In the evaluation, the accuracy of the multiple
parameter application is compared to the related
works (see table 3).
Table 3. Comparability with related works
Parameter Identification
of p.R.
IMO [11] 1,3a,3b 100,00%
OCTOPUS [12] 1,2,3a,3b, 100,00%
wave height
Silva and Soares [5] 3,4 x
PAROLL 1,2, wave height 100,00%
(R. Galeazzi, 2014)
MARIN [14] 4 x
WaveSignal [15] Radar x
Multiple Parameter 1,2,3a,3b,5, 48,00%
wave height
Table 3 shows that IMO [11], OCTOPUS [12] and
PAROLL [13] would have deflected 100% across all
simulations. Silva and Soares [5], as well as MARIN
[14] and WaveSignal [15], cannot yet be portrayed
because they use the variation of GM and a radar
image. The own approach of multiple parameters
reacted 35.71% of the time or identified parametric
rolling in 35.71% of the simulations. By using multiple
parameters in combination, it seems that a higher
accuracy was achieved compared to the IMO [11],
OCTOPUS [12] and PAROLL[13]. Whereas with the
three methods listed, each simulation would have been
identified as a parametric roll and thus an alarm would
have been raised, by using the multiple parameters in
combination, a smaller amount of simulation was
identified. The limitations that parametric roll must
occur from a roll angle of 25°, within 60 seconds, as well
as that no damping may occur in the meantime, seem
to have increased the accuracy. There is still no
comparability with the work of Silva and Soares [5],
MARIN [14] and WaveSignal [15], as the metacentric
height was not yet considered in this work.
Additionally, as a novelty, the severity of
parametric rolling is distinguished in four classes and
serial parametric rolling was identified.
During multi-parameter discrete simulation for one
wave period, a classification with 4 classes and 1
characteristic were introduced to describe parametric
rolling in more detail like the serial parametric rolling,
which was already outlined in several accident reports.
This opens a more detailed view of the phenomenon.
Similarly, the severity of parametric rolling was not
differentiated in the past, although differences in the
accident reports can be seen here as well. This
subdivision into very extreme (class1), extreme
(class2), strong (class3) and simple (class4) parametric
rolling leads to a much more detailed view than before.
It is now possible to distinguish whether a ship enters
parametric rolling within 2, 3, 4 or more rolling
motions and can thus bring about different
This work therefore allows considering parametric
rolling not as a unique phenomenon, but in its diversity
of occurrence with the risk of repetition (serial
parametric rolling).
As further research, the simplification from chapter
4 would have to be removed and the simulations
carried out. This will allow an even more accurate view
of this phenomenon. Furthermore, other ship models
in MARIN [1], such as a cruise ship or a RoRo (roll-
on/roll-off) ship, would also be conceivable for further
signings. The vulnerability of the different hulls would
be a main point of investigation. Additionally, a further
simulation software would have to be used for an
evaluation and reliability of the results. Similarly,
parameter 4 (variation of GM) needs to be investigated
to establish comparability with MARIN [14] and Silva
and Soares [5]. Comparability with WaveSignal [15]
would only be possible by running both applications
simultaneously over a simulation and labelling the
The next step would be to implement an artificial
intelligence, which will serve real-time prediction in
the current sea state for assistance systems.
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doi: 10.1117/12.2243360