Intensification of human activities regarding new
technologies, especially new substances, progress in
industry and the extension of needs in progressing
civilization, results in increasing anthropogenic
pressure on the oceans and seas environment.
Chemical pollution is one of the most critical threats
to human populations and aquatic ecosystems. Many
substances from industrial activities are released into
natural waters without knowledge of the potential
environmental risk [26, 28].
The Baltic Sea is an inland sea with an area of
374,000 km
, the drainage for which is about four
times greater. The Baltic sea is almost totally
surrounded by land and therefore more endangered
by pollution than other marine areas. As enclosed and
shallow sea, is particularly vulnerable to toxic
pollutants, because it is a cold-water body with
complete renewal time of about ten years [9]. The
residence time of water in central Baltic is 25-30 years.
This is because the Baltic is an almost landlocked
subsidiary sea to the Atlantic Ocean. Only narrow
straits connect it to the North Sea and exchange of
water between the two is therefore restricted. As one
the most sensitive marine ecosystems, the Baltic Sea
has been classified as Particularly Sensitive Sea Area
by the Marine Environment Protection Committee of
the International Maritime Organization.
All the Baltic countries have a very limited area in
marine environment to realize their economic needs
[5]. Ships traffic in the Baltic increases every year.
There are about 2000 ships in the Baltic at any one
time. In the recent years, the transport of
The Impact of Transport on the Quality of Water in the
Port of Gdynia
M. Popek, A. Dereszewska, G. Dembska & G. Pazikowska-Sapota
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: Currently, pollution of the sea by refuse, sewage and emission from transport has become one of
the most important environmental problem. Environmental sustainability in seaport is an issue of timely
importance in Baltic ports given the rapid increase in ports traffic and their location. The Port of Gdynia is an
universal modern port specializing in handling general cargo, mainly unitized cargo transported in containers
and in a ro-ro system. Ships traffic in the Port of Gdynia has increased in recent years. Many of ships carry cargo
that could severally impact costal ecosystems if accidentally released. The common substance is likely oil
because it is present in ships as both cargo and fuel. Sheltered harbour waters favour the accumulation of a fine
fraction of bottom sediments in which pollutants such as heavy metals and organic compounds accumulate.
This paper discusses the situation in the Gdynia Port and its challenges in terms of environmental aspects and
current pollution situation. It is based on data on collected during the period 2012 to 2019.The water
contamination measurement in the docks is performed for reference substances and parameters, according to
the reference methodologies.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 16
Number 1
March 2022
DOI: 10.12716/1001.16.01.20
environmentally hazardous cargo has increased in the
Baltic Sea area. Currently, pollution of the sea by
refuse, sewage and emission from transport has
become one of the most important environmental
problem [11]. Many of the ships carry dangerous
cargo that could impact coastal ecosystems if
accidentally released. The most common substance is
oil, because it is present in ships as both cargo and
fuel [12]. The Baltic sea is an exposed to petroleum
hydrocarbons due to intense shipping covering as
much as 15 % of the world transport. It is estimated
that annually from 21 to 55 thousand tons of these
contaminants reaches the Baltic Sea [22].
Chemicals are also discharged into the water as
wastes of the industrial towns located on the cost. One
of the most polluted areas along the Baltic coast is the
Gulf of Gdansk. It is affected by chemical pollution
and by eutrophication. High concentration of the
detergents, pesticides, polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons and heavy metals have been found. The
biochemical oxygen demand in the coastal of the Gulf
of Gdansk is higher than in the water of the Baltic Sea.
Environmental sustainability in sea ports is an issue of
timely importance in many countries given the rapid
increase in port-to-port traffic and port capacity. The
possible reduction of current ports impact on living
environment should be huge due to the fact that the
port is a place where the transport and logistic
intersect and constitute industrial estates. In port
areas, together with own and external use and
activities developed in its surroundings, the
conditions favour the intensification of sedimentary
processes and the gradual contamination of their
bottom. Toxic and persistent pollutants can
accumulate in sediment particles and, under certain
circumstances, be absorbed by aquatic organisms or
plants. Several researches showed that concentrations
of heavy metals in sediment are far higher than the
concentration of dissolved metals in the water bodies.
Marine sediment acts as both sink and source for
heavy metals [7]. Ship moving in the port can lead to
sediment displacement, release of chemicals and
secondary pollution of seawater. Additionally, coal
dust contamination in marine sediments has high
binding affinity for particle-reactive contaminants.
Walker, et al. (2013) reported, that sediments sampled
near the coal loading facilities in Sydney Harbour
(Canada), had significantly higher contaminant
concentrations compared with other harbour
sediments. Such a phenomenon may lead to changes
in the status of sea waters, e.g. near the port channels
To reduce pollution and improve the situation in
the Baltic sea, surrounding countries organized the
Convention on the Protection of the Marine
Environment of the Baltic Sea Area, known as
Helsinki Convention, which come into force in 1980.
The Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) founded in
1974 acts as coordinator and is responsible for the
enforcement of the Baltic monitoring program and
international research project. The HELCOM Baltic
Sea Action Plan is an example of voluntary initiative
of countries wishing to have a healthy sea back [20].
The activities of HELCOM have led to the reduction
of dangerous pollutants which in turn has caused the
regeneration of flora and fauna in some areas.
Furthermore, the Action Plan distinguishes between
measures that can be implemented at regional or
national level, and measures that require
implementation at EU or international level [2].
The European Union Marine Strategy Framework
Directive (MSFD) aims to establish effective
protection of the EU marine waters by putting in place
a common framework for marine policy, which
corresponds to the declared aims of the HELCOM
Baltic Sea Action Plan [1]. The preoccupation for
marine pollution produced the publication of
Directive 2008/105/CE [30], which established the
environmental quality standards (EQS) for priority
substances and other pollutants and Directive
2009/90/CE in 2009 [29], with the technical
specifications for the chemical analysis and the
monitoring of the ecological status. Because of high
risk of pollution with chemical substances, the port
water should be tested continuously in order to
reduce the inflow of pollutants into the sea and
improve environmental management in harbours.
Test results for samples of water collected in year
2011-2019 from the channels of the Port of Gdynia are
presented in this paper. A review of the result of test
on the content of heavy metals and petroleum
hydrocarbons are discussed. The BOD/COD
parameter is also calculated.
The Port of Gdynia is one of the major international
seaport located in the central part of the southern
Baltic coast, in the western coast of the Gulf of Gdansk
(Poland). This port covers a total area of 7, 55km
has a total quayside length of 17,7 km [7]. It consist of
the West Port (Inner port) and the East Port (outer
port) and is protected year-round by a 2,5 km
breakwater and never freezes over during winter [16].
Although the it is protected year-round by the outer
breakwater, which prevents mixing form currents or
high waves in the port, during strong easterly winds it
can decrease by as much as 0,6m and during sustained
strong westerly winds the water level can rise by up
to 0,6m. This phenomenon may cause intensive
movement of water and lead to direct and consistent
distribution of water toward individual docks. The
individual docks of the Port of Gdynia provide easy
access to the water mass from the sea. Taking into
account this fact it may be assumed that storms and
winds may play natural role in the transport of water
mass in the port channels [17].
The Port of Gdynia is an universal modern port
specializing in handling general cargo, mainly
unitized cargo transported in containers and in a ro-ro
system. The services are provided through a network
of multimodal transport connections with the
hinterland and through short sea shipping and ferry
connections. The Port of Gdynia is an important link
in the Corridor VI of the Trans-European Transport
Network (TEN-T) and plays an important role in the
economic development of Pomerania Region and in
creating a sustainable society.
Efficiency in operations and high quality services
provided by the port are aimed at consolidating its
market position.
The coastal zone of the Southern Baltic sea is
strongly influenced by anthropogenic inputs derived
from industry tourism and shipping [14]. The
characteristics of some of them are presented below.
2.1 Oil pollutants
The international sea transportation is responsible for
the carriage of approximately 90 % of world trade,
contributing to a substantial oil and chemical
pollution. The Gulf of Gdansk and Port Gdynia are an
area exposed to petroleum hydrocarbons due to
highly developed shipping. Oil pollutants present in
sea water mainly coming from ship drivers, tankers,
pipelines or sea bottom seeps, moreover oil leaks from
offshore extraction equipment also are possible. Most
of the minor cases of oil pollution are result of
scouring out the bilges of the engine rooms of the
ship. In the sea water, various types of hydrocarbons
can be found [3]. They are often complex substances
composed of hundreds to thousands of individual
aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons.
If heavy fuel enters to the marine environment,
then the chemical composition of this substance
changes slowly. If it is oil consisted of short carbon
chains, one should expect a quick evaporation of
volatile hydrocarbons into the atmosphere [8].
However, the quickest transformation of the
composition of oil take place in crude oil. Oil
pollution is very dangerous for the environment and
can destroy habitats of many plants and animals,
including the spawning areas of fish [15]. For a long
time it was believed that, removing spilled oil from
the surface of the water completely eliminates the risk
of water pollution. However, studies have found that
water-soluble fractions, which are most toxic, remain
in water [13].
A legal regulation characterizes the content of
petroleum hydrocarbons using a summary parameter
the mineral oil index. It determines the content of
hydrocarbons within the C10 to C40 carbon atoms
range. UN regulations regarding priority substances
in waters, sediments have been implemented to the
Polish legal system as a part of the Regulation of the
Minister of Environment (21th July 2016) on the
methodology for classification of the condition of
surface water body and environmental quality
standards for priority substances. This regulation
provides limit values of water quality indicators from
the group of substances harmful for water
environment. In case of high and good status waters
(class I and II), the values for the petroleum
hydrocarbons should be less than or equal to 0,2
mg/dm3. For waters of a lower status, the value of this
parameter has not been provided [31].
2.2 Heavy metals in surface water
Trace element contamination is considered as one of
the major issues in marine environment due to their
diverse sources, bioaccumulation, non-degradability
and harmful effects on biota. The ecological status of
the aquatic environment can be evaluated by
analysing the distribution of trace elements in water,
sediments and marine organisms [19]. Most trace
metals play an important role as micronutrients in
maintaining the life of aquatic organisms, and toxic
properties are only manifested when the
concentration available to the body exceeds the value
necessary to meet the nutritional needs. Trace metals
such as: Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn, Co, are essential for
metabolism. At the same time, exposure of aquatic
organisms to high concentrations of the same
elements may adversely affect their health or cause
death. Pb, Cd, Hg and As, do not play an important
role in the life cycle of organisms. However, they can
damage the organism if they are available in the
environment in concentrations exceeding the norm.
Two common heavy metals associated with health
risks in the Baltic Sea region are lead and cadmium.
The strongest toxic properties are characteristic for
inorganic metals compounds, which dissociate well
and are easily soluble. Some heavy metals dissolve
immediately and tend to accumulate in aquatic
organisms [23].
Natural heavy metal concentration such as lead,
zinc or cadmium, are usually very low. But large
loads of these metals are emitted into the environment
due to intense human activities. The Gulf of Gdansk is
influenced by heavy metals of anthropogenic origin.
The municipal, industrial and agricultural activities in
the Pomerania Region resulted in a high level of
contamination by metals and organic compounds in
coastal area for the past 50 years [12].
Lead enters the environment during production,
use and disposal of compounds containing lead,
combustion fossil fuels and sewage sludge application
to soil. The discovery that lead causes environmental
and health damage led to phasing out of leaded
gasoline. The lead concentration could be influenced
by different source due to increasing human activities,
economic and social development (e.g. mining, coal
burning), use (batteries, pigments, plastics), recycling
and disposal of compounds containing lead, and use
of mineral fertilizers [27]. High concentration of lead
has adverse effect on central nervous system, blood
cells and may cause brain damage.
Cadmium is a relatively rare metal in nature. Its
stability in water is a function of pH and oxidation-
reduction potential. Its origin, from an industrial
point of view, is related to plastics, engine oils,
batteries and in products of thermal stability. For pH
above 8, cadmium precipitates with carbonates. When
mixing sewage with seawater, cadmium forms very
stable complexes with chlorides. Cadmium does not
degrade in the environment, but physical and
chemical processes can alter its mobility,
bioavailability and residence time in different
Zinc is predominantly sourced from lithogenic
components [24]. Compared to lead and cadmium, it
shows a higher affinity to accumulate in marine
organisms and tissues. Zinc under long-term high
exposure conditions might cause neuron-related
illness due to iron or copper deficiency occurrence
Fish absorb heavy metals form surrounding
environment depending on a variety of factors such as
the exposure period, the concentration of the element,
as well as abiotic factors such as temperature, salinity,
pH and seasonal changes. Hence, heavy metals,
released by anthropogenic activities will be
accumulated in marine organisms through the food
chains; as a result, human health can be at risk because
of consumption of fish contaminated by toxic
chemicals [6]. The pollution of sea food with heavy
metals is still a problem from both the hygienic and
eco toxicological points of view [17].
2.3 Biochemical Oxygen Demand
Oxygen enters the water by photosynthesis of aquatic
biota and the transfer of oxygen across the air-water
interface. The overall partitioning of oxygen between
the atmosphere and the water is sensitive to mixing
and biological production, as well as temperature and
salinity. The solubility of oxygen decreases as
temperature and salinity increase and is more depend
on temperature variation than salinity variation.
The heavy pollution of communal sewage , which
comes from industry, ships, as well as that from
agriculture, has led to large input of plant nutrients,
especially nitrogen and phosphorus compounds.
Eutrophication of the sea’s ecosystem is known as a
major problem and has led to reduced water quality
which contributes to oxygen deficit and can damage
to biodiversity. The eutrophication process can be
divided into three key elements: (1) increased nutrient
levels leading to (2) production of particulate and
dissolved organic matter and (3) degradation of the
organic matter leading to lower oxygen concentration
[10]. When the organic matter decomposes, it is upon
by aerobic bacteria. In this process, organic matter is
broken down and oxidized (combined with oxygen).
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) is amount of
oxygen required by aerobic microorganisms to
stabilize the organic material of wastewater,
wastewater treatment plan effluent, polluted water, or
industrial waste [18]. The BOD is usually proportional
to the amount of organic matter present and,
therefore, is a measure of the strength of the waste. A
low BOD is an indicator of good quality water, while
a high BOD indicates polluted water Biochemical
oxygen demand is useful parameter for assessing the
biodegrability of dissolved organic matter in water. At
the same time, this parameter is used to evaluate the
efficiency with which certain processes remove
biodegradable natural organic matter [21]. Because
organic matter needs varying time spans to be
oxidized, and in order to standardized BOD as
indicator, the BOD5 measurement has been defined to
be the oxygen consumption, in a sample, after 5 days
of incubation at 20
C [22]. The BOD5 protocol is well
defined by national and international standards
applicable to freshwater and wastewater, but is
unsatisfactory for saltwater or seawater, in which
most dissolved organic matter is resistant to microbial
A practical measure of organic pollution, whether
biodegradable or not, is expressed by a value known
as Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD). COD values are
typically higher than BOD, and the ratio between
them will vary depending on the characteristics of the
wastewater. BOD/COD ratio has been commonly used
as an indicator for biodegradation capacity. Wang et
al. [25] introduced biodegradability as the mass
concentration ratio of BOD/COD understood as the
ability of a substance to be broken down into simpler
substances by bacteria. Facing to untreated materials
such as raw water or wastewater, on one side, the
BOD/COD ratio is higher than 0.5.The high BOD/COD
ratio can be found in natural waters, which contains
BOD of less than 10 mg/L and COD of less than 20
mg/L . On the other side the low BOD/COD ratio can
be found in seawater, which contains low
concentrations of BOD and COD. For high COD and
low BOD values, the BOD / COD ratio may indicate
the toxic nature of pollutants present in the water [19].
3.1 Location of water sampling points
Samples of water were collected in 2011÷2019 from
the selected locations of the Port of Gdynia.
Table 1 presents the sampling points of surface
waters for the testing. One locations were designated
for each of the docks.
Table 1. Location of sampling points in the port of Gdynia
Sample number Location
1 South Channel
2 Dock I-Presidental Dock
3 Dock II Wendy Dock
4 Dock III-Coal Dock
5 Outer harbour
6 Dock IV Marshal Pilsudski Dock
7 Dock V- Minister Kwiatkowski Dock
8 Dock VI
9 Dock VII
10 Dock VIII ( Harbour Channel )
3.2 Methods
Samples of surface water for the study of the level of
contamination with heavy metals were obtained in
accordance with the standard PN-ISO 5667-9:2005.
The contamination level of Port Gdynia waters was
measured using the methods presented in Table 2.
Table 2. Methods of used in the research
Number Parameter Method
1. Pb Mass spectroscopy method (ICP-MS),
standard PN-EN ISO 17294-2:2016
2. Cd Mass spectroscopy method (ICP-MS),
standard PN-EN ISO 17294-2:2016
3. Zn The method of atomic emission
spectroscopy with excitation in
inductively coupled plasma (ICP-
OES), standard PN-EN ISO
4. Mineral oil Gas chromatograph with flame
index ionisation detector (GC/FID) after
extraction of water samples,
standard PN-EN 14345:2008;
standard PN-EN 14039:2008
5. Biochemical Dilution and inoculation method:
Oxygen Standard PN-EN 1899-2:2002
Demand Dissolved oxygen was analysed
BOD 5 through the use iodometry:
Standard PN-EN 25813:1997
6. Chemical The dichromate method according to
Oxygen the PB-19 test procedure.
Demand COD
3.3 Results and Discussion
The concentration of heavy metals deleted in the sea
water at all sampling location during period 2011 to
2019 are summarized in Table 3÷5.
Table 3. Zinc concentration in the study areas
Sample Concentration of Zn
number [mg Zn /dm
2011-2013 2014 2015 2016 2017-2019
3 BDL 0,023±0,003BDL BDL BDL
6 BDL BDL BDL 0,066±0,01 BDL
7 BDL 0,023±0,003BDL 0,027±0,004BDL
BDL below detection limit
Table 4. Lead concentration in the study areas
Sample Concentration of Pb
number [μgPb/dm
2011-2016 2017 2018 2019
1 BDL BDL 0,293±0,059 0,010±0,002
2 BDL BDL 0,71±0,4 0,03±0,01
3 BDL BDL 0,360±0,072 0,010±0,002
4 BDL BDL 0,428±0,086 BDL
5 BDL 0,204±0,041 0,458±0,092 0,010±0,002
6 BDL BDL 0,57±0,11 BDL
7 BDL 0,014±0,003 0,54±0,11 0,010±0,002
8 BDL 0,267±0,053 1,17±0,23 0,010±0,002
9 BDL 0,055±0,011 1,19±0,24 0,010±0,002
10 BDL 0,116±0,023 1,27±0,28 0,010±0,002
BDL below detection limit
Table 5. Cadmium concentration in the study areas
Sample Concentration of Cd
number [μg Cd/dm
2011-2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
1 BDL BDL 0,035±0,008 BDL 0,010±0,002
2 BDL BDL BDL BDL 0,010±0,002
3 BDL 0,9±0,2 0,03±0,007 BDL 0,03±0,01
4 BDL BDL BDL BDL 0,010±0,002
5 BDL BDL BDL BDL 0,010±0,002
6 BDL BDL 0,025±0,005 BDL 0,010±0,002
7 BDL BDL 0,031±0,007 BDL 0,010±0,002
8 BDL BDL 0,036±0,008 BDL 0,010±0,002
9 BDL BDL 0,02 BDL 0,010±0,002
10 BDL BDL BDL BDL 0,010±0,002
BDL below detection limit
The metal concentrations in the water were
compared with the limit values presented in Table 6.
Table 6. The concentration limits of heavy metals
Time Class Zn Cd Pb
period of water [mg/dm
] [μg/dm
] g/dm
2012-2014 I-II ≤1 ≤ 0,45-1,5 7,2
2015-2019 I-II ≤1 ≤1,5 14
LND - limits not determined
MAC - maximum allowable concentration
Source: [31]
Physicochemical parameters of surface waters in
the Port of Gdynia fall within the values specified for
class II of the quality of surface water bodies.
The concentration of zinc in the tested waters of
the port basins of the Port of Gdynia was in almost all
cases below the limit of quantification of the analytical
method used (< 0,022 mg/dm
).At several points
(between 2014 and 2016) the mean values of zinc
found in samples of seawater range from 0,023
to 0,066 mg/dm
, so the results are still below
the norm. These values are lower than the limit values
specified in the Polish Regulation of the Minister of
the Environment.
The determination of lead in water samples gives
information on the content of this metal in the sea.
Between 2017 and 2019 the average concentrations
range from 0,01μg/dm
to 1,27μg/dm
. These values
are lower than the limit values specified in the
Regulation of the Minister of the Environment.
Between 2011 and 2016, the concentration of lead in
the tested waters of the port basins of the Port of
Gdynia was in all cases below the limit of
quantification of the analytical method used.
Between 2011 and 2016 the concentrations of
cadmium are in most cases lower than the limit of
quantification of the analytical method used. In 2017
and 2019 the mean values of cadmium recorded in the
studied water fluctuate between 0,01μg/dm
and 0,9
. These values are lower than the limit values
specified in the Regulation of the Minister of the
The concentration value of the mean metal
concentration on significant differences between 2011
and 2019 showed that only lead concentration had
changed. Zinc and cadmium did not show changes
through time.
The largest contamination load was found in
samples collected from West Port docks: VI, VII and
VIII. A characteristic feature of the regions is the
prevalence of anthropogenic factors originating from
port: high level of industrialization, removal of waste
from ships, release of pollutants from ships hulls and
repair and handling works [4]. There are two
shipyards in the closeness of the West Port. In this
area, the large shipping terminal The Baltic Container
Terminal is located.
Organic matter parameters were determined as
BOD, COD and BOD/COD ratio. The maximum,
minimum and average values of BOD along with the
comparison of inland and offshore values of BOD
during the period of four years are given in Table 8
BOD5 refers to organic matter biodegraded by
organisms in biochemical process. The analysed
waters are characterised by rather low organic matter
content. The mean values of BOD5 recorded in the
studied water fluctuate between 0,72 mg O2/dm3 to
7,8mg O2/dm3.No significant differences were found
between ten samples point located in Port Gdynia,
since their organic matter was similar. Concentration
of BOD5 exceeding 4 mgO2/dm3 were found at a few
measuring points. Water which such values of BOD5
are referred to as polluted waters. BOD5 values for
examined waters are in the second class of water.
Table 7. Seawater BOD5 from various points sources of Port Gdynia
Sample BOD5
number mgO2/dm
2011 2012 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
1 2,4±0,66 2,03±0,55 2,62±0,82 1,04±0,47 2,68±0,84 1,3±0,41 1,74±0,47 0,73±0,26
2 3,07±0,84 1,51±0,41 3,71±1,17 2,05±0,68 2,46±0,78 7,2±1,9 0,96±0,35 0,86±0,3
3 2,13±0,39 2,81±0,78 2,62±0,82 1,92±0,64 1,88±0,59 2,13±0,67 1,9±0,51 0,86±0,3
4 2,6±0,22 2,96±0,53 1,71±0,54 2,7±0,9 2,49±0,78 2,4±0,76 1,7±0,46 1,10±0,39
5 2,67±0,76 2,91±0,51 6,03±1,63 2,44±0,81 1,88±0,59 2,86±0,9 2,06±0,65 0,98±0,34
6 2,67±0,76 2,55±0,69 2,8±0,88 3,1±0,1 2,52±0,79 3,13±0,0,99 1,34±0,36 0,73±0,26
7 2,67±0,76 2,3±0,62 4,25±1,14 4,0±1,3 2,05±0,65 1,94±0,61 1,12±0,3 1,1±0,39
8 2,27±0,62 1,51±0,41 1,53±0,48 3,3±1,1 2,05±0,65 2,33±0,0,73 0,72±0,25 1,1±0,39
9 4,5±1,2 3,85±1,04 2,07±0,65 2,79±0,88 3,02±0,95 1,53±0,48 2,06±0,65 1,1±0,39
10 3±0,83 1,45±0,39 1,71±0,54 3,4±1,0 1,85±0,58 7,8±2,1 1,9±0,51 1,28±0,45
Table 8. Biodegradability ratio (BOD5/COD) for seawater
from Port Gdynia
Sample BOD5/COD
number year
2012 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
1 0,06 0,04 0,01 0,07 0,05 0,03
2 0,09 0,60 0,07 0,41 0,03 0,02
3 0,11 0,03 0,05 0,13 0,05 0,03
4 0,09 0,04 0,07 0,08 0,05 0,04
5 0,08 0,03 0,05 0,09 0,07 0,04
6 0,09 0,05 0,07 0,12 0,35 0,06
7 0,10 0,03 0,07 0,06 0,04 0,07
8 0,06 0,04 0,06 0,10 0,02 0,06
9 0,16 0,05 0,08 0,07 0,03 0,07
10 0,05 0,03 0,06 0,26 0,06 0,07
Monitoring has showed a low COD values. It
oscillates between 17,5 mg O2/dm
to 50,1 O2/dm
However, these values are several times greater than
the recorded BOD5 values. The ratio of
biodegradability allows us to assess the derivability of
organic matter. The ratio of biodegradability concerns
the BOD/COD ratio, which serves to specify the
degree of biodegradability of the organic matter at the
sites studied (Table 8). The trials analysed in 2012-
2019 showed a BOD/COD ratio typical for Port
Gdynia seawater.
The main source of oil pollutions into the
environment are shipping accidents, illegal oil
discharges and port activities. The condition of Port
Gdynia seawater from the point of view mineral oil
contamination is presented in Table 9.
Table 9. Values of Mineral Index oil in Port Gdynia
Sample Mineral Oil index mg/dm
number year
2011 2012 2014- 2017 2018-
2016 2019
1 0,01±0,003 0,02±0,0106 BDL BDL BDL
2 BDL 0,02±0,0106 BDL 0,1±0,003 BDL
3 BDL 0,02±0,0106 BDL BDL BDL
4 BDL 0,02±0,0106 BDL 0,06±0,02 BDL
5 BDL 0,02±0,0106 BDL BDL BDL
6 BDL 0,02±0,0106 BDL BDL BDL
7 BDL 0,02±0,0106 BDL BDL BDL
8 BDL 0,02±0,0106 BDL 0,04±0,01 BDL
9 BDL 0,02±0,0106 BDL 0,06±0,02 BDL
10 BDL 0,02±0,0106 BDL BDL BDL
BDL below detection limit
The analysis of Port Gdynia water demonstrated
that Mineral oil index was in almost all cases below
the limit of quantification of the analytical method
used. The mean values of Mineral oil index recorded
in the studied water fluctuate between 0,04 mg/dm
0,1mg /dm
.The higher pollution is typical for coastal
port waters, where intensive economic activity is
carried out (such as navigation canal, shipyard,
container terminal).The analysis demonstrated the
absence of pronounced annual variations of mineral
index oil. Overall, no marked changes in values of
Mineral oil index were evident during the last ten
The water environmental quality is closely related to
the discharge of pollutants and natural factor such as
temperature. Analysis of sea water is the direct way of
assessing the pollution status of the Baltic
Due to their negative effects on human and
ecosystem health, heavy metals are of particulate
concern worldwide. As a result of the analysis of
pollutants in water from port Gdynia, low content of
lead, zinc, cadmium and oil products was found. It
should be emphasised that levels of dissolved species
of heavy metals are very low, even near the detection
limit of the method used. The highest levels of metals
content were discovered in samples collected from
regions with a high industrialization.
The values Biochemical Oxygen Demand obtained
are characteristic of unpolluted waters, which can be
used to suggest that the discharge of waste from ships
are negligible. The BOD / COD ratio, which provides
information on the biodegradability of a water
pollutant, shows values typical for seawater.
Oil hydrocarbons occasionally come to the marine
environment as a result of occasional spills, accidents
and discharges. The low value of Mineral Oil Index in
the recent years can be an indication to the efficiency
of the measures taken to prevent oil pollution.
It can be concluded that the quality of examined
waters is relatively good with respect to Polish
Standards of water quality.
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