data at the beginning of its creation to predict the
ship’s speed through water (referred to as the
component-separated physical model (original)),
added to the results in Figure 8. It can be seen that the
prediction for the ship’s speed at the beginning of the
model has a smaller error. This suggests that the
parameter of the component-separated model tends to
change over time due to hull fouling and other
factors, and that the estimated ship’s speed tend to be
larger than the actual measured values. Therefore, it is
essential to update the parameters as required to
make accurate estimates. Note that the proposal
method is completely black-boxed, and it is not
possible to explain the reasons for the outputs
generated from a given input. However, the proposal
method, which can be updated easily, is believed to
offer practical advantages.
Figure 10. Graph of component-separated physical model
(Original) added to the results in Figure 8
In this study, we aimed to enhance the prediction
accuracy of fuel consumption, ship’s speed through
water, and ground in order to achieve highly accurate
weather routing. In previous studies, many features
used to predict them were commonly measured and
readily available, such as ship operating control
variables and predicted values of weather and sea
conditions, while few other features were used.
Additionally, neural networks have often been
employed in machine learning models. In this study,
we focused on the fact that captains and crews use the
sea conditions from the previous voyage and
proposed a method that combines LightGBM with a
module for integrating the drift speed from the
previous voyage as feature. In experiments, after
confirming that the drift speed calculated using
equation (1) is an effective feature for predicting the
ship's speed over ground, we compared the
prediction accuracy of the neural network, LightGBM,
the proposal method, and the component-separated
physical model introduced in [8] as a reference for
comparison. The results showed that the proposal
method was more accurate than the other methods,
especially in predicting the ship’s speed through
ground. In addition, considering changes in hull
performance over time, it is desirable to update the
model frequently, but he proposal method has the
advantage that the model can be easily updated, and
is found to be useful in practice. However, the
proposal method lacks the ability to explain the
prediction results, and in practice, it is considered
effective when used in combination with a
component-separating physical model.
Although the proposal was made with pre-voyage
use in mind, as shown in experiment 1, if the drift
speed is an effective characteristic that represents the
state of the sea conditions, data measured during the
voyage several tens of minutes or hours in advance
can be used for forecasting as in [12]. Thus, it is
possible to optimize the route sequentially based on
the data measured during the voyage by extending
this study. Additionally, as described in Section 2, a
ship's operational performance temporarily improves
when it enters a dock due to cleaning, after which its
performance gradually declines due to the attachment
of marine organisms. Therefore, the time elapsed after
a ship enters the dock plays a critical role in
predicting the ship’s speed through ground. Hence,
creating a machine learning model using data that
includes the entire period from the day the dock ends
to the day the ship enters the next dock would be
desirable. However, the data used in this study were
not so much, and the period of data used for training
was only about four months, making such training
impossible. Thus, the accuracy of the proposal
method could be further improved by using several
years' worth of data for training.
Based on the above, future work will include
sequential route optimization and the creation of
more accurate models with more data for practical
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