1.1 Background
The shipping industry currently goes through a rapid
development in terms of digitalization and process
automation. This applies to onboard systems as well
as data collection on the ship for operational efficiency
or environmental monitoring purposes. Today, this is
sometimes referred to as Shipping 4.0, or the adoption
of Industry 4.0 technologies to the shipping sector,
A New Architectural Framework for Digitalization of
Maritime Intelligent Transport Systems
M. Hagaseth
, Ø.J. Rødseth
, T. Krogstad
& M. Bakke
SINTEF Ocean AS, Trondheim, Norway
ITS Norway, Trondheim, Norway
Grieg Connect, Kristiansund, Norway
North Sea Container Line (NCL), Haugesund, Norway
ABSTRACT: Digitization in international shipping is an increasingly important topic, but for many years, the
lack of accepted international standards and the usage of many different regional solutions, especially for
communication between ships and ports, has made the introduction of digitalized solutions difficult. Since
2020, important work has been done in IMO to harmonize international standards supporting ship-port
interactions, and this work has now been supported by both shipping, ports, and international standardizations
organizations. IMO, through its facilitation committee (FAL) and EGDH (Expert Group on Data
Harmonization) is developing the IMO Reference Data Model that covers mandatory reporting requirements
related to port calls. This conceptual data model is mapped to three technical data models in three different
domains, namely, UNECE (trade), WCO (customs) and ISO 28005 (maritime) to ensure the interoperability
between the different ICT systems participating in the data exchange. The IMO Reference Data Model has also
been extended with operational data to handle Just-In-Time arrival and departure and also nautical information
to ensure that the specification of the locations in ports (berths, pilot boarding places, bollards etc) are the same
for different usages. Several international organizations as BIMCO (the largest ship owners' organization) and
international port organisations as IAPH, IPCSA and IHMA are strongly involved in this work. This paper
summarizes work done by IMO and others to clarify the roles, functionalities and ICT-systems (
Information and
Communications Technology)
that are needed to support the various processes needed to be performed during
a port call. These definitions will form the basis for defining a Maritime ITS (Intelligent Transport System)
Architecture which will also need to be related to road ITS and also to e-Navigation functionalities. The
Maritime ITS Architecture described in this paper contains three levels, namely the Domain Definition
(generalized roles that represent people, organizations and equipment in the system), the Processes (definitions
of processes and functions that need to be supported to make the domain work), and the Information model (a
generalized information model covering the information elements that are required by the functions and
processes). In addition to this comes the layers to describe the physical implementation architecture, and the
layers to describe the service implementation (e.g. APIs) and the protocols.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and S
afety of Sea Transportation
Volume 17
Number 4
December 2023
DOI: 10.12716/1001.17.04.
and this is explored with great interest by many large
companies in the sector [1].
However, these developments also include more
conventional digitalization and automation of
administrative and other work processes. This has a
history back to the 1970s when computers started to
be introduced on ships and in offices. This
corresponds to what one can look at as the third
industrial revolution [2]. This includes digitalization
of the information exchanges between ships and ports
where port clearance to national authorities, port
approach navigation, just in time arrival negotiation,
cargo handling and ship supplies are among the
processes that are changing.
A characteristic of ship and port operations is that
several very different domains overlap. This includes
nautical operations and e-navigation, authority
reporting, general ship and port operations, trade
related data exchanges as well as cargo logistics. This
has made it difficult to coordinate developments of
data communication standards, but an initiative from
IMO has started to resolve some of the differences:
This is the IMO Compendium and the IMO Reference
Data Model (IRDM) that harmonize standards from
ship operations (ISO), authority reporting (World
Customs Organization) and international trade and
transport (UN/ECE). The IMO Compendium has also
been extended into more operational areas, such as
just in time arrivals in port, waste delivery and more.
We refer the interested reader to an earlier paper for a
more detailed discussion of the IRDM and the IMO
Compendium [3].
To make the harmonized ship-shore information
exchange useful in practise, it is also necessary to have
a clear view of the typical ICT landscape in seaports
as well as the processes that make use of the ICT
systems. Work to identify this has now been
completed by a correspondence group in IMO [4].
This group has developed a first taxonomy for the
most common systems seen in the port: PCS (Port
Community System), TOS (Terminal Operating
Systems), VTIS (Vessel Traffic Information System),
PMIS (Port Management Information Systems), and
MSW (Maritime Single Window). However, the actual
configuration and the capabilities of each system type
differs between ports and particularly between large
and small ports.
Another issue of concern is the integration of the
general geospatial information with operational
information. It is important that the identification
codes, for instance for bollards and other quay-side
infrastructure, are harmonized between the
operational and geospatial standards. For instance,
when a ship master plans a berth arrival based on
operational instructions received for instance through
an ISO 28005 XML message [5], the locations should
be specified in the same was as in ECDIS chart
overlays, provided in the IHO S-131 format [6].
The geospatial overlap continues into the terminal
area where cargo and cargo transport locations are
important for logistics and hinterland transport. This
brings the ship operations into the intelligent
transport system (ITS) domain. Initiatives are also
under way to see if it possible to define a maritime ITS
architecture that further links ship operations into the
overall transport chain [7].
1.2 A Maritime ITS Architecture
There are several ITS architectures that has been
proposed over the years. These architectures attempt
to create an overall structure for development of
compatible digitalization standards in the selected
domain. Also, an ITS architecture is a special case of
the more general information technology (IT)
architecture [8]. We have previously suggested a
structure for a maritime ITS architecture as illustrated
in Figure 1 [9]. This has been updated with a physical
architecture layer since first published.
Figure 1. A Suggested Maritime ITS Architecture [9]
The grey rectangles represent the actual ITS
architecture and are respectively:
Domain definition: This is the definition of the
domain and its delimitation, including the
generalized roles that represent people,
organizations and equipment in the system.
Processes: This layer contains the definition of the
processes and functions that need to be supported
to make the domain work.
Information model: This is a generalized information
model covering the information elements that are
required by the functions and processes.
The white rectangles represent the services, e.g. as
application programming interfaces (API), used to
connect processes together, and the protocols that are
used in a distributed implementation of the system.
We have also added a physical architecture layer
above these layers as that is needed to define how
functions are distributed in the actual system. The
physical architecture will normally be different in
different implementations of the system, e.g. in
different ports or countries.
The purpose of the ITS architecture is that the
physical architecture, the services and protocols can
be developed independently to suit specific functional
requirements, but that the overall architecture ensures
a minimum interoperability between them.
As one may already have guessed, the IMO
Reference Data Model is already a start on the
information layer in the architecture. The rest of this
paper will give an introduction to the other parts of
the architecture as well as to some concrete parts of
the physical implementation.
1.3 Paper Structure
This paper gives an overview of the levels Domain
Definition, Processes and Information Model in the
Maritime ITS Architecture. It also describes some
relevant technical standards to be used for ship-shore
interactions, and it also describes some ICT systems
relevant to support the processes.
2.1 Domain delimitation
The domain of Maritime ITS is not fully defined yet,
but the preliminary definition is that it at least should
include the ship and the entities that are directly
interacting with the ship as exemplified by Figure 2.
Figure 2. The Proposed Maritime ITS Domain [from [17]]
In addition to this definition, it may also be
necessary to define the delimitation of the shore side
extension of the domain. This delimitation is most
relevant for the port and ship operations as these have
significant interaction also with other shore side
functions such as international trade and transport.
This model is also preliminary as it may be extended,
e.g. to ship building, repair and decommissioning.
2.2 Maritime ITS Roles
From the IMO FAL correspondence group on
developing Guidelines on Electronic Signature
Systems and Operational Port Data [1], we have the
parties defined as described in Table 1. Each party
represents a group of stakeholders fulfilling a certain
role before, during and after the port call.
Table 2 gives an overview of the tasks and processes
needed to be performed by each role during a port
call. The tasks are divided into the phases
Marketing/Contracting, Planning, and Execution. This
table is based on work done by the IMO FAL
correspondence group on developing Guidelines on
Electronic Signature Systems and Operational Port
Data [1] and also on work done in the AEGIS project.
The Marketing/Contracting phase includes
creating the contact between the stakeholders that
have a need for transport or a service, and those who
can offer transport and services that fulfil the demand.
It consists of publishing the needs or offered services,
establishing contact between the parties, agreeing on
the terms of the service and the sale of the service. For
container transport, this will take the form of a
booking (carriage contract), meaning that information
about the container handling must be agreed with the
vessel and cargo service providers in the terminal. For
bulk, this will involve chartering of a ship and
deciding on which ports to call at for this type of bulk
and the chosen ship (sale of goods contract). If there is
no fixed contract with the terminal, this must be
arranged with the vessel and cargo service providers
in the terminal.
In the Planning phase, the transport and services
are planned and managed based on actual and
foreseen demands and information about the
infrastructure and the traffic conditions. The planning
includes decisions about
Voyage/Passage planning
Berth arrival planning, including VTS (Vessel
Traffic Service)/pilotage area planning
Port arrival planning, including VTS/pilotage area
Vessel and cargo service planning
Nautical service planning
Request clearance
Berth departure planning, including VTS/pilotage
area planning
Port departure planning, including VTS/pilotage
area planning
Voyage/Passage Planning: According to SOLAS
Chapter V Regulation 34, the master shall ensure that
the intended voyage has been planned by using
appropriate nautical charts and nautical publications.
This is done based on nautical charts and publications
from the hydrographic service provider, port
information from the port planner, and berth
information from the berth planner.
Berth planning arrival: The ETA Berth (Estimated
Time of Arrival) is normally sent by the ship master to
the ship agent by e-mail, which then forwards this to
all parties ashore on behalf of the vessel [3]. More
generally, the party having the role of the ship
manager provides the ETA Berth to the berth planner,
which decides on the RTA Berth (Requested Time of
Arrival), and provides this back to the ship manager.
If the ship manager accepts the RTA Berth, this
becomes the PTA Berth (Planned Time of Arrival).
Port arrival planning: The vessel (via the ship
manager role) advises the port planner on the ETA
pilot boarding place based on the PTA berth. The port
planner provides back a RTA pilot boarding place to
the ship manager, which becomes the PTA pilot
boarding place, if accepted.
Vessel and Cargo service planning: The timing and
location of vessel and cargo services during the ship
visit to a berth is very important to be able to
complete all necessary services on time, before
departure from the berth.
Nautical service planning: The ship manager role
(eg. vessel or agent) orders nautical services from
nautical service providers, like pilots, tugs and
linesmen at a certain time before they are needed, to
avoid financial consequences or unavailability at the
time when the services are required.
Request clearance: The ship manager (e.g. ship
agent on behalf of the ship master) requests clearance
to enter the port, and the port authorities give
clearance to a ship to call at a specific berth in the
port. The port authorities forward the clearances to
other authorities, as customs, immigration, and
health. The timing of clearance is important; some are
given prior to the port call (e.g. pre-arrival notification
and health), while others are needed prior to the start
of the operations (e.g. customs). Certain services also
need to be reported to the authorities, for instance
waste (due to MARPOL (The International
Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
(IMO))), bunkers, and vessel repairs (e.g. main
Berth and Port Departure Planning: This involves
similar information exchanges as for arrival planning.
Execution: The exchange of operational data
during the port call includes times for actual arrivals
and departures to and from port (pilot boarding place,
VTS area) and berth, and the actual start time and
completion time for vessel and cargo services
performed during the port call.
Based on Table 2, relevant ICT functionalities
related to nautical, operational, and administrative
data are summarized in Table 3. The left-most
columns list the typical functionalities that need ICT
support, while the right-most column lists typical
systems that cover the various functionalities.
Table 1 Port Call Parties from IMO FAL guideline on Electronic Signature Systems and Operational Port Data
Logical Party/Role Description Stakeholders (examples)
Authorities Party that receives information related to the port Harbour master, Customs, Immigration, Port
call and provides clearance to the ship's arrival health, Port VTIS, Coastguard
and departure
Berth planner Party that plans the berth call Terminal operator, Berth operator, Port authority,
Hydrographic Party that provides hydrographic data and all National hydrographic office, Regional charting
service provider nautical information necessary for safe navigation agency
during passage and berthing of the vessel
Nautical service Party that provides nautical services to the ship Pilots, Tugs, Linesmen, Boatmen, VTIS
Port planner Party that plans the port call port Port authority, Harbour master, Terminal
operator, VTIS, Pilots, Coast guard
Ship agent Party that represents the interests of the ship owner Ship agent
and/or charterer while the ship is at any port
Ship charterer Person or company who hires a ship from a Ship charterer
shipowner for a period of time
Ship manager Party responsible for the day-to-day management, Shore side ship manager, or other party acting on
operation and maintenance of the ship, handles behalf of the shore side ship manager: Port
authorities' reporting requirements, or other captain, Ship master or Ship agent
information requested by other parties
Ship operator Party that decides how the ship is employed and Ship charterer, Shipowner, Cargo owner/trader,
where a vessel is to call Ship manager, Carrier, Parties representing/acting
on behalf of before mentioned parties
Vessel or cargo Party that provides vessel services to the ship Vessel or Cargo service providers
service providers (bunkers, lube oil, potable water, provisions, stores,
waste per IMO/MARPOL Class, repairs vetting, flag
survey, periodic maintenance etc) or cargo services
(cargo handling, cargo lashing, cargo survey etc).
Table 2 Port Call Tasks for relevant parties
Party/Role Marketing/Contracting Planning Execution
Authorities Handle requests for clearance to port call,
Forward notifications and declarations to other authorities,
Forward declarations needed regarding certain services.
Berth planner Provide berth Provide berth information for voyage/passage planning,
information to berth planning of arrivals,
ship charterer provide RTA Berth to ship manager during berth planning,
Hydrographic Provide nautical charts and nautical publications for
service provider voyage/passage planning
Nautical service Plan safe and efficient port approach and port call
Port planner Provide port Provide port information for voyage/passage planning,
information to Provide RTA pilot boarding place to ship manager,
ship charterer Provide RTD berth to ship manager
Ship charterer Contract for
chartering ships
Ship manager Voyage/Passage Planning (IMO Res893(A21)), Ship master notes
Provide ISPS information to berth planner and port ATA pilot boarding
planner. place in log book,
Provide ETD Berth from previous port for berth planning ATA given by AIS,
at the next port, Provide ATA Berth,
Provide ETA Berth for berth planning, Provide ATD Berth,
Accept RTA Berth (confirm PTA Berth), Provide ATD pilot
Provide ETA pilot boarding place to port planner, boarding place.
Accept RTA pilot boarding place (confirm PTA pilot
boarding place),
Request clearance for port call,
Report on certain services,
Order nautical services,
Order vessel and cargo services,
Set RTS of service based on ETS,
Set RTC service based on ETC service,
Provide ETD from current berth,
Confirm PTD berth
Ship operator Carriage contract, Contract for hiring terminal services, Ship owner sends
Sale of goods contract notice of readiness to
ship charterer to
confirm ATA pilot
boarding place (for
tramp shipping)
Vessel or Provide ETS for vessel or cargo services, Provide ATS service,
cargo service Confirm PTS for service, Provide ATC service
providers Provide ETC service to ship manager,
Confirm PTC service.
Table 3. ICT Functions for Port Calls
ICT Functions Systems
Nautical functions
Provide nautical charts and nautical ECDIS
publications for voyage/passage planning
Plan safe and efficient port approach and ECDIS, VTIS
port call
Booking of nautical services (e.g. pilots, VTIS, PMIS,MSW
tugs, linesmen, boatmen)
Operational functions
Provide berth information for voyage/ PCS, TOS
passage planning,
Provide port information for voyage/ PCS, PMIS
passage planning,
Port planning at arrival (exchange ETA, PCS, PMIS
RTA, PTA for pilot boarding place)
Berth planning at arrival (exchange ETA, PCS, TOS
RTA, PTA for berth)
Berth planning at departure (exchange PCS, TOS
ETD, RTD, PTD for berth)
Port planning at departure (exchange PCS, PMIS
ETD, RTD, PTD for pilot boarding place)
Booking of vessel and cargo services PCS, TOS, PMIS
Cargo manifest: Generate import & export PCS, TOS
cargo manifest
Hazardous cargo declaration PCS, TOS
Payments and invoices PCS, PMIS
Administrative functions
Handle requests for ship clearance to port PCS, PMIS, MSW
Report on certain vessel/cargo services PCS, PMIS, MSW
Forward notifications and declarations to PCS, PMIS, MSW
relevant authorities,
Forward declarations needed regarding PCS, PMIS, MSW
certain services.
Port state reporting/reporting to MSW PCS, PMIS, MSW
Crew/passenger reporting PCS, PMIS, MSW
Handle ISPS information PCS, PMIS, MSW
The data that is needed for the planning and
execution of a port call can be divided into Nautical
data, Administrative Data, and Operational Data [1].
4.1 Nautical Data
Nautical data is data that is provided by
Hydrographic Offices in electronic navigational charts
(ENC), nautical publications (sailing directions), coast
pilots, and tide tables [1]. They are used for safe
navigation during the port approach and also in port
basins and waterways. The challenge with nautical
data in ports is that different data sources use
different datums, which make them difficult to
compare. Also, the vessel and cargo service providers
may not use the same geographical information to
describe the location of their services, meaning that
the navigation in the port area may be unclear. [2]
gives testimonials from operational people regarding
this: In most ports the berth is not identified in the
nautical chart. Frequently, the berth is not displayed
at all, and sometimes even the port is not displayed.
Often the identification of the terminals and berths in
the ENC is different from the sailing directions or
other publications.
4.2 Administrative Data
Administrative data is data that is submitted by ships
or other non-authority parties to authorities in
notifications and declarations [1]. Administrative data
is based on legislation or regulations. This data can
normally be shared between the authorities covered
by the relevant regulations, but normally not with
others. Administrative data is typically provided by
the ship manager role to the authority role, Table 1. A
good overview of administrative data is given in the
IMO Reference Data model, based on the IMO FAL
Compendium (see Section 4.1). This reference data
model contains harmonized data elements required to
be exchanged during arrival, stay, and departure of
the ship, and includes information about crew,
passengers and cargo. This means that IMO reference
data model is an important starting point for the
implementation of the digital data exchange done
through the national single windows that will be
mandatory from January 1st 2024 as decided by IMO
FAL 46.
4.3 Operational Data
Operational data is data that is submitted to non-
authority parties as part of planning and execution of
certain operations during a port call [1]. Operational
data can normally not be shared with other parties.
This data is typically provided by the ship manager
role in collaboration with the port planner, berth
planner and vessel and cargo service providers. To be
able to cover the overlap between administrative and
operational data, the IMO reference data model has
been extended with data sets for operational data, that
goes beyond the IMO FAL regulations. The most
important data set is the one for just in time port calls,
covering definitions of arrival and departure times to
pilot boarding places and berths, and the starting and
completion times for vessel and cargo services. Also,
the IMO Reference data model covers the concepts of
locations in ports, namely the description of the
location for berths, terminals, pilot boarding places,
ISPS facilities, and vessel and cargo services. In this
regard, the IMO Reference model is closely related to
the IHO standard S-131, and work has begun through
the IMO group EGDH (Expert Group on Data
Harmonization) to harmonize these data elements.
5.1 IMO Reference Model
At their 43rd Plenary meeting in April 2019, the IMO
FAL Committee approved the revised and updated
IMO Compendium on Facilitation and Electronic
Business, to support harmonization and
standardization of electronic messages for exchange of
information when ships arrive at and depart from
ports. This covers mandatory reporting formalities for
ships, cargo and persons as defined by the following
by IMO:
All FAL standard declarations (FAL 1 to 7) as
defined in the IMO FAL Convention:
General Declaration;
Cargo Declaration;
Ship's Stores Declaration;
Crew's Effects Declaration;
Crew List;
Passenger List;
Dangerous Goods Manifest;
Security-related information as required under
SOLAS regulation XI-2/9.2.2 (ISPS)
Advance Notification for Waste Delivery to Port
Reception Facilities; and
WHO Maritime Declaration of Health (FAL
This is related to the mandatory requirement in the
FAL Convention saying that national governments
must introduce electronic information exchange
between ships and ports, from April 2019. In the
revised Compendium , an updated IMO Data Set
identifies and defines all data elements related to this
reporting information requirements, and the
underlying hierarchical data structure is described in
the IMO Reference Data Model.
The IMO Reference Data Model (RDM) and the
IMO Data Set give a conceptual model of the ship-
shore authority reporting requirements. This model
supports the semantic harmonization between the
various reporting requirements and relevant
international standards from various domains related
to ship-shore reporting. The IMO Data Set is mapped
to three different technical standards, namely to the
customs domain (the World Customs Organization
(WCO) data model), the trade domain (the United
Nations Economic Commission for Europe
(UNECE/UNCEFACT) Core Component library) and
the standard for electronic port clearance (ISO TC8's
28005 standard). This harmonized list of data
elements and the related reference data model,
together with the mapping to the technical standards
(WCO, UNECE and ISO 28005), support the
interoperability among maritime single window
The IMO Reference data model and data set are
maintained by IMO through EGDH . The current
was approved by IMO FAL 47 March
2023 and the following data sets has been added after
the initial version:
Port logistic operational data related to just-in-time
concept (FAL 43/INF.3).
Stowaways according to the FAL Convention,
Recommended Practice 4.6.2
Ship and Company certificates according to
FAL.2/circ.131 covering requirements from IACS
Acknowledgement receipts (FAL 44/7)
Maritime Services
Ship Registry and Company Details
PCS Inspection History Data
Maritime Reporting Scheme (MRS): All general
ship reporting requirements as defined in IMO
Resolution A.851.
Ballast water arrival reporting
Waste delivery receipt
Advanced Passenger Information
Verified Gross Mass
The just in time data set is especially important
when it comes to covering operational data and to
ensure a clear overlap between administrative,
operational and nautical data. This is needed for the
IMO RDM to be a conceptual model that can be used
across several reporting schemes and domains to
ensure interoperability among systems and improved
information exchange in addition to reduced
administrative burden for maritime transport
stakeholders. More data sets are to be included, for
instance for ship particulars (IMO Safety information),
for noon reporting, and others. Note that the IMO
RDM is not a new standard but rather a tool to
harmonize existing standards across various domains
and systems.
5.2 ISO 28005 on Electronic Port Clearance
The ISO 28005-series of standards maintained by
ISO/TC8/SC11/WG2 Maritime operational data model
contains data elements to cover the requirements for
ship-to-shore and shore-to-ship reporting of authority
information as defined in the following:
Most required information sets as defined in the
FAL Convention to be sent at arrival or departure:
General Declaration (FAL Form 1)
Cargo Declaration (FAL Form 2)
Ship’s Stores Declaration (FAL Form 3)
Crew’s Effects Declaration (FAL Form 4)
Crew List (FAL Form 5)
Passenger List (FAL Form 6)
Dangerous Goods Manifest (FAL Form 7)
The document required under the Universal Postal
Convention for mail (a reference to the physical or
electronic document)
Maritime Declaration of Health as based on the
Maritime Declaration of Health (MDH) from
WHO, 58th World Health Assembly, WHA58.3.
Security-related information as required under
SOLAS regulation XI-2/9.2.2 (ISPS code).
Advanced electronic cargo information for
customs risk assessment purposes
Advanced Notification Form for Waste Delivery to
Port Reception Facilities, based on the
recommended reporting on ship-generated waste
as defined in MEPC 644, which is mandatory
within the European Union, as described in
Required reporting as defined in the bulk loading
and unloading code IMO Resolution A.862.
Mandatory ship reporting system (MRS)
requirements as defined in IMO Resolution A.851.
ETA reporting to pilot station as defined in IMO
Resolution A.960.
All data sets contained in the IMO Reference Data
The information is described as XML types in an
XSD and also as classes in UML diagrams. The ISO
28005 standard (Part 1) describes messages and the
protocol for how to exchange these different
messages, including clearance, update, cancellation,
receipt and acknowledgement messages. The ISO
28005 series of standards was first defined in 2011
with a second version in 2021. This version contains a
mapping to the IMO Reference Data Model and cover
all data elements as approved by IMO in FAL 44 in
Sept/Oct 2020 . An updated version of Part 1 plus a
new Part 3 covering the remaining data sets contained
in the IMO Reference Data Model up till FAL47 are
due in 2023.
5.3 IHO S-131 Standard
IHO is developing the S-131 Marine Harbour
Infrastructure product specification together with the
International Harbour Master Association (IHMA).
Some of the data elements for berth, berth position
and terminal have commonalities with the IMO FAL
Berth: terminal ID and port facility Number and
port facility LOCODE (for ISPS) are common.
Berth Position is described by: Port facility number
and port facility LOCODE (for ISPS)
Terminal is described by: Port Facility Number,
Port Facility LOCODE, Terminal ID.
The IMO FAL correspondence group on developing
Guidelines on Electronic Signature Systems and
Operational Port Data for the Purpose of Digital
Information Exchange [1] mentions the following ICT
systems as playing an important role during a port
call, see Figure 3. This section will further describe
these systems.
Figure 3. ICT Systems Overview for Port Calls [from [4]]
Table 4 lists typical users for various port ICT
Table 4. Users for Port ICT Systems
ICT System Users
Port Community Systems Ship Manager, Other systems
Terminal Operating Berth planner
Systems (TOS)
VTS Information Systems Nautical service provider, VTS
(VTIS) Operators, Coast state
Electronic Chart Display Ship crew, Hydrographic
Information System service provider
Port Management Port planner, Port Authority,
Information Systems (PMIS) Vessel and cargo service
provider, Harbour master,
MSW, berth planner
Voyage Planning Systems Ship manager, Ship crew
Maritime Single Window Port State Authorities
Service Provider Systems Vessel and cargo service
(SPS) provider
Ship Principal Software Ship Manager
Systems (SPSWS)
6.1 Port Community Systems (PCS)
A Port Community System (PCS) is an ICT system
used to facilitate communication, coordination, and
collaboration among all parties involved in port and
logistics operations during a port call, typically with
the following functionalities:
Provide real-time data on vessel movements and
cargo status,
Automate administrative processes, such as
document processing, invoicing, and payment,
Track cargo movements,
Ensure regulatory compliance.
Figure 3 shows that a PCS can be viewed as the
portal to all the different ICT systems in the port. The
user of the PCS is then the ship manager role. For
ports that do not have a PCS, the port users will access
each of the different ICT systems in the port directly.
To generalise this, the term "PCS" can be used as a
generic name for an ICT system in the port [1].
Several different types of PCSs exist, from small to
large systems, from systems covering only port
operation to systems also operating as a national
MSW. The IMO FAL committee (FAL 48 in 2024) is
working on guidance for PCS especially to be able to
draw the line and responsibilities between PCSs and
MSWs, and at the same time ensure the reporting only
once principle related to the port call. In the IMO
MSW guidelines, it is opened up for MSWs to extend
beyond authority reporting: MSW should be
considered as a technology neutral and trustworthy
platform for public private data collaboration to
expand its scope beyond regulatory framework to
include nautical and operational information and data
as a best practice for trade agnostic port call
automation [4].
IPCSA (International Port Community Systems
Association) defines PCS as follows [5]: A Port
Community System Is a neutral and open electronic
platform enabling intelligent and secure exchange of
information between public and private stakeholders
in order to improve the efficiency and competitive
position of the sea and airports’ communities. A PCS
optimises, manages and automates smooth port and
logistics processes through a single submission of
data and by connecting transport and logistics chains.
[6] describes PCS as "an electronic platform that
connects the multiple systems operated by a variety of
organisations that make up a seaport or airport
community. It is shared in the sense that it is set up,
organised and used by firms in the same sector in
this case, a port community. A good collaboration
between all the parties involved is one of the success
factors of a PCS. Distinctive for all PCSs is the link to
Customs and port authorities and other institutions
such as veterinary offices or coastguard, for example."
The most important users of a PCS are typically
shipping lines and freight forwarders, but cargo
importers and exporters in general, and customs and
shipping agents are important users. Typical
functionalities of PCSs are [6]:
Customs declarations
Electronic handling of all information regarding
import and export of containerised, general and
bulk cargo
Status information and control, tracking and
tracing through the whole logistics chain
Processing of dangerous goods
Processing of maritime and other statistics
[7] also recognizes the role that a PCS can have as
being a National Single Window (MSW) or as a
system that are integrated into a National Single
Window, for instance as a Safe Sea Net-node .
[6] recognizes that (national) single window
systems cover the information flow G2G and G2B,
while business to business data flow is covered by the
[6] describes the relation between a PCS and a
national Single Window system as the following: A
PCS can work as a portal or gateway to a national
single window or can be an integral part of a single
window. Other possibilities are a simple information
flow from the national single window to the PCS, for
instance regarding notification of port calls. As the
port calls may often be known to the PCS before it is
known to the national single window, this
information flow may also be the other way, from
PCS to the NSW. Further, PCSs can support B2B
information exchange as well as being a portal for
B2G information exchange.
6.2 Terminal Operating Systems (TOS)
A Terminal Operating System (TOS) is an ICT system
that manages and controls the operations of a
maritime terminal to optimize the use of resources
(berths, cranes, yard equipment) to ensure that vessels
are loaded and unloaded efficiently, including:
Vessel planning and scheduling, including berth
and crane allocations,
Coordinating the movement of containers, cargo,
and equipment,
Create discharge and loading lists, often based on
EDI messages received from third party
stakeholders, that is, from cargo owners or
forwarders or cargo agents,
Yard space and equipment (cranes, trucks etc)
Real-time data on cargo, containers, and
Manage container inventories,
Tracking the movement of containers.
Several ICT systems are used to support the
operations of a terminal. One of the most important is
a Terminal Operation System (TOS). The TOS
provides visibility, control, optimization, scheduling,
planning, analytics, and automated handling of
maritime containers, rail containers, and break bulk
for terminal operations. The terminal is a trans-
shipment point for the cargo, meaning that the cargo
will switch to a different transport mode or will be
consolidated. A TOS should support the main
transactions in the trans-shipment between sea and
hinterland transport, namely loading and discharge of
cargo to and from a ship and gate-in/gate-out to/from
land-based transport. Keeping track of carrier
equipment, e.g. multimodal containers, and cargo is
essential for efficient processing of cargo. A TOS
typically enables management and operators to
administrate containers and cargo positions on the
terminal yard.
An example of a TOS is Terminal by Grieg
Connect, which enables the operation manager to
create discharge and loading lists based on EDIs
received from third party stakeholders, that is, from
cargo owners or forwarders or cargo agents. Further,
the yard state is managed in Terminal through
internal cargo transactions, termed as moves within
the system. An internal move transaction represents a
positional change from one position in the yard to
another. There may be multiple ways of modelling
positions within a yard, either by modelling a position
in a grid-like system where each cell denotes a stack
of containers of a certain size or by exact positioning
through geo-spatial data.
There are also other relevant internal transactions
that may be managed in a TOS, such as stuffing and
stripping carrier equipment. Stuffing involves filling
the container with cargo and stripping the reverse
operation, taking cargo out.
A TOS typically enables external stakeholders,
such as the container owner or the container leaser, to
order actions on a container through EDI interchange.
This may be ordering the terminal to release an empty
container from a terminal depot to be picked up by
transport or ordering stuffing of a certain container.
6.2.1 Plan cargo operations
The terminal needs to plan and execute operations
related to cargo transactions, for instance planning a
discharge or loading operation from/to a ship to/from
the terminal yard. This involves exchanging data with
the ship manager regarding how the cargo is stowed
(bay plan/stowage plan), instructions on equipment
needed to do the discharging/loading, and
instructions on the discharge/loading order.
6.2.2 Users
The main user groups for the core TOS
functionality related to cargo movements, cargo
management and cargo operations are the terminal
management fulfilling the Cargo service provider
6.2.3 Integration with and interfaces to other systems
In general, integration with third party systems
from stakeholders such as the shipping company or
customs is done either through EDI interchange or
public API-based interaction. The synchronisation of
data related to container transactions are mainly
based on EDI messages according to UN/EDIFACT
container message standards maintained and issued
by International Transport Implementation
Guidelines Group (ITIGG).
6.2.4 Customs
Although the UN/EDIFACT container messages
support EDI interchange of customs-related
information through the CUSCAR format, some
governments also provide self-service systems and/or
service-oriented solutions/integration points for usage
in the customs clearance process. An example from
Norway is the TVINN self-service system.
6.2.5 General purpose container transaction and tracking
In 2018, Maersk partnered with IBM to create
TradeLens, a platform for sharing and streamlining
shipping information across shipping partners,
businesses, and different authorities . TradeLens is an
example of a system developed by two major global
corporations as a tool to support and centralise data
related to global sea freight cargo supply chain
transactions. By 2019, the platform covered nearly half
of the world’s shipments of cargo containers.
6.3 VTS Information Systems (VTIS)
A VTS (Vessel Traffic Service) Information System is
an ICT system used to monitor and manage vessel
traffic in a specific area, such as a port, harbour, or
waterway, including the following tasks:
provide real-time information on vessel positions,
movements, and headings.
Providing navigational assistance to vessels,
including information on hazards, and weather
Coordinating vessel traffic, including vessel
routing and allocation of anchorages and berths.
Responding to emergency situations, such as
search and rescue operations, and coordinating
with other emergency services.
Collecting and sharing data on vessel movements
and incidents with other stakeholders, including
port authorities, shipping companies, and
government agencies.
Managing communication between vessels, port
authorities, and other stakeholders, using various
communication channels, such as VHF radio,
email, and satellite.
6.4 Port Management Information Systems (PMIS)
A Port Management Information System (PMIS) is an
ICT system used to manage and optimize the
operations of a port or terminal, including tasks as:
Managing and tracking the movement of cargo,
vessels, and other resources
Managing and monitoring the use of
infrastructure, such as berths, cranes, and yard
Providing real-time data on the status of cargo,
vessels, and other resources
Invoicing, billing, and resource allocation.
An example of a PMIS is Port, which is developed
by Grieg Connect for efficient planning and
management of port calls and the related services and
cargo. During port call execution, the plan is adjusted
when changes occur. The execution process consists of
the different activities involved in serving the ship in
port while in the completion phase, port call relevant
information is collected before the port call is
invoiced. The users of Port typically have the port
planner role, when planning the port calls and related
services, and doing invoicing afterwards, or they can
also have the role of a vessel or cargo service provider
both when handling service delivery and collecting
data that is relevant for invoicing and documentation
6.4.1 Planning
In the planning phase, information about port calls
is received from logistics providers and agents either
through the maritime single window (MSW) or by
email and telephone. SafeSeaNet Norway (SSN) is the
MSW system developed by The Norwegian Coastal
Administration for reporting and distribution of all
relevant information regarding shipping to
Norwegian authorities
ports/safeseanet-norway/). Port has also integration
with a corresponding solution (Portnet) for Finish
ports. The deadline for reporting in SSN is 24 hours
prior to arrival and ships less than 300 gross ton is
exempted from reporting. Some port calls are
therefore manually entered in the port system. Port
receives port call information from the MSW
including ship information, ETA, ETD, preferred
quay, arrival draught, crew, passenger data, and
requested services. The port planner in the port
system processes the requests and check for available
6.4.2 Berth planning
Port contains a berth planning tool that gives the
berth planner a good overview of the quay
assignments both in a Gantt-view and on a map with
detailed positions, which is used by the planner to
check for available capacities at the quays. If there is
sufficient capacity and the ship satisfies the ISPS-
requirements, the berth planner approves the request
in Port and an acceptance message is automatically
sent back to the MSW. The planner can also propose a
different quay than requested or reject the request if
there is no available capacity.
6.5 Maritime Single Window (MSW)
6.5.1 Background
A Single Window (SW) system is defined in the
UN/CEFACT Recommendation 33 as "a facility that
allows parties involved in trade and transport to
lodge standardized information and documents with
a single-entry point to fulfil all import, export, and
transit-related regulatory requirements. If information
is electronic, then individual data elements should
only be submitted once". [6]
Usually, Single Window systems for maritime
applications (MSW) cover both private and public
information exchange. The other distinction between
MSWs is whether they cover both nautical
information and cargo/trade information. For
implementation of these standards, the IMO has
developed guidelines for setting up a maritime single
window in FAL 5/Circ. 42, 16 May 2019.
6.5.2 MSW Regulations from IMO
IMO, during FAL 46 in May 2022, decided that the
amendments to the IMO Facilitation (FAL)
Convention should enter into force from 1st of
January 2024. These amendments require signatories
to the Convention to implement an electronic
maritime single window for all declarations made by
a ship in conjunction with international port calls.
Also, FAL 45 approved the revised Guidelines for
setting up a maritime single window
(FAL.5/Circ.42/Rev.1) to ensure a common
understanding of the machine-to-machine
communication related to ship calls. The IMO
Reference Model (Section 4.1) describes the
information exchange related to this MSW.
6.5.3 EMSWe
The EMSWe (European Maritime Single Window
environment) is the legal and technical framework for
the electronic transmission of information about
reporting obligations for ships calling at EU ports. It is
a network of national MSWs using the SafeSeaNet
systems and other systems. The data model is aligned
with the IMO Reference Model with additional data
sets for local legislations.
6.6 Ship Side Systems
The ship side systems include ECDIS, Voyage
Planning Systems, and Ship Principal Software
Systems. Onboard systems are used by the ship crew,
on shore systems are used by a stakeholder having the
ship manager role.
6.6.1 ECDIS
An Electronic Chart Display and Information
System (ECDIS) is an onboard navigation system
ships to display navigational information from
electronic navigational charts (ENCs) and to assist in
route planning and navigation. ECDIS currently
follows The ECDIS performance standard states that
from 2029, new ECDIS systems must follow the new
S-101 standard contained in the S-100 framework,
instead of the old S-57. This will also introduce the
possibility to add several layers of information,
including the S-421 standard for route exchange, S-131
for marine harbour infrastructure and other
standards. This also highlights the importance of
aligning the IMO Reference model with the S-100
framework, especially the GI (Geographical
Information) concept register.
6.6.2 Voyage Planning Systems
A Voyage Planning System (VPS) is an ICT system
used by ship operators and navigators to plan and
optimize a vessel's route for a particular voyage. An
example of this is the NavStation by Navtor.
7.1.1 MITS Architecture
A Maritime Intelligent Transport System (ITS)
Architecture can be based on the definitions of roles,
functions and systems as described in this paper. In
addition to this comes the description of the
connection between Road ITS and Maritime ITS, and
also how the Maritime ITS architecture relates to e-
Navigation functionalities, Figure 4.
Figure 4. Maritime ITS Big Picture
7.1.2 Players in International Standardization
IMO is an important player in the standardization
work as it maintains the IMO Reference Data Model
through its Expert Group on Data Harmonization
(EGDH) in the Facilitation committee (FAL). Also
important is the agreement between IMO, ISO,
UN/ECE and WCO on the maintenance of the IMO
Reference Data Model and the updating of the
mappings from the reference model to the three
technical standards maintained by ISO, WCO, and
UN/ECE. Further, IHO is important as they are
responsible for the S-100 framework of standards, and
they have also started harmonization with the IMO
Reference Data Model. Also, several organizations are
active in giving input on new and updated data sets
to the IMO Reference Data model, for instance
BIMCO, which is the world's largest direct-
membership organisation for shipowners, charterers,
shipbrokers and agents, IAPH (International
Association of Ports and Harbours), ITPCO
(International Task Force on Port Call Optimization),
IPCSA (International Port Community Systems
Association) and DCSA (Digital Container Shipping
Harmonization of data sets are important for those
parts that are overlapping between several domains,
that is, between the nautical, administrative, and
operational domains. As an example, when referring
to arrival and departure times for a ship to a berth (in
the operational domain), the same references should
be used for administrative data: If the terminal plans
for a ship to arrive at a berth at a certain time, that
same time is equally important for both port
authorities and port operational parties, for instance
vessel service providers (e.g. pilots, bunker barges).
To achieve interoperability between ships and
shore ICT systems, not only the introduction and
usage of standards covering the data requirements are
needed, but also more technical standards for the
machine-to-machine interaction, for instance defining
Application Programming Interfaces (API) and other
common reporting protocols covering electronic data
exchange. However, neither the IMO FAL Convention
nor the IMO guidelines for setting up a maritime
single window specify specific technical standards for
the interface between ships and the MSW. This means
that a technical specification of the ship-shore
communication related to port call must be specified,
which is what is done for instance in the ISO 28805
standard on Electronic Port Clearance.
This work has been performed as part of the ISTS (funded
by the Research Council of Norway under project number
326679) and AEGIS (funded by the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant
Agreements 859992) projects.
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