviced unit.
The service boat, while departing from the serviced
vessel, releases the mooring ropes on the bow and, by
using the integrated mooring winches and the control
panel, maintains constant tension on the winches.
Floating power supply buoys are placed in the water
and both units are brought into contact with their
sides by pneumatic spacer fenders. When all
electromagnetic grippers are connected to the hull of
the serviced unit the mooring winches start
maintaining constant tension on these lines. The
system is activated by the control panel, and the
service unit can move to its final position relative to
the serviced vessel at any moment and at any time
without the assistance of the serviced unit’s crew. The
unberthing is the reverse process of the mooring
process. Moreover, for safety reasons, in the event of
any failure or the need for immediate unberthing,
each of the electromagnetic grippers is equipped with
an emergency electromagnetic release, which is
activated by the control panel of the service
The subject of the invention is shown as an
example in the drawing Fig. 6 shows a Mobile
Electromagnetic Mooring System (variant with two
mooring points): a) top view in the side-to-side
system; b) vertical view from the bow and/or stern
and c) a view in the vertical plane from the ship's side.
Figure 6. Mobile Electromagnetic Mooring System a) top
view in the side-to-
side system; b) vertical view from the
bow and/or stern; c) a view in the vertical plane from the
ship's side.
Based on the defined problems above, and their
solutions in the form of the concept of a MEMS, an
analysis of the current state-of-the-art and scientific
databases was conducted. The aim of the study was to
examine the available scientific information related to
the MEMS system. This goal was achieved by
searching selected Polish and international scientific
databases, which include review publications,
informational articles, and reports from journals and
monographs published in both print and electronic
form. The different scientific databases, that
corresponded to the scientific discipline related to the
analyzed topic were filtered out. The chosen
databases were searched according to the established
criteria using keywords in various configurations. The
advantage of the adopted search method is narrowing
the scope of the search only to the sought-after terms
and obtaining results that strictly describe the issue. In
case of gaps in the search, related topics were sought.
During the study, both scientific publications and
national and international patent databases were
analyzed. From the analysis of the state of the art, it
can be concluded that the consideration of the MEMS
system is a niche issue, at the same time requiring
specialist knowledge and experience in the industry.
Currently, the MEMS project is at an advanced
stage of research. A series of simulations and
laboratory studies have been conducted on individual
components of the system. Starting from the
investigation of material strains and loads, through
the examination of the magnetic field of
electromagnets, to the studies of breaking forces.
Prototypes of various electromagnetic gripper
variants have been built, allowing for adaptation to
different ship hull shapes. In addition, a control
system for winches has been designed and tested.
Currently, the prototype of the system is being
mounted on the fast motorboat Merlin 6.15, on which
sea trials will be conducted. The invention has been
filed with both the Polish and European Patent Offices
(IP: EP4082888A1). Nevertheless once full intellectual
property rights are secured, detailed research findings
will be published. In the meantime, this article
presents an extensive introduction to the MEMS
technology, emphasizing its importance and capacity
to transform the maritime industry.
This study highlights the critical need for safer and
more efficient mooring systems in the maritime
industry, particularly in light of the increasing
number of accidents and injuries associated with
traditional rope mooring methods. In response to
these concerns, various alternative mooring systems
have been developed, such as the Shore Tension
System, Vacuum Mooring System, and Magnetic
Mooring System. Each of these systems demonstrates
unique advantages and limitations, emphasizing the
need for continued innovation in the field.
The Shore Tension System demonstrates its
effectiveness in reducing the likelihood of line breaks
and minimizing personal injuries, enhancing ship
stability, and improving the safety and speed of
loading and unloading operations. However, it
requires a considerable amount of space on the quay,
which may limit its applicability in some scenarios,
like usage on small service watercraft. Table 1
presents the advantages and disadvantages of the
MEMS system compared to traditional solutions.
Table 1. Feature, benefits, and advantages of MEMS compared to traditional solutions
Feature Benefit Advantage
Mitigation of swaying - the ability to maintain This feature will be achieved through the The service unit mooring to a larger vessel will
an unlimited position of a mooring vessel to a use of an integrated mooring system. not be restricted in any way by fixed elements
larger unit while allowing for safe repair/ Electromagnetic grippers attached to the connecting the two units. The system is
service work to be carried out until the hull of the serviced vessel along the flexible, and breaking forces are reduced. A
occurrence of the boundary conditions waterline will be connected through unit equipped with MEMS can freely operate
specified in international regulations, such as mooring lines to constant-tension mooring in sea conditions with a 4° Beaufort scale. A
the Marine Guidance Note MGN 280 "Small winches located on the service unit. solution used by another mooring system
vessels in commercial use for sport or pleasure, based on electromagnets has its limitations
workboats and pilot boats alternative due to the use of arms on extensions, which
construction standards," i.e., maximum wind allow for operations up to a maximum wave
force no greater than 4° on the Beaufort scale height of 0.5 meters.
(5.5-7.9 m/s), corresponding to a sea state of 3/4
and wave height up to 1.5 meters. Reducing the
adverse impact of hydrometeorological
conditions on the degrees of freedom of the
Mooring time - minimizing the time required This feature will be achieved by making The process of traditionally mooring a service
for the mooring and unmooring process, as the docking vessel's crew independent ship to a base ship takes several to tens of
well as the movement of the auxiliary unit from the base ship's operations. Financial minutes longer than mooring using an
along the side of the base ship. benefits are gained by the shipowners who automated mooring system. Reduction of the
pay for every hour of the crew, machinery processing time - comparison of standard
work, and laytime at anchorage. mooring and using the MEMS system.
Safety - In relation to the number of accidents The main benefits achieved through the use The use of the integrated Mobile
on the service ship and the serviced ship, it of the MEMS system will include: Electromagnetic Mooring System (MEMS) in
has been measured through a Job Hazard - elimination of the high angle of lines ship-to-ship (STS) mooring operations during
Analysis (JHA) assessment, also known as directed upward towards the high side the third stage (approach of the service vessel
occupational risk. of the serviced ship. to the serviced vessel), fourth stage (mooring),
- elimination of the involvement of the fifth stage (repositioning the service vessel
serviced ship's crew in the entire mooring, along the side of the serviced vessel to any
shifting, and unmooring process. chosen work point, changing mooring
- reduction of stress and loads on the lines location), and sixth stage (unmooring) results
and limitation of the vessel's inertial in a 50% reduction in the risk of accidents at
movement, which minimizes the risk of each stage compared to the traditional
accidents related to mooring line operations. mooring system.
- elimination of the risk associated with
accidents on the serviced vessel during the
mooring, shifting, and unmooring process.
Elimination of the serviced vessel's crew When using the mooring system, a crew is A reduction in the number of people involved
involvement in the mooring process. required only on the service vessel. There is in mooring by (2-4) individuals.
no need for paid man-hours and human
errors are eliminated.
The mobility of the system allows for remote The continuous operation of the engine Reduction of fuel consumption as a function of
control of the system. Remote control of the under load from the working propeller is the time needed to move the vessel and a
gripper attachment provides greater freedom eliminated: decrease in greenhouse gas emissions to the
for the operator in detaching and reattaching - reduction of mooring and unmooring atmosphere during the service vessel's
the grippers. The service vessel can move time, meaning the engine operates for a movement along the serviced vessel.
along the serviced vessel without the shorter duration.
involvement of both crews (2-4 people), with - the engine does not operate while the
only one system operator being sufficient. In service vessel moves along the serviced
case of an emergency unmooring, the vessel.
electromagnetic gripper detaches remotely by
pressing the emergency button - the operation
time is reduced to the time needed to wind the
mooring line onto the winch (30m/min). This
also results in a reduction of the negative
impact on the environment.
Avoided cost. The reduction in the time it takes to Shortening the time it takes to detect a hull
perform mooring operations and moving leak allows for quicker containment of the
the service vessel along the side of the leak. This results in lower costs associated with
serviced vessel can enable quicker compensation for the amount of pollution
detection of potential oil leaks or other introduced into the marine environment. More
damages. cargo can be retained in the vessel's tanks.
Faster detection and repair of the malfunction
enables the vessel to return to normal
operation more quickly (cost of chartering the
vessel per day).
Mooring time - minimizing the time This feature will be achieved by making the The process of traditional mooring of an
required for the mooring, unmooring, and docking vessel's crew independent from the intervention vessel to a serviced vessel takes
moving of the support vessel along the side base ship's operations. Financial benefits are several to several dozen minutes longer
of the serviced vessel. gained by the shipowners who pay for compared to mooring using the automated
every hour of the crew, machinery work, mooring system. The reduction in process time
and laytime at anchorage. can be observed by comparing the standard
mooring procedure with the utilization of the
MEMS system.
The Vacuum Mooring System, on the other hand,
offers a safe, quick, and efficient alternative to
traditional mooring methods that do not require a
crew on the shore or the vessel's deck. This system
also results in lower fuel consumption and allows for
the gentle application and release of pressure.
Nevertheless, its hydraulic arms' inability to move
laterally and vertically, as well as its specificity to
particular ship types, may limit its application in
certain situations.
The Magnetic Mooring System presents a
significant step towards automating shipping
operations, providing ease, safety, and efficiency
compared to traditional rope mooring systems.
However, the system faces limitations in certain
scenarios, such as mooring tanker vessels due to the
risk of electrical sparks or when the ship's hull is less
than eight millimeters thick. Moreover, the system
may be affected by electrical blackouts, necessitating
backup power sources, and contingency measures.
The primary drawbacks of the previously
mentioned systems include their large size, making
them unsuitable for smaller vessels under 24 meters in
length, and their inability to quickly move the moored
vessel horizontally along the mooring system. These
systems are designed for large port facilities and are
not suitable for use in service watercraft operations.
The Mobile Electromagnetic Mooring System
(MEMS) presented in this research article is a novel
approach to address the challenges faced by small
intervention, diving, service, and other vessels during
mooring operations necessary for underwater repair
work. By reducing the probability of accidents related
to mooring line operations and improving the
efficiency of mooring and unberthing processes. The
MEMS has the potential to significantly enhance the
safety and effectiveness of these operations. One of
the key benefits of the MEMS is its human-centric
design, aligning with the recent MEG4 guidelines,
which prioritize the safety of crew members during
mooring operations. By reducing the involvement of
personnel in the mooring process and ensuring a safer
mooring arrangement, the MEMS can contribute to a
more secure working environment for divers and
other crew members involved in underwater work.
The state-of-the-art analysis conducted by the
authors indicates that the MEMS system is a niche
subject, underscoring the importance of specialized
knowledge and experience in the industry. As the
MEMS project advances through its research and
development stages, including sea trials using a
prototype mounted on the fast motorboat Merlin 6.15,
the potential impact of this technology on the safety
and efficiency of mooring operations for small
intervention units and their serviced vessels becomes
more apparent.
While the MEMS shows great promise in addressing
many of the challenges associated with traditional
mooring systems, it is essential to continue exploring
alternative mooring technologies and strategies to
further enhance safety and efficiency in the maritime
industry. Future research should focus on addressing
the limitations of existing mooring systems and
exploring the applicability of innovative technologies
like the MEMS in various maritime scenarios. In
doing so, the industry can continue to evolve and
adapt to the ever-changing demands of global
shipping operations while prioritizing the safety of all
personnel involved.
This study highlights the evolution of modern
mooring systems and their impact on addressing
excessive ship motions during mooring operations.
The analysis focuses on three alternative mooring
methods: Shore Tension System, Vacuum Mooring
System, and Magnetic Mooring System, each offering
different benefits and drawbacks.
The current problems associated with traditional
mooring systems, such as the increased risk of
mooring breaking or sliding off, high angles of
mooring lines, and the prolonged time required for
emergency responses, necessitate the development of
safer and more efficient mooring systems. Automated
vacuum and magnetic mooring systems have
emerged as promising alternatives to traditional
mooring systems, offering benefits such as reduced
crew workload and improved safety.
In conclusion, this study underscores the
importance of continued development and
improvement of mooring systems to ensure the safety
of ships, terminals, and the environment. It is crucial
to address the current challenges and limitations of
traditional mooring systems through the development
of novel systems that prioritize safety, efficiency, and
human-centric design. Collaboration between
regulatory bodies, industry stakeholders, and
researchers will be essential in driving innovation and
creating mooring systems that meet the ever-evolving
needs of the shipping industry.
The Mobile Electromagnetic Mooring System
represents a significant advancement in the field of
mooring systems for small intervention, diving,
service, and other vessels. By addressing the main
problems encountered during mooring operations
and providing a safer and more efficient solution, the
MEMS has the potential to revolutionize the industry
and improve the overall safety and speed of
underwater hull inspection, cleaning or repair work,
and other related operations. Further research and
development, as well as real-world testing, will help
refine the system and ultimately contribute to its
successful implementation in the field.
The study was supported by the statutory funding of the
Gdynia Maritime University through the internal grant:
WN/2023/PZ/12, WE/2023/PZ/08, research project called
MUDS Base No. SKN/SP/535575/2022 and research project
called docking system for offshore installations UMG-11
RWK/II 4.0/1/11/2022.
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