inertial forces and moments on the ship's hull is
Mathematical models of non-inertial forces and
moments are usually empirical in nature and are built
by processing data from experimental tests in ship
model basins or during natural experiments. In
particular, this applies to the forces and moments
caused by the operation of the propeller. To describe
the ship's maneuvers even in a horizontal plane
(without taking into account roll and heel), linear
mathematical models are mainly used. This is
explained by the difficulty of using non-linear models
and is argued by the small range of changes in the
ship's kinematic parameters, such as the speed v, drift
angle β, and angular speed
during "weak
But the concept of "weak maneuver" is quite
conditional, and even with small drift angles at the
center of gravity of the vessel, the local drift angle at
the stern increases significantly due to the angular
velocity. Therefore, such important ship maneuvers as
circulation, Kempf's zigzag, and, even more so, sharp
evasion cannot be attributed to "weak" ship
In the mathematical modeling of the specified
forces and moments, the rectilinear motion of the
vessel, or motion with small values of the drift angles,
is usually considered. At the same time, mainly, only
the longitudinal action of the propeller is considered,
and the transverse component of the force and
moment on the propeller is not justifiably neglected.
But experimental studies [18] show that even at small
drift angles, the transverse component of the force on
the ship's propeller takes on significant importance. In
addition, known mathematical models usually
contain coefficients and functions, which are defined
rather complicatedly using tables and graphs, which
is not convenient for numerical modeling. Among the
shortcomings of the existing models of non-inertial
forces should also be attributed their excessive, not
always justified, simplification. Therefore, the
construction of effective mathematical models of the
ship's propulsive complex for a wide range of changes
in kinematic parameters is not only an important
scientific problem, but also an urgent practical task. In
[19-24], new mathematical models of hydrodynamic
forces on the hull were obtained for a wide range of
changes in drift angle and angular velocity.
The development of the theory and calculation of
the work of ship propellers is devoted, in particular,
to works [2, 25 - 30]. These studies mainly concern a
single propeller and the calculation of its parameters.
The paper [28] provides a large array of experimental
data for calculating the thrust coefficient of the
propeller. In the works [2, 25], some aspects of the
operation of the propeller during curvilinear
movement of the ship were investigated, but the
parameters of the models obtained there are
presented in a form that is not convenient for use. In
[3], the influence of auxiliary wind propulsors (sails)
on the operation of the ship's propulsion complex was
There are known [18] experimental studies of the
influence of the curvilinear movement of the ship on
the operation of the propeller, which confirm the
occurrence of significant transverse forces during such
movement. Analysis of the latest research shows that,
despite the recent significant development of
mathematical models of the ship's propulsive
complex, many problems require further resolution.
In particular, the construction of adequate
mathematical models that would take into account all
components of the force and moment on the propeller
for a wide range of changes in the kinematic
parameters of the ship's movement and would be
convenient for numerical modeling.
The goal of this work is the construction and
numerical analysis of adequate mathematical models
of forces and moments caused by the operation of
ship propellers, which would, on the one hand, cover
the entire range of changes in the kinematic
parameters of the ship's motion, and on the other
hand, would be convenient for use in solving various
problems of the dynamics of the ship's propulsive
The mathematical model of the operation of the
ship's propeller is a multi-level model (as, after all,
any complex empirical model), it consists of several
dimensionless parameters, which are determined on
the basis of experimental studies and each of which is
important for the construction of the overall model.
Therefore, we will first determine how the curvilinear
movement affects the characteristics of the propeller,
then we will determine and perform research for each
parameter separately, and finally we will obtain a
general mathematical model of the operation of the
ship's propeller and conduct a numerical study of it as
a whole.
2.1 Technical and kinematic parameters of the vessel
and propeller
The geometric and technical characteristics of the ship
and propeller will be denoted as follows: L – length of
the ship along the waterline; B – width of the vessel
along the current waterline; T – draft of the ship on
the midline,
– mass density of sea water, Cb – block
coefficient; W=C
bLBT – volume displacement of the
area of the underwater part of the
centerplane of the ship;
– reduced coefficient of
the underwater centerplane of the ship; n
p, Dp –
respectively, the rotation frequency and the diameter
of the propeller;
the relative position (in the stern,
) of the propeller from the center of
gravity of the vessel (for the main types of vessels, it is
assumed that
blade area ratio of the propeller, the value of which is
– pitch ratio of the
propeller, the values of which are, as a rule, within
– the number of propeller blades; v – the
speed of the ship in the direction of movement;