Technological progress in electronics, radio
communications and information technology results
in the constant emergence of new proposals for
modifications to the equipment and systems used on
sea-going vessels. The principles and scope of
equipment for these vessels, related to ensuring their
safety, are strictly regulated by the International
Maritime Organization (IMO), with merit-related
support by its committees and sub-committees. In
2006, several countries submitted a proposal to the
IMO Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) for preparing
a broad strategy for the inclusion of new technologies
in a comprehensive manner, to ensure their
compatibility with existing navigation and
communication technologies and services [1]. In
response to this proposal, the MSC took the decision
to initiate work on the “e-navigation” project through
two IMO technical sub-committees: Sub-Committee
on Safety of Navigation (NAV) and Sub-Committee
on Radiocommunications, Search and Rescue
(COMSAR). The project coordinator became the NAV
Sub-Committee [1]. The International Association of
Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse
Authorities (IALA), International Hydrographic
Organisation (IHO) and International Federation of
Shipmasters' Associations (IFSMA) were also invited
to participate in the project. As a result of the
organisational changes in the IMO sub-committees in
2013 coordination over the e-navigation project was
entrusted to a new sub-committee formed by merging
the NAV and COMSAR sub-committees, i.e. Sub-
Committee on Safety of Navigation, Communication
and Search and Rescue (NCSR).
Doubtlessly, one of the key elements of e-
navigation will be a radio communication data
transmission network based on new systems and
those already used in maritime communications. The
above led the IMO to undertaking work in 2012 on
reviewing and modernising the Global Maritime
Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) used in
maritime radio communications. The first phase of
this project concerned a “High-Level Review”, where
fundamental elements of the GMDSS were analysed.
During phase two, in 20132016, a “Detailed Review”
of the GMDSS was performed. Another phase,
completed in 2017, concerned the preparation of a
“GMDSS Modernization Plan”. According to this
plan, all works carried out by the NCSR
subcommittee on the modernization of the system
Key Points of the Modernized GMDSS System
. Korcz
Gdynia Maritime University,
Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: The article presents the reasons and the entire process of work on the modernization of the
GMDSS system. The main legal and technical aspects of the modernization of the GMDSS system were
discussed as well. New devices and systems of the modernized GMDSS system were described. On the basis of
the key points of the modernized GMDSS, an attempt was made to evaluate the entire project.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transpor
Volume 17
Number 1
March 2023
DOI: 10.12716/1001.17.01.
were to be completed in 2021. So, the NCSR Sub-
Committee during 8 session has completed its review
of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
(GMDSS) requirements, agreeing draft amendments
to the International Convention for the Safety of Life
at Sea (SOLAS), 1974 and other existing instruments.
These amendments are intended to enable the use of
modern communication systems in the GMDSS whilst
removing requirements to carry obsolete ones.
Finally draft amendments to the SOLAS
Convention were presented at the 104th Session of the
Maritime Safety Committee (MSC), with a view to
approval and subsequent adoption into MSC 105 in
2022, so that they can enter into force on 1 January
The work on the GMDSS modernization project
can be broken down into tasks concerning the legal
and technical aspects related to implementation of
new maritime radio communication systems and
modification of existing ones [2].
The article presents the main results of work on the
GMDSS modernization project, carried out by the
NCSR Sub-committee, the IMO Correspondence
Group on the Review of the GMDSS and the Joint
IMO/ITU Experts Group, in which the author of the
article participated.
The legal aspects of the GMDSS modernization concern
mainly the regulations issued by the IMO and also issued by
the ITU (International Telecommunications Union).
2.1 IMO regulations
IMO legal aspects of the GMDSS modernization
mainly concern amendments to the Safety Of Life At
Sea (SOLAS) Convention and its related documents.
The SOLAS Convention defines uniform rules and
regulations for the minimum required equipment of
marine vessels, with section 4 devoted to the
As a result of the work on the modernization of
GMDSS, Search and Rescue Locating Devices -
SARLD regulations, i.e. SART (Search And Rescue
Transponder) and AIS-SART (Automatic
Identification System - Search and Rescue
Transmitter), have been transferred from Chapter III
Convention [3].
A very important change in the SOLAS
Convention concerns the definition of sea area A3.
After discussion, the following definition was
adopted [3]:
“Sea area A3 means an area, excluding sea areas A1 and
A2, within the coverage of a recognized mobile satellite
service supported by the ship earth station carried on board,
in which continuous alerting is available.”
In the above definition “recognized mobile satellite
service” means any service which operates through a
satellite system and is recognized by the IMO, for use
Another significant change in the SOLAS
Convention concerns the Functional requirements of
the ship's radio station. According to the changes
introduced to the Convention every ship, while at sea,
shall be capable of [3]:
1. performing the GMDSS functions, which are as
1. transmitting ship-to-shore distress alerts by at
least two separate and independent means,
each using a different radiocommunication
2. receiving shore-to-ship distress alert relays;
3. transmitting and receiving ship-to-ship
distress alerts;
4. transmitting and receiving search and rescue
coordinating communications;
5. transmitting and receiving on-scene
6. transmitting and receiving signals for locating;
7. receiving MSI;
8. transmitting and receiving urgency and safety
communications; and
9. transmitting and receiving bridge-to-bridge
communications; and
2. transmitting and receiving general
In the above functional requirements [3]:
Locating means the finding of ships, aircraft,
survival craft or persons in distress;
Maritime Safety Information (MSI) means
navigational and meteorological warnings,
meteorological forecasts and other urgent safety-
related messages broadcast to ships;
Bridge-to-bridge communications means safety
radiocommunications between ships from the
position from which the ships are normally
General radiocommunications means
communications other than distress, urgency and
safety communications.
It should be noted that the above functional
requirements clearly separate the functions related to
GMDSS (distress, urgency and safety
communications) from the functions related to general
communications. Definitions of sea areas A1 and A2
was left unchanged. Sea area A4 was not redefined,
but as it is the area outside sea areas A1, A2 and A3, it
will vary for ships using different mobile satellite
communication providers.
Taking into account the changes presented above,
the Ship requirements contained in Part C of Chapter
IV of the SOLAS Convention have been changed
All equipment to which the Chapter IV of the
SOLAS Convention applies shall be of a type
approved by the Administration. Such equipment
shall conform to appropriate performance standards
not inferior to those adopted by the IMO. The
resolutions adopted in the above scope by the IMO
have been collected in one Regulation (Regulation 14
Performance standards) and ordered with regard to
General requirements,
VHF equipment,
MF and HF equipment,
Ship earth stations and enhanced group call (EGC)
Integrated radiocommunication systems,
Emergency position-indicating radio beacons, and
Search and rescue transmitters and transponders.
In addition, as a result of work on the
modernization of GMDSS certain regulations of
Chapter IV were modified, as they were simply
outdated or incorrect.
Other major work has been done with regard to
documents relating to the SOLAS Convention.
Following a comprehensive review of the Global
Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) by the
Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and
Search and Rescue (NCSR), the MSC 104 in 2021
approved a set of associated amendments and
revisions to existing related instruments. The aim of
all amendments is to enable the use of modern
communication systems in the GMDSS whilst
removing requirements to carry obsolete systems.
It should be emphasized that the revision of the
relevant regulations in SOLAS chapters IV and
preparation of related and consequential amendments
to other existing instruments is the result of a decade
of detail-oriented work by IMO, in particular by the
NCSR Sub-Committee.
2.2 ITU regulations
As mentioned earlier the legal aspects of the GMDSS
modernization concern the regulations issued by the
ITU (International Telecommunications Union), as
well. These regulations mainly concern the provisions
of the Radio Regulations and the revision of the
relevant ITU Resolutions and Recommendations
adopted at the World Radiocommunication
Conferences (WRCs). Since the beginning of work on
the review and modernization of the GMDSS, two
World Radiocommunication Conferences have been
held i.e. in 2015 (WRC-15) and in 2019 (WRC-19).
During WRC-15, there was no agenda item directly
related to the modernization of the GMDSS system.
The only item on the agenda of this Conference was
item 1.16:
“1.16 to consider regulatory provisions and spectrum
allocations to enable possible new Automatic Identification
System (AIS) technology applications and possible new
applications to improve maritime radiocommunication in
accordance with Resolution 360 (WRC-12)”.
Resolution 360 (WRC-12) concerned:
Consideration of regulatory provisions and spectrum
allocations for enhanced Automatic Identification
System technology applications and for enhanced
maritime radiocommunication.
During the next World Radiocommunication
Conference in 2019 (WRC-19), two points were
directly related to the modernization of the GMDSS
“1.8 to consider possible regulatory actions to support
Global Maritime Distress Safety Systems (GMDSS)
modernization and to support the introduction of additional
satellite systems into the GMDSS, in accordance with
Resolution 359 (Rev.WRC 15); and
1.9.2 modifications of the Radio Regulations, including new
spectrum allocations to the maritime mobile-satellite service
(Earth to space and space-to-Earth), preferably within the
frequency bands 156.0125-157.4375 MHz and 160.6125-
162.0375 MHz of Appendix 18, to enable a new VHF data
exchange system (VDES) satellite component, while
ensuring that this component will not degrade the current
terrestrial VDES components, applications specific
messages (ASM) and AIS operations and not impose any
additional constraints on existing services in these and
adjacent frequency bands as stated in recognizing d) and e)
of Resolution 360 (Rev.WRC 15) - Consideration of
regulatory provisions for updating and modernization of
the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System”.
Resolution 359 (Rev.WRC 15) concerned:
Consideration of regulatory provisions for updating
and modernization of the Global Maritime Distress
and Safety System, and Resolution 360 (Rev.WRC 15)
concerned: Consideration of regulatory provisions
and spectrum allocations to the maritime mobile-
satellite service to enable the satellite component of
the VHF Data Exchange System and enhanced
maritime radiocommunication.
The World Radiocommunication Conferences 2015
and 2019 revised Appendix 18 of the Radio
Regulations, the VHF maritime radio frequency band,
to designate frequency channels to be used for VDES
in accordance with the most recent version of
Recommendation ITU-R M.2092 - Technical
characteristics for a VHF data exchange system in the
VHF maritime mobile band. These VDES channels
were duplex channels with two bands separated by
4.6 MHz, where both bands are used to facilitate
VDES communications between ships, shore stations,
and satellites. Since 2024 all the VDES VHF channels
shall only be used for the VDES
(MSC.1/Circ.1460/Rev.2) globally (Fig. 1) [4].
Figure 1. International availability of VDES spectrum (as
App.18 of ITU Radio Regulations) [4]
In 2022 ITU has published latest version of ITU-R
M.2092-1 incorporating changes to add VDES Satellite
functionality and updates consequential to feasibility
tests [5].
It should be mentioned that the World Radio
Conference 2012 approved the worldwide exclusive
usage of the frequency band 495 - 505 kHz for the
maritime mobile service for the exclusive use of
NAVDAT. In 2011 the ITU-R Study Group 5 adopted
the Recommendation ITU-R-M.2010 which will be
published in 2012 “Characteristics of a digital system,
named Navigational Data for broadcasting maritime
safety and security related information” [6]. In 2014,
Recommendation ITU-R M.2058 “Characteristics of a
digital system, referred to as navigational data for
broadcasting maritime safety and security related
information from shore-to-ship in the maritime HF
frequency band” [7] was adopted. The adopted
frequency bands for NAVDAT HF are given in Table
1 (frequencies of RR Appendix 17).
Table 1. Frequencies for NAVDAT HF system [7]
Central frequency (kHz) Limits (kHz)
4 226 4 221 to 4 231
6 337.5 6 332.5 to 6 342.5
8 443 8 438 to 8 448
12 663.5 12 658.5 to 12 668.5
16 909.5 16 904.5 to 16 914.5
22 450.5 22 445.5 to 22 455.5
Wherein, the main international NAVDAT HF
frequency is 4 226 kHz.
As a result of further work on NAVDAT, ITU
published Report ITU-R M.2443-0 "NAVDAT
Guidelines" in 2022, and updated versions of the
recommendations ITU-R-M.2010 and
Recommendation ITU-R M.2058 in 2023.
In addition to the above-mentioned main
regulations regarding the modernization of GMDSS,
ITU also introduced a number of changes to improve
or update the existing provisions.
2.3 Upcoming regulations
In order to complete the process of GMDSS
modernization, further work is being carried out by
the IMO and ITU. The expression of these works are
the following items on the agenda of the NCSR Sub-
Committee planned for discussion in 2023 during its
10 sessions:
1. Development of amendments to SOLAS chapters
IV and V and performance standards and
guidelines to introduce VHF data exchange system
2. Development of performance standards for a
digital navigational data system (NAVDAT),
3. Developments in GMDSS services, including
guidelines on maritime safety information (MSI),
4. Revision of the Criteria for the provision of mobile
satellite communication services in the Global
Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)
(resolution A.1001(25)), and
5. Response to matters related to the ITU-R Study
Groups and ITU World Radiocommunication
The upcoming World Radiocommunication
Conference (WRC-23), which will take place from 20
November to 15 December 2023, will deal with the
following agenda item directly related to the
modernization of the GMDSS too:
“1.11 to consider possible regulatory actions to support the
modernization of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety
System and the implementation of e-navigation, in
accordance with Resolution 361 (Rev.WRC-19)”.
In accordance with Resolution 361 (Rev.WRC 19),
this agenda item consists of three different issues
which should be treated separately:
1. to consider possible regulatory actions, based on
the ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU R)
studies, taking into consideration the activities of
IMO, as well as information and requirements
provided by IMO, to support GMDSS
2. to consider possible regulatory actions, including
spectrum allocations based on the ITU
Radiocommunication Sector (ITU R) studies, for
the maritime mobile service, supporting e
3. to consider regulatory provisions, if any, based on
the results of ITU R studies, referred to in invites
the ITU Radiocommunication Sector below, to
support the introduction of additional satellite
systems into the GMDSS.
Under point 1) the following issues will be
removal of the obsolete Narrow Band Direct
Printing (NDBP) telegraphy system from the
GMDSS in all associated MF and HF bands
(amendments to Appendices 15 and 17 RR);
introduction of a new ACS (Automatic Connection
System) system to the RR, which would use the
marine MF and HF bands;
including the NAVDAT system frequencies in the
HF and MF bands in Annex 15 RR and making
appropriate changes to Art. 5, 32, 33 and 52 RR;
ensuring protection in RR for frequencies used by
AIS-SART (Automatic Identification System -
Search And Rescue Transmitter);
regulatory actions in response to IMO's decision to
remove EPIRBs using frequencies other than 406
MHz ("non-406 MHz EPIRBs") from the GMDSS.
The most important proposals for introducing new or
modifying existing marine radio communication
systems are presented below.
3.1 New satellite operators
According to the current regulations, in order for a
satellite system (operator) to be considered as meeting
the requirements of the SOLAS Convention (GMDSS),
it has to meet the requirements specified in IMO
Resolution A.1001(25) “Criteria for the provision of
mobile satellite communication systems in a global
maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS)” [8].
Current provisions of the SOLAS Convention and the
above Resolution are very strict, e.g. they require
global coverage for operations [8]. In order to change
this, SOLAS Chapter 4 was modified to ensure actual
access to the GMDSS for other satellite service
providers (see point 2.1). In the above context, the
issue of frequency availability for new GMDSS
operators was considered in point 1.8 of the WRC-19
and will be considered in point 1.11 of the WRC-23.
During the work on the modernization of GMDSS,
all IMO documents applicable to Inmarsat were
reviewed to adapt them to new GMDSS satellite
service providers. In 2018 the MSC 99 agreed that
Iridium Satellite LLC had satisfied the established
criteria to receive recognition as a mobile satellite
communication service provider in the Global
Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) and
adopted a Statement of Recognition of the Maritime
Mobile Satellite Services provided by Iridium Satellite
LLC, which recognizes the services provided by the
Iridium Safety Voice, Short-Burst Data and enhanced
group calling services, for use in the GMDSS. The
Iridium constellation connects 66 cross-linked
satellites in Low-Earth Orbit, providing reliable
coverage even in adverse weather around the entire
globe, including over the Arctic and Antarctic waters
in Sea Area A4 (Fig. 2) [9].
Figure 2. Iridium constellation showing the six orbital
planes [9]
At the same session the MSC also adopted a
Statement of Recognition of Maritime Satellite
Services provided by Inmarsat Global Ltd, for use in
the GMDSS. The statement recognizes services
provided by the Inmarsat Fleet Safety service, in the
coverage area under the Inmarsat-4 Middle East and
Asia (MEAS) region satellite. Approved by the IMO
Inmarsat Fleet Safety is a maritime data service that
supports GMDSS compliance for voice and data
distress, and urgency and safety communications.
Combining a Maritime Safety Terminal (MST) with
existing FleetBroadband or Fleet One data services,
Fleet Safety is the significant advance in maritime
safety. Fleet Safety offers a full suite of GMDSS
applications such as Distress Alerting, Priority
Messaging, reception of Maritime Safety Information,
priority Short Access Codes such as 38-Medical
Assistance. New innovative safety features are also
included such as Distress Chat with MRCCs and
retrieval of historic Maritime Safety Information.
Following the assessment and evaluation of an
application by China Transport Telecommunication
Information Group Co. Ltd. (CTTIC) to recognize the
BeiDou Message Service System (BDMSS) for use in
the GMDSS, in November 2022the, MSC 106 adopted
an MSC resolution on Statement of recognition of the
maritime mobile satellite services provided by CTTIC
through BDMSS. The recognition is currently limited
to a coverage area within 75°E to 135°E longitude and
10°N to 55°N latitude. IMSO will continue to monitor
the implementation of BDMSS and will report to the
Committee when the Public Services Agreement with
CTTIC has been concluded and the Letter of
Compliance has been issued to mark the
commencement of services.
3.2 Terrestial radio communication
Without a doubt, VHF radiotelephones will remain a
highly useful component of maritime radio
communications. HF radio communications will
remain a required communication system for sea area
A4. It is well known that HF communication is highly
varied and difficult due to variable ionospheric
propagation. A solution to this problem is the use of
ACS (Automatic Connection System). An example of
such a system is automatic frequency scanning and
automatic link establishment (ALE) systems,
improving the success of using HF communication.
Automatic link establishment (ALE) equipment
transmits signals to other stations on a network on
one or more of a pre-arranged list of frequencies. Link
assessment data is stored in an internal database and
used to establish communications on the frequency
most suited to the propagation environment. The ALE
system requires the prior assignment of a suite of
frequencies. These frequencies vary in number but, in
the interests of establishing the link as rapidly as
possible, the number is kept reasonably small (e.g.
four to seven). The ideal adaptive system uses real-
time ionospheric information to modify the suite of
frequencies being evaluated.
Another analysed issue was the use of NBDP in
sea areas A3 and A4. It was found that reception of
maritime safety information (MSI) in the HF band
remains necessary, but it can be acquired by means
other than NBDP, and that this technology will not be
required to fulfil any other GMDSS function.
However, existing NBDP devices can be left to receive
MSI if the ship is not equipped with other devices
fulfilling this function.
To summarise, the application of the proposed
technological progress may lead to easier and more
effective use of the MF/HF bands.
3.3 New communication technologies
The detailed GMDSS review clearly indicates the need
to use new technologies. The main examples of such
new technology are systems NAVDAT and VDES.
Navigational Data (NAVDAT) is the radio system,
for use in the maritime mobile service, operating in
the MF (500 kHz) and HF bands for digital
broadcasting of maritime safety and security related
information from shore-to-ship [6, 7]. The NAVDAT
system uses a time-slot allocation similar to the
NAVTEX system which could be coordinated by IMO
in the same manner. That system can also work on
Single Frequency Network (SFN). In this case
transmitters are frequency synchronized and the
transmit data must be the same for all transmitter. The
NAVDAT digital system offers a broadcast
transmission of any kind of message from shore to
ships with possibility of encryption. Any broadcasting
message should be provided by a secure and
controlled source.
Message types broadcast can include, but are not
limited to, the following:
safety of navigation;
search and rescue;
meteorological messages;
piloting or harbour messages;
vessel traffic system files transfer.
These messages are broadcasted for the attention
of all ships, a group of ships or in a specific navigation
area. These messages can be addressed to one ship,
using the maritime mobile service identity (MMSI) as
well. The NAVDAT system is organized upon five
vectors performing the following functions [6, 7]:
1. System of information and management (SIM):
collects and controls all kinds of information;
creates message files to be transmitted;
creates transmitting programme according to
message files priority and need of repetition.
2. Shore network:
assures the transportation of the message files
from sources to the transmitters.
3. Shore transmitter:
receives the message files from SIM;
translates message files to orthogonal frequency
division multiplexing (OFDM) signal;
transmits RF signal to the antenna for broadcast
to ships.
4. Transmission channel:
transports the RF signal.
5. Ship receiver:
demodulates the RF OFDM signal;
reconstructs the message files;
sorts and makes the message files available for
the dedicated equipment according to the
message files applications.
Figure 4 shows the diagram of the NAVDAT
broadcast chain [10].
Figure 4. The diagram of the NAVDAT broadcast chain [10]
The SIM term includes:
all the sources that deliver file messages (e.g.
meteorological office, safety and security
organizations, etc.);
the file multiplexer which is an application
running on a server;
the file multiplexer manager;
the shore transmitter manager.
All the sources are connected to the file
multiplexer through a network. The shore network
can use a broadband link, a low data rate link or a
local file sharing.
A coastal transmitting station consists of this
minimum configuration:
one local server connected to a protected access;
one OFDM modulator;
one RF amplifier;
one transmit antenna with matching unit;
one GNSS receiver or atomic clock for
one monitoring receiver with its antenna.
A typical NAVDAT digital receiver is composed of
several basic blocks:
reception antenna and GNSS antenna;
RF front end;
file demultiplexer;
power supply.
NAVDAT MF ship receiver performance
specifications has been showed on Table 2 [6].
Table 2. Performance specifications of NAVDAT MF ship
Frequency band 495 to 505 kHz
Adjacent channel protection > 40 dB @ 5 kHz
Noise factor < 20 dB
Usable sensitivity for BER = 10−4 < −100 dBm
after error correction
Dynamic > 80 dB
Minimal usable RF field (with adapted 25 dB(µV/m)
receiving antenna)
The system uses Orthogonal Frequency-Division
Multiplexing (OFDM) which is a modulation
technology for digital transmissions. In the 10 kHz
channel bandwidth with RF propagation, the raw data
rate available for the data stream (DS) is typically
around 25 kbit/s with 16-QAM signal.
Another new communications technology planned
for use in the e-navigation and in the modernized
GMDSS is the VHF Data Exchange System (VDES).
The VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) was
developed by International Association of Marine
Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities
(IALA) to address emerging indications of overload of
the AIS VHF Data Link (VDL) and simultaneously
enabling a wider seamless data exchange for the
maritime community. The initial concept of VDES
includes the function of the Automatic Identification
System (AIS), Applications Specific Messages (ASM),
VDE terrestrial component and VDE satellite
component. The VDES is one of the potential elements
of e-navigation. The VDES is capable of exchanging
ASM, facilitating numerous applications for safety
and security of navigation, protection of marine
environment, efficiency of shipping and others. The
VDES will prospectively have a significant beneficial
impact on the maritime information services
including Aids to Navigation (AtN) and Vessel Traffic
Service (VTS) in the future. It can potentially provide
local MSI.
The VDES concept includes a satellite component.
This system component might be suitable to be used
for the transmission of MSI information in remote
areas [5].
Insufficient study on sharing and compatibility
between the VDE satellite component and incumbent
services in the same and adjacent frequency bands
was the cause that the spectrum issue could not be
resolved at World Radiocommunication Conference
in 2015 (WRC-15). Consequential to WRC15, the
ITU standard for VDES, Recommendation ITUR
M.20920, was approved in 2016. An outstanding
issue regarding the satellite component for VDE
channels was approved at WRC-19 (see point 2.2).
VDES builds on the experience gained through the
development of AIS, and provides the capability to
communicate to [4]:
a specific vessel (addressed);
all units in the vicinity (broadcast);
a group of vessels (addressed); and
a fleet of vessels (addressed).
The VDES should improve the safety of life at sea,
the safety and efficiency of navigation, and the
protection of marine environment and enhance
maritime safety and security. These goals will be
achieved through efficient and effective use of
maritime radiocommunications, incorporating the
following functional requirements [4]:
as a means of AIS.
as a means of radiocommunications equipment
through exchange of digital data between ship to
ship, ship to shore including satellite, via AIS,
ASM and VDE.
as a means of applications external to the VDES
equipment itself. These applications use AIS, ASM
or VDE separately or combined.
In order to meet the above functional
requirements, the ship's VDES device should include
antenna(s), capable of transmitting and receiving
data through terrestrial and satellite link;
an AIS as set out in resolution MSC.74(69) Annex 3
a multi-function data communication and timing
process that is interoperable with AIS, ASM and
a multi-function transmitter, capable of operating
on the designated AIS, ASM and VDE frequencies;
multi-function receivers, capable of operating on
the designated AIS, ASM and VDE frequencies;
a means to automatically input data from other
a means to automatically output data to other
a means of ensuring the integrity of the data;
a means to automatically or manually update the
device software as needed;
functionality of a built-in test equipment (BITE);
GNSS receiver to support AIS and to possibly
serve as a secondary source of Positioning
Navigation and Timing (PNT).
IMO identifies following the Maritime Services in
the context of e-Navigation as defined by IMO e-
navigation strategic implementation plan (SIP) and
their updated E-Navigation Strategy Implementation
Plan - Update 1 (IMO MSC.1/Circ.1595)[9]:
VTS Information Service (INS);
Navigation Assistance Service (NAS);
Traffic Organization Service (TOS);
Local Port Service (LPS);
Maritime Safety Information (MSI) service;
Pilotage service;
Tugs service;
Vessel Shore Reporting;
Telemedical Maritime Assistance Service (TMAS);
Maritime Assistance Service (MAS);
Nautical Chart Service;
Nautical Publications Service;
Ice Navigation Service;
Meteorological Information Service;
Real-time hydrographic and environmental
information Services; and
Search and Rescue Service.
It should be emphasized that the VDES satellite
component will offer additional communication in the
polar regions and other remote areas for the above use
cases. All these use cases are related to e-navigation
and GMDSS modernization.
The modernization of the GMDSS was closely
connected with the development of the e-navigation
project and the detailed role of the
radiocommunication in this process. Undoubtedly,
the ICT network of the modernized GMDSS will be
one of the most important elements of e-navigation.
The main issue in the work on the modernization
of GMDSS was the preparation of good changes to the
SOLAS Convention and appropriate changes to the
Radio Regulations. It should be noted that it was very
important that the work on the amendments to the
Radio Regulations was correlated with the work of
the IMO on the modernization of the GMDSS system.
In addition, in this work it was very important to
ensure that it would be a continuous and open
process to ensure that it remains modern and fully
responsive to changes in requirements and technology
development and that it meets the expected
requirements in the field of e-navigation. To ensure
this, it was also necessary to create a mechanism,
more than hitherto, for the continuous evolution of
maritime radiocommunications (GMDSS) in a
systematic way. In this approach to the development
of the GMDSS, it was very important that the integrity
of the GMDSS was not compromised.
According to the author, taking into account the
results of the modernization of GMDSS, both in terms
of legal and technical changes, and especially the
modernization of existing systems and devices and
the introduction of new communication technologies,
the above has been fulfilled. For example, the VDES
and NAVDAT systems will make a significant
contribution to digital communications for e-
navigation and the modernization of the Global
Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) (See
Chapter 3.3).
It should be noted that the key to the success of the
GMDSS modernization project will be not only the
timeliness of legal works (see Introduction), but also
the timeliness of the implementation of the adopted
In the above context, it should be noted the
reported problems with the availability of new
GMDSS radio equipment from 1 January 2024 [11].
The performance standards in resolutions
MSC.511(105) on Performance standards for
shipborne VHF radio installations capable of voice
communication and digital selective calling and
MSC.512(105) on Performance standards for
shipborne MF and MF/HF radio installations capable
of voice communication, digital selective calling and
reception of maritime safety information and search
and rescue related information, require the
development of new equipment with some new
In addition, in the case of shipborne VHF
installations, further definition is required from the
ITU on interface matters, and these are currently still
under study within the ITU.
In the case of shipborne MF and MF/HF radio
installations, resolution MSC.512(105) introduces the
new feature of the Automatic Connection System (See
Chapter 3.2). This will require frequencies for the
channels for its operation which are intended to be
made available by the ITU World
Radiocommunication Conference due to be held from
20 November to 15 December 2023 (WRC-23). These
frequencies should then be available in the new
edition of the Radio Regulations which will probably
come into force in January 2025.
The result of the issues above is that, regrettably,
the manufacturing industry finds itself unable to meet
the date of 1 January 2024 for new installations of
shipborne VHF radios and shipborne MF and MF/HF
radios complying with the provisions of resolutions
MSC.511(105) and MSC.512(105). According to the
author, to solve this problems, January 1, 2026 should
be taken as a realistic date for the installation of these
new devices on ships.
And finally, according to the author, the key to the
final success of the GMDSS modernization and e-
navigation projects will be not only the timeliness of
works and implementation, but above all the
flexibility of both systems, allowing for more efficient
introduction of further changes, taking into account
technological progress.
[1] Report of the Maritime Safety Committee on its 81
session, International Maritime Organization (IMO),
[2] Korcz, K., Some Aspects of the Modernization Plan for
the GMDSS, International Journal on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation, vol. 11, no. 1, 2017
OVERVIEW, Edition 3.0, IALA, 2022
[5] Recommendation ITU-R M.2092-1, Technical
characteristics for a VHF data exchange system in the
VHF maritime mobile band, ITU, 2022
[6] Recommendation ITU-R-M.2010, Characteristics of a
digital system, named Navigational Data for
broadcasting maritime safety and security related
information, ITU, 2012
[7] Recommendation ITU-R M.2058, Characteristics of a
digital system, referred to as navigational data for
broadcasting maritime safety and security related
information from shore-to-ship in the maritime HF
frequency band, ITU, 2014
[8] Resolution A.1001(25), Criteria for the provision of
mobile satellite communication systems in a global
maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS), IMO
AND TECHNOLOGY - Recognition of Iridium mobile
satellite system as GMDSS service provider, IMO, 2015
[10] Korcz, K., Some Aspects of the Modernization Plan for
the GMDSS, International Journal on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation, vol. 11, no. 1, 2017
[11] NCSR 10/21/5, ANY OTHER BUSINESS - Delays
affecting the availability of new GMDSS radio
equipment from 1 January 2024, IMO, 2023