EMSA was set up as a regulatory agency that would
provide a major source of support to the European
Commission and the member states in the field of
maritime safety, security and prevention of pollution
from ships. The Agency was established by
(EC) No. 1406/2002 and subsequent amendments
have refined and enlarged its mandate to cover,
among other measures, the efficiency of maritime
transport. Based in Lisbon, the agency provides
technical assistance and support to the European
Commission and Member States in the development
and implementation of EU legislation on maritime
safety, pollution by ships and maritime security. It has
also been given operational tasks in the field of oil
pollution response, vessel monitoring and in long-
range identification tracking of vessels. Every year
EMSA is collecting reports and data about incidents
which: involve ships flying a flag of one of the
European Union Member State; occur within EU
Member States’ territorial waters as defined in
UCLOS (United Nations Convention on the Law of
the Sea); or involve other substantial interests of EU
Member State.
EMSA has developed the tool to be able to collect
and classify data about casualties EMCIP (European
Marine Casualty Information Platform). System is
unifying and simplifying way of reporting events by
shore authorities and maritime personnel. Picture
(pic.1) below shows simplified model of ship’s
accident report made with EMCIP. Thanks to use of
very simple structure, report is easy to do. According
to last annual report about 60% of incidents is
reported by shore authorities, 23% of reports come
from companies and about 12% from ships. As
statistics show during last 5 years their total amount is
similar every year and stays on the level of around
3000 reports per year.
DMAIB is in charge of investigation of accidents
occurring in Danish territorial waters and on board of
ships carrying Danish flag. Danish territorial waters
contain waters of Kattegat and The Sound which are
main connection between Atlantic Ocean and Baltic
Analysis of Navigational Casualties within European
Waters and Case Study
A. Kerbrat
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: Work shortly analyses statistics of maritime casualties registered by European Maritime Safety
Agency (EMSA) for years 2014-2019 and gives short description of chosen collisions that took place in last ten
years. Article points out main causes of navigational accidents and the need to keep improving navigators skills
and operation of systems available on board to minimalize risk of collision or grounding due to human error. In
this work very small sample is presented and author mainly focuses on European waters and incidents
investigated by only one maritime authority Danish Maritime Accidents Investigation Board (DMAIB).
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 15
Number 4
December 2021
DOI: 10.12716/1001.15.04.02
Figure 1. EMCIP model
Source: “Annual Overview of Marine Casualties and Incidents 2020”
As statistics show navigational accidents are still
big part of all events reported to authorities.
According to EMSA (European Maritime Safety
Agency) report “Annual Overview of Marine
Casualties and Incidents 2020” in years 2014 2019
44% of all reported casualties were navigational,
constituted by collision, contact and grounding/
stranding (pic. 2).
When looking closer to the statistics it is visible
that every year the biggest part of navigational
occurrences are contacts (pic. 4). EMSA defines those
as “a casualty caused by ships striking or being struck
by an external objects” (floating, fixed or flying).
Every year there is also lower but still significant
number of collisions and groundings. Their numbers
are lower every year. EMSA does not specify but one
may suspect that this is enhanced by development of
tools helping navigational officers to make their
decisions, better route planning tools and detection of
a potential dangerous situation before it arises.
Figure 2. Type of occurrences reported to EMSA in years
Source: “Annual Overview of Marine Casualties and
Incidents 2020
Figure 3. Registered amount of navigational occurrences
reported to EMSA in years 2014-2019
Source: “Annual Overview of Marine Casualties and
Incidents 2020
Fig. 3 shows that the fall of number of accidents is
not continuous. There are years like 2016 when
number of incidents classified as contact is visibly
lower but it averages around 380 accidents a year.
Same for collisions. Even though number of collision
has falling tendency within years 2017 2019 the
average is still barely under 300 cases a year just
within European waters and ships flying a flag of one
of the European Union Member State.
Every year cargo ships are the biggest group of
type involved in accidents. Fig. 4 shows that in years
2014 2018 it was over 1200 ships involved every
year. In year 2019 number is slightly lower but still
over 1000. Second biggest group are passenger ships.
Their number averages around 560 vessels involved in
accidents every year. And the third group would be
fishing vessels with average of 340 vessels per year.
Figure 4. Main types of ships involved in accidents reported
to EMSA in years 2014 2019.
Source: “Annual Overview of Marine Casualties and
Incidents 2020
Also the most accidents in general take place while
ships are “en route” (fig. 5). This is not specific to only
one type of the vessels. According to statistics
departure seems to be relatively safe part of voyage.
Arrivals show almost double amount of accidents
comparing to departures.
Figure 5. Distribution of voyage segments per ship type in
years 2014 2019.
Source: “Annual Overview of Marine Casualties and
Incidents 2020
About 50% of all recorded accidents in years 2014
2019 took place on internal waters, 27% on territorial
sea and only 18,6% on open waters (fig. 6). Most of the
navigationally restricted waters like passages, port
approaches are located internal and territorial waters.
Figure 5. Distribution of marine incidents and casualties
by ships type and location in years 2014 2019.
Source: “Annual Overview of Marine Casualties and
Incidents 2020
As visible in fig. 6 cargo ships and passenger
vessels are the most accident prone on internal waters
and territorial seas. On open waters lead is taken by
cargo ships and fishing vessels. That may be caused
by the fact that little of passenger ships is spending
long time in open seas as they have a lot of ports on
their routes and stay a lot within territorial waters.
Fishing vessels depends on their specifics will be
engaged in fishing on shallows closer to shore
(territorial waters) or on deeper waters of open seas.
These are the locations where most of the accidents is
appearing. Also often as showed in case study
fishermen are busy during their return to port with
their catch and they are not exactly focused on the
navigation and keeping proper lookout.
EMSA report states that over 54% of accidents
were attributed to “human factor”, 28% to
“system/equipment failure”. That shows how
important human factor is in safety of navigation and
accidents prevention. Within human factor” two
main contributing factors are pointed: 27,3% to
personnel and manning and general’, 14,3% to ‘crew
resource management’.
In case study below it is visible that navigational
accidents are in great deal dependent on human factor
crew resource management and proper use of tools
like radars and ARPA. Accidents described in this
paper show that they are occurring not only to young
and unexperienced ship’s officers. In most of the cases
senior officer was present on the bridge. In case of
Kraslava there was a pilot onboard. All of the
accidents could have been avoided if equipment
available onboard was used more effectively. It is not
authors intention to question proper training of the
crew but to emphasize that tools and methods used to
avoid collision can be still improved. That is also
authors target for future studies.
2.1 ICE ROSE & 311 KAZANETS (23 OF
Refrigerated cargo vessel Ice Rose was on her way
from St. Petersburg towards Falmouth in Great Britain
approaching western channel. Planned route was
passing via The Sound and Skagen where ship was to
take fuel for further voyage to destination port. Vessel
was in ballast condition. Russian Navy warship 311
Kazanets was entering Baltic Sea waters navigating
south-east via eastern channel accompanied by 304
After the event warships sailed away, DMAIB
(Danish Maritime Accident Investigation Board) had
no jurisdiction to investigate 311 Kazanets.
Investigation was therefore based on the information
available from Ice Rose crew interviews, her VDR
records, records from VTS Sound (Sound Vessel
Traffic Service) and their radar screens records.
Collision took place south of Drogden Lighthouse.
Ships were navigating in very dense fog. Visibility at
the time of collision was estimated to about 50 meters.
On Ice Rose third officer was on duty and Master was
present on the bridge to assist him. Speed was
reduced to 14 knots and manual steering in place.
Third officer was mainly by the radar and ECS
(Electronic Chart System) monitoring the traffic and
progress of the route. Master was by the front
windows assessing the visibility and occasionally
looking at the radar and ECS. The first ship noticed by
3rd officer was echo without AIS signal on a south-
westerly course crossing ahead of Ice Rose at about 1
Nm distance from starboard side. Ship was spotted
when crossing bow and recognized as Russian
warship. After that visibility suddenly decreased to
about 50 meters. Third officer observed on the radar
another echo with no AIS signal approaching from
starboard side. Observation was voiced and master
head back to the radar. Echo was plotted on the radar
and apparently on collision course with Ice Rose. As
the other ship approached closer, master hesitated to
turn hard to starboard, he also didn’t turn to port (that
would not resolve situation in case the other ship turn
to starboard). Sound signal was activated and small
changes of course to starboard (to 010°) and then to
port (to 005°) were ordered. The collision happened at
0946, then it was noticed that Ice Rose collided with
Russian warship similar to on passing ahead few
minutes earlier. Ice Rose dropped anchor 1 NM south
of Drogden Lighthouse at 1015. Warship 311 Kazanets
was assisted by 304 Urengoy, did not reply to any call
from VTS Sound and left the area of accident same
afternoon proceeding southwards out of Danish
Figure 4 . Approximate radar coverage and visibility on Ice
Rose at around 0935.
Source: DMAIB accident report [4].
Ice Rose’s X-band radar was set to 6 Nm with 1
Nm range rings, 3 minutes relative trails and 60
minutes relative vectors, north up, no any target is
acquired for tracking, auto-acquisition off. In the
report it is stated that radar was set to master’s
preferences but third officer was the one mainly
observing it’s screen. Both of the Warships were
visible on the screen (fig. 5) but located between
buoys of eastern channel and blurred by the trails so
their detection is difficult for unexperienced person.
The master and third officer were mostly relying on
visual cues to detect danger of collision and randomly
checking targets by selecting them and analysing their
CPA and TCPA values. EMSA is pointing out two
main disadvantages of that radar configuration.
Firstly possibility of delayed detection of moving
target and acquisition of it. Secondly not enough time
for ARPA to show accurate data of acquired target. It
is clearly stated that at 0935 neither master nor third
officer were aware of warships presence in the area.
First observations of them was made few minutes
later when third officer reset trails to true and first of
the echoes was clearly distinguished from the buoys.
Second echo was not recognized properly until only
minutes before collision.
Figure 7. Ice Rose’s radar image at 0935.
Source: DMAIB accident report [4].
According to COLREG (Convention on the
International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at
Sea, 1972, as amended) both vessels were power-
driven vessels under way, navigating in restricted
visibility not in sight of each other. Ice Rose was
giving sound signals according to Rule 35(a). It is not
stated if Kazanets was using any sound signals.
Therefore according to Rule 19 there was no stand on
vessel and both were required to take action to avoid
close-quarters situation and collision. Rule 19 should
be used in conjunction with rules 4-10 and rule 35.
Those rules give officers some field of interpretation
and ability to take action according to their judgment
for of safe speed and discretionary space based on
their previous experience and perception of risk.
Within that discretionary space the officer can and
should take any necessary action to avoid immediate
During the investigation DMAIB did not find any
clues suggesting that ships equipment experienced a
failure. Both ships were operating in restricted
visibility in a narrow geographical area constricted by
shallow waters. As investigation of 311 Kazanets was
impossible DMAIB focused on Ice Rose. It was found
that there was a few factors that contributed to bridge
team not recognizing risk of collision. Firstly division
of work between bridge team members third officer
and master. This resulted in only third officer
monitoring radar, and when he missed the visual
clues on the radar screen only few minutes left to
decide on a maneuver to avoid collision. Secondly
lack of decision to make big course alteration due to
uncertainty of 311 Kazanets course and intentions,
and restricted waters around Ice Rose. So when there
was no course alteration from Kazanets the collision
became reality.
2.2 Spring Glory & Josephine Maersk (5 June 2012)
A bulk carrier SPRING GLORY was en route from
Singapore (Singapore), where she loaded iron ore,
towards Qingdao (China). Container vessel
JOSEPHINE MAERSK was on her way from Port
Chalmers (New Zealand) to Tanjung Pelepas
(Malaysia) with load of general cargo in containers.
Ships collided with each other about 7 nm NE of
Horsburgh Lighthouse in eastern approaches to Strait
of Singapore around 22.34 local time. Meteorological
conditions were good with SE wind of 8 knots,
southerly seas of 2 meters and visibility of 10 nm.
Figure 8. Site of the incident and the ships positions prior to
the collision.
Source: DMAIB accident report [4].
The SPRING GLORY’S radar was set to 6 nm range
head up, off centre and relative motion, ARPA was
not in use, but 3 minutes long true trails were used.
Radar had AIS overlay. About 17 minutes before
collision radar range was changed to 12 miles for
short moment. Then JOSEPHINE MAERSK could
have been observed, from that moment until collision
JOSEPHINE MAERSK remained visible on the radar,
also when it was set back to 6 nm. About 8 minutes
before collision JOSEPHINE MAERSK was selected as
a target and identified with expanded data on the AIS
(fig. 9). Even when CPA was indicated as 0.03 nm
SPRING GLORY maintained course and speed. 4
minutes before collision duty officer of SPRING
GLORY tried to establish communication with
JOSEPHINE MAERSK. That was successful at first but
later communication on channel 15 failed. A minute
before collision and after few missed trials to
communicate over the radio SPRING GLORY was put
to hard turn to port.
On JOSEPHINE MAERSK 3rd officer took watch at
20.00. He had an able seaman for a lookout duty on
the bridge. The main focus of the OOW was on
passing the anchored vessels and three ships he had
detected on his starboard bow, that were entering TSS.
He planned to follow them and overtake later when
westward bound. The officer did not detect any
vessels approaching from port side (only anchored
vessels), nor did lookout. Duty officer was
concentrated on starboard side traffic and port turn
that he had to do to enter TSS. SPRING GLORY
became visible on the radar at a distance of approx. 11
nm and was visible on the radar until collision. About
10 minutes before collision SPRING GLORY was
visible on the radar screen at a distance of approx. 5
nm and it could be identified on AIS (fig. 10).
Figure …. Radar screen on SRING GLORY about 10 minutes
before collision.
Source: DMAIB accident report […].
Figure …. Radar screen on JOSEPHINE MAERSK about 10
minutes before collision.
Source: DMAIB accident report […].
About 5 minutes before collision duty officer
observed green light at about 2 nm distance on his
port side bow. That was first moment duty officer
observed SPRING GLORY. He heard VHF call, but as
mentioned before communication was not effective. 2
minutes before collision he initiated hard turn to
starboard and called master on the bridge. Master
hurried to the bridge as he felt ship’s turn but when
he arrived ships very close to each other with
JOSEPHINE MAERSK being still in starboard turn.
Soon after ships have collided with each other.
It has been pointed out by DMAIB that there may
be violation of certain rules of COLREG highlighted.
As the vessels were operating in sight of one another
in good visibility the rules from section II of COLREG
should be analysed. Particularly Rule 5 (Lookout),
Rule 6 (Safe Speed), Rule 15 (Crossing situation), Rule
16 (Action by Give-way Vessel) and Rule 17 (Action
by Stand-on Vessel).
Neither of the vessels managed to notice each other
presence. In this situation SPRING GLORY was a
give-way vessel and should have turn to starboard to
give way to JOSEPHINE MAERSK approaching from
her starboard bow.
2.3 Buster & Stavfjord (16 May 2021)
STAVFJORD is a general cargo vessel. She was en
route on northerly course from Kolding (Denmark) to
Jelsa (Norway). Buster was fishing vessel on her way
to Strandby after a night of fishing langoustines.
Both vessels were equipped with AIS and radars.
BUSTER’s skipper determined that there was no
vessel on his route that he would need to give way
and after setting autopilot went to manage fished
langoustines. On STAVFJORD chief officer took watch
at 0400. AB from lookout duty was released as the sun
was rising. Chief plotted BUSTER on the radar about
15 minutes after taking watch. Vector indicated that
target will pass astern at a safe distance. He could see
fishing boat approximately 15-20 degrees on starboard
bow at about 1,2 nm distance (figure 11). He decided
to signal his presence with ALDIS lamp pointed at
BUSTER. After that officer left the lookout position to
go to toilet. While in the toilet he heard a loud noise
and realized the ship had collided with something
fishing boat BUSTER.
Figure 11. Distance and bearing at 0417 and 0430.
Source: DMAIB accident report [6]
Figure 12. BUSTER’s sailed route prior to collision.
Source: DMAIB accident report [6].
No data from VDR was retrieved as STAVFJORD
suffered VDR malfunction resulting in no data being
recorded since April 2021. In the course of
investigation it was found that chief officer did not
look or verify BUSTER’s radar echo and CPA for
about 17 minutes prior to collision and that the
conning station was unattended for about 4 minutes
prior to the collision. No alarm were set on
STAVFJORD radar to inform chief about dangerous
change of CPA of acquired targets. BUSTER’s skipper
was adjusting his course and speed before proceeding
to work on deck (fig. 12), he trusted that ships on his
port side will give him way according to COLREG
rules. Because of BUSTERS construction skipper had
no chance to see traffic on the port side of the vessel.
He also could not see signals given with ALDIS lamp
2.4 RIG & Inger Marie ( 10 of July 2014)
RIG was general cargo vessel underway from Riga
(Latvia) to Keadby (UK) with cargo of timber on
pallets with 10 crew members on board. Tree
navigational officers were keeping watch for 4 hours
and had 8 hours of break. During the day officers
were alone on the bridge. INGER MARIE was a
fishing vessel (stern trawler) used to for fishing
langoustine in the Kattegat, primarily in area approx.
15 NM is of the Læsø island. INGER MARIE was
driven by only one person skipper that perished in
the accident.
At the time of accident RIG was underway along
Route T, visibility was good, force 3 winds and a
slight sea. Rig radar was set on 3 nm range, 0,5
distance rings, trails, north up and relative motion.
Image on the radar was clear. Officer of the watch was
familiar with traffic patterns in the area of accident as
he sailed these waters before. Overview of the
accident position is shown in figure 13.
Figure 13. Overview of area of collision.
Source: DMAIB accident report [5].
“Approximately 10 minutes before the planned
course change at buoy no. 3 by Kummel Banke, the
officer of the watch suddenly saw a small fishing
vessel approaching on a crossing course at close
quarters on the starboard side. He then went to the
center of the bridge, disengaged the auto steering and
put the rudder to full starboard. As the ship was in
the starboard turn, RIG’s port side collided with
INGER MARIE’s port side at 0607 LT.
After the collision INGER MARIE moved down
the side of RIG’s port side while sinking rapidly with
a port list. The officer of the watch on RIG saw one
person wearing orange clothing on board INGER
MARIE outside of the wheelhouse as the ship was
about to founder.” [5]
After the accident master was awaken and RIG
was turn around. Rescue boat was launched to search
for survivors but no one was found. Around 0700 the
skipper from INGER MARIE was located. Skipper
was found with head injuries and he had drowned
without having donned life-saving equipment.
Both of the ships were equipped with AIS and
radars. INGER MARIE was on 245° with 8 knots of
speed. RIG was on a north-westerly course of 341 with
speed over ground of 9 knots. The ships courses did
not change within 60 minutes before the collision
occurred. The visibility was good and ships were in
sight of each other with no significant change of
bearing. At about 0535 RIG was in similar situation
with other fishing vessel with RIG taking initiative to
alter course to starboard to avoid collision.
According to COLREG vessels were power-driven
vessels in a crossing situation. Therefore Rule 15
should have been followed. RIG was supposed to give
way to INGER MARIE and INGER MARIE was a
stand on vessel but obligated to take action to best
avoid collision. None of the vessels managed to
follow Rule 5 about proper lookout as skipper was
most probably occupied with sorting langoustines and
duty officer on RIG failed to notice INGER MARIE
approaching. RIG officer reacted properly initiating a
starboard turn but the action was taken way to late to
be effective to avoid collision. It was suspected that
officer of the watch did not keep proper lookout by all
means available. Setting of the radar were giving little
time to react if target appeared on the screen. No
targets were acquired in ARPA. Similar situation of
RIG being involved in the close quarters situation
with other fishing boat just 30 minutes before
suggested that improper lookout was taking
prolonged time. Collision was classified as very
serious as loss of life had been a result of it.
2.5 Atlantic Lady & Kraslava (1 November 2014)
Atlantic Lady is a 139 meters long refrigerated cargo
vessel. At the time of accident she was on her way
from St. Petersburg (Russia) towards fishing grounds
near Bear Islands (Norway). Kraslava (presently San
Carlos) is a 182 meters long chemical/product tanker.
She departed Tenerife (Spain) and was heading for St.
Petersburg (Russia) passing through The Sound with
“In the Sound” pilot onboard. At the time of accident
ships were operating in restricted visibility (about 100
m) with southerly gentle breeze, 0,5 m high waves
and NE current of 2 knots.
Collision happened at 13.19 UTC close to buoys 16
& 17 marking southern entrance/exit to Drogden
Channel (fig. 14). Kraslava was proceeding south with
“In The Sound” pilot on board. The arrangements to
disembark pilot were in progress and pilot boar was
alongside Kraslava adjusting speed to take pilot on
board. Atlantic Lady was approaching buoy 16 after
passing Drogden Lighthouse on her port side. Buoy
16 was a marker to turn to starboard to align with
direction of the Channel. Though visibility was
restricted only Kraslava was giving appropriate sound
signals prescribed by Rule 35 of COLREG for vessel
restricted in her draught, as that was AIS status
advised by the pilot. Pilot also was keeping Kraslava
closer to the center of the Channel to avoid shallow
waters located just aside of it. Going out of dredged
channel may have cause the risk of grounding the
vessel. Atlantic Lady also had a status of constrained
by her draught but was not giving any fog signals. She
was planning to pass buoy no. 16 and then initiate
turn to starboard to go along eastern part of the
Channel. Master of Atlantic Lady, on the grounds of
his experience, presumed that Kraslava would hold a
position on the westerly side of a channel and allow
Atlantic Lady to turn into easterly side of it.
Figure 14. Scene of collision. Southern part of The Sound,
Source: DMAIB accident report [6].
Both ships were equipped in working AIS, had 2
radars working. Kraslava was equipped also in
ECDIS, Atlantic Lady had ECS. Vessels were
observing each other on their radars. When they
became visible by sight to each other they were less
than 100 meters away from each other. Kraslava took
no action to avoid collision as her crew realized that it
was too late. Atlantic Lady’s master ordered hard to
starboard but that was also too late.
Both vessels were operating on restricted visibility
with no sight of each other but only Kraslava was
giving appropriate fog signals. Both vessels were
having a status of ‘constrained by draught’. According
to COLREG regulations Rule 19 was to be applied,
therefore there was no stand-on and give-way vessel.
Both vessels were obligated to maneuver to avoid
collision. But it must be noticed that neither of the
bridge team recognized risk of collision until seconds
before it had happened. Conjunction of few factors
like restricted visibility, pilot boat alongside Kraslava,
north-easterly current, navigating in narrow channel
and Atlantic Lady making a big course alteration to
starboard resulted in this two ships colliding with
each other. “The factor instrumental in the collision
was thus that ATLANTIC LADY’s approach to the
Drogden Channel, in the absence of other better
alternatives, necessitated a large turning manoeuvre.
Due to the north-easterly current and the restricted
visibility, which delayed the start of the turn until
buoy no. 16 was abeam, turning manoeuvre brought
the ship into the center of the channel, where it
crossed ahead of KRASLAVA.” [6]
Case study show that occurrence of accidents in
restricted waters is highly dependent on proper use of
equipment and tools on board of every vessel, no
matter for it’s type or size. Given examples show that
often radars, ARPA tools and AIS are not utilized to
it’s best. Misinterpretation of radar picture or over
reliance on ARPA’s information leads to lowered
vigilance of duty officers therefore to lack of proper
lookout and lack of recognition of developing
dangerous situation.
In her future studies author would like to focus on
improving methods used in nowadays navigation for
detection of dangerous situation and collision
avoidance. With autonomous vessels being on the
horizon and technology going forward improved
and/or new methods of detecting potential collision
situations must be introduced and available for those
responsible for safety at sea. Duty officers should have
easy to understand and use methods to be able to
predict how situation can develop and what they can
do to prevent danger. Especially in difficult restricted
areas where there is no place to manoeuver and make
big course alterations they have to be able to do it
early enough to solve problem before it becomes a real
1. Navigation accidents and their causes, The Nautical
Institute, London 2015
2. W. Rymarz, Podręcznik międzynarodowego prawa
drogi morskiej, Trademar, Gdynia 1995
3. Annual Overview of Marine Casualties and Incidents
2020, http://www.emsa.europa.eu/newsroom/latest-
4. Marine accident report on Spring Glory & Josephine
Maersk collision on 5 of June 2012,
5. Marine accident report on Rig & Inger Marie collision on
10 of July 2014, https://dmaib.dk/media/9108/rig-and-
6. Marine accident report on Atlantic Lady & Kraslava
collision on 1 of November 2014,
7. Marine accident report on Ice Rose & Kazanets collision
on 23 of September 2020,
8. Marine accident report on Buster & Stavfjord collision
on 16 of May 2021,
9. http://www.emsa.europa.eu/about/mission-