International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 2
Number 4
December 2008
Role and Importance of Simulator Instructor
A. Ali
Pakistan Marine Academy (PMA), Karachi, Pakistan
ABSTRACT: Traditional concept of seafarers’ training was based upon theoretical teaching in class room
followed by the practical training onboard ship. This concept underwent profound changes in 80s due
economic and practical reasons emanating from new face of the marine industry. Simulator based training had
obvious advantages of being economical, safe and redundant. But it had its own implications as well. How
perfect a simulator may be, it still was far away from real ship experiences. Instructor became more and more
important and he is actually responsible to connect up the simulator experience with real ship experiences
through his visualization and does not let the trainee get into a discourse or fall into a game mood. This study
examines how the importance of simulator instructor is on the rise and present tools available for the
qualification of the simulator instructors need to be augmented with new measures so as to ensure the quality
of the simulator based training of the seafarers.
Purpose of this research work was to evaluate and
highlight the importance of simulator instructors in
training of seafarers and achieving the desired results
of competency based training of STCW Convention.
During the course of research on the subject topic,
numerous questions were raised as under and efforts
were made to find out some worthwhile replies to
these questions:
How does the history of the use of marine simu-
lators prove their effectiveness and their
expanding use for the training purposes in future
What are the future trends and requirements in
design and manufacturing of simulators, work in
progress world wide and problems being faced by
the manufacturers?
What is the role importance of instructors
employed for conducting training using
As of today, what are the tools available to ensure
the quality of simulator instructors and how to
improve these tools?
1.1 Training value of simulators
Like other fields of training, use of simulation in the
marine industry is owing to the multiple factors
covering technological, financial and training needs
of the time. Training value of simulators is well
accepted as simulators are coming closer to the real
equipment. In fact, whole of the system fitted
onboard ship can also be installed as simulator in a
purpose built scenario. Conditions and environment
in a simulator can be repeated again and again to
improve the learning outcome of training, unlike
ships where all situations are new ones and no
repetition is available Simulation gives chance to
apply the theoretical concepts to demonstrate their
practicality. For example, operations in shallow
water effect area or modification of the
entering/leaving harbor route plan can be tested on
simulators. Multiple types of ships are available on
simulators for boarding and operation by the
trainees. They can actually feel the difference
between behavior of a medium size general cargo
ships and a Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC).
Much work has already been done on the
advantages and disadvantages on simulator based
training and its comparative value vis a vis real time
experiences. Now, the only discussion is when to
have and how to have the Simulator Based Training
(SBT) for the ship’s crew for better, efficient and
speedy ship’s operations.
1.2 Definitions
There is a need to refresh some the definitions
associated with Simulator Based Training (SBT).
Uniformity of the simulator based training means
that when same simulator exercise is run for multiple
trainees at different times, it has same training value
with respect to basic learning out comes. Reliability
is the consistency of the measurement procedure.
Reliable assessment has well defined conditions,
administrative procedures, performance measures,
standards and scoring scheme. Validity of the
assessment method is the characteristic of the
measurement, specifically the extent to which a
measure represents what was intended to be
measured. Finally, fidelity is the measure of the
accuracy and precision of the simulator equipment to
faithfully reproduce the ship’s behavior.
1.3 Relationships
Reliability of simulator based training means that
instructor was able to impart all the performance
standards to the trainees as he planned in the
exercise or were part of the training objectives.
Uniformity of the simulator based training means
that when same simulator exercise is run for multiple
trainees at different times, it has same training value
with respect to basic learning out comes. An exercise
on simulator can be very good, effective and reliable
but then the problem of uniformity is required to be
addressed. Best exercise is the one which has both,
reliability and uniformity in parallel.
Fidelity and validity are the two features which
depend on each other in simulation. There is a direct
relationship between fidelity and validity. Fidelity,
the inclusion of the real world elements, contributes
to validity. The omission of real world elements may
make the valid system performance on the simulator
impossible. It is not appropriate to consider the
provision of high fidelity a substitute for validation
of the system. However, there is generally more
confidence in a high-fidelity system than a low-
fidelity one. Fidelity adds to the validity of
simulation. In the past it may have added to the cost
considerably. This relationship has changed due to
recent micro-processor developments.
1.4 Simulator Based Training (SBT)
Simulator based training is steadily replacing the in-
service training of seafarers. STCW Convention also
gives weightage to the training conducted at a
simulator with experience of in-service training.
Over the time, simulator based training has started
having more face value and weightage. Training
needs to have validity and reliability both in parallel.
Now simulators can simulate a diverse range of
ship’s types, scenarios and situations which in actual
life may be rare to occur. This increases the validity
of the simulator training vis a vis in-service
experiences. Also with regards to reliability, simu-
lation can be very effective due positive control and
training environment in Maritime Education and
Training Institutes and Centers (METICs); whereas
in-service experience may have difficulty in
controlling training conditions and administrative
It is well recognized fact now that simulator
based training has the potential of providing
knowledge which other wise could only be gained
through years of real world experiences. Realization
of this potential, however, depends upon the ability
of simulator training program to take into account
the special cognitive needs of the trainees and ability
of the instructor to properly provide the feedback to
the trainees.
Two surveys were conducted to find out some of the
facts and problems being faced by the instructors and
the trainees in the simulator based training.
2.1 Survey Report One – Simulators
Survey was designed to find out the training
experiences of the seafarers on simulators as trainees
and its relevance with subsequent job description.
World Maritime University (WMU) students of
varying background and sea service were used as
population for this survey. Some of the areas
highlighted in the responses are increasing
complexity of simulators, availability of all types of
simulators for training purposes, and ease of having
real time experiences on simulators.
2.2 Survey Report Two – Instructors
Survey was designed with the aim to get feedback
from METICs regarding the qualification and
experience of simulator instructors and associated
problems being faced. International Association of
Maritime Universities (IAMU) member institutes
and other METICs were surveyed. Some of the areas
highlighted in the responses are increased demands
on instructors capabilities, complexities of exercises,
and need of having qualified instructors for
simulator based training.
These remarks made by seafarers of diverse
background and METICs of varying nationalities are
indicative of universal importance of simulators and
instructors in conducting any training activity on a
2.3 Relationship between Instructor and Trainee
There is always a particular relationship between an
instructor and his trainee. Traditionally, a teacher has
an overwhelming influence and effect on how the
training is conducted. Also, any weakness on part of
the instructor with respect to knowledge, confidence
and commitment will be noted by the trainees
and will adversely affect the learning outcome.
Development of attitudes and shaping the behavior
is one of the important elements of any education
and training activity and largely depends upon the
quality and characteristics of the instructor.
2.4 Training on Simulators
Training process on simulators has its own dynamics
and requirements. There are various stages and
elements of simulator training and an instructor
needs to be well conversant with these stages and
elements to be effective in training process. When
we see how the training exercise is actually run on
simulator, whole process of exercise can be divided
into briefing, simulator familiarization, conducting
& monitoring and debriefing. Professor Muirhead
(2003) has discussed these stages in his writings in
details and are widely accepted by the marine
Taking into account the importance of the simulator
instructor in conducting the quality training on
simulators and achieving the desired results of
competency based training required by the STCW
Convention, there have been multiple efforts in the
industry for improving the qualification of the
simulator instructors.
3.1 World Maritime University
World Maritime University designed a Professional
Development Course (PDC) in 2004 with the aim to
impart instructional skills to maritime simulator
operators. This one week course was meant to assist
both experienced and new simulator instructors as
well as maritime lecturers to better understand the
application of the STCW95 convention in relation to
the training and assessment of seafarers on marine
simulators. The program was supported by the
simulation facilities and instructor staff of the
Maritime Institute William Barentz (MIWB),
Terschelling. A certificate of attendance was issued
by the university to the participants.
3.2 Train the Trainer Course
With the active involvement of the International
Maritime Organization (IMO) and regional
industry players, ‘Train the Trainer’ Course has
been conducted at the Integrated Simulation Centre
(ISC). This course was meant for improving the
expertise of the simulator instructors in conducting
the simulator based training. Participants were
Nautical and Engineering officers both from the
administration and METICs from South Asia, South
East Asia and Far East. Such a ‘Train the Trainer’
course was also conducted at Regional Maritime
Academy, Ghana with the assistance of the IMO.
Participants were from the African continent and aim
was to promote the simulator based training in the
less developed countries and improve the quality of
the simulator instructors.
3.3 IMO Model Course 6.09
Realizing the importance of instructors in achieving
the aim of quality training of the seafarers, IMO
Model Course 6.09 Training Course for Instructors
was developed to provide a framework for any
training imparted to an instructor of METICs. This
course is the first step for having quality simulator
instructors. By having a detailed analysis of this
model course, it can easily be realized through its
contents that its basic aim is to provide fundamental
instructional techniques to a maritime instructor and
no strong emphasis has been laid for use of
simulators and its associated problems.
Based upon the discussions on the role and
importance of the simulator instructor in the
dissertation, multiple conclusions and recommenda-
tions were made by the researcher.
4.1 Conclusions
Some of the conclusions drawn by the researcher are
as under:
1 Training value of the simulators has widely been
proven and accepted by the marine industry.
Simulator based training is cost-effective,
convenient and diverse in scenarios. Simulator
exercises can be designed, conducted and
controlled as per user requirements; these exercises
can be repeated with quality control and ships’
operational limits can be touched upon in risk free
environment. Simulators have made available the
multiple operating conditions anywhere, anytime
without time and space barriers as applicable to
onboard training process.
2 IMO Model Course 6.09 is meant for training of
the marine instructors. Its main emphasis is on
how to conduct the theoretical and class room
instruction. While giving details on how to use
boards, displays, training aids and handouts /
notes, this model course lays very less emphasis
on how to use simulators for effective training of
the seafarers.
3 Simulator instructor is much more than an
instructor. He is involved in skill based training
of adult learners and is responsible for Psycho
motor and perceptual skills while controlling the
practical thinking in parallel. He is fighting a war
on much more larger scale than any other
4 Recognizing the importance of the simulator
instructor, STCW Convention desires him to be
‘appropriately’ qualified and experienced on the
simulator training; but no specific requirement
has been made to give some meaning to this
appropriately qualified term.
5 Some individual efforts were made to design
a suitable course for the simulator instructors.
World Maritime University (WMU) designed and
developed a Professional Development Course
(PDC) in 2004 with the aim to impart instructional
skills required for maritime simulator operators.
Also ‘Train the Trainers’ courses were conducted
at Integrated Simulation Centre (ISC), Singapore
and Regional Maritime Academy (RMA), Ghana
to train the simulator instructors of these regions.
4.2 Recommendations
Based upon the conclusions drawn during the
research work, it was recommended that:
1 Simulator based training should be made
mandatory at various levels of seafarers to
achieve the competency based training objective
of the STCW Convention. A ‘successive
approach’ can be adopted whereby simulators are
made mandatory one by one in stages but there is
strong need to move from position of 1995 when
only the Radar/ARPA simulator training was
made mandatory in the Convention.
2 There is a need for IMO Model Course for
Simulator Instructors. This course can act as
bench mark for the qualification of the simulator
instructors to appropriately qualify them as per
requirements of the Convention. Professional
Development Course (PDC) on the subject
designed by WMU can be taken as basic
reference and modified/added to suit the world
wide requirements of the simulator instructors.
3 Simulator Instructors employed in the METICs
for training of the seafarers should undergo
some formal training on use of simulation for
competency based training. This training package
for simulator instructors will better serve the
purpose if it is designed and promulgated through
IMO / STCW Convention. Only a qualified simu-
lator instructor can ensure quality training as per
the standards laid down in the Convention.
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These are the extracts of a dissertation submitted to the World
Maritime University (WMU), Malmo, Sweden in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Science in
Maritime Affairs specializing in Education and Training in year 2006.