4.1 „Tank” program - assumptions and simulation
The computer program “Tank”, used for estimation
of dynamic pressure distribution due to sloshing,
is developed in Polish Register of Shipping.
The computation algorithm is based on the Euler
equation (Jankowski & Warmowska 1997). The
sloshing problem was described by two-dimensional
model (Warmowska & Jankowski 2005). It was
also assumed that the liquid is non-viscid,
incompressible, of constant density. The additional
assumption refers to the liquid boundary. It is
assumed that (Warmowska & Jankowski 2005):
− the liquid particles slide on the free surface and
on the wetted surface of the tank walls;
− the particles in the corners are not moving;
− pressure on the liquid free surface is equal to
the atmospheric pressure.
All these assumptions allow for application of the
potential theory to solve the problem (the flow is
The numerical simulation of sloshing
phenomenon, made by “Tank” program, was
performed for the oscillation and tank’s geometry
corresponding with the suitable geometric parameters
of experimental investigation. The angle amplitudes
of tank’s oscillations were 18°, 30° and 40° and the
height of water level in tank varied from 150 mm to
450 mm. The program allows to compute time history
of dynamic pressures in ninety points around the
tank’s model. The control points are situated along
vertical walls, the bottom and the tank’s roof.
4.2 Experimental investigations
The experimental investigation on determining the
pressure distribution due to sloshing requires the
generation of sloshing phenomenon. After that the
dynamic pressure time history in selected places is to
be measured and recorded. To achieve this, the test
apparatus was designed and built (Krata 2006).
The main part of the apparatus is the tank. It is
equipped with six pressure transducers and one
inclinometer. The tank is forced to oscillating
movements that excite the water movement inside it.
The dimensions of the model tank are following:
− length - 1040 mm;
− width - 380 mm;
− depth - 505 mm.
The tank is hanged on the shaft by the bearings
and forced to the oscillation by the driving
The drive mechanism is based on the electric
motor, the transmission reducing revolution velocity
and the crank mechanism. The view of testing
apparatus and localization of dynamic pressure
sensors is shown in figure 2.
Fig. 2. Picture of the tank and pressure gauges
The oscillating movement which induces the
sloshing phenomenon is described fair enough by the
harmonic function. The amplitude of tank’s rotary
motion assumed to be 18°, 30° and 40°. It reflects
the heavy seas conditions and enables to make the
conclusions for worst possible condition at the sea.
The water depth in tank (tank filling level) assumed
to vary from 50 mm to 450 mm. The period of the
oscillation was equal 2,6 s.
The assumption of plane tank’s oscillation and
the neglected water viscosity, resulted the two-
dimensional character of water flow inside the tank
(Warmowska & Jankowski 2005). It allowed to
equip the tank with one set of pressure transducers,
fixed in the middle line of the tank. The pressure
transducers were installed evenly alongside the
vertical wall of the tank (5 sensors) and one in the
roof of the tank close to the upper corner.
The pressure signal, measured by the transducer,
consists of two components. One of them is called
non-impulsive dynamic pressure and the second one
impulsive pressure or impact pressure (Akyildiz &
Unal 2005). The non-impulsive dynamic pressure is
slowly varying. It is the result of global movement of
liquid in the tank (CTO 1998). The impact pressure
is usually short lasting, local and may be of very
high value. It is caused by hydraulic jump during the
impact stroke of liquid’s free surface against the
solid surface of the tank construction (wall). The
assumption of the experiment was to measure and