multicultural, international and non- transparent
shipping industry, seafarers remain vulnerable and
submissive to an unfavourable working and living
environment. At the same time, regulatory
instruments fail to fully address the issues stemming
from their deteriorated wellbeing and, with absolutely
no choice, the seafarers’ voice remains unheard.
Global pandemic issues caused some jolt to the
governments and shipping companies to take actions
to facilitate the wellbeing of seafarers, but it seems to
have an intermittent nature from state to state. Finally,
it is important to give increased awareness and wider
recognition to seafarers’ wellbeing in order to
introduce seafaring to the world not only as a
necessary workforce, but also as human beings
deserving much better living and working conditions.
The authors would like to thank the seafarers and the
maritime stakeholders who took part in the study.
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