In a broad sense Maritime education and training
(MET) includes the upbringing of seafarers and sea
port specialists. In the global education market MET
strongly depends on the changes in labour market due
to digitization, which created a wide range of possible
study programmes in MET. The digitalization of
social processes involved a lot of people into the
digital social environment where they could be found
as potential customers. But it is only one reason for
looking for solutions on increasing MET popularity
Another reason is the increasing competitiveness
between study programmes from the point of view of
study programme scientific direction. Based on the
case of Lithuanian Maritime Academy (LMA)
maritime education study programmes are placed in
different scientific areas such as engineering,
technology, management, economics and computer
sciences and all of them are dependent on the
competitiveness with another study programmes
from the same scientific direction. And from this point
of view the problem of MET attractiveness could be
found. This second reason influenced the needs of
higher maritime education to increase the
attractiveness of the MET study programmes between
adolescents and the needs to increase the exceptional
attractiveness of maritime sector by adding some
important facts about this sector in the digital
environment which is friendly for the most part of
potential customers of MET institutions. Thus, the
contextual awareness of customers which could be
interested in MET supposes the fact that main pool of
customers could be found in the digital environment.
Modelling the Effectiveness Index of Digital Marketing
Strategy Oriented to Increase the Popularity of
Maritime Education
R. Mickienė & E. Valionienė
Lithuanian Maritime Academy, Klaipeda, Lithuania
ABSTRACT: Digitization of the maritime transport formed a paradoxical situation of an increased interest in
informatics and data sciences among youth, whilst the level of interest of these programmes in the maritime
education and training (MET) field remained relatively low. Based on theoretical modelling the solution to the
problem is divided in two parts, one of which is related to adding data sciences to MET and the other refers to
increasing intensity of digital advertising to solve the problem of low knowability index (KI) of MET. The
research showed that KI is the output of effective digital marketing strategy. Thus, all parameters characterizing
effectiveness could be divided into categories and by applying AHP methods the weight of each criteria could
be assessed. Based on the weights and on the analytical measurements collected from monitoring tools the KI
was calculated. Analysis of KI component and whole KI found out main ways of increasing MET popularity,
which could be implemented through on increasing advertising intensity in the social networks the whole year
and also by adding new content which are related within the digitization into MET study programmes’
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 15
Number 3
September 2021
DOI: 10.12716/1001.15.03.08
It can be projected that the increasing of popularity
and attractiveness of MET could be based on the
creative and technological strongly developed
marketing strategy concentrated on the looking for the
most effective way of attracting future customers. This
task is also addressed with existing digital tools in the
market, there are tools such as Facebook, Instagram,
YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn and their advertising
plans, also Google tools such as Google AdWords
linked with the internet website, also monitoring and
analysis tools such as Google Search console, Google
Analytics which could be employed the cheapest. The
theoretical and practical problems are the following:
what is more important in the marketing strategy
content or technologies; how to measure the
effectiveness of implemented digital marketing
strategy and how to assess its impact on MET
attractiveness and popularity. The possible
hypothetical answer could be based on the technique
of evaluation of specific index, based on the
indicators, collected from the social network’s
accounts, website visibility and analysis tools.
Based on these preconditions of problem’s
existence, the research object is the effectiveness of
MET digital marketing strategy. The main goal of
research is to create the model for measurement of the
effectiveness of the digital marketing strategy oriented
to the increasing the popularity of MET. The
objectives of research are the following: to indicate the
changes of MET under the influence of Fourth
Industrial Revolution (4IR), to describe the concept of
digital marketing strategy effectiveness under the
collection of main effectiveness criteria, to model the
digital marketing strategy effectiveness measurement
index and empirically test this index by applying the
model to assess the effectiveness of Lithuanian
Maritime Academy marketing strategy. The
effectiveness index of the digital marketing strategy is
oriented to the increasing the popularity of MET and
it is titled as Knowability Index (KI) in this research.
The KI is constructed as the collection of ranked
elements representing the general awareness about
MET and knowledge on a certain MET subject and
maters related to it. The main research methods are
scientific literature review, content analysis,
comparison and modelling. The modelling is based on
the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) methodology
and its combination with the data analysis methods.
The main limitations of the research can be related
with the local context of the digital marketing
strategy, which may affect the structure and scope of
the elements of the KI model. Also, the factor of
subjectivity of maritime nation mentality can take a
place in the qualitative level of the research. Despite
these limitations, the continuity of the research could
be implemented in the area of applying this
methodology by the collecting wider ranged
collections of criteria.
Traditional seafarer training has always focused on
the acquisition and use of practical skills. Also MET is
strongly dependent on the environmental changes
and should react immediately to its changes as it
happening in nowadays markets under the influence
of 4IR.
A crucial precondition for MET is digitization
challenges and smart workplace development because
this fact justifies the needs to train not only practical
skills but also to use training facilities for the
development of in-depth analytical and critical
thinking skills in the field of professional interests
which are wide in the MET: from the marine
competencies, i.e. navigators and ships engineers,
upon the port and shipping managers, technologists,
programmers and data analysts. The global trends in
MET is increasingly to link the higher education
essentially with the practical preparation for labour
market by providing specific competences with more
general or deeper academic components leading to an
academic qualification with the analytical dimension
of knowledge [11]. Based on the MET conception
related to the digitization of global supply chain it is
important to mention that the digital and analytical
competences become a significant part of MET
programmes. Rapid development of information and
technologies is the main impetus for the
transformation of education, updating its content and
forms, methods and technologies, improving the
efficiency and accessibility of quality education [6].
Table 1. Competencies of future maritime personnel [12, 13]
Shoreside Afloat
Supply chain logistics; The basics of IoT, data analysis
Internet of Things (IoT) - and decision making;
including digital Engineering technology;
integration, data Deck operations;
analysis and decision Ship’s handling experience;
making; Integrated electronics training
and bridge skill assessment;
Both Shoreside and Afloat Personnel
Cyber security (identification, prevention, mitigation);
Digital readiness;
Electrical power systems;
Automation systems;
Automation remote operation (A&RO);
Risk assessment, risk analysis and decision making;
Safety management systems and auditing;
Behavior based safety;
Interpersonal relationships, leadership, team-work, and
coaching in a new-virtual world.
The process of MET modernizing has started.
Automated operations of the whole water transport
sector and other transitions will happen under the 4IR
influence and changes in technology moving MET
towards the future. This will change the necessary
scope of skills and competencies (Table 1) by
including data science, digital and analytical
competences in all MET areas. Ships and seaport
terminals will become more and more autonomous
and autonomy will increase as fast as autonomous
shipping will start. Maritime academies must be
prepared to train ship or terminal operators working
under remote and smart workplace conditions. It will
encourage the implementation of the simulator-based
training and will increase in demand the study
modules related to 4IR technologies’ integration,
automation systems, cyber-security and the whole
data analysis for decision making are needed to be
implemented [12]. Thus, digitalization of the
education processes will enhance the qualification of
scholars and lecturers in the frame of COLREGS
expertise’s integration into MET [12, 13].
Hence the modernization of MET supposes to
change awareness of MET and requires to increase
targeted information about the challenges and
changes of MET and this information should be
shared in common sites because the KI of modernized
MET is the relatively low. Whilst the youth’s interest
in informatics and data engineering is increasing the
MET attractiveness remains at stable low level.
Therefore, MET organizations meet the challenges of
increasing not only institutional attractiveness, but
also the whole maritime industry’s attractiveness by
presenting the new technologies of maritime industry
and the perspectives of wholly autonomous
technological ecosystem, which will require high
qualified maritime industry specialists with critical,
creative and analytical thinking and high level of
digital readiness.
The possible solution to increasing the
attractiveness of MET in the sector of higher
education is MET institutions, industry networks and
clusters where MET organizations can work together
with the active industry’s participants to better
prepare mariners to be able to succeed in a modern
industry that will continue to see advances in
technology and automation in the future. Meanwhile,
maritime knowledge-based clusters as it mentioned in
the research of Zhou et al (2021) are highly oriented to
the creation of the value-added services for global
supply chain’s customers. And it means that
knowledge-based cluster could be involved to the
solving of MET KI problems also. This type of
stakeholders’ networks’ inclusion into MET KI
problem solving implies the ensuring of the central
knowledge base supporting through the knowledge
generation hubs called as learning organizational
networks and it means that these clusters could be
more effective in the area of the increasing of the MET
KI from point of view of effective marketing strategy
[20]. Hence one of the solutions are blended learning
programs in maritime academies strong cooperation
with maritime industry, with other academies. To
avoid of the disturbing of the infancy of the training
the greater involvement of maritime administration is
needed also. This way will provide the thoughts on
increasing of the attractiveness of modern MET and
ensuring skills which are seen as needed for the next
generation of specialists for maritime industry. Main
points that ensure the demand of competent seafarers
and shore specialists are their possibilities to get gain
strong digital readiness and cyber security skills and
train anywhere and at any time. And these points
should be knowable for the MET customers.
Therefore, as it was mentioned in the researches of
Basak (2017), MET is an emerging trend in the
education sector and further innovation experiences
so the increasing of its popularity also could be
mentioned as an innovation because KI is required to
diffuse and implement new ways of knowledge
sharing in the maritime industry. Also KI represents
innovative ways of implementation of marketing
strategy aimed to introduce potential customers with
the changes in order to discover the multiple
modalities, a better understanding of MET factors,
problems, development directions in accordance with
4IR, and to increase KI by using the effectively
working marketing tools [3].
Based on presented arguments, the important part
of increasing MET popularity is the increasing its
attractiveness and this attractiveness could be
measured by the high level of KI. Thus, for the success
of the MET and maritime industry maritime
academies have the obligation to spread the modern
outlook of the maritime industry and emphasize it.
This is the way how to supply the maritime industry
with seafarers and port specialists. G. Kalvaitiene, I.
Bartuseviciene & V. Sencila (2011) found that the
maritime education and training institutions have to
explain young people all merits of maritime
profession and show possibility for them to find
emotional attractiveness and realization of their
interests if they choose maritime professions [9]. In
this case, according to the results of the research the
studies will be effective and quality of MET will
increase. Another point of view of MET challenges is
related with the attractiveness of MET for youth
because the problem is related with the low level of KI
of maritime industry and the modernization of
processes. And the KI increasing could be realized by
the implementation of effective marketing strategy
which could looking for the potential customers of
MET services in the digital environment.
It could be assumed that digitization processes
under the influence of 4IR transformed market by
creating possibilities for young people who are the
potential customers of higher education to shift their
activities to the social media where traditional
advertisement are not visible at all. Technological
progress is fast, but KI have a late component so it has
lower intensity in comparison with the technological
solutions implementation. Maritime transport sector
has lower range of KI which could be because of the
fact that the maritime industry is only a
complementary domain of the global supply chain
with the logistical connectivity component. Therefore,
KI of maritime industry is lower than KI of another
sectors’ and this fact describes the MET KI problems.
But the 4IR influenced qualitative parameters of MET
by requiring to include the main technological, digital
and analytical preparedness of future maritime
industry specialists, so the integration of new digital
solutions in the maritime processes could be a
motivation factor for youth which are interested in the
study programmes in technologies, engineering,
informatics and data analysis fields. But for the
implementations of ideas of increasing the MET’s KI
the effective marketing strategy required. Hence the
questions of modern marketing technologies adoption
and their combining to advertise MET in the most
effective way also is required.
The importance of effective MET’s advertising is
increasing, because the MET institutions compete with
others educational institutions in the global market of
education. On the one hand, strong competitive
advantage of the MET programmes in the national
and international market is their specific
internationally regulated awarded competencies. On
the other hand, MET programmes are the part of
whole study system, and internally, in the group of
programmes, compete for the client’s attention. How
to reach the wide range of potential customers? The
modern marketing strategy can be constructed by
using the digital marketing tools of social networks.
To measure effectiveness of this marketing strategy
the KI will be calculated.
Parallel to the challenges of 4IR in MET, the new
internet technologies and social media influence the
challenges of MET organizational marketing strategies
because the main part of globally used
communication technologies have become the main
part of everyday life for millions of youth around the
world which are potential customers of services and
products in the global international market. As it
found by some researchers [4, 5, 7, 17] the social
media usage has become an integral element to the
marketing strategies’ implementation in a wide range
of private and public organizations in different fields
of business activities because based on the findings of
the forecasts present that number of social media
users will to almost 3.43 billion users by 2023 [5].
Modern digital social media environment on the
internet allows to all companies and their clusters to
achieve marketing objectives at relatively low cost [2],
but organizations have to respond to these changes in
consumers behavior and have to start making digital
technologies and possibilities as an essential and
integral component of their marketing strategies [19].
And also, important scientific findings say that the
intensive growing of digital and social media
technologies and applications could be widely used
for creating awareness of private, public services and
political promotions [7] and it means that increased
awareness could positively influence and KI,
popularity and the attractiveness of offered products
and services for the markets. As Kotler (2007) found
the marketing in the public sector, which part is MET
sector, hasn’t enough attention from decision makers
and the managers of public institution usually fall in
doubt: from one point of view the advertising of
public services have not direct purpose as it is in
private business sector with the orientation to benefit,
from another point of view anybody doesn’t know
how to prove the advertising impact on the changes of
services demand of public entities [4]. And the factor
of KI becomes actual and usable in the marketing
strategies of public organizations especially in the
segments with the deeply specialization.
Based on Rebeca M. Achem et al (2017) findings
organizational marketing strategies should be
changed and should be oriented by two directions: the
traditional marketing channels and digital marketing
channels should be used in integrative way and the
effectiveness of marketing depends on the both
channels and consisting of main engagement,
behavioral and relationship indicators, creating
quietly high self-awareness of target groups of
advertising influence [1]. As it was mentioned before
the effective marketing strategy could be constructed
in an integrative way by the using of well - developed
KI in the traditional marketing environment and by
extending it to the digital space. Working this way
both types of organizations public and private
organizations can significantly increase the benefit
from making digital marketing as an integral element
of their overall business strategy working effectively.
KI in internet space is an important indicator for the
assessment of the effectiveness of applied marketing
strategies and tools. It means that the effectiveness of
marketing in organizations could be measured and
compared by different advertising campaigns which
were happened in different periods of time. As it is
found in ontology-based marketing research, the
effective marketing could be measured not only by the
changes in the numbers of new clients of maritime
education services, but also by the impressions and
clicks of website visitors and important information
could be extracted from the website visitor’s analysis.
As the meaning of digital marketing is a part of
marketing strategy based on applying the internet
tools such as social networks, websites, google
AdWords, boosting posts in the social apps and
another activity also could be used, but it is important
to note, that all activities and effectiveness could be
find in the website visiting information and it means
that MET organization website is the landing place of
all applied marketing tools (fig. 1) and in the
background of website and website analysis tools
such as Google Analytics could be applied.
Figure 1. MET organization’s digital marketing strategy’s
effectiveness concept [9, 13]
With the organizational context and the structure
of stakeholders, MET organization interacts by using a
couple of different marketing tools which have
different purposes and advertising schemes, but the
main target of these tools is to attract as much as
possible customers and to increase the attractiveness
of MET as a part of the whole maritime education
sector. As it presented in the figure 1, interactions
with the stakeholders could be realized in different
ways: by using social networks (Facebook, Instagram,
TikTok, Vkontakte and another) dependent on the
usage of stakeholders and including specialized
networks (YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Up Work
and etc.), by using different type of publications in the
official governmental portals, specialized MET and/or
educational portals, daily news portals and another
mass information environments and channels. The
selection of communicational channel strongly
depends on the target groups, so it is another
important research field, but this research is more
oriented into the possibilities to measure the
effectiveness of marketing strategy as the way to
increase KI and attractiveness of MET sector.
The presentation of MET’s marketing strategy as it
is showed at figure 1 creates possibilities to explore
the digital identity formation problems: al lot of
different keywords are used in the digital
environment, because each digital portal has his own
keywords, hashtags and the organization create
different systems of keywords and hashtags for the
representing itself in the digital environment, but if
these elements are used chaotically the entropy level
increases and the organization has a big risk to lose its
identity at all. And the losing of identity as it
mentioned in the researches of Ajina (2019), Hossain
et al (2020), Dwivedi et al. (2020) is leading the
negative impact on KI level which could influence the
decreasing of attractiveness [2, 5, 8].
The such type of problems could be solved by the
unification of used keywords and hashtags for the
increasing efficiency of marketing strategy and the
main basic assumption of effectiveness is directly well
constructed system of keywords which is called as
digital identity and is strongly related with the
organizational KI by applying modern market
methodologies as ontology-based marketing or
graphs of knowledge. But the more important
problem exists in the usage of combined different
social networks which have different usability in the
different target groups. Thus, the marketing strategy
in MET organizations could be based on the collecting
data from the website monitoring tools, also collecting
data by surveying the first course students, also by
weighting the significance of marketing strategy
elements by their importance for the MET KI
Chaffey and Patron (2012), Saura, Palos-Sanchez
and Cerda Suarez (2017) found out the set of
important key indicators could be used for the
assessment of effectiveness of implemented marketing
strategy under the hierarchical structure model
divided into the categories and subcategories [4, 16]:
website visiting indicators such as new users,
monthly (or annually) visitors, speed of opening a
web page, different visitors’ activities and organic
search parameters. One of them is CTR, described
as click-through rate (impressions vs clicks), and
means metric measures which is the number of
clicks advertisers receive on their ads per number
of impressions;
redirection parameters from other websites such as
number of visitors and number of sessions;
effectiveness of using Google AdWords
advertising such as prices per clicks, per customers
and per sessions, also the balancing the number of
advertising campaigns;
social networking parameters such as redirection
from used social networks, including of opened
pages and number of sessions (fig.2).
But for the collecting required data it is important
to identify main preconditions which are well
organized structure of website including representing
keywords and the active google analytics or another
monitoring tools with the integrated programming
code to the website code sources. Installed and
activated monitoring toolset such as Google Analytics
enables the possibilities to identify the specificity of
market and directly helps to establish main
characterized parameters of potential customers and
based on the indicators of usability internet website
which are creating the potential customer’s image
which is useful for the improving of marketing
strategy. Going from the starting position of LMA
interactions with the stakeholders through its website,
the monitoring tools were integrated into the website
code and redirection from another social media were
implemented into the target pages. Therefore, the
main criteria could be described based on the KI
theoretical findings which shows that the KI could be
evaluated by applying combined research
methodology based on the quantitative and
qualitative methods:
the main key indicators of marketing effectiveness
should be identified on the base of theoretical
modelling and their statistical data could be
collected by using the visitors’ monitoring tools on
the analytical hierarchical process (AHP)
methodology as the multi-criterial decision-
making method could be applied for the
assessment of weights of each criterion by
applying the pairwise comparison of criteria
during the expert survey consisted of academy’s
marketing group and scientist working in MET in
the field of management.
Figure 2. The elements of KI [1]
By applying of this combined research
methodology all key parameters of MET marketing
effectiveness were divided into the main four groups
of criteria and each of them was divided into the
subcriteria (fig 2). All subcriteria could be measured
by quantitative indicators. Based on this hierarchical
structure the questionnaire for pairwise comparison
was prepared as it described in the AHP methodology
[14]. The multi-criteria decision-making methods can
be employed to identify quantitative or qualitative
evaluation criteria and the AHP methods have been
increasingly applied to academic research in recent
years. Pophalie et al. (2011) suggested that AHP is
powerful tool which can be used to determine
appropriate alternatives in multiple objective
decisions, Lin and Hsu (2003) used AHP to identify
Internet advertising networks, Sharma and Joshi
(2020) compared the monitoring tools in online
advertisements context by applying the AHP
methods, so it means that the selected methods are
adequate for the research problem investigation [10,
15, 18].
The experts for the survey were selected according
to the criteria “Participant of the LMA marketing
strategy planning group”. In total 10 experts were
selected: 1 director, 1 vice director for academic
affairs, 6 heads of departments (navigation,
engineering, port economics and management,
personnel management, IT laboratory and library), 2
LMA scientists, having doctor degree in social
sciences (management and education). The
questionnaire of the survey was based on the LMA
website structure and content, marketing complex and
were consisted of criteria presented in figure 2,
representing the criteria groups of MET knowledge,
MET attractiveness, MET marketing and other factors.
Based on the AHP methodology and the results of
expert survey the MET KI could be calculated by
applying the formula:
KI=ω I I I I ⋅⋅
24 2
W Wl Wl W3 W3k W3k W4z W4z W4z
l=1 k=1 z=1
R Rl Rl
G Gl Gl
S Sl Slk Slk
l=1 k=1
I= ω x ω x ω x
I= ωx
I= ωx
I= ω ωx
and ωthe weight of each parameter in each category
group, which were calculated by algorithm of AHP
method which is operating with the experts pairwise
comparison’s results.
For the assessment KI the quantitative parameters
are taken from the statistics of applied monitoring
tools, which is Google Analytics in the case of LMA.
And the dynamics parameter should be used for the
quantitative measurement of each x which could be
applied for the comparison of situation changes. As
the LMA started with the digital marketing only at
2019, so the comparison of two periods will be done:
firstly, the indicators of annual results will be
compared and secondly the indicators of intensive
marketing period will be compared also by the using
the annual growing indicators, which will be
calculated by formula:
where C={W, R, G, S}, l and k the indexes of sub
criterial groups.
Also, it is important to mention, that the research
idea and strategy is based on the logical direction “the
greater is better”, so the negative parameters such as
increasing of speed opening the web page and
increasing the price per click, session or customer are
inverted in this way:
Based on the methodological findings of the
research it could be mentioned that the popularity of
MET study programmes in the context of marketing
theories and principles is based on the combined
conception of attractiveness assessed by KI, but the
effectiveness of marketing strategies is more related
with the conception of the knowability which could be
measured by monitoring statistics and could be
compared dependent to different periods and their
duration. Also, construction of research methodology
shows that the fundamental basis of quantitative
measurement of KI parameters could be located on
the MET organization’s website which is the main
source of KI parameters and also the basis for the
formation of digital identity which also representing
the knowability. For the calculation of indexes, the
significance weights could be used dependent on the
importance of used parameters and these weights
could be assessed by application of AHP
methodology in the research.
Applied AHP methodology and calculated index of
consistency are presented in the table 2. Based on the
opinion of experts the highest significance was
acquired for the website parameters’ category where
two subcategories have similar high significance level:
they are the number of new visitors and the CTRs of
organic search (Table 2).
Table 2. Results of expert survey: AHP weights for each
criterion (expert survey, AHP calculations)
Weights of Weights Weights of Weights of social
Website visits of red. AdWords networking
ωW=0.4 ωR=0.15 ωG=0.2 ωS=0.25
W1=0.2 ωR1=0.3 ωG1=0.3 ωs1=0.35
W2=0.3 ωR1=0.2 ωG2=0.2 ωs11=0.5 ωs12=0.5
W3=0.2 ωW31=0.2 ωR1=0.5 ωG3=0.3 ωs2=0.25
W32=0.2 ωG4=0.2 ωS21=0.5 ωs22=0.5
W34=0.3 ωS31=0.5 ωS2=0.5
W4=0.3 ωW41=0.4 ωS4=0.15
W42=0.6 ωS41=0.5 ωS42=0.5
S51=0.5 ωS52=0.5
It means that the website and the organic search have
the highest level of KI in the MET sector: the KI
increasing as the organic search parameters are
increasing. The second group of parameters with the
weight of 0,25 was assigned for the group of criteria
representing the redirections from the social
networks. At the moment of the research the LMA
had 7 account on Instagram, well developed and
active account on Facebook, also account on the
LinkedIn and Twitter, but the YouTube account was
only in plans and for the forward researches. The
group of parameters related with the directed
marketing activities has the lowest levels of
significance. Usually they also could be expanded into
the annual marketing activities especially the
publications in other digital informational portals
which are redirecting the visitors to the LMA landing
Investigation of quantitative parameters located in
the monitoring data base identifies the situation that
all parameters during intensive advertising period is
increasing significantly, but during the whole 12
months period is low enough and it means (Table 3),
that the advertising campaigns are located in the
period of acceptance of new students and advertising
activities are effctive in the context of new customers,
but it is not enough effective in the context of KI.
It is found that the parameter of new visitors in the
category of website the averagely increasing and seeks
1.12 and it means that annual increasing of this
indicator seeks 12%, but during intensive advertising
activities this indicator increases more intensively and
annual increasing is equal is equal 115% (table 3).
Table 3. The values of all parameters fixed in the Google
Analytics historical data (2019, 2020)
Values of Website visiting Values of redirections
Annual Intensive Annual Intensive
advertising advertising
xW1=0.11 xW1=0.11 xR1=1.05 xR1=1.62
W2=1.12 xW2=2.15 xR2=0.99 xR2=1.71
W31=0.25 xW31=1.32 xR3=0.75 xR3=1.12
W32=0.82 xW32=1.10
W33=0.81 xW33=1.25
W34=0.77 xW34=1.60
W41=1.12 xW41=1.22
W42=1.12 xW42=1.22
Values of AdWords Values of social networking
Annual Intensive Annual Intensive
advertising advertising
xG1=31.92 xG1=31.92 xS11=6.15 xS11=12.40
G2=2.43 xG2=2.43 xS12=5.11 xS12=11.15
G3=1.68 xG3=1.68 xS21=1.00 xS21=42.25
G4=7.00 xG4=7.00 xS22=1.00 xS22=57.00
xS31=1.00 xS31=8.00
S32=0.99 xS32=4.00
S41=0,00 xS41=0,00
S42=0,00 xS42=0,00
S51=1.00 xS51=2.15
S52=0.99 xS52=1.05
A similar situation could be identified in the group
of redirection parameters and it could be seen that all
parameters are greater during the advertising periods,
and it is important to note, that the last year growing
had negative dynamics and the number of visitors and
sessions form redirections decreased (table 3). These
results identify the demand to keep the marketing
strategy in the intensity the whole year and to ensure
the periodicity of publications to be enough in other
portals for the ensuring the required level of KI of
LMA and its MET programmes.
Figure 3. KI of LMA MET programmes by its components
Analysis of KI by the assessment of different
components of the whole KI (fig. 3) shows that the
biggest difference was established in the range of
social networking. The whole year’s KI value is 3,5
times less than the value fixed during the period of
intensive advertising. It means, that the increasing of
effectiveness of LMA marketing strategy could be
implemented through the increasing of advertising in
social networks not only on the period of accepting
new students but extended through the whole year,
because the difference of parameters is significant.
Figure 4. Total KI of LMA MET programmes
The effectiveness of marketing strategy measured
by KI (fig. 4) has more effectiveness during intensive
advertising periods also and it is bigger 46% than in
the whole 12 months period. And it means that the
marketing strategy is oriented more to the new
customers attracting, but based on the MET problems
of KI and MET popularity increasing strategy could
be implements by increasing the usage of specialised
promotion tools at social networks whole year and
increasing the popular articles in the other portals
about MET challenges under the influence 4IR and the
changing workplace in the future which will be
fulfilled with the new technologies and will require
digital, cybersecurity and data analysis competences.
The analysis of the changes of MET due to the
influence of 4IR shows that MET is influenced by two
types of factors: firstly, the changed demand for the
learning outcomes of MET programmes influenced
the demand for the new competences such as the data
analysis, IoT and cyber security; secondly, the changes
of youth’s fields of interests and increased popularity
in informatics and data science are not so attractive in
MET context. Based on these influencing factors the
hypothetical assumption was done: increasing of
MET popularity could be implemented by renewing
of MET programmes on the base of adding new
content related with the digitization and sharing
information about it in wide range of social media
environments on the base of effective digital
marketing strategy.
The description of the concept of digital marketing
strategy’s effectiveness under the collection of main
effectiveness criteria showed that the conception of
effectiveness in the field of MET marketing strategies
is strongly related with the increasing KI of the
organization in the digital environment. Thus, the
main effectiveness assessment methodology was
related with finding the algorithm for calculating KI.
The methodology of the MET KI is based on AHP
methodology, using statistical data from the digital
marketing monitoring tools and expert survey
outcomes. The analysis of KI was divided in two
periods: (1) the annual results of visitor’s dynamics;
(2) the visitors’ dynamics during intensive advertising
periods. The quantitative parameters were measured
by the growing indicators in 2020 in comparison with
the period in 2019.
To generalize the statistical and empirical data
research results by using AHP method it can be
highlighted two main elements having strongest
impact on MET KI: the content of the MET
institution’s website and its visitors’ dynamics. Based
on the results of the LMA KI analysis it can be
recommended for the MET institutions to keep their
website periodically updated with relevant
information about the MET. The results of the
research showed that LMA KI value can be affected by
consistent actions with KI components through digital
marketing strategy’s implementation. For example, KI
value is increasing when MET related information is
sharing outside LMA website in other digital portals
and redirecting them back into LMA website’s
landing page. The assessment of the KI and its
elements in different periods shows that the increase
of the effectiveness of LMA’s marketing strategy
could be implemented by increasing its advertising in
social networks not only on the periods of accepting
new students, but through the whole year.
The KI model is adaptive by changing the relevant
elements according to the needs of institutions. The
research results can be applied to any educational
institution that seeks to increase its marketing strategy
effectiveness and attract students for successful
competition in the education market and for creation
of bigger popularity of the specialized professional
sector, as it was presented on the example of MET.
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