International Safety Management (ISM) Code was
introduced as a global regulatory framework to
address human errors and poor management
practices of shipping companies. This was a major
change in approaching maritime safety as IMO’s
earlier attempts to improve shipping safety and to
prevent pollution from ships had been largely
directed at improving the hardware of shipping for
example, the construction of ships and their
equipment [1].
The ISM Code defines the objectives & the
requirements of the Safety Management System (SMS)
and the responsibilities of the company in designing
and successfully implementing the SMS. Verification
of compliance of all regulations on ships proceeding
to sea is an important facet of the regulatory
framework of maritime safety and the flag states have
been obliged to ensure this through auditing,
inspections, etc., on ships flying their flags.
Chapter IX Regulation 6 of SOLAS lays down
verification of the proper functioning of the ship’s
safety management system by the flag state or an
organization recognized by the flag state [2].
The ISM Code provides an international standard
for safe management and operation of ships and for
pollution prevention. The Code is in two parts - Part
A deals with Implementation and Part B deals with
certification and verification [3] . Section 13 of the ISM
Code mentions in detail about the certification and
periodical verification for compliance with the
provisions of the Code. The Flag State of each ship is
required to conduct regular audits of the company as
well as each ship operated by them, to ensure that the
Development Of Model for Measuring Audit Quality in
Maritime Safety Management
.R. Sharma
Western No
rway University of Applied Sciences, Haugesund, Norway
ABSTRACT: The effectiveness of International Safety Management (ISM) Code has been evaluated in many
aspects. However, limited research has been attempted to evaluate the auditing mechanism, its quality, and
links with the effectiveness of the Code. The aim of this Paper is to define the concepts of quality in auditing
and thereafter propose a model for measuring audit quality in maritime safety management. The major
challenge is that almost all auditing literature and research is focused on accounting and financial domain.
Therefore, it was decided to utilize suitable principles and concepts about audit quality from financial domain
and modify them to maritime context. As no theoretical model for Audit Quality in maritime domain is
available, a model sourced from financial audits is modified for use. The framework for recontextualized
modifying of borrowed theories from the disciplines outside the reference discipline, was used on Wooten
(2003) model and Maritime Audit Quality Model (MAQM) has been proposed for evaluating ISM auditing
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 17
Number 4
December 2023
DOI: 10.12716/1001.17.04.
shipping company and the crew onboard ship
implemented the provisions of the Code.
The implementation framework and processes for
verification of compliance, adopted by various
national maritime administrations, constitute the ISM
auditing mechanism which may be quite different
from each other and could also lead to variation in the
quality of the outcome.
The ISM Code was introduced to address the
human factors and organizational or management
influences in safe management and operations of
ships thereby focusing on a systemic approach aiming
to integrate verification of compliance of all technical
and safety regulations through a safety management
concept. Therefore, the Code aims to support and
encourage the development of a safety culture within
the shipping industry whilst improving compliance
with the requirements of international convention [4].
1.1 Research Question
The paper is focused on the questions - What is the
meaning of the term ‘quality’ in audit and how do
you measure it through a theoretical model?
Thus, the aim of the paper is to identify, clarify,
discuss, and define the concepts of quality, in auditing
context, and thereafter examine the theoretical model
for audit quality.
1.2 Method
The overall analytical framework applied for
answering the research question is by broadly
applying qualitative research strategy. The model
sourced from a different discipline will be modified
for use in maritime context using recontextualized
The evaluation of the ISM auditing mechanism for its
quality offers two major challenges lack of scholarly
literature on auditing in safety or maritime domain
and defining the term ‘quality’.
2.1 Deficiency in Auditing Literature
A comprehensive literature search in all the major
academic databases and resources reveals that almost
all of the auditing literature consists of financial and
accounting domain despite auditing being also quite
prevalent in various other domains. Over the years,
audit principles have been established for quality
management system, environmental management
system, food safety, information security,
occupational health & safety and energy by the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Further, audits of safety and safety management
systems in various industries have been implemented
as a systemic approach to improve safety. In addition,
regulatory compliance and assessment audits in
public services including government departments
are common for assessment and certification of
delivery systems of these entities to general public.
However, these fields of audits have been very
sparsely researched in terms of theory, modeling,
processes, quality, and effectiveness.
Similarly, the audits in maritime or shipping
domain are also very sparsely researched.
An exhaustive literature search including forward,
backward and sideways searches yielded very few
resources. In addition, professional literature,
produced and used by practitioners and operational
organizations - which was not discovered in academic
searches, was also traced and perused.
However, no existing principles or theories could
be found in safety auditing in general, and maritime
auditing in particular, for evaluation of the ISM
auditing mechanism. Thus, it was decided to utilize
suitable approach of relevant principles and doctrines
concerning financial auditing by modifying them to
maritime context. Consequently, this overall approach
falls more on the exploratory side than being
explanatory at this stage.
2.2 Defining Quality
A host of scholars attempting a literature review
towards synthesizing the variety of definitions of
audit quality have recognized and acknowledged the
difficulty that there is no uniformly accepted
definition of audit quality, despite decades of audit
research. DeAngelo (1981) defines audit quality in
terms of two components: the likelihood that an
auditor will (1) discover a breach (i.e., an existing
misstatement); and (2) appropriately report the
breach, if discovered. The first component links audit
quality to an auditor’s competence and level of effort
while the later refers to audit quality in terms of an
auditor’s independence and professional skepticism
Some other definitions have focused narrowly on
only a part of the full auditing system. Knechel, et al.
[7] cite some of these definitions - while US
Government Accountability Office (GAO) defines
audit quality as one performed in accordance with
auditing standards, Chang & Wong (2002) suggest
detecting errors in reported outcomes and Peecher &
Piercey (2008) define poor audit quality by identifying
adverse outcomes from an audit, thus defining it in
terms of failure - which could be litigation, fraud or
misreporting, etc.
The evaluation of the quality of the process of the
audit was also proposed as the measure of overall
audit quality discounting the earlier focus on facets of
auditor’s characteristics of competence and
independence [8]. Others define it in terms of
independence and competence of auditing - higher
independence & competence offer higher quality, and
size & reputation of auditing organization - larger and
reputed firms offer higher quality [9].
The perspectives of audit quality also vary among
stakeholders. For regulators, it could be maximizing
the amount of audit evidence obtained and the
challenge provided to the management of company,
while for the company, it could be less cost of audit &
disruptions of ongoing operations by quick
completion of audit [10]. The auditors however,
perceive independence, objectivity, integrity and less
external constraints/ influences as factors for high
audit quality [11].
However, it has been observed that most of the
audit quality studies have given prominence to the
definition of DeAngelo and the basic principles in this
definition have been complemented either with
inclusion of certain additional factors or the existing
ones have been expanded or further clarified for
better focus. Further, it is considered in the
preliminary examination that this definition is quite
generic propounding basic principle of quality of an
audit in terms of finding and reporting any anomaly.
It not only conforms to the aim of the audit itself but
also provides for the evaluation of the overall
auditing mechanism & not restricted to the process of
audit. Thus, this definition can be applied in the
maritime context and in the study of ISM auditing
As the anomaly to be detected as per ISM Code, in
the audits for verification, is termed as ‘non-
conformity’, the same is proposed to be used for
defining audit quality for this study. Thus, the quality
of audit for maritime context is defined as ‘the
likelihood that an auditor will discover a non-
conformity and appropriately report the non-
conformity, if discovered’.
However, it may be considered that the conceptual
basis of the anomalies and how they are identified in
the two contexts- financial and maritime, could be
slightly different. Therefore, the analogy of ‘breach or
misstatement and ‘non-conformity’ could be
considered appropriately.
As discussed earlier, the term ‘Audit is usually
associated in scholarly literature with financial
auditing and other fields have been very sparsely
researched in terms of audit quality. Thus, a generic
model of ‘Audit Quality’ is not available which could
be applicable or utilized to most areas or could be
revised and modified for use by other fields. Further,
any specific model applicable to shipping industry,
where many types of audits are undertaken apart
from safety management, has also not been found.
Therefore, the model for measurement of audit
quality for investigation in my study is proposed to be
taken from financial auditing. Numerous frameworks
or models for audit quality have been proposed over
the period of time, some being very basic and others
very complex ones. Most of them include the overall
auditing system rather than only the audit process.
The basic models include elements of reliability,
availability and maintainability [12], inputs, process,
and outcomes [6], objectivity & independence,
integrity and constraints [11] and audit firm culture,
skills of staff, reliability, audit process and external
factors [13].
Figure 1. IAASB Audit Quality Model
Some of the more complex models include the one
described by International Auditing and Assurance
Standards Board (IAASB) in a voluminous document,
with a host of interactions between a large number of
factors and domains as depicted below [10].
Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) also
uses a complex model for quality framework as
depicted below [14].
Figure 2. Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) Audit
Quality Model
Some of the models focus only on a particular
component of the auditing system and still provide a
complex framework for audit quality. For example, a
complex model focusing only on auditing
organizations as proposed by Vaicekauskas and
Mackevičius [15] is depicted below.
Incidentally, three main perspectives have been
identified related to audit quality that could add to
our understanding of the concepts and factors
affecting audit quality in practice - academic research,
professional and regulatory [16]. Therefore, the
differences and complexities of the framework and
models for audit quality could be associated to these
different perspectives.
Figure 3. Audit Quality Model for auditing organization
3.1 Identification of model for maritime audits
In the light of the above discussions, a comprehensive
investigation of models for measurement of audit
quality was conducted and the Audit Quality model
proposed by Wooten [17] for measuring audit quality
of a financial audit is identified as appropriate for
evaluation and application during the study. This
model is based on a two-dimensional model proposed
by DeAngelo in 1981 and further built on by Wooten
through theory building and empirical research over
the years. It is considered appropriate as it is based on
elements that are quite generic, which could either
directly be applied to a variety of domains or could be
modified easily to suit particular fields.
There are two considerations for choosing this
model for the current study. Firstly, the definition
used for audit quality in the study is drawn from the
basic principles postulated by DeAngelo, which is
also the primary basis for this model and therefore it
complements the research without any bias and
distortions. Secondly, this model is considered
generally suited to be adapted to maritime context as
it incorporates elements similar or contextual in
maritime domain. The model is depicted below:
Audit Firm
Audit Team
Firm Size
Planning &
Higher Fees
Lower Litigation
Good Reputation
Higher Client Valuations
Figure 4. Wooten Audit Quality Model
The model postulates that the ‘Audit Quality’ is
influenced by a variety of factors. However, it
primarily defines two standards for addressing the
issue, first, a misstatement must be detected, and
second, the misstatement must be reported (based on
DeAngelo definition). Further, the model attempts to
define, measure and study multiple dimensions of
audit quality. The factors related to detection consist
of those associated with the Audit Firm and the Audit
Team while those related to reporting are associated
with the independence of auditors and the firm in
general. It further identifies the most significant
influencers to each of these three factors as depicted in
the model.
Though prima facie, it is a model for measuring audit
quality for financial audits, preliminary examination
reveals that it is also suitable to be utilized for
maritime audits. However, the nuances of the
influencing factors may need to be suitably redefined
to give contextual basis and contrast, though there
may not be any requirement for a large-scale
The framework for recontextualized modifying of
borrowed theories from the disciplines outside from
the reference discipline proposed by Moeini, et al. [18]
is used in this study. It proposes recontextualization
of the construct as well as relationships between them
through specification modifying for specific
phenomena, and distinction explaining how aspects
of modified conceptualizations and relationships are
unique to these phenomena. The authors have
proposed this theoretical approach based on
information systems (IS)- specific theory, for
information technology (IT)-rich recontextualization
of borrowed theories. However, it is found suitable to
be adapted and used in other domains too.
4.1 Recontextualization of Constructs
The constructs in the Wooten Model have been
examined and the following have been
recontextualized (Table 1).
4.2 Recontextualization of Relationships
The relationships between the constructs in the
Wooten Model have been examined and the following
have been recontextualized (Table 2).
Based on the recontextualization of constructs and
relationships, the modified version of Wooten Audit
Quality model is depicted below and is designated as
Maritime Audit Quality Model (MAQM) as it could
also be used for audits other than maritime safety
Table 1.
Original Construct Recontextualized Specification Distinction
labels construct labels
Detecting Detecting Misstatement is relevant to financial Non-conformity is non fulfilment of a
misstatements non-conformities and accounting domain in the context specified requirement, which is not only
of anomalies that are aimed to be appropriate in regulatory audits but also
detected in an audit. This anomaly is the designated anomaly to be detected as
‘non-conformity’ in maritime context. per ISM Code in the audits for
verification and certification.
Reporting Reporting Same as above Same as above
misstatements non-conformities
Audit Firm factors Auditing Firm is relevant to financial and The term ‘Auditing organization’ is more
organization accounting domain in the context of generic and therefore better suited to
factors private entities conducting audits. In exemplify all types of entities conducting
maritime context, there are different audits in maritime context. The term ‘Firm’
types of entities conducting audits- flag cannot include Flag State being the
states themselves or ROs under government entity.
authorization by flag states.
Firm Size Auditing Same arguments for ‘Firm’ as above. Same arguments for ‘Firm’ as above.
organization Size embodies all characteristics of an Characteristics is a broad concept which
Characteristics auditing firm in financial and includes size, type of organization,
accounting domain. However, due to a association membership, reciprocal
wide variety of auditing organizations, arrangements, etc. and therefore, is more
‘Characteristics’ provides a better relevant in maritime context.
gauge than ‘Size’.
Pricing Flag State Pricing is relevant to financial and Flag state is the major factor for influencing
accounting domain with the auditing organizations and
interrelationships on audit firm and independence of system through regulatory
audit team factors through various framework, procedural guidelines, and
influences. However, it is not a delegation of auditing work on their behalf.
significant factor in maritime context Therefore, it better represents the construct
where such major impact is than pricing.
exemplified by the Flag State. Further, decision of shipowner to choose
open or international registries to flag their
vessels is also usually based on price or
costs and could be correlated to the concept.
Higher Fees Higher Safety The influences of audit quality The model is proposed for safety
outcomes in terms of higher fees are management audit and therefore, the
more relevant to financial and outcome is higher safety.
accounting domain. Safety as a
measure of output instead of Fees is
more suited to maritime domain.
Lower litigation Lower accidents Same as above, accidents as a measure Lower accident is outcome for safety
of output instead of litigation is more management audit.
suited to maritime domain
Higher client --- No equivalent construct found and
evaluations therefore it is removed.
--- --- New construct ‘Stakeholders Factors’ The maritime safety management is aimed
incorporated in model. and implemented through a broad
regulatory framework in ISM Code. Hence,
there are a wide variety of influences of
various stakeholders e.g., the shipping
company, ROs and the seafarers, on the
auditing mechanism of maritime safety
management. Therefore, a new construct of
‘Stakeholders Factors’ is incorporated in the
--- --- New construct ‘Feedback’ The feedback on the auditing by the auditee
incorporated in model - shipping company and ship’s crew
provide an important loop for quality.
Therefore, a new construct of ‘Feedback’ is
incorporated in the model.
Industry Industry The definition of construct is The inherent or residual expertise is
Experience Experience recontextualized to also include significant factor influencing any auditing
expertise. organization, especially in maritime context
where very small countries operate open
registries with large fleet of ships.
Planning & Planning & The definition of construct is Auditor’s perspectives originating either
performing performing recontextualized to also include from cultural, behavioral, or systemic
Auditor’s perspectives. causes, influences perceived relative
significance of ISM objectives and affects
Audit Team factors.
Table 2.
Original causal Recontextualized Specification Distinction
relationship causal relationship
Firm size influences In the new constructs, Flag state influences who will be The concept of Flag State is unique
‘Pricing’ ‘Auditing organization the auditing organization, deciding in maritime context which has the
characteristics’ and ‘Flag whether to authorize any ROs, main responsibility for verification
State’, the causal distribution of work to ROs or itself, of compliance in maritime safety
relationship is opposite etc. management.
Other multiple New construct ‘Flag Similar relationships with Other services include the
causal and State’ found to have constructs Other Services, classification services and statutory
influencing similar relationships Independence, Planning & services provided by classification
relationships of Performing (audit team factors) and societies on behalf of flag states to
‘Pricing’ tenure. shipowners, which in turn
influences independence.
Flag state directly influences
independence, while acting as
auditing organization and also
through oversight mechanism of
ROs work.
Flag state influences planning &
performing through regulations
and guidelines and procedures for
conducting audits.
Tenure or time duration of
engagement influences flag state
decision for authorization of ROs
--- --- The new construct ‘Stakeholders The various stakeholders influence
Factors’ has two ways causal and and get influenced from auditing
influencing relationship with the organizations and have a greater
construct ‘Auditing organization role in maritime context due to
Characteristics broad framework envisaged.
--- --- The new construct ‘Feedback’ is The feedback from the auditee
influenced by the new construct contributes to the improvements in
Stakeholders Factors’. Further, it processes in the auditing
influences the construct ‘Auditing organizations for enhancing
organization Factors’. quality.
Audit Team
Non -
Non -
Auditing Organization
Planning &
Higher Safety
Lower Accidents
Good Reputation
Flag State
Figure 5. Maritime Audit Quality Model (MAQM)
The principles of safety management implemented
through ISM Code in maritime domain have been
evaluated in many ways by various scholars. The
importance of the verification and certification to
ensure compliance of the requirements makes it
prudent to evaluate the ISM auditing mechanism for
its quality and effectiveness.
The major challenge in attempting this is due to
the fact that almost all auditing literature and research
is focused on accounting and financial domain.
Though audits are used as an effective tool for a host
of other domains including safety and safety
management, these fields have been very sparsely
researched. Therefore, it was decided to utilize
suitable principles and concepts about audit quality
from financial domain and modify them to maritime
Further, the concept of quality with respect to
audits is quite complex with definitions ranging from
very simple to quite complex ones.
The audit quality has been defined for this paper
based on the definition of DeAngelo, as the likelihood
that an auditor will discover a non-conformity’ and
appropriately report the ‘non-conformity’, if
As a generic model of ‘Audit Quality’ is not
available which could be applicable or utilized to
most areas or could be revised or modified for use by
other fields, Audit Quality model proposed by
Wooten (2003) is modified to maritime context and
proposed for use. The recontextualization of the
constructs as well as relationships between them was
undertaken and MAQM has been proposed for
evaluating ISM auditing mechanism.
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