Transport is one of more important factors affecting
economic development. Therefore, security should go
hand in hand with developing infrastructure [1].
Railway transport, due to its features, plays significant
role in transport of passengers and cargos [2-3].
Therefore, its systems affect the functioning,
efficiency, quality of transport service and level of
sense of security [4].
Security is a state giving a sense of certainty of
existence and guarantees to maintain it. It is
characterized by permissible level of the risk of loss of
something very significant for an individual (health,
life, tangible and intangible goods, work). The sense
of security is a basic need of humans, social groups
and states and international structures. Not being able
to ensure security causes a sense of danger and
anxiety. Human, social group, state, international
systems are trying to affect their internal and external
environment to avert or eliminate threats, eliminating
fears, uncertainty and anxiety [11].
According to the authors of this publication,
security can be defined as „processing ability,
independence, identity, options of development,
stability of existence” or as „state of freedom from
threats, as freedom of action not associated with a
sense of danger” [12]. Whereas, safety of railway
traffic is „all technical and organizational actions
allowing safe movement of railway vehicles and
security of the workers and passengers” [26]. In
accordance with definition from Ir-8 instruction
manual on procedure in the event of accidents and
incidents in railway transport: „Safety of railway
traffic is the lack of unacceptable risk of damage in
connection with execution of transport processes
using railway infrastructure” [27].
Diagnostics of Causes, Needs and Options of
mprovement of Security in Railway Transport
. Kuśmińska-Fijałkowska
, Z. Łukasik
, J. Kozyra
& S. Olszańska
Kazimierz Pułaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom, Radom, Poland
University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów, Rzeszów, Poland
ABSTRACT: Ensuring safety of railway traffic is one of the most important goals of every state. All incidents
connected with security that take place in the networks of railway lines result in taking actions aimed at
elimination of similar situations in the future. The elements affecting security of the railway system include:
technical condition of railway infrastructure and rolling stock, applicable law, people, that is, professional
qualifications and proper performance of tasks by the workers.
The authors formulated the following research problem: what are the strengths of railway security, and what
should be improved? The methodology of qualitative analysis was applied. The survey research on the level of
security and diagnostics of causes, needs and options of improvement of security in rail transport were
conducted. Broad analysis and inference were conducted. The directions of improvement of security in
supervisory, technical, organizational and operational terms in railway transport were presented in this article.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 16
Number 2
June 2022
DOI: 10.12716/1001.16.02.17
The sense of security and self-confidence are the
values that should be provided to the passengers at
every stage of a transport process [8]. Above
assumptions have significant impact on shaping safe
transport systems and areas of influence (Fig. 1).
Moreover, tiredness and distraction of the engine
drivers may cause the loss of concentration and slow
reactions, causing dangerous behaviours while
driving such as excessive speed. [23] The scientists
combined subjective reports, physiological parameters
and physical factors to develop the algorithms of
detection of tiredness and distraction of the engine
drivers [22], [24].
Figure 1. Security system in railway transport
Railway infrastructure is „railway lines and other
structures, buildings and devices along with land
occupied by them, situated in the railway area, for
management, transport of people and goods, as well
as maintenance of property of an administrator of
infrastructure necessary for this purpose” [13].
Infrastructure of in railway transport is divided
into nodal and linear [6]. Nodal infrastructure consists
of operational points (operation points), expedition
points, network of stations (passenger, freight,
junction and intermediate). Nodal infrastructure also
includes handling points and extended logistic centres
along with rail-sea and rail-road terminals.
Linear infrastructure consists of the railroads,
which can be divided in terms of permissible speed of
trains and of intensity of transport into [14]:
of local importance;
In the European countries, geographic density of
railway network amounts to about 6,2 km per 100
km2. Quick and free movement of people and cargos
in the domestic logistic system depends on the
condition and availability of technological
infrastructure of various branches of transport [5], [7].
Due to geographical situation, railway network in
Poland plays fundamental role in international
transport of goods and passengers in Europe. Poland
is also a place of junction of European broad gauge
network 1520 mm with standard gauge network 1435
mm (Fig. 2).
Polish transport system is a part of the European
network. One of the key elements of the European
network is Transeuropean Transport Network (TEN-
T). TEN-T has been designed to increase efficiency of
functioning of common market and to provide
internal economic coherence of the European Union
Figure 2. Maximum timetable speeds on the railway lines in
Poland [16]
In Poland, transport activity in passenger railway
transport in 2020 was lower than in 2019 - 12 654 bn
passenger kilometres (Fig. 3). In comparison with
previous years, the share of major long-distance
carrier, that is, PKP Intercity, has clearly decreased. It
was caused by the pandemic that considerably limited
long-distance transport of the passengers using
railway branch of transport.
Figure 3. Transport activity in passenger railway transport
in the years 20112020 [18]
During pandemic of coronavirus in 2020, the
number of started trains has become a very important
determinant, which gave the share of passenger
carriers according to transport activity (Fig. 4).
Figure 4. The share of passenger carriers according to
transport activity in 2020 [18]
The impact of coronavirus epidemic on transport
of goods was less perceptible in comparison with
passenger transport. The results for 2020, although
they were worse than in 2019, show that transport of
goods by train in Poland has large potential. (Fig. 5.)
Figure 5. Mass of cargos in railway freight transport in the
years 20102020 [18]
The last year brought major changes in market
share of some carriers. The role of the enterprises
functioning on the market of railway transport has
increased in recent years. It is connected with such
phenomena as: better access to the railway carriages
and locomotives due to larger number of entities
lending the rolling stock, aspirations to shorten
supply chain (especially in the event of the operators
of intermodal terminals), emergence of the entities
providing services only in a specific geographical
range carriers working on the border areas, or
creation of the railway enterprises for the purposes of
execution of activity auxiliary to the main activity of
the enterprises like, for example, in the sector of the
producers of aggregates, or making infrastructural
investments. The highest share in terms of mass and
transport activity still had PKP Cargo (Fig. 6.)
Figure 6. The share of the carriers of goods in the market in
terms of mass in 2020 more than 0,5% [18]
Safety of railway traffic depends on working
conditions of an engine driver [10]. Therefore, in
order to improve security, comprehensive actions
supporting the work of this group are required [19],
[21]. It must be emphasized that new rules of
examinations shall apply in Poland since 2023. The
changes shall be applicable only to the engine drivers.
On the one hand, appropriate training is necessary
since the beginning of professional career, on the
other hand, work should be supported by modern
technology compatible with global solutions [20].
The goal of conducted research was to present
strengths of railway security and what should be
improved [17]. 50 engine drivers driving rail vehicles
of a railway company with a registered office in the
Mazovia province took part in the survey research.
The respondents were men and women. They filled in
the questionnaire on their own. The respondents
answered for 22 closed-end questions. Information
obtained as a result of conducting the survey research
1. Age, sex and education.
2. The degree of perception of railway transport as a
safe means of transport.
3. Determination of the number of railway accidents
(collisions, derailments, incidents on the crossings,
incidents involving people caused by moving
railway vehicle and fires of a railway vehicle).
4. Determination of the number of incidents
(incidents different than accident or serious
accident affecting security).
5. The frequency of accidents involving unauthorized
people while crossing the railroads.
6. The frequency of accidents involving people
committing suicide and suicide attempts.
7. Determination of frequency of accidents involving
people on the rail-road crossings.
8. The degree of thefts and destructions of railway
9. Determination of the number of train robberies and
thefts of the parcels.
10. The frequency of incidents connected with
throwing objects at trains.
11. The obstacles on the tracks.
12. The assessment of technical condition of the rolling
13. Determination of frequency of failure of the rolling
14. Non-observance of the principle of 11-hour
uninterrupted rest of the workers.
15. Non-observance, at least once every four weeks, of
the principle of one free Sunday.
16. Working at night-time longer than for two
subsequent nights.
17. Being forced to work during sick leave.
18. Working for more than 12 hours during one shift.
19. The frequency of compliance with substitute
signals or written orders.
In accordance with the assumptions, men and
women at the age between 19 and 60 took part in the
survey research. Table 1 presents the sample group in
terms of sex.
Table 1. Description of the sample group of the respondents
in terms of sex
Gender of the respondents Number of respondents %
Women 4 8
Men 46 92
Together 50 100
In the sample group, there are only four women
working as an engine driver (Table 1). This profession
is relatively not popular among women due to the
character of work and source of impact of
electromagnetic field [9].
The second question in the survey questionnaire
distinguished the respondents in terms of their age. In
the sample group, age range is uneven. The largest
group of the respondents were young people at the
age between 19 and 25 and between 26 and 40. The
respondents at the age between 19 and 25 were 28% of
all respondents, and the largest group of the
respondents were at the age between 26 and 40 (52%),
half of the respondents. Another group consists of
people at the age between 41 and 50 - 12%. The
smallest group of the respondents taking part in the
survey were people at the age between 51 and above
60. (Fig. 7.)
Figure 7. Description of the sample group of the
respondents age range
Question 1 referred to education of the engine
drivers. Data show that among respondents, the
largest group consists of people having secondary
education (64%). Large percentage of the respondents
have had higher education (22%). In the sample
group, there are no people who have had elementary
education (Table 2)
Table 2. Description of the sample group of the respondents
in terms of education
Education Number of respondents %
Basic 0 0
Vocational 7 14
Medium 32 64
Higher 11 22
Question no. 2 referred to security of means of
transport. 58% of the respondents answered that
railway transport is a safe means of transport.
Whereas, 36% of them that it is rather a safe means of
transport, and only 6% had no opinion on this subject.
In the sample group, there are no people who think
that railway transport is not a safe means of transport.
The opinions about security of railway transport were
presented in Table 3.
Table 3. Safety of the means of railway transport
Safety of the means Number of respondents %
of railway transport
Yes 29 58
Probably yes 18 36
I do not know 3 6
Question 3 referred to the number of railway
accidents (collisions, derailments, incidents on the
crossings, incidents involving people caused by a
moving railway vehicle and fires of a railway vehicle)
during professional career of the respondents. Figure
8 shows that during their professional career, 60% of
the respondents had no railway accident. 22% of the
respondents had between 1 and 5 railway accidents.
Only small number of the respondents answered that
the number of accidents was larger than 11. This fact
shows that railway transport is safe.
Figure 8. Railway accidents, incidents, collisions,
Question 3 referred to serious railway incidents
(incidents with at least one fatality, at least five
heavily injured people, causing considerable damage
to the railway vehicles, infrastructure). Conducted
research showed that during their professional career,
65% of the respondents had no serious railway
accident. 22% of the respondents had between 1 and 5
serious railway accidents. 3% of the respondents
answered that the number of accidents was larger
than 11. (Fig. 9.)
Figure 9. The accidents during professional career of the
engine drivers
Question 4 referred to the number of incidents
(incidents different than accident or serious accident,
connected with railway traffic and affecting its
security) during professional career. Conducted
research showed that during their professional career,
68% of the respondents had no incident. 14% of the
respondents had between 1 and 5 incidents. None of
the respondents had between 11 and 15 incidents. 10%
of the respondents answered that the number of
accidents was larger than 15 (Table 4).
Table 4. The number of incidents during professional career
Answers given Number of respondents %
0 34 68
1-5 7 14
6-10 4 8
11-15 5 10
Above 15 5 10
Question 5 referred to the accidents involving
people crossing the railroads. 88% of the respondents
had no accidents involving unauthorized people
crossing the railroads. Only one person said that
above incidents are frequent phenomenon. It means
that railroads are not crossed by unauthorized people
who are not railway workers. Perhaps, it results from
the fact that people know how dangerous is
unauthorized staying on the tracks (Table 5).
Table 5. The accidents of unauthorized people while
crossing the railroads
Answers given Number of respondents %
Not 44 88
Probably not 3 6
Probably yes 2 4
Yes 1 2
Question 6 referred to the frequency of accidents
involving suicides and suicide attempts of the
outsiders. 76% of the respondents said that accidents
involving people committing suicides and suicide
attempts are not frequent phenomenon. Only one
person said that such accidents are frequent (Fig. 10).
Figure 10. The frequency of suicides and suicide attempts of
the outsiders
The respondents (question 7) were also asked how
frequently they have accidents involving people on
the rail-road crossings. 82% of the respondents
answered that accidents involving people on the
railway crossings never take place. Only one person
said that above incidents are frequent phenomenon.
Data probably show awareness and responsibility of
people staying on the railway crossings and risks and
threats (Fig. 11).
Figure 11. The accidents involving people on the rail-road
Question 8 referred to theft and destruction of
railway infrastructure. Thefts and destructions of
railway infrastructure are not frequent phenomenon.
Such answer was given by 28%. Only 6% said that
thefts and destructions of railway infrastructure are
frequent phenomenon (Table 6).
Table 6. Thefts and destructions of railway infrastructure
Thefts and devastation of the Number of %
railway infrastructure respondents
Not 28 56
Probably not 9 18
I do not know 3 6
Probably yes 4 8
Yes 6 12
Question 9 referred to the frequency of train
robberies and thefts of the parcels. 80% of the
respondents said train robberies and thefts of the
parcels never happen. Only 2 respondents answered
that such phenomena rather occur (Table 7).
Table 7. The frequency of train robberies and thefts of the
Frequency of train robberies Number of %
and thefts of parcels respondents
Not 40 80
Probably not 6 12
Probably yes 2 4
Yes 2 4
Question 10 referred to the frequency of incidents
connected with throwing objects at trains.
66% of the respondents have never faced such
phenomenon. Whereas, 26% them answered that no
one threw objects at their railway vehicles. 4% of the
respondents said that such phenomenon occurs
frequently (Table 8).
Table 8. Throwing objects at railway carriages
Railway carriages Number of %
forging events respondents
Not 33 66
Probably not 13 26
I do not know 0 0
Probably yes 2 4
Yes 2 4
Then, question 11 was connected with the
frequency of the obstacles on the tracks. The obstacles
on the tracks are rather not left behind (54%). As
many as 30% of the respondents said that this
phenomenon is not frequent. Only 4% of the
respondents said that obstacles often appear on the
tracks (Table 9).
Table 9. The obstacles on the tracks
The answers given Number of respondents %
Not 15 30
Probably not 27 54
I do not know 1 2
Probably yes 5 10
Yes 2 4
Question 12 referred to the assessment of technical
condition of the rolling stock. 46% of the respondents
answered that technical condition of the rolling stock
was good, 40% answered that it was sufficient, and
6% of the respondents that its condition was very
good. Whereas, only 4% of the respondents said that
condition of the rolling stock was bad. It shows that
general technical condition of the rolling stock was
sufficiently good (Fig. 12).
Figure 12. The assessment of technical condition of the
rolling stock
Question 13 referred to the frequency of incidents
connected with failure of the rolling stock. The
failures of a train rather never happened to 56% of the
respondents, and 30% said that such phenomenon is
not frequent. This fact is very satisfactory because
rolling stock used for movement of people and goods
is, according to the respondents, practically failure-
free (Table 10).
Table 10. The failures of the rolling stock
Rolling stock failures Number of respondents %
Not 36 72
Probably not 3 6
I do not know 3 6
Probably yes 5 10
Yes 3 6
Question 14 referred to the frequency of incidents
of non-observance by the workers of the principle of
11-hour uninterrupted rest. Non-observance of the
principle of 11-hour uninterrupted rest never
happened to 76% of the respondents. Only 6% of the
engine drivers faced mentioned phenomenon.
Conducted research showed that in most cases,
employer tries to observe the regulations on rest of the
workers (Table 11).
Table 11. Non-observance of the principle of 11-hour
uninterrupted rest
Failure to keep 11 hours Number of %
of uninterrupted rest respondents
Not 36 72
Probably not 3 6
I do not know 3 6
Probably yes 5 10
Yes 3 6
Sunday Non-observance of the principle of one
free Sunday at least once every four weeks never
happened to 56% of the respondents. 22% of the
respondents faced mentioned phenomenon (Table 12).
Table 12. Non-observance of the principle of one free
The answers given Number of respondents %
Not 28 56
Probably not 6 12
I do not know 0 0
Probably yes 5 10
Yes 11 22
The respondents (question 16) were asked about
working at night-time longer than for two subsequent
nights. The majority of the workers did not work at
night-time longer than for two subsequent nights
(40%). 28% of the respondents said that it rather never
happened, whereas, mentioned phenomenon
happened to the 24% of the respondents (Table 13). In
the above case, employer also tries to observe the
regulations on working at night-time. It is alarming
that in the event of large number of the workers,
employer does not observe above regulation.
Table 13. Working at night-time longer than for two
subsequent nights
The answers given Number of respondents %
Not 20 40
Probably not 14 28
I do not know 3 6
Probably yes 1 2
Yes 12 24
The goal of the next question no. 17 was to analyse
whether the respondents have ever worked during
sick leave. Conducted research showed that this
phenomenon never happened to the engine drivers
(Table 14).
Table 14. Working during sick leave
The answers given Number of respondents %
Not 50 100
Question 18 referred to working for more than 12
hours during one shift. Conducted research showed
that 54% of the respondents said that they worked
longer than their applicable working time provides
for. It is alarming because regulations clearly prohibit
working for more than 12 hours during one shift. It
may result in making more mistakes by the engine
drivers because tired worker is not efficient. Only 30%
of the respondents said that they did not work for
more than 12 hours during one shift (Fig. 13).
Figure 13. Non-observance of the principle of 11-hour
uninterrupted rest
Finally, the respondents (question 19) were asked
how often they had to comply with substitute signals
or written orders while driving the train. This
phenomenon occurs frequently (40%) and rather
frequently (36%) (Fig. 14). It shows that there are
many faults of railway traffic control devices, which
during failure force the workers dealing with railway
traffic control to frequently give written orders or
using substitute signals, which may in consequence
may pose a threat to security of the railway transport.
Driving on incorrectly surfaced route and incorrectly
transmitted information are the most frequent causes
of accidents.
Figure 14. Compliance with substitute signals or written
Conducting survey research in a group of the
respondents working as an engine driver within the
scope of safety of railway traffic allowed to draw
significant conclusions. The majority of the
respondents were men, working as an engine driver at
the age between 19 and 60.
During their professional career, 60% of the
respondents had no railway accident. The survey
showed that 68% of the engine drivers never had an
incident that would affect security. Whereas, 88% of
the respondents had no accident involving outsiders
in the railway area. Next part of the questions referred
to the frequency of accidents involving suicide
attempts. More than 75% of the respondents said that
such phenomena are not frequent. The results of the
research are very satisfactory because they show high
degree of security in the railway transport.
Technical condition of the rolling stock is very
important. 46% of the engine drivers think that
condition of the rolling stock is good and 40% that it
is sufficient. More than half of the respondents said
that trains are failure-free.
Another important factor affecting security on the
railway lines is comfort of work of an engine driver,
rest and performance of obligations in accordance
with applicable working time, along with rest breaks.
More than 70% of the respondents never worked for
11 hours without rest break. Unfortunately, more than
50% of the respondents performed their obligations
for more than 12 hours during one shift.
Properly surfaced and secured route plays a
significant role in terms of accidents, incidents and
events. The faults in devices and permanent
modernization of railway lines forces the workers to
comply with substitute signals and written orders.
Conducted research showed that it is a frequent
phenomenon (40%). Every mistake, violated
regulation and erroneous transmission of information
may turn out to be a direct threat to security.
The directions of improvement of security of railway
transport in Poland refer, above all, to the following
issues [15]:
conditions of security of railway system;
task force for monitoring of the level of security of
railway sector;
supervision of the entities of railway market;
an analysis of railway incidents;
an analysis of the accidents, serious accidents and
railway incidents; incidents involving
unauthorized people staying in the railway area;
incidents involving people beyond the crossings in
the stations and trails;
suicides and suicide attempts;
security on the rail-road crossings;
accidents on the crossings;
improvement of security on the rail-road crossings;
acts of hooliganism on the railway network;
thefts and destructions of railway infrastructure;
train robberies and thefts of the parcels;
throwing objects at trains; obstacles on the tracks;
the assessment of technical condition of railway
the assessment of technical condition of the
railway vehicles;
technical condition of the rolling stock; failure rate
of the rolling stock;
supervision of the entities of railway sector;
supervisory actions taken by the chairman of the
Railway Transport Office;
supervision of security management systems in
railway transport;
supervision over qualifications of the railway staff;
supervision of working time of the engine drivers
employed in a few entities;
supervisory actions taken on the railway crossings;
the controls of the causes of application of
substitute signals.
To sum up, it can be said that the issue of security
of railway transport will always be topical and should
be practically constantly monitored, analysed and
The railway carriers and administrators of railway
infrastructure, all subcontractors, operators of the
traction vehicles are responsible for safety of railway
traffic, as well as entities responsible for their
In order to improve security of traffic on the
railway lines and improve Security Management
System (SMS), supervisory, technical and
organizational and operational actions are taken, that
organization of the contest „security is the most
trainings of the workers using simulators of
railway traffic control and communication devices;
sobriety checks of the workers connected with
security of traffic control;
supervision of operation points;
listening to the conversations between engine
drivers and train dispatchers;
psychophysical trainings;
application of protective systems, which would be
installed both in the vehicles and railway
running campaigns making people aware of the
scale of the problem of people crossing the railroad
tracks in forbidden places, leaving behind the
obstacles on the tracks;
equipping railway crossings with additional
warning and security devices;
preventive actions of the police and international
initiatives for elimination of threats connected with
destruction of property and theft;
modernization and other actions connected with
improvement of condition of railway
infrastructure: extensive replacement of railway
permanent way, modernization of railway
crossings, replacement of railway traffic control
devices and heavy current engineering;
the use of DSAT devices in order to detect
malfunctions of the rolling stock threatening safety
of railway traffic: hot axle boxes, brakes,
deformations of the wheels, exceeding dynamic
loading on the track;
implementation of the register of engine drivers in
order to control working time of the engine drivers
employed in a few entities;
supervisory and administrative actions of the
chairman of the Railway Transport Office towards
the administrators of infrastructure
within the scope of the causes of application of
substitute signals.
Regardless of the quality of training of the engine
drivers, human will always be exposed to the risk of
error. Therefore, it is also important to invest in
technical devices and systems supporting the work of
the engine drivers. Security in railway transport
should be constantly improved along with
technological progress within this scope. It must be
emphasized that the main goal of development of
strategy of transport is to increase transport
availability, improving also security of traffic
participants and efficiency of transport sector,
through creation of coherent, balanced and user-
friendly transport system in national, European and
global dimension.
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