According to the International Maritime Organization
“Shipping is perhaps the most international of all the
world's great industries - and one of the most
dangerous” [1]. The high-risk nature of the shipping
industry is confirmed by the European Maritime Safety
Agency (EMSA) that registered 6921 persons being
injured and 550 persons losing their lives at sea in the
period 2014-2020 [2]. 43% of all casualty events in this
time period was what EMSA categorise as navigational
casualties which includes collisions, contacts and
grounding/strandings [2].
Navigation is a complex interaction between
human, organizational, environmental, and
technological factors on the ship’s bridge [3-5]. The
ship’s bridge can thus be characterised as a
sociotechnical system [6, 7] where the design of
technology interact with, and thus influence, other
parts of the system [8, 9]. Since the general introduction
of computerized equipment in the 1970s, there has
been a steady increase in electronic and digital
products for maritime use, and today, ships bridges
include a broad suite of equipment with both digital
and analogue interfaces, covering a range of functions
and purposes. There is rarely any consistent user
Somebody Else’s Problem? Usability in Ship Bridge
Design Seen from the Perspective of Different Maritime
B.E. Danielsen & E.S. Petersen
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
ABSTRACT: Navigation is a complex interaction between human, organizational, environmental, and
technological factors on the ship’s bridge. Today, ships bridges include a broad suite of equipment with both
digital and analogue interfaces, covering a range of functions and purposes. Suboptimal usability in equipment
and interface design as well as layout of the ships bridge has been reported by researchers for decades. This paper
aims to contribute to our understanding of why there has been limited progression in usability in ship bridge
design over the last decades, by investigating the stakeholders’ different perspectives of their influence, interest
and responsibility for usability in ship bridge design. The study is based on interviews with seafarers, shipowners,
equipment manufacturers, shipyard, insurance companies, classification societies and a flag state. Usability in
navigational equipment and systems on a ship’s bridge is required by the International Maritime Organization
(IMO) SOLAS Regulation V/15. We find that this goal-based requirement is challenging to follow up both in
design, development, and survey work. To achieve usability in maritime equipment and bridge systems ideally
requires the actively involvement of end-users throughout the design and development process. We find that the
seafarers, the direct end-users, do not have a clear voice in the ship bridge and bridge equipment design and the
associated purchasing processes. The other stakeholders appear to recognize the existing shortcomings, and some
do show interest in improvements, but the responsibility for usability seem to be fragmented, and they see the
potential solutions as being somebody else’s problem. We conclude by suggesting both long-term and a short-
term way forward for improving usability in ship bridge design.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 16
Number 4
December 2022
DOI: 10.12716/1001.16.04.10
interface design across these systems [10] and
suboptimal usability in equipment and interface
design has been reported by researchers for decades
There may be several factors contributing to the
current situation on the ship’s bridge. One factor is the
challenge of designers and developers of technical
systems to foresee how factors like time and resource
constraints, management pressure or motivation will
influence real use at a different time and in a different
place [17]. As a result, it is often seen that the human
component of sociotechnical systems do not behave as
designers expect, or plan for [18]. Technology being
designed without appropriate information about the
user or context of use is a concern as, for instance, a
systems designed-in safety features may not function
as expected. For example, when of the bulk carrier
Muros grounded in 2016 the accident investigation
identified the use of some of the safety features in the
Electronic Chart Display and Information System
(ECDIS) as a contributing factor to the accident. The
investigation report states that “The ECDIS on board
Muros had not been used as expected by the regulators
or equipment manufacturers.” [19]. It thus seems there
were limitations in the regulators and equipment
manufacturers knowledge about the end-users and the
context of use; knowledge that is however crucial when
designing for usability [20].
The importance of considering human factors has
been recognised by the International Maritime
Organization (IMO) through its human element vision
[21]. IMO has also addressed ship bridge design
through the SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea) convention
regulation V/15. Regulation 15 requires that ship
bridge equipment and procedures inter alia shall aim
to “facilitating the tasks to be performed (...) making
full appraisal of the situation and in navigating the ship
safely under all operational conditions”, “promoting
effective and safe bridge resource management”,
“enabling (...) convenient and continuous access to
essential information which is presented in a clear and
unambiguous manner“, preventing or minimizing
excessive or unnecessary work, minimizing the risk of
human error”.
The IMO instrument also outlines specific
requirements for the equipment that ships shall have
installed through SOLAS regulation V/19. For all the
equipment in V/19, there are also IMO Performance
Standards, providing descriptions of high-level
functionality required in a particular instrument, and
much more detailed IEC Test Standards, where the
individual test clauses must be fulfilled to obtain the
required type-approval.
Despite the maritime stakeholders’ commitment to
regulatory compliance, suboptimal usability which
we claim is an indicator of a design which to some
degree is unfit for the purpose it is intended for, and
thus can be termed ‘poor design’, seems to be a
persistent challenge in the maritime industry. In
Reason [22], poor design is the terminology used to
describe a latent condition that can be present for many
years in a system before it combines with local
circumstances and active failures that may result in a
maritime accident [23-27]. In practice, the impact of
poor design is often mitigated by the ability of users to
find creative ways to make systems work [11, 18].
Seafarers are no exception, and they make the bridge
system work through both adapting to design and
making adaptations of design [3, 28]. Adaptations to
design is occurring when seafarers adapt their work
strategy to cooperate with the technology. This has also
been described as integration work [3]. Adaptations of
design can be very visible in the form of self-made
covers for dimming screens, covering non-functioning
buttons, pallets to stand on, lengthening of levers,
written notes etc. [28]. Although seafarers apply
strategies to handle their work environment, poor
design have the potential to lead to design induced
errors [29].
To mitigate, considerable design and development
efforts aiming to improve usability in ship bridge
design have been performed [10, 30-34], also
attempting to increase the understanding of the
fundamental issues underlying the present situation
The persistence of suboptimal usability has been
connected to the multiple stakeholders being involved
in the ship building and ship bridge design processes
[35]. There may be differences in the level of
knowledge of human factors and human-centred
design posited by different stakeholders [36]. The
stakeholders may represent different interests that are
difficult to align during the design process [37] and
communication and cooperation between the
stakeholders may be challenging [38, 39].
Yet another factor is the competitiveness of the
maritime industry, in which many organizations work
on very small profit margins and thus prioritize short-
term economic gains [7, 16]. As new ship development
is driven by economics, human-factor interventions
need to be justified in terms of their likely benefits
exceeding their anticipated cost [7, 40]. However, there
is a lack of knowledge about, and especially methods
for, measuring the financial effects of ergonomics
which could enable maritime companies to make well-
informed ergonomic prioritizations [41] in other
words, developing a convincing business-case based
purely on objective data is difficult.
This paper aims to contribute to our understanding
of why there has been limited progression in usability
in ship bridge design by investigating the issue from
the perspectives of a broad set of stakeholders in the
maritime industry. The study is based on interviews
with seafarers, shipowners, equipment manufacturers,
shipyard, insurance companies, classification societies
and a flag state. We seek to find factors influencing the
low prioritisation of usability in the maritime industry
by investigating the stakeholders’ different
perspectives of their influence, interest and
responsibility for usability in ship bridge design. We
also suggest a way forward.
The paper is structured as follows: The next section
will provide the theoretical background as well as
information concerning the ship operation and
purchasing process and the maritime design
regulations. Section 3 explains the methodological
approach, followed by the presentation of the findings
in Section 4. The findings are discussed in Section 5,
and Section 6 concludes the study.
2.1 Key concepts
Design has been defined in multiple ways. For
example, Herbert Simon viewed design as a problem-
solving activity that concerns devising courses of
action aimed at changing existing situations into
preferred ones” (Simon, 1969, p. 55). Design and
development of products and systems in the maritime
(or any other) industry must adhere to regulations and
stakeholder- or customer requests which constrain or
define what the ‘preferred situation’ may be. Design
processes are also limited by factors like time and cost.
Thus a more specific definition of design is used: “a
specification of an object, manifested by some agent,
intended to accomplish goals, in a particular
environment, using a set of primitive components,
satisfying a set of requirements, subject to some
constraints” [42]. In this paper ship bridge design refers
to the design of the physical bridge including the
equipment, systems and layout of consoles.
The human factors discipline is concerned with
achieving two related outcomes of sociotechnical
systems: human well-being and overall system
performance [43]. It requires a conscious approach of
applying human factors theory, principles, data, and
methods to the design process to achieve these two
outcomes [44]. An essential characteristic of a well-
designed system or product is its usability. The ISO
standard 9241:210 defines usability as the extent to
which a system, product or service can be used by
specified users to achieve specified goals with
effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified
context of use” [20]. To achieve a goal with
effectiveness refers to the accuracy and completeness
with which users achieve the specified goals while
efficiency refers to the resources used, which may be
time, human effort, costs, materials, in relation to the
results achieved. In this paper, the user is the people
who operate the system and make use of the output of
the system.
One approach to achieve usability i.e., what we
have chosen to define as ‘good design’ versus ‘poor
design’, as discussed above - is the Human-centred
design (HCD) process. The HCD process as outlined in
the ISO standard 9241:210 aims to make systems
usable and useful by focusing on the users, their needs
and requirements, and applying human
factors/ergonomics, and usability knowledge and
techniques” [20].The ISO standard outlines a
framework for an iterative design process where the
major activities are
Understanding and specifying the context of use
Specifying the user requirements
Producing design solutions
Evaluating the design
A key success-factor in human-centred design is the
actively involvement of users throughout the design
and development process [20, 45], recognizing that it is
only the users that can provide a profound
understanding of their needs and the context of use in
which the design object is to function. The users can be
involved in all the activities outlined in the HCD
process, they are an important source for relevant data
obtained through methods like for example
observation, interviews, task analysis, the users can
participate in design activities, or they can evaluate and
test prototypes and design solutions.
In general, the benefits of usable systems are
increased productivity, reduced errors, reduced
training and support, improved user acceptance and
enhanced reputation [20, 46]. Research in the maritime
industry has found that usable systems benefit
seafarers in terms of improved physical, psychological,
and social well-being, higher motivation and job
satisfaction, as well as improved performance [13, 43,
46, 47]. Cost-benefit trade-offs are in general a key
consideration for adopting HCD methods [45]. Hence,
it is important to note that usability may also benefit
the shipowners through a safety gain arguably
achieved through good design, as well as improved
operational performance in terms of productivity,
efficiency, quality, a better reputation for hiring and
retaining personnel, reduced training and operating
costs [46, 47].
2.2 Maritime stakeholders
Stakeholders may be individuals, groups or
organizations “who have an interest (stake) and the
potential to influence the actions and aims of an
organization, project or policy direction” [48]. The
stakeholders are thus identified in relation to a specific
issue or project. The relation to the issue can also be
described as “those who are affected by or who can
affect a particular decision or actions” [49]. The
purpose of collecting and analysing data about
stakeholders is to develop an understanding of how
decisions are taken in a particular context and to
possibly identify opportunities for influencing the
decision-making processes [48]. Maguire [46]
recommends identifying a broad set of stakeholders as
part of the HCD process, including recipients of output
from the system, marketing staff, and purchasers, and
to this end, Dul [43] identified four main stakeholder
groups of system design:
System actors: i.e., employees, product users, who
are part of the system and who are directly or
indirectly affected by its design and who, directly or
indirectly, affect its performance.
System experts: i.e., professionals such as engineers
who contribute to the design of the system based on
their specific professional backgrounds.
System decision makers: i.e., decision makers (e.g.,
managers) about the (requirements for) the system
design, the purchasing of the system, its
implementation and use.
System influencers: i.e., media, governments,
standardisation organisations, regulators.
Seeing this in the maritime context, this industry
comprise numerous actors that are either directly
involved in the transport of goods or people, or in
supporting areas of activities, inter alia: ship operators,
shipowners, the crews, shipbuilders, design firms,
equipment suppliers, brokers, agents, repairers, the
IMO, flag states, coastal states, classification societies,
insurance companies, , education/training providers,
financiers, cargo owners as well as port/terminals [50].
2.3 Maritime design considerations
In the ship design process, different stakeholders can
represent vastly different interests and their
expectations towards the design solution may for such
reasons not be aligned. Indeed, a lack of relevant
information, ineffective collaboration, conflicts and
trade-offs may result in an excessive addition of
features to satisfy the expectations of all stakeholders
as the design process unfolds [37] but such additional
capabilities may not cause a premium on the charter
rate that can justify the added cost and thus negatively
affect business outcome [37]. Of particular interest to
maritime design is the issue of system design where
authority is distributed within and among several
organisations with design decisions spread over time,
has been described as “sequential attention to goals”
[51]. The sequential attention leads to decisions to be
taken without being aware of how they influence other
decisions. Gernez [52] differentiate between two
stakeholder groups involved in ship design: designers
(ship designer, sub-contractors, shipyard) and the end-
users (ship owner, ship manager, operator, and crew).
The difficulties of sharing information between the
technical expertise of the designers and the operational
experience of the end-users, is a factor that may
contribute to suboptimal or unsafe ship design
solutions [52]. Part of this picture is that designers and
developers tend to assume that their experiences are
similar to the users’ experiences so they can see
themselves as fair representatives of the users they
design for [53]. Both the interest in, and the power to
influence human factors in the maritime industry is
greatly differentiated between stakeholders [54], and to
illustrate this issue, the human factors community have
stronger relationships with system actors than with
systems experts and decision makers, i.e., the
stakeholders that have the power to influence system
design [43]. Also, the competitive nature of the
industry entails the relation between usability and
profitability is perceived as a trade-off rather than
synergy [55].
2.4 Ship operation and purchasing process
The shipping industry is international and “a ship can
be owned in one country, operated from another
country, and registered by a third country, and crew
can hail from any country” [50]. The industry consists
of different business sectors depending on the type of
cargo being carried (bulk, tank, container or
specialized cargo, to mention a few), whether it is
providing services like port tugs and bunker ships,
services running on fixed schedules like container
lines, passenger and cruise ships, or whether it is
organized as tramp. The different sectors may have
differently organized economic models or
organizational structures to compete for business.
What the sectors do have in common is the highly
competitive terms of its business [56]. An essential
activity in shipping is thus to match the capacity to
carry cargo or perform given services with the needs of
customers, shippers or charterers. “This includes not
only providing the right service at the right price, but
also the buying, building, chartering-in and chartering-
out of ships in anticipation of international, but also
local and regional, market conditions.”[56].
The shipping companies has access to a global
labour force as the IMO International Convention on
Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping
for Seafarers (STCW) ensures basic requirements on an
international level, and the STCW certificates of
competence are internationally accepted. Crewing
management can thus be outsourced, and shipowners
have the possibility to optimize cost structures through
replacing the crew, or parts of the crew, with workers
from a different nationality. The recruitment period for
seafarers may be limited to a single voyage or a
contract for up to a year. Seafarers employed through
a crewing agency mainly interact with the crewing
agency despite that their contract of employment may
be with the shipowner. (Walters & Bailey, 2013).
Shipowners can decide to expand their fleet by
investing in second-hand ships or new ships, as well as
through the use of outsourcing and chartering, which
occurs frequently and makes a distinction between
ownership and the operation of a ship [56]. Investing
in a new ship can be done through buying a standard
ship type developed and ‘mass’ produced by a yard. In
this case the shipowner has little or no influence on
choice of equipment on board. An alternative approach
is to initialize a ship design process based on the
shipowner specific needs in terms of market, cargo
type, expected area of operation, and possible
equipment preferences and hull or machinery
constructional feature preferences. Shipowners may
approach shipyards with a preliminary specification
and general arrangement plan prepared by a ship
design bureau, or shipyards may have their own in-
house naval architect departments that can provide
both design and, subsequently to an agreement
between the parties, the production specifications and
drawings of a ship, usually also including the ‘maker’s
list’. In some detail, the maker’s list is a list of suppliers
negotiated and approved for delivery of equipment,
machinery or services to a particular (series of) ship to
be built, which forms an important part of the contract
between the shipowner and the shipyard, considering
that it sets a certain agreed standard and limits the
potential purchasing choices for the shipyard. The
main participants contributing to the ship design
process are the shipowner, the shipyard, and the ship
designer [57]. The suppliers of materials and
equipment are selected through negotiations and the
number of suppliers for a single ship may add up to
350 [57].
2.5 Maritime design regulations
The global nature of the shipping industry has led to
regulations mainly being developed internationally
through the International Maritime Organization
(IMO). The international Convention for the Safety of
Life at Sea (SOLAS) was incorporated by IMO when it
was founded in 1958, and this convention continues to
be the most important international maritime safety
mechanism [58]. The SOLAS convention governs
safety through 14 chapters that specify minimum
standards for the construction, equipment and safe and
secure operation of ships [59]. Chapter V, Safety of
Navigation, identifies a number of navigation safety
services which should be provided by Contracting
Governments and include subjects like maintenance of
meteorological services for ships, the ice patrol service,
search and rescue services and routeing of ships.
However, SOLAS Chapter V also relates to
equipment onboard ships conforming with the
convention, which counts almost all ships in the global
trading fleet. As such, SOLAS Chapter V Regulation 15
(V/15) sets forth “Principles relating to bridge design,
design and arrangement of navigational systems and
equipment and bridge procedures” [60]. Important in
the present context, these seven principles require a
series of usability considerations to be considered in
bridge design, bridge equipment and procedures.
Regulation V/15 is a goal-based regulation (also
referred to as function-based regulations) that sets
forth objectives which the designed product or system
shall achieve, however without offering a detailed
description of how to achieve them. Detailed
guidelines for physical ergonomic criteria for bridge
equipment and layout is made available in the IMO
MSC/Circular 982 [61].
The principles in Regulation V/15 are applicable for
decisions made for the purpose of applying the
requirements of several other regulations in Chapter V,
including Regulation V/19 “Carriage requirements for
shipborne navigational systems and equipment”.
Regulation V/19 outlines specific requirements for the
equipment that ships shall have installed, for example
compass, charts, ECDIS, radar, automatic identification
system (AIS), echo sounder, speed measuring devices,
track and heading control. For each of such
instruments, and underlying /supporting Chapter
V/19, IMO has issued Performance Standards for the
devices in question. One-by-one, the Performance
Standards outline, usually in rather high-level
language, the functionalities, and qualities of the
particular instruments, and thus serves the purpose of
ensuring that seafarers are provided with the
equipment and tools deemed needed to perform a
particular task, independently of the manufacturer of
the devices. However, due to the brevity and nature of
the IMO Performance Standards, they are less usable as
test standards to prove conformance, and for this
purpose, the International Electrotechnical Committee
(IEC) develops highly detailed test standards matching
the IMO performance standards. In other words, the
practice is so that manufacturers relate to the IEC Test
Standards when they develop their instruments, and
the IEC Test Standards in turn form the base for the
issuing of Type Approval certificates of navigational
instruments. This goes for any kind of requirements,
i.e., also including requirements to ergonomics of
equipment, where the combined requirements
contained in the appropriate IEC Test Standard and the
over-arching ergonomics requirements contained in
IEC 60945 [62] and IEC 62288 [63] are to be fulfilled in
Ships flying the flag of a European Union (EU)
country, or one of the European Free Trade Association
(EFTA) countries, are further constrained to only install
marine equipment marked with the EU Marine
Equipment Directive (MED) mark of conformity, also
known as the “wheel mark”. The “wheel mark” is
issued by notified bodies that verify the equipment is
in compliance with all applicable standards for design
and production, including the IEC Test Standards
IEC60945 and IEC 62288, all together specifying the
minimum performance requirements, methods of
testing and required test results of particular devices.
There are several test methods outlined in IEC62288
that can be applied for validating the equipment’s
compliance: inspection of documented evidence,
measurement, observation, and analytical evaluation.
Of particular relevance for this paper, it is noted that
this standard describes how testing according to the
requirements of ‘analytical evaluations’ are to be
“Analytical evaluations may be made by a relevant
expert with the necessary education, skills and/or
experience to make an informed and reliable
judgement concerning the presentation of information,
its appropriateness and usability. It is used for the
evaluation of properties which can be judged only in
the context of other information or knowledge which
requires the tester to make an informed assessment of
the likely performance of a typical user of the
presentation.” [63]. The appointment of “a relevant
expert” is at the discretion of the notified body.
The flag state is responsible for national
enforcement of the international maritime regulations.
The Norwegian legislation directly addressing ship
bridge design is found within Regulation 1157 2014-09-
05 [64] where SOLAS Chapter V/15 is implemented.
The flag state administrations are responsible for
surveying and issuing certificates that confirm ships
are designed, constructed, maintained, and managed
in compliance with the IMO regulations for ships
flying their flag, a task which the flag state
administrations at their own discretion may delegate
either to surveyors nominated for the purpose or to
recognized organizations (ROs), to perform the
inspections and surveys required to validate
The empirical foundation for this paper consists of
interviews with seafarers, shipowners, a shipyard,
equipment manufacturers, a flag state, classification
societies and insurance companies. In total, 42
informants have been interviewed in the period 2018-
2021. An overview of the informants is presented in
Table 1. The maritime sector consists of a vast array of
possible stakeholders in ship bridge design. The
stakeholders in this study were selected using a
snowball sampling approach, initiated through the
interviews with the end-users - the seafarers - and
further developed through the subsequent interviews
with informants from other stakeholder groups.
All seafarers, except one, worked as captains or
deck officers in Norwegian companies at the time of
the interviews. One seafarer was a lecturer in nautical
studies with previous sailing experience as a captain.
Semi-structured interviews were performed during
field trips on board three passenger ships and two
offshore supply vessels. The onboard visits allowed for
observations that complement the interview data. In
addition, a focus group interview with six high-speed
coastal vessel deck officers was performed at a
Norwegian education facility.
Table 1. Overview of informants in the study.
Stakeholder group Job titles No. of persons
Seafarers (working on passenger ships, high- Deck officer/Captain 21
speed coastal vessels, offshore supply vessels)
5 Shipowner companies (with fleets consisting Head of HSEQ & Human Factors/ Electro Automation 5
of bulk-carriers, oil- and gas-tankers, cruise Engineer/Marine and HSEQ Manager/Vice president
ships, offshore support vessels newbuilding/ Senior Marine Advisor
3 Equipment manufacturer companies Vice President R&D/Senior Designer/ Principal engineer HF 5
and maritime HMI/ Service engineer and Project
2 Classification societies Head of Section/HF Consultant 4
1 Flag state (The Norwegian Maritime Senior engineer/Senior Advisor 3
2 Marine insurance companies Senior Loss Prevention Executive/ Loss Prevention 3
Director/Vice President
1 Shipyard Naval Architect 1
Total number of informants 42
Table 2. The findings from each stakeholder group in this study.
Stakeholder group Influence & Interest
Seafarers Design issues
Takes responsibility for handling suboptimal usability through adaptations
No/low design influence, high interest
Shipowners Low interest, perceived influence varies from low to high
Responsibility for usability sits somewhere else
Profitability prioritised
Equipment High interest in involving end-users through HF methods
manufacturers Influence through design and development, however HCD processes are challenging (cost
(profitability), regulations, customer requirements, barriers to including end-users)
Shipyard Have influence but low interest (due to lack of awareness about HF and usability)
Prioritize completing project within time/budget/contract specs (profitability)
Classification SOLAS V/15 a «dormant» requirement
societies HF not part of standard packet class
Market competition forces minimum notations (profitability)
High interest but influence through voluntary notations (chosen by shipowner)
Flag state Interest and influence on conventional ship building is medium
SOLAS V/15 not followed up through supervisory work
No national requirements beyond international due to risk of ships flagging out (economic
Industry have responsibility for challenging regulations
Insurance Not responsible, low interest, low influence
Work on behalf of shipowner
Indirect influence through awareness campaigns (towards seafarers)
The interview with the other stakeholder groups
took place in the informant’s workplace or remotely
using a web conferencing tool. The shipowner
informants had different roles in company
management, they were all decision-makers
concerning ship bridge design and equipment. They
were employed in shipowner companies with
international operations, four which have their main
office in Norway and one in UK. The shipyard
informant was a naval architect that had worked for
several years in a shipyard in Asia. The equipment
manufacturer informants worked as designers or
engineers in Norwegian companies or in a Norwegian
department of an international company. The Flag
state informants worked in relevant departments in the
Norwegian Maritime Authority. The informants from
the classification societies worked at either the
company head office in Norway or in the head office in
UK. The insurance companies operate internationally,
and the informants worked either in the company head
office in UK or in Norway.
All interviews were semi-structured [65], lasted for
about one hour and were conducted by one or two
researchers. In the interviews, we asked the informants
about their role, their interest in and influence on ship
bridge design and usability, and how they perceived
other maritime actors’ role, equipment preferences and
priorities, and design related to performance and
safety. The interviews consisted of open questions
focusing on the informantsexperiences and opinions
and allowed the informants to talk freely about
different aspects of the topics we introduced.
The data material consisted of field notes and
audio-recorded interviews that were transcribed
verbatim. The transcriptions are the source of the
quotes in Section 4.
3.1 Analysis
Thematic analysis (Braun and Clark 2008) was initially
used to analyse the data in this study. This method
allows for identification of themes across the data in a
systematic manner. The data material for each
stakeholder group was first analysed separately.
Initially the data from the three stakeholder groups
seafarers, equipment manufacturers and shipowners
were subjected to open coding, which broke down the
material to smaller sections before comparing, refining,
and clustering codes into themes. This work was
published in[28, 55]. The topic of stakeholders’
influence and interest in ship bridge design was then
further developed through performing additional
interviews with a shipyard, a flag state, classification
societies and insurance companies. The additional data
allowed for a re-analysis and comparison of findings
across the seven stakeholder groups. The findings
concerning interest and influence on ship bridge
design for each stakeholder group are shown in Table
The approach of generating knowledge about
stakeholders’ behaviour, inter-relations, interest and
influence on a particular process or decision-making is
known from the stakeholder analysis literature [48, 66].
This knowledge can be used to develop strategies for
managing stakeholders of projects or organisation in
order to facilitate the implementation of specific
decisions or organisational objectives [48], however, in
the present case, the knowledge generated focused on
the informants perceived influence and interest in ship
bridge design, with the ultimate aim of shredding light
on existing factors that may hamper progress in this
direction. Moreover, the resulting insights were used
to suggest possible ways forward.
3.2 Scientific quality
Several measures have been applied to ensure the
trustworthiness [67, 68] of the current study. The initial
coding was performed by the first author. In addition
to the authors of the current paper, five researchers
with extensive experience from research within the
maritime sector, human factors and safety, have been
involved in both the data collection, analysis, and
writing during the course of the research, which
strengthens the credibility of the study. When
performing interviews, one cannot be sure whether the
informants are providing an accurate account of their
experiences and thoughts or if their accounts are
adjusted to what they think the researcher is interested
in, or what others, like company management, would
like to hear. However, the topics raised in this study
were not of a personal or sensitive nature. The
informants seemed to find the topic interesting and
willingly shared their experiences and opinions. In
addition, serving as a kind of triangulation,
information obtained from previous interviews and
observations was continuously discussed during
subsequent interviews.
There are some factors relevant for the
transferability to other contexts of the study. First, the
data sample does not include all sectors within the
maritime industry. The authors acknowledge that
there is an extensive network of actors and
stakeholders in the maritime industry in addition to the
stakeholder groups included in this study. There is also
a limited number of informants from each stakeholder
group. However, the richness of the data collected has
allowed for an analysis that identified patterns across
the stakeholder groups concerning their perceived
interest, influence and responsibility for usability in
ship bridge equipment design. Second, the majority of
informants in the study are Norwegian and the
findings may first and foremost reflect a situation
specific for the Norwegian and/or European maritime
sector. Considering the international nature of the
maritime industry where the stakeholders operate,
compete, and are regulated internationally, the
conclusions drawn may still have broad relevance. The
results provide descriptions from which readers can
make judgements relating to the transferability of
results to other, specific contexts. Further research is
needed to establish the relevance of the findings for
specific maritime sectors, geographic areas, or the
maritime industry in general.
In this section the findings from the interviews with the
stakeholder groups seafarers, shipowners, shipyard,
equipment manufacturer, flag state, classification
societies and insurance companies are presented.
4.1 Seafarers
The navigators are the stakeholder that has the most
obvious interest in ship bridge design. Navigating a
ship requires management and interaction with many
pieces of equipment. The function and design of
individual equipment as well as how the equipment is
physically organized to constitute the overall work
environment have direct impact on seafarers’ work
tasks and work performance. In our fieldwork and
interviews with seafarers we found many examples of
suboptimal usability in ship bridge design and
equipment. The frequent existence of suboptimal
usability was also confirmed by the other stakeholder
One example of equipment not fit for the context-
of-use is the lack of possibility to dim screens during
night-time, an issue that frequently came up during the
interviews and field trips:
“That screen, you have it in front of you all the time, it
cannot be dimmed properly so you lose your night vision
while you are steering the ship. We used to cover it with a
patch. In return we could not see the alarms from the
propulsion system, we heard the alarm and had to lift the
patch. When you are in a narrow fairway and a pilot is
shouting at you, it starts beeping and you have to lift the
patch and in addition lose your night vision”
The seafarers expressed frustration over systems
and equipment that do not accommodate their tasks
and the context. Still, they manage to do their job
through creative ways of adapting to less successful
designs, as also described in [28].
All in all, the seafarers describe they have little or
no influence on ship bridge design. The seafarer’s
involvement in ship bridge design in a newbuilding is
usually restricted to a captain being part of a site team
or being allowed to give his opinion during the final
assembly e.g., regarding placement of certain items in
the consoles. The seafarers would like to have more
influence, however finding ways to give feedback can
be challenging. In our study we did not find any
systematic feedback system in place and the seafarers
may find it difficult to be heard, as this quote
“I have tried but got the message: ‘thanks for the input but
we have already paid for this solution’. Then designers,
engineers and sales have related to classification,
regulations, and authorities, then they deliver the order to
the yard, and on top is the owner that has paid for the
solution already. When you as the end-user express what you
would like to have the message is ‘Sorry, you are half a year
to late”
This quote also sums up who the seafarers think
have influence on ship bridge design, designers,
engineers, sales, class, regulations, authorities,
shipyard and shipowner. Several seafarers pointed to
the fact that many actors and competitors are involved,
as contributing to the lack of usability.
4.2 Shipowners
Shipowners can be organized in different ways, it can
be a company, a person or an investment fund owning
ships. Shipowner companies can range from small
family-run companies owning one or a few ships to
multinational companies owning hundreds of ships.
The different functions like ship management,
technical management, purchasing, insurance and
human resources may be departments within the
company, or it may be outsourced to a third-party
The shipowners in our study span from describing
their interest and influence in ship bridge design from
being high to low. In the high end of this scale, the
offshore support vessel company expressed an explicit
interest in ship bridge design, not only to ensure safety
and production but as part of ensuring crew well-
being. During the ship building processes they
described following up both on the equipment
manufacturers and the yards closely to make sure the
bridge design had the intended standard. Their own
judgement was that they spent more resources than
most shipowner companies on ship bridge design, but
that it paid off in the form of good working conditions
for the crew:
“I think we gain on that. We have spent resources on this,
but throughout the ship’s lifetime the everyday life of people
on board is much better, that way it is worth it.”
The other four companies in our study, ranged both
their interest and perceived influence on usability in
ship bridge design to be medium to low. They all
emphasize that building a ship is a considerable
investment, and shipowner management is focusing
on big picture issues of a ship’s construction and
specifications, such as cargo carrying capacity, the
number of passengers, speed, efficiency, i.e., the factors
that are important for a profitable investment. For
these owners it is important to keep the costs to a
minimum and usability on the ships bridge is not
worth an additional investment. The large bulk and oil
tanker companies described buying ships more or less
off-the-shelf. They also prefer buying several ships in a
series with standard design as they find this decreasing
investment cost and crew training cost.
One of the informants from these companies did
think that they have some influence on bridge
equipment through what they choose to buy and how
much they are willing to invest:
“We do have some power, we build maybe 10 boats per year,
and we are buying them, so we have the possibility to make
requirements and invest more money if we want to. If we get
in early, we can request to redesign the whole bridge without
additional costs. So, the owners have a lot of power in this,
we can drive things forward, but in almost all shipowner
companies they now use equipment made in Asia”
Although this shipowner found they have some
influence, the shipowner informants pointed to the
regulators, shipyards and equipment manufacturers as
the stakeholders with the main influence on ship
bridge design. The informants expressed that safety of
navigation is ensured by complying to regulations:
“…as long as you follow the rules and requirements you are
The belief that safety is ensured by regulations may
have influenced their interest in safety and ship bridge
design. This was currently not a topic of specific
interest for these shipowners:
“Of course, safety is always an important thing, but that is
not where you feel it is urgent right now, after all, we do have
relatively safe equipment already”
It was also emphasized that if there is a need to
change anything it should be done through regulations
as both equipment manufacturers and shipowners are
forced to prioritize compliance:
“I think the easiest way to make changes is through
regulations, because they will be followed by both the
equipment manufacturers and shipowners”
When the shipowner signs a contract for the whole
ship, the shipyard has the design responsibility. The
shipyard chooses equipment suppliers depending on
their negotiations and agreements with suppliers and
if the shipowner would like a different supplier it will
come with an additional cost, as explained by one
“We had in the contract what they call a makers list, so you
had to have at least three possible suppliers for the bridge
equipment that the ship yard could choose and then we would
get the specifications for the supply and either approve it, but
if you wanted an alternative supply we had to pay the
difference in the cost between the supplier we wanted and the
supplier that the ship yard had chosen. (…) then we would
say ‘I’m sorry we are not going to pay the extra’”
Usability was perceived to be the responsibility of
equipment manufactures and the equipment
manufacturers should also bear the cost for developing
usable equipment. The competitiveness of the
maritime industry was emphasized, and one informant
described themselves as ‘the weak link in the food
chain’, thus other actors must take responsibility for
the equipment on the bridge:
“Everybody is always turning towards the shipowners to
pay more, but financially it must be very critical for the
shipowners to do more. The shipowners might think that the
equipment manufacturers have the responsibility to deliver
safe equipment that is easy to use and of course the maritime
institutions have a responsibility to educate people, so they
are capable of handling the equipment”
In other words, as this quote additionally illustrates,
the shipowners also pointed to the seafarers’ training,
competence and their responsibility for being able to
handle the available equipment.
4.3 Shipyard
The shipyard is where new ships are being constructed
or where service and maintenance repairs or
conversions, modifications or upgrades of ships are
performed. Most shipyards have a design department
and an engineering department. Naval architects are
important professionals in this context as they work
with ship design at the conceptual and construction
levels, as well as often being involved in project
The building time which consists of both the design
phase and the building phase, is an important cost
parameter for a shipyard. Depending on the market
situation, ships like tankers and bulk carriers are
increasingly built in larger series from a standard
design to increase the production efficiency of the
shipyard. After the first vessels in a series have been
built and construction bugs have been ironed out, there
is seldom much more to be done by the design and
engineering departments, leading to a per-ship cost
reduction and shortened delivery time. Shipping
companies do not need to be involved during this type
of building process. Neither is it usually being
considered in any detail what particular kind of
operations the ship will be used for, where should the
ship sail, what kind of crew will operate it etc.; designs
of this nature are aimed a world-wide, unrestricted
Naval architecture is an engineering-based
profession and according to our informant, ship
operations or the human-factors needs of end-users are
not part of their professional focus. The informant
describes the ship design process being about going
into the ship design spiral and try to complete the
design fulfilling all main requirements within the
given time. An alternative approach, experientially
very often used as a starting point for a new design, is
to use the drawings from an already approved (sister)
Concerning the ships bridge, the naval architect
designs the outline of the bridge and can also be
involved during the detailed design at the shipyard.
The equipment manufacturers may deliver finished
consoles, or consoles can be designed and produced by
the shipyard and their sub-suppliers, in which case the
equipment suppliers deliver components and
drawings. Bridge equipment may be bought as
individual sub-systems or components, resulting in
equipment coming from perhaps 5-10 different
equipment manufacturers, which all may have
different operating philosophies.
The informant is of the impression that usability
and implementation of human factors considerations
into design differs considerably between equipment
manufacturers. However, the informant emphasize
that a naval architect will not start a discussion with
stakeholders regarding human-factors related end user
needs. As long as there are no compulsory
requirements regarding usability or human factors this
is not on a naval architect’s agenda. According to the
informant, although being aware of guidelines for
implementing human factors in design, both from
classification societies and standardization
organizations, it is not clear who should be responsible
for using them.
4.4 Equipment manufacturers
Equipment manufacturers are companies that make
maritime equipment for ships, including specialist
hardware, software, diesel and electrical propulsion
systems, bridge equipment or DP systems. The
equipment manufacturers in our study were either
delivering a few specific pieces of bridge equipment or
a whole range of bridge equipment, including consoles
and integrated bridge solutions.
All equipment manufacturer informants in our
study expressed high interest in usability and in
involving seafarers in their design and development
processes. However, there is a trade-off between this
interest and time and cost considerations in the
development processes. The price of their product is an
all-important factor when competing in the maritime
Their influence is considerable in the sense that they
design and develop the equipment and systems to be
used on board. However, the informants depict several
factors that limit this influence. Regulations are an
important factor. The intention of regulations, to
ensure a certain standard that contributes to safety, are
perceived as positive. However, they also experience
regulations, i.e., the IMO Performance Standards and
the IEC equipment test standards described above, as
being a hinder for innovation and restricting design
solutions towards lower usability. As an example, one
of the equipment manufacturers has ECDIS as the main
part of their portfolio and ECDIS, like all other
mandatory bridge systems required by SOLAS
Regulation V/19, must comply with detailed
regulations. In their opinion some of the requirements
lead to solutions that create unnecessary challenges for
the users:
“We would like to see that the experiences we have from
being close to the user group would be taken into account.
We see so many times that the standards have things that
works directly opposite of the intention, it reduces safety
although the intention has been the opposite”
Another factor limiting equipment manufacturer
influence is the customer requirements. The customer
is either representing the shipowner or the shipyard,
not the end-user directly. The equipment manufactures
experienced that shipowners can have their own
subjective opinions regarding the bridge which may
lead to altering the design in ways that designers think
makes the bridge less usable.
“In the end the owner decides, not the people using it. He
(the owner) overruled it even though all the users wanted the
ergonomic solutions.”
It may be difficult to get a position in the market
based on selling the concept of usability. The maritime
market is focused on cost effectiveness and equipment
developed through user-centered design process does
not mainly compete on price, but in addition on
intangible benefits like increased safety, efficiency,
effectiveness and user satisfaction, which are difficult
to quantify in a business case or purchase decision.
In addition, it may be a challenge to get access to
seafarers and ships and none of the equipment
manufacturers had any systematic way of collecting
feedback from operations. The informants also
described tensions within their company regarding
time and cost spent on design and development
“We would like to be more out (in the field) but it is
challenging to achieve (…) we have technical personnel that
does it, in a way we who have the user-centred design part
we do not have any tasks or system to fix, at least not
something that everybody sees. We do see the need for it.”
4.5 The Flag State
The flag state is responsible for the enforcement of
national and international maritime regulations on
ships flying their flag. The Norwegian Maritime
Authority (NMA) is subordinate to the Ministry of
Trade, Industry and Fisheries and the Ministry of
Climate and Environment. The Norwegian legislation
directly addressing ship bridge design is found within
Regulation 1157 2014-09-05 Navigation and
navigational aids for ships and mobile offshore units,
where SOLAS Chapter V and the IMO MSC circular
982 is implemented. However, the focus on regulation
V/15 through supervisions seem to be limited:
“The intention to include it in the regulations, regulation 15
states the considerations that must be taken when designing
and placing equipment on a bridge. The guideline (MSC
circular 982) addresses these considerations but from there
to being good at actually using it in our supervisory work is
to go a bit far”
Concerning ships being built within existing
regulations the flag state informants considered
NMA’s interest and influence to be medium. The
influence is essentially through providing the
framework conditions through regulations, including
supervision and auditing to ensure compliance with
legislation. The informants express being comfortable
with having general regulations with minimum
requirements, as that provide the same conditions of
competition in some areas. The informants are of the
opinion that prescriptive regulations may limit
innovation; however, goal-based regulations are
difficult to follow up:
“The issue with goal-based and function-based, the problem
is its all good but when you have to measure something and
set an acceptance criterion or standard for what should be
allowed, you need to have some known factors to measure up
against, so that everything does not become completely
The NMA is aware of existing challenges regarding
design of ship bridges and bridge equipment. They
point to the lack of standardisation considering a
holistic view on the bridge work environment guiding
how the different pieces of equipment should be placed
together. Currently it is up to equipment
manufacturers, yards, and shipowners to decide how
this is done and the practice varies between ship types
and within different segments in the industry. In
general, the informants have the impression that HMI
and human factors developments is not fully exploited
in maritime sector, which can be connected to the
strong focus on profitability. Still, it is important for the
NMA that Norwegian requirements do not go beyond
IMO regulations, due to the goal of ensuring
predictable conditions for the industry and to reduce
the risk of ships flagging out.
The NMA is responsible for bringing issues to the
IMO, however, the NMA is of the opinion that the
industry also has a responsibility for pushing
regulations forward.
“I would like to see the industry challenge the regulations.
As new equipment becomes available or new research that
says something about which resolutions and colors are best,
I would like to see that automatically forwarded. I am unsure
if this is the case, you do get the impression that they are most
concerned with staying within the regulations when
building a vessel. I understand that they do, but someone has
to take the fight.”
4.6 Classification Societies
Classification societies are non-governmental business
organizations that establish technical standards for the
construction of ships. Based on plan approval and
onboard inspections during the building period of a
ship, they issue classification certificates that verify
that the construction of a vessel complies with their
standards; certificates that are maintained throughout
the lifetime of the ship through renewed surveys. The
class certificate is necessary for the shipowner to
register the ship in a flag state and obtain marine
insurance. The certificate of class will include class
notations that signify which rule requirements are
applicable for the assignment and retention of class.
While the basic class notation is mandatory, other
descriptive class notations are optional and can cover
different aspects, for instance ship type, special
structural or engine standards, or, depending on the
ship type and the wishes of the owner, there are also
notations regarding navigation and manoeuvring. In
addition to delivering their own services, classification
societies can also have a role as Recognised
Organisation (RO), meaning the flag state has
delegated the responsibility for inspection and
supervision of the flag state rules to the classification
Bridge and bridge equipment is not part of
classification unless the shipowner wants a specific,
navigation-related voluntary notation. Following up
SOLAS V/15 is not a priority for class societies:
“Regulation 15 says something about bridge design, but it is
almost a dormant requirement in relation to SOLAS ships.
There are not many requirements for it in relation to normal
standard class or SOLAS ships, but some flags i.e., Germany
and Norway have said that IMO circular 982 applies, that
they are minimum requirements. So, when you build a main
class ship according to SOLAS, the 982 also applies and then
it is quite significant, however the follow-up I do not want to
say much about”
The informants experience from the role as RO is
that it is common for the flag to give exemptions from
this part of the regulations. The informants think that
traditionally class societies have focused on the
technical solutions and not been concerned with
operations. Also, the majority of surveyors from class
societies have technical background and human factors
knowledge is not part of their training. The class
surveyors follow guidelines and checklists concerning
technical systems and equipment and they often work
under considerable time pressure.
All mandatory equipment required by SOLAS
Chapter V/19 has type approval, and according to the
informants, installation and placement are equipment
manufacturer and shipowner responsibility. From
class point of view the shipowner has the main
influence on ship bridge design, illustrated by the
following quote:
“We think it is entirely driven by the owner/operator. Every
other player in the industry is just selling stuff or providing
services. (…) the only ones putting money in in the end,
either by buying stuff or by running stuff, is the
owner/operators. Everyone else are passengers. (…) if the
owner/operator is not interested and does not provide
sufficient information and requirements, nothing is ever
going to happen. That is a big problem, because increasingly
owners are banks”
Class considers their interest in ensuring safety
through bridge design as being high. However, their
influence on ship bridge design is through selling and
developing the optional navigation and maneuvering
notations. These are adapted to different ship types
and may include requirements for different working
positions, what kind of equipment should be there,
placement, visibility etc. The sales argument being put
forward is that navigation notations will give lower
insurance, meaning that although investment in design
is higher cost is saved on lower insurance. One of the
informants emphasize that through developing these
notations they contribute to push the industry forward.
If the shipowner chooses a high navigation notation
their influence through this notation is high. However,
this classification society recently had to develop a new
notation that only have minimum requirements in
addition to SOLAS. This notation was described as
necessary due to the demand in the market for a simple
notation that requires minimum investments.
Providing such as notation is part of the competition
with other classification societies that provide these
types of notations.
4.7 Insurance
Insurance is the shipowner’s protection against
financial loss due to accidents and incidents. Marine
insurance has two main areas: 1) hull and machinery
that cover the risk of property damage and 2)
Protection and Indemnity (P&I) insurance that cover
open-ended risks, like third party liability for cargo,
injuries to people or environmental damage. (The loss
associated to not operating is still with the owner).
Insurance companies are impacted by ship bridge
design in terms of claims due to navigational incidents
and accidents. According to the insurance companies,
although the ship accident rate is declining every year,
the risk remains the same as the consequences are
higher, the ships are larger, systems are more complex,
and claims are larger. However, collisions and
groundings do not lead to the largest claims:
“Pollution claims are high cost as you can imagine but not
very frequent (…) but what we get they are very expensive
so in terms like that collision claims, groundings, in real
terms are not a huge problem, they are acceptable within
insurance terms anyway.”
The insurance company informants state that both
their interest and influence in ship bridge design is low.
They have no direct influence on shipowners regarding
ship design or choice of bridge equipment. Especially
the P&I club emphasized that they are working on the
shipowner’s behalf, they are brought in by the
shipowner to protect him/her from the unexpected and
interfering with the design of ships is not part of their
According to the insurance companies it is a
misconception in the industry that insurance premium
can be influenced by the choice of ship bridge
equipment. The insurance premium is calculated in a
conservative way based on the historical number of
claims. The reward in the form of lower insurance
premium will only occur when no claims have been
shown over time:
“Insurance is just gambling you know, insurance gamble
that you are not going to have a claim and proceeds the
premium (…) answer to the underwriters is: well if you do
this claims will go down so you will clearly get less premium,
but at the end of the day insurance is a market place, it’s all
down to if you have a lot of claims that you have to pay a lot
of premium, that’s the system.”
One of the insurance companies stated that they
would like to have more impact on safety and ship
bridge design, especially the opportunity to connect
insurance premium level to class notations but they
claim that will not be agreed to by the underwriters.
The insurance companies do regard they have
indirect influence through the awareness campaigns
run by their loss prevention departments towards
“We have had lots of awareness presentations on what we see
in navigation accidents, including the use of systems,
understanding of positioning. It is based on the requirements
we see, to try to avoid seafarers making the same mistakes
(…) and the problem is that our audience is the seafarers, the
navigators and not the superintendent or the technical
personnel in the shipping company”.
5.1 SOLAS V/15 a ‘dormant’ requirement
SOLAS V/15 requires that human factors’
considerations are the basis for all decisions “which
affect bridge design, the design and arrangement of
navigational systems and equipment on the bridge”,
i.e., in our interpretation, that the navigational
equipment and systems must be usable; must be good
design. Achieving usability requires however requires
active involvement of end users throughout the design
and development process [20, 45, 46]. In this study we
find that the core regulation underpinning this
demand, SOLAS V/15, is neither applied systematically
in the design and development processes, nor is it
having a significant position and impact during the
ship design and purchasing processes, and nor is it an
explicit, or even implicit, part of the survey work by the
The seafarers in our study have high interest in
usability in ship bridge and equipment design as they
are directly affected by it [49] through their daily work.
However, they experience having little or no influence
on ship bridge design or the selection of equipment,
whether it is the design and development process or
the purchasing process. With the widespread use of
crewing agencies and short employment contracts [56]
there are few possibilities for seafarers to interact with
the shipowners or other stakeholders to give feedback
from the use of ship bridge equipment. Even in
organizations where owners’ representatives
superintendents are recruited among seafarers, and
thus understand the end-user needs from their own
practice, there is little impact to be observed.
Speculatively, the underlying cause for this paradox
could be that their freedom of action is tuned to the
same agenda as most other members of a ship owning
organization: ensuring compliance to rules, cost-
neutrality (or cost-reduction), and timely delivery of
the ship so that a return of investment can commence.
Seen from the perspective of the other stakeholders
there are differing reasons for not involving seafarers
in design and purchasing decisions. The equipment
manufacturers in our sample expressed high interest in
usability and in involving seafarers in the design and
development process. However, they experienced that
their access to ships and seafarers is limited. To involve
seafarers arguably also adds time and cost to a
development project which reduces the profitability
margin, and since there does not seem to be an explicit
market demand for usability, ‘going the extra mile’
could be considered as a luxury.
The purchasing process is another opportunity for
involving seafarers in bridge design decisions and
equipment selection, where seafarers’ experience
would be able to influence the choice of equipment
towards instruments with superior usability. The ship
purchasing process is however usually a negotiation
between the shipyard and the owner/buyer, and these
negotiations often revolves around the main
characteristics of a newbuilt ship like speed, fuel
consumption, capacity, delivery time, and cost.
Usability is not on the table, apart from the implicit
assumption that compliance to the IEC test standards
provides usable systems. This was emphasized by
some of the shipowner informants, that believed as
long as you comply with regulations, the level of safety
is good enough, and there is no reason to invest more
time and money.
Based on the maritime actors focus on cost
efficiency it would seem like a viable idea to connect
insurance premium to the choice of ship bridge
equipment. However, according to the insurance
companies’ informants, the insurance premium is
conservatively calculated based on the historical
number of claims. Despite running awareness
campaigns directed towards seafarers on how to use
equipment on the bridge, the state that they are in
general neither interested nor involved in ship design
Regulators can ensure compliance through their
plan approvals and subsequent survey work.
However, they seem to have conflicting relationships
between balancing safety and economic
considerations. The class societies express high interest
in usability in ship bridge design but their only
possibility to influence design is through voluntary
navigation notations. Class societies are also part of the
competitive maritime market and must provide
‘cheap’ notations that require minimum investments to
compete for business. As such, they are in the main no
driver for usability in the industry. One class society
informant described SOLAS V/15 as a ‘dormant
requirement’ not followed up by anyone in the
industry: “It says something about bridge design in
regulation 15, but it is almost a dormant requirement
in relation to SOLAS ships”.
The flag state is, as described, responsible for
enforcing the international regulations on ships flying
their flag. One example is Norway, where it is
important for the NMA to ensure a level playing field
also on a world-wide scale, i.e., predictable competitive
and reasonable conditions for the shipping industry,
and thus avoiding any additional national
requirements that can enhance the risk of ships
flagging out. SOLAS Regulation V/15 is, it transpires,
not actively followed up within the NMAs supervisory
work, and moreover, one of the flag state informants
brought up the challenge of following up goal-based
regulations: “you need to have some known factors to
measure up against, so that everything does not
become completely abstract”. As opposed to the chain
of prescriptive regulations and standard tests
underpinning the implementation of SOLAS V/19
IMO performance standards and IEC test standards,
the goal-based requirements in SOLAS Regulation
V/15 requires both specialized human factors and
seafaring knowledge, as well as an out-of-the-ordinary
effort from designers and surveyors to be
implemented. So, while the benefit of goal-based
regulations is the freedom in developing technical
solutions to meet the goals, there seem to be a need for
providing the required knowledge to follow up SOLAS
Regulation V/15 in a form that can be understood and
applied by the relevant actors.
5.2 Usability somebody else’s problem?
The stakeholders in our study varies in the expressed
interest in ship bridge design, and represents a
continuum that spans from ‘high’ when it comes to the
seafaring end-users, all the way to ‘low’ when it comes
to the shared tacit understanding by other stakeholders
that is agreeable to consider SOLAS V/15 as dormant
and settle for compliance to SOLAS V/19. The
perceived possibility to influence ship bridge design
was often seen in the context of responsibility for
design and design processes. One common pattern is
that stakeholders refer to the shipowners as
responsible for the equipment on board their ships.
Another pattern is the stakeholders referred to the
regulators, or the regulations, as responsible for
ensuring safety and as a major influence on usability.
Maritime stakeholders are in general committed to
regulatory compliance, as it is necessary to be allowed
to operate. We wholeheartedly agree to the impact of
maritime regulation and see the IMO instruments as
essential for the safety of shipping. However, we do
not immediately support that IMO is lacking behind
when it comes to the institutionalization of maritime
usability. On the contrary, we suggest that the IMO in
this case have made the necessary provisions through
SOLAS V/15; however, and much to be considered,
what appears to be the less-than-vigilant enforcement
of this regulation leaves usability up to the different
maritime actors. The resulting fragmentation of
responsibility for usability is evident, as the actors
suggest think - that the responsibility for usability sits
somewhere else, as illustrated in Figure 1. The figure
illustrates the fragmentation of perceived
responsibility but also that the distribution of arrows is
not symmetric, most arrows points towards
shipowners. Most shipowners meant usability is the
responsibility of shipyards, equipment manufacturers
and regulations. They also pointed out the seafarers’
responsibility for being able to handle the equipment.
On the other hand, seafarers, equipment
manufacturers, class societies, flag state and insurance
companies are of the opinion that the shipowners are
responsible for ensuring usability in ship bridge
design. It is also interesting to note that the insurance
informants believed shipowners are responsible for
usability while their awareness campaigns are directed
at seafarers and their use of equipment. In other words,
the stakeholders believe responsibility for usability sits
somewhere else - it is somebody else’s problem.
Ideally, the knowledge from research and design
efforts already undertaken would lead maritime
stakeholders involved in ship bridge equipment design
to understand the value of ergonomics and prioritize it,
regardless of whether it is supported by mandatory
rules and regulations. However, as usability arguably
is associated with cost, we find it is unlikely that
improved usability of bridge systems and equipment is
something that will appear by itself within the world
fleet, unless practice is changed, and everything else
equal a more subjective drive for safer and cleaner
oceans becomes a part of the decision-making fabric.
This unfortunate notion also springs from the
consideration of the difficulty of constructing a
credible business case in favour of good bridge system
usability, unless the cost of potential accidents is
included accidents, which however, in the eyes of the
insurance companies, are ‘not a huge problem, they are
acceptable within insurance terms anyway’.
Figure 1. The allocation of responsibility for usability in ship
bridge design, as perceived by the different stakeholders. The
arrows pointing towards seafarers is about their
responsibility for handling the equipment. The background
circles indicate the existence of additional stakeholders, who
may also have influence on usability in ship bridge design.
5.3 A way forward?
One could believe the closing statement above to be a
kind of stalemate, at least unless a workable shortcut
could be found. In the foregoing, the present situation
arguably resulting in poor usability of bridge systems
and equipment has been outlined. Stakeholders appear
to recognize these shortcomings, appear to show an
interest in improvements, but see a potential solution,
or solutions, as somebody else’s problem. Moreover, in
spite of the provisions of SOLAS Regulation V/15,
expectations apparently are that a change of rules is
needed to make usability requirements more explicit
than they already are, also considering IEC 60945 and
IEC 62288, and from our data it seems that the industry
is waiting for the IMO to initiate such a process.
Pursuing this line of thinking, it seems relatively
clear to the authors that usability considerations
relating to bridge design and the design of bridge
equipment could be made more explicit, and that the
provisions of SOLAS Regulation V/15 could be made
more operational through descriptions of usability
inspection methods, and the transfer of generic human
factors knowledge to more technically-oriented
stakeholders, i.e. tuned to the typical audience of
maritime design engineers, marine superintendents,
surveyors and plan approvers. We suggest that actions
towards such a change are initiated, towards what we
see as long-term improvements of maritime safety
through improved usability and the associated
reduction of errors and mishaps that often are
attributed to humans. On the other hand, we also
recognize that such actions, as well as the
corresponding cultural adaptation that rather likely is
also a component necessary for success of such a
scheme, is a very far reaching, serious and time-
consuming venture, ignores the need of a here-and-
now return-of-investment (ROI), and all in all, such a
scheme is possibly to the timescale of decades, rather
than years.
With this in mind, our thinking keeps reverting to
the position that the present regulations actually do
seem to state what appears to be needed in way of
usability requirements, especially considering the
powerful wording of SOLAS Regulation V/15, but also
the wording and the test regime included in IEC 60945,
IEC 62288 and the individual equipment test standards
which could suffice in many respects. On that basis, we
ask ourselves, could there be a short-cut, a simpler,
more expedite and less complicated way forward,
without a major revision of rules, and a massive change
of culture in the maritime industry? We have arrived at
the conclusion that there could be such a solution. Our
suggestion is that a shorter-term, potentially
immediately effective approach, could possibly be
brought about if end-users were to be much more
clearly represented in the process of plan approval,
system assessment and type approval of maritime
instruments. As mentioned above, the present test
methods often call for expert evaluation, but leaves the
definition of experts open but, if the norm for the
definition of ‘expert’ was to include current seagoing
experience and a relevant seafaring career, many of the
‘pass’ criteria in the various standards would not need
explicit explanations. The term ‘intuitive’, which is
seen in both IMO Performance Standards and IEC Test
Standards would, for instance, take on a much more
real meaning when evaluated by an experienced
seafarer, as would again as an example the term
‘logical grouping’, which is also a usability heuristic
that is used in the present rules and test standards.
Considering that the relevant, present-day IEC Test
Standards call for the assessment of navigational
instrument features and functions according to such
terms, the evaluation of seafaring experts would
probably be more to the point and several degrees
more relevant for fellow seafarers than similar
assessment made by any other discipline.
Taking a change of practice towards giving the
seafarers a louder and clearer voice during type
approval, plan approval and potentially onboard
surveys, could possibly, and possibly even in a rather
short time span, help building up a more
comprehensive understanding of the actual context-of-
use and perspective of the end-users, thus aiding
bridge design and bridge equipment development. In
the slightly longer run, such a pool of knowledge could
also become a resource that design engineering could
tap into to improve their products and services.
To achieve improved usability in maritime equipment
and bridge systems ideally requires the actively
involvement of end-users throughout the design and
development process. Usability in navigational
equipment and systems on a ship’s bridge is required
by the IMO SOLAS Regulation V/15 regulation.
However, this is a goal-based requirement that is
challenging to follow up both in design, development,
and survey work, considering that the surveyors
overwhelmingly have a technical background not
having been trained in human factors, and perhaps
for this reason - the regulation is seen as a ‘dormant
requirement’ by the maritime stakeholders. In this
study, the usability in ship bridge design and bridge
equipment is investigated from the perspective of
different stakeholders in the maritime industry:
seafarers, shipowners, equipment manufacturers,
shipyard, insurance companies, classification societies
and a flag state. From these sources, we find that the
seafarers, the direct end-users, do not have a clear voice
in the ship bridge and bridge equipment design and
the associated purchasing processes. In other words,
the stakeholder with highest interest in usability have
what seems to be a low, or even the lowest, influence.
Indeed, the other stakeholders appear to recognize
these shortcomings, and some do show interest in
improvements, but the responsibility for usability is
fragmented, and they see the potential solutions as
being somebody else’s problem.
In our understanding of the wider picture, there
seems to be a lack of incitement for prioritizing
usability, since it is not strictly followed up through
certification of bridge and bridge equipment designs,
and neither is it perceived as cost-effective as usable
equipment, which conceivably may have a higher
investment cost, does not seem to result in lower
insurance premiums or other tangible economic
benefits. We suggest long-term improvements of
usability can be made through making the usability
considerations relating to bridge design and the design
of bridge equipment in current regulations more
visible and subject to more focused validation. In
addition, we recommend that the transfer of generic
human factors knowledge to more technically oriented
stakeholders become a best practice, highlighting the
importance of catering for end-user needs. We also
argue that small steps to improve usability within a
shorter time span can be taken, and to this end, we
suggest that seafarers are included as ‘expertswhen
‘expert evaluation’ is required in the process of plan
approval, system assessment and type-approval of
maritime equipment. Such a practice can potentially be
effective within a very short time span and within the
current structure of the maritime sector and the present
regulations governing the usability of bridge
equipment and bridge design. From our vantage point,
we believe that the perspective of the end-users, and an
immediate and direct understanding of the context-of-
use, can almost immediately be brought into the ship
bridge design and equipment manufacturing processes
without any change of rules, regulations or other
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