navigator's value is less than the predicted WOP, the
ECDIS will display a warning to inform the user that
the input is incorrect. The present study found that
during the simulation analysis, when the course lines
were formed, the ECDIS simulator suggested the
WOP line; however, the WOP line suggested was
significantly less than the WOP estimated using the
mathematical model used in this study. This indicates
that the ECDIS simulator does not include a WOP
limit. As a result, this issue can be resolved using the
developed ATMM.
According to this research, efficient route
monitoring will reduce the distance covered and
assist in minimising fuel usage. Although the
mathematical model used in this study improves
course keeping abilities when changing courses,
additional research can be conducted on the effect of
fuel consumption when applying a large rudder angle
while turning. Perhaps further research can be
conducted to determine the effect of reducing XTD on
energy efficiency.
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