Under consideration the outcome of NCSR 6, the
Maritime Safety Committee adopted resolution MSC.
467(101) on Guidance on the definition and
harmonization of the format and structure of
Maritime Services in the context of e-navigation and
approved MSC.1/Circ.1610 on Initial descriptions of
Maritime Services in the context of e-navigation.
In [23] these questions were considered in the
frame of conception developments in GMDSS ser-
vices, applied to Maritime Mobile Satellite Services
GMDSS. Namely the proposed amendments to the
Interim Iridium SafetyCast manual (it is new name of
the Iridium enhanced group call service manual
(MSC. 1/’Circ.1613; outcomes MSC 101 and NCSR 7))
were considered. In [1] analysis and assessment of the
GMDSS performance of Inmarsat, as a mobile-satellite
communication system recognized to operate in the
GMDSS were provided (MSC.450 (99); A.814 (19) and
A.1001 (25)). Analysis and assessment of the GMDSS
performance of Iridium, as recognized mobile satellite
communication services in the GMDSS were provided
in[2] (MSC.451 (99); A.814 (19) and A.1001 (25)).
This article was devoted to the developments of
VHF/MF/HF communications using DSC in Maritime
Mobile Services GMDSS and other Maritime Services
in the framework of e-navigation concept. The E-
navigation Strategy Implementation Plan (SIP)
update 1 (MSC.1/Circ.1595) approved by it, in
particular, the need to harmonize the exchange of
maritime-related information and data to enhance
berth-to-berth navigation and related services for
safety of navigation and security at sea and protection
of the marine environment.
Developments of Interface for VHF, MF/HF
Communication Using DSC in GMDSS Services in the
Framework of E
-navigation Concept
V.M. Koshevyy
& O.V. Shyshkin
National University “Odess
a Maritime Academy”, Odessa, Ukraine
ABSTRACT: It is proposed the description of interface for VHF/MF/HF for simplification of DSC
communication for implementation in the frame of conception developments in GMDSS services, applied to
Maritime Mobile Services. This interface is realized within its integration with INS by an appropriate way on
the base of common communication protocol for all three DSC communication sub bands in standardized and
harmonized format and significantly simplifies the DSC user interface. It is very important for application in
Maritime services, including GMDSS services, VTS services and SAR service. Suggested approach for
improving DSC communication is based on the three main outputs of e-
navigation strategic direction
development related to the integration of communication and navigation equipment/systems, including
standardized mode of operation. Implementation of the standardization demands to include in this integration
the satellite AIS system. The feasibility of the proposal is supported by the existence of relevant IEC standards
and IMO documents.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 15
Number 3
September 2021
DOI: 10.12716/1001.15.03.12
In document MSC.467(101) it is noted that available
Maritime Services are shared with providing of
exchange maritime information and data with
shipping related, but not limited to, vessel traffic
service information, navigational assistance, traffic
organization, maritime safety information, pilotage,
tugs, vessel shore reporting, telemedical assistance,
local port information, nautical charts and
publications, ice navigation, meteorological,
hydrographic and environmental information, search
and rescue and other Maritime Services that may be
developed and implemented in the future.
It is pointed to the need to work in collaboration
with all involved international organizations in order
to harmonize the exchange of maritime information
and data provided through different Maritime
Services, including Maritime Mobile Satellite Services
and Maritime Mobile Services GMDSS.
The ship's bridge team needs up-to-date
information for the ship's planned operation. The
information flow also comprises ship-to-shore
communications, in particular prior to entering the
coastal waters of a State, as ships are usually
requested to provide details of their voyage, cargo,
crew and passengers on board, advising on the next
port of call and other information. Shore-to-ship, ship-
to-ship, ship-to-shore and shore-to-shore information
exchange enable new services and technologies to
improve safety and efficiency of shipping. All those
marine information services, referred to as Maritime
Services in the SIP (MSC.1/Circ.1595, as may be
revised), are being considered to be transitioned from
conventional transmission methods to contemporary
digital technologies.
The purpose of Guidance, describing in MSC.
467(101), is to ensure that Maritime Services are
implemented internationally in a standardized and
harmonized format. To support this purpose, a
template to describe Maritime Services is provided in
appendix 1 and descriptions of Maritime Services are
consolidated under MSC.1/Circ.1610, as may be
revised, as appropriate.
The E-navigation Strategy Implementation Plan
requires that all Maritime Services be S-100
conformant as a baseline. The International
Hydrographic Organization (IHO) S-100 framework
standard specifies the method for data modelling and
developing product specifications. It is also true, for
example, for Maritime Mobile Services GMDSS.
At MSC 95, it was approved that a planned output on
“Additional modules to the revised performance
standards for INS (Resolution MSC 252(83)) related to
the Harmonization of Bridge design and display of
information; “the development of draft Guidelines for
the harmonized display of navigation information
received via communication equipment” and
“Guidelines on standardized modes of operation” be
included in the High-level action plan as item 2.6.2.
These outputs relate to e-navigation solution,
particularly to integration and presentation of
available navigation related information exchange via
communication equipment.
In documents NCSR 3/6/1 (Submitted by China)
and NCSR 3/6/2 (Submitted by Norway) proposals to
the new modules to the Performance standards for
integrated navigation system (INS) (Resolution MSC
252(83)) relating to display of information received
via communication equipment were provided. The
last revision of the Performance standard for INS
made the performance standards modular. That gets
the possibility for any new facility to be added to the
performance standards by adding appropriate
module for that facility. The modular concept of INS
Performance standards provides provisions for
individual configurations and extensions by adding
new modules with new demands and standards as the
industry and technology develop new systems. It is
important as for integration of the navigation safety
related information received via communication
equipment into INS and also for the information
exchange between ships (ships shore, shore-ships) on
the base of integration navigation and communication
equipment and those both are directly connected with
implementation High level solution S4 of the SIP.
The INS performance standard will require two
new modules so that that information received by
communications equipment can be integrated as well
as properly displayed. The proposed two new
modules relate to: 1) harmonization of bridge design
(A new module on harmonization of bridge design
will assist designers in realizing an ergonomic design
of the bridge, with the objective of improving the
reliability and efficiency of navigation. This module
will support the provisions of SOLAS regulation V/15
relating to bridge design and arrangement of
navigational systems and equipment and bridge
procedures); 2) display of information (A new module
on display of information will ensure that the INS can
display the information received via communications
equipment. This module will outline the standardized
interfaces for data exchange to support transfer of
information from communication equipment to an
INS interface so that information received via such
equipment can be processed, filtered, routed and
displayed on the navigational system. This module
should take in to account the new guidelines being
drafted for the harmonized display of navigation
information received by communications equipment).
The added new modules for the purposes of
information exchange must contain a dedicated
gateway supported two way connections between
navigation equipment and communication
equipment. Consideration should be given to the
functionality of conning display bringing all the
relevant and important information for conning the
ship to one place (NCSR 3/6/2). International standard
IEC 61924-2 refers to INS. An overload of information
given by different displays for navigation,
communication and operational information prevents
the officer on watch (OOW) from accessing prioritized
information due to confusing arrangements of
information displays. Integration of various systems
and the development of the concept of the integrated
navigation bridge allow operating a vessel from one
workplace operator of Information display fulfilled
on the platform INS.
That last is very important for chosen proper
solutions under bridge design. These solutions should
maximally consider ergonomically and economical
factors according to demands of e-navigation concept.
In document NCSR 3/6 (Submitted by the IEC) IEC
proposes a new edition of IEC 61162-1 (Maritime
navigation and radiocommunication equipment and
systems-Digital interfaces - Part 1: Single talker and
multiple listeners) for the purpose to display
information received via communication equipment,
using standardized interfaces.
As reported in document NCSR 2/22/4 IEC
informed that a new standard was being developed
IEC 62940: Integrated communication system (ICS).
This standard would specify a Human Machine
Interface to allow operation of the communication
equipment designed so that it can be made available
on a bridge workstation dedicated to communications
with multi-function display which combined
interfaces of different kind of communications by
itself for remote control purposes. This kind of
integration does not give the possibility to improve
quality of DSC communication. Because ICS based on
IEC 62940 standard that isn’t destined for loading up
electronic charts and creating graphic display by this,
to contrast with INS. Only integration navigation and
communication equipment on the base of platform
INS give real possibility to improve quality DSC
communications. That’s why we had refused from
realization DSC and navigation systems integration
combined with ICS. It is only one variant exist for that
including in structure ICS, based on IEC 62940
standard, one more else Information display fulfilled
on the platform INS (additional to one that should be
realized in the frame of module F for navigation
purposes) and this is absolutely no admissible from
ergonomically and economically points of view. ICS
(IEC 62940) would be used for providing
communications according its own standard. For
example for providing satellite communications and
all other communications, when Information display
is busy by the solving urgent complicated
navigational tasks. What is essential is that the manual
method of forming/viewing calls on the base ICS will
be preserved as a supplementary means to the
automatic method of forming/viewing calls in the
integrated navigation and communication equipment
system on the base of platform INS, when is
something wrong with soft of INS. Distress calls
would be sent as by means integrated on the platform
INS system with the modernized its module C for the
requirements of the Alert management, so by means
ICS (IEC 62940). It is important to be noted, that all
systems, sources and sensors, incorporated sensors
connected to the INS should be part of the alert
management (MSC.252 (83), paragraph 26.1.1).
Besides ICS (62940) with additional interfacing
module, fulfilled on the base of IEC 61162-1, would be
used for supplying the information MSI to
Information Display (Conning display) INS and for
the purposes of two-way information exchange
between DSC controllers, including in ICS, and
Information Display INS.
The comments and proposals related to the
development of Guidelines for the harmonized
display of navigation information received via
communication equipment were provided in
document NCSR 3/9/1 (Submitted by Norway). It was
pointed that MSI information, for example, is
displayed as task-oriented on the bridge and
harmonized with other navigation oriented
information without obscuring critical navigation
information. This information should be available in
an interoperable way and be transferable to an
integrated information display. Also that
consideration of an information display (Conning
display) at the conning station and other workstations
on the bridge should be noted, bringing all the key
information together. This display is for use in
demanding operations where the OOW attention
must be mainly focused on the outside situation while
also being depended on additional decision support
by electronic means. The description the contribution
of the IHO to the harmonized display of navigation
information through the S-100 Framework was done
in document NCSR 3/9 (Submitted by IHO). The
implementation of one of the five prioritized e-
navigation solutions on which the e-navigation SIP is
based, namely S4 integration and presentation of
available information in graphical displays received
via communication equipment requires the
development of a Common Marine Data Structure
(CMDS) based on the S-100 data model adopted by
International Hydrographic Organization (IHO).
Therefore, the development of guidelines for the
harmonized display of navigation information must
be closely synchronized with the development of the
Report of the Correspondence Group on the
Development of additional modules to Performance
Standards for Integrated Navigation System (INS) was
presented in document NCSR 4/7 [9]. The report
summarizes and presents the results of the comments
and proposals received. The draft text of module E on
Harmonized bridge design and module F on Display
of information received from communication
equipment are contained in annexes 1 and 2
respectively, of this report. First draft of the
Guidelines for the harmonized display of navigation
information received via communication equipment
was given in document NCSR 4/8 [11]. These
Guidelines identify human factors principles relevant
to the display of information to ensure effective
situational awareness and assessment. Navigation
information received via communication equipment
should be displayed in a timely, unambiguous and
harmonized manner [24].
In documents NCSR 4/7 [9] (annex 2) and NCSR
4/8 [11] (annex) also there were pointed out
communication equipment/systems, which may be
interfaced with an INS including VHF/MF/HF DSC in
the frame of e-navigation concept. More over as it is
pointed in document NCSR 4/7 “the data exchange
and interface requirement in module F should
support two-way communication between INS and
communication equipment/systems’. Additional
symbols for possible addition to SN.1/Circ.243/Rev.1,
including g the symbols for the purposes of two-way
DSC communications were represented in document
NCSR 4/8 [11], annex (appendix), and see also [20]. In
document NCSR 4/7/1 [10] was drafting proposal to
provide for two-way connections of communications
equipment, including VHF DSC controller, with INS.
E-navigation concept is supposed to simplify the
exchange of information between ships, as well
between ships and shore by means effective, user-
friendly tools with human factor principles
consideration (MSC 95/19/8). This solution must be
based on agreed guidelines.
In document NCSR 5/6/1 [12] the drafting of
Guidelines for integration and presentation of
available navigation-related information exchange
provided via communication equipment by means of
interfacing VHF/MF/HF DSC with an Information
display (Conning display) was proposed. This
display, in turn, is integrated within an INS (including
AIS, ECDIS, and satellite AIS). All actions on
information exchange by means of DSC are performed
using software of the Information display on the base
of standardization of DSC interface using the common
communication protocol for VHF DSC controller as
well as MF/HF DSC controller.
The suggested interfacing realizes user-friendly
solution with human element consideration as a result
of DSC integration with INS threw the Information
display. This integrated system allows getting the new
quality which could not be reached using any of
specified systems separately. Such an integrated
system should enhance the quality of information
available to the officer of the watch and thus requires
special connection (two way connection) between
Information display and DSC controllers. The
feasibility of the proposal is supported by the relevant
IES standards and IMO documents. Particularly IEC
61097-3: edition 2.0 2017-10 “Global maritime distress
and safety system (GMDSS)-Part 3: Digital selective
calling (DSC) equipment” is the revised of former
standard and part of this revision is development of
universal NMEA sentences to be used for remote
control of the DSC functions which could already
address the issue raised in document NCSR 5/6/1.
The Information display would be incorporated
into the new module F. A common maritime data
structure, based on the work of IHO and their S-100
data structure may be proposed for used in that
Information display (NCSR 4/8/1 (Submitted by
IHO)). The principle of multiple layers of information
which can be displayed on top of each other is
supposed be used.
The standardization of interface for VHF, MF/HF
communication using DSC within its integration with
INS helps to realize that integration by an appropriate
way on the base of common communication protocol
for all three DSC communication sub bands and
significantly simplifies the DSC user interface. This
approach is based on the three main outputs of e-
navigation strategic direction development related to
the integration of communication and navigation
equipment/systems, including standardization of
operation. Standardization calls for all navigation and
communication systems in the future to have a
standard user interface for key tasks, be-cause of the
increasing complexity and functionality of navigation
equipment, a need has arisen for navigation and
communication systems to have more standardized
functionality to enable better operation to support
good decision making.
Increasing the operability in address
communication may be used in VTS operation for
increasing quality of VTS services (NCSR 3/INF15 [8]).
Implementation of the standardization due to a
need of providing common communication protocol
for VHF DSC and MF/HF DSC demands to include in
this integration the satellite AIS system ( for MF /HF
In document NCSR 6/11/1 [15] (Germany) the First
draft of resolution A.806 (19) was presented. The draft
refers to revision of SOLAS chapters III and IV for
modernization of GMDSS. Particularly Germany
proposes to introduce the new text in the part A,
section 4, suggested to implement a simple process to
connect station based on the MF/HF DSC protocol
“4.2 The equipment should provide a standard
interface to enable the selections of frequencies and
setting of MMSI to be called from remote control unit
(e.g. INS) by using standardized interfaces.
A function to establish a connection between
stations of the mobile maritime service by simple
means using DSC should be implemented.”
Simplification interface of DSC communication by
means using graphic display of distressed vessel may
be used in SAR service. The document “Displaying
distress alert relay information on shipboard
navigation display systems. NCSR 5/9/4 (United
States) [13] particularly posed the question on graphic
display of distressed vessel on a navigation display
unit and its possible linking to available target
information, noting that “… no recognized symbology
currently exists for displaying a distressed vessel. In
addition, digital selective calling also is capable of
providing both distress alert information from vessels
as well as distress alerts relays broadcast from shore.”
In document NCSR 6/7 [14], paragraph 12, it was
pointed out that the guidelines’ conformance
requirements would need to state that “conformance
with Appendices 2 to 5 of these guidelines was
demonstrated by meeting the applicable requirements
of the Performance standards for the presentation of
navigation related information on shipborne
navigational displays (resolution MSC 191(79) and
IEC publication 62288) and could not conflict with
applicable performance standards for navigation
equipment and would also mean adherence to the
principles of human-centred design.
3.1 Discussions
The standardized interface implies presentation of
information and controlling DSC communication
equipment in the VHF / MF / HF bands.
DSC is a mandatory GMDSS procedure prior to the
subsequent communications of all priorities, which
provides by means special equipment. Subsequent
types of communication are voice communication,
providing by radiotelephone, and text
communication, providing by telex over radio (TOR),
or coming new systems of data communication in
MF/HF frequency band. For VHF frequency band the
subsequent type of communication right now is only
voice communication, providing by radiotelephone.
Due to DSC while introducing GMDSS for example
was eliminated the Watch on radiotelephone
channels. That’s why address communication by
radiotelephone should be provided only together with
DSC procedure using identity number.
However, in practice, DSC often is not used due to the
complexity of the protocol [3] and the interfaces
diversity of radio communications equipment.
Existing DSC require numerous additional manual
operations to establish the communication, which
slows down the information exchange. Thus entering
only Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) needs
nine elementary actions at DSC controller key board.
So any DSC call, however simple it would be, require
more time than picking up the handset and making a
call on radiotelephony. For instance, in urgent
situations navigators usually ignore DSC and instead
pick up the telephone on channel 16. Channel 16 is
unique telephone channel which been reserved on
watch. However this channel is the channel of
common access and gives not the possibility to
accelerate the information exchange. Therefore
shunning DSC and switching the VHF telephone does
not really improve matters. Time is wasted trying to
establish who needs to talk to whom. The navigator
making the call has to quickly and clearly announce
their intended recipient, while officer-on-the-watch on
vessel in the vicinity need to discriminate whether or
not they are that recipient, based on understanding of
their location and other traffic in the area. Too many
wards are needed for describing all of these.
Consequently in its present incarnation
DSC/radiotelephone does not lend itself to quick
operational communication and needs to be modified.
Besides, DSC interfaces variations between different
manufacturers are wide. Navigators are needed that
be standard user interface.
A lot of attempts to improve DSC communication
interface were not successful because they dealt only
with the DSC controllers themselves. The new
approach had been worked out on the base of
integration DSC communication equipment and
navigation equipment which gives the real possibility
for significant improvements operational properties
DSC with realising standard user interface. . The idea
of integration VHF DSC and navigation systems in the
frame of e-navigation concept was first proposed in
the document COMSAR 14/7, 2009 [4] and then was
represented in scientific article [21]. This integrated
system enables a level of quality to be achieved which
could not be reached using any of the specified
systems separately. It greatly simplifies VHF DSC
communication and fully meets the needs of
navigators (Nautical Institute, COMSAR 15/INF.3 [5]).
After document COMSAR 14/7 the number of other
documents in which was presented the results of our
deeper learning considered integration had been
worked out. Namely: Nav 59/12/2 [7]; MSC 94/18/2
[16]; NCSR 3/INF.15 [8]; MSC 97/19/9 [6]; NCSR 4/7/1
[10], and [17–21].
Presentation of communication related information
can be realized on the ECDIS display or on separate
Information display (Conning display). Since ECDIS
is already sufficiently saturated with the functions
necessary to solve navigation tasks, the alternative
means for presenting information is the pointed
Information display.
Further development of the integration idea of
communication and navigation systems was
presented in document NCSR 5/6/1 [12]. Integrating of
data received via communication equipment into the
integrated navigational system makes it possible to
optimize control of a vessel and to avoid possible
misses and incorrect decisions by the navigator. The
Information display may be implemented in the frame
of INS-Module F for integration and presentation of
available navigation-related information exchange
provided via communications equipment. This
Information display should be capable of displaying
VHF/MF/HF DSC information and integrated with
appropriate communications equipment and with
Integrated Navigational System (INS).
In order to provide connection to VHF DSC
controller and to MF/HF DSC controller the same
protocol may be used, which is described in NCSR
3/INF.15, paragraph 8 [8]; MSC 94/18/2, paragraph 10
[16]; MSC 97/19/9, paragraphs 4, 5, 6 [6]; NCSR 4/7/1,
paragraph 6 [10], where instead of the software ECDIS
the software of Information display is used:
clicks on the vessel’s AIS mark on the Information
display for automatically sending the MMSI from
Information display to DSC controller by transferring
controlling commands to DSC for providing DSC call
by this;
display the calling vessel by a blinking AIS mark
on the called vessel's Information display (a red
blinking mark in case of distress call), transferring
MMSI from DSC controller to Information display
automatically for identification of the calling vessel on
Information display by this; and
open exchange of information, without wasting
any time on working out who is who. The working
channel (frequency) can be set by default (or maybe
chosen manually, if necessary, using standard
computer actions).
The additional connection Sat-AIS to the
Information Display should be done (for MF/HF
DSC). All actions according to the protocol are
fulfilled using special software of the Information
Display using of a common maritime data structure,
based on the work of IHO and their S-100 data
structure. The principle of layering of new
information over existing one may be used. All of
these enable to avoid introducing changes to PS
ECDIS (resolution MSC. 232 (82)) for implementation
of the communication protocol.
In the case of distress call a red blinking AIS mark
is displaying on the Information displays of other
vessels and shore stations.
It should be noted that in distress situation not
obviously of using AIS signals or Sat-AIS signals for
graphical displaying distress vessels. Because distress
DSC call format also contain information about
coordinates of distressed vessel and also may be used
for graphical displaying of distress vessels on other
vessels and shore stations Information displays as
blinking red point with corresponding coordinates
due to special connections DSC controllers with the
Information display.
For information exchange can be used local area
network in the Light-Weight Ethernet (LWE) standard
[19]. LWE standard is intended to provide
intermodule connections on the lower layers
(Instrument and Process). LWE network is specially
aimed to settle information provision on a ship’s
board. This standard was worked out coming from
limitation on technology complexity and special needs
from the maritime industry and up and down
The peculiarity of integrated interface for VHF,
MF/HF communication using DSC is based on using
convention’s communication and navigation
equipment and doesn’t demand new equipment and
leans on development corresponded software and
controllers for connection communication equipment
in LWE Network. These controllers with supporting
control commands in correspondence with NMEA
0183 (National Marine Electronics Association) may
be fulfilled on the base of microcontrollers STM32 for
example. The Integrated interface should correspond
to IEC standards: IEC 61097-3, 2017; IEC 61162-460,
Satellite-based AIS (Sat-AIS) uses existing AIS
technology to improve tracking capabilities and
overall maritime surveillance. Sat-AIS is based on
monitoring signals from ship’s AIS transponders
using low-Earth orbit (LEO) satellites [22]. The
satellites receive AIS information from the vessels and
transmit the AIS information to ground elements
and/or other vessels and coast stations. The main
problem in Sat-AIS operation is the separation of
signals received by the satellite simultaneously from a
large number of ships borne AIS. Because of Doppler
frequency shift arising from the satellite motion the
received signals may be selected by frequency.
Another factor that is the difference in time delay
transmission from each vessels. Also is used spatial
selection of signals on the base of Synthetic Array
Patterns realized due to satellite motion So, Sat-AIS is
able to receive and distinguish messages from various
vessels in satellite foot-print area.
The additional parameters of signals due the
Doppler effect, pointed above, may be used also for
increasing of Sat-AIS cybersecurity comparatively to
usual vessel’s AIS, which is very vulnerable to
different sorts of cyber attacks and demands
additional defence of GPS channels.
For using Sat-AIS technology it should be foreseen
of using part of Information display screen, if
necessary, to interface the region where a vessel is
located for MF/HF communication.
In the Guidelines should be described additional
symbols for possible addition to SN.1/Circ.243/Rev.1.
When the sources are DSC the additional symbols
may be used as presented in document NCSR 4/8,
appendix (see also [20] Figure 2). Particularly, these
additional symbols include symbols for graphically
displaying of distressed vessel on Information display
and can be used for both dis-tress alert information
from vessels as well as dis-tress alerts relays broadcast
from shore (see document NCSR 5/9/4, paragraph 4
[13], and [20])). In document NCSR 5/6 (Submitted by
Norway) the outcome of the discussions in the
Correspondent Group on the development of the draft
Guidelines for the harmonized display of navigation
information received via communication equipment
and draft of the Guidelines for further consideration
were presented.
Standardized interface for addressed DSC VHF
communication may find its application in VTS
Maritime Services, which are described (as well as
other Services) in document MSC.1/Circ, 1610. There
are three different types of services provided by a
Vessel Traffic Service (VTS): Information Service
(MS1), Traffic Organization Service (MS2) and
Navigational Assistance Service (MS3).
According to resolution A.857 (20) on Guidelines
for Vessel Traffic Services:
1)“the information service” is provided by
broadcasting information at fixed times and intervals
or when deemed necessary by the VTS or at the
request of a vessel, and may include for example
reports on the position, identity and intentions of
other traffic, waterway conditions, weather, hazards,
or any other factors that may influence the vessel's
2) “the navigational assistance service” is
especially important in difficult navigational or
meteorological circumstances or in case of defects or
deficiencies. This service is normally rendered at the
request of a vessel or by the VTS when deemed
3) “the traffic organization service” concerns the
operational management of traffic and the forward
planning of vessels movements to prevent congestion
and dangerous situations, and is particularly relevant
in times of high traffic density or when the movement
of special transports may affect the flow of other
traffic. The service may also include establishing and
operating a system of traffic clearances or VTS sailing
plans or both in relation to priority of movements,
allocation of space, mandatory reporting of
movements in the VTS area, routes to be followed,
and speed limits to be observed or other appropriate
measures which are considered necessary by the VTS
Information provided in a digital format could
complement and/or replace verbal/voice
communications (which forestalled by the addressed
DSC). The steps to achieve this transition to digital
information exchange may vary in different areas and
for different types of vessels. Details about digital
information exchange should be published by the VTS
authority. The information could be, as an example,
portrayed as a layer on the ECDIS or in a graphical
4.1 Relation to other Maritime Services
All of three different types of services provided by
Vessel Traffic Service (MS1, MS2, and MS3) have a
relationship with each other and with other Maritime
Services, described in MSC.1/Circ. 1610, MS4÷MS15
and MS16 Search and rescue (SAR) service.
Therefore exchange the information between them
may be provided by using suggested technique. In the
case of MS9 Telemedical assistance service (TMAS)
exchange of information this is today mostly done by
voice communication using VHF, MF or short wave
radio and standardized interface for VHF/MF/HF DSC
may be used.
Application in MS16 Search and rescue (SAR)
service. SAR service should provide coordination,
communication and effective exchange of information.
The coordinating RCC must be able to share and
receive information quickly and easily and then
deliver this important information about the SAR
situation to a graphical display shared with the on-
scene commander, search resources and all partners
involved, improving communications and increasing
situational awareness for everyone.
Suggested standardized interface for VHF/MF/HF
DSC communication gives the possibility in graphical
displaying distressed vessel on a RCC Information
display unit due to corresponding integration of DSC
controllers with Information display.
The possibility of improving the quality of the
Maritime Services in general due to using
standardized interface implies presentation of
information and controlling DSC communication
equipment in VHF/MF/HF frequency bands was
shown, taking in to account recommendations in the
corresponding sections. The integration navigation
and communication equipment on the base of
platform INS give real possibility to improve quality
DSC communications.
ICS (IEC 62940) would be used for providing
communications according its own standard. For
example for providing satellite communications and
all other communications, when Information display
(INS) is busy by the solving urgent complicated
navigational tasks. What is essential is that the manual
method of forming/viewing calls on the base ICS will
be preserved as a supplementary means to the
automatic method of forming/viewing calls in the
integrated navigation and communication equipment
system on the base of platform INS, when is
something wrong with soft of INS. Distress calls
would be sent as by means integrated on the platform
INS system with the modernized its module C for the
requirements of the Alert management, so by means
Besides ICS (62940) with additional interfacing
module, fulfilled on the base of IEC 61162-1, would be
used for supplying the information MSI to
Information Display (Conning display) INS and for
the purposes of two-way information exchange
between DSC controllers, including in ICS, and
Information Display INS.
The number of IEC standards, which are needed
for practical realization proposed integration in
Maritime Mobile Services, were analysed.
Application in other Maritime Services was
considered (including VTS Service and SAR Service).
1. Analysis and assessment of the GMDSS performance of
Inmarsat GlobalLimited: Submitted by IMSO / NCSR
8/9/1. (2021).
2. Analysis and assessment of the GMDSS performance of
Iridium: Submitted by IMSO / NCSR 8/9/2. (2021).
3. IMO COMSAR 8/4/1: Simplification of DSC equipment
and procedures. Submitted by Finland. (2003).
4. IMO COMSAR 14/7: Proposal for simplification of VHF
DSC radiocommunication and increasing DSC
efficiency. Submitted by Ukraine. (2009).
5. IMO COMSAR 15/INF.3: Scoping exercise to establish
the need for a review the elements and procedures of the
GMDSS. Shipboard User Needs. Submitted by the
Nautical Institute. (2010).
6. IMO MSC 97/19/9: Proposal for a new output on revising
resolutions A.817 (19) and MSC.232 (82) to provide an
additional connection of ECDIS with communication
equipment. Submitted by Ukraine. (2016).
7. IMO Nav 59/12/2: Proposal for modernization of ECDIS
for VHF radiocommunication. Submitted by Ukraine.
8. IMO NCSR 3/INF 15: ECDIS-AIS liking with VHF DSC
for simplification of addressed VHF radio
communication and increasing DSC efficiency.
Submitted by Ukraine. (2015).
9. IMO NCSR 4/7: Report of the Correspondence Group on
the Development of additional modules to Performance
Standards for Integrated Navigation Systems. Submitted
by China. (2016).
10. IMO NCSR 4/7/1: Proposal to provide two-way
connections of communications equipment, including
VFH DSC controller, with INS. Submitted by Ukraine.
11. IMO NCSR 4/8: First draft of the Guidelines. Submitted
by Norway and IHO. (2016).
12. IMO NCSR 5/6/1: Integration and presentation of
available navigation-related information exchange via
communica-tion equipment by integrating VHF/MF/HF
DSC into INS. Submitted by Ukraine. (2017).
13. IMO NCSR 5/9/4: Displaying Distress alert relay
information on shipboard navigation display systems.
Submitted by the United States. (2017).
14. IMO NCSR 6/7: Guidelines on standardized modes of
operation, S-Mode. Report of the Correspondents Group.
Submitted by Australia. (2018).
15. IMO NCSR 6/11/1: The First draft revision of resolution
A.806 (19). Submitted by Germany. (2018).
16. IMQ MSC 94/18/2: Proposal for an unplanned output
dedicated to modernization of ECDIS for VHF
communication. Submitted by Ukraine. (2014).
17. Koshevoy V., Shishkin A.: ECDIS Modernization for
Enhancing Addressed VHF Communication. TransNav,
the International Journal on Marine Navigation and
Safety of Sea Transportation. 9, 3, 327331 (2015).
18. Koshevoy V.M., Shishkin A.V.: Enhancement of VHF
Radiotelephony in the Frame of Integrated VHF/DSC
ECDIS/AIS System. In: Weintrit, A. (ed.) Navigational
Problems. CRC Press, London, UK (2013).
19. Koshevoy V.M., Shishkin A.V.: VHF/DSC ECDIS/AIS
Communication on the Base of Lightweight Ethernet. In:
Weintrit A. (ed.) Marine Navigation. CRC Press,
London, UK (2017).
20. Koshevyy V., Shishkin A.: Standardization of Interface
for VHF, MF/HF Communication Using DSC within Its
Integration with INS in the Framework of e-Navigation
Concept. TransNav, the International Journal on Marine
Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation. 13, 3, 593
596 (2019). https://doi.org/10.12716/1001.13.03.15.
21. Miyusov M., Koshevoy V., Shishkin A.: Increasing
Maritime Safety: Integration of the Digital Selective
Calling VHF Marine Radiocommunication System and
ECDIS. TransNav, the International Journal on Marine
Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation. 5, 2, 159
161 (2011).
22. Patent US 7809370 B2: Space based monitoring of global
maritime shipping using automatic identification
system, (2010).
23. Proposed amendments to the Interim Iridium SafetyCast
service manual: Submitted by IHO, WWNWS-SC,
SERCOM / NCSR 8/9. (2020).
24. Weintrit A. Guidelines on the Display of Navigation-
Related Information Received by Communication
Equipment at Sea. Archives of Transport System
Telematics 2018, vol. 11, No 3, pp. 57-62.