5.2 Simulation study
The ATT and ATMM will be tested using a ship
simulator. The selected ship simulator should have
core manoeuvring elements and deliver accurate
navigation simulation for various ship types.
The simulator is used to obtain the necessary data
and variables involving the preferred ship. It will
generate a set of charted courses consisting of nine
turning angles (each with a 10° change). Then, the
developed mathematical model will be used to
identify the WOP. The model's effectiveness is
determined by comparing the XTD generated by the
ATT and ATMM during the manoeuvring
5.3 Data validation
In this study, a WOP mathematical model will be
developed for better track-keeping function when
minimising the XTD. The particular ship simulator
will test both the ATT and ATMM. Next, the data on
the XTD will be compared to see if there is an
improvement in the model. Finally, the ATT and
ATMM will be validated through three stages, as
1. Cross track limit (XTL). An XTL is a limit whereby
a ship could safely deviate from the track [4]. This
research will look into which method provides the
best XTL compliance.
2. The XTD reduction. The reduction could be
justified by modifying the formula to calculate
percentage change [2].
3. A Mann-Whitney U test. A comparison study will
be conducted using the Mann-Whitney U test to
determine whether the mean XTD of the ATT and
ATMM are significantly different [6].
5.4 Timeline
This research study is expected to be completed in
four semesters (24 months), with the following
activities listed in Table 2.
Table 2. Research Timeline
Research Section Duration (month(s))
Introduction 1
Literature review 4
Development of the mathematical model 3
Simulation study 5
Validation analysis 5
Data interpretation and discussion 4
Conclusion 2
1. Anwar, N.: Navigation Advanced for Mates/Masters.
Division of Witherbys Publishing Group Limited (2015).
2. Bansilal, S.: The application of the percentage change
calculation in the context of inflation in Mathematical
Literacy. Pythagoras. 38, 1, (2017).
3. ITTC: Full Scale Measurements Manoeuvrability Full
Scale Manoeuvring Trials Procedure. (2002).
4. Kristić, M., Žuškin, S., Brčić, D., Valčić, S.: Zone of
Confidence Impact on Cross Track Limit Determination
in ECDIS Passage Planning. Journal of Marine Science
and Engineering. 8, 8, (2020).
5. Lekkas, A.M., Fossen, T.I.: Minimization of cross-track
and along-track errors for path tracking of marine
underactuated vehicles. In: 2014 European Control
Conference (ECC). pp. 3004–3010 (2014).
6. Mann, H.B., Whitney, D.R.: On a Test of Whether one of
Two Random Variables is Stochastically Larger than the
Other. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics. 18, 1, 50–
60 (1947).
7. Skóra, K., Wolski, A.: Voyage planning. Scientific
Journal of Silesian University of Technology. Series
Transport. 92, 123–128 (2016).
8. TAIC: Final report MO-2016-202: Passenger ship,
Azamara Quest , contact with Wheki Rock, Tory
Channel, 27 January 2016. (2016).
9. Voit, E.O.: Introduction to Mathematical Modeling. In:
Voit, E.O. (ed.) A First Course in Systems Biology. pp.
19–50 Garland Science (2012).