and Table 3. To make a fair comparison between the
different sampling frequencies we only analysed the
results of the common epochs, i.e. the measurements
of every 10 seconds.
Table 3. RMSE of 3d velocity [mm/s] with regards to
different sampling frequencies, 28th of August 2019,
0.1 Hz 0.2 Hz 0.5 Hz 1 Hz 2 Hz
Doppler 13.25 13.25 13.25 13.25 13.25
TDCP 2.00 2.19 2.72 3.66 5.96
We can see that the accuracy of the TDCP velocity
is far better than the one derived from the Doppler
measurements, especially for low sampling
frequencies, and it seems to scale linearly with the
sampling frequency with regards to the RMSE of the
different ENU velocities. The Doppler results are the
same for all epochs as the calculated velocity is
instantaneous and does not depend on prior data and
the time between epochs like the TDCP. While we do
not have a reference at millimetres-per-second-level
for the dynamic scenario shown in Figure 10, we are
confident that the accuracy of the TDCP derived
velocity is in the same regime as the algorithms used
for both scenarios are identical. All in all, the time-
differenced carrier phase measurements provide an
accurate way to estimate the a priori velocity in a
Kalman filter without requiring the convergence of
ambiguities as long as we are able to detect cycle slips.
In this paper we presented the current status of our
PPP algorithm which will be used for advanced driver
assistance functions for inland waterway navigation.
Here, the focus was on the bridge height warning
system and the automatic passing of a waterway lock
which lead to very stringent requirements on
determination of position, orientation and velocity of
the vessel. The requirements were deduced in the
paper and overall system concept was described. The
currently developed PPP algorithm, which is in detail
described in the paper, shows an acceptable accuracy
of the horizontal position of 10 cm which lies within
the requirements of the driver assistant functions but
the convergence time needs to be improved for real-
time application. This will be done by using real-time
SSR corrections which also allow for fixing the integer
ambiguities. Besides the position, we have shown a
highly accurate way to determine the velocity of the
vessel at a millimetres-per-second-level even without
knowing the ambiguities which, apart from the
position and heading, is crucial for entering a
waterway lock. We aim to conclude the development
of the real-time PPP algorithm and also plan to fuse
GNSS with IMU data which can help with potential
GNSS errors or outage when passing a bridge.
As the next step within the project SCIPPPER the
individual technology developments need to be
finalised. These are the global PPP based positioning,
the local positioning by using LIDAR, the automatic
steering of the vessel and the new communication
channel by using VDES. Finally, the system will be
tested and validated with all components working
together and a demonstration (see [13]) of the full
system on the Main-Danube channel will be
The authors would like to thank all project partners within
the project SCIPPPER which are Argonics GmbH, ArgoNav
GmbH, Alberding GmbH, Weatherdock AG, Federal
Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW) and
the Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration for the
fruitful collaboration within the project. Furthermore, we
thank the crew of the MS NAAB for their support during
the measurement activities. We also thank SAPOS and
GEO++ for the provision of the SSR correction data.
This work was partially funded by the German Federal
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (grant number
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