In this world of advanced shipbuilding technology,
large volumes of cargo are transported worldwide by
ships. Recently, in addition to cost reduction, efficient
operation is required to reduce the global
environmental burden. Consequently, there is a
growing interest in weather routing, which can
provide energy-saving voyage plans by considering
the ship's performance and condition and forecast
information on weather and sea conditions
encountered during the voyage. In weather routing,
an optimal route is determined before the voyage
using optimization methods such as dynamic
programming, considering the forecast information
and the ship's propulsive performance in actual sea
conditions [1,2]. Therefore, high-quality weather
routing requires accurate prediction of a ship's fuel
consumption and ship’s speed. However, these
predictions are not straightforward and have been the
subject of extensive research. For instance, a method
of modelling using statistical regression equations
based on multiple tests of a ship's performance under
specific environmental conditions is available [3,4].
This makes it possible to estimate the fuel
consumption and speed of the vessel by inputting the
control variables such as main engine revolution,
propeller blade angel used to operate the vessel, in
addition to the forecast information on the weather
and sea conditions of the voyage. The advantage of
this method is its high interpretability because the
modelling is based on physical knowledge. However,
this method has limitations because it simplifies the
weather, sea conditions, and other conditions of actual
voyages. Consequently, the obtained models do not
represent all aspects of ship performance, and there
are issues with the accuracy of predicting fuel
consumption and ship’s speed. Therefore, machine
learning has been adopted for these predictions in
recent years [5]. This method models a ship's
navigation performance implicitly by training actual
navigation data on a machine learning model such as
Prediction of Ship's Speed Through Ground Using
Previous Voyage's Drift Speed
D. Yamane & T. Kano
NPO Marine Technologist, Tokyo, Japan
ABSTRACT: In recent years, 'weather routing' has been attracting increasing attention as a means of reducing
costs and environmental impact. In order to achieve high-quality weather routing, it is important to accurately
predict the ship's speed through ground during a voyage from ship control variables and predicted data on
weather and sea conditions. Because sea condition forecasts are difficult to produce in-house, external data is
often used, but there is a problem that the accuracy of sea condition forecasts is not sufficient and it is
impossible to improve the accuracy of the forecasts because the d
ata is external. In this study, we propose a
machine learning method for predicting speed through ground by considering the actual values of the previous
voyage’s drift speed for ships that regularly operate on the same route, such as ferries. Experimental results
showed that this method improves the prediction performance of ship’s speed through ground.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transporta
Volume 17
Number 1
March 2023
DOI: 10.12716/1001.17.01.
a neural network (NN) [6]. Although this method
lacks interpretability, unlike modelling in simplified
situations, it can evaluate ships more accurately
because it considers actual voyage data. Therefore,
this method may also be effective in the current
situation where the data collection infrastructure
during voyages is becoming easier with the
development of IT and other technologies. However,
caution is required when applying machine learning
models as they may not be effective depending on the
target of prediction and the number of data available
for training. Also, one of the explanatory variables
used as input to the model is the forecast information
on weather and sea conditions provided by
meteorological agencies, but it should be noted that
there are forecast errors. Thus, the authors pay
attention to the fact that captains use the state of the
previous day's current for navigation. Since currents
generally change slowly over time, the previous day's
currents are expected to contribute to predicting
ship’s speed on the current day's voyage. Although it
is not possible to directly measure the actual values of
the ocean currents, the drift speed v
d, which indicates
the magnitude of the ship's current caused mainly by
the ocean currents, can be calculated using the ship's
speed through ground v
g and speed through water vw,
as shown in equation (1).
d gw
Based on the mentioned above, this study
proposes a method for estimating the fuel
consumption and the ship’s speed using LightGBM
[7], which can incorporate information on the drift
speed of the previous voyage. This method improves
the prediction accuracy of ship’s speed through
ground, which is significantly affected by sea
conditions. The proposal method was also found to be
effective in predicting fuel consumption and ship’s
speed through water.
Finally, this paper is organized as follows: Section
2 introduces the research on the prediction of fuel
consumption and ship’s speed and machine learning-
based forecasting, while Section 3 identifies the
dataset's characteristics and the task to be solved.
Section 4 describes the proposal method, and Section
5 presents numerical experiments on the drift speed
and the proposal method. Finally, Section 6
summarizes the paper and discusses future prospects.
When predicting a value in various fields, it is a
common practice to express the relationship between
explanatory variables (inputs) and objective variables
(outputs) using mathematical formulas. Similar
methods have also been applied in the shipping field.
For instance, in [8], the relationship between hourly
fuel consumption l/h and ship’s speed v
s per hour is
expressed using a component-separated physical
model, as shown in equation (2).
= ++
1 2 3, ,
s wind i wave i
aW v a f a f
The first term on the right side represents the
resistance in calm seas, the second term represents the
resistance due to wind, and the third term represents
the resistance due to waves. Here, W is displacement,
wind is the resistance component due to wind, and fwave,i
is the resistance component due to waves. These
constants, a,a
1,a2, and a3,i, can be estimated using
regression analysis or other methods based on the
ship's operating variables such as main engine
revolution and forecast information on weather and
sea conditions. Also, if the fuel consumption per hour
in equation (2) is assumed to be proportional to the
cube of the main engine revolution, as shown in
equation (3), the ships speed through water can be
On the other hand, in recent years, machine
learning models, particularly neural networks, have
increasingly been utilized to make predictions across
various fields [9,10]. One of the advantages of using
machine learning models is their high expressive
power. Unlike a modeling using mathematical
formulas, where the regression function is set based
on assumptions of the relationship between
explanatory variables and objective variables,
machine learning models automatically learn the
relationship from the data and thus can capture more
detailed and complex phenomena. Although the
modeling using mathematical formulas, as shown in
equations (2) and (3), is highly interpretable, its
expressive power is limited. Moreover, the function
used for regression must be manually selected,
making it prone to errors. In contrast, machine
learning models are more complex and difficult for
humans to interpret, but they have the potential to
achieve high accuracy due to their high expressive
power. Therefore, in the shipping field, machine
learning models are being used to predict fuel
consumption and ship’s speed. For instance, in [11], a
neural network is used to predict fuel consumption
based on seven explanatory variables, including
ship’s speed, main engine revolution, average draft,
trim, cargo volume, and wind and sea effects.
Similarly, [5] employs a neural network to predict
ship’s speed through ground using explanatory
variables such as main engine revolution, wing angle,
wind direction, wind strength, sea current direction,
sea current strength, and elapsed time since entering
the dock. These studies indicate that the most
common variables used as explanatory variables in
predicting fuel consumption and ship’s speed are
operating variables of the ship, variables representing
weather and sea conditions, and elapsed time since
docking. It should be noted that the elapsed time since
docking is used as an explanatory variable since a
ship's performance tends to decrease over time due to
the attachment of marine organisms after it enters the
dock and is cleaned. Prediction using Transformer or
LSTM, types of neural network models that can
consider time series characteristics, has also been
investigated [12]. With this model, data obtained
during the voyage can be used as explanatory
variables, enabling more accurate predictions.
However, while this model is effective in situations
where real-time ship’s speed prediction is required, it
is not suitable when the model is intended to be used
before sailing, as in this study. Also, there is a study
that machine learning models, such as XGBoost[13]
and LightGBM[7], to predict and compare fuel
consumption of ships[14]. Both models have the
advantage of achieving high accuracy and speed even
without a large amount of data. However, as shown
in [14], LightGBM is generally preferred over XGBoost
because it is faster and more accurate. Although
neural networks are commonly used in machine
learning studies due to their versatility and name
recognition, decision tree-based machine learning
models are more effective in certain cases. As
demonstrated in [15], decision tree models perform
better than neural network models when the data is
limited and in tabular form, as in this study.
Therefore, we use LightGBM, one of the decision tree
models, in this study.
The target ship used in this study is sailing Japanese
southern part of Pacific Ocean, and from January 3,
2022 to May 11, 2022, monitoring data such as
datetime, fuel consumption, ship’s speed
(water/ground), position (latitude, longitude), wind
direction and speed (relative), main engine revolution,
propeller blade angle, direction of course, and
direction of moving are automatically collected every
10 minutes. The data is then transmitted to and stored
on a server on land via ship-to-shore communications.
In this study, we performed spatiotemporal
corrections to the grid point value (GPV) data
provided by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA),
and calculated and appended the wind (wind
direction and wind speed), waves (wave height, wave
direction and wave period), and Sea and tidal currents
(current speed) corresponding to the time and ship
position of the collected data. The number of data
recorded during ship operations is approximately 80-
100 per day. Table 1 summarizes the information on
the data, and Table 2 shows an image of the data
Note that if the same data is used for both training
and testing the model, the model already knows the
answers, resulting in a high prediction accuracy. In
the field of machine learning, this problem is known
as leakage, and measures need to be taken to prevent
it during model evaluation. On the other hand, in the
data analysed in this study, measurements taken
during the same voyage tend to be similar. Thus,
indirect leakage may occur even if the measurements
were taken at different times, and the data from the
same voyage needs to be handled with care.
Table 1. Information on data
Period Number Measurement Forecast data
of data data used in used in
this study this study
2022/1/3- 10329 datetime, wind
2022/5/11 (Data while latitude/ direction(deg),
the ship is longitude(deg), wind
moving fuel speed(m/s),
during the consumption(ℓ), wave
measurement ship’s speed height(m),
period) through water wave direction
(knot), (deg), wave
ship’s speed period (s),
through ground wave height
(knot), (m),
main engine wave
revolution(rpm), period(s),
propeller blade current speed
angle(deg), (m/s)
direction of
direction of
inlet and outlet
Table 2. Image of data
datetime latitude longtitude current
2022/1/3 0:00 33.4334 131.7932 0.22
2022/1/3 0:10 33.4003 131.7121 0.17
: : : : :
2022/5/11 23:50 32.7342 132.4278 0.21
Although the data used in this paper is comparable
to data typically measured on a ship, there are three
issues that need to be addressed. The first issue is that
the ship’s speed through water includes errors. While
the ship’s speed through ground can be measured
almost accurately using GPS, the ship’s speed through
water is measured using a sensor installed on the
bottom of the ship. These errors include bias and
change over time and can affect the value of the
prevailing current, which is calculated using equation
(1). Therefore, it is necessary to develop a method that
is somewhat robust to errors.
The second issue involves devising a method to
incorporate information on the previous voyage's drift
speed. As previously mentioned, data is measured
every 10 minutes, and a certain amount of data from
the previous voyage has been accumulated. While it is
possible to use all of the data for forecasting, there is a
lot of unnecessary information, and the computation
time increases significantly. Thus, it is necessary to
appropriately extract the necessary information and
use it for forecasting.
The third issue pertains to the limited information
available from the previous day's data. While data
from the previous day can be obtained, only data
from on the actual navigated route can be collected
(refer to Figure 1). Therefore, it is necessary to
supplement the drift speed for coordinates other than
the route taken. However, the completion of
coordinates for which no data is available may
introduce noise. Thus, a method needs to be
developed to incorporate the drift speed information
as noise-free as possible.
Figure 1. Relationship between the route and the data
In this section, the proposal method is explained in
detail. Section 4.1 provides an overview of the
proposal method, while Section 4.2 describes the
module designed to extract the necessary information
on the drift speed from the previous day's voyage
data. Section 4.3 explains LightGBM machine learning
method and the advantages of using it in the
proposed model.
4.1 Overview of the Proposal method
Figure 2 illustrates the overall diagram of the proposal
method: LightGBM receives inputs that include the
features extracted by the module that appropriately
extracts drift speeds from the previous voyage's data,
ship coordinates, ship operating variables, and
forecast data on weather and sea conditions. Based on
these feature values, the system estimates and outputs
the target variables, namely fuel consumption, ship’s
speed through water, and ship’s speed through
As discussed in Section 3, there were three main
issues in this research: (1) extracting necessary
information from a large amount of previous voyage
data, (2) accounting for errors in ship’s speed through
water, and (3) appropriately supplementing the drift
speed at coordinates not covered by the previous
voyage. The proposal method addresses the first issue
by using a module to extract information on drift
speed from the previous voyage's data, and addresses
the second and third issues by using LightGBM.
Figure 2. Overall diagram of the proposal method
4.2 Module to properly extract drift speeds from the data
of the previous voyage
As mentioned earlier, it is necessary to extract only
the necessary information from the data from
previous voyages since there is a lot of unnecessary
information. Given that the drift speed typically
depends on the coordinates, we believe that the drift
speeds around the coordinates to be predicted are
useful for the forecast, and conversely, there is no
need to consider the drift speeds at coordinates
further away from the coordinates to be predicted.
Therefore, we extract data as follows. First, we
perform meshing (N × M) on the square region
containing the coordinates of the possible paths
during the voyage. Next, if the data corresponding to
each cell of the meshed coordinates is available in the
previous voyage data, we calculate the drift speed
using equation (1) and embed the information in the
cell. Then, the system extracts drift speeds contained
in the h cells on the left, right, top, and bottom of the
cell whose coordinates correspond to the coordinates
to be predicted. Cells with no information are also
extracted as None, indicating that they have no
information. The above flow is summarized in
Algorithm 1, and Figure 3 illustrates the algorithm
when N=6, M=12, and h=1. When inputting features to
LightGBM, they are named with the cell to be
predicted as the center (0, 0), and the positive
directions are right and down. An example of this is
shown in Figure 4.
Figure 3. Image of the algorithm when N=6, M=12, and h=1
Figure 4. Image of feature naming
Algorithm 1 Extraction of drift speed from data of previous
Require: Coordinate of target c, Data of previous voyage D
1: map Initialize an N × M array with None
2: for d in D do
3: i,j Calculate i,j corresponding to the squares of
map from the upper table of coordinates
contained in d
4: map[i,j] the value of the drift speed using
equation (1) from the ship's speed through
ground and water included in v
5: end for
6: drifts Initialize an (2h+1) × (2h+1) array with None
7: s,t Calculate s,t corresponding to the squares in
map from c
8: for i in -(2h+1)...(2h+1) do
9: for j in -(2h+1)...(2h+1) do
10: drifts[i,j] map[s+i,t+j]
11: end for
12: end for
13: drifts Flatten drifts to one dimension
14: return drifts
4.3 LightGBM
LightGBM is a machine learning method that employs
an ensemble of multiple decision trees and is widely
recognized for its speed and accuracy. To provide an
overview of LightGBM, we briefly describe the
decision tree on which LightGBM is based (for a
detailed description of LightGBM, refer to [7]). The
trained decision tree is a tree structure, in which non-
terminal nodes have rules expressed in terms of
specific features and threshold values, and terminal
nodes have predicted values of the objective variable.
When data is inputted into the model, a rule-based
decision is made to determine if a particular
explanatory variable in the data exceeds the threshold
value set at the node or not. The process is repeated
until the terminal node is reached, and the objective
variable value of the terminal node is output as a
predicted value. During training, the feature values
and threshold values of each node are determined to
ensure accurate predictions for the training data.
Figure 5 illustrates an example of a decision tree and
data for predicting ship’s speed through ground. This
figure is used to explain the forecasting process. At
the root node, the branching rule is whether the main
engine revolution is greater than or less than 620. The
example data has a main engine revolution of 630, so
it branches to the right child node. At the branched
child node, the rule for branching is whether the wave
height is greater than or less than 0.5, and since the
wave height is 0.199 in the data, the node branches to
the left child node. Since the branched child node is
the terminal node, the predicted ship’s speed through
ground is output as 28.31, which is set as the
predicted objective variable value. Although a
detailed explanation is omitted here, LightGBM
generates multiple decision trees and outputs the
predicted value of each tree. The model outputs a
final prediction that takes the predictions of each tree
into account.
Figure 5. Image of forecasting method using decision trees
In this study, LightGBM was utilized to predict the
objective variable, as shown in Figure 2. Drift speeds
from previous voyages and other variables, such as
ship coordinates, ship operating variables, and
forecast data on weather and sea conditions, were
included as explanatory variables for the model.
As discussed in Section 2, machine learning
methods have recently been applied to the shipping
field. However, many of the machine learning
methods employed are neural networks. Among
them, LightGBM was chosen for this research for
three reasons.
Firstly, LightGBM is more effective in learning for
the present data. Neural networks are better suited for
tasks with unstructured data, such as images and
sound, rather than structured data like table data used
as input in this study. Additionally, a large amount of
data is typically required for training neural
networks, as explained in Section 3. However, the
present data comprises only 10,000 cases, which is not
large enough to train a neural network effectively. On
the other hand, LightGBM can learn sufficiently with
this amount of data.
Secondly, LightGBM is robust to a certain degree
of error. This model is independent of the numerical
scale of explanatory variables due to its rule-based
module for determining outputs, as explained earlier.
Therefore, it is unaffected by implicit errors in drift
speeds computed in equation (1). For instance, even if
the data contains an error of ε, a rule with a threshold
shifted by ε is automatically learned when a rule is
created for a certain node.
Thirdly, there is no need for supplementation of
the drift speeds. As explained in Section 4.2, the drift
speeds around the coordinates to be predicted are
input to LightGBM. These features include None,
which indicates that there is no data. In general
machine learning methods, including neural
networks, when None is given as input, the user must
appropriately supplement the numerical values,
which can easily lead to a decrease in prediction
accuracy. However, LightGBM can treat None as
input as it is, and it learns by taking the None
information into account. This eliminates the need for
the user to be involved in the completion of numerical
values and has the advantage of achieving higher
prediction accuracy compared to other methods.
This section aims to validate the accuracy of the drift
speed calculated by equation (1) and the proposal
method. Section 5.1 details the learning and
evaluation procedures utilized in numerical
experiments. In Section 5.2, experiments were
conducted to verify the accuracy of the drift speed,
and in Section 5.3, experiments were conducted to
validate the proposal method.
5.1 Model training and evaluation method
To conduct the training and testing, a walk-forward
method is utilized. Specifically, training is initially
performed using data collected from January 3, 2022,
to April 15, 2022, while the ship is in motion.
Subsequently, data from April 16, 2022, is used as the
test set to predict the fuel consumption and ship’s
speed of the ship during its operation. The training
and test sets are then shifted by one day, as depicted
in Figure 6. The accuracy of the predictions for all
data in the test period is evaluated using this method.
Note that the number of the data between January 3
and April 15 is 8602.
Figure 6. Walk-forward method
The accuracy of the error of the prediction for data
i, Accuracy
i is calculated as in equation (4). Note that
the average value of the objective variable for all data
while the ship is moving is
, the true value of the
objective variable in the data is y
, and the value of the
objective variable predicted by entering the
explanatory variables for data i in the model is y
Since this index is the accuracy of the error, the
unit is %, and the closer to 0, the better the value. We
also compute Accuracy
i for all data used in the test and
evaluate its mean value and standard deviation.
Note that the machine learning model has several
hyperparameters that must be set by the analyst
during training. These hyperparameters significantly
affect the performance of the model, and
hyperparameter tuning is a crucial step in model
learning. There are three main methods for
hyperparameter tuning: random search, grid search,
and Bayesian optimization. In this study, we use
Bayesian optimization, which efficiently searches for
the optimal parameters using Gaussian process
regression, and allows for efficient hyperparameter
tuning in a limited amount of time. Specifically, we
use the best parameters among 30 iterations for the
training of our model.
5.2 Experiment 1: Validity of the drift speed
In this study, we examined the effectiveness of this
method for predicting drifting speed based on the
captain's use of the previous day's sea conditions for
voyage planning. However, it is uncertain whether
the value is accurate enough for forecasting as it is not
directly measured. Therefore, in this section, we
conduct an experiment to verify the validity of the
predictions by comparing the prediction accuracy of
LightGBM with and without using the drift speed as
an explanatory variable, assuming that the prediction
of the ship’s speed through ground, which is most
affected by the sea conditions, will be performed.
Specifically, we compared the accuracy of two
models: LightGBM that predicts the ship’s speed
through ground by entering the main engine
revolution, propeller blade angle, latitude, longitude,
direction of course, direction of proceeding, wind
direction, wind speed, wave height, wave direction,
wave period, ocean current, port arrival and
departure, and time since the last dock
entry(calculated from the date and time of the
modeling data) as explanatory variables, and a
LightGBM model that inputs drift speeds calculated
using equation (1) as additional explanatory variables,
the variables described above. If the prediction error
accuracy of the latter model is sufficiently smaller
than that of the former model, then the drift speed is
shown to be an effective feature. Note that ship’s
speed through water and ground are not used as
inputs, so no leakage occurs. The drift speeds are
calculated using the ship’s speed through water and
ground measured at the same time as the data to be
predicted, so they cannot be used in actual operation.
Therefore, this experiment was conducted to evaluate
the degree to which the characteristic drift speeds
reflect the state of the oceanographic phenomena.
The results of the experiment are shown in Table 2.
The results indicate that the use of drift speeds
improves the error accuracy by more than 1% on
average, and the standard deviation is also improved
by more than 0.5%. This suggests that the drift speed
is a good feature that captures the sea condition.
Table 2. Results of Experiment 1.
Method Mean of Standard
i deviation of
LightGBM without drift speeds 2.311 1.782
LightGBM with drift speeds 1.234 1.200
5.3 Experiment 2: Effectiveness of the proposal method
This section presents experimental results conducted
to confirm the effectiveness of the proposal method.
Four methods, namely neural networks, LightGBM,
LightGBM with the drift speeds from the previous
voyage (proposal method), and a component-
separated physical model (for reference), are used to
predict fuel consumption, ship’s speed through water
and ground. Their evaluated values are compared.
The component-separated physical model is a model
that predicts using mathematical equations with
parameters estimated based on physical findings.
However, as introduced in [8], this experiment uses a
model with parameters identified by NPO Marine
Technologist using collected data from July 2, 2021, to
October 6, 2021, when the ship was put into service.
Therefore, this model is different from the machine
learning model evaluated using data up to the
previous day, and cannot be compared simply.
However, this comparison is made for reference
purposes in this experiment. Note that the model
outputs predicted values for the objective variable by
inputting the main engine revolution, propeller blade
angle, latitude, longitude, direction of course,
direction of proceeding, wind direction, wind speed,
wave height, wave direction, wave period, and ocean
current. In addition to the explanatory variables used
in the component-separated physical model, the
neural network and LightGBM make predictions by
inputting the elapsed time since the last docking and
the port arrival/departure as explanatory variables.
Note that the neural network is implemented using
scikit-learn's MLPRegressor. The hidden layer of the
neural network uses relu as the activation function
and Adam is used as the optimization algorithm for
the neural network. In addition to these variables, the
proposal method also inputs as explanatory variables
the drift speed extracted from the data of the previous
voyage using the module described in Section 4.2. In
the experiments described in this section, test data for
which no previous voyage’s data existed were
excluded from the evaluation. Moreover, while
machine learning models can be updated easily, the
component-separated physical model of [8] is difficult
to update frequently due to practical works. For this
reason, the parameter of the model already settled
and used in actual weather routing operations was
used in this experiment.
Table 3 presents the mean and standard deviation
of the errors in predicting fuel consumption
, ship’s
speed through water
, and ship’s speed through
for each method. The frequency
distribution of the errors in the predictions is shown
in Figures 7-9. Note that the neural network
predictions are excluded from each figure due to their
large errors.
Table 3. Results of Experiment 2
Method Fuel Ship’s speed Ship’s speed
consumption through water through ground
Neural 7.4926.273 57.36±42.17 32.66±25.60
LightGBM 0.666±0.594 1.316±1.354 2.225±1.761
LightGBM 0.651±0.617 1.300±1.408 2.033±1.666
with drift
component- 1.102±1.002 1.778±1.550 3.426±2.860
(for reference)
Figure 7. Frequency distribution of errors related to
forecasting fuel consumption
Figure 8. Frequency distribution of errors related to the
prediction of ship’s speed through water
Figure 9. Frequency distribution of errors related to the
prediction of ship’s speed through ground
Following three findings were introduced from the
experimental results. Firstly, the neural network had
the worst performance for all prediction targets and
was unable to make any predictions. There are two
possible reasons for this outcome. The first is the
small amount of data available. The second is the
limited information relative to the number of data. We
did not prepared enough to work with in this
experiment for the neural network. In addition, as
explained in Section 2, the feature values of data from
same-day voyages tend to be similar, resulting in
insufficient learning due to a small amount of
substantially different data.
Secondly, the prediction accuracy of all methods
except neural networks is generally acceptable. Table
3 demonstrates that even in the worst case, the error
accuracy of the component-separated physical model
for predicting ship’s speed through ground is
approximately 3.4%, suggesting that all methods have
an accuracy that is generally acceptable in practical
Thirdly, the proposal method's predictions are the
most accurate for all prediction targets, and it
performed well even when the neural network could
not learn. This result indicates that the proposal
method can handle complex events in actual voyages
with not so much data and demonstrates its
superiority. However, as previously mentioned, it is
not possible to make a fair comparison with the
component-separated physical model since it has been
some time since its set parameters of the model.
Figure 10 shows the results obtained when the
component-separated physical model was applied to
data at the beginning of its creation to predict the
ship’s speed through water (referred to as the
component-separated physical model (original)),
added to the results in Figure 8. It can be seen that the
prediction for the ship’s speed at the beginning of the
model has a smaller error. This suggests that the
parameter of the component-separated model tends to
change over time due to hull fouling and other
factors, and that the estimated ship’s speed tend to be
larger than the actual measured values. Therefore, it is
essential to update the parameters as required to
make accurate estimates. Note that the proposal
method is completely black-boxed, and it is not
possible to explain the reasons for the outputs
generated from a given input. However, the proposal
method, which can be updated easily, is believed to
offer practical advantages.
Figure 10. Graph of component-separated physical model
(Original) added to the results in Figure 8
In this study, we aimed to enhance the prediction
accuracy of fuel consumption, ship’s speed through
water, and ground in order to achieve highly accurate
weather routing. In previous studies, many features
used to predict them were commonly measured and
readily available, such as ship operating control
variables and predicted values of weather and sea
conditions, while few other features were used.
Additionally, neural networks have often been
employed in machine learning models. In this study,
we focused on the fact that captains and crews use the
sea conditions from the previous voyage and
proposed a method that combines LightGBM with a
module for integrating the drift speed from the
previous voyage as feature. In experiments, after
confirming that the drift speed calculated using
equation (1) is an effective feature for predicting the
ship's speed over ground, we compared the
prediction accuracy of the neural network, LightGBM,
the proposal method, and the component-separated
physical model introduced in [8] as a reference for
comparison. The results showed that the proposal
method was more accurate than the other methods,
especially in predicting the ship’s speed through
ground. In addition, considering changes in hull
performance over time, it is desirable to update the
model frequently, but he proposal method has the
advantage that the model can be easily updated, and
is found to be useful in practice. However, the
proposal method lacks the ability to explain the
prediction results, and in practice, it is considered
effective when used in combination with a
component-separating physical model.
Although the proposal was made with pre-voyage
use in mind, as shown in experiment 1, if the drift
speed is an effective characteristic that represents the
state of the sea conditions, data measured during the
voyage several tens of minutes or hours in advance
can be used for forecasting as in [12]. Thus, it is
possible to optimize the route sequentially based on
the data measured during the voyage by extending
this study. Additionally, as described in Section 2, a
ship's operational performance temporarily improves
when it enters a dock due to cleaning, after which its
performance gradually declines due to the attachment
of marine organisms. Therefore, the time elapsed after
a ship enters the dock plays a critical role in
predicting the ship’s speed through ground. Hence,
creating a machine learning model using data that
includes the entire period from the day the dock ends
to the day the ship enters the next dock would be
desirable. However, the data used in this study were
not so much, and the period of data used for training
was only about four months, making such training
impossible. Thus, the accuracy of the proposal
method could be further improved by using several
years' worth of data for training.
Based on the above, future work will include
sequential route optimization and the creation of
more accurate models with more data for practical
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