As established by the results of a statistical
experiment, the difference between the final
distribution of transition probabilities of the Markov
model and the empirical distribution obtained by
known statistical methods is not statistically significant
at a confidence level of 0.95 according to known criteria
[27]. Therefore, we can assume that the proposed
model is adequate to the initial data in accordance with
the proposed approach.
The purpose of the proposed study in the form of
increasing the adequacy of the models for changing the
state of the SPPs, taking into account random factors,
was achieved by using a new information technology,
which consists in sequentially performing the stages of
preliminary approximation of the time series of
deviations of diagnostic parameters from the
constructed approximation model, and the stage of
statistical modeling.
As the diagnostic parameters, the deviations of
which are considered, are selected: the temperature of
the exhaust gases of the diesel generator cylinders as
the main parameter, as well as: the air temperature at
the inlet, the voltage, the load current and the
revolutions of the diesel generator [28].
The statistical model of the formation of random
processes of such variables deviations from the
approximation model is a model of the Markov
process. The use of an approximation model expands
the possibilities of the statistical modeling method to
ensure stationarity conditions and the correctness of
the proposed model [29].
The quantitative results are that for the applied
example under consideration, the temperature
deviations of the exhaust gases of the DGS cylinders
from the established limits [3, 6, 7, 9] are not
statistically significant and, with an empirical
probability of approximately equal to 0.8, are within
±20 degrees.
In contrast to the well-known results [5], the
proposed approach to constructing a Markov model
for deviations of the temperature of the exhaust gases
of the diesel generator cylinders from the constructed
approximation model is new.
Prospects for further research may lie in the
application of mathematical models of controlled
Markov processes.
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