of authority over coastal waters, and the development
of offshore resources (Frankel, 1982). There are other
settings based on specific regulations that must be
complied with. They come from the ISM Code, ISPS
provisions, flag state regulations, ship management
growth, and maritime laws through IMO, making SMC
must adjust their services. Service quality is a key factor
to consider before choosing an SMC. Some owners only
require the SMC to handle technical management for
their ships. Some only need crew recruitment or
insurance services. Based on this situation, it is
necessary to identify the determinants of SMC
selection from the ship owners’ perspective.
Ship owners can achieve effective market
segmentation, reduce operational costs, improve
operational performance, and meet customer needs
through the SMC to manage their non-core business
matters (Panayides, 2003; Panayides & Gray, 1997,
1999). Some previous studies showed that ship owners
choose the SMC that can support the best performance
and profits. It is also based on the capabilities of the
company's managers, directors, and accuracy in
predicting demands for the ships they manage
(Goulielmos et al., 2011; Pollalis, 2009). According to
some considerations and views, it is important to
evaluate the weighting of each factor contained in the
SMC. Service evaluation is needed to assess the
potential factors that can be developed and improved
for the company's sustainability. On the other hand,
the owners can express their opinions regarding the
services provided, so that SMC can provide the best
services as expected by the ship owners.
Good cooperation between the ship owners and the
SMC can be realized by harmonizing and unifying the
views of each party. This aims to determine and
evaluate the services that influence the values of
success. The research findings can help the SMC for
improving the quality of its services on the
determinants from the owners' perspective in selecting
the best SMC. The results can also evaluate the
weighting of the determinant values and find out the
differences in views between the owners and SMC.
Therefore, the owners can get the best services as
expected, and SMC can carry out sustainable
Previous findings examined the SMC and its
development, as well as determining factors in
selecting a Ship Management Companies using
various methods. The methods include evaluating
SMC success factors using fuzzy logic (Jeon et al., 2016)
and determinants of SMC selection for tramp shipping
companies (Lin et al., 2019). Previous research also
studies the roles of SMC in the shipping industry's
business activities (Bistrivci’c et al., 2011; King &
Mitroussi, 2003; Mitroussi, 2013) and the scaling
method for the priority hierarchical structure (T. L.
Saaty, 1977). On the other hand, this research is related
to the latest ones, namely those related to the analysis
and evaluation of the determinants of an SMC using a
combination of 2 methods, namely fuzzy logic concept
and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) decision
support method with PT SISM, one of SMC in
Indonesia as the object. Besides, this research aims to
study SMC in more detail in Indonesia.
The evaluation variables in the Shipping
Management Industry are intangible and
heterogeneous (Jeon et al., 2016). Some factors cannot
be measured, such as knowledge, information, and
service capabilities. They are included in the
determinants discussed in this research. Therefore, this
research uses the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process
(Fuzzy AHP) method. It is a combination of the AHP
method and the fuzzy set used to evaluate measurable
and non-measurable factors and makes it easier to
weigh each factor in this research.
2.1 Data Collection
The data consist of the primary data. They are collected
using questionnaires distributed to PT SISM as the
SMC, and customers from PT SISM as the ship owners.
The data are collected using questionnaire instruments
that are easily and commonly distributed to the
respondents to obtain the primary data. This
questionnaire facilitates answering paired questions
and getting the value preference of a measure. The
questions are based on the arrangement of each
criterion and sub-criteria. The results show that seven
respondents can represent the company's internal and
external clients in terms of the ship owners and PT
SISM related to the SMC.
Respondents' data are assessed using a Likert scale
to measure a person's opinions, perceptions, and
attitudes. The scale also shows the level of agreement
with a series of questions. In this research, the Likert
scale data are changed into numbers that follow the
concept of fuzzy logic with lower, middle, and upper
limits (l, m, u) as shown in table 1 below.
Table 1. Likert scale (concept of fuzzy logic), (Source:
(Puspitasari, 2009))
Saaty Fuzzy Definition of Linguistic Variable
Scale Number
(l, m, u)
1 (1,1,1) Two elements have the same importance
3 (1,3,5) One element is slightly more important
than the other
5 (3,5,7) One element is more important than the
7 (5,7,9) One element is more important than the
9 (7,9,11) One element is more important than
2,4,6,8 (1,2,4), One element with a similar value to
(2,4,6), another
2.2 Determination of Criteria and Sub-criteria of
Determinant Factors
Criteria and sub-criteria of the determining factors are
prepared to fix the questions for the respondents.
Determination of the factors for the questionnaire is
done using literature reviews from previous
journals/research related to the general description,
objectives, and functions of the SMC. There is also a
consideration of the 2009 BIMCO Standard Ship
Management Agreement as a reference for the
agreement between the ship owner and SMC (BIMCO