International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 2
Number 4
December 2008
Mooring the Ferry m/f “Gryf” in Extreme
Hydro and Meteorological Conditions
A. Kowalski
Unity Line Ltd., Szczecin, Poland
ABSTRACT: The paper introduces some possible manoeuvres of the ferry „Gryf” in difficult hydro and
meteorological conditions, in which standard methods do not permit execution of mooring and unmooring.
Brief characteristics of the ferry m/f „Gryf” have been presented. Typical and most often met extreme hydro
and meteorological conditions have been described for Świnoujście and Ystad. Examplary techniques of
manoeuvres have also been presented for both ports of operation.
The ferry m/f “Gryf” left building shipyard in year
1990 as typical ro-ro passenger ship. It was bought
in year 2004 and has been modernized and rebuild.
Since January 2005 being operated by Unity Line
Ltd. M/f “Gryf”, it has been adapted to transport
beyond 100 lorries on three closed decks.
Simultaneously it can also carry passengers together
with cars. Her construction enables shipping without
region’s limits.
The ship has two propellers. Each medium speed
main engine drives one controllable-pitch propeller
trough transmission gear. Behind each of them
double, flap rudders are situated. Both are coupled.
Ferry main particulars:
length overall 157, 9 m,
width 24 m,
maximum draft 5, 90 m,
Mm power of main engines 2 x 3960 kW,
Ms sum of power two bow thrusters 1536 kW,
area exposed wind pressure near 3 thousand m2.
After comparisons of ferry m/f “Gryf” to ferry
m/f “Polonia” (also property of Unity Line Ltd.,
most modern ferry operated by Polish Ship Owners)
one can name some differences, which have to be
taken into consideration by Captain manoeuvring the
vessel. M/f “Polonia” can navigate practically in
every hydro and meteorological conditions occuring
in her region of operating. M/f “Gryf” possessing
smaller size has unquestionably smaller coefficients
of indicatory power to lengths overall as well to the
area exposed to wind pressure [1].
Experience in manoeuvring the ferry was
assembled on the line Świnoujście-Ystad in years
2005 and 2006. The ferry in Świnoujście is moored
port side on position No 4 of Ferry Terminal. Bow
ramp was laying down on the shore adjustable
platform. In Ystad the ferry was always moored
starboard side at “Polen I” with the stern ramp
With a dose of simplification, we can define
regular hydro and meteorological conditions (wind
and current) in which ferry can execute all expected
manoeuvres individually by means of routine setting
of own engines, thrusters and helms.
A good and universal test defining regular
conditions is 360o turning executed in the area of
turning circle. At the beginning and after completion
of the test, the ferry should be stopped in relation to
the bottom. The initial course of wind should be
around 90o. For obvious reasons it is very difficult
to execute the test in the port’s area and in the real
turn circle area. It is safest to carry out the test for
example in gulfs or in areas sheltered from waves
but not from the wind. The Pilot Navigational
System or an electronic chart in suitable scale have
to be used for registration and for controlling of
execution of manoeuvres. Additional limits for
settings of engines and thrusters can result from the
construction of the bottom and wharfs. Here will be
determine maximum, admissible speed of propeller
stream at the bottom [2].
The aim of this paper is not to determine
the maximum unfavourable conditions in which
manoeuvring is yet possible. The goal of this paper
is to describe techniques used during manoeuvring
of the ferry in extremely difficult hydro and
meteorological conditions.
2.1 Mooring
In typical circumstances the ferry m/f “Gryf” without
turning approaches Terminal stand No 4 parallel to
wharf on course about 208o. The right engine works
astern to slow down runing of the ferry.
Composition of the left engine working forward
together with the rudder adjusted on starboard causes
moment pushing stern to the wharf. Linear speed is
controlled by the engine working astern. Suitable
adjustment of bow thrusters and the main rudder
control transverse speed of approaching the quay by
the ferry. Approximately 20 m from the position of
mooring the ship will be stopped at the fenders.
Then first lines (forward spring and stern line) pass
ashore. The vessel starts shifting forward and during
the running next lines (stern spring and head line)
will be on shore. All options of manoeuvrering in all
extreme weather conditions will be the same from
the first contact with the fenders. Differences will
only occur until this stage.
Ferry Terminal Stand no 4 is relatively well
secured from squally winds. Unfortunately in
Świnoujście river port stormy winds on open waters
accompany changes of water level causing strong
outward and inward currents. Currents speed in
period of collecting empirical data reached
sometimes to 6 knots. It is necessary to realize that
close to stand no 4 rotation of direction and current
speed changes appear. It is caused by advancing the
end of stand into centre line of port channel and also
further deviation of wharf line by as many as 20
degrees in relation to stands 5 and 6. Strong currents
cease in the area about 15 m from the fenders line.
During moorings with strong inward currents it is
necessary to slow down the ferry before reaching
Ferry Terminal It causes serious problems with
keeping the ship on desirable position according to
manoeuvre plan when running with minimum and
steerability speed. Classic approach, parallel to
wharfs causes loss of stern control and it is necessary
to repeat all approach to the quay once again.
In average strong inward currents conditions the
only efficient activity is to approach on courses
deviated into the right from the wharf line direction..
Dependent upon the information about current
conditions received from station VTS Świnoujście,
deviation from course 208
should be out from 10 to
30 degrees to the right. In this manner we obtain
additional moment pushing stern to quay in spite of
comparatively low coefficients of indicatory power
to lengths overall as well to area exposed to wind
Fig. 1. Świnoujście mooring with strong inward going currents.
Arrows on stern represents pull direction of both main engines.
Arrow on bow symbolize bow thrusters direction. Vector in a
centre showing shifting direction of the ferry
In these circumstances as a consequence of the
necessitity to continuously stop the ferry with the
right engine and resulting from this weak
possibilities of working forward with left engine, we
obtain an efficient method of “supporting of stern”.
The usage of the above described manoeuvres at
more strong entering currents enforces so heavy
“support of stern” effect, that it will demand
sometimes reversing main engines direction and
also a change of the position of main rudder for
pushing out the stern from wharf. When activity of
current already begins to cease close to the quay, it is
necessary to reverse the engine and the rudder again
for pushing the ferry to wharf.
At very strong currents the only solution is to use
the tug and mooring it on stern. The tug will be
ordered to slow down the ferry and if possible to
simultaneously tow at the direction of the. In this
manner the ferry will obtain additional possibility for
“forward” working of main engines. Then the main
rudder will be used in the direction of the quay and
the vessel has big possibility of moving parallel to
the quay.
Not one can give concrete values of currents at
which we decide to approach with stern pushing first
to the wharf. Not one can recognize such power of
entering current during this option of manoeuvre
when it is necessary to reverse the engine and the
rudder to counteract running the stern into the wharf.
These decisions are to be made by the captain under
taking into account his/her experience, unpredictable
direction of currents, gusts, and wind direction that
are at acceptable navigational risk.
Mooring at extremely strong out going current
require continuous control of stern position pushed
by current into the wharf. Turning moment of main
engines should be adjusted to pushing the ferry out
from the quay. At more strongest out going currents
its take into consideration usage of tug moored on
In certain hydro and meteorological conditions
the risk will be too large to undertake manoeuvres of
mooring. Awaiting for conditions improvement will
be necessary.
2.2 Unmooring
In typical circumstances the ship after dropping
the lines, runs away from wharfs and begins
simultaneous backwards and parallel to quay
movement until the bow passes the end of terminal
stand no 4 (close to shore adjustable platform of the
stand 5). At this moment the ferry begins turning in
the left-hand direction with backward movement
maintained. Manoeuvres of unmooring permit large
relative speed of propellers streams that enable
control of a good position of the ferry stern.
Entering to centre of 310 m turning circle is not
necessary because the length and draft of m/f “Gryf
permits safe turning in practically all regions of the
port - channel. At stronger out going currents, it is
advisable to change the direction of turning. Then all
manoeuvres instead of drift will be executed in the
turning circle area.
At strong transverse winds one can push the ferry
into wharf with the use of the springs using the
current to move vessel in the direction opposite to
the wind and for reducing the course to the wind.
Fig. 2. Świnoujście unmooring with out going currents. See
comments below figure 1
Ferry Terminal in Świnoujście is relatively well
secured from squally winds. One can even assume
that appearance of any hydro and meteorological
conditions on open sea in of which shipping is safe
for ferry m/f “Gryf” will bring about minimum
safety conditions for unmooring and turning of
the ship.
3.1 Mooring
During routine manoeuvres the ship enters the port
on course 036
proceeding along the leading marks
line. When the stern passes the right head of internal
breakwater together with lineal movement forward,
the ferry begins turning left, in order to clear of
“Revhuskajen” corner with stern from a distance of
about 25 m.
Continuing turning left of the vessel, from this
moment ferry can begin also astern linear motion
proceed along to quay “Polen I”. Course of the wharf
is 263°. Mooring with starboard. Currents in internal
port do not exist.
At extremely strong SW winds during turning the
ferry should keep away form “Polen I”. The idea is
to create possible large area for strong wind drift and
time for turning the ferry to wharf course. All ferry
captain’s activities at circulation of wind from
directions SW and S are directed at reaching the
quay fenders with minimum energy, best with zero
longitudinal speed of the ferry.
The situation is much more difficult when
mooring is accompanied by winds from N - NE
directions. In such situations it is necessary to move
ferry so close to the corner of “Pollen I” that it is
possible to passing any line from bow to the corner
of the quay. Then after transferring ship’s point of
turning forward, and with the same power on stern
we have more profitable ferry turning moment.
Dependent upon the force of wind when approaching
to quay, passing the first line does not have to occur
in the same moment when ferry is parallel to wharfs.
The act of passing the line can be more effective
when the ship is during turning closer to the
northerly courses, when the course to the wind is
3.2 Unmooring
Routine departure of the ferry means proceeding
with bow thruster pushing the bow into the left
direction and simultaneously very slowly
accelerating the ship. The stern should be held at
constant, safe distance from wharf by use of main
engines settings and the rudder. After passing the
right side internal breakwater, the speed of the ferry
should be strongly accelerated to obtain appropriate
course stability.
With strong winds pushing back from quay,
unmooring proceeds similarly to routine manoeuvre.
Activities should counteract drift caused by the
Fig. 3. Ystad unmooring with out going wind direction. Left
engine stopped. See comments below figure 1
In the final phase after turning by bow thrusters,
the ferry has to be accelerated a little earlier to
oppose drift done by the wind. Safety of manoeuvre
is emphasized by the fact that between heads of the
internal and external breakwaters on eastern side
there is a wider fairway . That creates more space for
unexpectable drift.
It is considerably more difficult to manoeuvre the
ferry during strong winds pushing ferry to the quay.
Captain’s activity should aim at shifting the point of
turning closer to the stern and to as quick as as
possible diminution of courses to the wind. In such
as situation while working with bow thrusters on
pushing out, it is necessary to choose ship stern area
safe point of support at the quay. Stern spring may
be left on bollard. Operations with main engines and
rudder settings intended to push back the stern and
dropping the stern spring line should be carried out
to obtain lowest possible course to the wind. In this
situation the ferry should have full controllable
manoeuvres on forward and stern. After passing the
line of right side internal breakwater the ferry should
continue moving to the left to obtain suitable spare
height and then the speed has to be strongly
accelerated to obtain good course stability.
Liner trade shipping, and in especially ferry trade
enforces on time sailings to the ports. Usage of other
than routine methods of manoeuvring permits
increasing safety and regularity of shipping which
improves economic results.
It is captain’s experience in manoeuvre, his/her
constant estimation of navigational risk and based on
this making the right decisions has crucial influence
on correct operation of ferry has. One can conclude
based on the presented examples of solving the
mooring problems results that one of the manners of
enlarging abilities of ferries manoeuvre, except
direct enlarging power of engines and bow thrusters,
enlarge experience of captains and using other than
routine manoeuvring manners. This can be achieved
in many ways depending upon different strategies of
crew qualifications improvement.
[1] Gucma S., Kowalski A., Doświadczalna metoda oceny
zdolności manewrowych cumowania promów morskich.
International Conference „The Role of Navigation I Support
of Human Activity at Sea NAVSUP 2006”, Gdynia 2006.
[2] Gucma S., Instrukcja eksploatacji stanowiska Nr 4, 5
i 6 Bazy Promów Morskich w Świnoujściu, Maritime
University, Szczecin 2005