In the current research various artificial neural
networks’ algorithms were reviewed in the terms of
their application in maritime industry: navigation,
mooring operations, motion prediction, fire-fighting
systems and etc. in an efficient way, and a wide variety
of such an algorithms found their implementation into
marine technologies: multi-layer perceptron, recurrent
neural networks, DNNs on fuzzy algorithms etc. In this
way, the usage of multi-layer perceptron in the concept
of shipboard fire-fighting system based on thermal
imagers’ data has been proposed, performing the
simulation modelling for the experiment.
The main objective of the current research is to
evaluate the effectiveness of designed model in the first
approximation by carrying out the fire source
determination with its temperature value within the
equipment’s limits considering the blind zones of the
allocated imagers’ FOVs. Experiment results have
demonstrated that the temperatures of the determined
by MLP fire sources may be obtained with the
sufficient accuracy (less than ± 10°C) with position
prediction not exceeding the value of two units in any
direction (of a “row-tier” area). In order to enhance the
presented concept, namely, to increase the
performance accuracy and to provide its application
for various loading conditions and cargo holds’
configurations more data should be collected and
processed in order to train the DNN sufficiently.
Taking into account safety and economic issues
inherent to the conducting of such experiments, in
order to improve the proposed concepts’ performance,
the enhancing of the designed 3d-model is considered
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