− no influence of weather for simplification
The results of simulation are presented on Figure
10. The simulated intensity of collision is 2.33 per
year (mean time between accidents 0.42 years) and
the intensity of collision ended with oil spill is 0.36
per year (mean time between accidents 2.76 years).
200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 800000 900000 1000000
Fig. 10. Simulated collision accidents with constant traffic
estimated at 2010 year (within 365 years of simulation 77
collision with oil spill observed)
Stochastic model of navigational safety was applied
to assess the safety of Southern Baltic in respect of
oil spills. The traffic on expected at 2010 level and
new routing schemes on the Baltic Sea was applied.
As it was expected the number of accidents will
increase significantly.
The collision probability in different conditions
(meteorological, traffic, navigational) evaluated in
this researches will be used in the further step as the
input value in navigational risk assessment models
on large costal areas. The evaluation of ships traffic
influence on environment due to possible oil spills
after collision is also presented.
The comparison of simulation results with real
data of oils spills are little surprising. As it was
presented the simulated time between oil spills
accidents is almost twice as high as real data. It
should be clearly stated that oil spill accidents are
very rare events and high uncertainty in presented
simulation should be considered. The results
achieved in this paper should be considered as
hazardous and all necessary precautions against
accident should be taken into account.
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