Table 2. Measures to increase ship environmental efficiency and transportation effectiveness
Measures to ensure efficient Methods of implementation
and environmentally friendly
energy consumption
Passage planning and weather Contracting with services that provide weather forecasting and optimal routing services.
routing service
Optimal ship speed selection Since the given ship, design speed is 19 knots at 75% of the propulsion load, the shipping
company should recommend for the vessel to switch to a propulsion capacity that should
not exceed 50-60% of the nominal and the vessel will be mainly operated at speeds
corresponding to "Slow Steaming".
Up-to-date navigational charts, Use corrected navigation charts and nautical publications to plan upcoming voyage and
nautical publications and guides route selection.
Optimal ship’s ballast plan and To increase the ship's speed during ballast passages, arrange optimum trim and heel,
trimming propeller and bulb immersion.
Technical condition of the To increase the ship's speed during sea passages, it is necessary to observe the technical
ship’s hull condition of the underwater part of the ship's hull, especially after long stays in tropical
Technical condition of the In order to achieve the optimal speed of the vessel, it is necessary to monitor the technical
propeller condition of the propeller and perform its polishing in a timely manner
Main engine, auxiliary engines, Proper and up to date maintenance of the main engine, auxiliary engines, boiler plant and
boiler plant and other equipment other equipment should be performed in a timely and qualitative manner according to the
technical condition approved schedule in order to decrease the fuel consumption and lubricating oil, etc.
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