Shipping companies constitute a fundamental element
of the international maritime trade, an activity
reflecting more than 11.08 billion tons with a growth
up to 4.8 percent in 2021, despite the disruptive
impact of COVID-19 (United Nations Conference on
Trade And Development [UNCTAD], 2020). Within a
volatile and constantly changing macroeconomic
environment, with various factors occasionally
disrupting the global demand and supply, both
anthropogenic (i.e. trade wars, sanctions, fuel
economics) and not (i.e., the COVID-19 pandemic),
shipping companies need to constantly develop their
business strategies, deploy resources effectively and
efficiently, as well as monitor and improve their
performance in order to retain and better their
position in the market. Active involvement in a highly
cyclical and volatile industry (Stopford, 2009),
inevitably led contemporary shipping companies to
adopt a corporatist approach regarding various areas
of managerial interest, such as their business and
financing strategies (Melas, 2019).
However, despite the necessity for the
measurement of performance in the broader maritime
business context emphatically highlighted in existing
research, there exists a significant gap regarding the
investigation of several non-financial and non-
accounting performance dimensions, able to capture
the multi-dimensional nature of business performance
in the shipping industry as a whole, or in specific
shipping companies with accordingly differentiated
This paper aims to fill in this research gap by
evaluating and analysing long-term performance
levels of the shipping industry as a whole, through
the use of Key Performance Indicators (KPI). More
specifically, it aims to evaluate the environmental,
health, safety management, HR management,
Maritime Sustainability and the Need for Global
Performance Indicators i
n Shipping: An Empirical
nvestigation Based on the Shipping KPI Standard by
.F. Darousos, M.Q. Mejia Jr, I. Panteladis & A. Pastra
World Maritime University,
Malmoe, Sweden
ABSTRACT: This paper aims to cover a gap in maritime literature by analysing the performance of the
international fleet through the BIMCO Shipping KPI System databases, and by highlighting the necessity for the
adoption of Global Performance Indicators to serve the needs of a sustainable maritime industry. The paper
investigates the complex interrelations of the various types of performance in shipping, consisting of 57,622
ships of all commercial types, operated from 26 countries, covering the envi
ronmental, health, safety
management, HR management, navigational safety, operational, security, and technical performance. Results
indicate that countries rank differently with regards to the aggregated performance of their respective shipping
companies, signifying different managerial approaches. This paper contributes to the discourse of maritime
governance, aiming to be of interest to all maritime stakeholders dealing with marine policies and institutional
arrangements for the management and regulation of international shipping.
International Journal
on M
arine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 17
Number 4
December 2023
DOI: 10.12716/1001.17.04.
navigational safety, operational, security, and
technical performance of a sample indicative of the
global fleet. To address the need for performance
measurement in absolute terms and relative to the
industry average in a consistent way, allowing both
within-country and cross-country comparisons, the
research uses a unique international sample provided
by the Baltic and International Maritime Council
(BIMCO), consisting of performance indicators
reflecting a total of 57,622 ships of all commercial
types, operated from 26 countries, and providing a
truly international coverage of the above mentioned
performance types in the maritime industry. The
research aims to be useful to wide and narrow
shipping stakeholders, primarily maritime corporate
managers, and directors, as well as policy makers at
international, regional, and national level.
The remaining of the paper is organised as follows:
Section 2 presents the theoretical framework and the
specifics of Shipping KPI system; Section 3 presents
the Empirical Investigation of international shipping
performance based on the Shipping KPI System
databases and Section 4 provides a discussion of the
main findings. Finally, Section 5 discusses the
necessity of a Global Performance Indicator system
for the maritime industry and Section 6 concludes the
2.1 Performance Management
Performance measurement is a crucial management
function, allowing for efficient management and
materialization of key business strategies.
Traditionally, the performance measurement has been
mostly focused on financial and accounting measures
such as Return on Assets (ROA), Return on
Investment (ROI), Return on Capital (ROC), Return on
Sales (ROS), Return on Equity (ROE), Return on
Capital Employed (ROCE), and Return on Invested
Capital (ROIC) (Panayides, Gong and Lambertides,
2010). The sole evaluation of performance based on
financial and accounting data is nowadays considered
insufficient and much attention is shed upon multi-
dimensional performance indicators. There is
considerable evidence that in order to achieve a
representative reflection of its overall performance, an
organization should supplement financial with non-
financial performance evaluation methods, both
quantitatively and qualitatively (Narkunienė &
Ulbinaitė, 2018).
In the shipping industry, this need for non-
financial performance measurement has also been
highlighted in past research (Chou and Liang, 2001;
Lagoudis, Lalwani and Naim, 2006; Panayides, Gong
and Lambertides, 2010). This paper aims to fill in this
gap in the literature, by presenting an international,
cross-country and cross-sector analysis of overall
shipping performance through the use of a suitable
standardised measurement system covering all the
non-financial and non-accounting types of shipping
business performance indicators covered by the
Shipping KPI System by BIMCO.
2.2 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in Shipping
According to Barr (2015, 2019), KPIs serve three
purposes: (a) the monitoring of important findings, (b)
the interpretation of the results, and (c) the
undertaking of action, if deemed necessary, and past
research provides evidence of their use in various
industries. In the shipping industry, the use of Key
Performance Indicators (KPIs) essentially represents a
byproduct of the required continuous improvement
processes. The latter are both due to mandatory
standards of quality, such as the International Safety
Management (ISM) code, and voluntary, such as the
ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, although self-regulatory
practices such as the Tanker Management Self-
Assessment (TMSA), derived from the Oil Companies
International Maritime Forum (OCIMF). Interestingly,
however, the existing literature on KPIs in the
shipping industry is relatively limited. Indicatively,
Konsta and Plomaritou (2012) have identified the
limited use of KPIs by Greek tanker companies,
despite them recognizing their value for performance
evaluation, while Banda et al. (2016) highlighted the
potential of KPIs to develop, monitor, control and
improve the safety of shipping operations, whereas
Nesheim and Fjørtoft (2019) used the Shipping KPI
System to PI Database to identify costs and benefits of
e-navigation solutions. Finally, Darousos et al. (2019)
identified the potential of a tailored KPI system as a
facilitator for good maritime governance, as a
common ‘language’ between regulating authorities
and market practitioners.
2.3 The emerging role of KPI for sustainability
The deployment of an efficient sustainability and
environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy,
appropriately and organically integrated into the core
business strategy of a ship management company,
should begin by clearly demonstrating the way that it
permeates the corporate entity. The identification of
suitable KPIs, directly relevant to the respective
sustainability strategy, should be set after a thorough
identification of the material sustainability issues
which are relevant to both wide and narrow
stakeholders. Recent literature has focused on the
importance of KPI to address and measure various
dimensions of ESG performance, in a diverse range of
industrial segments. Indicatively, Yip and Yu (2023)
explored the ESG disclosure quality through KPIs in a
sample consisting of small and medium-sized
companies listed in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange,
interestingly identifying environment-related KPI as
the more underperforming. A study by Dragomir,
Parsons & Choi (2018) focused on the use of KPI as a
measurement tool for the evaluation of the economic
efficiency of shipping companies employing
multigender crews and implementing gendering
policies, suggesting a specific set of KPI and also
approaching social, financial, health & safety, and
training issues. An emerging wave of literature
explores the widespread impact of new technologies
and sustainability-ESG concerns upon the
international supply chain, and the necessity for the
development of suitable KPIs, able to measure this
impact and allow for performance information
exchange industry-wide (Patidar et al., 2022).
2.4 The Shipping KPI System by BIMCO
The Shipping KPI System is a tool comprised by
shipping performance indexes (SPIs), Key
Performance Indicators (KPIs), and Performance
Indicators (PIs). Starting in 2011, the Shipping KPI
System administered by InterManager since 2003
was superintended by the independent KPI
Association Ltd. In 2015, Denmark-based BIMCO
acquired the Shipping KPI System and along with the
IT support of SOFTImpact, a specialised maritime IT
service provider based in Cyprus, has been operating
and further developing it ever since. The System is a
benchmarking tool, meant to ameliorate the overall
non-financial performance of ship management
companies, as well as to provide efficient
communication regarding the ship operation to the
internal and external stakeholders (BIMCO, 2018).
The SPIs (high level indices) constitute the
aggregated expression of the various types of
performance and are calculated by the KPIs (mid-level
indices), which are in turn calculated via the PIs
(lowest level), as seen in Figure 1. The PI data are
directly measured and reported by the ship or the
ship management company. Then, a normalization
process takes place leading to the KPIs which are
scaled between 0-100, in a range between
unacceptable (0) and outstanding performance (100).
Thus, according to BIMCO, it is possible to compare
the performance of ships with different characteristics
or amount of data.
The SPIs are expressed as a weighted average of
relevant KPI ratings on a scale between 0 and 100.
Their objective is to allow the communication of
shipping performance information to external
stakeholders. Given that there is currently lack of a
commonly used, standardised system of
communication regarding the maritime industry, such
initiatives may actually serve the purposes of sector-
wide stakeholders by providing information on the
overall operation performance of the international
fleet. The types of performance expressed through the
SPIs are: (i) Environmental Performance; (ii) Health
and Safety Performance; (iii) HR Management
Performance; (iv) Navigational Safety Performance;
(v) Operational Performance; (vi) Security
Performance; (vii) Technical Performance; and (viii)
Port State Control Performance.
According to BIMCO, the characteristics of the
performance indicators considered in the Shipping
KPI System need to be observable and quantifiable,
valid indicators of performance, robust against
manipulation, sensitive to change, transparent and
easy to understand, and compatible (BIMCO, 2018).
They all signify a useful tool for communication
among the crews and the companies, but also among
the shipping companies and the external stakeholders,
such as the international, regional, and national
formal and informal authorities.
Based on the above KPI system, the following
research objectives are set:
1. To identify the overall performance ranking of ship
management companies on a different national
2. To examine the relationship between aggregated
high SPI-level of performance on a different
national basis;
3. To examine the relationship between aggregated
mid KPI-level of performance on a different
national basis.
To obtain a representative set of data regarding
shipping performance related to the human element,
the sample was obtained from the BIMCO Shipping
KPI System databases.
Figure 1. The BIMCO Shipping KPI System (Darousos et al.,
2019; derived from BIMCO, 2018)
As discussed, BIMCO produces a variety of
information on various types of shipping
performance. Namely, the SPIs used in this paper,
including their constituent KPIs, and according to the
Shipping KPI System Version 3.0, are: (i)
Environmental Performance (SPI001); (ii) Health and
Safety Performance (SPI002); and (iii) HR
Management Performance (SPI003), (iv) Navigational
Safety Performance (SPI004), (v) Operational
Performance (SPI005), (vi) Security Performance
(SPI006), (vii) Technical Performance (SPI007), and
(viii) Port State Control Performance (SPI009). Table 1
below presents the Version 3.0 of the system, which
constitutes the basis of this analysis:
Table 1. Overview of Shipping KPI Version of BIMCO
Version 3.0
SPI001 KPI028: Releases of Number of releases of substances to
Environ- substances the environment
mental Number of oil spills
Perfor- KPI001: Ballast water Number of ballast water
mance management management violations
KPI007: Contained Number of contained spills of
spills liquid
KPI011: Number of environmental related
Environmental deficiencies
deficiencies Number of recorded external
KPI005: CO2 Emitted mass of CO2
efficiency Transport work
KPI021: NOx Emitted mass of NOx
efficiency Transport work
KPI030: SOx Emitted mass of SOx
efficiency Transport work
SPI002: KPI013: Fire and Number of fire incidents
Health Explosions Number of explosion incidents
and KPI017: Lost Time Number of fatalities due to work
Safety Injury Frequency injuries
Perfor- Number of lost workday cases
mance Number of permanent total
disabilities (PTD)
Number of permanent partial
Total exposure hours
KPI015: Health and Number of health and safety
Safety deficiencies related deficiencies
Number of recorded external
KPI018: Lost Time Number of cases where a crew
Sickness Frequency member is sick for more than 24
Number of fatalities due to sickness
Total exposure hours
KPI025: Passenger Number of passengers injured
Injury Ratio Passenger exposure hours
SPI003: KPI008: Crew Number of absconded crew
HR disciplinary Number of charges of criminal
Manage- frequency offences
ment Number of cases where drugs or
Perfor- alcohol is abused
mance Number of dismissals
Number of logged warnings
Total exposure hours
KPI009: Crew Number of seafarers not relieved
planning on time
Number of violation of rest hours
KPI016: HR Number of HR related deficiencies
deficiencies Number of recorded external
KPI003: Cadets Number of cadets under training
per ship with the DOC holder
Number of ships operated under
the DOC holder
KPI022: Officer Number of officer terminations
retention rate from whatever cause
Number of unavoidable officer
Number of beneficial officer
Number of officers employed
KPI023: Officers Number of officer experience
experience rate points
Number of officers onboard
KPI031: Training Number of officer trainee man days
days per officer Number of officer days onboard all
ships with the DOC holder
SPI004: KPI019: Number of navigational related
Naviga- Navigational deficiencies
tional deficiencies Number of recorded external
Safety inspections
Perfor- KPI020: Number of collisions
mance Navigational Number of allisions
incidents Number of groundings
SPI005: KPI002: Budget Last year’s running cost budget
Opera- performance Last year’s actual running costs and
tional accruals
Perfor- Last year’s AAE (Additional
mance Authorized Expenses)
KPI010: Drydocking Agreed drydocking duration
planning Actual drydocking duration
performance Agreed drydocking budget
Actual drydocking costs
KPI004: Cargo Number of cargo related incidents
related incidents
KPI024: Operational Number of operational related
deficiencies deficiencies
Number of recorded external
KPI032: Ship Actual unavailability
availability Planned unavailability
KPI033: Vetting Number of observations during
deficiencies commercial inspections
Number of commercial inspections
SPI006: KPI029: Security Number of security related
Security deficiencies deficiencies
Perfor- Number of recorded external
mance inspections
SPI007: KPI006: Condition Number of conditions of class
Techni- of class
cal KPI012: Failure of Number of failures of critical
Perfor- critical equipment equipment and systems
mance and systems
SPI009: KPI027: Port state Number of PSC detentions
Port control detention Number of PSC inspections
State KPI026: Port state Number of PSC deficiencies
Control control deficiency Number of PSC inspections
Perfor- ratio
mance KPI014: Port state Number of PSC inspections
control performance resulting in zero deficiencies
Number of PSC inspections
Source: Own elaboration, derived from BIMCO, 2018
Table 1, presents the performance indicators from
a total of 57,622 ships of all commercial types,
operated from 26 countries, shipping accounts,
providing an overview of the different performance
types of the maritime industry. It has to be noted that
the number of countries used as sample is smaller
than the actual total of countries with shipping
accounts registered in the Shipping KPI System, due
to the confidentiality policy of BIMCO.
Table 2. Overview of the research sample (countries,
number of registered ships per country, number of
corresponding registered accounts)
Country Number of Number of
Registered Ships Registered Accounts
Singapore 7975 27
Hong Kong 7885 9
Philippines 6737 6
Germany 4655 24
Greece 4262 43
Cyprus 4223 9
Japan 2986 14
United Kingdom 2521 14
Monaco 2078 4
China 1855 4
India 1750 10
Denmark 1567 11
Italy 1398 9
Netherlands 1177 11
Korea, Republic Of 1174 7
Norway 1060 14
Turkey 864 13
France 820 3
Belgium 777 3
United Arab Emirates 634 9
Sweden 252 3
Canada 244 4
Spain 239 3
Viet Nam 212 4
South Africa 192 4
Taiwan, Province 85 3
Of China
Source: Own elaboration
Table 3 presents a liner regression analysis of the
aggregated SPI database. At this stage, the dependent
variable is the variance between the SPI indicators for
each country and the independent variable is the
mean of the SPI indicators for each country. The
coefficient of determination R2 is approximately 0.50,
so 50% of the variance in the values of the dependent
variable can be explained by the model and the use of
the explanatory variables. The crucial point is the
statistical significance of the estimated coefficients of
the variables; indeed, the coefficients are statistically
significant for P<0.05; and the values are negative.
This signifies that when the mean of all SPI indicators
increases by one point, the variance between the
indicators decreases by 16,35. This is an indication
that countries which achieve a higher mean value for
all SPI indices also have a lower variance in the SPI
indices. In other words, higher average performance
across all indices, for each country, is also associated
with smaller dispersion of the indices. This is the first
important result of this study, signifying that
achieving high-level non-financial and non-
accounting performance as expressed through SPIs is
reflected upon all relevant types. Furthermore, that
higher standards of management, as expressed
through fleet performance, can be associated on a
specific national basis perhaps signifying a
combination of collective expertise and a well-
implemented regulatory framework.
Additionally, a dummy variable was used: D=1 for
each EU-27 country, and D=0 for all other countries of
the database, in order to investigate whether any
substantial differentiations can be observed regarding
the shipping performance of Europe-based companies
through the overall performance of their respective
fleets. This further supports the first conclusion, as the
fact that the coefficient of the dummy variable is
negative (-48.79) means that, irrespective of average
values, EU-27 countries present smaller variations
between SPI indicators compared to other countries.
The model is econometrically supported by the
fact that there is no issue related to heteroskedasticity
in these stratified data, as we can see from the Durbin-
Watson value of close to 2 (approximately 2.08). In
any case, the coefficients would be unbiased as White
heteroskedasticity-consistent standard errors &
covariance were used for the purposes of the below
Table 3. The relationship between variance and mean value
of SPI per country
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
of variables
Constant 1562.376 405.0675 3.857076 0.0008
Average SPI -16.35594 4.457369 -3.669416 0.0013
per country
European -48.79891 19.76451 -2.469017 0.0214
R-squared 0.505063 Mean dependent var 108.7169
Adjusted 0.462025 S.D. dependent var 72.57239
S.E. of 53.22949 Akaike info criterion 10.89527
Sum squared 65167.71 Schwarz criterion 11.04043
Log -138.6385 Hannan-Quinn criter. 10.93707
F-statistic 11.73530 Durbin-Watson stat 2.089811
Prob 0.000307
In the next part of the analysis, the variance for
each SPI was analysed separately based on country
performance for each indicator (dependent variable),
followed by the analysis of the average performance
(explanatory variable) for each indicator separately
from country performance.
The coefficient is negative (-3.56) and statistically
significant, meaning that when the average
performance expressed through a SPI indicator
increases (based on all/among countries'
performance), the variance for that indicator also
decreases. That is, if all countries show good average
performance on a selective performance type,
meaning that the average value of the indicator
(average performance) is high, then their variance is
also lower as the differences in performance between
countries for that indicator are relatively smaller.
For this testing, no dummy variable for the EU-27
countries was used because the average value of each
SPI indicator is formulated by the performance of all
countries of the database. This is also the case for the
variances in each performance category, which are
due to the differences in the according SPI’s of all
Table 4. White heteroskedasticity-consistent standard errors
& covariance
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
C 350.5086 46.41695 7.551307 0.0003
AVERAGE_ -3.562008 0.442299 -8.053392 0.0002
R-squared 0.681725 Mean dependent var 38.42636
Adjusted 0.628679 S.D. dependent var 37.47137
S.E. of 22.83360 Akaike info criterion 9.306661
Sum squared 3128.239 Schwarz criterion 9.326522
Log -35.22664 Hannan-Quinn criter. 9.172711
F-statistic 12.85161 Durbin-Watson stat 1.614223
Prob 0.011574
In the next part of the analysis, the variance for
each SPI was analysed separately based on country
performance for each indicator (dependent variable),
followed by the analysis of the average performance
(explanatory variable) for each indicator separately
from country performance.
The coefficient is negative (-3.56) and statistically
significant, meaning that when the average
performance expressed through a SPI indicator
increases (based on all/among countries'
performance), the variance for that indicator also
decreases. That is, if all countries show good average
performance on a selective performance type,
meaning that the average value of the indicator
(average performance) is high, then their variance is
also lower as the differences in performance between
countries for that indicator are relatively smaller.
For this testing, no dummy variable for the EU-27
countries was used because the average value of each
SPI indicator is formulated by the performance of all
countries of the database. This is also the case for the
variances in each performance category, which are
due to the differences in the according SPI’s of all
Table 5. SPI White heteroskedasticity-consistent standard
errors & covariance
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
C 350.5086 46.41695 7.551307 0.0003
AVERAGE_ -3.562008 0.442299 -8.053392 0.0002
R-squared 0.681725 Mean dependent var 38.42636
Adjusted 0.628679 S.D. dependent var 37.47137
S.E. of 22.83360 Akaike info criterion 9.306661
Sum squared 3128.239 Schwarz criterion 9.326522
Log -35.22664 Hannan-Quinn criter. 9.172711
F-statistic 12.85161 Durbin-Watson stat 1.614223
Prob 0.011574
Due to the relatively smaller number of
observations, a dummy variable was not set for each
SPI indicator. Such a dummy variable would be set as
D-1, reflecting the number of SPI indicators minus 1
dummy variable; thus, the regression constant would
incorporate the variance of the last dummy variable.
Therefore, the coefficients of the other dummy
variables would reflect the variation of the variance of
the other SPI indicators, irrespective of the average
value of each indicator achieved by countries.
However, due to the larger number of observations,
the KPI analysis following below also incorporated
the corresponding dummy variables.
Table 6. KPI White heteroskedasticity-consistent standard
errors & covariance analysis
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
C 589.1517 150.8509 3.905522 0.0005
AVERAGE_ -5.516156 1.606399 -3.433865 0.0017
R-squared 0.440598 Mean dependent var 127.1210
Adjusted 0.422553 S.D. dependent var 180.9519
S.E. of 137.5053 Akaike info criterion 12.74389
Sum squared 586138.7 Schwarz criterion 12.83459
Log -208.2742 Hannan-Quinn criter. 12.77441
F-statistic 24.41631 Durbin-Watson stat 1.774169
Prob 0.000025
In the subsequent regression analysis of the KPIs
which addressed the variance between all KPIs for
each country as the dependent variable and the mean
between all KPIs for each country as the independent
variable, the results reconfirmed the previous
findings. Indeed, countries which collectively achieve
higher average performance across all KPIs, present
substantially smaller inter-indicator performance
variations. This leads to the conclusion that in
comparison, the differences in performance, measured
by each KPI, decrease as the average performance
across all KPIs for each country increases.
As for the EU-27 dummy variable, European states
present smaller variation across all KPIs when
compared to non-European countries, irrespective of
the average value of all KPIs. This result is
highlighted by the statistically significant coefficient
of 0.1 p-value.
Table 6. KPI Regression analysis with EU-27 Variable
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
C 5177.207 494.9564 10.45993 0.0000
AVERAGE_ -54.48752 5.904463 -9.228192 0.0000
DUMMYEU -58.03503 33.99452 -1.707188 0.0998
R-squared 0.779940 Mean dependent var 576.3351
Adjusted 0.760804 S.D. dependent var 185.2358
S.E. of 90.59453 Akaike info criterion 11.95883
Sum squared 188769.5 Schwarz criterion 12.10400
Log -152.4648 Hannan-Quinn criter. 12.00063
F-statistic 40.75837 Durbin-Watson stat 2.035745
Prob 0.000000
Regarding the regression analysis of the variance
for each KPI as it is formed by the respective
performance of all countries for each indicator
(dependent variable) against the average performance
achieved by the countries in each KPI (explanatory
variable), the coefficient is also negative and
statistically significant (P<0.01 or 1%). This is a final
confirmation that when the average performance
increases (from the performance of all countries in
each KPI) the variance is smaller (i.e. the differences in
performance between countries for that indicator).
Table 7. White heteroskedasticity-consistent standard errors
& covariance
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
Constant 385.2174 129.2635 2.980094 0.0065
AVERAGE_ -4.330393 1.532568 -2.825579 0.0094
DUMMYSPI001 56.26377 29.80685 1.887612 0.0712
DUMMYSPI002 96.94605 37.84314 2.561787 0.0171
DUMMYSPI003 254.6813 70.68217 3.603190 0.0014
DUMMYSPI004 41.18462 30.81005 1.336727 0.1938
DUMMYSPI005 95.68496 73.44351 1.302838 0.2050
DUMMYSPI006 44.81663 32.51158 1.378482 0.1808
DUMMYSPI007 44.83244 25.00463 1.792966 0.0856
R-squared 0.636292 Mean dependent var 127.1210
Adjusted 0.515056 S.D. dependent var 180.9519
S.E. of 126.0111 Akaike info criterion 12.73762
Sum squared 381091.1 Schwarz criterion 13.14576
Log -201.1707 Hannan-Quinn criter. 12.87494
F-statistic 5.248382 Durbin-Watson stat 1.675846
Prob 0.000718
The final regression analysis, presented in Table 7
below, was also performed using dummy variables,
keeping the same explanatory variable of average
performance between all countries in the database,
per KP
I. That is, a value of 1 was set for each KPI
constituting a specific SPI. We observe that the
indicators with the largest variance, regardless of the
average performance of all countries on the specific
KPIs, and based on the statistical significance of the
coefficients, are SPI001 (Environmental Performance),
SPI002 (Health and Safety Performance), SPI003 (HR
Management Performance) and SPI007 (Technical
Performance). SPI003 in particular shows a large
variation, as performance varies significantly across
countries on this indicator.
The above analysis of the BIMCO databases revealed
some useful results regarding the management of the
international fleet and its multidimensional
performance at aggregated level. The analysis of SPIs
and KPIs provided strong evidence that efficient
management of the fleet and the potential cultivation
of good managerial practices can be reflected in all
types of non-financial and non-accounting
performance in the shipping industry. Furthermore, it
leaves room for reasonable extension of this
conclusion at national and even regional level. The
fact that data from Europe-based shipping companies
points towards a collectively robust shipping
performance with no particular variance between the
various performance metrics can be attributed to the
extensive regulatory framework of the EU, which in
close step (and often supplementing) the international
IMO framework, sets the pace for more efficient and
holistic shipping management. Furthermore, the close
link between the ship-owning and ship management
functions, which have been historically inseparable
until the late 20th century (Stopford, 2009) and which
is still strong in the case of european coastal nations as
a result of their socioeconomical, geographical, and
historical characteristics, may be one of the factors
behind this.
Equally interesting is the established variance
SPI001 (Environmental Performance), SPI002 (Health
and Safety Performance), SPI003 (HR Management
Performance) and SPI007 (Technical Performance),
overarched by the large variation of the HR
Management performance. The latter, considering
issues relevant to the health and safety of the crews, is
particularly important as relevant occupational
problems may potentially influence and situational
awareness of the crew ultimately leading to maritime
accidents. As Theotokas (2018) argues, in the greatly
intensified working conditions of contemporary
maritime industry, where crews are substantially
confined in the social environment of ships -their
working and living environment being absolute
synonymous, for the duration of their engagement-
for longer periods of time, shipping companies need
to meaningfully intervene. Be it through a strategy
based on CSR or other means, shipping companies
should try surpassing the minimum regulatory
requirements and tend to the needs of the crews, in
order to ameliorate their everyday life, thus reducing
the possibility for a failure due to the onboard human
Regarding the use of KPIs either as a means of
inter-industrial communication tool, the results of this
research highlighted the potential of an appropriate
KPI system to serve as a foundation towards the
establishment of a shipping Global Performance
Indicator (GPI) system.
As has been argued before, “…in every situation
requiring cross-sectional cooperation, the need for a
common system of reference, a common “language”,
is required by institutional and market stakeholders.”
(Darousos, Mejia and Visvikis, 2019). In a recent
collective work, entitled “The Power of Global
Performance Indicators” (GPI), Kelley and Simmons
explore the role of GPI which they define as “…a
named collection of rank-ordered data that purports
to represent the past or projected performance of
different units”, highlighting the importance of
various numerical indices for the ranking of state
performance, focusing on standards with the
following characteristics:
Public and easily available.
Regular and published on a predictable schedule.
Purposive, explicitly normative, policy focused
Deployed to influence state-level outcomes.
Comparative of the performance of multiple states
within a region or more broadly. (Kelley and
Simmons, 2019).
Various existing indicators, including the United
Nation’s Human Development Index and the UN
er Equality Index, the World Banks Ease of
Doing Business (EDB) Index, the Millennium
Development Goals (MDG), the Financial Action Task
Force (FATF) database, and the Aid Transparency
(AT) Index, serve as examples of what could
successfully constitute a successful GRI. The
importance of GRI not only as a way of international
performance communication, but as a means of
transferring social knowledge and applying social
pressure within emerging forms of influence and
governance, has been therefore established in
previous studies. (Kelley and Simmons, 2019).
The need for similar initiatives for the needs of the
broader maritime industry are obvious and already
expressed through existing databases, such as the
Paris MoU database publishing the port state control
results and the according detention lists, leading to
“White, Grey and Black (WGB) list”, presentιng a
wide range from flags of high to poor performance.
Similar databases exist, emphasizing on
environmental performance, such as the
Environmental Shipping Index (ESI), measuring air
emissions of NOx and SOx with the aim of reducing
Considering the characteristics of GPI and their
social and self-regulatory dynamics far exceeding
simple benchmarking purposes, but rather
constituting a pathway towards wide and narrow
stakeholder cooperation, transparency, participation,
all important aspects of good governance, the need for
a similar multidimensional instrument for the
maritime industry seems to be of paramount
importance. The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)
with its various advances in Big Data, automation and
digital interconnection already alters the global
transportation sector (World Maritime University,
2019) and reshape the industry.
The continuously expanding and evolving
maritime regulatory framework, mostly driven by the
International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the
International Labour Organization (ILO), already
includes an environment allowing for the nurturing of
sustainable development in the sector. From the
Agenda 21 (UNCED, 1992) highlighting the major role
of the ocean, sea, and coastal areas to support human
life to addressing sustainability in the maritime
industry as part of the UN Agenda 2030, multiple
efforts at all levels of the international power structure
underline the effort for protecting the fundamental
pylons of sustainability, present in the first
conceptualization of this concept through the
Brundtland Report (1987): Economy, Society,
Environment. Issues relevant to the environment,
safety and security of the vessel and the cargos, as
well as the human element, its working and living
conditions, health, safety, welfare and appropriate
training and certifications, are already regulated
primarily through various conventions, i.e. the
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
(SOLAS) (IMO, 1974); the International Convention
for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (1973), as
modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto and
by the Protocol of 1997 (MARPOL) (IMO, 2011), the
Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), (ILO, 2006) and
the International Convention on Standards of
Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping for
Seafarers (STCW) (1978).
However, despite most elements of shipping
business -crucial for the sustainability of the wider
sector- being thoroughly regulated as described
above, there is almost complete lack of a standardized
and internationally, industry-wide applied system for
benchmarking (and thus, comparing) the performance
of market actors and member states, wide and narrow
stakeholders, a multi-dimensional GPI tailored for the
needs of the maritime industry.
A maritime GPI not only addressing
environmental and technical dimensions, such as
already existing initiatives, but also aspects relevant to
the human element for example, would support the
exercise of good maritime governance as an
indispensable element of sustainability. Enabling the
homogeneous measurement and comparison of
performance internationally could possibly lead to
targeted sectoral improvements within an
environment of cooperation and participation
between regulators and authorities, as well as market
practitioners, bridging two often opposing forces.
Effective maritime governance should be addressed as
a problem of collective action, with a set of policies
able to reduce conflicts between individual interests
and global efficiency (Ostrom, 2009). For example,
maritime environmental policy has been “…informed
by a command-and-control approach to regulation”
(Furger, 1997), with the self-interested stakeholders
seeking competitive advantage at the expense of the
public interest (Sugden, 1991; Roe, 2013). Several past
studies recognise that the overall issues and problems
in the maritime policy implementation is generated by
lack of effective governance, and not by the
regulations themselves. Bloor et al. (2006) argue that
at the root of the problem lie several governance
issues rather than regulatory failings. Gekara (2010)
provides evidence about lacking jurisdictional and
governance integrity in the maritime sector, while
Benett (2000) states that the problems related to
maritime governance and shipping companies are
due to lack of responsibility and enforcement.
A holistic approach would greatly facilitate the
development of a comprehensive and inclusive
maritime policy, but not one imposed by hierarchical
leading authorities in a top-bottom linear approach
and process. Good governance is not only
synonymous with efficiency in achieving goals but,
far more than that, by interactions from the top of the
governance model to the bottom. A more open and
democratic approach is calling for, and being
characterised by, the decentralization of power; that
is, according to Sørensen and Torfing (2005), a
gradual, yet ongoing, process of debating how
political institutions exercise their power by
governing top-down through enforceable laws and
bureaucratic regulations. The establishment of a
shipping GPI allowing for the homogeneous exchange
of performance information between all maritime
stakeholders could be the next step in this
evolutionary process.
The objectives of this paper were to (i) explore, for the
first time, the overall performance of the international
fleet based on market-generated data through the
Shipping KPI System of BIMCO and (b) investigate
the potential of a suitable KPI standard to bridge, for
the first time, a research gap in the non-financial and
non-accounting performance measurement in the
maritime industry towards the adoption of a Global
Performance Indicator initiative.
To reach its first objective, the research focused on
potential empirical correlations between the various
types of maritime performance. The analysis showed
that indeed, different sub-types of performance seem
to correlate through the scope of shipping
management companies. Overall high scores in mid
and high-level performance can be associated,
signifying that managerial efforts and a robust
regulatory framework can lead to an overall. As a
result, countries can rank regards to the performance
of their respective shipping companies as evidence
suggests correlation between health and safety
performance, and navigational, environmental, and
safety performance of the international fleet.
In this paper by using the unique sample of
BIMCO Shipping KPI System, the authors focused on
the correlation between several categories of
performance, for the first time, and attempted an
according ranking based on the aggregated
performance of national business clusters since 2011.
According to BIMCO, the KPIs need to be observable
and quantifiable; valid indicators of performance;
robust against manipulation; sensitive to change;
transparent. and easy to understand (BIMCO, 2018).
Those elements are directly relevant to some of the
prerequisites for the development of a GRI; which in
turn allows for the suggestion, given its potential, of a
similar, suitable KPI standard, aiming for the
expression of non-accounting and non-financial
performance score of the global fleet.
By attempting an analytical overview of shipping
performance globally, and by identifying structural
relationships between several of its multidimensional
constituting elements, a primary indication is
demonstrated that highlights the reality that market-
generated appliances, such as benchmarking tools,
may serve far greater purposes in the case of industry-
wide adoption.
As potential future research, the connection
between health and safety, and navigational safety
performance, should be further investigated. Focused
investigation of performance indicators of selective
shipping companies at micro-level would be
suggested, in order to conduct a deeper investigation
of the conditions influencing their human element
performance. Furthermore, the examination of
instruments similar to the Shipping KPI System,
would be suggested regarding their potential for
cross-industry standardized exchange of information.
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