The shipping industry is responsible for securing some
80% of international trade by volume (UNCTAD 2020).
Nowadays, it is facing a disruptive change to its
traditional setup, which was based on a highly-skilled
workforce of seafarers. The disruptive change of
introducing autonomous solutions to maritime
transportation will affect not only the 1.6-million pool
of offshore workers, but is likely to change the way the
entire industry works. The expected changes
encompass increased safety (Kretschmann et al. 2015),
reduced environmental impact (Danish Maritime
Authority 2017), increased financial effectiveness,
among others. Each of these potential benefits can be
contested, primarily for the lack of hard evidence in a
form of historical data to support them. Safety-related
gains are questionable due to the unknown effect of
autonomous ships on maritime operations (Wróbel,
Montewka, and Kujala 2017) and difficulty in
quantifying or analyzing the effect humans have on
maritime safety (Wróbel 2021). Environmental impact
will primarily come as an effect of introducing
solutions unrelated to autonomy itself, but rather
implemented on the occasion of re-shaping the
industry. Financial effects of operating autonomous
vessels are also difficult to predict (Ziajka-Poznańska
and Montewka 2021; Kooij, Kana, and Hekkenberg
2021; Sandvik et al. 2021). On top of these, there is an
ongoing discussion on various legal aspects of crewless
shipping (Nawrot and Pepłowska-Dąbrowska 2019;
Wasilewski, Wolak, and Zaraś 2021) including liability
(Mallam, Nazir, and Sharma 2020), lack of clear
foundation within the international maritime
framework (Bergström et al. 2018), unknown impact of
the technology on the workforce (Bogusławski, Gil, et
al. 2022), and potential unknown unknowns. As of
2022, the development of the technology is gaining
momentum, but its future is burdened with significant
uncertainties. These will not necessarily cause it to fail,
but may result in significant setbacks.
In order to ensure that the development is smooth,
different approaches are proposed. These include close
A Tale of Two Disruptive Maritime Technologies:
Nuclear Propulsion and Autonomy
K. Wróbel
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: Modern industries often attempt to implement innovations that have a disruptive potential. In
shipping, this included a largely unsuccessful introduction of nuclear propulsion in late 20th century, among
other concepts. Nowadays, introduction of increased autonomy is being associated with prospects of various
industry-wide benefits, but is also burdened with serious obstacles. The objective of this study is to investigate
reasons behind the failure of nuclear-powered merchant ships introduction and whether lessons learnt from it
can be applied to the prospective implementation of autonomous merchant ships. It advocates that three aspects
of maritime technology are crucial for its successful implementation: perceived level of safety, economical
feasibility, and legal setup.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 16
Number 4
December 2022
DOI: 10.12716/1001.16.04.15
cooperation between the legislator bodies and the
industry, as well as learning from other domains where
a shift towards autonomy has already occurred
(Wahlström et al. 2015). However, it has not been
raised until now that the industry can also learn from
past attempts to introduce a disruptive technical
change. Past failures on the part of maritime industry
to embrace a disruptive technology might help prevent
their repetition in the case of Maritime Autonomous
Surface Ships (MASS) development. One of examples
of unsuccessful technologies (that is now again gaining
interest) is a nuclear propulsion of merchant vessels.
When first conceptualized in late 1950s, nuclear-
powered merchant vessels were viewed as safer, less
polluting, and more financially viable than those
running on fossil fuels. Note that these are also the
main incentives for developing autonomous ships.
With only few non-military, nuclear-powered ships in
operation today in compare to tens of thousands
running on fuel oil, the idea of nuclear-powered
maritime transportation has clearly failed to meet the
expectations. Noteworthy, it was merely related to the
novel mode of propulsion and fuel logistics chain.
Meanwhile, introduction of autonomy is believed to
impact numerous aspects of shipping operations
including fuels used and energy efficiency, human
element and crewing, supervision and control, as well
as legal regime (Wright 2020).
The objective of the present study is to investigate the
reasons behind that failure and whether this
experience can be applied to promote the development
of MASS.
The study has been performed using a comparative
analysis method, in which technical and scientific
documents pertaining to two technologies in question
(nuclear propulsion of merchant ships NPoMS and
Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships MASS) have been
reviewed. These were collected from scientific
documents databases (Google Scholar and
ScienceDirect.com) and snow-balled through the
references lists to retrieve relevant documents on the
development of both technologies. Similarities and
differences between them have been disclosed as well
as factors governing potential successes and failures.
Eventually, lessons learnt from the development of
NPoMS and relevant for MASS have been identified.
The scope of this study has been limited to civilian
applications of maritime transportation. References to
the military applications are only made to maintain the
flow of a historical overview.
The reminder of this article is as follows. Firstly,
historical overview of both technologies is provided.
Then, Section 4 discusses four aspects of the
technologies having the greatest impact on their
development: legal environment, safety, economic
feasibility, and human element considerations. Section
5 presents lessons learned from the development of
nuclear merchant ships and elaborates on potential
application of these lessons to the development of
maritime autonomous systems. Final section
concluded the paper.
3.1 Nuclear propulsion
NPoMS came to reality in 1962 when NS [Nuclear Ship]
Savannah has been commissioned, ten years after the
launching of USS Nautilus. The purpose of Savannah
was to demonstrate the viability and safety of the
technology as well as to gain experience in non-
military operations rather than to secure financial gains
(Freire and Andrade 2015; Dade and Witzig 1974). She
was capable of transporting both cargo and passengers.
The project proved successful in technical terms, but a
complete failure financially (Hirdaris et al. 2014). There
were also long disputes over wages for the crew and
their qualifications.
In the same year of 1962, construction of NS Otto
Hahn was ordered in West Germany. Her primary
objective as an ore carrier was to serve as a test bed to
gain experience in nuclear ships design by German
maritime industry. The ship met many restrictions in
calling at certain ports due to perceived nuclear risk,
which prevented her operations on certain routes
(Ulken, Bianchi, and Kühl 1972; Schøyen and Steger-
Jensen 2017).
Ten years later, in 1972, construction of a Japanese
NS Mutsu was completed and the vessel was
scheduled for sea trials. Due to the protests of local
communities, these were postponed until 1974. Due to
some design flaws, she suffered from an increase in fast
neutrons radiation escaping the nuclear shielding,
which was later mis-reported as a ‘radioactivity leak’
(Nakao 1992). Rectification of this issue and further
modifications lasted until 1982 and the ship was finally
commissioned in 1991. She was decommissioned a year
later, after completing her research objectives (Gabbar,
Adham, and Abdussami 2021).
Soviet Union developed a series of nuclear-
powered ice-breakers to operate and provide their
services in Northern Sea Route. Among them was one
that was designed to also serve as a cargo ship, NS
Sevmorput. Commissioned in 1988 (two years after
Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident), she is still
active despite some resistance from port authorities
reluctant to accept her entry (Freire and Andrade 2015).
The ground for the latter are fears related to nuclear
safety. Interestingly, these were even expressed within
the Soviet Union during its final years, where
Sevmorput has been effectively banned from some Far
East ports (Ondir Freire and de Andrade 2019; Schøyen
and Steger-Jensen 2017). She is usually employed in a
cabotage trade between Russian Arctic ports
(Атомфлот n.d.) that can normally be unreachable by
other vessels. These are quite unparalleled market
All in all, except for a minor incident with NS
Mutsu, nuclear-powered merchant ships proved
technically viable, just as nuclear-powered men-of-war
do so. The NS Mutsu incident is said to be a result of
dispersed responsibility among entities involved in
design and construction.
All projects but Sevmorput were designed to be
more of a technology demonstrator and research
facility than money-making vehicles, which may have
contributed to them being withdrawn from operation.
Another contributing factor was safety concerns that
prohibited certain operations of ships. It is of note
however, that major safety-related obstacles to
operation of Savannah, Mutsu, and Otto Hahn (such as
denials of port entry) occurred even before the Three
Mile Island accident (1979). The event is said to have
caused major increase of skepticism and fear towards
nuclear industry (IAEA 2004) that has only been
exaggerated by later accidents in Chernobyl and
Fukushima-Daiichi. If public acceptance for NPoMS
was low, these accidents only made it worse.
Noteworthy, public does not normally raise similarly
big concerns towards nuclear-powered vessels
operated by military (Freire and Andrade 2015).
Eventually, nuclear-powered merchant vessels are
believed in hindsight to have been a costly exploration
of a potentially feasible solution. Their impact was not
big enough (primarily due to an inability to create
profit, legal restrictions, and public/authority
acceptance) to challenge the normal development in
shipping (Schøyen and Steger-Jensen 2017).
3.2 Maritime autonomy
Although the concept of crewless ships has been put
forward as early as in 1898 by famous Nikola Tesla
(Tesla 1898), the first regular attempts for designing
full scale demonstrators were performed in 1970s (NYT
1970). The development was rather slow, likely due to
lagging software and hardware advancements. It was
not until around 2014 when initial results of MUNIN
(Maritime Navigation through Intelligence in
Networks) project were published that the industry
began to realize that unmanned ships can be real
(Rødseth and Burmeister 2012). Since then, the
development in the field gained momentum, both in
terms of new studies dedicated to it being published
(Wróbel, Gil, and Montewka 2020) but also through
prototypes developed (Kongsberg 2017).
The most deployment-ready commercial
autonomous merchant ship is Yara Birkeland (Akbar et
al. 2021). She will serve a domestic trade within
Norwegian waters, operating between a fertilizer
factory and an export terminals. The project gained
significant public attention and the ship itself will
gradually transition towards fully-autonomous
operations in order to ensure overall safety.
Noteworthy, the assumption behind the development
was that it will not only serve as a technology
demonstrator but will also generate savings for the
operating company. These savings will come from
elimination of other modes of transportation from the
logistics chain, but Yara Birkeland is nevertheless
expected to be economically viable from the beginning
(Mannov et al. 2019). She entered into a regular service
in spring 2022.
Apart from Yara Birkeland, there are also several
other developments across many countries (Kutsuna et
al. 2019; Hannaford, Maes, and Van Hassel 2022), but
neither has been reported to achieve a
comprehensively autonomous operability.
Noteworthy, most of those intended for commercial
operations are expected to navigate between ports
within one country so as to stay within one legal frame
and not be involved in international voyages. These
would invoke a largely non-existent international
regulations designed for MASS.
4.1 Legal environment
Both NPoMS and MASS were initially developed in a
legal vacuum. It was not until 1966 (4 years after
Savannah has been launched) that the first
classification society developed prescriptive Rules for
the Classification of nuclear ships (Hirdaris et al. 2014).
Code of Safety for Nuclear Merchant Ships was
adopted not sooner than in 1981 as a goal-based
standard for the design and operation of nuclear-
powered ships (IMO 1981). Notably, it was almost 20
years after the Convention on the Liability of Operators
of Nuclear Ships was made open for signature (Konz
1963) clarification of liability issues preceded this of
technical ones. Moreover, most of the legal framework
for construction and operation of nuclear facilities has
been designed to accommodate stationary, land-based
structures rather than mobile ones (Hirdaris et al.
2014). Similarly, nuclear regulators were sometimes
reported to over-estimate risks related to NPoMS due
to their regular interaction with land-based facilities of
plate capacity at least an order of magnitude greater
than these installed on ships (Edwards 1979).
Lack of stable legislation is one of the factors that
keep potential investors away from given industry, just
as was the case of NPoMS (Ondir Freire and de
Andrade 2019; Edwards 1979). The most notorious
aspects of nuclear merchant ships operations were
related to the port entry, to which permissions must
have been obtained, sometimes with great difficulty.
During negotiations related to the safety requirements,
shipowners would sometimes withdraw their
application should port authorities require the nuclear
propulsion be disabled for the time of the port call. This
was the case for Savannah and Otto Hahn, purpose of
which was to demonstrate the NPoMS technology as a
safe one (Edwards 1979). Without being restricted by
commercial considerations as much as regular
operators would be, neither Savannah or Otto Hahn
could accept being deprived of their major purpose
and creating a legal precedent. On other occasions,
ports would simply not allow nuclear ships to enter
(Schøyen and Steger-Jensen 2017). In order to bypass
this approach, there were attempts of designing the
NPoMS in such a way that it can be detached from the
hull and left outside the territorial waters. By doing so,
a merchant vessel would enter port under a
conventional propulsion and would thus not fall
within a complicated nuclear legal regime of a coastal
state (Gravina et al. 2012). Similar concept was also
raised in terms of maintaining diesel propulsion as a
backup for nuclear one in case the latter fails, but
having a redundancy in a form of two reactors was also
deemed sufficient (Edwards 1979).
Similarly, up until July 2022 there is no legal
standard for the design and operation of MASS, even
though some prototypes are expected to enter into
commercial operation soon. Preliminary guidelines
have been published by several classification societies
(DNV-GL 2018; Bureau Veritas 2019), but international
goal-based Code is scheduled to be implemented by
2028 (IMO 2022). Until then, operations of MASS are
left at a discretion of respective coastal states, just as it
was with regards to nuclear-powered ones. This setup
opened a path towards denying the latter an innocent
passage on the grounds of nuclear safety concerns
(Lowe 1977; IAEA 1968) in a pre-UNCLOS era. Similar
concerns have also been raised in relation to MASS,
although these are rather hypothetical considerations
for the moment (Allen 2012; Chang, Zhang, and Wang
2020; Veal, Tsimplis, and Serdyc 2019) revolving
around the question whether MASS is in fact a ship
(Hasan 2022) and as such falls within UNCLOS Article
17. Nevertheless, it has been raised that coastal
administrations may legally impose certain legal
regime to govern the innocent passage and that such
rules may effectively prevent autonomous navigation
in territorial waters as well as port calls (Veal, Tsimplis,
and Serdyc 2019).
Moreover, it is also reported that current
international maritime legal regime contains numerous
potential gaps impeding the introduction of MASS into
the international trade (IMO MSC 2019). At least some
of the legal instruments do not explicitly preclude
crewless/autonomous navigation, but may be
interpreted that way (Bačkalov 2020).
4.2 Safety concerns
NPoMS as well as MASS were originally seen as a way
of improving safety at sea. High reliability of a nuclear
propulsion (Ulken, Bianchi, and Kühl 1972; Carlton,
Smart, and Jenkins 2011) as well as good safety record
of military nuclear propulsion were just some of the
arguments to support such belief.
As the experience was being gained with nuclear-
powered ships operations and MASS research, it was
realized that safety improvement expectations may not
be easy to meet. Even though no significant nuclear
accident had occurred within the merchant fleet, the
technology itself proved to be vulnerable in other
industries and within military. Although nuclear
accidents are relatively rare events due to high
technical standards employed (Strupczewski 2003),
they do happen as they did on numerous occasions,
just to name loss-of-coolant accident aboard NS Lenin
and at least two criticality accidents on board Soviet
submarines (Reistad, Mærli, and Bøhmer 2005).
Consequences of such events are disastrous (Gravina
et al. 2012) not only in terms of public health, but also
financially. The risk of operating NPoMS may be
objectively calculated as low (Folsom et al. 1955; Freire
and Andrade 2015), but public does not necessarily see
it this way. In particular, Japanese authorities are
reported to have failed explaining the radiation leak
incident properly (Nakao 1992). It has been clearly
stated that the blurring of responsibility among certain
parties involved in the design of the vessel and
difficulties in interfacing between these were to blame
for the incident (Schøyen and Steger-Jensen 2017;
Freire and Andrade 2015).
Initially, MASS were also seen as a remedy for
maritime accidents, mainly due to potential reduction
of at least some of their causes related to human error,
such as fatigue. Significant risk reductions were
expected (Kretschmann et al. 2015). With the
development of the technology and more research
being conducted, it has been realized that MASS will
not necessarily enjoy safety record as good as initially
predicted (Wróbel, Montewka, and Kujala 2017). The
ocean passage of Mayflower and problems
encountered during it (Maritime Executive 2022)
indicate that autonomous ships will be subject to
‘childhood diseases’. Other safety-related issues also
pertain to ambiguities of navigational situation and
environment (Fan, Montewka, and Zhang 2022),
situation awareness (Bogusławski, Nasur, et al. 2022),
maintenance especially in the case of crewless ships
(Pietrzykowski and Hajduk 2019; Bolbot, Theotokatos,
and Wennersberg 2022), and remote communication
(Wróbel et al. 2021). All in all, lack of quantitative data
on MASS safety caused by small number of prototypes
operational prevents the research and industry
community from concluding on whether this
technology will in fact improve safety at sea. Most
likely, some setbacks will occur in initial phases of the
its introduction to the industry, but the situation will
improve with experience gained. Uncertainties
comprise the levels of risk associated with early
operations and their public acceptability (Goerlandt
2020; Porathe, Hoem, and Johnsen 2018).
Every new technology can potentially introduce
new hazards. NPoMS comes with a risk of radioactive
leaks (also resulting from non-nuclear accident such as
collision or foundering (Edwards 1979)), meltdown,
and proliferation. MASS-related hazards are primarily
related to new ways of human-machine interactions,
also known as ‘ironies of automation’ (Bainbridge
1983), as well as those stemming from a necessity to
maintain real-time communication. Public acceptance
is an important factor here, too. Perhaps, the key factor
in the development of a technology beyond prototypes
and demonstrators is whether the risk exposure in its
early stages as perceived by a wider public was big
enough to create a strong opposition. If that is the case,
any technology beneficial to its stakeholders could
develop only if its proponents could overcome the
results of early-stage safety incidents. These had a great
impact on NPoMS (especially NS Mutsu) but appear to
lie ahead of MASS.
4.3 Economic feasibility
Contrary to military ships, merchant vessels serve a
purpose of making money to their owner or operator.
At a time Savannah was built, her upfront costs were
estimated to be 2-3 times as much as those of a fuel-
burning vessel of a similar size (Schøyen and Steger-
Jensen 2017). The calculations were also referred to as
‘uncertain’ (Namikawa et al. 2011; Dade and Witzig
1974), especially when compared to a fluctuating cost
of fossil fuels. Nevertheless, it was argued that NPoMS
could reduce operational costs of the vessel due to:
lower fuel price, better mobility (no need to make
bunkering stops), and improved utilization of space
within the hull (no bunker fuel tanks needed (Gravina
et al. 2012), but at the expense of dedicating space and
deadweight to carrying of containment, shielding etc.).
All in all, it was concluded that merchant nuclear-
powered ships may be a feasible option for operating
larger ships (Panamax+ size) due to high capital costs
(Freire and Andrade 2015) in relation to operational
ones (Schøyen and Steger-Jensen 2017), economy of
scale, and higher energy demand (Ondir Freire and de
Andrade 2019). By ‘economy of scale’, the size of single
reactor was understood rather than the number of
reactors built, although the latter was also estimated
quite optimistically at certain point (Dade and Witzig
1974). However, it was highlighted that there are
uncertainties involved particularly pertaining to the
costs and technical possibility of maintenance,
refurbishments, salvage, and decommissioning of
nuclear-powered ships (Schøyen and Steger-Jensen
2017; Gravina et al. 2012). High costs are also said to be
associated with liability (Hardy 1963), protection and
indemnity issues (Dade and Witzig 1974). Economical
feasibility of NPoMS was simply too difficult to
reliably calculate in an industry that (1) faced major
challenges in calculating life-cycle costs and (2)
competed against well-known although variable
economics of fuel oils. Again, certain data could be
drawn from military applications (Ondir Freire and de
Andrade 2019), but the economics of military
operations is different than this of commercial ones.
As for MASS, it is clear that their implementation
depends on whether they can prove profitable
(Tsvetkova and Hellström 2022). Contrary to NPoMS,
profitability was in the spotlight from the beginning of
the development of the technology in late 2010s.
Numerous studies were performed to establish the
economic feasibility of the technology. Eventually, it
was concluded that MASS can be a profitable
alternative to conventional vessels under certain
market conditions (Kretschmann, Burmeister, and Jahn
2017; Kooij, Kana, and Hekkenberg 2021), within
specific assumptions (Sandvik et al. 2021), and with a
significant level of uncertainties. These are associated
mainly with an early stage of the development towards
autonomous vessels (Kretschmann, Burmeister, and
Jahn 2017) and hardly take into account costs of
exceptional events such as salvage (Suri and Wróbel
2022). However, it is accepted that economics of MASS
will be associated with higher CAPEX in relation to
conventional ships. This is due to a need for improved
redundancy and additional equipment including
sensors. On the other hand, reduction of crew costs as
well as improved efficiency among other factors are
expected to reduce OPEX. This effect can be reduced by
an increase in costs related to the maintenance of the
ship (Kretschmann, Burmeister, and Jahn 2017).
Regardless of the expenses side, neither NPoMS or
MASS were ever expected to affect the earnings of the
ship operators. This was associated with the fact that
both concepts will compete for the cargo against their
conventional counterparts, be it oil-powered ships or
fully-crewed ones. From a business perspective, cargo
owners would normally be directed by a price of
moving their commodities from A to B, provided that
such movement is carried out safely and on time.
Technical specification of the vessel involved, that is
her type of propulsion or degree of automation are of a
secondary importance and do not justify a higher price
by themselves. Operators of NPoMS or MASS would
also have little incentive to offer significantly lower
freight (Sandvik et al. 2021). The relatively small
number of either NPoMS or MASS in relation to a
global fleet especially in the beginning of their
implementation would be unlikely to affect freight
costs globally.
Therefore, the only chance for making both NPoMS
and MASS economically feasible is by ensuring its life-
cycle costs remain lower than those of conventional
4.4 Human element
Human element has always been in the spotlight of the
maritime industry. Its complexity include the
recruitment and retention of workforce, training and
related certification, crew-related costs, working
conditions, and the effect seafarers have on the conduct
of maritime operations.
Within the nuclear ships concept, it was predicted
that special training and qualifications for seagoing
crews would be needed to operate NPoMS (Hirdaris et
al. 2014). For instance, it was argued that officers
should be trained in radiation medicine in order to deal
with potential emergencies and to monitor radiation
doses absorbed by the crew. The complexity of reactor
design and operation caused training costs especially
of the engineering crew to be high and the training
itself was rather lengthy (Dade and Witzig 1974).
Moreover, compliment of engineering crew was higher
than on conventional ships (Edwards 1979; Gravina et
al. 2012) which would increase costs not only through
a greater manpower but also through its high and
unique competencies. As a matter of fact, at some point
the NPoMS community raised several rather
interesting concerns (Edwards 1979). Firstly, the
quality of training for nuclear engineers was deemed
so high that it could introduce self-complacency issues
and promote an unacceptable level of experimentalism
among the crews through underestimation of risk.
Secondly, the industry was warned against reckless
automatization of nuclear propulsion, which would
promote reduction of highly-trained crews so badly
needed in case of an incident.
With regard to human-machine interfaces, basic
ergonomics issues were raised upon the review of the
Savannah power plant design, including location of
consoles and colors of indicating lamps to improve
situation awareness (Ebasco Services Inc. 1960) before
she was put into operation. Moreover, the importance
of simulator training was highlighted particularly in
dealing with emergencies, but it was also
acknowledged that such training can under no
circumstances replace hands-on experience completely
(Edwards 1979).
Eventually, particular attention was paid to the
issue of human error. In 1968, 38 of 59 (64%) reactor
shutdowns (scram can be regarded as a near-miss in a
safety terms) onboard Otto Hahn were attributed to it
and 13 of 24 (54%) a year later. The proportion is
reversed for NS Lenin (one of Soviet nuclear ice-
breakers) were human error was at fault in 20 of 64
(31%) scrams (Edwards 1979).
Although the idea of autonomous ships was
originally based on the concept of a complete
elimination of human element from the system, this
proved impossible. Crewless, autonomous, or
conventional, ships will involve humans within a
predictable time-frame. The only question is the scope
and degree of human involvement. Without historical
data available, it can be expected that the
implementation of MASS will require changes to
recruitment and retention policies (Bogusławski, Gil, et
al. 2022) as well as training design (Lutzhoft et al. 2019;
Pietrzykowski and Hajduk 2019; de Klerk, Manuel, and
Kitada 2021; Kennard, Zhang, and Rajagopal 2022).
With a reference to the latter, the ongoing discussion is
also on the certification scheme for remote operators of
ships (Kim et al. 2020) and whether individuals
without practical experience gained at sea could be
trusted with conning the vessel (Hogg and Ghosh
2016). Significant cost reductions are expected due to
increased autonomy replacing costly seafarers that
collect wages, must be fed and accommodated on
board which consumes space available to store cargo.
However, there are also non-trivial effects involved as
raised in (Karlis 2018). Namely, global shortage of
officers and a need to employ experiences ones may
create a competition between traditional crewing
agencies and remote control centers to attract suitable
personnel. Cost reductions could then be achieved
through making individual operator supervise or
control several ships at a time (Kari and Steinert 2021),
risking a loss of situation awareness.
4.5 Attitudes of the industry
Finally, reading the historical documents one could feel
that the NPoMS were regarded as a truly disruptive
technology back in 1960s and 1970s. Numerous
scientific and industry conferences, legal instruments,
etc. were focusing precisely on various aspects of
nuclear-powered ships even though lack of new
findings was acknowledged (Edwards 1979). An
overall optimism could be seen in these documents,
advocating that the scientific and technical effort was
worth taking. The ultimate goal was to widely
implement a technology that was regarded as safe,
environmentally friendly, and economically feasible
and to change the industry for better. Clearly, this
never happened.
MASS appear to be in a similar point of
development as of October 2022 that NPoMS was at the
beginning of its journey. Various advancements of the
technology are being announced either by academia or
the industry, R&D projects are being funded to
advance the progress, prototypes are put into
operation, and ideas are being discussed in various
community circles, from legal to technical. So far, no
high-profile accident involving the technology has
occurred that would undermine public trust.
At this point, with historical facts, similarities and
differences discussed, questions can be asked whether
the tale of nuclear merchant ships failed
implementation can be related to the development of
MASS. Can conclusions be drawn and potential
setbacks averted?
There are some striking similarities between NPoMS
and MASS development. Both technologies were
introduced to the maritime industry without a clear
international legislation in place. This effect reduced
operational capability of nuclear-powered ships and is
a significant limitation for autonomous merchant
vessels. Moreover, both technologies were advertised
as economically feasible, but no solid evidence could
be presented to support such statements. Similar case
was also with regard to safety of the technologies that
could not be proven to outpace that of traditional
On the other hand, failure of full-scale
implementation of NPoMS can be analyzed in
hindsight. As of 2022, the technology has not been
brought back except for isolated applications in
Russian Arctic and despite its potential to limit the
shipping contribution to climate change. Contrary to
NPoMS, development of MASS is an ongoing issue and
one that is gaining momentum. Aside similarities,
differences between NPoMS and MASS can also be
found. The former was only relevant for changing
isolated aspects of ships operations, that is their
propulsion and fuel supply chain. MASS concept is
likely to affect the entire industry to the extent
dependent on actual implementation of the ideas.
Moreover, MASS takes into account one thing that is
crucial for any commercial activity, that is money, from
the very beginning of their introduction.
The historical analysis of the development of
nuclear propulsion of merchant ships and an analysis
of the state-of-art in maritime autonomy allows for
listing few lessons that can be learned:
1. Securing favorable legal environment is critical to
the development of a disruptive technology in an
industry as globalized as shipping. Difficulties and
inabilities to obtain administrative permissions for
entering ports were one of factors contributing to
the failure of the operations of nuclear-powered
ships. Uncertainties related to the legal regime also
discouraged investors from involvement in the
business projects burdened with significant capital
costs that might not be allowed to come into
Legal instruments related to implementation of
maritime merchant vessels are also under
development as of July 2022. Numerous
international legal conventions on maritime issues
came into force since the peak of civil nuclear
applications in shipping, clearing up some
uncertainties that posed obstacles to them.
However, prospective autonomous ships are facing
legal uncertainty that is only now being addressed
by governing bodies;
2. It is perceived safety that matters, not safety itself.
Despite nuclear facilities at sea (including military
ones) having a relatively good safety record, wider
public recognizes risks associated with their
operations and appears to apply a precautionary
principle whenever possible. That is, to remain
skeptical until proven otherwise. Voters unfamiliar
with the shipping industry may easily associate
nuclear propulsion with multiple risks otherwise
non-existent and apply an emotional, skeptical
approach (Slovic 1987).
However, these out-of-trade individuals would
hardly see difference in risk levels associated with
degree of ship’s autonomy. Again, it is a public
perception of risk that matters rather than results of
its quantitative and objective assessment (Slovic
1987). In turn, those that are in fact maritime
professionals might be able to individually assess
the risks more accurately, but still be bound by the
opinions of a society they belong to;
3. Achieving economic sustainability or reliable
prospects of it is crucial for a wide implementation
of any technology. Meanwhile, the well-known
‘valley of death’ of innovations is often associated
with uncertainties related to the future market
circumstances (Ellwood, Williams, and Egan 2022).
These can only be limited by proving that the
concept under development is sustainable in
financial terms. NPoMS hardly had economical
gains on the agenda and largely focused on other
aspects of operations. With economics not being a
top priority, uncertainties could not be reduced.
Meanwhile, up-front costs of some simplified
analogues of MASS (Unmanned Surface Vehicles -
USVs) used for non-commercial purposes is small
and can help build up relevant financial models.
The technology can also be implemented in an
evolutional rather than revolutionary one as was
the case of NPoMS. This means that some
autonomy functions can be implemented one by
one on different ships rather than the sudden and
financially demanding removal of diesel engines
and implementation of a nuclear reactor. Moreover,
full-scale MASS prototypes that are being
developed assume at least some financial gains over
traditional vessels from the very beginning
(Maritime Executive 2021). However, there is so far
no evidence of the financial benefits in a life-cycle
terms simply because the life-cycle has only just
The conducted review and analysis of technical and
scientific documents revealed some parallels between
the process of development of two potentially
disruptive maritime technologies: nuclear propulsion
and autonomy. The former held some prototypes as
early as in 1960s with only one specimen operational as
of late 2022. It did not become widely used due to
variety of reasons, including politics, safety concerns,
and uncertain financial benefits. The latter is on a rise
but is also facing obstacles related to legal, safety, and
financial concerns. The ability to overcome these on the
part of the industry will be crucial for its successful
The analysis also allowed for elaborating certain
ways of ensuring that the disruptive potential of
Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships does not share
the fate of merchant ships with nuclear propulsion.
That is oblivion or eccentricity, at best. Just as great
hopes were placed on nuclear propulsion to solve some
of the problems of the shipping industry, similar hopes
are placed on autonomy today. In order to ensure that
the technology is implemented successfully, its legal
foundations must be secured along with financial
benefits. It must also be proven beyond reasonable
doubt and communicated to the public that safety of
maritime transportation is not reduced in a process. By
this, the objective of the study has been achieved.
Limitations of the performed analysis include the
fact that only publicly available documents could be
analyzed and conclusions based on these. It is possible
that some documents especially on the nuclear
propulsion of merchant vessels that would contradict
the conclusions drawn could not be obtained.
The study was supported by Gdynia Maritime University
internal grant #WN/2022/PZ/12.
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