Parametric rolling divides the maritime world into
those that regard it as a rare phenomenon and therefore
poses little or no danger to spng, and those that regard
parametric rolling as a ubiquitous serious hazard to
The challenge is to attribute specific marine
accidents to parametric rolling. As a result, numerous
investigation reports end up stating that heavy rolling
caused the marine accident, but not parametric rolling.
Nevertheless, few accidents are attributed to
parametric rolling. As in 2008 when the CMV
CHICAGO EXPRESS [2] experienced severe rolling of
up to 44 degrees during a typhoon and one seaman
died and another was hospitalized with serious
injuries. Despite the presence of parametric roll
detection documentation on board, the M/S
FINNBIRCH [3] sank between Öland and Gotland in
2006, experiencing roll angles of 30-35 degrees. But
even weather forecasts cannot prevent this
phenomenon, as experienced by the SVENDBORG
MAERSK [4] on February 17, 2014, when she
encountered heavy weather on her way from
Rotterdam behind the English Channel and
experienced rolling angles of up to 41 degrees. 517
containers went overboard and 250 were damaged.
Parametric rolling may affect almost the entire
range of ships, not only on the open sea, but also on the
coast and even in the North and Baltic Seas. The hull
forms most at potential risk tend to be those with flared
fore and aft extremities or a flat transom stern paired
with wall-sided ship sides near the waterline amidship
[5] such as container ships and pure car/truck carriers
In the process of maritime automation, an early
warning system for parametric rolling becomes
indispensable. To this purpose, the present thesis first
explains the phenomenon of parametric rolling in
Chapter 2, followed by the state of the art in Chapter 3.
Chapter 4 contains a separate approach to risk
prediction of the probability of parametric rolling of
ships based on ship motions and sea state parameters.
Classification of Parametric Rolling for Seagoing Ships
and Percentage Distribution for Multiple Sea State
S. Chhoeung & A. Hahn
Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany
ABSTRACT: In this paper, parametric rolling is divided into 5 heavy grades, establishing a classification for
parametric rolling. This is achieved by a multi-parameter application in the simulations. For this purpose,
parametric rolling, established criteria and the state of the art are considered and the results are summarized.
Based on this, parametric rolling is successfully simulated using discrete simulation in MARIN [1]. Five heavy
grades are introduced so different classes of parametric rolling can be distinguished. Furthermore, dependencies
and probabilities for the occurrence of parametric roles in relation to the see are determined numerically. This
will later be used in an assistance system on board ships to compute the prediction of parametric roll using an AI.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 16
Number 4
December 2022
DOI: 10.12716/1001.16.04.19
The evaluation follows in Chapter 5, with a discussion
in Chapter 6.
In this chapter first the phenomenon of parametric
rolling in longitudinal directed waves is described and
then the sea and ship parameters supporting
parametric rolling.
2.1 Parametric Rolling
Parametric rolling bases on the change of ship stability
over a short period of time in wave trough (solid line)
and wave crest (dashed line) in longitudinal directed
waves as shown in figure 1. This concerns larger
vessels with flared fore and aft decks for instance pure
car/truck carriers and container vessels [6].
Figure 1. Wave trough and crest.
Figure 1 shows the ship in a wave trough (solid
line). Here, the area of the water surface increases
because the bow and stern immerse deeper into the
water. Consequently, the water surface coefficient cw
increases compared to the calm position, which also
increases the longitudinal stability. In the wave crest
(dashed line), the behavior is the reverse. The
waterplane area decreases due to the fact that the
midship lies deeper in the water, but the bow and stern
come out of the water. This reduces the longitudinal
stability. As a result, the metacentric height GM
increases and decreases with longitudinal directed
waves and oblique waves.
In the design phase of a vessel the metacentric
height GM has been calculated according to the intact
stability rules (example: DNV GL, Rules and
Guidelines I-1-1-Section 28-B.2 Design Criteria [7] for
each ship by the restoring moment and the
corresponding lever arm. On the other hand, if the
wavelength is about equal to the ship's length and the
ship's rolling period is about twice the frequency of the
encounter, there will be a righting moment that is not
sufficiently damped by the water and thus causes the
ship to rapidly oscillate. This oscillation within a short
time is called parametric rolling or parametric rolling
2.2 Parameters
This chapter describes the requirements that support
parametric rolling.
Primary characteristics are:
1. If the rolling period TR of the ship is twice the
encounter Te period [8].
2. The wavelength
is about the ship length between
the perpendiculars Lpp [8].
0,7 1,3
3. Longitudinal or quartering sea with the encounter
For forward sea:
315 45
For aft sea:
135 225
Secondary characteristics are:
4. The variation of the location of the metacentric
height GM in figure 2 plays an important role for
the stability of the ship, as described in chapter 2.2.
The relation of the variation of GM and the
parameter (1) can be simplified without damping as
follows [10].
( )
0,25 1 2 4f x x for x= +
( )
0,25 1 4 6f x x for x= +
Figure 2. Variation of the metacentric height GM, with the
initial metacentric height GM0
5. After the guide for the assessment of parametric roll
resonance in the design of container carriers [8]
following inequality must be satisfied that the
vessel may be susceptible to parametric rolling,
0 the roll natural frequency of vessel,
a the
roll natural frequency to magnitude of changing
e the frequency of encounter for head and
following seas with:
/ 0,0524* * ,
w s w m
the roll natural frequency to mean value of GM,
the frequency of wave and
the roll damping.
0,25–0,5 –0,125 0,03125
0,25 0,5
q q q
( )
q and p
( )
m max min
( )
a max min
0,0524 .
e w s w
e w s w
v for head seas and
v for following seas
= +
6. And when the inequality (5) is met, following must
be checked [8]:
1 2 3
* * * 1
q k k k
1 0,1875
1,002 0,16 0,759
352 1024
16 16
k p q
q q p
= + +
From different existing works these 6 parameters
and their limits (1-6) have been identified for this
paper, which will find their meaning in chapter 4. First
follows chapter 3 with the existing works and their
application of the specified parameters.
Due to the controversial nature of the topic, various
methods and approaches have already been developed
to avoid or mitigate parametric rolling. In this chapter,
the various methods are divided into three categories.
First, there are the methods that provide a preventive
guide (3.1) and thus can be applied before starting to
sail. Next are the monitoring methods (3.2), which
focus on warnings during an ongoing voyage. And
finally, the methods that serve to predict (3.3) the
parametric rolling.
3.1 Guiding methods
The IMO developed a guidance document in
MSC.1/Cir. 1228 to avoid dangerous situations such as
parametric rolling. Based on the parameter (1), (3a) and
(3b) the following polar plot was generated [11]. This
plot (figure 3) shows a dangerous zone where the risk
of parametric roll is high if the above three parameters
are met in a certain combination. Using this ship-
specific diagram, the navigator is capable of avoiding
exactly these combinations by changing the speed or
the course.
Figure 3. Dangerous zones of synchronous and parametric
rolling motions, v is the vessel speed in knots, Tw, the wave
period in seconds, α is the encounter angle, whereby 180° are
following seas.
The OCTOPUS Software [12] is a ship motion
analysis software for sea-keeping analysis of ships and
offshore floating structures. It can therefore also be
used to represent parametric and synchronous rolling
in polar diagrams. In addition to parameters (1), (2)
and (3a/b), a critical wave height and low roll damping
are supplemented in this case, resulting in a polar
diagram for rolling motion. This illustrates different
areas for surfing, parametric and synchronous rolling
in relation to the ship's speed and the angle of
encounter with the waves. This plot (figure 4) serves as
an orientation for the navigator, under which loading
conditions the ship could get into dangerous situations.
So, the navigator can also avoid these areas by
adjusting the speed or course.
Figure 4. Polar diagram generated by Octopus Software for
the sea state Hs=4,99m (significant wave height), Tz=6,80s
(zero crossing period) and Tp=8,49s (modal period). The
radius shows the ship speed, the colors show the dangerous
zones, the headings from to 360° are outlines around, MPE
= most probalbe extreme in degree.
S. Ribeiro and C.G. Soares [5] present a prediction
method based on time domain non-linear strip theory
model with six degrees of freedom. Whereby the roll
damping is determined directly from experimental
data and by applying Frank’s Close fit method, the
hydrodynamic effects are based on a potential flow
stripe theory. The validation is carried out by
comparing the numerical predictions with the
experimental results for a container ship based on the
parameter (3) and (4). In the polar plot (figure 5) the
risk zones of the parametric rolling are highlighted.
Speeds from 0 to 16kn were recorded and simulated in
heading sea. Also, in this case, the polar plots serve as
an operational guidance for the navigator to avoid
parametric rolling by avoiding the red areas.
Figure 5. Polar diagram of predicted roll motion, for
headings from 0-45 degrees and 135-180 degrees. The warm
colors show the areas which exceed 20 degrees of rolling
angle. Under the limits, the colors are cold. Vessel speed is
from 0-16 knots, the wave height is given with 6 meters and
the ratio between ship lengths and wavelength is 1.4. The
simulations took each 1200 seconds.
3.2 Monitoring Methods
PAROLL [13] is a real-time detection system for
merchant vessels and is patented as condition-
monitoring system. It is based on low-cost motion
sensors, whereby an algorithm extrapolate
information’s about the frequency, the roll and pitch
motion. First the algorithm examines parameter (1),
whether the rolling period is approximately twice the
period of the wave encounter by using the pitch
oscillation as equivalent. Secondly, the algorithm
analyses whether the rolling and pitching movements
are phase synchronous. Also the parameter 2, 3a and
3b in addition to the wave height has to be fulfilled. So
that an alarm is emitted. In the full-scale validation,
predictions were made in approximative 70% of cases.
This refers to rolling movements above 10°. PAROLL
is able to issue a warning 40 roll cycles in advance,
giving the crew 1.5 to 12 minutes to act. The systems
work without any ship parameters so that it is easy to
install on any ship.
3.3 Prediction Methods
MARIN [14] presents a prediction based on linear
calculations of ship movements, which estimate the
hydrostatic stability variations as the cause of
parametric roll (parameter 4). With a reduction in roll
damping according to Dunwoody, the safe operating
limits of the vessel are obtained (see Figure 6).
Figure 6. Comparison of test results, line is the calculated
result, the markers are experimental, Hs is the significant
wave height and TP the wave peak period, for a container
vessel of 250 meters lengths.
WaveSignal SigmaS6 basing on WaMoS II from
OeanWavesS GmbH [15] is a real-time system to warn
of waves in a specific time window. The forecast covers
the following 180 seconds and identifies abnormal
waves by using x-band radar and predictive analytics.
A non-adaptive algorithm was used at the beginning,
which assimilated all raw radar data over the entire
sampling range at rates of more than 2.1 Msps. This
simplified the testing phase, so adaptive algorithmic
methods were added at a later stage. First, the sea
surface is measured over a spatio-temporal range,
hereinafter referred to as the observation range. This is
followed by the application of pre-processing methods
and the calculation of the magnitude and phase of
wave vector coefficients. Finally, the phase shift of the
wave vector coefficients is used for propagation,
therefore for the prediction of the sea surface profile at
space-time offsets.
This results in the prediction (see Figure 7) of a
wave field derived from statistical sea state parameters
as well as 3-dimensional sea surface height maps from
nautical X-band radars. The method is based on the
spectral analysis of radar data using a 3-dimensional
(fast) Fourier transform.
Figure 7. Prediction of T+180s of the wave field, the colors
indicate the wave elevation in meters, with a wave direction
towards north-east over 3 kilometers.
3.4 Recapitulation of Existing Works
The previous methods are based on the isolated
parameter as they are described in Chapter 2, so the
methods do not combine all the evaluated parameter
(1-5) and uses them for prediction or probability
calculation. The difficulty in predicting parametric
rolling lies in the conditions that vary every passing
second, the same as the sea. The parametric rolling
should be predicted in a time frame in which the ship's
command can react, but no false alarms should occur.
In addition, the previous methods do not reflect the
severity of the parametric rolling (classification) or the
probability. The own approach is to increase the
accuracy of the detection by using multiple parameters
so that no early warnings are generated.
To begin the question of understanding what
parametric rolling means numerically must be
clarified. For this purpose, accident reports and
simulation are used as the basis of identification.
Numerical limits are set which describe parametric
rolling. Once it has been established what parametric
rolling is numerically, parametric rolling can be
simulated. For this process the multiple parameters
from chapter 2.2 are used for. Their dependencies are
represented in an event tree. The five severity classes
of parametric rolling will result from the simulations.
They are then described in detail. An algorithm, which
perpetuates the numerical conditions for parametric
rolling from IV.A, recognizes and counts the events
which occur, allowing the probability of occurrence
under certain conditions for parametric rolling to be
4.1 Identification of Parametric Rolling
To define numerical values, we return to the definition
of parametric rolling from the relevant literature.
Parametric rolling is defined as a significant increase in
rolling motion that becomes dangerous for the crew,
the cargo and the ship [8]. Neither the time nor the roll
angle is specified.
In effort to localize parametric roll from the
simulations, it is necessary to have limit values at
which a roll movement is considered as parametric roll.
For this context, values found in accident reports as
well as in the previous studies are compared (see tab.1).
Table 1. Roll angel, time range and encounter angle for
parametric rolling from related works and accident reports
No. Vessel Reference roll time encounter
type angel range angle
[deg] [s] [deg]
1 RoPax [16] 25 50 35
2 Research [16] 35 20 315
3 Panmax [17] >15 / /
4 Container [12] 20 25 /
5 Container [2] 44 / 100-130
6 Container [13] 18 100 /
7 Container [9] 20 / 335-25
8 Container [18] 20 100 120-240
9 Container [19] 30 30 155-180
10 Container [3] 30-35 3 moves 2
11 Container [4] 38-41 / /
12 Container [20] 30-40 / 155-205
13 Container [21] 25-30 5 moves 180
14 Container [22] 30 100 335-25
15 Container [23] 18 10 /
16 Container [24] 20 2 moves /
17 Container [25] 15-20 / 30
18 Container [5] 20 / 335-25
From table 1, the definition of parametric rolling can
now be defined in more detail:
1. Ship type/model
As can be seen from table I, these are container
ships, most of which suffer from parametric rolling
or are used for investigations. To ensure the
comparability with other methods and due to the
vulnerability of specific ship designs with flared
fore and aft extremities or a flat transom stern
paired with wall-sided ship sides near the waterline
amidship [5] to parametric rolling, a container ship
is used for the simulations. The acquired ship model
for the MARIN software [1], has a length overall of
400m, between perpendiculars 382m, a beam of
56m, a draught of 15.5m and a dry mass of 214,000t.
2. Roll angel
In the table 1 the existing works present roll angles
of 20 degrees and above. Nevertheless, when
considering the accident reports, higher roll angles
of 25 degrees and even closer to 30 degrees are
found. Less than one third of the accidents are
caused by roll angles around 20 degrees. Therefore,
for further considerations and the identification of
the parametric rolling, roll angles over 25 degrees
are examined.
3. Time range t
Conversely, the time ranges for the theoretical work
are set very high with up to 100 seconds and the
time ranges of the accident reports are very short
from only two rolling movements to approx. 30 to
100 seconds. It follows that, for safety reasons, short
time ranges must be recorded in which the ships
build up to high rolling angles. In this work, time
windows of less than 60 seconds are thus
4. Encounter angle
According to the accident and investigation reports
in table 1, these are longitudinal or quartering sea
which induces parametric rolling.
For this paper the following threshold values can be
derived from these observations and characteristics
and subsequently used for simulation of parametric
RESULT: Concrete definition of parametric rolling.
It can be concluded from this that parametric rolling is
identified in the simulations for a containership, for
forward sea with an encounter angle of β = 0°, when
the roll angle increases from a small roll angle (<5°) to
more than 25° within a period of 60 seconds and no
damping takes place within the roll-up (see description
of parametric rolling in chapter 2.2).
4.2 Generating of parametric Rolling
For the simulation of the parametric rolling, the
software of MARIN is used. Also, a container ship
model with a length of 400 m, a width of 56 m and a
draught of 15.5 m is used [1].
To be able to identify parametric rolling, the ship
model must be simulated under different parameters.
For this purpose, all wave periods, lengths, heights,
and ship speeds could be compared step by step. Due
to the presence of these multiple parameters in
multiple combinations, this would lead to an immense
number of simulations. To simplify this, the
parameters are narrowed down by including the
requirements mentioned in chapter 2.3. By specifically
limiting the parameters and simulating them in
combinations, a parameterization is therefore carried
out by means of a discrete simulation.
1. Encounter period Te
In the first step the wave period Te1 is set to 1.8
2. Wavelength λ
The wavelength λ is calculated the minimum, mean
and maximum of the range as in chapter 2.2 for 0.7,
1 and 1.3 times.
3. Angle of encounter β
The encounter angle is first set to β = 0°.
4. The variation of GM is not considered in the first
5. Ship's speed vs
Corresponding from the formula (5) the ship’s
speed is applied vs single, double, triple and
6. Wave height ζ
The wave heights are needed for the simulation. For
an initial parameterization, the wave heights are
used in a step size of 1m from 1-20m, as no
information is available on the areas in which
parametric rolling occurs more strongly.
This leads to an event tree for the discrete
Figure 8. Event tree for Te1=TR/1,8
The figure 8 shows that the wave period Tw2 is
divided into 4 different possible ship's speed
si T s
v v i=
with i = 1…4. From here, only the
encounter angles β=0° are initially parameterized,
further into three calculated wavelengths
each for
1 1,3.and
= =
Here the
parameterization continues with twenty different
wave heights ζ(1-20). The simulation is carried out using
the MARIN software based on this event tree in order
to next identify the dependencies of the multiple
parameters (parametrization).
4.3 Discrete Simulation
For parameterization, the individual simulations are
performed according to the specifications of the event
tree. For this purpose, the simulations are performed
over a duration of 7200 seconds and with an increment
of 1s.
All simulations have been summarized in tabular
form. Table 2 is an exemplary listing of some
simulations that showed parametric rolling.
Table 2. Examples for simulations with parametric rolling
Sim Vs Tw λ ζ β start roll roll
No [kn] [rad/s] [m] [m] [°] time angle move-
[s] max[°] ment
21 7,464 17,87 496,6 11,92 0 6770 25,94 x
139 3,732 17,87 382 11,92 0 477 43,05 x
140 3,732 17,87 382 13,11 0 3013 30,89 4
144 3,732 17,87 382 17,88 0 840 29 3
145 3,732 17,87 382 19,07 0 678 43,03 3
145 3,732 17,87 382 19,07 0 896 27,43 3
145 3,732 17,87 382 19,07 0 1951 39,81 3
149 3,732 17,87 382 23,84 0 1335 31,26 2
175 3,732 17,87 267,4 11,92 0 477 43,05 x
The evaluation of the individual simulations
showed large differences between the types of
parametric rolling. Strong and less strong, as well as
faster and slower reactions of the ship were shown.
Another feature was the frequency of occurrence
within a simulation, which was reduced to a single or
multiple events. These differences provide evidence
for the characteristics of serial parametric rolling and
the classification into 4 severity classes.
4.4 Classification of Parametric Rolling
Most Different degrees of severity of parametric rolling
can now be derived from the previous simulations of
parametric rolling. Here, the accident reports coincide
with the simulations generated.
4.4.1 Serial parametric rolling
Describes the repeated occurrence of parametric
rolling within the same simulation. The ship
experiences several continuous parametric rolling (see
figure 9 and table 2) within 7200 seconds. In the
simulation 145 the parametric rolling appeared 3 times.
Figure 9. Serial parametric rolling with vs= 7,25kn, β = 0°,
Tw=17,87s, λ= 382m, H=19,07m
4.4.2 Class1: Very extreme parametric rolling
After two rolling movements of the vessel (see
figure 10 and table 2). The simulation 149 shows that
the vessel moves two times and is rolling up to 31,26°.
Figure 10. Very extreme parametric rolling with vs= 7,25kn,
β = 0°, Tw=17,87s, λ= 382m, H=23,84m
4.4.3 Class2: Extreme parametric rolling
After three rolling movements of the vessel (see
figure 11 and table 2). The simulation 144 shows the
exceeding of 25° roll angle after the third movement
with even 29°.
Figure 11. Extreme parametric rolling with vs= 7,25kn, β = 0°,
Tw=17,87s, λ= 382m, H=17,88m
4.4.4 Class3: Strong parametric rolling
After fore rolling movements of the vessel (see
figure 12 and table 2). In the simulation 140 the ship
was rolling fore times to exceed 25° and reached even
an angle of rolling of 30,89°.
Figure 12. Strong parametric rolling with vs= 7,25kn, β = 0°,
Tw=17,87s, λ= 382m, H=17,88m
4.4.5 Class4: Simple parametric rolling
After more than fore rolling movements of the
vessel parametric rolling is identified (see figure 13).
See as example in the table 2 the simulation 175, where
several moves of the vessel results in 43,05° of rolling.
Figure 13. Simple parametric rolling with vs= 7,25kn, β= 0°,
Tw=17,87s, λ= 267,4m, H=11,92m
For the encounter period Te1=TR/1,8, parametric
rolling was detected in the discrete simulation in
35.71%. Within the simulations, serial parametric
rolling occurred in 67.5% at a ship speed of 7.25kn. The
highest roll angles of up to 44.82° occurred at the ship
speed of 7.25kn. Class1 was achieved 15% of the time,
Class2 47.5%, Class3 also 15% and Class4 22.5%.
The simulations indicate the dependencies of the
multiple parameters on each other so that the
parametrization and conditional probability follows.
4.5 Parametrization and conditional probability
These dependencies for the multiple parameters of the
discrete simulation are shown in figure 14 and are used
to calculate the conditional probability of parametric
rolling for Te2=TR/1,8. The highest probability for
parametric rolling is for wave heights over 11m (ζ10-20)
independently from the wavelength λ and the vessel
speed v.
Figure 14. Conditional probability of parametric rolling
In the evaluation, the accuracy of the multiple
parameter application is compared to the related
works (see table 3).
Table 3. Comparability with related works
Parameter Identification
of p.R.
IMO [11] 1,3a,3b 100,00%
OCTOPUS [12] 1,2,3a,3b, 100,00%
wave height
Silva and Soares [5] 3,4 x
PAROLL 1,2, wave height 100,00%
(R. Galeazzi, 2014)
MARIN [14] 4 x
WaveSignal [15] Radar x
Multiple Parameter 1,2,3a,3b,5, 48,00%
wave height
Table 3 shows that IMO [11], OCTOPUS [12] and
PAROLL [13] would have deflected 100% across all
simulations. Silva and Soares [5], as well as MARIN
[14] and WaveSignal [15], cannot yet be portrayed
because they use the variation of GM and a radar
image. The own approach of multiple parameters
reacted 35.71% of the time or identified parametric
rolling in 35.71% of the simulations. By using multiple
parameters in combination, it seems that a higher
accuracy was achieved compared to the IMO [11],
OCTOPUS [12] and PAROLL[13]. Whereas with the
three methods listed, each simulation would have been
identified as a parametric roll and thus an alarm would
have been raised, by using the multiple parameters in
combination, a smaller amount of simulation was
identified. The limitations that parametric roll must
occur from a roll angle of 25°, within 60 seconds, as well
as that no damping may occur in the meantime, seem
to have increased the accuracy. There is still no
comparability with the work of Silva and Soares [5],
MARIN [14] and WaveSignal [15], as the metacentric
height was not yet considered in this work.
Additionally, as a novelty, the severity of
parametric rolling is distinguished in four classes and
serial parametric rolling was identified.
During multi-parameter discrete simulation for one
wave period, a classification with 4 classes and 1
characteristic were introduced to describe parametric
rolling in more detail like the serial parametric rolling,
which was already outlined in several accident reports.
This opens a more detailed view of the phenomenon.
Similarly, the severity of parametric rolling was not
differentiated in the past, although differences in the
accident reports can be seen here as well. This
subdivision into very extreme (class1), extreme
(class2), strong (class3) and simple (class4) parametric
rolling leads to a much more detailed view than before.
It is now possible to distinguish whether a ship enters
parametric rolling within 2, 3, 4 or more rolling
motions and can thus bring about different
This work therefore allows considering parametric
rolling not as a unique phenomenon, but in its diversity
of occurrence with the risk of repetition (serial
parametric rolling).
As further research, the simplification from chapter
4 would have to be removed and the simulations
carried out. This will allow an even more accurate view
of this phenomenon. Furthermore, other ship models
in MARIN [1], such as a cruise ship or a RoRo (roll-
on/roll-off) ship, would also be conceivable for further
signings. The vulnerability of the different hulls would
be a main point of investigation. Additionally, a further
simulation software would have to be used for an
evaluation and reliability of the results. Similarly,
parameter 4 (variation of GM) needs to be investigated
to establish comparability with MARIN [14] and Silva
and Soares [5]. Comparability with WaveSignal [15]
would only be possible by running both applications
simultaneously over a simulation and labelling the
The next step would be to implement an artificial
intelligence, which will serve real-time prediction in
the current sea state for assistance systems.
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[4] DMAIB, Danish Maritime Accident Investigation Board
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[7] GL, Germanischer Lloyd ‘Rules for Classification and
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[9] BSU Investigation Report 45/07, Federal Bureau of
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[11] IMO, International Maritime Organization, ‘Revised
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