There are two large Polish sea ports on the coast of the
Gulf of Gdańsk: Gdańsk and Gdynia. Their share (in
thousands of tons and percentages) in the total
amount of cargo handled in Polish seaports is
presented in Table 1. Table 2 shows the number of
seagoing vessels handled in these ports.
Table 1. Share of the ports in Gdańsk and Gdynia in the
total amount of cargo handled in Polish seaports [21].
Year Units All Polish Gdańsk Gdynia Gdańsk &
ports Gdynia
2016 Thousands 72926.2 31566.2 17751.1 49317.3
of tonnes
% 100 43.3 24.3 67.6
2019 Thousands
of tonnes 93864.4 45521.9 20547.7 66069.6
% 100 48.5 21.9 70.4
Table 2. The number of seagoing vessels handled in the
ports in Gdańsk and Gdynia [21].
Year Units All Polish Gdańsk Gdynia Gdańsk &
ports Gdynia
2016 Number 18928 3274 3956 7230
% 100 17.3 20.9 38.2
2019 Number 20800 3927 4283 8210
% 100 18.9 20.6 39.5
Port of Gdańsk is the only Polish port with deep
water terminals for container ships (Deepwater
Container Terminal - DCT), bulk carriers and tankers
with maximum draft allowing to enter the Baltic Sea
through the Danish Straits.
The main routes of ships equipped with Automatic
Identification System (AIS) to the ports of Gdańsk and
Gdynia in the Gulf of Gdańsk and in the waters
directly adjacent to it are shown in Figure 1 [10, 18].
They intersect the route to the Russian ports of the
Kaliningrad region in the Gulf of Gdańsk and the
routes along the Polish coast to and from the ports in
the eastern part of the Baltic Sea. It should be noted
that over 50% of the cargo handled in the ports of
Gdańsk and Gdynia (approximately 53% in 2019)
Ships’ Routes to Polish Ports of the Gulf of Gdańsk
R. Wawruch
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: The paper discusses ships’ routes to Polish ports in the Gulf of Gdańsk determined on the basis of
data obtained from the Baltic Ship Monitoring System by means of AIS coast stations and defined by the Baltic
Sea Hydrographic Commission (BSHC). The measures to regulate maritime traffic implemented by the Polish
maritime administration in order to reduce the identified risk of groundings and ship collisions are presented,
as well as the author's opinion on their effectiveness.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 15
Number 3
ember 2021
DOI: 10.12716/1001.15.03.11
comes from or is destined for ports located west and
north of the Gulf of Gdańsk [21]. For this reason and
due to the depth limitations in the southern part of the
Baltic Proper along the Polish coast, one of the most
important tasks of the Polish maritime administration
was determining a safe route for ships sailing to the
analysed ports from western directions, mainly from
the Danish Straits.
Figure 1. Routes of ships equipped with Automatic
Identification System (AIS) to and from the ports of Gdańsk
and Gdynia in the Gulf of Gdańsk and in the waters directly
adjacent to it [10, 18].
2.1 Depths and environmental conditions
The south-western part of the Baltic Sea consists of the
large shallow water area - Pomeranian Bay with the
depths less than 30 m and offshore banks between the
Island of Bornholm and western part of the Polish
coast: Adlergrund (Rønne Bank) and Oder Bank with
a minimum depth of 4.6 m. To the north, the
Pomeranian Bay is separated from the Adlergrund
with a minimum depth of 5.8 m by a narrow channel
more than 20 m deep and 7 Nm wide. Further east,
approximately 12 Nm north of the central Polish
coast, the large offshore Słupska Bank (600 km2) is
located. The bank is largely determined by the 20 m
depth contour with a minimum depth of 8.2 m. A
narrow channel more than 20 m deep and 5 Nm wide
separates upska Bank from the coastal waters, which
are scattered with irregular smaller shoals and
numerous wrecks and stones [9, 11].
On the open German and Polish coastline a
numerous nature reserves and land-sea protected
areas are situated: Biosphere Reserve of South Eastern
Rügen Island and Jasmund National Park on the
German shore and owiński National Park (UNESCO
186.18 km² Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Reserve)
and Woliński National Park on the Polish shore.
Adlerground and Oder and Słupska Banks are also
very important habitats for unique fauna and flora
species. The ecological significance of these areas is
recognized by several networks: Baltic Sea Protected
Areas (BSPAs) established by Baltic Marine
Environment Protection Commission, Ramsar
introduced according to The Convention on Wetlands
and Areas of Natura 2000 network. They represent an
important habitat for non-commercial and commercial
fish stocks, including freshwater fish species and a
spawning and nursery ground for, for example,
herring and different species of flatfish. More than
one million seabirds winter in these areas,
representing the most important wintering site in the
whole Baltic Sea and the largest concentration of
wintering seaducks in Europe. Described areas are
further considered of global importance to the
Slavonian grebe, the long-tailed duck, the velvet
scoter and the Baltic race of the black guillemot. The
unique importance of discussed areas for wintering
waterbirds makes them one of the most sensitive areas
to oil pollution in European waters. Even small oil
spills could kill thousands of waterbirds. Scientific
studies on the distribution of harbour porpoises
indicate that during the early summer, which is the
breading season for mammals, high concentrations of
oil could potentially threaten an estimated 15% of this
endemic population. A major oil spill would seriously
harm local fishermen and would be a blow to the
tourist industry as part of the main economic
backbone in these areas [9, 12].
2.2 Weather conditions
There are no tides in the Baltic Sea, however, seasonal
variations in the water level can exceed 1.5 m due to
changes in atmospheric pressure and winds. There is a
weak east-going surface current (average speed 0.2-0.5
kn) along the Polish coast disturbed by strong winds.
Sea ice may form in January and February, mainly in
coastal areas. The mean number of days with fog
oscillates between 15 days per year in the area near
Adlergrund and 56 days per year near upska Bank.
Most frequently restricted visibility occurs in the
winter. Predominant directions of wind are SW, W
and NW. Storms, defined by the criteria that the mean
wind speed is at least 17 m/s, occur for 2% of the time.
They are most common from November to March. In
November storms prevail for 9% of the time and
strong winds (11-16 m/s) for 32% of the time. During
the last 15 years, the wind speed has shown an
increasing trend [9, 12].
Wave motion in the Southern Baltic is strongly
related to wind and swell. Studies of sea waves in the
Baltic Proper (i.e. BASYS or MAXWAVE project) have
yielded in a unique set of time series of free-surface
elevation records obtained by wave rider (WR) and
directional wave rider (DWR) buoys, located at
several points placed along the Baltic coastline
including Polish areas [1, 14]. At Varnkevitz
observation station near Adlergrund, the highest
significant wave height was 2.0 m, whereas the
significant wave height exceeding 1.0 m occurred 8%
of the time and a wave height greater than 1.5 m
occurred 2% of the time, respectively. The largest
waves come from the NW and NNE directions. The
greatest measured height of an individual wave was
2.7 m. For the area of Lubiatowo located in the central
part of Polish coast, the biggest measured height of an
individual wave was 7.6 m and the highest significant
wave height was 4.0 m. The significant wave height
exceeding 1.0 m occurred 29% of the time and greater
than 2.0 m - 6% of the time. The total set of 330
extreme waves has been observed among 19664
records. It has been found that the majority of the
largest observed waves came from the W and NNE
directions [9, 12]. Issued by the Hydrographic Office
of the Polish Navy Sailing Directions, Volume Baltic
Sea-Southern Part, informs that sea waves in an
offshore area may achieve during the storms the
height of 9 m [6]. According to information received
from European Maritime Pilot Association EMPA,
research carried out for the tankers proves that such
type of vessels of approximate size of 17,000 DWT and
draught of 9 m will suffer a total reduction of under-
keel clearance equal approximately to 5 m on a waves
of height about 4.5 m and 10 s period.
3.1 Vessel traffic statistics
There are three options for sailing from the Western
Baltic and the Danish Straits to the ports in the Gulf of
Through the Bornholmsgat between the Island of
Bornholm and the coast of Sweden;
Between the Bornholm and shallow water area
upska Bank; and
Between Słupska Bank and Polish coast.
Bornholmsgat has no depths limitations. It is the
main route for ships proceeding to and from the ports
of the Eastern Baltic Sea and is characterized by a high
volume of traffic. The passage between Bornholm
Island and upska Bank extends the route to Gdańsk
and Gdynia and will be hampered in the future by
wind farms planned to be built in the water area north
and northeast of upska Bank. The possibilities of
passing south from Słupska Bank depend on the draft
of the ship and the current hydro-meteorological
Through the area between the Bornholm Island
and Polish coast approximately 16 000 ships equipped
with AIS are passing on a yearly basis. The statistical
profile of ships includes 67.9 % cargo ships, 16.3 %
tankers and 4.5 % passenger ships. The main
destinations of eastbound vessels in transit include the
ports situated in the Gulf of Gdańsk (32%-38%),
Klaipeda and Liepaja (20%-23%) and Russian ports in
the Kaliningrad region (19%-20%). The crossing traffic
operates to ports on the Bornholm Island and to the
ports of Scandinavian countries (mainly ferry
connections). Additionally, large fishing activities are
in place in the area off Central Polish coast, which
contributes to the traffic picture. Approximately 8500
vessels yearly trades between Western Baltic ports or
entrances to the Baltic Sea and ports in the Gulf of
Gdańsk, passing along central Polish coast. Some 20%
of that traffic passes North of Słupska Bank and the
rest of it uses the gateway south of Słupska Bank.
Tankers represent 17% of all traffic in that area.
Approximately 13% of the vessels have a draught of 7
metres or more and 8% a draft of 8 metres and more
[9, 12].
More information, based on data received from the
vessel monitoring system using the Baltic network of
the AIS shore stations, on vessel traffic along the
Polish coast and a comparison of the traffic density in
waters north and south of Bornholm Island can be
found in [1618, 22].
3.2 BSHC harmonized Plan for Hydrographic Surveys
The main ships routes to the ports of the Gulf of
Gdańsk are included in the Harmonized Re-survey
Hydrographic Plan of the states - parties to the
Convention on the Protection of the Marine
Environment of the Baltic Sea Area (Helsinki
Convention) of 1992. The Baltic states were obliged to
introduce and maintain such a plan of systematic
hydrographic surveys in the areas most frequently
visited by ships and in ports by the Declaration on the
Safety of Navigation and Emergency Capacity in the
Baltic Sea Area of 10 September 2001, known as the
Copenhagen Declaration of the Helsinki Commission
- HELCOM Copenhagen Declaration. The
development of the agreed survey scheme was
entrusted to the hydrographic services of the Baltic
states associated in the Baltic Sea Hydrographic
Commission - BSHC. In 2002, the BSHC developed
the first Harmonized Hydrographic Survey Plan,
which included the usual shipping routes to the main
Baltic ports. Due to the lack of tools for assessing the
real ship traffic at that time, the routes were
estimated. After the introduction of Automatic
Identification System (AIS) devices in 2002 as
mandatory equipment on commercial sea vessels, it
became possible for coastal states to monitor the
actual movement of ships in the Baltic, based on the
receipt of ships’ AIS messages via a network of coastal
stations of this system. Moreover, in the period from
the signing of the Copenhagen Declaration in 2001,
the International Maritime Organisation (IMO)
adopted, at the request of the Baltic states, many new
and amended shipping route, technically suited to the
image of actual vessel traffic obtained from the
analysis of received AIS messages. Consequently, the
BSHC introduced significant changes to the
Harmonized Survey Plan in 2008, which was also
modified in the following years. Currently, the
surveyed waters are divided into 3 categories,
Category I (CAT I) - primary survey area covering
the main shipping lanes to seaports;
Category II (CAT II) - additional areas that should
be surveyed in order to ensure the safety of
navigation; and
Category III (CAT III) - other areas that should be
surveyed for other reasons, e.g. protection of the
marine environment.
Figure 2. The main ships routes to the ports of the Gulf of
Gdańsk inside the Polish maritime area included in the
current version of the Harmonized Plan for Hydrographic
Surveys prepared by BSHC [23].
The main ships routes to the ports of the Gulf of
Gdańsk inside the Polish maritime area included in
the current version of the Harmonized Plan for
Hydrographic Surveys prepared by BSHC are shown
in Figure 2. The letter and colour markings of
individual routes and their sections are related to their
category and the current state of survey work.
These routes correspond to the shipping routes
shown in Figure 3, determined on the basis of data
from the AIS system [17,22].
Figure 3. Routes of ships fitted with AIS in the southern part
of the Baltic Proper [17,22].
3.3 SRS, TSS and VTS in the Gulf of Gdańsk
The Gulf of Gdańsk is not only a region of great
importance for the national economy with respect to a
number of branches, from ship and cargo handling in
two largest Polish ports and shipbuilding industry to
tourism and recreation, but also a very vulnerable
ecosystem. Beginning from the Hel Peninsula and
around gulf coastline up to the Vistula Split,
following protected areas, including surrounding
coastal waters, were established as Baltic Sea
Protected Areas (HELCOM BSPA): Coastal National
Park with a Puck Bay, Three Cities Landscape Park,
Redłowo Clif Reserve and Vistula Split Landscape
Park. The region of a special attention is the internal
part of the Puck Bay, a unique site on the south Baltic
coast of relatively warm, shallow sea water with little
salinity, little water dynamic and communities of rare
and endangered vegetable and animal species. It is a
spawning ground and habitat for many endangered
species, including harbour porpoise and, together
with Vistula River Estuary, a major feeding and
resting place for migratory birds and important
wintering place for many birds that hatch on the
North Baltic. For this reason, both these areas have
also been recognized as bird protected area under
Natura 2000 network [10].
With a view to enhance the safety of navigation
and the protection of the marine environment in the
waters of the Gulf of Gdańsk, a ships’ routeing system
within the Polish territorial and internal waters was
established on 15 April 1980 in the form of two traffic
separation schemes (TSS) for the approaches to the
ports of Gdańsk and Gdynia, based on the general
principles and the requirements of ships’ routeing
defined by IMO. It was introduced under Polish
national legislation and announced in Polish Notices
to Mariners No.12/1980 and No.15/1980, revised and
amended with inshore traffic zones in 2003 (Polish
Notices to Mariners: No.13/2003 and No.16/2003).
Both TSSs guided all flow of ships to the Polish ports
situated in the Gulf of Gdansk and have substantially
contributed to simplify the patterns of traffic flow
Furthermore, on 1 May 1986, a ship reporting
system (SRS) “REPLINE HEL” was established within
the Polish territorial waters, south of parallel 54°45´N,
based on the IMO General Principles for Ship
Reporting Systems and Ship Reporting Requirements,
including Guidelines for Reporting Incidents
Involving Dangerous Goods, Harmful Substances
and/or Marine Pollutants, as adopted by IMO
Resolution A.851(20). It was announced in Polish
Notices to Mariners, the first time in No.17/1986), the
second time in No.13/1987 [10].
On April 15, 1997 were established two vessel
traffic services (VTS): “VTS Gdańsk” and “VTS
Gdynia” served by Harbour Masters of these ports
(announced in Polish Notices to Mariners
No.14/1997). On 1 May 2003 they have been
replaced by one Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) “Gulf of
Gdańsk” (announced in Polish Notices to Mariners
No.20/2003), acting as a coastal VTS and Maritime
Assistance Service (MAS) operated according IMO
Resolution A.857(20) and IMO Resolution A.950(23)
respectively. The area of its responsibility covers the
Polish waters of the Gulf of Gdańsk including both
traffic separation schemes. Since that day the SRS
“REPLINE HEL” has become a part of VTS reporting
procedures (as amended by Polish Notices to
Mariners No.16/2003) enhancing safety and efficiency
of maritime traffic.
Establishment of the measures described above
reduced significantly the risk of pollution caused by
collisions and risk of grounding in the area and this
had a positive impact on the entire Baltic Sea area. It
should be emphasized that there was no major
accident compromising the safety of navigation
within the TSSs over the last 30 years. Recognizing the
positive effects of the existing TSS, SRS and VTS on
safety of navigation and protection of environment,
Government of Poland decided in 2007 to submit
information about them to IMO for approve by that
Organization [10]. Maritime Safety Committee (MSC)
approved them at its eighty-third session and
announced its decision in three IMO circulars:
COLREG.2/Circ.59. New and amended existing
traffic separation schemes. Annex 2 “On the
approaches to the Polish ports in the Gulf of
Gdańsk” [2];
SN.1/Circ. 263. Routeing measures other than
traffic separation schemes. Annex “New
Recommendation on navigation to the Polish ports
through the Gulf of Gdańsk traffic area” [19]; and
SN.1/Circ. 264. Mandatory ship reporting systems.
Annex 2. Resolution MSC.249(83) (adopted on 8
October 2007) Adoption of the new mandatory
ship reporting system “On the approaches to the
Polish ports in the Gulf of Gdańsk[20].
Traffic separation schemes on the approaches to
the Polish ports in the Gulf of Gdańsk, boundary of
the ship reporting system “GDANREP” (new name
for “REPLINE HEL”) and area of responsibility of the
VTS “Gulf of Gdańsk” are shown in Figure 4 [10, 18].
Figure 4. Traffic separation schemes on the approaches to
the Polish ports in the Gulf of Gdańsk, boundary of the ship
reporting system and area of responsibility of the VTS “Gulf
of Gdańsk” [10, 18].
3.4 Deep Water “D” route
The increase in the transport of hazardous and
environmentally harmful goods to the Polish ports in
the Gulf of Gdańsk, especially after the opening in
1975 of the Northern Port in Gdańsk, accessible to
ships with a draft of up to 15 m, was the reason why
the Polish maritime administration decided to
designate a deep water (DW) route bypassing shallow
waters along the Polish coast and connecting Gdańsk
with Danish Straits through Borngholmsgat. It was
established 15 of May 1980 as the internally
recommended route for following Polish vessels:
oil tankers with a gross tonnage of 20,000 RT and
gas carriers and chemical tankers with a gross
tonnage of 1600 RT and more;
ships with more than 2,500 tonnes of fuel (diesel
and heating oil); and
general cargo and bulk carriers with dangerous
goods specified by the Polish Minister of Foreign
Trade and Maritime Economy (Journal of Laws of
1961 No. 58 item 318) in category "0" in any
quantity and in category "A" over 100 tons,
classified in subclasses 1.1 and 1.2 and in classes 2,
3 and 7.
On February 3, 1982, the Intergovernmental
Maritime Organization (IMCO) published a note of
the Polish Government "Route for ships carrying
cargo hazardous to the marine environment in the
Gulf of Gdansk”, requesting the establishment of a
transit route for ships carrying cargos that are harmful
to the environment in the Gulf of Gdańsk [7]. This
route, connecting points with geographic coordinates
15.7'N; 016
12.6'N; 018
25.5'E; and
42.7'N; 019
was to be recommended for ships:
tankers carrying crude oil of a gross tonnage of
20,000 RT or more;
gas carriers with a gross tonnage of 1600 RT or
ships with a gross tonnage of 1600 RT or more
carrying liquid dangerous substances classified as
classes A or B of Annex IV to the Helsinki
Convention or Annex II to the MARPOL
Convention of 1973.
The route was discussed at the 8th Session of the
Helsinki Committee in 1982. At the request of
Denmark and Sweden, the committee did not accept
it. The formal reason for the objection of these two
countries was proposed by Poland the method of
connecting the "D" route with the "T" route off the
Swedish coast. It was only agreed that the method of
connecting these two routes should be carefully
analysed. Informally, the reason for the objections of
these countries was their refusal to shift to the north
of Bornholm the traffic of ships that most threaten the
environment in the event of their failure. Due to this
position of the Helsinki Committee, the "D" route was
not accepted by the IMCO. In later years, the position
of connecting the proposed "D" route with the traffic
separation scheme in Swedish waters was changed to
a point with the coordinates: 55o21.5'N, 016o1.0'E, but
the Helsinki Committee did not accept the amended
proposal. So it was still functioned only as a route
recommended for Polish ships, in accordance with the
recommendation of May 15, 1980.
After the entry into force of the Polish Act of
March 21, 1991 on the maritime areas of the Republic
of Poland and maritime administration, the minister
responsible for maritime economy did not introduce
the "D" route in the Polish territorial sea in accordance
with the requirements of this Act. Therefore, the route
ceased to be shown as recommended for Polish ships
carrying dangerous goods on charts published by the
Polish Naval Hydrographic Office (BHMW) and
described in the Sailing Directions published by this
office. On September 18, 2002 during Extraordinary
Meeting of the Baltic Sea Hydrographic Commission
Poland submitted the deep-water “D” route situated
entirely within Polish EEZ and territorial waters as a
one of the major shipping routes scheduled for
Harmonized Hydrographic Re-survey Plan of the
Baltic Sea in accordance with IHO standards for
hydrographic surveys S-44. The “D” route resurvey
has been completed by the Hydrographic Office of the
Polish Navy in 2005. The width of the surveyed area is
6 nautical miles in EEZ and 2 nautical miles in
territorial waters. The lowest examined depth on the
route was 23 m.
Attempts to introduce internationally, in
agreement with Denmark and Sweden, the "D" route
were resumed in 2005 at the forum of the Expert
Working Group on Transit Routeing (EWG TRANSIT
ROUETING) established at the 11th meeting of the
Helsinki Commission in 2003. As a result of the
discussion, the following information appeared in the
document submitted by Baltic states without Russia to
IMO in 2005 [8]:
“For ships bound for or leaving the Gulf of
Gdańsk, Poland has advanced plans for a
recommended deep-water route “D” in the Polish
EEZ with a junction point to the deep-water route
northeast of Bornholm. Also two traffic separation
schemes are designed in the Gulf of Gdańsk. The
deep-water route “D” will be further discussed
regarding details with countries concerned. Poland
intends to submit a proposal to NAV 52.”
Several bilateral consultation meetings on this
route, attended by representatives of the maritime
administrations of Denmark, Germany, Poland and
Sweden took place in 2005 and 2006 but no consensus
was obtained due to the lack of consent of the
maritime administrations of:
Denmark and Sweden to introduce the "D" route as
recommended for all ships carrying dangerous,
noxious and polluting goods;
Poland to introduce mentioned route only for
ships with a draft not less than specified agreed
value, in the discussed range of 8-12 meters.
Due to the impossibility of agreeing a common
position, the meetings were suspended until 2012. In
August 2012, Polish Ministry of Transport,
Construction and Maritime Economy invited experts
from Denmark and Sweden to discuss the question of
establishing "D" route for ships with a draft not less
than 12 meters. The meeting was held in Copenhagen
in December 2012, but experts from Scandinavian
countries did not respond to the Polish proposal,
explaining that it required detailed analyses. Attempts
to organize further meetings were not made.
3.5 Route between Słupska Bank and Polish coast
Regardless of the described attempts to introduce the
DW "D" route, Poland has also taken steps to regulate
on the international forum the rules for ships’ traffic
along the Polish coast.
The shallow and shifting shoals in the southern
part of the Baltic Sea present a great risk of grounding
for deeper draught ships and consequently pollution.
This opinion confirmed accident with the bulk carrier
„Conrad Oldendorff” which left Port of Gdańsk with
a draught of 14.4 meters and grounded on June 28,
2006 on shallow water south of Bornholm Island. It
demonstrated the necessity to introduce measures to
prevent this pattern of accidents in the future. Such
accident could have disastrous effects on the
vulnerable nature of the whole Baltic Sea ecosystem.
The study confirmed the common incidence of head-
on close encounters in a confined space of navigable
waters which could easily cause collisions and
groundings. In view of the above and with the sole
objective of:
separating opposing streams of traffic to reduce
the risk of head-on encounters;
simplifying the patterns of traffic flow in
converging areas;
reducing the risk of groundings by providing safe
passage and guidance to vessels navigating in
areas with limited water depths; and
organizing a safe traffic flow in the vicinity of
environmentally sensitive areas,
Governments of Denmark, Germany and Poland
decided to submit to IMO proposal to establish two
traffic separation schemes: between shallow water
areas Adlergrund and Pomeranian Bay in German
waters (named TSS “Adlergrund”) and between
Słupska Bank and coastline in Polish waters (called
TSS Słupska Bank”) [12]. The expected impact of the
introduction of both TSSs on the safety of navigation
was presented in Annex 1 to the German and Polish
submission to IMO “Routeing of ships, ship reporting
and related matters. Information about planned new
routeing measures in the southern part of the Baltic
Sea” containing the results of a statistical study
undertaken by the Shipping Institute in Warnemünde
an affiliate of the Department of Maritime Studies of
the Wismar University of Technology, Business and
Design [11]. IMO approved the proposal and
announced its decision regarding TSS “Słupska Bank”
in the circular COLREG.2/Circ.61 Annex 2 [3].
The real effects of introducing TSS "Słupska Bank"
are shown in Figures 5 and 6. Figure 5 presents vessel
traffic between Słupska Bank and the Polish coast
before the introduction of TSS, Figure 6 - after its
establishment. The top of each figure shows the ship's
routes, the bottom - the traffic directions of ships
passing through particular points of the control line
drawn at right angles to the average direction of
movement of most vessels.
Figure 5. Ship traffic in the area between Słupska Bank and
the Polish coast before the introduction of TSS [15].
Figure 6. Ship traffic in the area between Słupska Bank and
the Polish coast after the establishment of TSS [15].
As shown in Figures 5 and 6, introduction of traffic
separation scheme “Słupska Bank” eliminates the
potential risk coming from ships meeting each other
on reciprocal or nearly reciprocal courses by
streamlining the eastbound and westbound traffic as
well as serves as an anti-grounding measure.
Consequently, it enhances the safety of navigation in
the area as well as reduces threat to the marine
In order to enable the control and management of
vessel traffic and to provide an information service for
ships in the TSS Słupska Bank” area, VTS with area
of responsibility covering this TSS was established in
2010 and modernized in 2018, in both cases by a local
legal act - an order of the Director of the Maritime
Office in Słupsk. The revised rules of its operation
were announced in Polish Notices to Mariners No.
On June 1, 2013, the bulk carrier “Twinkle Island”,
carrying a cargo of coal from the port of Gdańsk, ran
aground approximately 12 Nm east of the entrance to
the analysed TSS. The accident was investigated by
the Polish State Maritime Accident Investigation
Commission, which published the results of its work
in the Final Report 09/13 [5]. Report contained
recommendation for the Polish maritime
administration to intensify activities taken to
designate a new safe route of TSS "Słupska Bank",
conducting appropriate surveys and preparing
documents in this matter for submission to the IMO
[5]. Following this recommendations, Poland
submitted to IMO a proposal for an appropriate
modernization and expansion of TSS “Słupska Bank”
towards the east in 2019 [13]. The proposal was
accepted in 2020. Information about the amended TSS
was published in the IMO Circular COLREG.2/Circ.75
[4]. The modified traffic separation scheme is
presented in Figure 7 [13] and will become effective at
0000 UTC on June 1, 2021.
Figure 7. The modified TSS “Słupska Bank” [13].
Summing up the information presented in this paper,
it should be stated that the traffic separation schemes
and vessel reporting system introduced by IMO, as
well as the establishment of the VTS service, ensure
the proper level of safety of navigation and
environmental protection in the Polish part of the
Gulf of Gdańsk. In the case of TSS "Słupska Bank",
due to the limited depths in its area, it may have a
reservation regarding the lack of a recommendation
on the maximum draft of ships that may use it. Its lack
is due to the fact that the maritime administrations of
Poland, Denmark and Sweden did not agree on a
deep water route (“D” route) for ships sailing to/from
Polish ports of the Gulf of Gdańsk between Bornholm
Island and the coast of Sweden (through
Brnholmsgat). Leaving the decision on this scope to
ship captains creates a potential risk of grounding in
stormy weather conditions of deep draft vessels.
Doubts also raises the establishment of the VTS
"Słupska Bank" operating inside the area of TSS
introduced by IMO in the international waters and
Polish territorial sea by local legal act (order of the
director of the maritime office) only.
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