Liquefaction of cargo is a phenomenon, where a soil-
like material is abruptly transformed from a solid dry
state to an almost fluid state and this problem has
been identifying as one of the deadliest and major
cause of marine casualties in bulk carriers, often
associated with tragic loose and fatalities. Accidents
attributed to cargo liquefaction, mainly results in loss
of stability and subsequently the capsizing of the ship
[4]. The probability of liquidation of cargo in a bulk
carrier vessel, often constitute a wide range of
interaction of several contributing actions, which
often result to a complex risk environment that
increases the chances of occurrence [8]. There has been
an increasing concern over the losses of bulk carriers’
vessels, in recent time with the high fatality rate of
seafarer, and numerous regulatory efforts like the
IMSBC code by IMO has been made, but incidents
suspectedly to be caused by liquefaction continues to
occur with higher fatality rate [10]. The continuous
occurrence of this incidents leads us to question
whether the identified known causes are properly
reflected and addressed by the maritime industry. A
causal factor can be defined as any major unplanned,
unintended contributor to an incident that if
eliminated would have either prevented the
occurrence of the incident or reduced its severity or
frequency. Looking at the literature survey, several
researchers had focused on numerical evaluations and
experiments to reveal the liquefaction potential based
on the characteristics of the cargo, but limited study
had been made on the actual cause of this problem.
Hence, to fill the literature gap, this study has a
significant interest in identifying the root causal
factors of liquefaction incidents, as this will
necessitates the understanding of the interaction of
events through a chronological chain of activity
leading to the liquefaction incidents [57, 9, 11].
Assessment of Factors Contributing to the Risks of
Cargo Liquefication Accident in Bulk Carriers (A
Qualitative Approach)
T. Nwigwe & M. Kiyokazu
Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Tokyo, Japan
ABSTRACT: Liquidation of cargo in bulk carrier has been identifying as a major hazard affecting the bulk
carrier shipping and has resulted to several loss of lives. This study assesses the liquidation problem in bulk
carrier shipping, it also discusses the mechanisms by which cargo liquefaction occurs in bulk carrier and the
factors influencing the risks of occurrence, based on a qualitative approach. Based on the findings and survey,
the unsafe storage condition, poor compliance with the testing and certification of cargoes, poor loading plan,
have been identify as some of the root casual factors influencing the risk of liquidation problem in bulk carrier.
This study will contribute to increasing the awareness and understanding of the problem of cargo liquefaction
and will facilitate the development of regulations that reflects the realities of this problem and assist in the
development of future recommendations for mitigation plans against the liquidation problem in bulk carrier.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 16
Number 1
March 2022
DOI: 10.12716/1001.16.01.17
These studies assess the problem of cargo
liquefication to understand the combination of causal
factors leading to the incidence. The study is aimed at
uncovering the problem of liquidation of cargo in
bulk carrier and to increasing its awareness by looking
at the parameters influencing the risks of occurrence.
Finally, some recommendations are presented for
possibly preventing future occurrence.
The study investigated the liquidation incidence using
information gathered from reviews of published
articles of incidence caused by liquification and
Interviews with expert and professionals in the
Name Position Date
1 Andrew Moore Consultancy June 2021
& Associates Ltd (Singapore) & Survey
2 Rio Tuba Nickel Minning Operations July 2021
Corporation (Philippine) worker
3 San Roque Metals Operations July 2021
Incorporated (SRMI) worker
Because of all interviewed staff do not want to
disclose their names, the table do not include name of
the participants. The outcome of the information
gathered has been utilized to give a clear picture of
the problem of cargo liquefaction for understanding
the contributing factors influencing the risks of
liquidation of cargo.
Liquefaction is a phenomenon in which a soil-like
material cargos are abruptly transformed from a solid
dry state to an almost fluid state. As larger particles
generally cannot retain much water and will settle
together with greater voids space between them,
while smaller particles will retain more water because
of their greater contact and increased surface, so
during the voyage of such cargo in an open seaway,
particularly during heavy weather condition, these
cargos are often subject to agitation due to the
vibration of the engine, ship’s rolling, and pitching
impacts and the resultant effect will force the
rearrangement of the cargo particle as they are being
subjected to significant stresses.
The resulting effect is the compaction of the inter-
granular spaces, and the removal of interstitial air,
and this will lead to an increasing pores water
pressure, thereby forcing the cargo solid particles to
be separated from its moisture content as (Fig 4). The
cargoes with high moisture content lose its shear
strength due to the loose of direct contact between
their particles and they become prone to sliding,
particularly when the cargo is shallow and subject to
large heel angles. These conditions will make the
cargo material to behave like a liquid and in the
resulting viscous fluid state cargo may flow to one
side of the ship with a roll but not completely
returning with a roll to the other way [1]. Liquefaction
often starts in a small portion of the cargo and rapidly
spreading throughout the entire cargo, resulting in a
sudden shifting of the entire mass and the ship may
be affected, progressively reaching a heavy list and
loss of control, which could result in the vessel
capsizing and sinking in the worst-case scenario due
to lack of stability.
Figure 1. Compaction and subsequent liquefaction
4.1 Cargo prone to liquefaction
Liquefaction may occur in the cargoes categorized in
Group A of the Code of safe practice for solid bulk
CargoesBC Codesuch as iron ore fines, nickel ore,
coal, particularly when they are loaded in condition
where their moisture content exceeds the
transportation moisture limit value of the cargo [2, 3].
Figure 2. Variation in particle sizes of ores
The granular cargo materials are often consisting
of varying particle sizes and may contain water within
them, which were accumulated during mining
process of the cargo or during storing them on
grounds that are exposed to weather while awaiting
loading. These cargo materials have the characteristic
of cohesion, and may liquefy during voyage, even if
they are cohesive and trimmed levelly. Most of the
popular cargo materials involve in this incident are
briefly outline below.
4.1.1 Nickel ore
The largest exporters of nickel ore are Indonesia and
the Philippines, and these ores are extremely low-
grade ore, with nickel content as low as 1% and the
remaining 99% are fine grained, almost like mud with
traces of nickel ore. Nickel ore are often dug from
open pit mines, hence exposing the fine-grained nickel
ore to wet weather, and increasing their moisture
content and are arguably the most dangerous of all
bulk cargoes, suspectedly to have claimed the highest
number of fatalities.
4.1.2 Iron ore fine
Iron ore fine have been associated with several
liquefaction accidents. These are iron ore with larger
proportion of smaller particles and may liquefy if
their moisture content exceeds their TML. The open
mining and storing of the iron ore fine in certain
milling sites prior to loading increase the moisture
4.1.3 Bauxite
Bauxite, which consists of oxide type ores containing
hydrated alumina is mainly used to produce
aluminum. The largest exporters of bauxite ore are
Australia and guinea They are mined in open pit
mines, then converted to alumina (aluminum oxide),
which are further processed to pure aluminum by
Based on the expert consultation and study of the
available report of incidence suspectedly caused by
liquification of cargo, several actions were identified
to influence the risks of the liquefaction incidence.
Although, the errors resulting from these actions are
independent from one another, but human factor is
the basis of all of them. Below illustrate the key
findings and problem areas.
1. Lack of proper cargo inspection
The cargo is usually stockpiled and transferred in
open barges and trucks and in the event of poor
climate or raining weather, the moisture content
can be increased, creating more chances for cargo
liquefaction. Also, the tropical climatic condition
has a higher moisture content that can be absorbed
by the stockpile’s cargoes of fine-grained minerals
prior to loading, as it has a higher moisture content
that can be absorbed by the stockpile’s cargo prior
to loading.
2. Non-implementation of rules
The neglect for regulation is the main causal
factors in most liquefaction incidence. The
International Convention for the Safety of Life at
Sea, 1974 and its Protocol of 1988, Chapter
(Carriage of Cargoes) (Regulation 1, 2, 7 and 4)
have provided rules and standards for the safe
transportation of solid bulk cargoes. The duties of
all concerned supervising parties, from the
submission of information on cargo, the proper
stowage and down to the shipper’s duty to submit
information about cargo to the master were stated.
Also, where the requirement to load and trim bulk
cargoes to a reasonable level, as necessitated by the
boundaries of the cargo space, to minimize the risk
of shifting and to maintain adequate stability. But,
despite the provisions of code, majority of the
milling yard located in developing countries, had
always neglect the provision.
3. Poor knowledge of cargo
The wrongly categorization of iron ore fine as
normal iron ore, which according to the IMSBC
Code, are cargo that poses no liquefaction risk are
linked to most liquefaction accidents. Also, the
wrong labeling of cargo in the IMBSC code such as
bauxite, whose material behavior are not well
understood, may increase the risk of cargo
liquefaction as most workers are ignorant of their
characteristic’s behavior. Although, bauxite is
listed under Group C cargo in the IMSBC Code,
meaning that it poses neither chemical nor
liquefaction risks, but they sometimes behave like
Group A due to their material behavior. Their
listing in the Group C only covers relatively dry
and relatively coarse-grained bauxite but if the
bauxite has a large proportion of powder, or if the
moisture content is above 10%, the cargo is
potentially unsafe and behave like Group A.
4. Lack of functional equipments
This problem is related to poor tmt testing
materials resulting to incorrect result are the main
causal factor. The lacks proper equipped facility to
perform the necessary testing required for
preventing cargo liquefaction. lacks proper
equipped and facility for performing the necessary
TML test which is required to prevent cargo
liquefaction. The procedures for testing the
moisture content by IMO were generated for
concentrates ore and not for fine ore, and in this
case testing methods for calculating the
transportable moisture limit of the cargo can be
characterized as inadequate and often result to a
wrong result.
5. Problem of working condition
The practices like the open storage of the ore
material prior loading, especially in the humid
climate can contribute to increasing the moisture
content of the cargo. Also, most of the mines are in
very remote areas, and often engage in an
improper loading condition of which makes TML
testing difficulty and the locations of the ports
where these materials are loaded When any of
these types of cargoes is to be transported by sea in
a solid bulk state, the TML should be determined.
For a general cargo vessel, each of these cargoes
must be loaded for transportation only when the
Moisture Content of the cargo is lower than TML
The continuous efforts towards safeguarding against
liquefaction problem in bulk carrier has led to the
implementation of the IMSBC Code. The IMSBC Code
introduces the upper bound of moisture content of
cargo called the Transportable Moisture Limit (TML).
The TML is defined as 90% of the Flow Moisture
Content (FMP), which depends on the characteristics
of cargo and should be measured experimentally.
However, the objective of this code has not been fully
achieved as certain human negligence resulting to the
poor enforcement of the regulation continue to occur.
The IMSBC Code's stated the application
requirements and oblige the shippers to test and
declare the properties and moisture content of the
cargo, verification of the vessel's safety was to be
confirmed by the tripartite agreement of the Port State
of the exporting country, Port State of the receiving
country and Flag State of the vessel and the master of
the vessels was confirmed all test result and ensure
the proper loading and monitoring of the vessel. But
unfortunately, based on available report of cargo
liquidation incidents and the interview from experts
involved in the industry, there has been failure in
most of the operation activities lading to the risks of
accident. It is evident from recent accident statistics
that most of the accident relating to liquefaction like
the Emerald Star (2017), the Nur Allya (2019) occurs
in developing countries, particularly in southeast Asia
of Indonesia and Philippines and are attributed to
improper human actions and wrong TML testing
result of the cargo. These contributing factors which
include human actions negligence like the poor
compliance with the testing certification of cargoes,
unsafe storage condition, insufficient loading plan
and lack of proper monitoring from relevant parties,
has been identify as some of the factors increasing the
risks of liquidation and can be seen as a major
legislative gap in the implementation of provision of
the code.
The present study discusses the problem of cargo
liquefaction in bulk carrier and assess the contributing
factors influencing the continuous occurrence of this
problem. Although, several efforts have been made to
manage this problem, but accident suspected caused
by cargo liquefaction continue to occur, but human
errors, operation errors and regulation negligence
during the loading and testing operation are the
contributing factors to liquefaction of cargo incident.
It may be concluded that there are several
contributing factors influencing the continuous
occurrence of this problem is can be traced to poor
operation human negligence. The successful
prevention of this problem will be achieved when
proper measures are taken before cargo loading
operation, during loading process, at the completion
of loading and during the voyage of the vessel which
will all depend on the cooperation of relevant parties
involve doing their job efficiently.
The author is grateful to Professor Minami Kiyokazu for his
assistance and support towards this research
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