The integration of geospatial data recorded with
various devices and systems is aimed at transform
them to a uniform spatial reference system in order to
be able to analyse the measurement results obtained
[14]. The process of geospatial harmonisation is
particularly important in the coastal zone, because it is
one of the most dynamic regions on the Earth, due to
the fact that it is influenced by the atmosphere,
human activities and hydrosphere [5,6]. In addition,
the bathymetric monitoring in this zone also helps to
prevent negative effects on the aquatic environment
and humans [7,8].
Bathymetric and topographic measurements in the
coastal zone are carried out using hydroacoustic and
optoelectronic devices and systems [7,9].
Hydroacoustic methods use the phenomenon of
echolocation, which consists in sending a high-
frequency sound wave deep into the water and then
receiving the wave reflected from the bottom. The
most commonly used hydroacoustic devices and
systems are: a hydrometric station, an Inertial
Multi-sensor Integration of Hydroacoustic and
Optoelectronic Data Acquired from UAV and U
Vehicles on the Inland Waterbody
. Specht
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
Marine Technology Ltd., Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: Hydrographic and photogrammetric measurements in the coastal zone are performed using
hydroacoustic and optoelectronic methods, in particular with the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and
Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USV). It should be remembered that each of the devices registers data in a
different spatial reference system. Therefore, before starting the analysis of geospatial data, e.g. terrain relief, it
is necessary to carry out the process of their integration (harmonisation). The aim of this article is to present a
multi-sensor integration of hydroacoustic and optoelectronic data acquired from UAV and USV vehicles on the
inland waterbody. Bathymetric, Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) and photogrammetric measurements
were carried out on the Lake Kłodno (Poland) in 2022 using the DJI Phantom 4 RTK UAV and two unmanned
vessels: AutoDron, which was equipped with a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Real Time Kinematic
(RTK) receiver and a Single Beam Echo Sounder (SBES), as well as HydroDron, on which a GNSS/Inertial
Navigation System (INS) and a LiDAR sensor were mounted. The topo-bathymetric chart generated using the
Surfer software by the Inverse Distance to a Power (IDP) (p=1) method was developed. A Digital Terrain Model
(DTM) generated by the IDP method is characterised by high accuracy. The difference between the interpolated
value and the measurement value for the R68 measure is 0.055
m, while for the R95 measure, it has a value of
0.187 m. Research has shown that multi-sensor fusion of geospatial data ensures the possibility of performing
bathymetric, LiDAR and photogrammetric measurements in the coastal zone in accordance with the accuracy
requirements provided for the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) Exclusive Order (horizontal
position error
1 m (p=0.95), vertical position error 0.15 m (p=0.95)).
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 17
Number 4
December 2023
DOI: 10.12716/1001.17.04.
Navigation System (INS), a MultiBeam Echo Sounder
(MBES), a positioning system (Differential Positioning
System (DGPS) or Real Time Kinematic (RTK)), a
Single Beam Echo Sounder (SBES), a SOund
Navigation And Ranging (SONAR) and a sound
velocity probe [1015]. The operation of optoelectronic
methods consists in converting electrical signals into
optical signals and optical signals into electrical
signals. The most commonly used optoelectronic
devices and systems are: an Airborne Lidar
Bathymetry (ALB), an image sensor (a photodiode
detector, a photomultiplier tube or Charge-Coupled
Device (CCD) and Complementary Met-al-Oxide-
Semiconductor (CMOS) cameras), an INS, a laser
rangefinder, a positioning system (DGPS or RTK), a
RAdio Detection And Ranging (RADAR) and a
Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) [1621].
Liu et al. [22] proposed a Merge-Normalization
(MN) method that is suitable for the multi-sensor
fusion of bathymetric data in deep ocean waters. This
method will help solve the problem of the integration
of bathymetric data acquired from different sources in
deep waters in order to generate a high-precision
Digital Bathymetric Model (DBM). The study used the
data acquired using MBES (recorded by the Japan
Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
(JAMSTEC) and the National Geological and
Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) since 2003) and
SBES echo sounders (recorded by NGDC since 2000),
Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC) (recorded by
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) since 2005), as well as Shuttle
Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data sets. The
validation study was conducted in the deepest known
oceanic trench on the Earth, i.e. the Mariana Trench
(Pacific Ocean). The study demonstrated that the
multi-sensor fusion of ENC, MBES, SBES and SRTM
data enabled the creation of a high-precision digital
bathymetric model with a resolution of 100 m. The
DBM will enable the exploration of the subduction
zone and the seismological mechanism in the Trench
region. Moreover, the generated digital bathymetric
model was compared with the model generated by
the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans
(GEBCO) in 2014. The results show that the high-
resolution DBM obtained by the MN method
represents the topographical details of seabed shape
better than the GEBCO model.
Lubczonek et al. [23] proposed a method for
integrating data acquired using Unmanned Aerial
Vehicle (UAV) and Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV).
The aim of the article was to develop a bathymetric
chart that includes depths all the way to the shoreline.
The study was conducted on the shallow water Lake
Dąbie (Poland) with an average depth of 2.61 m. The
registered geospatial data was subjected to the
process of their integration in order to create a Digital
Terrain Model (DTM) of the waterbody. Five methods
were applied for terrain modelling: Inverse Distance
to a Power (IDP), kriging, Natural Neighbour
Interpolation (NNI), radial basis function and
triangulation. The study demonstrated that the
accuracy of terrain modelling methods used was high
(Mean Error (ME) = 0.01 m, Root Mean Square Error
(RMSE) = 0.03 m). Therefore, it be concluded that the
data acquired using UAV and USV vehicles can be
applied for compiling navigational charts of shallow
(coastal) waterbodies, analysing the seabed shape in
the vicinity of hydrotechnical structures, or
archeological mapping.
Masetti et al. [24] proposed Denmark’s Depth
Model (DDM) in the form of a DBM developed based
on hundreds of bathymetric measurements performed
within the Danish Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).
This is the first such DBM with a resolution of 50 m to
cover the entire marine area of Denmark. The digital
bathymetric model was generated by averaging depth
values based on archival data, since it cannot be used
for navigation. The DBM contains 75.8% of depth data
that were interpolated. 18.1% of depth data were
using a MBES, 5% of depth data were
acquired from historical hydrographic soundings and
1.1% of depth data were surveyed using a SBES. The
digital bathymetric model covers an area of 232,679
km2 of Danish waters, of which more than 97.5% of
data had depths of less than 100 m. The DDM can be
downloaded from the Danish Geodata Agency
website. The Denmark’s Depth Model is also made
available via the Open Geospatial Consortium Web
Map Service (WMS).
The literature research revealed that the
integration of geospatial data acquired by
hydroacoustic and optoelectronic methods for
topography modelling is commonly applied in the
coastal zone. Therefore, the aim of this article is to
present a multi-sensor integration of hydroacoustic
and optoelectronic data acquired using UAV and USV
vehicles on the inland waterbody. Its result will be a
three-dimensional DTM of the Lake Kłodno.
This article is structured as follows. Section 2
describes the measurement place (Lake Kłodno) and
the course of the performance of hydrographic and
photogrammetric measurements using UAV and USV
vehicles. Moreover, the section presents the method
for elaborating the data recorded during the study.
Section 3 presents a three-dimensional DTM in the
coastal zone. The paper concludes with final (general
and detailed) conclusions that summarise its content.
2.1 Measurement place
Lake Kłodno, situated in the Kartuski District
(Pomorskie Voivodeship), was selected as the test
waterbody. This is an inland waterbody located in the
Kaszubski Landscape Park. The total area of the lake
is 134.9 ha, the length is 2.0 km and the max depth is
38.5 m. The study conducted by the Chief Inspectorate
of Environmental Protection in the years 20172018
[25] confirmed that this was a waterbody with a poor
water status (second purity class). The transparency of
water on this lake was measured using a Secchi disk
[26,27]. Research has shown that the transparency of
water amounted to 2.4 m [25]. The area under study
covered both the land and the water part of the
waterbody (Figure 1).
Figure 1. The location of topo-bathymetric measurements
conducted on the Lake Kłodno.
2.2 Realisation of bathymetric, LiDAR and
photogrammetric measurements
The measurement campaign on the Lake Kłodno was
conducted on 02-03 June 2022. The study was carried
out in four stages. As the first step, bathymetric
measurements of the waterbody were performed
using the AutoDron USV on which a GNSS RTK
receiver and a SBES were mounted [2830]. The study
was conducted along 42 main sounding profiles,
which ran perpendicular to the shoreline course
direction and were located 10 m apart from each
other. They were designed in accordance with the
principles for performing hydrographic surveys
described in the International Hydrographic
Organization (IHO) S-44 standard [31]. Bathymetric
measurements were carried out under appropriate
hydrometeorological conditions, i.e. in windless
weather and at the water level of 0 in the Douglas
scale. A total of 7993 points were recorded in the PL-
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) (zone 34N) and
PL-EVRF2007-NH systems. In addition, when
performing bathymetric measurements, the water
level height was determined based on 21 points
surveyed by the geodetic method using a GNSS RTK
In the second step, the laser scanning of the land
area adjacent to the shore was carried out using the
HydroDron USV on which a GNSS/INS system and a
Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) sensor were
mounted [3234]. Hydrographic surveys were
conducted on 7 sounding profiles parallel to the shore
and located at a distance of 30-100 m from the
shoreline. For the recording and georeferencing of the
LiDAR point cloud, the HYPACK 2022 software was
used. The obtained point cloud was recorded in the
PL-UTM system (zone 34N) in the .las format. During
the recording, a min. distance threshold value approx.
equal to the length of the vehicle was used to reject its
own reflections from the HydroDron USV. Moreover,
for the georeferencing of the LiDAR point cloud, 141
characteristic points were used (shoreline course and
pier corners), determined by the geodetic method
using a GNSS RTK receiver.
The third stage of the study involved the
surveying of the land and water area of the
waterbody by the DJI Phantom 4 RTK UAV. Before
starting a flight pass, a photogrammetric control
network was designed and used for the
georeferencing of images taken by the drone. It
comprised 10 wooden markers (30 cm x 30 cm) that
were distributed uniformly over the area under study.
The geometrical centres of these markers were
surveyed using a GNSS RTK receiver. Following this,
the performance of photogrammetric measurements
started. They needed to be carried out under
appropriate meteorological conditions, i.e. no
precipitation, windless weather (wind speed not
exceeding 67 m/s) and a sunny day [35,36]. It was
decided to carry out a photogrammetric flight pass at
an altitude of 70 m. It was also adopted that the
gimbal angle would be 90°, while the longitudinal and
transverse coverage of images was set at 80%. During
the flight pass, 312 images were recorded.
The final stage of the study involved the
determination of waterbody depths in places where it
was not possible for the AutoDron USV to access.
These included depths between the shoreline and the
isobath of 0.6 m. The measurement was carried out by
the geodetic method, which involves a surveyor
entering water depths to a preset depth using a GNSS
receiver mounted on a pole [3739]. The depth points
were located along the same 42 sounding profiles on
which the AutoDron USV moved during bathymetric
measurements. A total of 218 depth points were
recorded in the PL-UTM (zone 34N) and PL-
EVRF2007-NH systems [40].
2.3 Data elaboration
2.3.1 Bathymetric data elaboration
In the first step of the bathymetric data
elaboration, the depths recorded erroneously by the
SBES were deleted. It should be noted that in the
surveyed coastal zone of the Lake Kłodno, there are
many areas with ultra-shallow depths (less than 30
cm). In such areas, data is often recorded erroneously
as the hydroacoustic signal is repeatedly reflected
from the bottom, which necessitates the data cleaning
process to be carried out. After cleaning, the point
cloud contained 5297 depths. Figure 2 shows the
visualisation of the bathymetric data after the data
cleaning process. As can be noticed, the removed
depths are located close to the shoreline.
Figure 2. A view of the cleaned USV point cloud.
A draft of the echo sounder transducer (11 cm) was
then added to the cleaned depths. Moreover, the
depth values were referred to the target vertical
datum PL-EVRF2007-NH. These depths were not
referred to the chart datum, as no water level
recording was carried out on the Lake Kłodno.
The final stage of work when elaborating the
bathymetric data involved the transformation of the
plane coordinates recorded in the PL-2000 system into
the PL-UTM system. This follows from the data
integration assumptions, according to which all the
data must be recorded in the PL-UTM system.
Additionally, the depths between the shoreline
and the isobath of 0.6 m were attached to the
elaborated bathymetric data. In total, 255 recorded
points were noted. The data were provided through
the bathymetric measurements carried out by the
geodetic method and recorded in the PL-2000 plane
coordinate system and the PL-EVRF2007-NH normal
height system. Therefore, it was necessary to
transform the plane coordinates from the PL-2000
system to the PL-UTM system. The transformation
was carried out in the QGiS software. Certainly, the
geodetic points complemented the bathymetric data
recorded by the USV.
2.3.2 LiDAR data elaboration
Depending on the geodetic operations being
carried out in the area adjacent to the waterbody,
optoelectronic devices are used. As regards the
measurement campaign in Zawory, the device used
was the LiDAR mounted on the HydroDron USV. It
was used to record the LiDAR point cloud of the land
part along with the shoreline. However, these data
were only used to extract the shoreline.
The LiDAR point cloud was georeferenced in the
PL-UTM system, as the LiDAR device was integrated
with the Ekinox2-U INS on the HydroDron USV. The
recording and georeferencing of the LiDAR point
cloud were carried out using the HYPACK 2022
The optoelectronic data in the .las format were
then uploaded to the CloudCompare and QGIS
softwares in order to extract the shoreline. It was
decided to extract the shoreline manually, i.e. by
drawing it based on the optoelectronic data (Figure 3).
Figure 3. A map showing the LiDAR data along with the
shoreline drawn as a point layer.
Initially, the shoreline was drawn as a linear layer.
However, for the purposes of data integration, it was
exported to the point layer. Moreover, all the points in
the layer were given a height value previously
surveyed by the GNSS receiver for the 0 m isobath in
the PL-EVRF2007-NH system. This value amounted to
160.385 m. The final stage of work involved exporting
the points to the .txt format. It was confirmed that the
bathymetric data surveyed by the geodetic method
could be used to determine the shoreline.
2.3.3 Photogrammetric data elaboration
Photogrammetric data elaboration is an important
rt of the work when developing a DTM in the
coastal zone, as these data cover both the land and
water part. These are particularly valuable in the
event that hydroacoustic devices fail to provide data
on shallow areas of up to 0.5 m.
The first stage of work when elaborating the
photogrammetric data involved importing the images
to the Pix4Dmapper software. Based on the
Exchangeable Image File Forma (EXIF) data contained
in the photos, the program selected a coordinate
system in which the images had been initially
recorded. The photos were recorded in the World
Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84). Therefore, it was
possible to read the approximate location of the
images. The next stage of work was to georeference
the photos. Although the images had a coordinate
system assigned to them in order to increase their
accuracy, it was decided to carry out the previously
mentioned georeferencing. In the first step, a .csv file
with georeference point coordinates was loaded into
the Pix4Dmapper software. Moreover, two pairs of
coordinates were entered for a single georeference
point. Georeference points were then indicated on the
photos (Figure 4).
Figure 4. A view of the Pix4Dmapper software panel when
matching coordinates to images.
It should be noted that the plane coordinates of
georeference points were initially recorded in the PL-
2000 system, but were transformed to the PL-UTM
system for the DTM. The georeference point heights
were recorded in the PL-EVRF2007-NH system.
Having selected the relevant images in which the
georeference points were visible, the actual
georeferencing was started. It is worth mentioning
that the Pix4Dmapper software converts coordinates
to the target system using the seven parameter
transformation. It involves the transformation of
coordinates based on previously determined
parameters such as the scale factor, rotation matrices
and translation vectors. These parameters are
calculated through the relationships between the
points recorded in the original system (points
recorded on the phots) and the points recorded in the
target system (georeference points determined by the
GNSS RTK receiver) [41]. In order to assess the
accuracy, the differences were compared between the
coordinates of georeference points indicated on the
images and the coordinates of georeference points
surveyed by the GNSS RTK receiver (Table 1).
Table 1. The differences between the coordinates of
georeference points indicated on the images and the
coordinates of georeference points determined by the GNSS
RTK receiver.
No. Point name d E
(m) dN
(m) dHn
1 p_101 (3D) 0.006 0.004 0.003
2 p_3001 (3D) 0.008 0.018 0.020
3 p_3002 (3D) 0.001 0.002 0.054
4 p_3003 (3D) 0.034 0.010 0.098
5 p_3004 (3D) 0.051 0.001 0.158
6 p_3005 (3D) 0.002 0.036 0.030
7 p_3006 (3D) 0.041 0.001 0.142
8 p_3007 (3D) 0.057 0.018 0.098
9 p_3008 (3D) 0.013 0.007 0.001
10 p_3009 (3D) 0.027 0.005 0.023
11 p_3010 (3D) 0.016 0.009 0.046
RMS 0.030 0.014 0.080
The differences between the easting
, northing
and normal height
coordinates of georeference
points indicated on the images and the coordinates of
georeference points determined by the GNSS RTK
Based on Table 1, it should be stated that the
images taken by the UAV have a high degree of
accuracy. The Root Mean Square (RMS) of the
differences between the coordinates of georeference
points indicated on the images and the coordinates of
georeference points determined by the GNSS RTK
receiver were 0.030 m (easting), 0.014 m (northing)
and 0.080 m (normal height).
The next stage of work consisted of the automatic
data processing in the software. The UAV point cloud
was generated in the form of the GRID Digital Surface
Model with a grid spacing of 1 m in the formats of
.las, .laz and .xyz.
The final stage of the photogrammetric data
elaboration involved point cloud cleaning, which is a
mandatory process when developing a DTM. A
digital terrain model is created using points located
on the land surface, and it does not include land cover
features such as, e.g. buildings, trees and vegetation.
Therefore, it was necessary to carry out the
classification of the point cloud into the features of
buildings, infrastructure and vegetation. The
automatic classification process was carried out using
the Pix4Dmapping software. The above-mentioned
features were then deleted. Moreover, the water part
of the area was removed for elaboration purposes.
The cleaned UAV point cloud contained 14 227 points
(Figure 5).
Figure 5. A view of the cleaned UAV point cloud.
Based on the data recorded during the measurement
campaign in Zawory, a DTM was developed in the
Surfer software. The digital terrain model was created
using the IDP method [42]. The total number of points
used for the interpolation of the waterbody along
with the adjacent strip of land by the IDP method was
19 996. The IDP method was chosen because, for the
model of the waterbody adjacent to the beach along
with the strip of land in Gdynia, one of the highest
coefficients of determination (0.998) was obtained for
this method. Additionally, what is characteristic of the
IDP method is that the influence of measurement
points on the values of interpolated points, which are
more distant from the node, decreases with an
increase in the power exponent. This is of particular
importance when developing a topo-bathymetric
model based on a large dataset.
The IDP method is as follows [42]:
( )
( )
w xy z
z xy
w xy
IDP(x,y) height value of the interpolated (unknown)
point by the IDP method (m);
x, y easting and northing of the interpolated
(unknown) point (m);
nnumber of interpolating (known) points ();
i numbering representing successive interpolating
(known) points ();
i(x,y) weight value of the i-th point in the IDP
method ();
iheight of the i-th measurement point (m).
The weight values are dependent on the
smoothing parameter [43]:
( )
( )
w xy
d xy
i(x,y) distance between the interpolated (unknown)
point and the i-th point (m);
δsmoothing parameter (m);
pexponent ().
In the model, the exponent p=1 was applied.
Moreover, a range of the data interpolating a
particular point was defined for the IDP (p=1)
method. It was established that the min. number of
interpolating points would be 16. The topo-
bathymetric chart generated using the Surfer software
by the IDP (p=1) method is presented on Figure 6.
Figure 6. A topo-bathymetric chart of the waterbody
adjacent to the beach along with the strip of land in Zawory,
developed based on bathymetric, LiDAR and
photogrammetric measurements using the IDP (p=1)
method (a) and its 3D visualisation (b).
In the generated GRID model, the min. depth
value was 153.909 m, while the max height value was
169.835 m. The accuracy of the interpolated DTM
(Figure 6) in relation to the measurements was
determined using the RMSE to be 0.089 m and the
Mean Absolute Error (MAE) to be 0.055 m. The
coefficient of determination was obtained at a level of
0.999, which means that the fit of the model to the
measurement data is very good. The difference
between the interpolated value and the measurement
value for the R68 measure is 0.055 m, while for the
R95 measure, it has a value of 0.187 m.
Multi-sensor integration of hydroacoustic and
optoelectronic data is a multi-stage task that should be
considered on a case-by-case basis, depending on the
input data. The article presents the methodology for
performing bathymetric, LiDAR and
photogrammetric measurements in the Lake Kłodno
coastal zone. Moreover, it describes all the stages of
bathymetric, LiDAR and photogrammetric data
elaboration. The conducted work resulted in the
development of a DTM.
A very important stage in the creation of DTM is
data elaboration. At the beginning, work was started
on the UAV point cloud. Initially, UAV data covered
the Lake Kłodno area along with the adjacent land.
However, in order to develop a digital terrain model,
only data on the surface are needed, which means that
the data recorded on buildings, trees and other built
features are redundant. Therefore, these data need to
be removed, which is possible through the
classification of objects. When creating the DTM, the
automatic classification of objects in the Pix4Dmapper
software was used. This was followed by work on the
bathymetric data. Here, the crucial stage was to clean
the data manually and refer them to the shoreline
height. In turn, the shoreline was drawn manually
based on the LiDAR data. As can be noticed, all the
described data elaboration stages included manual
data edition processes. This means that multi-sensor
data integration cannot be performed completely
Based on the measurements performed, it can be
concluded that only complex surveys provide
sufficient data to create an accurate DTM. A digital
terrain model generated by the IDP method is
characterised by high accuracy. The difference
between the interpolated value and the measurement
value for the R68 measure is 0.055 m, while for the
R95 measure, it has a value of 0.187 m. Research has
shown that multi-sensor fusion of geospatial data
ensures the possibility of performing bathymetric,
LiDAR and photogrammetric measurements in the
coastal zone in accordance with the accuracy
requirements provided for the IHO Exclusive Order
(horizontal position error 1 m (p=0.95), vertical
position error 0.15 m (p=0.95)).
This research was funded by the National Centre for
Research and Development in Poland, grant number
LIDER/10/0030/L-11/19/NCBR/2020. Moreover, this research
was funded from the statutory activities of Gdynia Maritime
University, grant number WN/PI/2023/03.
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