he Satellite Navigation System Galileo was launched
in a joint project between the European Union's
Satellite Navigation and the European Space Agency.
It is part of the Trans-European Transport Network,
which aims to solve navigational and geographic
issues. The Galileo project is an ambitious European
venture aimed at creating the most advanced global
positioning satellite system in the world. Its objectives
are to create an autonomous system that provides
guaranteed global positioning services, as well as
interoperable compatibility with other global
positioning systems, such as GPS and GLONASS. In
this work, we will focus on the signals transmitted by
GNSS Galileo. We will briefly describe the individual
signals. We will show and mathematically analyze
signal models. For each signal, we will visualize and
describe the structure of the signal. The signals of
Galileo or other navigation systems have already been
described in some literature. In the literature [3,4],
models of measurement signals for some navigation
systems are derived. The authors used these models
to evaluate the accuracy of navigation systems. At the
beginning of the system Galileo development, the
system structure and signal models were described in
the literature [9], where the author described the
frequency plan and signal structure. The atmosphere
of the Earth also has a great influence on the accuracy
of signals. The author of the article [1,2] describes how
signals behave when passing through the ionosphere.
In the article [7,8], the author describes how it is
possible to use more than three frequencies for
decimeter positioning accuracy using Galileo and
BeiDou signals. Models of measurement signals for
selected communication systems are presented in the
literature [5]. The mentioned models make it possible
to simulate the signal processing of communication
systems under interference conditions. Galileo's
navigation signals are coherent and transmitted across
three frequencies in the L band, namely E1, E5, and
E6. The E6 signal is transmitted at a carrier frequency
Model of the Signal of the Galileo Satellite Navigation
. Džunda, S. Čikovský & L. Melníkova
Technical University of Kosice
, Kosice, Slovakia
ABSTRACT: This article presents an analysis of the Galileo E1 signal and its sensitivity to different types of
interference. The research involved modeling white noise, chaotic impulse interference, and narrowband
interference and the effects of these interfering signals on the E1 signal. Based on the available information,
spectral structures were created for the mentioned types of interference, and subsequently, these interferences
were integrated into the E1 signal in the Matlab program environment. A Kallman filter was used to filter out
white noise from the additive mixture of the E1 signal and white noise. The research aimed to analyze the
influence of white noise, chaotic impulse interference, and narrowband interference on the spectral power
density of the E1 signal. The results of this work can be used in the design of robust receivers and signal
structures capable of withstanding these types of interference.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transporta
Volume 17
er 1
March 2023
DOI: 10.12716/1001.17.01.
of 1278.75 MHz and consists of three E6 components:
E6-A, E6-B, and E6-C. On the other hand, the E5
signal, which has a center frequency of 1191.795 MHz,
includes two separate signals called E5a and E5b.
These two signals share a carrier frequency of 1176.45
MHz but are modulated independently. The E5a data
and pilot components can be found below 15.345
MHz on the E5 carrier frequency. Meanwhile, the E5b
signals are modulated on two different carrier
frequencies within the E5 band, allowing them to be
monitored separately [6]. Long codes can be useful in
monitoring weak signals, such as those found inside
buildings, but they can be difficult to obtain because
the receiver detects signals by looking for delays in
the received code, and long codes have more options
than short codes. Short codes are good for quick fixes,
but they can lead to incorrect satellite positioning
when the receiver is exchanging signals between two
satellites. This is because the receiver's ability to
distinguish between two different codes is inversely
proportional to the length of the codes. Signal length
may not be suitable for all types of users, with internal
and static users preferring long codes while external
and fast-moving users preferring shortcodes. To
address this issue, alternative codes with different
properties have been provided for different Galileo
signals. This is one of the reasons why Galileo has so
many signals. Another reason for the abundance of
signals is that the receiver can estimate the
ionospheric delay error, which is caused by the delay
experienced by navigation signals passing through
the ionosphere. This delay can cause the receiver-
measured distance from the satellite to the user to
appear larger than it is, resulting in large position
errors if not corrected. However, this delay is
proportional to the frequency of the signal, with low-
frequency signals experiencing longer delays than
high-frequency signals. As a result, by combining
measurements from two different frequencies on the
same satellite, a new measurement can be created that
removes the ionospheric delay error. The greater the
distance between the two frequencies, the more
effective this cancellation will be. This is why Galileo
services are typically implemented using signal pairs
The Galileo E1 signal uses BOC modulation, which
employs carrier shift modulation to shift the energy
away from the center of the band. This is significant
because it enables multiple GPS systems to use the
same band. BOC modulation utilizes two independent
parameters, namely the carrier frequency of the
auxiliary signal (fs) in MHz and the code rate of the
code shift (fc) in mega chips per second. This gives the
signal two parameters that can be adjusted to
manipulate the signal's power in specific ways to
reduce interference from other signals on the same
band. Furthermore, the redundant upper and lower
sidebands of BOC modulations offer advantages in
signal processing for receiver acquisition, carrier
tracking, code tracking, and data demodulation [12].
The entire transmitted Galileo E1 signal consists of
the following components [13]:
Figure 1. E1 Signal Modulation scheme [13].
Figure 1 shows the modulation scheme of signal
E1. E1 open service data channel e
E1-B(t) is generated
from I/NAV navigation data stream D
E1-B(t) and
measurement code C
E1-B(t), which are then modulated
by subcarriers SC
E1-B, a(t), and SCE1-B,b(t). The open
service pilot channel E1 e
E1-C(t) is generated from the
range code C
E1-C(t), including its secondary code,
which is then modulated by subcarriers SC
E1-C, a(t), and
E1-C,b(t), in antiphase [13].
The Galileo E1 signal is modulated at a medium
frequency such as [11] :
) ( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
cos 2
ττ τ
τ τ τ πθ
= −−
−− +
P c IF
s t A C t d t CBOC t
c t S t CBOC t x f t
( )
( )
11 10
= CBOC t BOC t BOC t
( )
( )
sin .2 .1 .023 . .
BOC t sign x e t
A is the amplitude of the input signal at the input of
the correlator,
P a CD are extended sequences that carry pilot and
data components,
D represents the navigation message symbol of the
I/NAV modulated data component.
c represents the secondary code present on the pilot
is a sequenced delay,
IF is the center frequency,
is the phase shift of the carrier frequency [12].
GPS C / A and Galileo BOC (1,1) share the L1 / E1
spectrum, which is shown in Figure 1. The mean
frequency of the E1 / L1 signal is 1575.42 MHz. It is
important to remember that the current E1 band was
given the name L1 band for a long time, analogous to
GPS, until 2008, when the name of the L1 signal was
changed to the current E1.
Based on the formulas (1-4), the simulation of the
E1 signal was performed in the Matlab programming
environment. The following parameters of the E1
signal were used in the modeling:
1.023 10 ; 6 1.023 10fsa fsb= =⋅⋅
Define the subcarrier frequencies for BOC(1, 1) and
BOC(6, 1). The value of fsa is set to 1.023 MHz and fsb
is set to 6 · 1.023 MHz.
F = row space (-20, 20, 40000);
Generates a frequency vector for a PSD plot. The
frequency vector ranges from -20 MHz to 20 MHz
with 400000 points.
0:1/ :10t fsb
Generates the time vector for the signal. The time
vector ranges from 0 to 10 ms with a step size of 1/fsb.
1 sin 2x fsa t
= ⋅⋅
( )
6 sin 2x fsb t
= ⋅⋅
They generate signals for BOC(1, 1) and BOC(6, 1).
Signals are generated by multiplying partial carrier
frequencies by a time vector and evaluating a sine
sca = character(x1)
scb = char(x6)
These lines generate secondary codes for BOC(1, 1)
and BOC(6, 1). Secondary codes are generated by
accepting the sign of the BOC signals.
10 / 11alpha =
1/ 11beta
scB alpha sca beta scb= ⋅+
scC alpha sca beta scb= ⋅−
These lines generate the primary codes for E1-B
and E1-C. Primary codes are generated by mixing
secondary codes with alpha and beta coefficients.
( )
1 cos 2 1575.42 10eE B t
= ⋅⋅
( )
1 sin 2 1575.42 10eE C t
= ⋅⋅
These lines generate the E1-B and E1-C signals.
Signals are generated by multiplying the carrier
frequency by the time vector and evaluating the
cosine and sine functions.
( )
( )
( )
10 log
X fft sE length f
length f
These lines calculate the FFT of the Galileo E1
signal and convert it to the PSD. The PSD is calculated
as above, where X is the FFT of the signal and f is the
frequency vector.
The results of the E1 signal simulation are shown
in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Structure of signal Galileo E1.
Figure 2 shows the power spectral density (PSD)
for the E1 signal, which is part of the Galileo
navigation system. On the x-axis is the frequency
range from -20 MHz to 20 MHz, while on the y-axis is
the calculated PSD in dBm. Frequency 0 on the x-axis
represents the center frequency of the signal.
The source signal E1 is created by modulating the
carrier wave using PRN (Pseudo Random Noise)
coding. Therefore, the PSD for the E1 signal shows a
characteristic frequency structure that consists of
several layers. The highest layer represents the signal
power in the area of the main carrier frequency of
1575.42 MHz, which occurs at frequency 0 on the x-
axis. This peak has a calculated value of about -162
Additional bands of power are visible around the
main carrier frequency, 1.023 MHz apart, known as
"sidebands" and "adjacent bands". These bands are
part of the Galileo signal modulation and are
responsible for the design of the PRN coding and
other signal parameters.
The overall PSD waveform for the E1 signal shows
how the signal power is distributed over the entire
frequency axis. Since this signal occurs close to other
satellites and transmission channels, it is important to
know its power spectral density and its characteristic
structure to avoid interference and guarantee the
reliable use of Galileo.
Research has confirmed that the measurement signals
of the Galileo system are degraded by interfering
signals. These signals can significantly affect the
results of navigational measurements by the Galileo
system. Therefore, we performed the simulation of
interfering signals such as white noise, chaotic
impulse interference, and narrowband interference.
White noise, chaotic impulse interference, and
narrowband interference models were created in the
Matlab programming environment. We proceeded in
the following way when creating interference models.
First, we created an interference model, and then an
additive mixture of the E1 signal and interference. The
simulation results are shown in images no. 2 - 11.
3.1 White noise
We created a white noise model and then simulated
this noise in the Matlab program environment. The
following algorithm was used to generate white noise:
( )
1, _Noise randn N noise level=
This line generates a Gaussian noise signal with a
mean of 0, and a standard deviation is given by the
noise level vector.
fs = 40,000
This line sets the sample rate of the signal to 40000
T = 10
; %
This line sets the signal duration time to 10ms.
N = 400
This line sets the number of samples in the signal
to 400.
f = row space(-20·10
, 20·10
, N);
This line creates a vector of N evenly spaced
frequencies ranging from -20 MHz to 20 MHz.
x = rowspace(-T/2, T/2, N);
This line creates a vector of N evenly spaced time
values ranging from -T/2 to T/2.
noise_level = linspace(-1, 6, N);
This line creates a vector of N evenly spaced noise
levels ranging from -1 to 6.
( )
( )
fftshift fft noise
fs N
This line calculates the PSD of the noise signal
using the FFT, taking the absolute value and squaring
it, and dividing it by the product of the sample rate
and the number of samples.
( )
10 log 10 11
This line converts the PSD from V
/Hz to dBm
units using a reference power of 1 milliwatt and
subtracts 11 to adjust for noise level.
The results of the white noise simulation are
shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Structure of White noise.
Figure 3 shows the PSD graph of the Gaussian
noise signal with the specified noise level. PSD is
calculated using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and
converted from V
/Hz units to dBm units. The
resulting PSD is then plotted as a function of
frequency in MHz. The plot shows a symmetrical bell-
shaped curve centered at zero frequency, which
represents the PSD of the Gaussian noise signal. The
curve has a maximum value at zero frequency,
indicating that the noise signal has the highest power
at low frequencies. The curve drops off rapidly with
increasing frequency, indicating that the power of the
noise signal decreases at higher frequencies. The x-
axis of the graph represents frequency in MHz, while
the y-axis represents PSD in dBm. The graph is
labeled with the appropriate axis labels and the title
"White Noise Suppression Structure", which describes
the nature of the analyzed signal. The plot provides a
visual representation of the frequency content of a
Gaussian noise signal, which is useful in a variety of
signal processing and communications applications.
3.1.1 The additive mixture of E1 signal and white noise
If in the previous steps, we generated the Galielo
E1 signal and subsequently white noise, the next step
is to generate the noisy E1 signal. E1 signal with the
addition of white noise is possible using the following
( ) ( )
( )
11 1
sE eE B alpha scB beta scB eE C alpha scC beta scC noise=⋅⋅+⋅⋅+
Add white Gaussian noise to the signal:
sE1 = sE1 + noise (18)
X = fft(sE1, length(f)) (19)
Calculates the FFT of the sE1 signal with a length
of (f) points
length f
Calculates the power spectral density of the signal.
The results of the simulation of the additive
mixture of the useful signal E1 and white noise are
shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Signal E1 with added White noise.
The white Gaussian noise added to the sE1 signal
can be seen in Figure no. 4. The effect of adding noise
to a signal is that it increases the power spectral
density (PSD) of the signal at all frequencies,
including those of the original signal and the noise
itself. The PSD is calculated using the fast Fourier
transform (FFT) of the noise signal sE1, which is
represented by the variable X. The PSD is then plotted
against the frequency f in the image. The noise level is
specified using the noise_level variable, which
controls the standard deviation of the white Gaussian
noise added to the signal. A higher level of noise
results in a higher PSD of the noisy signal, which
means that the signal is harder to detect and more
accurately decoded, especially if the signal-to-noise
ratio is low. Adding noise to the signal also introduces
errors in the decoding of the spreading codes and the
original signals, which can affect the overall
performance of the communication system. In
particular, the accuracy of timing and frequency
synchronization can be affected, which can lead to
further degradation of signal quality.
3.2 Chaotic impulse interference
We created a model of chaotic impulse interference
and then simulated this interference in the Matlab
environment. Chaotic impulse interference is created
by combining a Lorentzian chaotic signal with an
impulse response. In relation (23), the impulse
response is defined as a vector of zeros with one 1 at
index 100:
pulse = zero (size (t)) (21)
impulse(100) = 1 (22)
The conv() function is then used to convolve this
impulse response with the first component of the
Lorenz signal (x(:,1)):
interference = conv(x(:,1), impulse ) (23)
The resulting interference signal is a version of the
Lorenz signal with an added pulse at index 100.
This relationship was used to generate the
structure of impulsive chaotic interference, the
spectrum of which is shown in Figure 5.
Parameters for the Lorenz chaotic system: sigma to
10, beta to 8/3, rho to 28, and the initial state vector x0
to [1;1;1]. The ode45 function is then used to solve the
Lorenz system for the given time range t and initial
conditions x0.
) (
( )
( )
( )
( )
2 1;1 3 2;1 2 3
sigma x x x rhod
x x x x beta
xt xd
⋅− =
A function called "Lorenz" defines the differential
equations for the Lorenz chaotic system. It takes in the
input arguments "~" and "x", which are not used in the
function. It also takes in the parameters "sigma",
"beta", and "rho", which are used to define the Lorenz
system equations.
The output "dxdt" is a vector of the same size as
"x", which defines the rate of change of each state
variable in the Lorenz system at a given time. The first
element of "dxdt" is the rate of change of x(1), the
second element is the rate of change of x(2), and the
third element is the rate of change of x(3). The
equations used in this function are the classic Lorenz
equations, which are commonly used in chaos theory
to study the behavior of nonlinear dynamical systems.
Parameters for the Lorenz chaotic system: sigma to
10, beta to 8/3, rho to 28, and the initial state vector x0
to [1;1;1]. The ode45 function is then used to solve the
Lorenz system for the given time range t and initial
conditions x0.
The results of the chaotic impulse interference
simulation are shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5. Structure of Chaotic Impulse Interference.
Figure 5 shows the power spectral density (PSD) of
chaotic impulse interference as a function of
frequency. The horizontal axis shows the frequency in
MHz, while the vertical axis shows the PSD in dBm.
On the graph, there is a suitable peak near the
frequency of 0 MHz, which represents the DC
component, i.e., alternating current with zero
frequency. Next, we will see peaks that occur in
different frequency bands, which are the frequency
chaotic behavior of the system. Chaotic impulse
interference contains many different frequency
components that are propagated into the environment
and affect other neighboring systems.
3.2.1 The additive mixture of E1 signal and chaotic
impulsive noise
We created a model of chaotic impulse interference
and then simulated this interference in the Matlab
environment. We then created an additive mixture of
the useful signal E1 and the chaotic impulse
interference using the following algorithms:
sE1 = sE1 + interference (25)
The disturbance is generated by the convolution of
the first variable (x(:,1)) of the output of the
Lorentzian impulse response system. The resulting
interference signal is then added to the sE1 signal. The
simulation results of the additive mixture of useful
signal E1 and chaotic impulse interference are shown
in Figure 6.
Figure 6. Structure of Galielo signal E1 with added Chaotic
impulse Interference.
Figure 6 shows the PSD of the Galileo E1 signal,
which is subsequently affected by chaotic interference.
This process can have a major impact on signal
quality and cause interference and communication
disruptions. A Lorenz chaotic system is a differential
equation that describes chaotic behavior. In this case,
the system consists of three equations that describe
the evolution of three variables over time. These
variables represent the state of the system and change
depending on time and other parameters. The chaotic
disturbance in this case is generated by the
convolution of the signal from the Lorentz system
with the impulse response. The result of this
convolution is a time-shifted signal that can cause
interference and communication breakdowns. The
effect of interference on the Galileo E1 signal can be
observed using the power spectral density (PSD),
which is calculated using the Fourier transform. PSD
shows the distribution of signal power as a function of
frequency. In this case, we can see that chaotic
interference causes interference in a wide frequency
band, which can cause disturbances in receiving
navigation information. The result of this process is a
signal that is affected by chaotic interference, which
manifests itself as interference in the entire frequency
band. The resulting signal may be of lower quality
and cause communication problems. Therefore, it is
important to ensure a sufficient level of protection
against interference and to minimize the effect of
chaotic interference on the signal.
3.3 Narrowband interference
Narrowband interference is a type of interference that
occurs when there is a strong signal at a frequency
equal to the frequency of the E1 signal. This
interference signal causes errors in the navigation
measurements of the Galileo system. We generated
the narrowband interference according to the
following algorithms:
( )
( )
1 10 2 0
f phi
x cos f delta t delta
= + ⋅+
That relationship generates narrowband
interference by the sum of N sine waves with random
frequency and phase variations around the center
frequency f0.
f = (rand(1, N) - 0.5) · 2 · 10
Generates N random values between -1 MHz and 1
MHz. These values represent frequency variations.
phi = rand(1, N) · 2 π (28)
Generates N random values between 0 and 2π.
These values represent phase variations.
f0 = 1575.42 · 10
Sets the center frequency to 1575.42 MHz.
The results of the narrowband interference
simulation are shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7. Narrowband interference structure.
The power spectral density (PSD) of a narrowband
interference signal with a random frequency and
phase variations is shown in Figure 7. The x-axis
represents frequency in MHz and the y-axis
represents the PSD in dBm. The center frequency of
the signal is 1575.42 MHz, and the frequency
variations around this center frequency are randomly
generated with a range of +/- 2 MHz. The phase of the
signal also varies randomly. The resulting PSD plot
shows a main lobe centered at the center frequency
and several smaller lobes on either side due to the
random frequency variations. The height and width of
the lobes depend on the amplitude and duration of
the interference signal. The plot can be used to
identify the frequency and strength of the interference
signal, which is important for mitigating its effects on
the system.
3.3.1 The additive mixture of E1 signal and narrowband
We used the programming environment of the
Matlab program to create an additive mixture of the
E1 signal and narrowband noise. Interference is added
to the original signal (Figure 2) using the relation:
sE1_with_interference = sE1 +x1 (29)
The result of adding narrowband interference to
the E1 signal can be seen in Figure 8.
Figure 8. Structure of Signal E1 with added Narrowband
Figure 8 shows the resulting power spectral
density (PSD) of the E1 signal and narrowband
interference with random frequency and phase
deviations. PSD indicates the distribution of signal
power concerning the frequency and is expressed in
units of dBm/MHz. The E1 signal is a blue curve and
corresponds to the global navigation satellite system
Galileo, which transmits at a frequency of 1575.42
MHz. The blue curve has a maximum value in the
middle of the spectrum, which is chosen as a reference
value for the entire spectrum and is therefore placed
at zero. The red curve shows narrowband
interference, which is characterized by random
frequencies and phase deviations. This type of
interference can arise, for example, from sources with
an unstable frequency, such as generators with short-
term deviations, or the influence of external
interference. Thus, the figure shows that narrowband
interference has a significant effect on signal quality if
the transmitted signal and the interference are on the
same frequency. Therefore, it is important to protect
the transmitted signals from interference and avoid
overlapping frequency bands of different signals and
White noise has a pronounced effect on the original
structure of the E1 signal. It is therefore important to
remove this noise from the signal. In this chapter, we
will describe the effect of using a Kallman filter to
filter out white noise from a noisy signal (Figure 4.)
Defining the system matrices for the Kalman filter:
A = 1; state transition matrix
H = 1; observation matrix
Q = 0.01; process noise covariance
R = 0.1; covariance of measurement noise
PO = 1; initial covariance state
In this block of code, the matrices that define the
Kalman filter are defined. A is the state transition
matrix, H is the observation matrix, Q is the process
noise covariance, R is the measurement noise
covariance, and P0 is the initial state covariance.
The simulation results are shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9. Filtered signal E1 using the Kallman filter.
In this case, white noise was suppressed using a
Kalman filter (Figure 9.) A Kalman filter is a
mathematical algorithm that uses a series of
measurements observed over time to estimate the
state of a linear system. In this case, the state is the
actual power spectral density of the signal, and the
measurements are the power spectral density values
obtained from the noisy signal. The Kalman filter
works by predicting the state of the system at each
time step based on a previous estimate of the system's
state and dynamics, and then updating the state
estimate based on the current measurement. The filter
also estimates the uncertainty in the state estimate,
which is used to weigh the importance of the
prediction and measurement in the overall estimate.
In this implementation, the state transition matrix A
was set to 1, indicating that the system does not
change over time. The observation matrix H was also
set to 1, indicating that the measurement is a direct
observation of the state. The covariance Q of the
process noise and the covariance R of the
measurement noise was set to 0.01 and 0.1,
respectively, which are assumptions about the noise
variance in the system. A filter was applied to each
frequency bin of the power spectral density using a
loop. At each cycle iteration, the state and covariance
estimates were predicted using the state transition
model. Then, the state estimate was updated using the
current measurement and the Kalman gain, which is a
weighting factor that balances the contribution of
prediction and measurement to the overall estimate.
Finally, the filtered value of the power spectral
density was stored in the array. The filtered power
spectral density values were then plotted against the
original power spectral density values to show the
effectiveness of the filter in suppressing white noise.
Figure 10. Detailed Figure 4.
Figure 10 shows a more detailed spectrum of the
additive mixture of the useful signal E1 and white
Figure 11. Detailed Figure 9.
Figure 11 shows the spectrum of the additive
mixture of signal E1 and white noise after passing the
signal through the Kallman filter. The Kalman filter
suppressed the white Gaussian noise in the additive
mixture of the E1 signal and white noise. It is clear
from the picture that the (orange color) filter
suppressed the effect of noise on the useful E1 signal
from the Galileo system.
In this paper, mathematical models of the
measurement signal E1 of the Galileo system were
created to simulate intentional interference and the
influence of atmospheric conditions on signal
propagation. The study also presents the
determination of the Galileo satellite navigation
system, including the frequency and structure of the
E1 signal and its block diagram for signal generation.
The modeling results can be used to evaluate the
immunity of the Galileo system to interference. The
results of the simulations of the measurement signal
E1 with white noise, chaotic impulsive interference,
and narrowband interference allow a spectral analysis
of the structure of this signal. Through simulation, we
found that the frequency spectrum of the additive
mixture of the E1 signal and interference is
significantly different from the frequency spectrum of
the E1 signal itself. This fact indicates that signal
measurements that are degraded by interference can
cause errors in navigation measurements by the
Galileo system. The simulation results confirmed that
chaotic impulse interference is the most dangerous
type of interference. We can explain it by the fact that
chaotic impulse interference has a wide frequency
spectrum. Its influence on the original signal has
destructive effects, and when processing the
measurement signal E1, it is necessary to eliminate
this interference as much as possible. A Kallman filter
was designed to filter E1 signal interference. This filter
was used to filter out white noise from the additive
mixture of the E1 signal and white noise. The
simulation results confirmed that such a filter is
effective for suppressing white noise and can be used
at the receiver input for E1 signal processing. The
simulation results confirmed that when synthesizing
algorithms for processing the E1 measurement signal
from the Galileo system, it is necessary to pay
attention to the influence of white noise, chaotic
impulse interference, and narrowband interference on
the measurement results. Dual frequency is used to
improve the measurement results of the Galileo
system. Galileo's use of dual frequency positioning
provides an advantage over other satellite systems,
particularly in dense urban areas or forested
environments. The use of dual frequency allows for
more accurate positioning.
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