Transportation by ship has a fantastic impact at the
personnel who work because the deliver's crew [16].
The Baltic and worldwide Maritime Council (Bimco)
cited that during 2020 the arena wished 1,593,198
seafarers. however, there have been only 1,555,281
seafarers, so it ought to be 37,917 more. it's far an
opportunity for people who wish to work aboard
ships, as the seas offer more job vacancies than on
One of the base educations programs that
prospective seafarers must comply with is Drill
Program [3]. the program aims to provide education
members with understanding and skills about the
basics of protection on board [15]. They must also be
capable of exercise the knowledge to save you and
overcome emergencies while crusing [7].
Drill Program is the primary objective of the
training is to strengthen the player's skills so that they
are capable to perform a rescue in an emergency
condition [19]. They must be capable of prevent fires
and extinguish them. except, they are expected to
understand diverse emergencies, occupational health
and safety, mild medical care on board, and self-
rescue [14]. participants are also required to engage in
preventing marine pollution and develop social verbal
exchange aboard the ship.
On the preliminary area observations and
interviews with training managers, the researchers
found many deficiencies within the education and
training services of Drill program at the KM. Gunung
Dempo. one of these shortcomings is the time table of
Assessment of Factors Contributing to the Risks of
D. Prayogo, A. Ndori, V.F. Andromeda, D. Kurnianing Sari, H. Hartoyo & E. Sulistiyowati
Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Indonesia
ABSTRACT: The study is research and development by utilizing the ex post facto approach. The research area is
at the KM. Gunung Dempo. The research information was collected using a questionnaire method and then
analyzed using evaluative analysis techniques via descriptive-quantitative analysis. This study is evaluative
research with N-Gain. The data were collected through questionnaires and interviews. Valid data in the validity
test results can be used for research. Two items of data were found to be invalid during the validity test. Result
of N-Gain was 0.766 which was in high category, meaning that implementation of system model changed into
suitable and powerful to enhance understanding. Result of t-test showed that t for statistical test was 93.398
with significance level = 0.000 (p<0.05), meaning that the model was effective. Drill Program implemented is in a
good category. Correlation coefficient of pre-test and post-test was 0.878. Result of N-Gain was 0.766 which was
in high category, meaning that implementation of Training application system version turned into top and
powerful to enhance learning. Result of t-test showed that t for statistical test was 93.398 with significance level
= 0.000 (p<0.05), meaning that the model was effective.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 16
Number 1
March 2022
DOI: 10.12716/1001.16.01.02
coaching and studying activities in the classroom and
field exercise, which are organized in an unstructured
and systematic way. One schedule often collides with
another because of inconsistent lesson times. The
problem is indicated due to the restricted quantity of
academics and insufficient facilities.
Different findings indicate that the making plans,
implementation, and evaluation training aren't
organized based totally on control principles, so the
implementation is much less effective. From the
results of the interview with the pinnacle of the
Seafarers' education and training Unit, the learning
focuses on conveying knowledge verbally, it has not
but reached the level of giving training participants
the opportunity to expand their personal insights and
judgment once they face critical conditions. that
means the lecturer or instructor does not reflect on
their personal learning techniques.
The evaluation model gives a more complicated
software because it covers both formative and
summative reviews. The results of the context, input,
method, and product evaluation will be useful in
making decisions (formative) and create accountable
information (summative). hence, it will upload more
various strategic alternatives applied by institutions in
conducting instructional programs. Two CIPP
assessment results sign up a traditional remember of
91,000% and a computational count of 91.600%. based
at the analysis, the computer-Assisted CIPP
evaluation version is able to calculate more quickly
and accurately than traditional, even though the
difference is not significant. therefore, further
empirical studies is needed to talk about the
controversy [6].
Correct protection training is beneficial to lessen
the danger of a work injury that may arise anytime
and everywhere. hence, every deliver's group is
needed to join protection education [17, 18]. Within
the findings of the effectiveness of Training Program
on protection, protection training is efficacious inside
the crusing global. but, it needs to be supported by
suitable learning methods and fashions so that they
can without problems exercise it while working. With
the assist of technology, studying becomes simpler
and increases the education participant literacy to
recognize the material [5].
In the assessment of modification of Training
program as a reaction to a disaster, it indicates that
this training has proven to play an crucial role in
public awareness, and it is suggested to improve it.
groups experienced Training Program has proven to
be more alert and responsive in dealing with screw
ups [13].
Context input process Product is an information
service evaluation model. it is the solution to solve
issues in the evaluation of services. The evaluation
version was designed because of the teacher's lack of
comprehension in assessing the teaching process. that
is why the success rate of information services in
schools cannot be analyzed clearly. furthermore, the
assessment method's ineffectiveness also results in
weak faculty accountability and inadequate
improvement or development.
1.1 Management of Training
Management is a process of forming cooperation in a
collection, which later creates a common goal.
Meanwhile, [17] asserts that control is the
communication of diverse resources developed from
the making plans, organizing, and controlling
strategies to achieve certain intentions, [12].
Based on these ideas, management is defined as a
process for solving problems with powerful methods
to achieve organizational goals and objectives by
using existing assets successfully. management
includes many aspects together with control,
coordination, motivation, design processes,
development, and the influence of organizational
goals and assets in achieving goals [11].
Argue that control is the system of directing
agencies to achieve organizational goals collectively.
Administrative specialists such as Sergiovanni,
Coombs, and Thurson also have a comparable
sentiment by emphasizing that management is the
procedure of working with and through others to
perform organizational dreams successfully [2].
Primarily based at the data above, the researchers
formulate that control goals usually discuss a few
aspects, including a) cooperation, b) conducted by
or extra people, and c) achieving common goals.
consequently, management is a process involving
many people effectively and efficiently to attain
organizational functions. management in an
organization features as an attempt to carry out
certain sports, so its main goals are achieved
productively and efficiently.
1.2 Drill Program
This abilities education and training aim to make sure
that individuals have basic competency and safety
skills while crusing. participants must demonstrate a
series of rescue in an emergency as one indicator of
those skills. they have got the competency to prevent
fires as well as to extinguish them. The individuals
also are expected to understand numerous types of
emergencies, occupational health, and safety [10].
Aside from the signs above, there are different
factors such as medical care skills, self-rescue at some
point of an emergency, stopping marine pollution,
and maintaining social verbal exchange on board. This
Drill Program additionally emphasizes the
contributors to comprehend the basic knowledge of
safety and exercise [8] it to prevent and overcome
issues at the same time as crusing. accordingly,
education participants are not best talented in theory,
so are the practitioners too.
This study is evaluative research with pre test and
post test and N-Gain [4]. The data were collected
through questionnaires and interviews. Before the
questionnaire was submitted to the respondent, the
instrument was through the validity and reliability
stages. Valid data in the validity test results can be
used for research. Two items of data were found to be
invalid during the validity test.
To analyze the data, the researchers used
descriptive statistical methods. The method is then
combined with the pre test and post test and N-Gain,
so it can evaluate the implementation of the training
program at KM. Gunung Dempo. The next step is
selecting the education and training model through
the Planning, Implementation, and Control approach
to determine the appropriate model and may be
useful as a training development strategy.
This study intends to obtain a concrete picture of
the Training program implementation. The
development research also reports in detail the
behavior of training participants, training activities,
and exploration to determine the proper method and
development. After the event is thoroughly
understood, the next step is exploring the research
subject to check the overall situation in everyday life.
Previous to this selection the subsequent steps were
conducted: accumulating statistics on college students
arithmetic rating in KM. Gunung Dempo,
accomplishing populace normality tests of students
arithmetic score appearing variance-homogeneity
check, four). Engaging-in random choice after the
population considered regular and homogeneous, the
level in this have a look at include: identifying
troubles and dreams, making mastering, growing test
devices followed by way of validation-of specialists
and empirical (subject check trial), four) undertaking
the pretest, presenting getting to know remedy the
usage of manipulative media, conducting the put up-
test, analyzing the check effects, drawing conclusions
from the result of the look at, writing the research
The facts were accumulated by using giving
written exams thru pre-test and post-test to discover
students know-how of principles related to addition
and subtraction of integers. Students’ know-how of
mathematical ideas is measured from their
information earlier than and after the remedy through
pre-test and post-check for the fabric addition and
subtraction of integers [9].
The check instrument consists of 23 questions.
Before this device become used in this studies, it
turned intotested through experts. The very last
validity acquired 19 legitimate questions with a
moderate development. After validity from the
professional, the device become examined to find out
the empirical validity. The result of empirical validity
turned into then processed to peer what number of
questions is legitimate. Based at the calculation of this
validity, all questions are considered valid. After
understanding the validity, the reliability, issue stage,
and discriminating electricity were additionally
decided. The validity was tested through by the usage
of Pearson Product moment correlation components
at the same time as the reliability became tested by
using the use of Aplha formula.
After acquiring the valid and reliable check tool,
the test was given to attain the pre-check and put up-
take a look at results. Facts obtained from the results
of the pre-take a look at and submit-check were then
analyzed to look the development earlier than and
after the treatment. Quantitative information analysis
changed into used to look the significance of the
increase before and after the treatment with the aid of
the usage of normalized advantage system advanced
This studies is an experimental research with pre-
experimental technique. The studies design used in
this have a look at is a pre test-post test layout.
Outcomes of descriptive evaluation related to
outcomes of pre-test and post-test are provided inside
the in the fprm of a graph or bar chart in Figure 1
Figure 1. Description of Before and After Implementation.
Figure 1 indicates that before implementation of
management model in Training Program, the highest
score obtained was at intervals 50-57 as much as 52%
which was in pretty precise category. After
implementation of management model, the highest
score obtained was at intervals 6673 as much as 54%
which was in a good category.
3.1 N-Gain Test on Results of Pre-Test and Post-Test
Calculation of gain index was carried out to see how
much increase in implementation of management.
Gain test is used to determine degree of effectiveness
of a treatment on anticipated results, which in this
study was management model in Training Program.
Gain index is calculated by the following formula:
( )
( )
Post test score Pre test score
Gain index
Max score Pre test score
Importantly, criteria for N-Gain results are
presented in Table 1 below.
Table 1. Gain Index Criteria
No Index Explanation
1 g 0,3 Low
2 0,3 < g < 0,7 Moderate
3 g ≥ 0,7 High
Source: Meltzer.
Information acquired from the results of the
pretest and posttest were then analyzed to see the
improvement before and after the remedy with
manipulative media for the addition and subtraction
of integer substances. Quantitative information
evaluation turned into used to peer the significance of
the boom earlier than and after the remedy via the
usage of normalized gain method developed.
Moreover, criteria used to interpret Gain score:
Gain 0.7 means high; 0.3 0.7 means moderate; and
Gain 0.3 means low 18. Result of pre-test showed
that mean value of management model in Training
Program was 52.5098, while result of post-test of
implementation of management model in Training
program obtained a value of 74.7342, indicating that
there was an increase after implementation of
management model in Basic Safety Training. Level of
effectiveness of the model applied in this study can be
calculated using Gain Index above, which is as follows
Based on Criteria table, effectiveness of Training
model in implemented in KM. Gunung Dempo was in
the range of Gain value 0.7. It means that Gain index
value of 0.766 was in high category (high-G).
Accordingly, results of above calculation demonstrate
that management model in training program
developed was effective to improve basic safety
training skills at KM. Gunung Dempo with a high
level of effectiveness. Effectiveness of model checking
out then used t-test and average increase of pre-test
and post-test.
Result of N-Gain was 0.766 which was in high
category, meaning that implementation of application
system model was good and effective to improve
training. Result of t-test showed that t for statistical
test was 95.508 with significance level = 0.000 (p0.05),
meaning that the model was effective.
The research and discussion results conclude that the
training program implemented is in a good category.
Correlation coefficient of pre-test and post-test was
0.878, meaning that there was a correlation with
significance level of 000 < 0.05. Result of N-Gain was
0.766 which was in high category, meaning that
implementation of training system model was good
and effective to improve learning. Result of t-test
showed that t for statistical test was 93.398 with
significance level = 0.000 (p 0.05), meaning that the
training was effective. Overall, the implementation of
BST at the KM. Gunung Dempo is good.
Recommendation: Based on the research results, the
researchers suggest, Use the application for
registration, payment, and sharing of training
schedules online, Optimize the use of Learning Media
and information technology for training
implementation in the classroom.
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