The Coast Guard of the Republic of Croatia
(hereinafter referred to as CGRC) is a military
organisation authorised to deal with civilians at sea
and is a part of the Croatian Navy (hereinafter
referred to as CN). In October 2007 the Act on the
CGRC was passed which entered into force on 1
November 2007.The Act consists of 11 parts and the
total of 48 articles and establishes the CGRC and
determines the organisation and scope of work,
authorisations, jobs and tasks thereof [1]. The CGRC is
an autonomous vessel unit whose headquarters and
first division are stationed in the barracks “Admiral
flote Sveto Letica-Barba” in Split, and naval forces of
the second division are operationally stationed in
Pula. The CGRC carries out its activities through its
operational naval forces composed of, as it was
mentioned above, the first and second division [14].
The surface of the Adriatic Sea under the
sovereignty of the Republic of Croatia (hereinafter
referred to as RC) (inland waters and territorial sea)
amounts to 31,757 km², whereas on a great part of the
Adriatic Sea, outside of the state territory, the RC
exercises certain sovereign rights and jurisdiction (the
Influence of the Coronavirus Pandemic on Execution of
Tasks by the Coast Guard of the Republic of Croatia
M. Dedo
, T. Sunko
, L. Matijašević
& I. Šantić
Croatian Defence Academy, Zagreb, Croatia
Croatian Navy, Split, Croatia,
ABSTRACT: COVID-19 Pandemic, or better known as Coronavirus pandemic, is a current new disease of
respiratory ways, and adjustment to life and work in the pandemic conditions is a challenge all organisations in
the world, including military ones, have to face with. This paper analyses the influence of the COVID-19
pandemic on the intensity and implementation of surveillance and protection of national interests of the
Republic of Croatia within the jurisdiction of the Coast Guard of the Republic of Croatia. A special attention is
dedicated to determining how capable the Coast Guard of the Republic of Croatia is in executing all tasks in the
pandemic circumstances. The analysis is carried out by comparing selected activities the Coast Guard of the
Republic of Croatia carried out in 2020 with activities carried out in the period from 2015 to 2019. In the analysis
of the effects which the COVID-9 pandemic had on the intensity and implementation of surveillance and
protection of national interests of the Republic of Croatia within the jurisdiction of the Coast Guard, the
following performed activities were observed: number of airplane flights, airplane fuel consumption, number
of flight hours, number of engaged vessels, number of nautical miles sailed by vessels, number of registered
vessel engine working hours, vessel fuel consumption, number of issued mandatory misdemeanour warrants.
This paper has a goal to prove that the Coast Guard of the Republic of Croatia, having adjusted to a great extent
to new operational circumstances, carries out all its tasks, and this can be best seen through a number of issued
misdemeanour warrants, which means that the pandemic didn’t have a decisive negative impact on the work of
the Coast Guard of the Republic of Croatia.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 16
Number 1
March 2022
DOI: 10.12716/1001.16.01.08
area over which the RC exercises certain sovereign
rights and jurisdiction amounts to 25,207 km²). It is
necessary to supervise such a huge area which is an
important economic resource of the RC in an
organised and efficient way, and CGRC’s basic jobs
and tasks are to protect interests, sovereign rights of
the RC and implementation of the Croatian
jurisdiction in the mentioned area [4]. In the context of
COVID-19 Pandemic, control over this area had to be
increased since the disruption of internal movement
was nonetheless accompanied by a more robust
collective closure of the EU’s external borders, with
incoming travel banned for non-EU citizens/residents
[11]. The CGRC is the main force in the protection of
interests over the part of the sea, sea bed and
underground where the RC exercises its sovereign
rights and it can provide assistance in the maritime
area under the sovereignty of the RC to harbour
masters, maritime police and customs if it is
considered necessary [3].
The CGRC is an integral part of the CN (Article 3,
paragraph 1 of the Act on the CGRC) [16]. Its
organisation was passed by the President of the RC at
the proposal of the Government of the RC (Article 3
paragraph 2 of the Act on the CGRC) [2]. The Minister
of Defence of the RC stipulates the organisation of
work and other issues related to the work of the
CGRC by way of an ordinance. Provisions of the acts
laying down the service in the Armed Forces of the
Republic of Croatia (hereinafter referred to as CAF) as
well as provisions of the acts laying down rights,
obligations and responsibilities of civil servants will
be applied on members of the CGRC in issues not
regulated by the Act on the CGRC. In the defence
system, the chain-of-command goes from the supreme
commander to the CAF, and through the Ministry of
Defence to the CN command. Then it goes down
through the CGRC command to the first division of
the CGRC in Split and to the second division of the
CGRC in Pula, and also to Croatian Air Force units
based in Zemunik and Divulje which are under the
command of the CGRC’s operational command.
Pursuant to the Act on the Coast Guard of the
Republic of Croatia and the Decision of the Republic
of Croatia, the Central Coordinating Committee for
Surveillance and Protection of the Maritime Rights
and Interests of the Republic of Croatia was set up
within the system for protection and surveillance of
maritime interests, as well as the Central Coordination
Expert Body and Regional Coordination Units at the
level of seven littoral counties. Considering technical
assets having at its disposal, the CGRC should be
taken as the most adequate component of that
authorised body, capable of implementing the
Croatian jurisdiction for the purpose of surveillance of
maritime fisheries in the economic zone [6].
Within the system of surveillance and protection of
Croatian maritime interests, at the bottom of the
chain-of-command there are Regional Coordination
Units headed by harbour masters and they also
include representatives of the CGRC. These units are
supervised by the Expert Body which is subordinated
to the Central Coordination, and the Government of
the RC is at the top. The chairperson of the Expert
Body is the CGRC commander, whereas the role the
Central Coordination chairperson rotates annually
between the Minister of Defence of the RC, Minister of
the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure and Minister of
the Interior. Depending on tasks it carries out, the
CGRC is responsible to different ministries and state
administration bodies [15].
1.1 COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic appeared for the first time at
the end of December 2019 in the city of Wuhan in the
Chinese province of Hubei. In January 2020 an
epidemic developed in the P.R. China and spread all
around the world. It was actuated by until then little
known SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. In order to prevent
spreading in countries without efficient healthcare
systems, on 30 January 2020 the World Health
Organisation (hereinafter referred to as WHO)
declared a global emergency, on 9 February 2020 the
number of registered deaths exceeded the total
number of deaths in the SARS 2002-2003 pandemic. In
the WHO’s report of 26 February 2020, it was for the
time reported that there were more new cases of
infection registered out of China then in China itself.
United States of America’s (hereinafter referred to
as U. S.) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
received notification of the first case of laboratory-
confirmed COVID-19 in the United States on January
22, 2020. As of May 30, an aggregate 1,761,503 U.S.
COVID-19 cases and 103,700 deaths had been
reported [13]. Starting from 28 February 2020 the Who
reported evaluated risks at the global level as very
high”, in comparison to the previously reported
“high” risk. On 11 March 2020 the WHO declared the
previous epidemic a pandemic, which was the first
one after the swine flu pandemic. By the end of March
2021, in the world there were 136 million confirmed
cases of infected people, and over 2.9 million of
confirmed deaths. The virus caught the global
community off guard, and its future course is still
highly unpredictable [7]. The first patient infected by
SARS_CoV-2 virus was detected in Croatia on 25
February 2020. According to the Croatian Health
Insurance Fund since 25 July there have been 362,621
registered cases in the RC, and so far 2,264,668 people
have been tested for the coronavirus [18].
1.2 Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia in pandemic
On 27 January 2021 the Chief of Defence of the CAF
and the Military Representative at the NATO and EU
attended the NATO Military Committee meeting. The
meeting was presided by the Chairman of the NATO
Military Committee, and the Chiefs of Defence of the
Member States discussed about NATO operations,
missions and activities, NATO’s strategic concept and
responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.
On this occasion, the NATO Secretary General
stressed the importance of further strengthening of
allied capabilities, modernisation and boosting
readiness of the Member States armed forces so that
they could respond to all kinds of challenges in the
near future [17].
Military forces across Europe have scaled back
operations and imposed stricter rules on personnel to
try to stem the spread of the coronavirus among staff.
Preventing the virus’ proliferation among the military
is important both for national security and because
specialist army, navy and airforce units are being
drafted in to help governments tackle the virus in
many countries. Germany mobilised 15,000 soldiers to
help local authorities tackle the crisis, for example,
while Poland activated thousands of troops to patrol
streets under lockdown, disinfect hospitals and
support border control, its defence ministry said [12].
Since the society in its entirety had to adapt to new
conditions of life and work, and this has become an
on-going process, the military’s response, either in
providing support to other state institutions or in
carrying out its regular tasks, to the coronavirus
pandemic thus far highlights the continuing durability
of longstanding notions of civilian control of the
military and the military’s ability to provide aid [9].
The CAF and CN also had to issue several instructions
and orders intended to reduce the possibility of
spreading the virus to the minimum when carrying
out regular tasks. The CGRC, as an integral part of the
CN, has also adapted to carrying out of its basic tasks
(protection of sovereign rights and jurisdiction of the
RC, spreading of mass destruction weapons,
suppression of piracy and other types of usage of the
open sea for contentious purposes, navigation safety,
search and rescue at sea, protection of marine
environment, habitats and cultural goods and control
of sea fishery) to the pandemic conditions, so the
surveillance and protection of rights and interests of
the RC at sea is being conducted in line with the new
circumstances. In other words, the stress has been put
on new vessels having fewer crew members and
bigger effectiveness in one-day or shorter sailings
regardless of distance and sea conditions. With
continuous and targeted training of soldiers (in
accordance with the new work circumstances in the
pandemic conditions and reduced intensity of overall
CAF’s activities), the focus has been shifted from
quantity to quality of conducted activities. Also fewer
crew members reduced possibility of accumulating
stress of possible exposure, by forgoing stay-at-home
recommendations and engaging with support
missions, these service members increased their risk
of infection [8] and experienced the psychosocial
stress of possible exposure. Given that some worked
in environments where social distancing was difficult,
the anxiety regarding possible exposure was
noteworthy [10]. The abovementioned smaller vessels,
concerning the type and autonomy at sea, are the right
solution for carrying out a part of CGRC tasks in this
new situation. The COVID-19 pandemic reduced a
number of sailings and tasks in 2020. However, the
CGRC showed a high level of capability and swiftly
adapted to the new work circumstances in a way that
the number of issued misdemeanour warrants
increased, and the pandemic in this regard didn’t
have a decisive negative impact on the work of the
CGRC, although significant challenges for deployed
service members in the face of this pandemic remain
[5]. In short, it had an impact on the reduced number
of sailings and tasks, but not on the number of
executed inspections, which will be proved and
presented later in this paper.
In the analysis of the influence of the COVID-19
pandemic on the intensity and implementation of
surveillance and protection of national interests of the
Republic of Croatia within the jurisdiction of the
CGRC the following data were observed: number of
airplane flights, airplane fuel consumption, number of
flight hours, number of engaged vessels, number of
nautical miles sailed by vessels, number of registered
vessel engine working hours, vessel fuel
consumption, number of issued mandatory
misdemeanour warrants. Annual data from the period
from 2015 to 2020 were used in this analysis. The data
were collected from the Annual Reports on the
implementation of the established policy, plans and
regulations in relation to surveillance and protection
of rights and interests of the RC at sea made by the
Central Coordinating Committee for Surveillance and
Protection of the Maritime Rights and Interests of the
RC for the years 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020
and are shown in Table 1 [1924].
Table 1 Annual data on the activities conducted by the
Conducted 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Number of 54 57 109 52 50 50
Airplane 16,350 17,004 55,318 20,775 14,938 15,736
in litres
Number of 82.07 73.10 176.90 82.70 70.70 70.70
Number of 101 93 92 75 103 88
Number of 5341.5 5834.9 4981.1 5687.5 4336.9 8661.0
by vessels
Number of 603.56 592.40 528.95 520.75 465.70 798.00
Vessel fuel 205,046 186,918 154,767 201,365 150,558 241,997
in litres
Number of ---
22 28 15 32 79
--- means that the information was not available
The activities conducted by the CGRC in the
period from 2015 to 2020 are divided into the
activities in the air, activities at sea and number of
issued mandatory misdemeanour warrants. The
activities in the air comprise the number of airplane
flights, airplane fuel consumption, number of flight
hours, whereas activities at sea include the number of
engaged vessels, number of nautical miles sailed by
vessels, number of registered vessel engine working
hours and vessel fuel consumption,
The influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the
intensity and implementation of surveillance and
protection of national interests of the RC within the
jurisdiction of the CGRC was analysed by comparing
the selected activities the CGRC carried out in in 2020
with the activities conducted in the period from 2015
to 2019.
While analysing the activities the CGRC conducted
in the period from 2015 to 2020, we used graphs of the
observed time series, and a rate of change in relation
to the base period as a relative dynamics indicator,
and the year 2020 was selected as the base period
Furthermore, by using the exponential smoothing
method we forecast values of the observed activities
carried out by the CGRC (except for the number of
issued mandatory misdemeanour warrants) for the
period from 2016 to 2021 and we calculated mean
absolute percentage errors (MAPE). The same method
was used to forecast values for the number of issued
mandatory misdemeanour warrants for the period
from 2017 to 2021 since data for 2015 were
The graphs of the activities the CGRC carried out in
the air in the observed period, given in Figure 1, show
that all of the three observed activities carried out in
the air had similar dynamics in the observed period.
The number of airplane flights, airplane fuel
consumption and number of flight hours in 2015 and
2016 remained at approximately the same levels, in
2017 a significant growth of the observed activities in
the air was present, but in 2018 they decreased to the
levels similar to those from 2015 and 2016. In 2019 and
2020 the levels of the observed activities in the air
were approximately the same as those from 2018.
The rates of changes of the activities the CGRC
carried out in the air in relation to the base year of
2020 are shown in Table 2.
If we compare the activities the CGRC carried out
in the air in 2020 with the activities in the period from
2015 and 2019 on the grounds of the rates of changes
in relation to the base period (2020=100), it can be
concluded that in the pandemic 2020 the number of
airplane flights and the number of flight hours
remained at the same level as in 2019, whereas the
airplane fuel consumption in 2019 was lower by 5.07%
in comparison to 2020. If we compare these activities
from 2020 to those from 2018, in 2018 the number of
airplane flights was higher by 4%, the number of
consumed airplane fuel by 32.02% and the number of
flight hours by 16.97% in relation to 2020. In 2016 the
number of airplane flights was higher by 14%,
consumed fuel by 8.06% and the number of flight
hours by 3.39% in relation to 2020. The number of
airplane flights, consumed fuel and flight hours in
2015 was higher in the respect to the ones in 2020 by
6%, 3.9% and 16.08%, respectively.
Figure 1 Graphs of the activities the CGRC carried out in the
air from 2015 to 2020: (a) annual number of airplane flights;
(b) annual airplane fuel consumption; (3) annual number of
flight hours
Table 2. Rates of changes of the activities CGRC carried out
in the air (2020 = 100)
Rates of changes (2020 = 100)
Year Number of Airplane fuel Annual number
airplane flights consumption of flight hours
2015 8.00 3.90 16.08
2016 14.00 8.06 3.39
2017 118.00 251.54 150.21
2018 4.00 32.02 16.97
2019 0.00 -5.07 0.00
2020 0.00 0.00 0.00
The rates of changes of the activities the CGRC
carried out in the air in relation to the base year of
2020 show that the levels of the conducted activities in
the air in 2019 were roughly the same as those from
2020, but the level of the activities in the air in 2015,
2016 and 2018 was slightly higher than it was in 2020.
An exception was 2017 when the level of the activities
in the air was significantly higher than in 2020 (in
2017 the number of airplane flights increased by 118%,
consumed fuel by 251.54% and number of flight hours
by 150.21%).
Table 3 Forecasted values of the activities the CGRC carried
out in the air in the period from 2016 to 2021
Forecasted values (exponential smoothing method)
Year Number of Airplane fuel Number of
airplane flights consumption flight hours
(in thousands
of litres)
2016 54.00 16.35 82.07
2017 54.30 16.42 81.17
2018 59.77 20.31 90.75
2019 58.99 20.35 89.94
2020 58.09 19.81 88.02
2021 57.28 19.40 86.29
0.21 0.28 0.26
MAPE - mean absolute percentage error
For the purpose of the further analysis, by using
the exponential smoothing method when the weight
factor is 0.1 the forecasted values of the activities the
CGRC carried out in the air were calculated for the
period from 2016 to 2021 and are given in Table 3.
The forecasted values of the activities carried out
in the air and the corresponding mean absolute
percentage error were calculated for several different
weight factors, and eventually the weight factor of 0.1
was selected in order to minimise the mean absolute
percentage error. The graphs of the actual and
forecasted values of the conducted activities in the air
are shown in Figure 2.
On the grounds of the graphs of the actual and
forecasted values the CGRC carried out in the air from
2015 to 2021, it is possible to conclude for every single
activity the CGRC carried out in the air from 2015 to
2021 (Figure 2) that the actual values in 2018, 2019 and
2020 were lower than the forecasted values, and the
only exception was the actual consumption of fuel
which was slightly higher in 2018 than the forecasted
consumption. In 2016 and 2017 the actual values of the
observed activities were higher than the forecasted
values, and the only exception was the actual number
of flight hours which was lower in 2016 than the
forecasted number.
The comparison of the forecasted values from
Table 3 to their actual values from Table 2 shows that
in 2020 the actual number of flights amounted to 50
which was by 13.93% lower than the forecasted value
which amounted to 58.09. Furthermore, the actual
airplane fuel consumption was 15,736 litres, which
was by 20.57% lower than the forecasted value of
19,810 litres, and the actual number of airplane flight
hours amounted to 70.70 and in comparison to the
forecasted number of flight hours which amounted to
88.02, it was lower by 19.68%.
Figure 2 The graphs of the actual and forecasted values of
the activities the CGRC conducted in the air from 2015 to
2021: (a) annual number of airplane flights; (b) annual
airplane fuel consumption; (3) annual number of flight
By using the exponential smoothing method when
the weight factor is 0.1, the following values of the
activities the CGRC carried out in the air for 2021
were forecasted: 57.28 flights, 19,400 litres of
consumed fuel and 66.29 of flight hours.
Below are the results of the analysis of the
activities the CGRC carried out at sea in the period
from 2015 to 2021.
Figure 3 The graphs of the activities the CGRC conducted at
sea from 2015 to 2021: (a) number of engaged vessels; (b)
number of nautical miles sailed by vessels (c) number of
registered vessel engine working hours; (d) vessel fuel
Figure 3 (a) clearly shows that the annual number
of the engaged vessels decreased in the period from
2015 to 2018 when it reached its lowest level, in 2019
there was a significant growth of the number of
engaged vessels, but in 2020 this number decreased to
a level slightly lower than it was in 2018. The annual
number of registered vessel engine working hours in
Figure 3 (c) shows a constant decline in the period
from 2015 to 2019, but in 2020 it was considerably
higher and reached the highest level in the observed
period. The graphs of the numbers of nautical miles
sailed and vessel fuel consumption given in Figure 3
(b) and (d) show that these activities carried out at sea
had somewhat similar dynamics in the observed
period. The number of nautical miles sailed
alternately increased and decreased in the period
from 2015 and 2019 and in 2019 they reached the
lowest level in the observed period. In 2020 there was
a significant increase of nautical miles sailed, which
was in fact their highest level in the observed period.
In the period from 2015 to 2017 the annual vessel fuel
consumption decreased, then it increased in 2018, and
in 2019 it decreased again and reached again its
lowest level in the observed period. In 2020 the
annual consumption of vessel fuel grew significantly
and reached its highest level in the observed period.
Table 4. Rates of changes of the activities the CGRC carried
out at sea (2020 =100)
Rates of changes (2020 =100)
Year Number Number of Number of Vessel
of nautical registered fuel
engage miles vessel consumption
vessels sailed by engine (in thousands
vessels working of litres)
2015 14.77 -38.33 -24.37 -15.27
2016 5.68 -32.63 -25.76 -22.76
2017 4.55 -42.49 -33.72 -36.05
2018 -14.77 -34.33 -34.74 -16.79
2019 17.05 -49.93 -41.64 -37.79
2020 0 0 0 0
On the basis of the rates of changes of the activities
the CGRC carried out at sea in the period from 2015 to
2020 in relation to the base year of 2020, given in Table
4, it can be concluded that the number of nautical
miles sailed, number of registered vessel engine
working hours and vessel fuel consumption were at a
lower level in the period from 2015 to 2019 in
comparison to 2020, the year of the pandemic. The
number of nautical miles sailed by vessels was lower
than in 2020 by 38.33% in 2015, 32.36% in 2016, 42.49%
in 2017, 34.33% in 2018 and 49.93% in 2019, the
number of registered vessel engine working hours
was lower by 24.37% in 2015, 25.76% in 2016, 33.72%
in 2017 and 34.74% in 2018 and 41.46% in 2019,
whereas the vessel fuel consumption was lower by
15.27% in 2015, 22.76% in 2016, 36.05% in 2017,
16.79% in 2018 and 37.79% in 2019. The number of
engaged vessels in the period from 2015 to 2017 was
higher than in 2020, that is, by 14.77% in 2015, 5.68%
in 2016 and 4.55% in 2017. The number of engaged
vehicles was lower by 14.77% in 2018 and higher by
17.05% in 2019 in comparison to 2020.
Table 5. Forecasted values of the activities the CGRC carried
out at sea in the period from 2016 to 2021
Forecasted values (exponential smoothing method)
Year Number Number Number of Vessel fuel
of of nautical registered consumption
engaged miles vessel (in thousands
vessels sailed by engine of litres)
vessels (in working
thousands) hours
2016 101.00 5.34 603.56 205.05
2017 100.20 5.39 602.44 203.23
2018 99.38 5.35 595.09 198.39
2019 96.94 5.38 587.66 198.68
2020 97.55 5.28 575.46 193.87
2021 96.59 5.62 597.72 198.68
0.13 0.17 0.17 0.19
MAPE - mean absolute percentage error
We have, in this case as well, by using the
exponential smoothing method with the weight factor
of 0.1, forecasted values of the activities carried out at
sea and corresponding mean absolute percentage
errors (MAPE). The forecasted values were calculated
for several different weight factors, and eventually the
weight factor of 0.1 was selected in order to minimise
the mean absolute percentage error. The forecasted
values of the activities the CGRC carried out at sea for
the period from 2016 and 2021 are given in Table 5,
and the graphs of the actual and forecasted values are
shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4 The graphs of the actual and forecasted values of
the activities the CGRC conducted at sea from 2015 to 2021:
(a) number of engaged vessels; (b) number of nautical miles
sailed by vessels (c) number of registered vessel engine
working hours; (d) vessel fuel consumption.
The graphs of the actual and forecasted values of
the number of engaged vessels show that in the period
from 2016 to 2018 and in 2020 the forecasted values
were higher than the actual values, and the only
exception was in 2019 when the situation was
reversed. The forecasted values of the number of
nautical miles sailed by vessels, Figure 4 (b), were
lower of the actual values in 2016, 2018 and 2020, but
in 2017 and 2019 they were higher. When it comes to
the number of registered vessel engine working hours,
the forecasted value for 2020 was lower than the
actual one, whereas in all the remaining years of the
observed period the level of the forecasted values was
higher than the level of the actual ones, which can be
seen in Figure 4(c). Figure 4(d) clearly shows that the
forecasted values of the vessel fuel consumption were
higher than the actual ones in 2016, 2017 and 2019,
and lower in 2018 and 2020.
If we compare the forecasted values of the
activities carried out at sea for 2020 (Table 5) with
their actual values (Table 1), it can be seen that in 2020
the actual number amounting to 88 engaged vessel
was by 9.78% lower than the forecasted one which
amounted to 97.55. As regards the three other
activities carried out at sea in 2020 results are as
follows: the actual distance sailed by vessels was 8,661
nautical miles, which was by 64.03% longer than the
forecasted value of 5,280 nautical miles. The actual
number of registered vessel engine working hours
amounted to 798 and was by 38.67% higher than the
forecasted number of registered vessel engine
working hours which amounted to 575.46. The actual
vessel fuel consumption was 241,997 litres which was
in comparison to the forecasted consumption of
193,870 litres higher by 24.82%.
The same as in case of the activities carried out in
the air, by using the exponential smoothing method
with the weight factor of 0.1, the following values of
the activities carried out at sea were forecasted: 96.59
engaged vessels, 5.62 thousand nautical miles sailed,
599.72 registered vessel engine working hours and
198,680 litres of consumed vessel fuel.
Figure 5 The graphs of the number of issued mandatory
misdemeanour warrants: (a) annual number of issued
mandatory misdemeanour warrants from 2016 to 2020; (b)
actual and forecasted number of issued mandatory
misdemeanour warrants from 2016 to 2021.
The last activity carried out by the CGRC that we
will analyse in this paper is the number of issued
mandatory misdemeanour warrants in the period
from 2016 to 2020.
The number of issued mandatory misdemeanour
warrants, shown in Table 5 (a), first increased than
decreased and in the end it increased again. In 2020
there was a significant growth of issued mandatory
misdemeanour warrants. The lowest level of the
annual number of issued mandatory misdemeanour
warrants was in 2018, whereas the highest one was in
The graph of the actual and forecasted values of
the number of issued mandatory misdemeanour
warrants in Figure 5 (b) shows that the forecasted
values were lower than the actual values in 2017, 2019
and 2020, but in 2018 the forecasted value was higher
than the actual one.
The rates of changes of the number of issued
mandatory misdemeanour warrants in relation to the
base year of 2020 (2020 = 100), given in Table 6, show
that the number of issued mandatory misdemeanour
warrants was by 72.15% lower in 2016, 64.56% in 2017,
81.01% in 2018 and 59.49% in 2019.
Table 6 Rates of changes of the activities CGRC carried out
in the air (2020 = 100)
Year Rates of changes of the number of issued
mandatory misdemeanour warrants (2020 = 100)
2016 -72.15
2017 -64.56
2018 -81.01
2019 -59.49
2020 0
By using the exponential smoothing method when
the weight factor is 0.1, the values of the numbers of
issued mandatory misdemeanour warrants for the
period from 2016 to 2021 were also forecasted and the
mean absolute percentage error was calculated (Table
The same as for other activities carried out by the
CGRC, the forecasted values were calculated for
several different weight factors, and eventually the
weight factor of 0.1 was selected in order to minimise
the mean absolute percentage error.
Table 7. The forecasted values of the number of issued
mandatory misdemeanour warrants in the period from 2016
to 2021
Year forecasted values of the number of issued
mandatory misdemeanour warrants
2017 22.00
2018 22.60
2019 21.84
2020 22.86
2021 28.47
MAPE - mean absolute percentage error
By comparing the forecasted values of the number
of issued mandatory misdemeanour warrants in 2020,
which amounted to 79 (Table 1) with the forecasted
number of issued 22.86 mandatory misdemeanour
warrants (Table 7), it can be seen that the actual value
was higher than the forecasted one by 245.58%.
The forecasted value of the number of issued
mandatory misdemeanour warrants was, by using the
exponential smoothing method when the weight
factor is 0.1, 28.47 for the year 2021.
The results of the conducted analysis show that the
activities the CGRC carried out in the air in 2020, the
year of pandemic, were at a lower level than in the
period from 2015 to 2018. However, if the level of
these activities is compared to those from 2019, which
preceded the pandemic, it is noticeable that the
number of airplane flights and number of flight hours
were at the same level, whereas the airplane fuel
consumption in 2020 was at somewhat higher level
than in 2019. As regards the activities the CGRC
conducted at sea in the period from 2015 to 2020, the
results show that in the period from 2015 to 2020 the
number of nautical miles sailed, number of registered
vessel engine working hours and vessel fuel
consumption reached their peak in 2020, but the
number of engaged vessels in 2020 was lower than in
2019. The number mandatory misdemeanour
warrants the CGRC issued in the period from 2015 to
2020 was at the highest level in the pandemic times of
In 2020, the forecasted values of the activities the
CGRC carried out in the air had a slightly higher
value than the actual values, whereas the forecasted
values for 2021were somewhat higher than the actual
values in 2020. When the activities the CGRC
conducted at sea are concerned, the forecasted values
of the number of nautical miles sailed by vessels,
number of registered vessel engine working hours
and vessel fuel consumption had a lower level than
the actual ones, and the forecasted number of engaged
vessels in was higher than the actual value. The
forecasted values of the number of nautical miles
sailed by vessels, number of registered vessel engine
working hours and vessel fuel consumption for 2021
were significantly lower than the actual values for
2020, but in case of engaged vessels the forecasted
value for 2021 was higher than the actual values in
2020. Similarly to most of the activities carried out at
sea, the forecasted number of issued mandatory
misdemeanour warrants for 2020 was also
significantly lower than the actual number in 2020,
and the forecasted number for 2021 was quite lower
than the actual number in 2020.
Therefore, it is quite safe to say that, despite the
COVID-19 pandemic, the CGRC continues to carry
out not only all the planned activities but also some
extraordinary ones within the framework of the
Central Coordinating Committee for Surveillance and
Protection of the Sea, and that the intensity of
surveillance was not reduced, but on the contrary, the
number of performed inspections and issued
mandatory misdemeanour warrants in 2020 was
significantly higher in comparison to the previous
years analysed in this paper.
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