ECDIS is a computerized navigation information
system that complies with International Maritime
Organization (IMO) regulations. It is a complex,
modern, software-based, safety-relevant marine
navigation system with multiple options for data
display, analysis and integration [25]. The ongoing safe
and effective use of ECDIS involves many stakeholders
including seafarers, equipment manufacturers, chart
producers, hardware and software maintenance
providers, shipowners and operators, maritime
administration, hydrographic offices, classification
societies, and marine education and training providers.
It is important that all these stakeholders have a clear
and common understanding of their roles, duties and
responsibilities in relation to ECDIS [25].
In December 2022 the International Maritime
Organization adopted the IMO’s Circular
MSC.1/Circ.1503/Rev.2 [4], also known as ECDIS
Guidance for Good Practice, to assist seafarers in
understanding technological development along with
the consequences for the digitization process in marine
navigation. It is new version of a combination of
several prior ECDIS IMO’s circulars. Each of those
documents dealt with a certain aspect of ECDIS use,
and MSC.1/Circ.1503/Rev.2 provides a comprehensive
guide on this field by merging them. The document is
meant to help educate navigators, captains, pilots, deck
Revision of the IMO’s Performance Standards for
ECDIS. Three Versions of Performance Standards in Use
A. Weintrit
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: Traditional marine navigation methods are replaced by new solutions that use computers. Electronic
Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS) are mandatory almost on every vessel [24],[25]. ECDIS not
complying with regulations is an existing problem and a hazard for seafarers and the marine environment. But
unfortunately, there is a deficit or even lack of procedures for checking whether ECDIS meets related performance
standards. Regulatory bodies of the maritime industry are now contemplating how to tackle this blunder [1].
SOLAS regulations V/18 and V/19 [24], requires that in order to achieve chart carriage requirements (in terms of
SOLAS Convention), the ECDIS equipment must conform to the relevant IMO performance standards. ECDIS
units on board of the ships are required to comply with one of three performance standards (either IMO resolution
A.817(19) [18], as amended [19],[20], or resolution MSC.232(82)) [21], or resolution MSC.530(106) [23], depending
on the date of their installation. In this article, the author tries to explain the differences in these three documents.
Along with technological progress, the equipment becomes more and more advanced and technologically
sophisticated. This applies to both hardware, software and databases. ECDIS software developers should use the
right tools, including incorporate automated self-tests into their products and shipping companies should employ
maintenance strategies to improve ECDIS compliance [1], taking into account that time is running quickly.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 16
Number 4
December 2022
DOI: 10.12716/1001.16.04.09
officers, and other relevant personnel in the proper use
of their ECDIS.
At the same session of the Maritime Safety
Committee has been adopted revised version of the
Performance Standards for ECDIS - IMO Resolution
MSC.530(106) [23].
2.1 ECDIS Standards
The appropriate standards and specifications
regarding ENC and ECDIS are approved by
international agencies and organizations such as IMO,
IHO, and IEC developed since the late eighties of the
last century. The first international standards related to
ECDIS were adopted in 1995 by IMO [18]. With
technological progress, the equipment became more
and more advanced and technologically sophisticated,
and thus subsequent versions of standards and
specifications were developed, more and more detailed
and specialist. Almost every year, more or less
significant legislative changes were introduced.
Figure 1. International Hydrographic Organization
standards - IHO S-100 World [2,],[3]
The IMO Performance standards for electronic
charts were adopted in 1995, by resolution A.817(19))
[18], which were amended in 1996 by resolution
MSC.64(67) [19] to reflect back-up arrangements in case
of ECDIS failure. Additional amendments were made
in 1998 by resolution MSC 86(70) [20] to permit
operation of ECDIS in RCDS (Raster Chart Display
System) mode.
In 2006 there were adopted Revised Performance
Standards for Electronic Chart Display and
Information Systems (ECDIS) by resolution
MSC.232(82) [21].
Where an ECDIS is being used to meet the chart
carriage requirements of SOLAS [24], it must [2]:
be type-approved;
use up to date electronic navigational charts (ENC);
be maintained so as to be compatible with the latest
applicable IHO standards; and
have adequate, independent back-up arrangements
in place.
In December 2022 having considered the
recommendation made by the IMO’s Sub-Committee
on Navigation, Communications and Search and
Rescue (NCSR), at its ninth session [16],[17], Next the
IMO’s MSC (Maritime Safety Committee) adopted the
revised Performance Standards for Electronic Chart
Display and Information Systems (ECDIS) [23].
It is recommended that the Governments through
their Marine Administrations have been obliged to
ensure that ECDIS equipment (see Table 1):
1. if installed on or after 1 January 2029, conforms to
performance standards not inferior to those
specified in the annex to the present resolution [23];
2. if installed on or after 1 January 2026 but before 1
January 2029, conforms either to performance
standards not inferior to those specified in the
annex to resolution MSC.530(106) [23] or to
performance standards not inferior to those
specified in the annex to resolution MSC.232(82)
3. if installed on or after 1 January 2009 but before 1
January 2026, conforms to performance standards
not inferior to those specified in the annex to
resolution MSC.232(82) [21]; and
4. if installed on or after 1 January 1996 but before 1
January 2009, conforms to performance standards
not inferior to those specified in the annex to
resolution A.817(19) [18], as amended by
resolutions MSC.64(67) [19] and MSC.86(70) [20].
Table 1. ECDIS units requirements [23]
ECDIS units on board are required to comply with one of
three versions of IMO Performance Standards for ECDIS
depending on the date of their installation
When installed? What version of performance standards
should ECDIS equipment be adapted to?
if installed on conforms to performance standards not
or after inferior to those specified in the annex to
1 January 2029, resolution MSC.530(106)
if installed on conforms either to performance standards
or after not inferior to those specified in the annex
1 January 2026 to the present resolution or to performance
but before standards not inferior to those specified in
1 January 2029 the annex to resolution MSC.232(82)
if installed on conforms to performance standards not
or after inferior to those specified in the annex to
1 January 2009 resolution MSC.232(82)
but before
1 January 2026
if installed on conforms to performance standards not
or after inferior to those specified in the annex to
1 January 1996 resolution A.817(19), as amended by
but before resolutions MSC.64(67) and MSC.86(70)
1 January 2009
2.2 ECDIS requirements in SOLAS Convention
The revision of SOLAS Convention, Chapter V,
adopted in 2000, which has been entered into force on
1 July 2002, has firmly established the electronic
navigational chart as part of the international maritime
safety system. Its possible recognition as a paper chart
equivalent confirmed the considerable safety benefits
provided by the official Electronic Chart Display and
Information Systems (ECDIS) [24].
In 2009 the IMO decided to make ECDIS mandatory
for all IMO ships of 300 gross tonnage and over
(passenger ships of 500 gross tonnage and over) with
some transition periods. The new carriage requirement
applies to an ECDIS with appropriate backup
requirements that can be met either by a type-
approved backup ECDIS or by official and up-to-date
paper standard navigational charts. ECDIS may be
used as the main means of navigation and as an
alternative to paper nautical charts in accordance with
chapter V of the SOLAS Convention, regulation 19.
IMO adopted performance standards for electronic
charts in late 1990s. In 2000, IMO adopted revised
SOLAS Regulation V/19 Carriage Requirements for
Shipborne Navigational Systems and Equipment, so
that an ECDIS could be recognized as meeting the
requirements of the regulations for chart carriage.
Regulation V/ of the SOLAS Convention
requires ships to be equipped with all charts required
for the intended voyage [24]: “All ships, irrespective of
size, shall have nautical charts and nautical
publications to plan and display the ship’s route for the
intended voyage and to plot and monitor positions
throughout the voyage. An Electronic Chart Display
and Information System (ECDIS) is also accepted as
meeting the chart carriage requirements of this
subparagraph. Ships to which paragraph 2.10 applies
shall comply with the carriage requirements for ECDIS
detailed therein.”
In addition according to SOLAS Chapter V,
Regulation 19/2.1.5 [24]: “All ships, irrespective of size,
shall have back-up arrangements to meet the
functional requirements of subparagraph .4, if this
function is partly or fully fulfilled by electronic
means”. An accompanying footnote reads “An
appropriate folio of paper nautical charts may be used
as a back-up arrangement for ECDIS. Other back-up
arrangements for ECDIS are acceptable (see appendix
6 to Resolution A.817(19), as amended).”
When new equipment is installed, deck officers
must receive adequate training before being
operationally deployed to meet the requirements of the
STCW and ISM Code. The flag State of the ship should
also be consulted if continuing education requirements
exist. In general, personnel must have completed IMO
Model 1.27 “Operational Use of Electronic Chart
Display and Information Systems” and have
completed specific training organized by the
manufacturer [25].
3.1 Performance Standards for ECDIS discussed at
Plenary during 9th session of NCSR Sub-Committee
During the ninth session of the IMO’s NCSR Sub-
Committee which was held in June 2022 under
chairmanship Mr Nigel Clifford (New Zealand) in
Agenda item 16 entitled "Revision of ECDIS Guidance
for good practice and amendments to ECDIS
performance standards" [11], the NCSR Sub-
Committee considered the proposed amendments to
resolution MSC.232(82) [21] on revised performance
standards for Electronic Chart Display and
Information Systems (ECDIS) to include references to
IHO product specifications S-98, S-100 and S-101 [2],
The NCSR Sub-Committee had for its consideration
documents [16],[17]:
NCSR 9/16/1 (IHO et al.) [12] proposing
amendments to resolution MSC.232(82) [21] to
allow for the introduction of the next technical
generation of Electronic Navigational Charts (S-101
ENC) and explaining the resulting implications for
existing and new ECDIS installations;
NCSR 9/16/4 (Canada) [13], commenting on
document NCSR 9/16/1 [12], and proposing
additional amendments to resolution MSC.232(82)
for improving S-100 application [3] by requiring a
connection between AIS and ECDIS; and
NCSR 9/16/5 (China) [14], commenting on
document NCSR 9/16/1 [12], in particular on the
proposed inclusion of the electronic provision and
display of nautical publication data and
standardized digital exchange of ships' route plans
in the draft revision of resolution MSC.232(82) [21].
Regarding documents NCSR 9/16/1 [12] and NCSR
9/16/5 [14], the following views were expressed:
the work to enable the use of product specifications
S-98, S-100 and S-101 [2],[3] was important;
however, a transition period for legacy systems
should be provided and carefully considered; and
proposed modifications related to ships' route plan
exchange should not be discussed until the scope of
the associated output was agreed by MSC.
With regard to document NCSR 9/16/4 [13], the
following views were expressed:
connecting the AIS signals into ECDIS might assist
the navigator with situational awareness; however,
it could equally cause more reliance on ECDIS as a
collision avoidance tool, when it should never be
used as a sole tool to judge the risk of collision;
no SOLAS requirements were provided for AIS to
be connected to ECDIS, thus the display of AIS
information on ECDIS should be optional and
voluntary; and
the proposal for ECDIS to be connected to AIS
would represent an expansion of the current output
and thus, it should first be approved by the
After consideration, the Sub-Committee referred
documents NCSR 9/16/1 [12], NCSR 9/16/4 [13] and
NCSR 9/16/5 [14] to the Working Group on Navigation
for detailed consideration and advice, paying due
regard to the scope of the output.
3.2 Amendments to the IMO Performance Standards for
ECDIS considered by NCSR Working Group
The NCSR Working Group considered the proposed
amendments to resolution MSC.232(82) on revised
performance standards for Electronic Chart Display
and Information Systems (ECDIS) set out in document
NCSR 9/16/1 [12], taking into account the comments in
documents NCSR 9/16/4 [13] and NCSR 9/16/5 [14].
Recalling that this part of the output approved by
MSC was to be completed within one session to include
references to IHO product specifications S-98, S-100
and S-101 [2],[3] into the current performance
standards, the NCSR Working Group noted the
information provided by the observer delegation of
IHO on the urgency to amend the current ECDIS
performance standards in order to allow for the
introduction of the next technical generation of
Electronic Navigational Charts (S-101 ENC) [2]. The
Group also noted IHO's explanation that the
development of industry standards takes time but as
the current IMO standards only refer to S-57 ENC
standards, despite technological readiness in
manufacturers and other stakeholders, industry
standard bodies, IEC, for example, had been unable to
produce its standard based on IHO's S-100 Universal
Hydrographic Data Model [3], the use of which was
approved by IMO in 2011.
Having noted the information provided by IHO, the
NCSR Working Group was advised that the
cosponsors of document NCSR 9/16/1 (IHO, CIRM and
INTERTANKO) [12] withdrew the part of the
proposed amendments concerning the digital
exchange of ships' route plans. This was in line with
MSC instruction and the decision for the withdrawal
was endorsed by the Group.
Noting the concerns expressed over the validity of
the existing S-57 based ECDIS, the Group agreed to
allow the transitional period of three years between 1
January 2026 to 1 January 2029, during which the new
installation of ECDIS compliant with either resolution
MSC.232(82) [21] standards or the newly introduced S-
101 based ECDIS performance standards would
become possible.
Referring to document NCSR 9/16/5 (China) [14], a
question was raised regarding the proposed inclusion
of the electronic provision and display of nautical
publication data in the proposed new standards. The
Group noted the clarification made noting the new
inclusion of IHO Publication S-98 Data Product
Interoperability in S-100 Navigation Systems [2],[3]
within the reference documents of the draft new
The Working Group did not agree to the proposal
made in document NCSR 9/16/4 (Canada) [13],
observing that this was outside the scope of the
Having deleted the part of the proposed
amendments concerning the digital exchange of ships'
route plans from the proposal and having made
necessary modifications to the application dates
provisions for the transitional period, the Group
finalized the draft MSC resolution on Performance
Standards for Electronic Chart Display and
Information Systems (ECDIS), set out in annex 7, to
which the Sub-Committee is invited to approve and
forward it to the Committee for adoption [16],[17].
Having finalized the new revision of the Revised
performance standards (resolution MSC.232(82)) [21]
which had already revised the original standard
(resolution A.817(19) [18], as amended and revised
twice by resolutions MSC.64(67) [19] and MSC.86(70)
[20]), the Group endorsed the proposed Secretariat's
edit not to use "Revised" as part of the title of the newly
revised standards. The Group noted that the fact that
these performance standards had been revised was
easily distinguishable from the preambular paragraph
of the resolution which clearly states "revised" (with a
lower case "r") from the previous standards, once
revised. Scope of the output on "Amendments to the
revised ECDIS performance standards (resolution
MSC.232(82)) [21] to facilitate a standardized digital
exchange of ships' route plans"
The Working Group considered the scope of the
output approved by MSC on "Amendments to the
revised ECDIS performance standards (resolution
MSC.232(82)) [21] to facilitate a standardized digital
exchange of ships' route plans".
Noting the instruction of MSC not to discuss the
contents of the output until the scope had been agreed
by the Committee, and also noting the timeline
approved was only one session to complete the item,
the Group agreed in general that the scope should be
limited to a specific task that was only to facilitate a
standardized digital exchange of ships' route plans, as
its description of the output suggests.
In consideration, the Group noted that by allowing
the addition of such a new function to ECDIS, this
could possibly create the wrong expectations that the
master might in future no longer feel ownership of
responsibilities if the route was created by shore-side
staff and they only have to follow what is being
provided or instructed from elsewhere. The decision
and the responsibility for a voyage plan would
continue to rest with the master and this point would
need to be made clear and reminded, preferably in the
form of an IMO instrument such as a circular or
guidance, if not in the performance standards. The
Group agreed that this point would need to be duly
taken into account in the deliberations, provided that
such work was completed within an agreed timeline.
The NCSR Working Group also considered the
possible expansion of the output also to facilitate the
connection of AIS to ECDIS proposed in document
NCSR 9/16/4 (Canada) [13].
In deliberations, concerns were expressed that
while it might provide a useful add-on tool to deck
officers, this could create further over-reliance on
ECDIS-displayed AIS signals, which should never be
used solely to judge the risk of collisions. Noting that
the ECDIS performance standards should be user
driven, rather than technology driven, the Group did
not agree to include this proposal into the scope, but
agreed that in order to carry on the work for such
amendment, a separate new output would be required.
With the finalization of the revision of performance
standards, as set out in annex 7 [16],[17], and with the
expectation that MSC 106 would be in the position to
adopt the revision, replacing the existing standards set
out in resolution MSC.232(82) [21] for new ECDIS
installations, the Group agreed that the new work to
facilitate exchange route plans should be based on
these new revised performance standards just agreed.
Accordingly, the Group recommended that the
scope of the output "Amendments to the revised
ECDIS performance standards (resolution
MSC.232(82)) [21] to facilitate a standardized digital
exchange of ships' route plans" should only be limited
to amendments necessary to facilitate a standardized
digital exchange of ships' route plans and that the work
should be based on the new revised standards to be
adopted by MSC 106, thus requiring the output to be
renamed accordingly [15].
3.3 Amendments to IMO Performance Standards for
ECDIS considered at the 9th session of NCSR Sub-
The NCSR Sub-Committee approved the report of
Working Group [17] in general, and in particular:
approved the draft MSC resolution on Performance
Standards for Electronic Chart Display and
Information Systems (ECDIS) and forward it to the
Committee for adoption (annex 7 [16],[17]);
agreed with the Group's recommendation that the
scope of the output "Amendments to the revised
ECDIS performance standards (resolution
MSC.232(82)) [21] to facilitate a standardized digital
exchange of ships' route plans" should only be
limited to amendments necessary to facilitate a
standardized digital exchange of ships' route plans
and that the work should be based on the new
revised standards to be adopted by MSC, thus
requiring the output to be renamed accordingly);
noted that the Group did not agree on the unified
interpretation, as proposed in document NCSR 9/24
(paragraph 8.2) [15];
3.4 Amendments to IMO Performance Standards for
ECDIS considered at the 106th session of MSC
The IMO Maritime Safety Committee at its 106 session
in November 2022 considered the draft MSC resolution
on Performance Standards for Electronic Chart Display
and Information Systems (ECDIS) [5] presenting, inter
alia, a phased introduction of new IHO product
specifications (i.e. S-98, S-100 and S-101) [2],[3] for
ECDIS, together with the following documents:
MSC 106/13/3 (IACS) [6], proposing consideration
of consequential amendments to SOLAS regulation
V/19.2.1 and the records of equipment regarding the
use of electronic nautical publications (ENP)
through ECDIS, which was incorporated as an
ECDIS function in the draft MSC resolution;
MSC 106/13/4 (IACS) [7], proposing modifications
to the draft MSC resolution in order to clarify the
application statement, in particular, the use of the
expression "installed on or after [date]"; and
MSC 106/13/5 (China) [8] commenting on the draft
MSC resolution and proposing consideration of a
number of actions to:
evaluate the feasibility of the proposed
implementation dates according to the
development of S-100 [3] based product
specifications and IEC standards;
develop a mechanism for further revisions to ECDIS
Guidance for good practice
(MSC.1/Circ.1503/Rev.2) [4] to address onboard
ECDIS updates; and
review and consider human element issues,
including training requirements and possible
amendments to the STCW Code or
MSC.1/Circ.1503/Rev.2 [4].
During the consideration of document MSC
106/13/3 [6], the majority of the delegations that took
the floor indicated that it would be premature to
consider amendments to SOLAS regarding the use of
ENP through ECDIS at this stage. Views were also
expressed that a formal proposal for a new output
would be necessary to give appropriate consideration
to the matter.
With regard to document MSC 106/13/4 [7], the
proposed modifications to the cover page of the draft
MSC resolution were supported in general, also in line
with the decisions taken under agenda item 3 (see
paragraphs […] to […]).
In connection with document MSC 106/13/5 [8], the
delegation of China advised that, following
consultations with IHO after the submission of the
document, China had agreed on the implementation
dates set out in the draft MSC resolution noting that
IHO would continue to monitor the implementation
and provide regular updates to the NCSR Sub-
Subsequently, the observer from IHO advised that
the implementation dates proposed in the draft MSC
resolution had been carefully considered with relevant
stakeholders and were part of an implementation
roadmap agreed by IHO members.
The majority of the delegations that took the floor
supported the draft MSC resolution and the proposed
implementation dates to give effect to the new IHO
product specifications. view was expressed, however,
that human element aspects had not been
appropriately considered and that an adequate
transition period should be further assessed.
Following consideration, the Committee agreed to
the modifications proposed in document MSC 106/13/4
(IACS) [7] and adopted resolution MSC.530(106) [23]
on Performance Standards for Electronic Chart Display
and Information Systems (ECDIS), as set out in annex
[9],[10]. In doing so, the Committee invited IHO to
keep IMO informed on the process development of the
IHO S-100 framework standard [3].
The IMO Maritime Safety Committee at its 106
session in November 2022 approved also
MSC.1/Circ.1503/Rev.2 on ECDIS Guidance for good
4.1 Scope of ECDIS
The primary function of ECDIS is to contribute to safe
navigation. ECDIS with adequate backup
arrangements may be accepted as complying with the
up-to-date charts and nautical publications required by
regulations V/19 and V/27 of the 1974 SOLAS
Convention [24]. For the purpose of this document [23],
the definition of electronic navigational data service
(ENDS) encompasses the nautical charts and nautical
publications as defined in SOLAS chapter V [24] and
IHO standards in force [2].
ECDIS should be capable of displaying all nautical
information necessary for safe and efficient navigation,
originated and distributed by or on the authority of a
government authorized hydrographic office or other
relevant government institution, as required by SOLAS
regulations V/19 and V/27 [24]. ECDIS should facilitate
simple and reliable updating of the ENDS (Electronic
Navigational Data Service). ECDIS should reduce the
navigational workload compared to using the paper
chart and paper nautical publications. It should enable
the mariner to execute in a convenient and timely
manner all route planning, route monitoring and
positioning. It should be capable of continuously
indicating, monitoring and recording the ship's
The ECDIS display may also be used for the display
of radar, radar tracked target information, AIS and
other appropriate data layers to assist in route
Recommendation that "ECDIS should have at least
the same reliability and availability of presentation as
the paper chart published by government authorized
hydrographic offices" has been withdrawn. Term
“alarms” have been substituted by “alerts” and new
recommendation that ECDIS should meet the
requirements of the Performance standards for bridge
alert management (resolution MSC.302(87)) [22]” has
been added.
4.2 Definitions
For the purpose of revised performance standards [23]
definitions of most important terms related to ECDIS
were revised and verified (see Table 2).
4.3 Module A Database
The text of the performance standards [23] has been
verified and modified in many places. For example, the
following changes have been made to the module A,
titled database (see Table 3), not all of them with a
cosmetic nature only.
Table 2. Definitions of most important terms related to ECDIS
IMO Performance Standards for ECDIS
IMO Resolution MSC.232(82), 2006 [21] IMO resolution MSC.530(106), 2022 [23]
Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS)
means a navigation information system which with means a navigation information system which with adequate
adequate back-up arrangements can be accepted as backup arrangements can be accepted as complying with the
complying with the up-to-date chart required by SOLAS up-to-date nautical chart and nautical publications required by
regulations V/19 and V/27, by displaying selected SOLAS regulations V/19 and V/27, by displaying selected
information from a system electronic navigational chart information from a system database with positional information
(SENC) with positional information from navigation from navigation sensors to assist the mariner in route planning
sensors to assist the mariner in route planning and route and route monitoring, and if required display additional
monitoring, and if required display additional navigation- navigation-related information.
related information.
Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC) means the database, Electronic navigational chart (ENC) means the database,
standardized as to content, structure and format, issued standardized as to content, structure and format, issued for use
for use with ECDIS by or on the authority of a with ECDIS by or on the authority of a Government, authorized
Government, authorized Hydrographic Office or other hydrographic office or other relevant government institution,
relevant government institution, and conform to IHO and conforming to IHO standards. The ENC contains all the
standards. The ENC contains all the chart information nautical chart information necessary for safe navigation.
necessary for safe navigation and may contain
supplementary information in addition to that contained
in the paper chart (e.g. sailing directions) which may be
considered necessary for safe navigation.
Electronic navigational data service (ENDS) means a special-
purpose database compiled from nautical chart and nautical
publication data, standardized as to content, structure and
format, issued for use with ECDIS by or on the authority of a
Government, authorized hydrographic office or other relevant
government institution, and conforming to IHO standards; and,
which is designed to meet the requirement of marine navigation
and the nautical charts and nautical publications carriage
requirements in SOLAS regulations V/19 and V/27. The
navigational base layer of ENDS is the electronic navigational
chart (ENC).
System Electronic Navigational Chart (SENC) means a System database means a database, in the manufacturer's
database, in the manufacturer's internal ECDIS format, internal ECDIS format, resulting from the lossless
resulting from the lossless transformation of the ENC transformation of the ENDS contents and its updates. It is this
contents and its updates. It is this database that is accessed database that is accessed by ECDIS for the display generation
by ECDIS for the display generation and other navigational and other navigational functions, and is equivalent to up-to-date
functions, and is equivalent to up-to-date paper chart. The ENDS.
SENC may also contain information added by the mariner
and information from other sources.
Table 3. Module A Database [23]
IMO Performance Standards for ECDIS
IMO Resolution MSC.232(82), 2006 [21] IMO Resolution MSC.530(106), 2022 [23]
4.1 The chart information to be used in ECDIS should be 4.1 The ENDS information to be used in ECDIS should be issued
the latest edition, as corrected by official updates, of by or on the authority of a government, government-
that issued by or on the authority of a Government, authorized hydrographic office or other relevant government
government-authorized Hydrographic Office or other institution, and conform to IHO standards as listed in
relevant government institution, and conform to IHO appendix.
4.2 The contents of the SENC should be adequate and 4.2 The contents of the system database should be adequate and
up-to-date for the intended voyage to comply with up to date for the intended voyage to comply with SOLAS
regulation V/27 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention as regulations V/19 and V/27.
4.3 It should not be possible to alter the contents of the 4.3 It should not be possible to alter the contents of the ENDS or
ENC or SENC information transformed from the ENC. system database information transformed from the ENDS.
The display of the content of ENDS should be compliant with
IHO standards including rules set for interoperability.
4.4 Updates should be stored separately from the ENC. has been withdrawn
4.5 ECDIS should be capable of accepting official updates 4.4 ECDIS should be capable of accepting official updates to the
to the ENC data provided in conformity with IHO ENDS provided in conformity with IHO standards. These
standards. These updates should be automatically updates should be automatically applied to the system
applied to the SENC. By whatever means updates database. By whatever means updates are received, the
are received, the implementation procedure should implementation procedure should not interfere with the
not interfere with the display in use. display in use.
4.6 ECDIS should also be capable of accepting updates to 4.5 ECDIS should also be capable of accepting updates to the
the ENC data entered manually with simple means for ENDS data entered manually with simple means for
verification prior to the final acceptance of the data. verification prior to the final acceptance of the data. They
They should be distinguishable on the display from should be distinguishable on the display from ENDS
ENC information and its official updates and not affect information and its official updates and not affect display
display legibility. legibility.
4.7 ECDIS should keep and display on demand a record 4.6 ECDIS should keep and display on demand a record of
of updates including time of application to the SENC. updates including time of application to the system database.
This record should include updates for each ENC until This record should include updates for each ENDS until it is
it is superseded by a new edition. superseded by a new edition.
4.8 ECDIS should allow the mariner to display updates in 4.7 ECDIS should allow the mariner to display updates in order
order to review their contents and to ascertain that they to review their contents and to ascertain that they have been
have been included in the SENC. included in the system database.
4.9 ECDIS should be capable of accepting both 4.8 ECDIS should be capable of accepting ENDS in accordance
non-encrypted ENCs and ENCs encrypted in accordance with the IHO Data Protection Scheme
with the IHO Data Protection Scheme
Table 4. ECDIS Alarms [23]
IMO Performance Standards for ECDIS
IMO Resolution MSC.232(82), 2006 [21] IMO Resolution MSC.530(106), 2022 [23]
Alarm Crossing safety contour Alarm Pass closer than set distance from the safety
Alarm or Area with special conditions Warning or Caution, Pass closer than set distance from an area with
Indication or Indication special conditions
Alarm Deviation from route Alarm Deviation from route
Warning or Caution, Pass closer than set distance from a danger in
or Indication route monitoring mode
Alarm Positioning system failure Warning Positioning system failure
Alarm Approach to critical point Warning Approach to critical point
Alarm Different geodetic datum Warning Different geodetic datum
Alarm or Malfunction of ECDIS Warning or Malfunction of ECDIS
Indication Indication
Indication Default safety contour Indication Default safety contour
Indication Information overscale Indication Information overscale
Indication Larger scale ENC available Indication Larger scale ENC available
Indication Information not displayed due to scale
Indication Different reference system Indication Different reference system
Indication No ENC available Indication No ENC available
Indication Customized display Indication Customized display
Indication Route planning across safety contour Indication Route planning closer than set distance from
the safety contour
Indication Route planning across specified area Indication Route planning closer than set distance
specified area
Indication Crossing a danger in route Indication Monitored route pass closer than set distance
from the safety contour
monitoring mode Indication Monitored route pass closer than set distance
from a specified area or danger
Indication System test failure Indication System test failure
4.4 Alarms
In this performance standards [23] the definitions of
Indicators and Alerts provided in resolution
A.1021(26) Code on Alerts and Indicators, 2009 and
resolution MSC.302(87) Performance standards for
Bridge alert management [22] apply (see table 4).
Definition of alert has been added: Alert: Audible
and/or visual announcement of a condition requiring
attention. Priorities of alert are alarm, warning and
Definition of alarm has been withdrawn: “Alarm:
An alarm or alarm system which announces by audible
means, or audible and visual means, a condition
requiring attention”.
Definition of Indication remains the same like
before: “Indication: Visual indication giving
information about the condition of a system or
The document presented in this article IMO Resolution
MSC.530(106) [21], developed by the International
Maritime Organization, seems much more to increase
the safety and credibility of the operational use of
ECDIS for today than its previous version.
Unfortunately, to this question: So what are the
IMO performance standards currently used in ECDIS?
there is no simple answer today. ECDIS units on board
are required to comply with one of three performance
standards (either IMO resolution A. 817(19) [20], as
amended [21],[22]; or resolution MSC. 232(82)) [23], or
resolution MSC.530(106) [24], depending on the date of
their installation.
In this article, only the most important changes
introduced to the text of the Performance Standards for
ECDIS have been discussed in detail. Some were
treated only briefly. Undoubtedly, the navigator must
get acquainted with all changes and modifications.
Fortunately, the legislator left some time to read the
details and implement them into practice.
Nevertheless, the difficulty is the fact that three
versions of standards are currently in use.
All opportunities should now be used to promote
the existence of the new version of Performance
Standards for ECDIS and encourage stockholders
involved in maritime activities to implement the
content of the revised standards.
1. Hornung M.: ECDIS: Implementation of Annual
Performance Test (APT) - A Reliability-Centered
Maintenance (RCM) Adaption. Thesis. Hochschule
Bremen, April 2017.
2. IHO - https://iho.int/en/standards-and-specifications
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https://iho.int/en/standards-in-force - Standards in Force.
3. IHO S-100. Universal Hydrographic Data Model, Edition
5.0.0. International Hydrographic Organization, Monaco,
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4. IMO MSC.1/Circ.1503/Rev.2. ECDIS - Guidance for Good
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5. IMO MSC 106/13. Navigation, Communications and
Search and Rescue. Report of the Ninth Session of the
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6. IMO MSC 106/13/3. Navigation, Communications and
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8. IMO MSC 106/13/5. Navigation, Communications and
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Practice and Amendments to ECDIS Performance
Standards. Proposed amendments to resolution
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London, 17 March 2022.
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Communications and Search and Rescue, Report of the
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Display and Information Systems (ECDIS). International
Maritime Organization, London, 29 June 2022.
18. IMO Resolution A.817(19): Performance Standards for
Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems
(ECDIS). International Maritime Organization, London,
23 adopted on November 1995.
19. IMO Resolution MSC.64(67): Recommendations on New
and Amended Performance Standards. International
Maritime Organization, London, adopted on 4 December
20. IMO Resolution MSC.86(70): Adoption of New and
Amended Performance Standards for Navigational
Equipment. International Maritime Organization,
London, adopted on 8 December 1998.
21. IMO Resolution MSC.232(82); Adoption of The Revised
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Organization, London, adopted on 5 December 2006.
22. IMO Resolution MSC.302(87). Adoption of Performance
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Maritime Organization, London, adopted on 17th May
23. IMO Resolution MSC.530(106). The Revised Performance
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London, adopted on 5 December 2022.
24. IMO SOLAS: Consolidated Text of the International
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