Although the concept of artificial neural networks is
known starting from the past century, nowadays it
found a new breath due to modern computer
technology development: software/hardware
resources and capabilities. Artificial neural networks
are related to many disciplines: neurophysiology,
mathematics, statistics, physics, computer science and
engineering. They find their application in various
fields such as modeling, time series analysis, pattern
recognition, signal processing and control due to their
data learning ability.
The purpose of the current research is to review and
evaluate the usage of digital neural networks (DNN) in
the context of the maritime industry by analyzing
existing studies to propose new concepts in this matter.
Neural networks are one of the areas in the field of
artificial intelligence, based on attempts to reproduce
the human nervous system, namely: the ability to learn
and correct errors, which should allow simulating,
albeit rather roughly, the work of the human brain. A
neuron is a base element of DNN. The basic structural
scheme of the network’s j neuron is presented in
figure 1.
Figure 1. Neuron model
Application Perspective of Digital Neural Networks in
the Context of Marine Technologies
V.Konon & N. Konon
National University “Odessa Maritime Academy”, Odessa, Ukraine
ABSTRACT: This study is focused on the issue of digital neural networks’ implementation in the context of
maritime industry. Various algorithms of such networks in the terms of the marine technologies have been
reviewed in the current study in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the methodology and to propose a new
concept of an artificial neural network’s application in this way. Fire-detection system simulation based on the
thermal imagers’ data input had been developed to assess the efficiency of the concept suggested with a multi-
layer perceptron (MLP) algorithm integrated into the designed 3d-model.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 16
Number 4
December 2022
DOI: 10.12716/1001.16.04.16
Different studies already proposed and/or
reviewed the concept of DNN models, which are
applied or may be applied to the maritime industry.
Autonomous ship control and vessel motion
prediction present a widely pursued area of research
for already more than 30 years. Autonomous
shipboard navigation in channels was considered in
[18] using a neural network consisting of an adaptive
critic element (ACE) and an adaptive search element
(ASE). ASE was responsible for studying the channel
area while ACE evaluated the ASE performance,
tending to predict potential failures in navigation. The
developed model showed good results through
software simulation with graphical feedback.
A combining density-based spatial clustering of
applications with noise (DBSCAN)-based Long Short-
Term Memory (LSTM) model, as an extension of
recurrent neural network (RNN), was developed for
vessel trajectory prediction, where DBSCAN was used
to cluster vessel tracks from automatic identification
system (AIS) data, and LSTM was used for training and
prediction [21]. The resulting predictions of the
proposed model showed a 2% advantage over other
models in the study. The nonlinear autoregressive
exogenous (NARX) network was used as the core of the
ship motion prediction framework in the study [7]. The
advantage of the NARX network’s long-term
prediction ability a multi-step-ahead prediction was
realized under the hybrid learning strategy and
experimental results showed the efficiency of the
NARX network in generating the data-driven model
for ship motion prediction. The use of multi-layered
perceptron (MLP) was discussed in the study [22] for
vessel motion prediction in specified conditions,
showing good agreement with the expected results. To
enhance optimization and multi-criterial automatic
design of ships in terms of fast and simultaneous
analysis of many design solutions within a similar time
interval, the work [2] presented a neural network
implementation for the assessment of ship
manoeuvrability qualities. The back-stepping method
using a neural network to approximate the nonlinear
ship course control system was used in research [23]. A
neural network was utilized to approximate nonlinear
terms in the ship model. To verify the effectiveness of
the proposed control algorithm MATLAB simulations
were carried out.
NN application perspectives were also reflected in
the mooring lines’ condition monitoring. In this way,
the work [12] focused on the development of a DNN-
based damage detection approach with floater
responses for mooring lines with even local damage in
the tension leg platform. Simulation data was used for
DNN training, validation, and testing. Another study
[9] used RNN for effective analysis of the time-series
response data employed for damage detection. The
results of the RNN-based catenary mooring line
damage detection approach proposed confirmed the
efficiency of the RNN model in comparison with
results obtained in [12]. Another research [3]
highlighted the issue of the mooring lines’ complex
behavior and a Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural
network was proposed for damage with a modelling
method based on Rod theory and the Finite Element
Method (FEM). In order to improve the modelling
accuracy, boundary conditions uncertainty was
applied using Submatrix Solution Procedure (SSP) and
a round-off error is removed by SSP. The described
method showed 65% higher performance than the
Fuzzy method and 13% percent higher performance
than the conventional one.
The use of neural networks is also being actively
integrated into the development of autonomous ship
berthing control. In the following works [3-6] an
automatic berthing controller from the neural network
technology was designed via virtual window theory
algorithms, nonlinear programming, as well as the PD
hybrid control. The effectiveness of the model was
verified from the free-running model test. In [16], the
artificial neural network algorithm was used to
establish an automatic berthing model and the berthing
process of the ship was divided into two stages: the
proceeding and deceleration stage, and the turning and
berthing stage. The paper [7] highlights four major
challenges for the implementation of ANN controller
for ship berthing. The problem of auto-berthing control
was considered in [17], where a neural network (NN)
adaptive approach based on the navigation dynamic
deep-rooted information (DRI) was proposed to
resolve the uncertainties caused by unknown ship
dynamics and external disturbances. The dynamic
surface control (DSC) and the minimum learning
parameter (MLP) techniques were used to minimize
the computational load of the adaptive NN control
scheme. Simulations were carried out on a vessel to
verify the effectiveness of the proposed model. The
study [13] is devoted to the development of an
automatic ship`s berthing system, by using the RNN
for a non-linear optimal feedback controller. The
Proposed system was evaluated through extensive
computer simulations and an actual experiment was
carried out. MLP in conjunction with the back-
propagation algorithm was applied in a study [1] to
develop a feed-forward controller using a non-
simplified mathematical model for modelling an
automated ship berthing controller.
Several works, such as [10, 14, 19], present the
models related to fire-detection systems implementing
various DNN algorithms. Research [10] describes a
real-time fire system based on grey-fuzzy algorithms.
A fire detection algorithm, which uses a pyroelectric
infrared motion sensor (PIR) and DNN is proposed in
[19]. Data collected from the sensor was processed for
further DNN training. According to the described
study, such a model showed efficient results during
tests and was capable to detect not only fire but also
human motion.
In the study [14] fire datasets from laboratory
experiments are presented by authors for further
processing of these datasets using machine learning
The current study is focused on the DNN
application in shipboard fire-detection systems,
namely, in the processing of thermal data received
from thermal imaging devices. Cargo fire simulation
inside the container vessel’s cargo hold was modelled
for further experiments and data collection within the
task. As the cargo holds configuration, especially cross-
decks’ arrangement, may differ depending on a
vessel’s design, and there is a possibility, that some
difficulties may be encountered at the imagers’
allocation stage (e.g. blind zones), an artificial neural
network may provide a solution for containers’
thermal condition control over the cargo hold,
estimating areas of an issue. The allocation diagram
with positions of thermal imagers, correspondent
numbers of containers, bulkheads and blind zones is
presented in figure 2. Simulation has been carried out
using instruments of Unity IDE and C# programming
language capabilities.
As the DNN for data processing, a multi-layer
perceptron has been chosen to evaluate the efficiency
of the formulated idea in the first approximation. In
this way, such an evaluation could be stated as an
objective within the purpose of the current research.
Figure 2. Allocation diagram sample
2.1 DNN implementation
Multi-layer perceptron could be applied for solving a
wide variety of tasks, herewith its training may be
carried out by means of error back-propagation
algorithm [8, 20]. Such an algorithm in its turn is based
on the error-correction learning rule. This method of
training supposes forward and backward passes
through all the DNN’s layers (see fig. 3).
Figure 3. Forward and backward pass
During the forward pass an input data vector is sent
to the sensor nodes with further spreading among the
network, resulting in a set of output signals, which may
be interpreted as a network reaction onto the initial
input. An error signal is generated by the deduction of
actual output from the desired one, setting up all the
synaptic weights in accordance with the error-
correction rule during the backward pass.
Consequently, it is spreading in the direction opposite
to one of the synaptic connections.
A schematic diagram of the network being used
during the current experiment is presented in figure 4.
Figure 4. Multi-layer perceptron model
The input layer of the DNN used in the research
consists of an array with a length of fourteen elements.
These elements are seven maximum temperature
values of containers in the simulated thermal imagers’
field of view (FOV), allocated in accordance with the
defined pattern, and their correspondent locations (i.e.
seven temperatures plus seven container numbers,
distributed in a sequence from left to right and from up
to down as shown in fig. 2).
To normalize data input for further processing next
equation has been used:
min 2 1
max min
( ) ( )
x x d d
ni normalized data,
x data to be normalized,
[xmin; xmax] interval of x values,
[d1; d2] interval of normalized values.
Actual data processing is carried out inside of
hidden layers. There are four layers of this type that
were set for the current task. Quantities of layers and
neurons are defined in an experimental way to show
the most accurate outputs.
Sigmoidal nonlinearity has been used as an
activation function and it is determined as a logistic
yj neuron’s output;
vj weighted sum of all synaptic inputs for neuron j
plus neuron’s threshold value.
For the training purpose, the output data was set as
an array with a length of two elements: the maximum
temperature value in the scene and its location. The
minimum temperature value for the experiment was
defined as the value of zero degrees Celsius and
considered as sufficient within the framework of the
task. The DNN was integrated into the 3d simulation
model in order to perform the experiment.
2.2 Simulation modelling
The designed simulation consists of 3d-container
models (see figure 5) with a fire source randomly
located inside one of them. Each side of the container is
divided into a specified quantity of segments. The color
of each segment depends on the current temperature
value inherent to it. Temperature intervals for the color
palette may be set manually by the operator. Detailed
heat exchange simulation between the segments is a
matter of separate research and a linear dependency at
each frame is considered as sufficient within the set
Figure 5. Container 3D-model
To achieve the set objective, the next initial
conditions have been applied to the model in order to
select only necessary and sufficient data for the
fulfillment of the experiment:
only 40-feet containers are used in the simulation;
cargo containers are considered empty to avoid any
additional issues, which may be assumed as
unnecessary within the stated task, except the one
carrying the fire source;
containers’ quantity of 40 units is considered
sufficient to provide a thorough examination of the
simulation process;
thermal imager’s allocation should ensure the most
effective coverage over the row-tier area;
thermal imagers are allocated in the cross-deck
areas of the cargo hold (see figure 6).
It should be clear, that the color palette of the
temperature distribution, shown in figure 6, is
demonstrated for better visualization of the process
and it does not fully reflect a real thermal image.
Figure 6. Allocated camera view sample
During the experiment, it was found, that readings of
at least three thermal imagers in the vicinity of the fire
source are necessary to obtain adequate results. Their
referent positions are also important in this matter and
the most accurate results have been shown when the
desired container had been enclosed in a triangle with
vertices inside of the sensors’ FOV.
As the DNN’s output values belong to the interval
[0; 1], their standard form may be obtained by
expressing x from (1):
1 max min
( ) ( )
n d x x
Training of the MLP was carried out using about
seventy-five data sets received from the developed 3d-
model (three data sets of various temperature
distributions at different time points per twenty-five
The results of five measurement series are brought
to the table 1. Presented cases have been chosen as
those which fairly reflect the outputs of the experiment
in terms of summarizing the unique conditions for the
placement of ignition sources in the context of data
processing within the framework of the task. In four of
five presented cases a temperature error does not
exceed the value of five degrees Celsius (corresponds
to about 90% of all cases, i.e. including those not shown
in table 1), and, in general, values do not exceed the
limit of ten degrees. As the importance of referent
positions has already been mentioned, in this way it
should be noted that only in three of five presented
series the DNN was able to accurately define desired
fire source position located inside of blind zones
(corresponds to about 71% of all cases, i.e. including
those not shown in table 1). In the rest of series,
position’s determination accuracy of blind zone
container did not exceed the value of two units in any
Table 1. Processing results
Parameters Measurement spots Fire DNN's
Source output
1 Imager's 1 3 4
Temperature, 150.38 78.56 150.11 165.00 167.33
Container 0 10 16 8 8
2 Imager's 4 7 6
Temperature, 127.57 126.78 64.76 138.00 133.02
Container 16 34 27 32 26
3 Imager's 6 5 7
Temperature, 98.76 80.18 80.00 112.00 103.79
Container 30 23 37 39 30
4 Imager's 3 2 1
Temperature, 110.34 109.98 101.75 120.00 124.13
Container 12 5 2 4 4
5 Imager's 7 6 4
Temperature, 180.31 180.45 181.10 214.00 218.38
Container 34 27 18 26 26
In the current research various artificial neural
networks’ algorithms were reviewed in the terms of
their application in maritime industry: navigation,
mooring operations, motion prediction, fire-fighting
systems and etc. in an efficient way, and a wide variety
of such an algorithms found their implementation into
marine technologies: multi-layer perceptron, recurrent
neural networks, DNNs on fuzzy algorithms etc. In this
way, the usage of multi-layer perceptron in the concept
of shipboard fire-fighting system based on thermal
imagers’ data has been proposed, performing the
simulation modelling for the experiment.
The main objective of the current research is to
evaluate the effectiveness of designed model in the first
approximation by carrying out the fire source
determination with its temperature value within the
equipment’s limits considering the blind zones of the
allocated imagers’ FOVs. Experiment results have
demonstrated that the temperatures of the determined
by MLP fire sources may be obtained with the
sufficient accuracy (less than ± 10°C) with position
prediction not exceeding the value of two units in any
direction (of a “row-tier” area). In order to enhance the
presented concept, namely, to increase the
performance accuracy and to provide its application
for various loading conditions and cargo holds’
configurations more data should be collected and
processed in order to train the DNN sufficiently.
Taking into account safety and economic issues
inherent to the conducting of such experiments, in
order to improve the proposed concepts’ performance,
the enhancing of the designed 3d-model is considered
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