Navigation safety is essential to ensure the safety of
life and assets at sea, and to protect the marine
environment from any source of pollution. One way
to ensure the navigational safety is to mark the area
which has been identified as being safe for navigation
using marine Aids to Navigation (AtoN). AtoN is a
device, system, or service, which is external to the
vessels, and is designed and operated to enhance the
safe and efficient navigation of individual vessels
and/or vessel traffic [1]. The usage of AtoN is
regulated by the national maritime safety agency
following the guidelines developed by the
International Association of Marine Aids to
Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA). AtoN
is categorised into visual, audible, and electronic
categories. The typical AtoN used to mark navigation
channels or fairways leading to a port are navigation
buoys and leading line. Navigation buoys are used to
mark the edge of either side of the navigation channel,
while the leading line is used to mark the centre of the
channel. The leading line is marked by leading marks
during daytime and leading lights during night time.
A combination of navigation buoys and leading line
are used to mark the navigation channel. Leading
marks and lights are categorized under visual AtoN.
Leading marks are navigational marks used as
components for a leading-line or range. Leading line
is defined as “a straight line used for navigation
produced by the alignment of marks (leading marks)
or lights (leading lights) or by the use of radio
transmitter [1], [2] This study highlights the
daymarks and different shapes of these daymarks to
A Study to Determine the Most Effective Daymark
Shape for a Leading Line
A.F. Ahmad Fuad
, D.A.A. Adlan
, A.S. Kamis
& M.S. Ahmad
University Malaysia Terengganu, Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia
2 Akademi Laut Malaysia, Masjid Tanah, Melaka, Malaysia
ABSTRACT: The use of daymark shapes for leading lines include its visual shape and symbol, to aid sailors
who need to navigate safely through a marked narrow channel. The shapes which are currently used are
rectangles, diamonds, and triangles. However, there is not much information on which shape is the most
effective for navigational referencing. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to determine the most
effective shape for a leading line daymark. The Kemaman Port was used as an area of interest to model the
three-dimensional simulation. The size and height of the leading line daymark was calculated based on the
dimensions of the navigational channel obtained from the Kemaman Port navigation chart. The simulation for
different shapes of the leading mark in the same area was developed using a three-dimensional software.
Experts were engaged to evaluate the effectiveness of each daymark shape across the maximum and minimum
distances during the simulation run. Results showed that the diamond shape daymark was relatively better
identified and used as reference, compared to other shapes in the same range due to its relatively larger surface
area. Therefore, the study objective was achieved, and the results can be used to improve marine navigation
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 16
Number 3
September 2022
DOI: 10.12716/1001.16.03.11
mark the navigation channels, in order to maintain
safety of navigational. There has not been much
studies done on the effectiveness of the different
shapes of daymark board. Therefore, in order to
address this issue, the main objective of this study is
to determine the most effective shape of leading mark
To achieve the study objective, the research
methodology has been developed. The overall
research activities in shown by a flow chart in Figure
1. The detail explanation for each step is given in the
following sentences.
Figure 1. Overall research activities
Step 1 was to obtain information related to the
shape of the daymark board of the leading mark
through literature reviews and interviews. The
information was obtained using the search engine in
the IALA website https://www.iala-
publications/ [3]. The search engine was used for
searching for the relevant information on the content
of a repository based on the current IALA standards,
recommendations, guidelines, model courses, and
manuals, using the key words. In addition to
literature reviews, online interviews were conducted
with Marine Officer of the Marine Department of
Malaysia in which oversees the operation and
maintenance of the AtoN in East Coast Peninsular
Malaysia. This was conducted using the WhatsApp
application which enabled the sharing of documents
and photos on leading marks or lights [4].
Step 2 was to develop simulations based on the
shape of the leading mark board obtained in Step 1.
The simulation was developed using the SketchUp
Software [5]. The different types of daymark boards
were developed, and the size of the board was
determined using Eq. 1, Eq.2 and Eq.3 from the IALA.
( )
D H h
H: Height of rear tower
h: Height of Front Tower
D: Distance we required/ Focus Distance
W: Width of Channel
R: Distance between two towers
K: Index Sensitivity
Step 3 was to run the simulations and review it
with experts. The experts were maritime lecturers in
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu with a minimum
unlimited class 3 certificates of competency. Based on
the observations, the experts ranked the shapes.
The first objective was obtained through literature
reviews and interviews. Based on IALA (2001, 2014,
2016), there were four types of constructions for the
daymark, namely flat, solid, lattice, and crossed plate
constructions. Through the literature review, the flat
construction was the most preferred design for the
daymark for leading lights compare to solids, lattices
and crossed constructions [6]. The reason was that the
flat surface would project the same colour and
To achieve the second objective, the Kemaman
Port was used as model for the study area. The reason
for the selection of the Kemaman port was that it was
equipped with leading lights and was much closer to
the researcher’s residence, which made the survey
easier. Information on the leading light was obtained
from the online electronic chart by Navionics which
was sourced from the Malaysian charts, as shown in
Figure 2. The first pair of leading lights that marked
the fairway from the sea was the Tg. Berhala No. 8
and Tg. Berhala No.10. The second pair that marked
the channel into the port’s turning basin was the Tg.
Berhala No. 7 and Tg. Berhala No. 9, and was used as
a model for this study.
Figure 2. Kemaman Port Chart (Source: Navionics, 2022)
Tg. Berhala No. 7 is the front leading light and
mark. The light’s focal plane was 21 m with a quick-
flashing green light. Approximately 18 m of a square
skeletal tower carrying a triangular daymark painted
in white with a red vertical stripe was seen as ideal
[9]. Tg. Berhala No. 9 is a rear leading light and mark.
The light’s focal plane was 27 m with a green light,
which was on for 2 seconds and off for 2 seconds.
Approximately 20 m of the square skeletal tower
carrying a triangular daymark painted in white with a
red vertical stripe was seen as ideal. The distance
between the rear and front leading towers were 210 m
Instead of using the real information as that used
for the Kemaman Port to develop the area’s
simulation model, this study calculated the size and
height of the daymark board based on the information
obtained from the online chart, namely the width of
the navigation channel and distance of the daymarks
and lights. The chosen height of the observer’s eye on
the ship was 15 m. Therefore, the maximum height of
the daymark at the front tower was set to 15 m. The
calculation of both the leading line towers were done
using Eq. 1, Eq. 2, and Eq. 3. Results of the calculation
are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Result of calculation
Item Information
Height of rear tower 18.93 m
Height of front Tower 15 m
Distance we required/ Focus Distance 2560 m/ 1.4 nm
Width of channel 808 m
Distance between two towers 450 m
Index Sensitivity 1.7
IALA has derived the dimensions of the dayboard
of the leading line which corresponds with the
operational range as shown in Table 2. The distance of
the channel mark was 1.4 nm. The operational range
of 2 nm was chosen for the dayboard size of the front
tower and 2.2nm was for the rear tower. The drawing
of the towers and daymarks are shown in Figure 3.
Table 2. Dayboard size and range (Source: IALA (2016)
Dayboard Size Operational Viewing Viewing
L x W meter Range NM angle for angle for
length L width W (L/2)
1.6 x 0.8 1 2.9’ 1.5’
2.1 x 1.05 2 2.0’ 1.0’
3.1 x 1.55 3 1.9’ 1.0’
4.2 x 2.1 4 2.0’ 1.0’
Figure 3. Leading light plan using rectangle daymark board
front (left) and rear (right) tower
A three-dimensional design software was used to
develop the three-dimension design of the tower and
the simulation area. Figure 4 shows the rectangle,
triangle, and diamond daymark, respectively. The
design of the daymarks were according to the IALA
guideline and fitted on the same size of the tower in
the simulation [7].
Figure 4. Rectangle (left), diamond (middle), and triangle
(right) daymarks
To determine the most effective daymark shape
among the three designs, the simulation videos were
made using the SketchUp plugin features. The
effectiveness was determined based on one criterion,
namely the most easily spotted daymark from the
maximum distance of 2560 m, which was the starting
point of the leading line No. 7 and No. 9 from the
leading line No. 8 and No. 10. The vessel then moved
progressively towards the front tower. At least three
simulation runs were conducted for three different
daymark shapes for each expert. The three experts
were nautical lecturers with unlimited competency
certificates voyage deck officers. The simulation runs
were displayed using a 17-inch monitor gaming
laptop with a high-performance graphic card. The
caption of the simulation run is shown in Figure 5.
The three experts agreed that the diamond shaped
daymark board (centre) was the most easily spotted
from the maximum distance compared to the
rectangle (left) and triangle (right) shape in Figure 5.
Reason for the diamond shape daymark can be
spotted easily compared to the triangle and
rectangular shapes because it has a larger surface area.
The surface area of the diamond shape front tower
was 4.41 m2 (2.1 m [L] x 2.1 m [W] compared to the
rectangle shape with an area of 2.205 m2 (2.1 m [L] x
1.05 m [W] and the triangle shape with an area of 1.10
m2 (2.1 m [L] x 1.05 m [W] x 0.5). However, the
diamond shape mark had the highest wind resistance.
Therefore, the diamond shape was spotted first,
followed by the rectangle and triangle, which
corresponded to the surface areas. In addition, the
diamond shaped mark was easy to identify because it
had a distinctive shape compared to its background.
Figure 5. Caption of three videos moving towards the front
tower stopped at the same time for rectangle (left), diamond
(centre) and triangle (right) shape daymark.
As the vessel moved closer towards the front
tower, the diamond shaped daymark was the first
shape which lost its function when the daymark at the
rear tower could not be. The second daymark shape
which lost its function was the triangle, and finally the
rectangle. The distance at which the daymark lost its
effectiveness is referred to as the minimum distance
and is shown in Table 3. This shows that the diamond
shaped daymark board was relatively less effective
when closer to the front tower. This is because the
diamond shaped daymark had a relatively shorter
pointer shape (1.05 m) between the front and the rear
daymark compared to the rectangle and triangle
board with 2.10 m. The vertical stripes red and white
of the rectangle board could not be seen from a
distance of 2560 m. Only the rectangle shape of the
daymark could be identified.
Table 3. Minimum distance range according to shape of
Shape Minimum Distance (m)
Diamond 218
Triangle 198
Rectangle 158
The leading light or mark is an AtoN used to mark the
safe navigation channel to a port. The leading
daymarks were used during daytime operations,
while the leading light was used during the night.
Currently, there are three daymarks which are widely
used, namely rectangular, triangular and the
diamond. The objective of this study was to determine
the most effective shape for the leading mark. The
results showed that the diamond shaped daymark
was the most effective shape for the leading mark and
could be easily spotted from a certain distance due to
its relatively larger surface area and distinct shape.
This finding fulfilled the research objective. However,
as the ship moved towards the front tower, the
diamond shaped daymark was the first which became
ineffective, followed by the rectangle and triangle
shaped daymarks. Another downside of the diamond
shaped daymark is its higher wind resistance
compared to the rectangle and triangle shapes due to
its relatively larger surface area. This research is
expected to give much better technical information to
the maritime safety authorities, such as the Marine
Department of Malaysia, the Light Dues Board, and
port authorities, in order to established leading lights
or marks for port usage.
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[7] IALA, “Guidelines for the Design of Leading Lines,” no.
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