complicate the situation. Design of these vessels can
be seen in Guidelines for Finnish Swedish Ice class by
It is seen from the accident investigation report by
ConocoPhillips (2009) that lack of cooperation
between the bridge team and lack of situational
awareness, together with shortcomings in the
decision-making capacity of the bridge team, was the
primary cause of the accident. However, the root
cause of the accident was a distraction by an irrelevant
bridge routine call to the captain within the 500
meters safety zone [2].
The third accident is Samundra Suraksha, a
multipurpose vessel that collided with the Mumbai
High North platform on 27th July 2005 to ensure the
medical evacuation of ship personnel. The vessel
collided with the riser leading to a leak of
hydrocarbons, which eventually led to an explosion
and total loss of both installation and ship (later, 1st
August). On the day of the accident, the vessel had no
preexisting issue in its instruments or its navigational
system and was seaworthy. However, the vessel
experienced challenging weather conditions (35kn
wind, 5m swell and 3kn current) [3].
The collision risk management principles were
insufficiently implemented in the third accident for
in-field vessels’ risk management as mentioned in the
guidance on enforcement [14]. In the case of
Samundra Suraksha, no procedures were established
to manage risks of collision, which governs the overall
approach to identify hazards, assess risk, and establish
an appropriate procedure for the detection, control,
and mitigation. This is reflected by the captain’s
misjudgment (observed that starboard azimuth
thruster pitch was sluggish) while switching the
vessel to manual maneuvering in tough weather
conditions. These actions reflect on a poor
organizational safety culture, where operating policies
were not followed into operations by the DPO. The
pre-entry checklist and procedures following the
operation within the 500m safety zone were ignored.
The safety culture has been shifting in time with the
evolving concept of quality management (change
management), the approach termed Kaizen
(continuous improvements), emphasis on resilience
organizations, and many other philosophies.
However, the possibility of accidents occurrence
depends on several minor details deep-rooted in the
organizational structure. In order to understand issues
regarding the alarm system present onboard offshore
vessels, the study of relevant guidelines and technical
requirements was done. At the same time, the results
from the survey were evaluated under the umbrella of
the YA 711 technical requirement published by
Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (2001). While
doing so, weaknesses in the current system are
anticipated to be outlined.
A questionnaire for the target group was prepared
to figure out the issues as per the technical
requirements in YA 711, in six distinct categories.
Each category has individual requirements for either
human perspective, technological perspective,
organizational perspective, or any combination of
these three, as shown in Appendix.
Survey results were collected from two target
groups, one being DP operators and the other being
DP instructors. End-user input is expected from DPOs
regarding training methods and information
regarding the preparation of seafarers for DP
Table 1. List of Participants in Target Group
Target Group Questionnaire Interview
DPO 40 1
Simulator Instructors 3 1
Total Participants 45
HTO analysis is used for the categorization of
answers and comparing them with relevant
guidelines. Results from the survey are found to be as
In general requirements of alarm development and
function, the primary purpose of an alarm system is to
act as a tool for operators to handle critical and
atypical solutions with precision and effectiveness [8].
On the other hand, the survey reflects the
importance of several factors, such as contributors,
that reduce the attention and cognitive ability to
handle alarm systems properly. One of the questions
from the survey was the effect of a client’s presence on
the bridge while working on a DP operation. This
event can be seen as distraction for DPO and hence,
raises the risk of accidents during a DP operation.
Nearly half of the participants agreed to this as shown
in Figure 2.
Figure 2 Main contributors for distraction in the bridge
during operation.
The criticality of distraction on the bridge can also
be seen from the collision between Big Orange XVIII
and Ekofisk 2/4. The captain lost his focus while
fulfilling responsibilities that had no connection with
the vessel maneuvering. The captain enabled autopilot
before taking a phone call. After his return, he could
not figure out why the vessel was not responding to
his input [2]. This fact supports that unwanted events
affect the cognitive ability of DPO, especially when
there is a need for full concentration in operation.
For alarm generation, there were a high number of
technical requirements compared to human or
organizational requirements [8]. The survey found
that it was not allowed to change the alarm