Based on equation (6), we can simulate flight after
a circle . The parameters of the model (6) are the
radius of the circle r and the angle t.
Figure 5. Trajectory of motion of FO ETD37A
In Figure 5, the end point of the flight in a turn is
marked with a blue ringed. According to equation (5),
we modeled the flight in the second turn. In
accordance with algorithms 1 through 6, we have
simulated FO trajectory. The FO motion trajectory is
shown in Fig. 5. From figure 5 it is clear that said
algorithms allow us to simulate the flight of a flying
object, which consists of a straight section and two
turns. The advantage of this solution is that the model
is simple and does not require a long simulation time.
The result of modelling is a model describing FO
motion in a geocentric coordinate system. For the
simulation to be as accurate as possible, we have
performed air traffic observation over the territory of
the Slovak Republic via the Flightradar24 application.
We randomly selected FO and his geographic
coordinates and altitudes have been implemented in
our model. For the purpose of solving the problem, it
was necessary to transform his coordinates into a
geocentric coordinate system. The simulation results
have confirmed that the created model sufficiently
accurately describe FO flight in real-world conditions.
The generated simulation model can be used for
further research and development of communication,
navigation, radar systems or anti-collision system.
Also for examination the accuracy and resistance of
radio navigation systems to interference. In order to
solve this problem, we strive to create such models
that allow us to simulate the trajectory of a flying
object under conditions that are close to real.
Therefore, we have created a model of a flying object,
which is characterized by flexibility and by changing
the parameters of this model it is possible to get as
close as possible to real flight conditions. At this stage
of the research, we do not consider the turbulence of
the atmosphere and other factors that affect the flying
object. We created our model so that the flight
trajectory consists of a straight flight and two turns.
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