analysis, IoT and cyber security; secondly, the changes
of youth’s fields of interests and increased popularity
in informatics and data science are not so attractive in
MET context. Based on these influencing factors the
hypothetical assumption was done: increasing of
MET popularity could be implemented by renewing
of MET programmes on the base of adding new
content related with the digitization and sharing
information about it in wide range of social media
environments on the base of effective digital
marketing strategy.
The description of the concept of digital marketing
strategy’s effectiveness under the collection of main
effectiveness criteria showed that the conception of
effectiveness in the field of MET marketing strategies
is strongly related with the increasing KI of the
organization in the digital environment. Thus, the
main effectiveness assessment methodology was
related with finding the algorithm for calculating KI.
The methodology of the MET KI is based on AHP
methodology, using statistical data from the digital
marketing monitoring tools and expert survey
outcomes. The analysis of KI was divided in two
periods: (1) the annual results of visitor’s dynamics;
(2) the visitors’ dynamics during intensive advertising
periods. The quantitative parameters were measured
by the growing indicators in 2020 in comparison with
the period in 2019.
To generalize the statistical and empirical data
research results by using AHP method it can be
highlighted two main elements having strongest
impact on MET KI: the content of the MET
institution’s website and its visitors’ dynamics. Based
on the results of the LMA KI analysis it can be
recommended for the MET institutions to keep their
website periodically updated with relevant
information about the MET. The results of the
research showed that LMA KI value can be affected by
consistent actions with KI components through digital
marketing strategy’s implementation. For example, KI
value is increasing when MET related information is
sharing outside LMA website in other digital portals
and redirecting them back into LMA website’s
landing page. The assessment of the KI and its
elements in different periods shows that the increase
of the effectiveness of LMA’s marketing strategy
could be implemented by increasing its advertising in
social networks not only on the periods of accepting
new students, but through the whole year.
The KI model is adaptive by changing the relevant
elements according to the needs of institutions. The
research results can be applied to any educational
institution that seeks to increase its marketing strategy
effectiveness and attract students for successful
competition in the education market and for creation
of bigger popularity of the specialized professional
sector, as it was presented on the example of MET.
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