and then processing and forwarding this data to
Master Station or Ground Control Stations (GCS).
Thus, GCS terminals provide processing of GNSS data
to determine the differential corrections and bounds
on the residual errors for each monitored satellite.
They are also providing determination of the clock,
ephemeris and ionospheric errors (ionospheric
corrections are broadcast for a selected area) affected
during propagation. The corrections and integrity
information from the GCS terminal are then sent to
each RSAS CES and uplinked to the GEO Satellites.
These separate differential corrections are
broadcast by RSAS CES through GEO SDL via GNSS
transponder on the same frequency used by the not
augmented GPS receiver. The augmented GPS
receiver (Rx) receives augmented signals of GPS
satellite and determines the more accurate position of
ships. The not-augmented GPS Rx can also receive
augmented signals if the appropriate software or
hardware is provided. The most important stage in
this network is to provide a technical solution so that
the augmented position of ships can be automatically
sent via SDL or voice to CES and STC centre. These
positioning signals can be processed by a special
processor and displayed on look like radar display,
whish the traffic controller uses for STC and STM
enhanced ship traffic control and improved collision
avoidance in certain monitoring sea area, (09.12,13).
Today, there are specific shipborne technologies that
were designed for purposes of vessels tracking and
monitoring of oceangoing vessels. For example, R-AIS
network is a good global general radio coverage of
maritime assets, but it is practically not what it was
built for. There are applications for ships in which R-
AIS is good for safety during navigation, but
sometimes it is a problem to get the position of a
cargo ship at night or during extremely bad weather
conditions and poor visibility, or ship navigation
devices are switched off etc. Namely, today
oceangoing ships need discrete and autonomous
systems with their own GNSS receiver that run highly
intelligent satellite tracking devices, such as the
proposed Global Ship Tracking (GST), whose diagram
is shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5. Maritime GST System for Enhanced GMDSS
Network – Source: Ilcev
To sum it up, R-AIS only onboard device improves
the safety of navigation by assisting the Officer of the
Watch (OOW) or whatever entity. It’s pretty easy to
install as well, as R-AIS is generally integrated with
ship bridge navigation systems of GPS and radar or
multifunctional display, but what can happen if
someone intentionally turns off the ship's GPS or
radar or those devices have failed to work
properly.The additional limitations of R-AIS include:
(1) Its information may not be accurate and it could
become overwhelmed; (2) The information could be
misinterpreted; (3) It is not compulsory on every
vessel and operators may deactivate their R-AIS
device; (4) Users must be aware that erroneous
information might be transmitted by the R-AIS from
another ship; The OOW could become over-reliant on
R-AIS service, and (6) The ships position received on
the R-AIS display might not be referenced to the
World Geodetic System (WGS) 84 datum, and also the
information could be misinterpreted.
The flow of R-AIS vessels positioning data is good
and which is also designed to prevent collisions and
identify nearby vessels and even aircraft for safety,
but its reception is unpredictable and unverifiable. In
addition, the R-AIS network is designed on a low
reliability and unknown coverage of land based
transponders and provide delayed reports if is used
satellite S-AIS relays. Thus, all of the above
disadvantages of the R-AIS network may be managed
by commercially controlled and predictable S-AIS
satellite receivers, but R-AIS is not designed or
installed around satellite transmission because the
ship's antenna is linearly polarized and not directed
toward the sky.
On the other hand, the current LRIT satellite
system as the first compulsory equipment onboard
ships designed by the IMO to collect and disseminate
vessel position information received from IMO
member states ships that are subject to the
International Convention for the SOLAS vessels. It is
also obvious that this system is not very successful for
vessel tracking worldwide, because the problem is not
due to ship’s LRIT devices inability, but because of
not at all the functional design of LRIT system and
network. However, the biggest disadvantage of LRIT
network is that it cannot as a GST system to transmit
in real time and space navigation data of adjacent
ships on request of any ship sailing in certain sea area
for collision avoidance, to provide polling of this data
and that LRIT is not able to provide tracking of
missing or captured ships by pirates.
However, the proposed GST solution is able to
provide all service as LRIT does including to provide
tracking of missing and hijacking ships. It is the best
solution for satellite tracking of ships in any real time
and space worldwide, to determine positions of all
ships sailing in vicinity to the ship requesting this
data for collision avoidance or operator can get this
data by polling from Tracking Control Station (TCS).
In fact, using satellite links of GEO or LEO satellites
any ship equipped with GST unit is able to send
automatically its PVT and other data, provided by
GPS and/or GLONASS spacecraft, separately via
Inmarsat, Iridium, Globalstar or Orbcomm satellites to
CES, Internet, TCS and Ships Operations (STC and
STM). In such a way, the TCS terminal can receive