used fog signal by a whistle in restricted visibility
situation. Only 1 examinee had called the master in
order to notice vessel was in restricted visibility
situation (visibility was less than 3 NM).
We examined the correlation between results of UK-
Test and the experiments on the simulator. Results of
UK-Test and the experiments on the simulator were
shown in Table 2. First, typical group was the large
number (8 examinees) of UK-Test results. We found
80% of examinees were typical side group. The only 1
(ID: E11) examinee was severe atypical group of UK-
Test, but this examinee had not occurred any
incidents to other vessels in the experiments. On the
other hand, 2 examinees (ID: E01 and E12) were
highly typical group of UK-Test, E12 had not occurred
any incidents. However, E01 had occurred incidents
due to delay take collision avoidance action. And 3 of
8 UK-Test typical group examinees had occurred
Therefore, we could not clarify if atypical group of
UK-Test tends to cause incidents directly for OICNW
due to the number of atypical group examinees was
too small. However, we considered typical group has
better non-technical skills than other groups, because
only typical group examinees (ID: E02, E03, and E05)
were able to use engine for reducing speed, turn on
navigational lights, switch on a fog signal, and call the
maser for notice the changing navigational situation.
Anyway, the facts that all examinees were finally
able to avoid a collision with other vessels by taking
collision avoidance action, are believed that licensed
education and training so far as technical skills were
not wrong way.
Table 2. Results of UK-Test and the experiments on the
highly typical Yes No
No Off Off No
E02 typical
Yes No
No Off On No
E03 typical No
No Yes On
On Yes
E04 typical Yes No No
Off Off No
E05 typical No
No Yes On On No
E06 typical
No No No Off
Off No
E07 typical Yes No No Off Off
typical No No No
Off Off No
E09 typical No No
No Off Off No
Quasi typical Yes No
No Off Off No
E11 Severe atypical
No No No Off Off No
E12 highly typical No No No
We focused on UK-Test in order to consider whether
it is the effective method for checking the ability of
non-technical skills of OICNW. Finally, OICNW in
atypical group of UK-Test did not cause incidents
directly in this study. It is possible atypical groups
should not generally be considered a bad direction
regarding non-technical skills in the case of OICNW
unlike train drivers (In case of train drivers, if UK-Test
result is in atypical groups, railway companies tend to
prohibit to hire as drivers or drive trains due to past
statistics of high accident rates in Japan [15].). On the
other hand, we also found that we need to increase
the number of examinees in order to collect more
atypical group data.
However, no doubt UK-Test is effective method
for checking the ability of non-technical skills by the
history of the railways. Therefore, we will continue to
examine how should combine UK-Test and collision
avoidance manoeuvre exercises on the simulator as a
better education and training methods in order to
enhance the OICNW’s non-technical skills. We believe
that customized education and training for each
OICNW individually based on OICNW grasp own
non-technical skills level will be necessary in order to
minimize the number of collisions.
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