DIND1 – mean distance from the edge of first tariff zone at the
west side of the NSR to the mean location of the chocking
zone [nm],
DOUT – mean length of the route segments on the tariff zones
for the time period 2008-2020 [nm]; DIB = DIND,
DOUT1 – mean length of the route segments from the
departure port to the edge of the first tariff zone at the west
side of the NSR for the time period 2008-2020 [nm],
DOUT2 – mean length of the route segments from the edge of
the last tariff zone at the east side of the
FC – fuel consumption for the whole voyage [metric tons],
GT – Gross Register Tonnage of the ship (const.)[register
k – expected number of tariffs to be paid for required
icebreakers assistance (rounded down to positive integer)
during transit voyage of the ship through the NSR,
mk = k’ – standard deviation of expected number of tariffs to
be paid for required icebreakers assistance,
mTTTL = T’TTL – mean error of total time of the voyage [day],
mVIB – standard deviation of speed of the ship on the NSR
where assistance of icebreakers is required [kn],
mVIND – standard deviation of speed of the ship on the NSR
where areas covered by ice are expected [kn],
mVIND1 – standard deviation of speed of the ship from the
edge of the first tariff zone at the west side of the NSR till
the mean location of the chocking zone [kn],
mVFA – standard deviation of sea speed of the ship (Full
Ahead) outside of the NSR [kn],
n – maximal number of the tariff zones on the NSR (n=7),
R – rate of exchange USD to RUB (const.),
T0 – time of beginning of the ship’s voyage at the port of
departure [Julian day],
TCZ – time of arrival ship at the chocking zone on the NSR
[Julian days of the year].,
mTCZ – standard deviation of time related to defined number
of tariffs to be paid (required icebreakers assistance) [Julian
days of the year],
TEND – time of arrival of the ship’s at the port of destination
[Julian day],
TTTL – total time of the voyage [day],
T’0 – standard deviation of the time of beginning of the ship
voyage at the port of departure [Julian day],
T’END – mean error of expected time of end of the voyage
[Julian day],
mDOUT1 – standard deviation of the mean length of the route
segments from departure port to the edge of the first tariff
zone at the west side of the NSR for the time period 2008-
2020 [nm],
VFA – sea speed of the ship (Full Ahead) outside of the NSR
VIB – speed of the ship on the NSR where assistance of
icebreakers is required [kn],
VIND – speed of the ship on the NSR where areas covered by
ice are expected [kn].
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