Contemporary conditions and opportunities related
with the development of logistics system are in the
middle of a complex socio-economic functional space.
Activities in the field of space management are
focused on the implementation of principles of
sustainable development. We are currently observing
the moment when the implemented systems are
aimed to create more economic, ecological and
socially acceptable solutions. There are few milestones
within the technology development which are
defining the future shape for logistics. The research in
the field of autonomous ships[21] [26] is changing the
way people think about sea transportation. Another
element announcing these changes is the energy issue.
The continuous development of propulsion systems
and renewable energy sources like offshore wind
farms [27] allows to make the claim that operability of
intermodal transport can be zero-energy. This is a part
of the dynamic development of technologies that
allow to control processes in real time, such as for
example construction system sensors [19] or safety
systems [9].
The development of a dynamic logistic structure
creates the need for development and modernization
of stationary facilities that are located in places of high
transport intensity. Port centres currently in use are
developing in line with economic trends [17] towards
modern technologies. As logistic nodes, they become
important elements of the city structure and affect its
daily functioning, therefore the multi-criterial
improvement of these facilities is an important factor.
The exchange of goods within the city and beyond
should be organized in an optimal way so as to
reduce the consumption of urban resources, which
enable further spatial development. Also subordinate
operation of global logistics to mass transport for
basic goods.
Interference between Land and Sea Logistics Systems.
Multifunctional Building System Design Towards
Autonomous Integrated Transport Infrastructure
M. Gerigk
Gdańsk University of Technology, Gdańsk, Poland
ABSTRACT: The research is focused on developing design theory towards efficient multifunctional facilities for
logistics supply chains in the contemporary urban city structures. The development of modern systems based
on autonomous transport creates new conditions for their management and generates an emerging need to
define dedicated functional service structures. An important element of consideration also taken into account is
the scenario for large-size unmanned facilities operation in the multifunctional port facility and its connections
to power supply from renewable energy sources. Despite the high degree of complexity, modern transport
solutions should be focused on optimizing the distribution time and trans-shipment time within the intermodal
supply chain as well as provide ecological logistic solutions. Due to the large number of system components,
the study presents a simplified database structure allowing for a comprehensive technological overview within
the entire system.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 16
Number 3
September 2022
DOI: 10.12716/1001.16.03.04
To obtain the best possible model result for the
characteristics of reality based intermodal transport,
an analysis of literature and available technological
resources was first performed.
Main aim is to define the possible future shape for
a multifunctional facility as an integrator of land and
sea transport. The following elements have been
analysed in terms of current opportunities and
development trends:
urban overview;
sea transportation structure;
land transportation structure;
logistics facilities structure;
complementary service support structure.
Compilation and a holistic overview of the global
system is necessary to present a model focused on
priority requirements. The presented study on the
border of architecture and urban planning as well as
civil and maritime engineering and logistics is shaped
in the adopted design manner defined as Co-Design
[16]. Theoretical modelling of a multifunctional
building is based on adjusting the system components
in such a way that they harmonize with each other.
The power of modern technologies to make them
purposeful is also inherent in the design approach to
implement smart ports design features [4]. They rely
on interconnections and automating as a key
management element for smart port logistics.
Actual logistics relay on multiple modes of
transportation. Circulation of passengers and goods
can be provided by air, sea or land. Distribution of
goods is closely related to port cities agglomerations,
where the operations of transferring goods to
intermediaries and end users are carried out. The
large-scale cargo loads are transported on land in a
dispersed form, while on the water surface in a
concentrated form. Supply chains are concentrated
around large urban centres providing services for
various means of transport through various facilities.
Distribution centre (DC) can be defined by its location
and function in the supply chain. There is a need to
create retail network structure models for those types
of systems, because of the beneficial effect of
significant cost savings under real conditions [13].
The world of autonomous objects and their
characteristics is constantly evolving. Currently
existing systems require a high involvement of the
human factor in management. However, the
functional aim is level 5, this is "Full Driving
Automation", where the intervention of the driver is
not required for the entire travel distance. The
presented compendium of current solutions [7] shows
that the integration of transport infrastructure on
many levels, even in the air, based on automation is
inevitable. Let's develop this approach with regard to
reloading of goods, where there is a need to optimize
the current solutions.
3.1 Urban overview
Current trends indicate that logistics centres are the
main components of the supply chain. From an urban
perspective, container terminals grow to
unimaginable sizes. Figure 1 shows a diagram as a
sketch of the relationship between transport logistics
and the urban structure. Container terminal is present
as the interface between the land and the sea
structure. The exchange of goods then passes through
the logistics centre which concentrates local
distribution. Due to the large-scale impact of
infrastructure on port cities, it is possible to reduce its
scale by optimizing the functional and architectural
structure of dedicated facilities. Thus, from an urban
perspective, it is possible to shift the burden of
container landfills to logistic centres, while port units
would be only transfer units.
Figure 1. Functional scheme for intermodal logistics supply
chain in the city ring structure context.
Calculating routes for land transport is extremely
important. Converting distance and time has an effect
on operating costs. The presented example of
transport planning based on technological
possibilities [8] is constantly developing. The
multifactorial structure determining the functioning
of the logistics system in the city has been
demonstrated. With regard to the port city, the key
issue will be mass distribution based on intermodal
3.2 Sea transportation structure
Apart from the legal aspects, the market drive is
focused on implementing intelligent systems as
automated as possible. Investigations towards
procedures of ship manoeuvres [1] shows that
defining standards for present fleet is difficult. It
reveals that the unmanned ships should be designed
and equipped with multi-directional advanced
manoeuvring system.
Perhaps the current trend of creating the largest
possible container ships will change direction. There
are noticeable trends in creating optimal solutions,
such as multi-purpose cargo vessels [15], where the
desire to reduce units size and introducing the
possibility of their various uses is under
consideration. Due to the willingness to use electricity
or hydrogen, a system of smaller units with a shorter
range will be more efficient. However, this would
require an improvement in the reloading of the units
themselves. Perhaps a new model of a transport ship
would be needed, where modularity would allow the
propulsion unit to be switched over without
reloading. It would be advantageous from the point of
view of optimizing the reloading time and simplifying
the reloading process at the container terminal.
Figure 2 presents a scheme for a new sea
transportation model in comparison to the traditional
one. Starting from a container terminal (A) the new
approach is a multi-vessel net of electric modular
ships. Reducing the size of the vessel will allow to
reach many destinations (B, C, D) much faster than
Figure 2. Organizational scheme comparing conventional
and automated maritime transport. FPP Floating Power
Plant, PSS Power Supply Station.
The new model allows for optimal time and
distance coverage based on segment stations. Each
Power Supply Station (PSS) is connected to and
powered by a Floating Power Plant (FPP).
However, when referring to the optimization of
the applied solutions, the structure of the water
transport system should aim at automation and
dynamic adaptation to changing needs within cargo
As research shows, the key element in the
autonomous water transport management system will
be wireless connectivity and dynamic information
exchange [14]. The presented diagram mega-
constellation for global connectivity as a system of
dynamic information exchange on the water connects
with the world where port centres play the role of
managing and supervising this system. The proposed
multi-functional solution is another link in this logistic
transport supervision system, where the water
handling system has to integrate to some extent with
land transport management.
The formation of maritime autonomous surface
ships (MASS) and the related requirements and
procedures takes place on the basis of legal
regulations that must keep up with the constantly
developing innovative technologies [2]. These
technologies will largely determine the shape of the
port structure that should be designed to adapt to
new opportunities.
3.3 Land transportation structure
Contemporary tendencies are directed towards drastic
reduction and finally elimination of conventional
fossil fuels powered engines. Modern technologies
make it possible to productively use only electrically
driven means of land transport. Developed
technologies related to the development of large-scale
production of hydrogen fuel are also considered [3].
Assuming that this is the most environmentally-
friendly technology and it allows to provide the right
amount of energy at high consumption power
demand phase, it will require adaptation of various
types of motor vehicles. Moreover, it would be
possible to use this technology in mass sea transport.
Therefore, it is important to look at all components of
transport logistics in a comprehensive manner. The
potential of new designed systems allows them to be
adapted to each other, which will also translate into a
positive ecological effect. Furthermore, a new
approach to the design of port facilities is in line with
the development of market competitiveness [24]
despite not increasing their size.
In order to ensure the compatibility of the
implemented solutions and, perhaps, to integrate
some elements of the system, so that they enable the
fastest possible distribution of goods in a network-
centric system of logistic connections. The way land
transport will operate in the future is defined as a
combined road and railway solution [12]. Striving to
the system optimization forces the redefinition of
means of transport so that they are compatible with
each other. The overriding goal is to make long-
distance mass transit smoothly harmonize with
individual regional transit. This would mean adapting
the dimensions and vehicles to the new realities of the
global transport system based on renewable energy.
Inland multimodal transport is defined as a multi-
level system of connections. It is possible to
distinguish two main modes of communication. Land
vehicle system is shown in Figure 3. The diagram
shows the logistic structure based on distribution
centres (DC). There are two types of transport. The
first, mass transport based mainly on rail connections
and takes place between distribution centres. And the
second, road transport, which at first connects larger
distribution centres with local centres (LD). Then the
goods are distributed locally, where they will finally
reach individual recipients. The structure of land
logistics has a strictly defined hierarchy. The highest
level is determined by the greatest mass and the
greatest distance. Then, in the pursuit of an individual
recipient, there is a descent by further levels. At each
level, the mean of transport is changed and the scale
of the size of the goods is reduced.
Figure 3. Scheme presenting land vehicle transport system.
3.4 Logistics facilities structure
Elements that connect the entire transport network are
logistic service facilities. Logistic facilities create a
kind of structure that is properly adapted to the
system of communication connections. A suitable
supply network consists of buildings with a defined
range of influence. The following types of objects can
be distinguished [8]: Central DC, Regional DC and
Local DC.
Figure 4 presents a scheme for distribution
facilities system. According to this structure the
movement of goods is regulated. Each of these
facilities has its own specificity. The multitude of
definitions of the logistics centre[18] itself indicates a
large diversification of the operation of logistics
structures. In addition, the listed features of this type
of facilities represent the functional spectrum without
which the supply chain could not work.
Figure 4. Organizational scheme for land distribution
facilities system.
Container terminal is also an element of the land
transport system. The development of this type of
facilities should take into account a design approach
focused on optimization of exploitation, which can be
achieved by implementing a multi-criteria approach
in the design process [11] with respect to transport
structures in terms of the global system impact. From
a design perspective, such multi-functional structures
will be crucial in order to achieve an ecologically
sustainable approach. Organizationally, these types of
objects are integrating connectors between land and
sea paths.
The development of the logistics structure on land
depends on the method of shaping the port structure.
Both locally and at longer distances from land. After
analysing the development of the various phases for a
Spatial Model on Logistics Sites in the Port Hinterland
[22], it shows that the greatest pressure of
accumulation of goods is on the edges of land and sea.
This structure then becomes even more densified. This
process should be revised. Perhaps port development
should aim at minimizing the size in favour of
optimizing transit.
Thus, connexion with a container terminal in the
structure described above may be crucial for the
organization of the distribution process, but it will
mainly depend on the way in which it operates. Two
types of relations within the land distribution facilities
structure are presented in Figure 5. First a) is a
standard relation with the container terminal and
logistics facilities. Second b) defines the container
terminal as a Central Distribution Centre. There are
significant differences between the presented
diagrams, which affect the way of operation. Taking
into account the structure of operation and the
integration of all transport systems involved in this
structure, it will entail appropriate design
requirements for a dedicated port facility.
Figure 5. Relations within the land distribution facilities
structure a) connection between container terminal and
central Distribution Centre, b) container terminal with
central DC within the land distribution structure.
Designing the structure, two-way traffic movement
should be taken into account, where both the receipt
and the release of goods should take place in parallel.
The generally accepted design solution for container
terminals seems to be appropriate for the quantitative
optimization of the transport of goods. However, in
the future, transport should be focused on qualitative
optimization. Logistics units should be designed for
the fastest possible shipment of goods and
distribution of them. Where also the size of the facility
should be optimized in order to save land, the layout
of the loading cranes together with the IT system to
increase parallel operations. As different container
terminal systems have different parameters [6] in
terms of environmental impact assessment, the
building in question, which provides this function,
should be focused on optimization in the direction of
minimizing energy consumption.
The guidelines for the design of this facility are the
reduction of the container path between the means of
transport, which in the process of full automation will
allow for more detailed supervision over the
operation and ensure greater safety. In addition, the
intensity of the containers stored on site is reduced, as
the terminal will serve better in distribution nor
collecting. This may be a remedy for the reported
problems [5] of container terminals.
4.1 Functional programme
As defined [23], the coordination of interests requires
a coordination centre, i.e. an integrator, which in the
context of globalization becomes virtual and acquires
the features of a cyber-physical system, the role of
which may be played by transport and logistics
To determine this specialised building structure at
first is defined the proper functional program with
defined basic purposes ensuring the operation of all
specified elements of the transport system. The
functional program is presented in Table 1.
Table 1. Building functional program.
Symbol Description Connections
S ship landing place A, M, V
R1 railway depot V, A, M
R2 road depot V, A, M
A transhipment area O, M, S, R1, R2
M automated multi-lift matrix O, A, S, R1, R2
O offices A, M, V
V autonomous vessel service S, R1, R2
The logistics structure from the mathematical point
of view can be presented by a graph ( Figure 6.)
within the entire building multicriteria model.
Implementation of reaction connections between all
elements complete the structure of overall model. The
structure form with a hierarchical layout containing:
Lifecycle phases (p1, p2, …),
Basic Criteria (b1, b2, …),
Multifunctional Building System (F, C, T, e1, g1,
Stakeholders group (s1, s2, …).
Figure 6. Building multicriteria model scheme with logistics
facility functional structure.
The actual multifunctional building design process
expands its scope to reach every possible impact it
brings. Due to the above specified basic criteria the
design process needs to consider the whole building
lifecycle. It is necessary to predict what will happen
with the system elements when they reach their
timeline, what is possible to do with them, how to
replace them. Application of the lifecycle enables also
optimization at the level of building design, structure
realization and building operation. Presented
Lifecycle Phases are:
Initial Work (p1),
Concept (p2),
Project (p3),
Construction (p4),
Exploitation (p5),
Waste (p6),
Recycling (p7). [25]
Global tendencies of building development
throughout analysing contemporary goals for urban
areas must meet the most objective criteria. Well
known criteria like aesthetics and functionality are
supported by specified durability parameters. It is
crucial for multifunctional building to predict the
influence on natural environment, to guarantee the
safety of people, to plan effectiveness of the
investment and give a possibility for easy functional
adaptation to the dynamically changing needs of
users. Below are defined Basic Criteria:
Aesthetics (b1),
Functionality (b2),
Natural Environment Protection (b3),
System Safety (b4),
System Effectiveness (b5),
Functional Flexibility (b6). [10]
The main core of the Multifunctional Building
System (MBS) is the Internal Functional System (I).
These elements are defined by the functional
programme, the building construction and applied
technologies. It is a structure defined by the main
building characteristics:
Functional System (F),
Construction System (C),
Technology System (T).
External Functional System (E) are all
characteristics of the city context environment for the
defined building structure. They have a connection or
direct influence on the system core, the Internal
Functional System (I). In the system structure this
subsystem is placed between the internal part and the
global environment. Included system components are:
Weather Conditions System (e1),
Urban Greenery System (e2),
Urban Functional System (e3),
Social Network System (e4),
Technical Infrastructure System (e5),
City Logistics System (e6),
City Transportation System (e7).
Global Environment System (G) is defined with
subsystems in a wide range. These elements define
general principals regarding main causes and the
main effects of the structure formation. Presented
subsystems are:
Natural Environment System (g1),
Social System (g2),
Legal System (g3),
Economic System (g4),
Geographic System (g5),
Land Management System (g6).
Multifunctional building design involves multiple
stakeholders within the process. They participate in
the design and assessment process, when the
building's essential function and infrastructure are
defined [20]. In multifunctional building design
process following Stakeholders Group (S) is involved:
consortium of the construction investment (s1),
architect (s2),
project manager (s3),
construction industries engineers (s4),
safety engineer (s5),
contractors of construction work (s6).
material suppliers (s7),
technology providers (s8),
recycling company (s9),
local government (s10),
local community (s11),
public services (s12),
facility staff (s13),
building users (s14),
property administrator (s15),
real estate market regulator (s16),
insurance company (s17). [11]
Nodes - present physical functional spaces and
edges - present dynamic paths of decisional and
functional flow of information. In general this
network presents the whole building structure with
detailing the two way connections for land and sea
logistics interference. Parameter M automated
multi-lift matrix was proposed in the functional
structure F, which is an innovative element, however,
this would not be possible to provide without the
entire architectural structure. The lifts are in a grid
system and move in many ways and in different
directions. The multi-lift matrix is a critical element
that optimizes the logistics handling performance.
According to the diagram, it is in central position and
its task is to connect all means of transport.
4.2 Terminal layout and design context
Definition of functional program and analysing the
functional connections enables creation of the
structure layout and after that presenting model in the
city context. Port logistics facility functional scheme is
presented in Figure 7. Large rectangle drawn with
dotted line shows the structure suspended above the
transhipment area. An automated lifting mechanism
was suspended from it, while the space above was
used for service and offices. In addition, in order to
meet more stringent ecological requirements, the roof
of the facility can be equipped with a photovoltaic
installation that can support the operation as well as
magnetic berthing. The presented system enables fast
intermodal reloading. The handling of two quays
enables reloading from a large facility to two smaller
ones at the same time. It may be an important feature
for this type of facilities, due to the possibility of using
inland waterways.
Figure 7. Port logistics facility functional scheme.
Figure 8. Port logistics facility. View from the open sea.
Figure 9. Port logistics facility. View from the waterfront.
Presented multifunctional system for logistics
facility has a model and conceptual structure. Modern
IT, technological and mechanical possibilities make it
possible to create this type of systems in reality. In
order to meet the needs of automated means of
transport, the presented model introduces automated
handling to a new level. This will require a change in
the approach to cargo travel planning. Where, during
shipping, a given module is located in the structure of
individual means of transport.
With regard to architectural aesthetics, industrial
facilities also determine the quality of urban space.
Perhaps the presented conception is a proposal for
intensively developed urban areas, where it is
necessary to limit logistics container space, and at the
same time create an aesthetic representational port
city landscape.
The presented results refer to the optimization of the
design of multi-functional structures for servicing
port logistics centres. The results of the research
presented include a new look at the elements of the
current logistic structures. The main results of the
assumptions indicate:
ensuring, in the layout of the container terminal
facility, the possibility of handling goods reloading
adapted to autonomous maritime and land
transforming a container terminal into a multi-
level logistics centre closely connected with the
hierarchical arrangement of land distribution
enabling the improvement of logistics operations
in the local context by providing the service of
autonomous means of local transport;
matching the berth and size of maritime transport
vessels as an integrated structure with cargo
handling devices;
optimizing the layout of land objects in terms of
the hierarchy of distribution of goods;
expansion of the scope of activities of a container
terminal with distribution centre possibilities will
reduce the number of central distribution centres
within the land facilities system;
optimization for basic transhipment from ship to
rail will reduce mass road transport, which role
will be limited to local distribution only;
reducing size of container terminal will save a lot
of valuable coastal space for the benefit of urban
Currently, each dedicated specialistic logistic
facility develops its own logistics infrastructure. It
would be possible to expand the activities of multi-
functional structures, striving to develop intermodal
transport in these areas.
Despite the fact that this type of facility introduces
many improvements in the operation of the direct
location supply chain, it imposes restrictions on the
size of the ships handled.
Looking from the architectural point of view the
port cities with their port facilities of the future can be
designed in a compact and optimized manner, so that
they do not interfere with the urban space while
striving to optimize efficiency.
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