Maritime Education and Training (MET) has
developed through the decades. The development has
since incorporated emerging technologies, definition of
competences and most important standards of quality
that are to be met in training a seafarer
With the prevailing competition in the providing
labor to the maritime industry especially for onboard
employment, Maritime Education and Training
Institutions (METIs) are compelled to be concerned
with quality. Quality management has defined
processes and products in many industries including
the education sector. As such quality management has
played a crucial role in education.
While reference [1] lends the general definition of
quality to the educational process, it is important to
note that the quality of education and its services need
to be specific and agile to the demands of the external
environment. This highlights the subjective
characterization of quality in educational service. This
further points to the dependence of the definition of
quality in educational services through the prism of the
consumer of the educational product [2]. As a result,
reference [2] alludes that “quality should be estimated
both through results from the offered services, and
through the process itself which leads to the given
The STCW Convention and Code defines quality
through Quality Standards Systems (QSS) under the
Regulation I/8 unlike the definition through Quality
Management System (QMS). The paper aims at
defining the points of convergence and divergence in
seafarer education and training standards relative to
the application of Quality Management Systems
(QMS). The then answers the question on sustainability
of training and product quality to meet standards
required by the maritime industry through addressing
the gap between a QMS as applied in education and
Sustainability in Maritime Education and Training:
A Quality Standards Approach in Kenya
T.I. Mohammed
Technical University of Mombasa, Mombasa, Kenya
ABSTRACT: The Merchant Shipping (Training and Certification) Regulations of Kenya adapt The International
Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW Convention) and the
Standard Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping (STCW Code) for Seafarers. The STCW Convention and Code
defines the quality standards at a minimum requirement as the harmonized threshold for contracting parties,
which includes Kenya. Educational Institutions in Kenya primarily uses Quality Management Systems in
application of quality to education and training. This is however contrary to the requirements of the STCW
Convention and Code for institutions engaged in Maritime Education and Training. The paper focusses in
assessing the extent of non-compliance, the circumstantial challenges and thereafter proposes a framework to
address challenges in implementing Quality Standard Systems
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 16
Number 4
December 2022
DOI: 10.12716/1001.16.04.07
training and the QSS as required for Maritime
Education and Training
The term quality has been defined in numerous
contexts. The International Standards Organization [1]
defined quality as “the totality of features and
characteristics of a product or service that bears its
ability to satisfy stated or implied needs.” This has
been further revised by the ISO 9000:2015 - Quality
management systems Fundamentals and
vocabulary [2]. The philosophy of ‘zero defects’,
reference [3] assumes homogenous effects which is not
in practice the absolute truth [4]. Reference [1] hence
developed what is known as his Quality Trilogy:
Quality Planning, Quality Management (or Control)
and Quality Implementation (or Improvement).
Quality and Total Quality Management (TQM) is a
concept and philosophy that has attracted educational
institutions at various levels as studies have shown [6]
[7] [8] . However, the structure of QMSs define
business processes. Reference [9] defines the ISO 9001
as a system that “provides a model for a quality
management system which focuses on the
effectiveness of the processes in a business to achieve
desired results.” This clearly shows the concept of
“process orientation” [2]. Reference [10] argues that the
“zero defects” can lead to misinterpretation of quality
in an educational process and product which may
eventually lead to a focus on how good the
examination results are at the end of the production
process. This may lead to a teaching and learning
process which focusses exclusively on achieving good
examination results. The product of education varies
with specific requirements and distinct nature of the
use of the product. This in turn requires not only
compliance but in addition conformance. Conformance
requires key specifications. These specifications are
realized through product design and specification.
This therefore means that for any product, service or
process to conform to the design specification, then the
consumer must be able to substantiate satisfaction of
the required needs and that the needs have been ideally
To address the gaps and challenges posed to an
education system through the business oriented
process, reference [11] has since developed ISO
21001:2018 Educational organizations Management
systems (EOMS) for educational organizations. The
ISO 21001:2018 changes structure and introduces new
terminologies in the standards. The terminologies
adopted plays a key role in resonating the standards
with the educational organizational it is intended to
appeal to. The EOMS defines the scope of quality in
education and achievement of the objectives through
the ability to support the acquisition and development
of competence. The general terminologies as defined
by ISO 9001 creates ambiguities in usage. Reference
[12] argues that “the terms “customer” and
“stakeholder” are often interchangeable in the context
of education. One can view the students as the
customer of education especially if they are on fee-
paying basis, but one can also perceive that the
industries are the actual customers of education since
they are the ones who will employ the “product” of
education thus are the right people to measure the
fitness of educational courses (curriculum, courses,
etc.) to the needs of the job market.” This shift in
paradigm thereby enhances the suitability of the EOMS
as it addresses the specific needs of an educational
organization rather an organization achieving its
objectives through business processes.
However, analyzing the shortfalls presented by the
QMS both ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 21001:2018, we find
that while the latter attempts to address the gaps in the
former in relation to an educational product, structure
of compliance is a gap by both within the
implementation of the STCW Convention 1978 and its
associated Code.
Figure 1.The PDCA cycle in EOMS ISO 21001 [11]
Fitness for purpose is a philosophy underpinned by the
STCW Convention and Code. This is core to the process
of education and training in the METIs through
achievement of the competences for competency of the
graduate. Thus as shown by reference [1] that the
human element cannot be excluded from the quality of
product, the maritime industry shifted its approach to
recognition of the human element and factor [13].
Results have shown continuously shown that 80% of
accidents and incidents within the maritime industry
are due to human error. This places a demand for not
only well educated but competent seafarers is growing
day by day. Therefore, for METIs to such a supply
demand beyond demand and expectations of the
shipping industry, emphasis for quality must not only
placed on the processes and voluntary compliance but
also through structured, standardized, internationally
accepted, monitored and assessed maritime education
and training. This, with recognition to the international
feature of the shipping industry [13].
Under the section A- I/8 “Quality Standards” of
STCW Code; Parties are required to ensure that all
training, assessment of competence, and certification
activities are continuously monitored through a
Quality Standards System (QSS)with the aim to ensure
that defined objectives are achieved. An "independent
evaluation" of the knowledge, understanding, skills
and competence acquisition and assessment activities,
as well as of the administration of the certification
system, is to be conducted at intervals of not more than
five years. The evaluation must be conducted by
persons who are not themselves involved in the
activities concerned to verify that full effect is given to
the STCW Convention and Code.
Reference [14] summaries the scope of STCW QSS
as shown in the figure below:
Figure 2. Summary of the requirements of the STCW QSS [14]
Key to the implementation of a QSS is the definition
of accountability. Accountability is enhanced through
enforcement which then establishes the level
answerability, a key interpretation to the Regulation
I/8-2. Answerability to the industry is induced through
the Regulation B-I/6.12 on the register of approved
training institutions. Reference [15] concludes that
through the documentation and recoding mechanism
as defined by regulation I/8, the traceability and
transparency of certification is achieved.
The discussion and debates on how to define
sustainability is a constant wheel in motion albeit the
definitions of the World Commission on Environment
and Development (WCED). Sustainability became a
central to the discussions on environment [16]. To
understand the concept of sustainability, Reference
[17] argue that sustainability is a prediction problem
more than a definition problem. Reference [18] terms it
as a consummately effective 'boundary term'”.
Looking at the definition of reference [19], we find that
maintaining, restoring and renewing to guarantee
quality of process and product provides a platform
upon which we build the concept of sustainability not
only in education but in Maritime Education and
Training (MET).
4.1 System’s Approach
Reference [20] supports systems thinking in education
and argues that its application as a mental tool of
understanding shows how sub-components of a whole
influence one another so that resolving problems
within one part of education should neither negatively
impact the performance of other areas nor create
unforeseen consequences”. To address quality
standards rather than quality management, tools and
resources upon which the achievement of the
competences must be defined within the structure of
the system. In addition, the processes and assurances
are defined objectively in line with the requirements to
achieve knowledge, understanding and proficiency.
Sustaining quality needs identification of the
components to realize such quality and the critical
analysis of the individual needs of such components
and their expected synergy to function as a system.
Therefore, the inquiry of the components is key to the
evaluation of quality in training. This further enhances
quality and effectiveness of the training process
through a directional focus on “the goals of the
organization, the resources needed to achieve these
goals, and the relationship between the organization
and its environment” [21].
4.2 Sustainability Framework
Identifying the consumer of a product is key to quality
of such products. Reference [1] in his nine-step
roadmap to achieve the ideal of quality, identified than
in order to satisfy the needs of the customer, you need
to develop a product that meets their needs through a
suitable process to create the product. Therefore, the
implementation of Quality Standard System is desired
in such a manner that the consumer of the product of
MET which is the global maritime industry fraternity
is able to see in the product, satisfaction of their need.
To understand the requirements for a sustainable
quality standard system, the Table 1 below shows a
mapping matrix of STCW QSS against the ISO9001 and
Table 1. Table of comparative analysis of the ISO 9001, 21001
and STCW QSS requirements
9001:2015 21001:2018
Resources defines A description of
“learning training facilities
resources” and equipment
Customer Relates the Defined Satisfaction
Satisfaction customer within the defined with
with generic scope of Competency
product education:
quality learners
Defining the Defines in a Defines Defined in the
customer generic customer as trainee and the
scope ‘Learners consumer
and other (administration,
beneficiaries’ shipping
Compliance The customer The customer statutory
scope quality quality
requirements requirements
Quality Generic Definitions Defines the
management definition relative to Responsible
functions education Persons
Details of Not Defines Defined and
academic incorporated. associated mandatory
and training attributes to
strategies in curriculum
An outline of Defined in Defined in Defined in
the policies a generic educational competence
and scope scope specific scope
Achieving none Defines Defines
learning learning requirements for
outcomes outcomes achieving
(competency) competency
Evaluation periodic periodic periodic,
Accounta- x x defined
Form the table we realize that resources to achieve
educational goals and competences is defined in both
ISO21001 and the STCW QSS, while it is not defined in
ISO9001. Definitions within the framework of both the
ISO2001 and STCW QSS is defined within the scope of
objectives of the product which then enhances the
systems as relevant to the product as defined “fit for
purpose” rather than generic acquisition of product
description. However, the accountability of such
system is not explicitly defined and apportioned in
both ISO9001 and ISO2001, a fact that makes the STCW
QSS a unique tool in addressing quality of the product,
in this sense the seafarer.
From the analysis and comparison, we find the
following to be relevant to the MET SOP framework:
1. Definition of terms specific to the maritime training
While the ISO 2001 defines education terms and
concepts, it is devoid of maritime specific terms
which gives meaning to processes and documents.
The SOP therefore shall include definitions of key
terms and concepts that are specific to MET
2. Defining QSS
It is important that the SOP defines the essence and
compliance of the QSS. This forms the basis of
approvals of MTIs, hence the need for clarity of
MET specific processes and procedures.
3. Defining the audit system and process under the
requirements of QSS
4. Defining the Responsible Persons (RPs, D/RPs)
This is key to the management and administration
of the training. The RP and the deputy bear the
responsibility to ensure quality, hence addressing
the aspect of accountability.
5. Defining regulatory compliance for instructors.
This includes competency and proficiency of
instructors as required by the STCW Convention
Regulation I/6 and also addresses the requirements
of Regulation I/8
6. Defining competence and competency
This is key to the pedagogical process including
assessment. Through this, we find that the STCW
Code Tables of competence defines the competence,
the achievement of the competence through
Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency, the
criteria for assessment and the tools to use for
7. Defining control of non-conforming services
Defining the audit process and processes for
corrective action is an important element in
ensuring quality. Therefore, for such a system to be
a Quality Standard System, the inclusion of the
control mechanism and framework is essential.
8. Defining continuous competence development
Continuous competence development is key to
knowledge dissemination, hence the reality of
ensuring continuous learning. The QSS must
therefore 8address the formalities and methodology
for continuous learning for instructors to enhance
organizational learning and knowledge
9. Defining scope and applicable standards.
The practice of implementing QMS at educational
institutions presents key challenges in defining
processes within the scope of education. Further, the
challenges are then transferred to MET in particular.
These challenges are induced subconsciously into the
MET system which has been superimposed on existing
educational framework. While these has addressed
quality of processes, it is still lacking in addressing
quality of product defined on competency and
statutory compliance. Statutory compliance addresses
the harmonization of quality to a standard acceptable
by the industry hence achieving mobility. The STCW
Convention and Code defines quality within the
premise of “fitness for purpose”. This therefore
Qualitative analysis of current quality systems
shows gaps in implementation of a QSS as defined by
the STCW Convention and Code, it is practical and
rational that duplication of system is unnecessary. The
approach is proposed for MET specific processes,
thereby defined within an SOP following the
guidelines of the STCW Code Section B-I/8 as regulated
by the STCW Convention Regulation I/8 in the
requirements set by STCW Code Section A-I/8.
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