the so-called fundamental frequency (fundamental
harmonic) in the spectrum of this signal.
The common belief among researchers and
engineers is that both kinds of the spectra mentioned
above, i.e. the continuous spectrum related with the
Fourier transform and the discrete one connected with
the Fourier series, fit to each other in some way.
However, this is only an illusion. Why? Because of
many reasons. But, probably, the most important one
follows from the fact that the spectrum of a periodic
signal, say
means a continuous
time variable, cannot be calculated in a “normal way”
via the Fourier transform.
What we understand by the “normal way of
calculation” mentioned above is illustrated in (1)
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( )
exp 2
..... exp 2
exp 2 .....
X f x t j ft dt
x t j ft dt
x t j ft dt
= − =
+ + − +
+ − + =
= =
denotes the period of the
periodic signal
its Fourier transform
(if exists?),
one of the identical components of an infinite sum
there. Obviously, this component cannot be
identically equal to zero for all frequencies. Therefore,
there are bands of frequencies for which (1) results in
infinite values. And, this is the interpretation of what
is expressed in (1).
Further, the above description of
that by no means it can resemble that what is
presented in Fig. 1. So, because of this fact, it seems
that only reasonable conclusion here is the following
one: signal spectra obtained as their Fourier
transforms are not compatible with those following
from the Fourier expansions (having the form of the
one visualized in Fig. 1). And, obviously, this is a
huge problem in cases where both the periodic and
non-periodic signals occur together in a system or
circuit, in a mixed form. One of the representative
examples here are the operations of sampling of an
analog signal and its reconstruction from a sequence
of its discrete values.
As we know very well, there is a theory (Marks II
R. J. 1991), (Vetterli M., Kovacevic J., Goyal V. K.
2014), (Oppenheim A. V., Schafer R. W., Buck J. R.
1998), (Bracewell R. N. 2000), (McClellan J. H., Schafer
R., Yoder M. 2015), (Brigola R. 2013), (So H. C. 2019),
(Wang R. 2010), (Ingle V. K., Proakis J. G. 2012),
(Jenkins W. K. 2009) (to mention only a few of
excellent textbooks on fundamentals of digital signal
processing), which overcomes the problem sketched
above. But, this theory applies non-physical objects
called Dirac distributions (named also Dirac
generalized functions or Dirac deltas) (Schwartz L.
1950-1951), (Dirac P. A. M. 1947).
With application of this theory, (1) results in a
solution, which is a sum of Dirac deltas multiplied by
real numbers – these numbers are the corresponding
coefficients of the Fourier expansion of
. So, as
a consequence, the image of the discrete spectrum of a
periodic signal – as it is visualized in Fig. 1 – must be
then modified accordingly. Then, in case of our
example signal, it has the form presented in Fig. 2 and
is denoted by
Figure 2. Visualization of the discrete spectrum of an
example periodic signal after a model that results in Dirac
deltas in (1).
The arrows in Fig. 2 represent the frequency-
shifted Dirac deltas
multiplied by the
corresponding coefficients
of the Fourier
series of the signal
. So, the spectra presented
in Fig. 1 and in Fig. 2 are not identical; they are two
different images of the signal
in the
frequency domain. But, this is allowed in the theory
that is currently in force.
Note however that the above philosophy allowing
a signal to have two (or more) different spectra can be
a source of confusions and misinterpretations. One
notable example of this kind is a strong belief of
researchers and engineers that there occur aliasing
and folding effects in spectra of sampled signals
(sampled in an ideal way) (Marks II R. J. 1991),
(Vetterli M., Kovacevic J., Goyal V. K. 2014),
(Oppenheim A. V., Schafer R. W., Buck J. R. 1998),
(Bracewell R. N. 2000), (McClellan J. H., Schafer R.,
Yoder M. 2015), (Brigola R. 2013), (So H. C. 2019),
(Wang R. 2010), (Ingle V. K., Proakis J. G. 2012),
(Jenkins W. K. 2009). Note that their mistake in this
case lies in the fact that they draw their conclusions
from the analysis of the second image of the spectrum
of a sampled signal, which is derived from a model
involving Dirac deltas.
An alternative view on this problem is presented
in (Borys A. 2020a). It is based on consideration of the
first possible representation of the sampled signal
spectrum (i.e. without involvement of Dirac deltas)
and leads to quite different conclusions.
The objective of this paper is to show, from
another perspective, that really the spectrum of a
sampled signal (sampled in an ideal way) cannot be
uniquely defined. And, as it does not exist (Borys A.
2020a), (Borys A. 2020b) as a Fourier transform of a
true sampled signal, an extension of its definition is
needed, what can be done in a variety of ways – as
proposed, for example, in (Borys A. 2020b). So, this
takes place in an arbitrary way.
To strengthen this point of view, that is
arbitrariness of the choice mentioned above, we
consider here an example of solving a problem, in
which two definitions of the spectrum of a sampled
(ideally) signal are tacitly used, but not named
explicitly at all. (Note that if these different definitions