Ships are crucial in driving economic growth because
they are the main transportation modes to cross the sea.
Indonesia is an archipelagic country that has large
territorial coverage of waters. Two-thirds of its area is
covered by the sea. It also has approximately 17,000
small and big islands. Ships are used to deliver goods
and services domestically and internationally. They
also function as commercial transportation for the
people. Therefore, good ship operations with a support
system can generate optimal economic activities and
strengthen the maritime industry.
The high flow of shipping in Indonesia encourages
some ship owners to collaborate with Ship
Management Company (SMC) to support their
operational matters. SMC is the third-party responsible
for managing the daily operations of the ships on
behalf of the owners. Their tasks are manning,
chartering, periodic ship maintenance, and taking care
of the ship's daily administration. Those duties can
make it easier for the ship owners to manage their
operations so that they can focus more on other
operating aspects.
The ship management must be able to manage
broader scopes. The scopes have been increasingly
complex due to environmental regulations, expansion
Evaluation of Determinant Factors Influencing the
Selection of Ship Management Companies
A. Riadi & F. Mudaffa
Universitas Indonesia, West Java, Indonesia
ABSTRACT: Looking at the high flow of the shipping industry and many things related to the ship operations
that have to be done every day, several ship owners have collaborated with Ship Management Company (SMC)
to assist them in managing their ships' operations. SMC is required to be responsible for the daily operational
management of the ship on behalf of the ship owner such as crewing, technical management, administration, and
chartering. Seeing the importance of collaboration and the diversity of services provided by the SMC, it is
necessary to evaluate each determinant factor by the ship owner for the selection of an SMC to assist the ship
owner in choosing an SMC that suits their needs. It is also to improve the service prioritized by the owner to SMC.
The purpose of this research is to identify the determinant factors of SMC selection from the owner’s perspective,
evaluate the importance of each of these factors, and obtain different views between the owner and SMC in the
selection of ship management. The Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (Fuzzy AHP) method is used for
evaluating weight based on the opinions of the owners and SMC who are experts in their fields. Then, the different
perspectives between the owner dan SMC were obtained from the processing result. The results show that owners
placed their top priority on factors that they can get the most from SMC, such as human resource factors and
services. Meanwhile, SMC placed its priority on cost and its services factors that described the things they must
manage well and optimization provided to owners.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 16
Number 4
December 2022
DOI: 10.12716/1001.16.04.12
of authority over coastal waters, and the development
of offshore resources (Frankel, 1982). There are other
settings based on specific regulations that must be
complied with. They come from the ISM Code, ISPS
provisions, flag state regulations, ship management
growth, and maritime laws through IMO, making SMC
must adjust their services. Service quality is a key factor
to consider before choosing an SMC. Some owners only
require the SMC to handle technical management for
their ships. Some only need crew recruitment or
insurance services. Based on this situation, it is
necessary to identify the determinants of SMC
selection from the ship owners’ perspective.
Ship owners can achieve effective market
segmentation, reduce operational costs, improve
operational performance, and meet customer needs
through the SMC to manage their non-core business
matters (Panayides, 2003; Panayides & Gray, 1997,
1999). Some previous studies showed that ship owners
choose the SMC that can support the best performance
and profits. It is also based on the capabilities of the
company's managers, directors, and accuracy in
predicting demands for the ships they manage
(Goulielmos et al., 2011; Pollalis, 2009). According to
some considerations and views, it is important to
evaluate the weighting of each factor contained in the
SMC. Service evaluation is needed to assess the
potential factors that can be developed and improved
for the company's sustainability. On the other hand,
the owners can express their opinions regarding the
services provided, so that SMC can provide the best
services as expected by the ship owners.
Good cooperation between the ship owners and the
SMC can be realized by harmonizing and unifying the
views of each party. This aims to determine and
evaluate the services that influence the values of
success. The research findings can help the SMC for
improving the quality of its services on the
determinants from the owners' perspective in selecting
the best SMC. The results can also evaluate the
weighting of the determinant values and find out the
differences in views between the owners and SMC.
Therefore, the owners can get the best services as
expected, and SMC can carry out sustainable
Previous findings examined the SMC and its
development, as well as determining factors in
selecting a Ship Management Companies using
various methods. The methods include evaluating
SMC success factors using fuzzy logic (Jeon et al., 2016)
and determinants of SMC selection for tramp shipping
companies (Lin et al., 2019). Previous research also
studies the roles of SMC in the shipping industry's
business activities (Bistrivci’c et al., 2011; King &
Mitroussi, 2003; Mitroussi, 2013) and the scaling
method for the priority hierarchical structure (T. L.
Saaty, 1977). On the other hand, this research is related
to the latest ones, namely those related to the analysis
and evaluation of the determinants of an SMC using a
combination of 2 methods, namely fuzzy logic concept
and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) decision
support method with PT SISM, one of SMC in
Indonesia as the object. Besides, this research aims to
study SMC in more detail in Indonesia.
The evaluation variables in the Shipping
Management Industry are intangible and
heterogeneous (Jeon et al., 2016). Some factors cannot
be measured, such as knowledge, information, and
service capabilities. They are included in the
determinants discussed in this research. Therefore, this
research uses the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process
(Fuzzy AHP) method. It is a combination of the AHP
method and the fuzzy set used to evaluate measurable
and non-measurable factors and makes it easier to
weigh each factor in this research.
2.1 Data Collection
The data consist of the primary data. They are collected
using questionnaires distributed to PT SISM as the
SMC, and customers from PT SISM as the ship owners.
The data are collected using questionnaire instruments
that are easily and commonly distributed to the
respondents to obtain the primary data. This
questionnaire facilitates answering paired questions
and getting the value preference of a measure. The
questions are based on the arrangement of each
criterion and sub-criteria. The results show that seven
respondents can represent the company's internal and
external clients in terms of the ship owners and PT
SISM related to the SMC.
Respondents' data are assessed using a Likert scale
to measure a person's opinions, perceptions, and
attitudes. The scale also shows the level of agreement
with a series of questions. In this research, the Likert
scale data are changed into numbers that follow the
concept of fuzzy logic with lower, middle, and upper
limits (l, m, u) as shown in table 1 below.
Table 1. Likert scale (concept of fuzzy logic), (Source:
(Puspitasari, 2009))
Saaty Fuzzy Definition of Linguistic Variable
Scale Number
(l, m, u)
1 (1,1,1) Two elements have the same importance
3 (1,3,5) One element is slightly more important
than the other
5 (3,5,7) One element is more important than the
7 (5,7,9) One element is more important than the
9 (7,9,11) One element is more important than
2,4,6,8 (1,2,4), One element with a similar value to
(2,4,6), another
2.2 Determination of Criteria and Sub-criteria of
Determinant Factors
Criteria and sub-criteria of the determining factors are
prepared to fix the questions for the respondents.
Determination of the factors for the questionnaire is
done using literature reviews from previous
journals/research related to the general description,
objectives, and functions of the SMC. There is also a
consideration of the 2009 BIMCO Standard Ship
Management Agreement as a reference for the
agreement between the ship owner and SMC (BIMCO
et al., 2009). The obtained criteria and sub-criteria are
written in Table 2.
Table 2. Determinants of Criteria and Sub-criteria
No. Criteria Sub-criteria
1. Cost Efficient management of ship operating
Ship management fees
Commission days
Transparency of the use of funds
2. Human Ability to recruit skilled workers
resources Experience in the ship management
Professional and knowledgeable workforce
3. Services Good quality management service
Quick responses to the owners
Coordination of ship verification reports
Sensitivity to IT systems
Responsiveness towards the owners’
4. Business Building sustainable collaboration
Development Company reputation
SMC Fleet Size
2.3 Method
Fuzzy AHP is a ranking method for making a decision
(multi-criteria decision making). Fuzzy AHP can cover
the shortcomings of AHP related to problems in each
criterion which tend to be subjective and many (Elveny
& Syah, 2014). Meanwhile, the logic of fuzzy concepts
can help in making measurements related to subjective
human judgments in language or linguistics.
The AHP method was introduced by Prof. Thomas
Lorie Saaty (R. W. Saaty, 1987). It is a model for
supporting decision-making by looking for rankings or
priority sequences from various alternatives for
solving problems. Some basic foundations in solving
problems using AHP include hierarchical models,
considerations or judgments, synthesizing priorities,
and logical consistency. Besides, there are basic axioms,
including reciprocity, uniformity, interdependence,
and hope (T. L. Saaty, 1977). Pairwise comparisons
with all hierarchical elements aim to determine the
priority arrangement of elements. A scale with an
interval of 1 to 9 is needed to test the overall priority
against changes in the comparisons.
The concept of fuzzy logic ("vague”) was developed
by Professor Lotfi Zadeh. It is a development of the
previous theory related to the crips or firm set. In the
crips set, there are only two possibilities for
membership; being a member or not, or something like
"black or white" (Goguen, 1973). Meanwhile, the fuzzy
set members have a fuzzy value between false and true
or such as "gray" (fuzziness) displayed in a curve to
show the mapping of fuzzy number points to set the
degree of membership (Equation 1). It has an interval
from 0 to 1. This research uses triangular fuzzy
numbers (TFN) arranged based on linguistic sets to
obtain the degree of membership in the Fuzzy AHP
method. Significant levels in AHP are converted into a
set of TFN scales represented by a triangle that has
three parameters, namely a, b, and c (with a < b < c)
expressed through a triangle (x; a, b, c). The image
mapping of triangular fuzzy numbers is described in
Figure 1.
( )
( )
( )
( ) ( )
1 2 3 1 2
3 3 2 2 3
/ ,
/ ,
Figure 1. Image mapping of triangular fuzzy numbers,
(Source: (Goguen, 1973))
TFN can describe the subjectivity in pairwise
comparisons and the degree of certainty of the
obscurity. Therefore, the linguistic variables can be
used by decision-makers to represent the data
fuzziness if there is a discontinuity with the TFN.
The data are processed using the fuzzy AHP
method supported by spreadsheet application. The
stages start with forming a fuzzy pairwise comparison
matrix (Equation 2).
aij = [lij,mij,uij]
ij = 1,2,,n
lij is the lower limit value, mij is the ideal value, and uij
is the upper limit value.
The consistency of fuzzy pairwise comparison
matrix must be tested. Since the matrix is inverse, only
the lowest and highest triangular element values are
tested. A comparison matrix is consistent if it meets the
following conditions.
( ) ( )
Max Min
k ik jk k ik jk
l l u u
for all i,j,k = 1, 2, 3, …, n
Next step is the calculation of fuzzy weighting. The
fuzzy weighting assessment is calculated using the
geometric mean of the column vector. The fuzzy
weighting assessment of
can be calculated as
( )
i i N
( )
i i i iN
Z a a a=
aij : column i, row j of matrix, i, j = 1, 2, ..., n;
Zi : the mean value of the column vector of fuzzy
numbers, i = 1, 2, ..., n;
Wi : weighting of indicators i
: multiplication of fuzzy numbers
: additional fuzzy numbers
The next step is the calculation using the center area
method. The defuzzification can be calculated to assess
the fuzzy weight (DFij) (Tzeng & Teng, 1993):
( ) ( )
ij ij ij ij
u l m l
uij : upper value of TFN in column i row j
mij : middle value of TFN in column i row j
lij : the lower value of TFN in column i row j
The next step is the weighting normalization
process (Ni). It is calculated as follows:
DFij : defuzzification value in column i row j
Fij : total defuzzification value in column i row j
3.1 Results
The fuzzy AHP method starts with creating a pairwise
comparison matrix such as the formula (2). The next
steps are fuzzy weighting, defuzzification, and
normalization carried out sequentially by referring to
the formula (3), (4), (5), (6), and (7). It can be seen in the
order of factors from those with the highest priority
level. The data obtained through the questionnaires
filled out by the ship owners and SMC are processed.
The final results of the weighting for each criterion and
sub-criteria are in line with the previous descriptions
related to the perception of the ship owners and SMC.
Based on the weighting for each criterion, there are
some differences in perception between the two
parties. They are related to the factors of interest in
choosing an SMC, as can be seen in Figure 2. The figure
shows the difference in the order of priority between
the owners and the SMC. The owners feel that superior
human resources owned by an SMC are the most
important because in the business services industry,
human resource advantages the power offered that the
customers focus more. On the other hand, SMC
believes that cost is a good factor because it is related
to the amount of money for each ship in daily
Figure 3 shows the weighting for cost sub-criteria.
From the figure, it seems that both owners and SMC
have the same view. The priority is efficient cost
management of ship operations. It is due to the amount
of nominal money that must be managed by SMC and
issued by the owners for one voyage for each ship.
They also agree on commission days based on the
ability to operate within one year. It aims to minimize
breakdown time and maximize benefits.
Figure 4 shows the weighting for human resource
sub-criteria. The figure shows that according to the
owners, the SMC must have a professional and
knowledgeable workforce. Expert workforces can also
determine the quality of management services (Dickie,
2014). SMC thinks experience in the ship management
industry is good. Long experience means more
problems can be solved by internal workers. The
owners want to get the best provided by the human
resources of an SMC.
Figure 2. Result of Main Criteria Comparison
Figure 3. Comparison Results of Cost Sub-Criteria
Figure 4. Comparison Results of Human Resources Sub-
Figure 5 shows the weighting for services sub-
criteria. SMC agrees that quick response to the owners
is a top priority. Establishing communication between
two parties is good, especially for deciding certain
conditions. Quick responses and coordination of ship
verification reports are the two most important factors
in terms of service. It means that the communication
and coordination provided to the owners must be
considered deeply based on the SMC perspective.
Figure 5. Comparison Results of Services Sub-Criteria
Figure 6 shows the weighting for business sub-
criteria. According to the ship owners, building
sustainable cooperation is the best factor because the
ship operations must be based on their ages. The SMC
must have sustainable characteristics so that the
owners do not need to change the SMC until there is a
ship demolition. A company's reputation becomes the
second priority for SMC because companies usually
raise better chances to promote themselves to the
clients. Besides expanding their market shares, better
companies' reputations can also make clients sure to
establish cooperation. According to the owners, this
factor is not so important because it is external or does
not directly intersect with them.
Figure 6. Comparison Results of Business Sub-Criteria
3.2 Discussion
The research findings show that the ship owners place
their top priority on something they can feel directly,
such as human resources (HR). It is because the HR
provided by SMC can directly affect the quality of their
services. Previous study indicated the three most
influential factors; operational cost, the ability to
recruit human resources, and good management
quality as the first rank (Jeon et al., 2016). There are
similarities between these two findings. The ship
owners consider human resources and management
services as the most crucial matters. However, the
previous study proves the owners place their most
important priority on managing ship costs. The owners
prioritize the best things they can get in selecting an
Meanwhile, the SMC prioritizes the cost and
services. This illustrates that an SMC focuses more on
good cost management, considering that cost reduction
is good for efficiency. Quality service also becomes a
selling point of ship management to the owners. That
is why because the service is one thing that the SMC
emphasizes. If SMC follows the ship ownersview by
prioritizing and developing workforces, there will be a
good and sustainable collaboration in the future.
However, money must also be prioritized in future
strategic steps.
This research aims to identify and evaluate the
determinants in the selection of a ship management
company. The ship owners can consider and select an
SMC appropriately. The findings can also assist the
SMC in improving the quality of its services. Therefore,
the owners can get the best service as expected, and the
SMC can carry out sustainable cooperation. The
research generates a priority order of the factors in the
selection of an SMC by the owners. The results show
that the owners are more concerned with the factors
that can directly influence or support maximum and
optimal achievement. They do not care about external
matters. Human resources and services belong to the
top priorities. The owners focus more on human
resources in choosing an SMC. Meanwhile, the SMC
does not describe the same thing but highlights another
factor (cost). It mistakenly thinks that the owners only
focus on management and its financing. Therefore,
there is a difference of opinion between the two parties,
where the owners concern more about the factors that
they can get the best from an SMC, while the SMC
thinks more deeply about something they must
manage well and the optimization they can provide.
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