shipping operations while prioritizing the safety of all
personnel involved.
This study highlights the evolution of modern
mooring systems and their impact on addressing
excessive ship motions during mooring operations.
The analysis focuses on three alternative mooring
methods: Shore Tension System, Vacuum Mooring
System, and Magnetic Mooring System, each offering
different benefits and drawbacks.
The current problems associated with traditional
mooring systems, such as the increased risk of
mooring breaking or sliding off, high angles of
mooring lines, and the prolonged time required for
emergency responses, necessitate the development of
safer and more efficient mooring systems. Automated
vacuum and magnetic mooring systems have
emerged as promising alternatives to traditional
mooring systems, offering benefits such as reduced
crew workload and improved safety.
In conclusion, this study underscores the
importance of continued development and
improvement of mooring systems to ensure the safety
of ships, terminals, and the environment. It is crucial
to address the current challenges and limitations of
traditional mooring systems through the development
of novel systems that prioritize safety, efficiency, and
human-centric design. Collaboration between
regulatory bodies, industry stakeholders, and
researchers will be essential in driving innovation and
creating mooring systems that meet the ever-evolving
needs of the shipping industry.
The Mobile Electromagnetic Mooring System
represents a significant advancement in the field of
mooring systems for small intervention, diving,
service, and other vessels. By addressing the main
problems encountered during mooring operations
and providing a safer and more efficient solution, the
MEMS has the potential to revolutionize the industry
and improve the overall safety and speed of
underwater hull inspection, cleaning or repair work,
and other related operations. Further research and
development, as well as real-world testing, will help
refine the system and ultimately contribute to its
successful implementation in the field.
The study was supported by the statutory funding of the
Gdynia Maritime University through the internal grant:
WN/2023/PZ/12, WE/2023/PZ/08, research project called
MUDS Base No. SKN/SP/535575/2022 and research project
called docking system for offshore installations UMG-11
RWK/II 4.0/1/11/2022.
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