Maritime transport without exaggeration remains the
main mode of transport for the vast majority of cargo
types, as the cost of its transportation competitive and
acceptable to all market participants. With the
intensive development of the maritime transport
sector, the pressure on the environmental component
of the industry increases proportionally. As a result,
the unstable level of fuel costs, the increased necessity
for environmental management along with a tendency
to lower fuel consumption are the main factors that
make it necessary to introduce energy-efficient
measures on ships. This is due to several reasons,
which include ineffective ship design, poor planning,
and lack of optimal use of resources. Thus, the concept
and necessity of for their application in the shipping
industry have been transferred into the realities of the
daily operation of the maritime transport. The
emissions from the international shipping of more than
a hundred thousand ships constitute almost 3% of total
greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change
resulting in global warming; therefore, the shipping
industry has an important place in the problem of
climate change.
International Maritime Organization (IMO),
MEPC.203(62) adopted resolution, introduced into The
International Convention for Prevention of Marine
Pollution for Ships (MARPOL) Annex VI, in particular,
a new Chapter 4, which establishing a number of
requirements for ships energy efficiency and targeting
a step-by-step reduction of carbon dioxide emissions
from seagoing ships. It is notable that in general, the
Study of Environmental Efficiency of Ship Operation in
Terms of Freight Transportation Effectiveness
O. Melnyk
, O. Onishchenko
, S. Onyshchenko
, V. Golikov
, V. Sapiha
, O. Shcherbina
& V. Andrievska
Odesa National Maritime University, Odesa, Ukraine
National University “Odesa Maritime Academy”, Odesa, Ukraine
ABSTRACT: Development and implementation of various projects focused on improving standards of energy
efficiency and rational use of energy carriers is a priority for numerous enterprises and companies. Modern
shipping devotes sufficient attention to improving the environmental performance of the fleet. As part of the
strategy to improve environmental safety and energy efficiency, as well as to reduce air and marine pollution in
industries, including maritime transport and shipping, a set of steps to improve the ship's energy efficiency is
being implemented. This process is carried out in various ways, however, at the same time maintaining the
economic indicators of fleet operation. Relevant is the research aimed at analyzing the introduction of energy
management systems in the maritime transport and summarizing the experience of operating the ships, which
allows to identify a number of proposals, the implementation of which allows to maintain the economic efficiency
of transportation. The article offers a review of the main energy efficiency tools and ways to ensure the transport
efficiency of existing ships without modernization by operating them at reduced speeds and fuel consumption
and thereby minimizing carbon emissions, as well as developing a set of measures to improve the environmental
efficiency of cargo transportation.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 16
Number 4
December 2022
DOI: 10.12716/1001.16.04.14
environmental efficiency of maritime transport (energy
consumption per unit of freight carried) is significant
compared to other modes of transport. The adoption of
the Resolution has put the international maritime
community "in the forefront" of the struggle to improve
energy efficiency, as in fact the new rules represent the
first industry standard of energy efficiency in the entire
global economy. New regulations incorporate a
number of measures to improve the ship's energy
efficiency, especially by reducing the amount of carbon
dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.
The problems of ensuring energy efficiency, along
with the improvement of environmental safety of
ships, have always received close attention from
leading scientists in the field of water transport
operation, as well as international institutions and
societies. The specifics of alternative fuels consumption
and prospects of conversion of ships of sea and river
transport to alternative fuels are reviewed in
(Volyanskaya et al., 2018; Karpenko & Koptseva, 2017;
Bezyukov et al., 2014). Tools and methods of
management of ships energy efficiency are studied in
(Energy Efficiency Measures, 2011; Hüffmeier &
Johanson, 2021; Rajeev, 2018). Revealing of the main
principles and measures on increase of energy
efficiency on ships is offered in (Maritime Cyprus,
2018). Guidelines for incorporating innovative
technologies for improving energy efficiency to
compute and validate the achieved performance for
ships under severe weather conditions and the
regulatory requirements from governing organizations
are presented in (Ship Energy Efficiency, 2016;
MEPC.1/Circ.684, 2009; MEPC.1/Circ.815, 2013;
GloMEEP, 2017). The operational energy efficiency
performance of a ship is analysed taking into account
the influence of navigational conditions and the
optimization of ship time in port (Hannes & Styhre,
2015). Analysis of the operational ship energy
efficiency considering navigation environmental
impacts (Yuan et al., 2017; Shivam, 2019). Methods for
ensuring the safety of navigation and new approaches
to assessment for controlling accidents in maritime
transport are developed in (Melnyk & Onyshchenko,
2022). Both technical and operational measures for
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases and
improving the environmental and energy efficiency of
ships have been studied in (Onishchenko et al., 2022).
Research on measures to prevent ship pollution and
emissions from ships has been studied by (Yan, 2011;
Rayhan, 2021). Accounting for well-to-wake carbon
dioxide equivalent emissions in maritime
transportation climate policies (Comer & Osipova,
2021). General issues of shipping safety and methods
to ensure the efficiency of cargo transportation in
(Chkalova et al., 2022; Gnap et al., 2022). Issues related
to ensuring the safety of ship navigation and accident-
free operation (Burmaka et al., 2022).
Considering the work of scientists in this field, it
should be noted that the task of searching for ways to
mitigate emissions of noxious substances resulting
from ship operation and the issues of enhancing their
level of energy efficiency by implementing various
operational methods is highly topical. Therefore, in this
paper it is proposed to analyse the main tools of ship
energy efficiency management, their interrelation and
dependence on the initiatives of the IMO, on energy
saving methods on board ships, integrated assessment
and prediction of their operational efficiency and
reduction of carbon footprint in the environment. In
addition, an analysis of the international regulatory
framework is necessary to find solutions to the
problem of emissions from ships through practical
measures both by ship crews to reduce fuel
consumption and by personnel working in the
maritime sector and dealing with environmental
protection and climate change issues.
The energy saving in the transportation sector is
increasingly clear-cut and is becoming more and more
important in the context of the annual increase in
energy consumption, the growing degree of negative
impact on the environment, and the number of
emissions of harmful substances.
The MARPOL is one of the important conventions
that protect the marine environment from shipboard
pollution. Along with International Convention for the
Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), they are regarded as two
effective tools in the field of safety and environmental
protection of the IMO within the framework of
continuous improvement and technical evolution of
innovations to enhance the ships energy efficiency. In
view of the growing concern about the increase in
greenhouse gas emissions and fuel consumption, the
maritime industry's regulatory body the Marine
Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) of IMO
has introduced a number of steps for reducing
greenhouse gas emissions from ships. The primary
objective was to introduce two compulsory tools -
Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) and Ship
Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP). It
should be noted that the transportation sector is a
leader in atmospheric emissions statistics. Greenhouse
gas emissions by sector, where emissions are measured
in carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2). This means non-
CO2 gases are weighted by the amount of warming
they cause over a hundred-year timescale (Fig.1).
Figure 1. Greenhouse gas emissions by industry sectors
Source: Our World in Data based on Climate Analysis
Indicators Tool (CAIT)
As known, EEDI is necessary to monitor the
quantity of carbon dioxide and harmful emissions from
ships and is a means of supporting and stimulating the
development of energy efficiency standards. The idea
behind its implementation is to achieve a reduction in
carbon dioxide emissions by improving the hull design
and optimizing the operation of ship technical systems
and equipment, thereby increasing the overall
efficiency of the ship. The level of carbon dioxide
emissions is calculated on the basis of carbon-based
fuel consumption. The fuel consumption level, in turn,
is determined by the power used for the propulsion
and the auxiliary capacity, which is measured under
certain design conditions. The transport performance
of the ship is estimated as the design power of its
propulsion system times the speed measured at
summer draught at maximum loaded condition and at
75 percent of the nominal capacity.
Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan is a
special instrument developed by IMO for measuring
and controlling the level of greenhouse gas emissions
(GHG) from ships. The SEEMP main objective is not
only to reduce the number of harmful emissions from
ships, but also to increase their operational efficiency
and reduce fuel consumption. Implementation of
SEEMP and EEDI tools for proper control of pollution
from ships takes place on all new ships built after 2013.
However, a SEEMP plan should be developed and
implemented by the shipowner or operator of the
vessel to potentially reduce the operating costs of the
vessel, which ultimately aims to reduce overall fuel
consumption, including emissions in the long term.
Ship energy efficiency best practices are planned
and implemented through a SEEMP, which should
describe optimal energy efficiency management
techniques to be applied on board the ship and at the
ship owner's office to ensure highest effectiveness of
the ship's voyage. Main tools for ship energy efficiency
management presented on Fig.2.
Figure 2. Main tools for ship energy efficiency management
The IMO regulatory framework states that the
Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator (EEOI) refers
to one of the elements intended to be used as the ship's
"energy efficiency measurement" in the operational
stage to monitor the ship's overall energy efficiency
According to IMO guidance, the purpose of the
EEOI is to establish a coherent approach to measuring
a ship's energy efficiency per voyage or over a period
of time. The EEOI is anticipated to provide assistance
to ship owners and operators in evaluating the
efficiency of their fleets. It would also track individual
ships in operation and thus monitor the results of any
changes done to the ship or its operation. Actually,
EEOI is recommended as a monitoring instrument in
SEEMP. Same as EEDI, EEOI is the quantity of carbon
dioxide emitted by a ship on a unit of transportation
service per cargo mile.
Figure 3. Carbon dioxide emission by fuel type, 2020
EEOI guidelines are of a recommendatory nature
and represent a use of operational indicator as
applicable. Nevertheless, ship owners, ship operators
and stakeholders can use either the EEOI Guidelines or
an alternative method within their own environmental
management systems and consider adoption of the
principles contained therein in the development of
performance monitoring plans.
To assist in the consistent assessment of EEOI, the
guidance provides definitions such as:
consumption of fuel defined as all types of fuel
consumed at sea and in port, or during the voyage
or time period concerned (days) by main engines,
auxiliary engines, boilers etc.
distance travelled means actual distance made good
in nautical miles for the voyage or time period.
Guidelines EEOI applies to all vessels performing
transportation work. Types of cargoes are general and
include, but are not limited to: bulk and liquid cargoes,
general cargoes, containers, overweight cargoes,
frozen and refrigerated cargoes, lumber and log
products, freight carried on freighters, cars and trucks,
vehicles on Ro-Ro ferries and passenger ships.
The weight of the transported cargo or transport
work is the tonnage of the transported cargo or
transport work, expressed as follows:
the metric tons of cargo to be carried should be used
for dry bulk carriers, liquid bulk carriers, gas
carriers, ro-ro ships, and general cargo ships;
the number of TEUs or metric tons of total cargo
and containers should be used for container ships
carrying only containers;
weight may be used for ships carrying a
combination of containers and other cargo for laden
TEUs of 10 tons and for empty TEUs of 2 tons;
the number of passengers or the gross tonnage of
the ship should be used for passenger ships, taking
into account Ro-Ro passenger ships.
For some particular cases, the work performed may
be expressed as follows:
the number of transport units or meters of occupied
lanes for car ferries and car carriers;
number of TEUs empty or full for container carriers,
One must note that, for particular cases, the type of
cargo must selected accordingly to the objectives of
energy management and may differ between
companies. Voyage usually refers to the period
between departure from the present port and
departure from the subsequent port. Other alternative
definitions of voyage may also be acceptable. Coherent
application of the foregoing definitions within each
company is important for further comparisons of
energy efficiency indicators, in particular EEOI, across
the entire fleet.
The basic EEOI expression for a voyage is defined
i carbon
cargo i i
The management method allows EEOI to be
averaged over a number of voyages. If the average for
the given period or number of trips is obtained, the
EEOI is calculated as:
where: j type of fuel; i number of voyages; FCij
quantity consumed j- fuel quantity during the i-
voyage; CFj the coefficient of fuel mass conversion to
CO2 (j-fuel); mcargo cargo carried (tons) or work
performed (gross tonnage) for passenger ships; D
distance made good in nautical miles, respectively, for
transported cargo or work performed.
Units of EEOI vary depending on the measurement
of the cargo or work performed, e.g., tons CO2/(ton-
miles), tons CO2/(TEU-miles), tons CO2/(man-miles),
etc. It is worth noting that equation (2) gives no simple
average EEOI value for the number of trips.
Consequently, a simple average of EEOI per voyage
should be avoided. The moving average calculation is
used instead to utilize the average value as a
performance measure.
The moving average, if used, can be calculated for
an appropriate period of time, for example, calendar
year or number of trips, which is assumed to be
statistically significant for the initial averaging period.
A moving average EEOI for this period or number of
trips is then calculated using equation (2), with the
following methodology. For a series of trips, e.g. 20
trips, the first moving average element, e.g. for a 4-trip
subset, comes by averaging the initial number of trips,
e.g. the initial 4 trips. Then, the subset is modified by
"shifting forward," i.e., the first trip from the previous
subset, e.g., trip 1, is excluded and the next trip, e.g.,
trip 5, is included. That new subset will give the second
element of the moving average. This process continues
until all trips are covered.
Ship's logs can be selected as primary data sources:
ship's deck log and other similar official records. It is
essential that there is enough information collected on
board about fuel type and quantity, travelled distance,
and cargo type to make a realistic estimate.
Quantity and type of fuel used, as well as the
distance travelled, should be constantly recorded by
the ship. If possible, the entire process must be
computerized. The coefficient CF used in the EEOI
equation (see (1) and (2)) is a dimensionless factor of
conversion between fuel consumption and carbon
dioxide emissions generated.
In addition, the EEOI must be a representational
value of the ship's operational energy efficiency over a
specific period that reflects the ship's overall trading
model. The following basic steps are usually required
to establish an EEOI:
define the period covered by the EEOI;
identify sources for data collection;
collect the information;
convert data into the corresponding format;
calculate value of EEOI.
Data recording method should be consistent to
ensure that information can be readily compared and
analysed to assist in the retrieval of necessary
information. The data collected from ships must
contain the mileage travelled, fuel quantity and type
used, and any relevant information about the fuel that
may affect the quantity of carbon dioxide produced.
The EEDI (Energy Efficiency Design Index) is an
optional tool but it allows the shipbuilding sector to
utilize the latest technologies for commercial ship
design if they meet the required energy efficiency
levels and parameters. EEDI establishes a minimum
level of energy efficiency per tonnage mile for various
ship types and sizes. Calculation of energy efficiency
parameters for existing ships is part of the plan to
implement environmental efficiency improvement
measures. For the standard configuration of the vessel,
the propulsion system (diesel engine) is directly
connected to the fixed pitch propeller and the power
plant consists of four auxiliary diesel generators. The
energy-saving equipment installed on board, which
should have been taken into account in the EEDI
calculations, includes a waste heat steam boiler. The
algorithm for calculating the environmental energy
efficiency of a container ship is given below.
The procedure as follows:
6. Determine the maximum value - EEDI(max):
( )
( )
where: ai, cj dimensionless empirical coefficients of
the i-th ship’s type, Dw(i) vsl’s deadweight, tons.
7. Determine the subject ship’s operational EEDI(OPS):
( ) ( )
1 0 ).01( ··
OPS max
where: EEDI(max) maximum EEDI of Dw(i) of given ship.
The value of E is a piecewise continuous function of
three variables: ship’s type i = 4; ship’s deadweight
Dw(i); certain time period.
8. Determining the estimated greenhouse gas
emission rate EEDI(GHG):
( ) ( ) ( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( ) ( )
( )
( ) ( )
( )
( )
GHG hq AE AE hq
ME k FME k ME k F AE PG k
nr nr
FAE AE FME ME Dw w ref w
r k AEr k r k MEr k
f P C S f P C S f D V f
= + + +
where: CF specific (mass) CO2 content at complete
combustion of carbon in fuel (Table 1).
Table 1. Types of fuel used on ships
Type Notes Carbon CF
content relative
g/l units
1 Diesel/Gas Oil ISO 8217 0,875 3,2060
2 Light Fuel Oil (LFQ) ISO 8217 0,860 3,1510
3 Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) ISO 8217 0,850 3,1144
4 Liquefied Petroleum Propane 0,82 3,00
Gas (LPG) Butane 0,83 3,030
Vref = 19,0 ship’s speed, kn;
Dw(i) for given ship’s type (container) is ratio 65% from
Dw(i) = 113000 ˣ 0,65 = 73430 tons;
P(x) aggregate power of main and auxiliary engines
(respectively (PME) and (PAE), kW;
( ) ( ) ( )
0,75 0,75 51000 38250
i i i
PPS(i) The output power of each installed shaft
generator divided by the performance factor of the
shaft generator, 0.75, kW;
MCRME(i) maximum continuous output of the i-th
engine, kW;
PPG(i) A part of the nominal output of each generator
engine divided by the weighted average efficiency of
the electric generator, 0.75, kW, (in case of joint
operation of shaft and electric generators) PPS(i) +
PPG(i), provided in the ship's running mode, this
scheme should be included in the calculations;
Pmer(i) A part of the main engine output reduced due
to the implementation of innovative energy-efficient
mechanisms and technologies, 0.75, kW;
PAEr(i) is the output of auxiliary engines, reduced
due to innovative technologies in the field of electricity
and energy efficiency field, kW;
PAE Auxiliary engine power needed to support the
continuous maximum running load, which includes
the required propulsion and service load, but excludes
the propulsion system load: steering gear, cargo and
ballast pumps, and cargo handling equipment of a
fully laden ship at Vref;
( )
( )
0,025 250 0,025 51000 250 152
n ME
ME i
= + = + =
S(x) specific fuel consumption of the engine, g/kWh,
satisfying requirements of E2 or E3 NOx test cycle
(Technical Code, 2008);
SME(i) - specific fuel consumption which is recorded in
engine international air pollution prevention certificate
(EIAPP) for 75% of the power of a particular MCR
engine, or by torque indicator (for engines belonging to
the D2 or C1 NOx test cycle);
SAE(i) - specific fuel consumption is recorded in the
EIAPP certificate for 50% of the MCR power, or by the
torque value, for engines without EIAPP certificate and
its power is below 130 kW. Value to be determined by
the manufacturer and to be used by the competent
body to validate the International Energy Efficiency
fh correction factor which considering the ship
structural elements (for ships with ice class to be
selected from MERC.1/Circ.681 ANNEX VI, for the
other types of ships assumed to be equal 1, if there are
no additional elements that increase the resistance to
fw dimensionless coefficient indicating the ship speed
decreasing in case of heaving and pitching (determined
on sea trials, by calculation, or taken equal to 1 until
fr(i) coefficient of the availability of energy efficiency
innovative technology (assumed to be 1 for heat
recovery systems);
fdw cargo capacity coefficient (for ships without ice
class to be equal to 1).
9. EEDI(GHG) ˂ EEDO(OPS) = 14,98 ˂ 16,8 which mans that
vessel is energy efficient in terms of environmental
friendliness and its modernization is not required.
The research and calculations show that the considered
vessel can be operated without appropriate
modernization. To reduce fuel consumption and,
accordingly, emissions of carbon dioxide,
recommended to use the main engine in part-load
mode. In this case, the main engine capacity will not
exceed 50-60% of the nominal and the vessel will be
mainly operated at speeds corresponding to slow
steaming mode. The development and application of
the environmental efficiency management plan
enables the ship to fully meet the requirements of IMO
Resolution No. 684 for the reduction of emissions of
harmful gases that cause the greenhouse effect. Thus,
the energy intensity of the transport sector must be
significantly reduced in order to achieve energy
efficiency goals. It is also necessary to develop and
maintain documented monitoring methodologies and
measuring equipment on a regular basis. Importantly,
the source of the assigned values must be properly
registered. This will help in areas requiring
improvement and will be useful for any subsequent
analysis. On the basis of IMO policy and with the
objective of avoiding excessive administration burdens
on shipboard personnel, is it advisable that EEOI
monitoring should be carried out by shore-based
personnel based on information collected from
relevant records, such as logbooks, service and
technical logs, etc. Necessary data can be obtained
during internal audits as required by the ISM Code.
Other issues of increasing energy efficiency of ships,
such as replacement of atmospheric air by synthetic
oxygen, resulting in a significant decrease in
conversion of hydrocarbon carrier and, consequently,
to lower carbon dioxide emissions and issues of
implementation and efficiency improvement of
ballastless ship passages can be further explored.
Measures to improve the ship transportation
effectiveness of ship and provide the efficient use of
energy resources on board are presented in Table 2.
Table 2. Measures to increase ship environmental efficiency and transportation effectiveness
Measures to ensure efficient Methods of implementation
and environmentally friendly
energy consumption
Passage planning and weather Contracting with services that provide weather forecasting and optimal routing services.
routing service
Optimal ship speed selection Since the given ship, design speed is 19 knots at 75% of the propulsion load, the shipping
company should recommend for the vessel to switch to a propulsion capacity that should
not exceed 50-60% of the nominal and the vessel will be mainly operated at speeds
corresponding to "Slow Steaming".
Up-to-date navigational charts, Use corrected navigation charts and nautical publications to plan upcoming voyage and
nautical publications and guides route selection.
Optimal ship’s ballast plan and To increase the ship's speed during ballast passages, arrange optimum trim and heel,
trimming propeller and bulb immersion.
Technical condition of the To increase the ship's speed during sea passages, it is necessary to observe the technical
ship’s hull condition of the underwater part of the ship's hull, especially after long stays in tropical
Technical condition of the In order to achieve the optimal speed of the vessel, it is necessary to monitor the technical
propeller condition of the propeller and perform its polishing in a timely manner
Main engine, auxiliary engines, Proper and up to date maintenance of the main engine, auxiliary engines, boiler plant and
boiler plant and other equipment other equipment should be performed in a timely and qualitative manner according to the
technical condition approved schedule in order to decrease the fuel consumption and lubricating oil, etc.
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