of 1278.75 MHz and consists of three E6 components:
E6-A, E6-B, and E6-C. On the other hand, the E5
signal, which has a center frequency of 1191.795 MHz,
includes two separate signals called E5a and E5b.
These two signals share a carrier frequency of 1176.45
MHz but are modulated independently. The E5a data
and pilot components can be found below 15.345
MHz on the E5 carrier frequency. Meanwhile, the E5b
signals are modulated on two different carrier
frequencies within the E5 band, allowing them to be
monitored separately [6]. Long codes can be useful in
monitoring weak signals, such as those found inside
buildings, but they can be difficult to obtain because
the receiver detects signals by looking for delays in
the received code, and long codes have more options
than short codes. Short codes are good for quick fixes,
but they can lead to incorrect satellite positioning
when the receiver is exchanging signals between two
satellites. This is because the receiver's ability to
distinguish between two different codes is inversely
proportional to the length of the codes. Signal length
may not be suitable for all types of users, with internal
and static users preferring long codes while external
and fast-moving users preferring shortcodes. To
address this issue, alternative codes with different
properties have been provided for different Galileo
signals. This is one of the reasons why Galileo has so
many signals. Another reason for the abundance of
signals is that the receiver can estimate the
ionospheric delay error, which is caused by the delay
experienced by navigation signals passing through
the ionosphere. This delay can cause the receiver-
measured distance from the satellite to the user to
appear larger than it is, resulting in large position
errors if not corrected. However, this delay is
proportional to the frequency of the signal, with low-
frequency signals experiencing longer delays than
high-frequency signals. As a result, by combining
measurements from two different frequencies on the
same satellite, a new measurement can be created that
removes the ionospheric delay error. The greater the
distance between the two frequencies, the more
effective this cancellation will be. This is why Galileo
services are typically implemented using signal pairs
The Galileo E1 signal uses BOC modulation, which
employs carrier shift modulation to shift the energy
away from the center of the band. This is significant
because it enables multiple GPS systems to use the
same band. BOC modulation utilizes two independent
parameters, namely the carrier frequency of the
auxiliary signal (fs) in MHz and the code rate of the
code shift (fc) in mega chips per second. This gives the
signal two parameters that can be adjusted to
manipulate the signal's power in specific ways to
reduce interference from other signals on the same
band. Furthermore, the redundant upper and lower
sidebands of BOC modulations offer advantages in
signal processing for receiver acquisition, carrier
tracking, code tracking, and data demodulation [12].
The entire transmitted Galileo E1 signal consists of
the following components [13]:
Figure 1. E1 Signal Modulation scheme [13].
Figure 1 shows the modulation scheme of signal
E1. E1 open service data channel e
E1-B(t) is generated
from I/NAV navigation data stream D
E1-B(t) and
measurement code C
E1-B(t), which are then modulated
by subcarriers SC
E1-B, a(t), and SCE1-B,b(t). The open
service pilot channel E1 e
E1-C(t) is generated from the
range code C
E1-C(t), including its secondary code,
which is then modulated by subcarriers SC
E1-C, a(t), and
E1-C,b(t), in antiphase [13].
The Galileo E1 signal is modulated at a medium
frequency such as [11] :
) ( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
cos 2
ττ τ
τ τ τ πθ
= − − −−
−− − − +
P c IF
s t A C t d t CBOC t
c t S t CBOC t x f t
( )
( )
11 10
= −CBOC t BOC t BOC t
( ) ( ) ( )
11 10
= +CBOC t BOC t BOC t
( )
( )
sin .2 .1 .023 . .
BOC t sign x e t
A is the amplitude of the input signal at the input of
the correlator,
P a CD are extended sequences that carry pilot and
data components,
D represents the navigation message symbol of the
I/NAV modulated data component.
c represents the secondary code present on the pilot
is a sequenced delay,
IF is the center frequency,
is the phase shift of the carrier frequency [12].
GPS C / A and Galileo BOC (1,1) share the L1 / E1
spectrum, which is shown in Figure 1. The mean
frequency of the E1 / L1 signal is 1575.42 MHz. It is
important to remember that the current E1 band was
given the name L1 band for a long time, analogous to
GPS, until 2008, when the name of the L1 signal was
changed to the current E1.
Based on the formulas (1-4), the simulation of the
E1 signal was performed in the Matlab programming