At the Norwegian University of Science and
technology (NTNU) in Trondheim a new centre for
research driven innovation has recently received 8
year-long funding by the Norwegian Research
Council. The name of the centre is SFI AutoShip and
the research focus will be on autonomous ships with
four different use cases: a) deep sea bulk shipping, b)
short sea container shipping, c) ferries and d) offshore
support operations. The centre is divided into several
work packages focusing on problem areas within this
new technology: 1) automation and remote sensing, 2)
communication and digital infrastructure, 3) human
factors and remote control centers, 4) safety and
assurance, 4) sustainable operations and 6) innovation
and commercialization.
After a resent presentation of the scope of this
autonomous ship center a member of the audience
asked a question about how we would approach
navigation and ship handling in waters where local
knowledge of how conditions and weather will affect
a vessel are generally used? How will the
“automation” know about local peculiarities? For
instance, bathymetry which may create wave patterns
during different weather conditions?
1.1 Knowledge repositories in the past
The question is very much to the point and reminded
me of a story my grandfather told me in my
childhood. Along the Swedish west coast where I
grew up, there are some places where the archipelago
opens, and the inner fairway is exposed to the rage of
the open sea. Islandsberg is one of these places and I
was always on my toes when we passed there in my
grandfather’s small cutter, even if the weather never
was really bad. Many times, he told me of his father,
Human-Automation Interaction for Autonomous Ships:
Decision Support for Remote Operators
T. Porathe
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
ABSTRACT: At NTNU in Norway an 8-year research project has been established to (among other things)
research the interaction between humans and unmanned, autonomous ships. The human will become even
more important when ship operator will be located remotely in shore control centers ashore. This concept paper
will take a closer look on remote decision-making by operators monitoring several ships. How can interface
design help them to get quickly into-the-loop when something unexpected suddenly happens? I will in this
paper suggest keeping a copy of the AI expert-system controlling the ship, updated and running in parallel in
the control center to keep the operator’s situation awareness during short communication glitches. Also, to
design a “quickly-getting-into-the-loop-display” which automatically will appear in an alarm situation,
allowing the operator just-in-time and simple-to-understand information. I will also stress the important of the
concept automation transparency.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea
Volume 15
Number 3
September 2021
DOI: 10.12716/1001.15.03.03
my great grandfather, who had been captain on a
coastal express steamer trafficking the area in the
1930’s. He said that passing Islandsberg in a westerly
storm took some nerves, because of the fearsome
chaos of braking waves rolling in over shoals from the
open sea and reflecting back from the steep cliff. But,
if you had these nerves you could find smooth water
some 40-50 meters out from the cliff where the waves
cancelled each other in a valley of “dead seas”.
Where do this knowledge go when those who
remember are gone? Some of it is rightly lost because
new, larger ships are not affected by weather and
wind in the same way, and, as in this case, goods and
passengers are not transported along the coast in the
same way anymore. But some knowledge is collected
in “expert-systems”. It could be old analogue expert-
systems like for instance sailing directions. The sailing
direction is a textual description of a voyage. It
mentioned landmarks, courses and warned for
specific local weather and sea conditions. So, for
instance the British Admiralty sailing direction for the
Norwegian coast puts it this way for an area not fare
from Trondheim:
“Area 11, Hustadvika (63°00.00’N 7°00.00’E) is a
notoriously dangerous area; the coast is completely
exposed to the weather and extensive shoals lie
offshore. Strong winds from SW to NW raise a large
steep swell with hollow breaking seas, especially
during the out-going tidal stream. These conditions
are likely to be particularly severe in the area of
Budadjupet between Bjørnsund (62°53.75’N 6°48.96’E)
and Kolbeinsflua, 5 miles NNE. Breaking surf is
reported to occur throughout the whole area.” [11]
The sailing direction was the major medium for
communicating navigational information to the
mariner until the end of the eighteenth century, when
its function was partly overtaken by the nautical chart.
A nautical chart is a container for geographic
knowledge. A nautical chart “represent the
accumulation of more observations than any one
person could make in a lifetime. It is an artifact that
embodies generations of experience and
measurements” [6].
The experience of past generations of seafarers are
also promulgated in maritime academies where active
or ex seagoing officers teach young apprentices based
on their experience. Assuming future autonomous,
unmanned ships are successful, where will then the
experience come from? At the millennium change
1900, when the era of sail transitioned to the era of
steam, cadets still had to have experience from
commercial oceangoing sail ships to get their master’s
certificates. As the sailing ships were getting scarce
this became a business opportunity for the ship owner
Gustav Eriksson from Mariehamn in Finland which
manned the last fleet of three and four masted iron
windjammers on the wheat rout between Australia
and the UK with paying apprentices (as well as a
small safety crew). Maybe we will see the same again,
if the number of manned merchant ships start to
decrease? Or maybe the question is if we can gater
previous generations of local and seagoing experience
in a computerized “expert-system”?
1.2 The expert-system
The question of using expert knowledge collected in
huge databases came in focus with the development
of computers in the 1960’s and 70’s. At Stanford the
Heuristic Programming Project started to investigate
if expert-systems could be useful in analyzing
chemicals and for medical diagnoses. [9]
Using expert-systems as decision-analyst and
decision-maker is part of the Artificial Intelligence
domain. I will in this paper use the term “expert-
system” instead of the more general “AI” in order to
emphasize its knowledge-based repository of
maritime experience, which I think will become a
commodity in short supply in the Remote Operation
Centers (ROC) of future autonomous shipping.
In the MUNIN project I too, where I took part in
drawing up the general framework for what was then
called the Shore Operations Centre (SOC). Remote
operator were to actively monitor up to six ships
during relaxed conditions from the safety of a
computer console ashore. Sensors would give them
the necessary information about the state of the ships
out there on the oceans, about winds and waves,
engine performance and radar should detect traffic in
the surroundings. Will it mean that remote operators
no longer need the experience of how a hull performs
in different wave patterns? Risks of broaching in
following seas, or slamming if you head too fast into
breaking waves? Can this experience be contained in
computerized expert-systems? Can it be derived from
experience collected through machine learning and
harbored in “Artificial Intelligence”? Well, we don’t
have that answer to that yet. Still, we got to continue
designing as if these problems can and will be solved.
Some of that has already been done. The Electronic
Chart and Information Display System (ECDIS) with
the digitalized Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC)
are an example. Sailing directions are also digitalized,
and attempts to make them smarter is underway, e.g.
the embryo of a new interactive version of The
Norwegian Pilot [7]. One wants to foresee future
expert-system that can produce contextualized
knowledge and experience form generations of
mariners in an easy to use manner when the situation
demands decisions to be made.
Lisanne Bainbridge in 1983 talked about the Ironies
of Automation. We automatize what we can (the
simpler tasks), but when it gets really complicated
automation cannot cope and we are up for a surprise
when it suddenly hands us the full responsibility. I
am thinking about an example from the aviation
domain: the Air France 477 accident in 2009.
2.1 Effects of automation
The night of the 1st of June 2009 Air France fight 447
from Rio to Paris, disappeared in the middle of the
Atlantic Ocean. And with it, 228 passengers [2].
The plane was in mid air over the South Atlantic
approaching the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone, the
area where air masses coming from the different
hemispheres converge at the humid equatorial
latitude, with electrical storms as a result. Suddenly
the automatic flight management system lost speed
input from the triple redundant pitot tubes (which
were all clogged by ice) and handed, what had up to
then been a fully automatic airplane, into the hands of
the relatively inexperienced junior pilot flying.
The accident investigation tells a horrifying story
of mismatch between the automation interface and the
pilots trying to make sense of what they saw on the
screens. The highly automated flight system, which
interfaced the human and the machine through
sophisticated computer programs that in this case was
difficult to understand and handle correctly. The
automation can prevent human mistakes when
everything works as planned by the engineers, but
became incomprehensible for the same operators
when computers did not receive proper inputs and
went blind [4].
After the accident, accusations were made
regarding loss of basic skills of manual flight (e.g.
[10]). Was it that liner pilots had lost their skills and
their capability to manually fly a plane, because of the
use of autopilot and of the overwhelming technology?
Bainbridge [1] remarked that skills deteriorate when
not used and a formerly experienced operator
monitoring an automated process may well have
turned into an inexperienced one. Then when manual
take-over is needed there is likely something wrong,
so that unusual actions will be needed to control it,
and one can argue that the operator needs to be more
rather than less skilled.
When designing a new workplace for marine
watch officers moving into a shore-based Remote
Operation Centre, one might envision such a loss of
skills. How long will it take for an experienced deck
officer to become unexperienced? Having forgotten
the inertia and dynamics of maneuvering a big ship in
heavy seas or birthing in an intricate dockland? Can
this be avoided? Can we replace individual experience
with expert-systems? The challenge is enormous. Let
us do some design sketching of such systems to
support decision-making in a ROC.
I will sketch two concept solutions: how to keep
the operator in the loop during communication
glitches and how to quickly bring the operator into
the loop if he or she has been “absent” and there is a
sudden alarm situation.
Let us assume that we can collect this nautical
experience in an expert-system capable of making
decisions and transparently showing the monitoring
operator its current status of knowledge (the input
from sensors on the remote ship) and what it is
planning to do (its intentions, plan A, B and C…).
Let us assume that all necessary data from the ship
is communicated to the ROC through some kind of
communication system (satellite, 5G, Maritime
Broadband, etc.). Our experience tells us that we will
have communication glitches or outages from time to
time. In the MUNIN project we said that a MASS that
has lost communication with its control centre should
stop in a “fail-to-safe” mode. Now, stopping in the
middle of whatever situation the vessel might be in
might not always be the smartest action. Smarter
would be to go to a “minimum risk conditions” [5],
meaning that the ship will do what is best given the
current circumstances: in the middle of the ocean,
with no other ships within 30 nautical miles, the ship
might just as well carry on its course for some time
waiting for communication to come back. But in a
densely trafficked shipping lane in the English
Channel, the ship could check for oncoming vessels
on its starboard quarter and then proceed out of the
Traffic Separation Scheme and stop and hover on its
DP (or anchor) while sending relevant pre-recorded
messages on VTH channel 16 and hoisting relevant
signals. And most important of all is that we realize
that, having lost communication, decisions must made
by the expert-system on the ship alone. The
automation will have the final say.
What if we see it from the remote operator point of
view: suddenly the communication link with the
vessel is lost. Camera and radar images go blanc,
own-ships-symbol disappear from the ECDIS. The
operator is now in the back. But for some time on he
or she could extrapolate ships motions into the future.
This is where the “digital twin” comes into the
3.1 The expert-system digital twin
As mentioned above the expert-system on the
autonomous ship is the one deciding on how to move
into minimum risk condition when the vessel has lost
communication with the ROC. The expert-system
onboard is normally constantly updated by sensors
onboard, as well as with information from the ROC
and from others (e.g. AIS messages from surrounding
ships, information from traffic centers like a VTS, etc.).
If an exact copy of the expert-system onboard are also
present in the ROC and is simultaneously updated
with the same information as the one onboard, the
system ashore should make the same decisions as the
one onboard. Now, if communication is lost and the
operator loses his eyes and ears of what is going on
onboard, the digital twin in the control room will for
some time continue to extrapolate the situation into
the future. It might even be able to catch AIS
information through other vessels and coastal radio.
The operator could then with probability see a
simulated reality, where the digital twin demonstrates
the same actions for some period of time in the ROC.
Such a simulation will soon become obsolete, but a
might keep the ROC operator in the loop over a short
communication glitch.
Another problem is when an operator that has
been attending other vessels suddenly is summoned
by an unexpected alarm from one of his ships he has
not been attending for some time.
Endsley [3] talks about Out-of-the-loop-syndrome. We
know that humans are bad at monitoring well
function automation. Then the human mind drifts off
to more entertaining or rewarding tasks. And when
then suddenly the alarm goes off, it will take some
time to “get into the loop”. In some situations (like in
the AF477 accident above) this time may be very
short. And this will happen in the ROC as well. When
it happens, the operator must quickly search for the
information needed for the particular emergency the
alarm is about. For such situations a Quickly -getting-
into-the-loop display is needed. This “QGILD” is a
screen or window that opens, following an alarm
activated by the expert-system requesting help from
the human operator in the ROC.
In the QGILD the expert-system must collect all
relevant information and display it in an uncluttered
and pedagogical way so that the operator is will be
informed in the shortest timespan possible. The screen
must also display a timer counting down to when the
operator needs to make the decision, else the expert
system will take a spelled-out action.
This is of course easier said than done. The expert -
system must understand the nature of the problem at
each instance. It must present enough, but not too
much information (information overload) to the
operator. It should display possible actions in order of
preference and allow the operator an easy way to
select among suggested actions. Can this be done?
Let us elaborate a little on this.
4.1 The QGILD
The QGILD must fulfill the following three objectives:
1. It must give a tactical update, an at-a-glance
understanding of the present situation. Showing
all necessary information - but not more!
2. It should offer automation transparency, giving the
operator an at-a-glance understanding of how the
expert-system sees the situation, and its intentions
for solving the problem.
3. Finally, it must supply tools for intervention,
simple and intuitive ways for the operator to
intervene and override the expert-system.
4.1.1 Tactical update
The QGUILD should provide all necessary
information for tactical decision-making, i.e. decision-
making in the short time span 1-10 minutes into the
future. The operator should not be asked to make split
second decisions then the expert-system must take
the full responsibility. Even so, this will be a
challenging task as the QGILD must timely present
the right information in an uncluttered and simple-to-
understand way. Information overload must be
avoided. This means that the expert-system must have
understood that there is a problem, and it must have
diagnosed the problem in the correct way in order to
give the right information. If it has not realized that
there is a problem, there will be no warning and no
QGILD will be brought up. If the diagnose is wrong
the information displayed will not be relevant,
leading to lost time.
4.1.2 Automation transparency
This objective should give the operator a quick
peek into the expert-systems mind, an at-a-glance
understanding of how the expert-system sees the
situation, and its intentions for solving it, thus being
able to judge if the system has got it right. Important
to note here is that, to avoid losing time due to
communication outages or an operator that is slow in
responding, the expert-system could already be
underway applying its preferred decision. Not
waiting to the human input, but instead offer the
human operator to overrule. This way we avoid that
the expert-system hands the vessel over to the human
who might not be in the loop - as did the flight
management system on AF447, mentioned above.
Important for the technical developers of the expert-
system is to know that the system always has a
responsibility to find a solution to any problem! It can
ask the human for advice, and offer tools for
intervention to override the system, but the system
must always have a plan. (I acknowledge that this will
never be fully possible, because of the “unknown
unknowns”, the black swans, that will always be
there. But it should be the goal to strive for.)
4.1.3 Tools for interventions
Finally, the QGILD must offer simple-to-use tools
for intervention to override the expert-systems
actions. This can in a simple case be a list of possible
actions, with the one the expert-system has chosen
highlighted but allowing the operator to select
another action. In Figure 1 is a simple example from a
suggested control interface for the AutoFerry in
Trondheim [8].
Figure 1. Example of automation transparency from
a suggested control board of a small autonomous and
unmanned urban passenger ferry. For details, see the text.
In the “Routine procedures” column to the left, we
can peek into the expert-systems “mind” and see the
different steps the automation is conducting and the
time that is estimated for each step (they can also be
opened to see sub-procedures). The operator can
interact with each routine by clicking. We see that the
ferry is underway and has 39 seconds left until the
docking procedures start.
To the right is the panel for “Emergency
procedures” where the operator can intervene and
override the automatic transit, e.g. by “stopping” (and
hoovering) or stopping (and drifting with the water
current) to assist a MOB (Man Over Board).
If another boat is approaches and a close quarters
situation is expected, the expert-system will switch
into “autonomous control” mode, meaning that it is
now acting and making decisions based on its own
“intelligence”, acquired experience and the rules of
the road. It is illustrated in Figure 2 by a trivial
example of a ship coming from starboard and thus
having right of way (COLREGS Rule 15). The expert-
systems decision to turn starboard and go behind the
other vessel is illustrated by the green solid line (and
some kind of certainty index of “98”). However, other
COLREG compliant actions are shown by green
dashed lines, and not-COLREG-compliant actions by
yellow and red lines. The operator can override the
expert-system by clicking on an action. (Or as a final
resort grab the joystick and press the “manual”
Figure 2. An example of automation transparency in a
COLREG situation. For details see the text.
A consequence of what I have stated above is that the
computer always has a plan that it is executing, but
the human operator is invited to override that plan.
Now, we know that a lot of accident in complex
transport systems are to some extent attributed to
what is called “human error”. And it is true that
humans make mistakes, become distracted, take short-
cuts, and even fall asleep when not intending to. This
is all part of the human condition. Especially for an
automated future, humans are very bad at monitoring
well function automation, as mentioned above.
Some of these “human error” attributed accidents
involve watch officers asleep, being drunk or simply
not monitoring what is going on. At the same time
“the system” the GNSS position, the ECDIS, etc.
could be very aware of that the ship is underway to
beach on an island or a shoal. Should our design then
allow the expert-system to prevent the human from
making such a serious mistake? Who has the final say,
the system or the human? The operator monitoring
the automation, and the automation monitoring the
human. How should the teamwork be designed? That
is a very important question to think about for the
design of decision support for Remote Control
In this paper I have presented a few concepts and
ideas regarding decision-support and Human-
Machine Interface in the Remote Operation Centre of
autonomous ships. Due to pandemic restriction
during the passed year this is all desktop research and
no focus groups or interviews with end users have
been conducted. The concepts discussed are collection
of mariners experience in the expert-system (the
Artificial Intelligence), the prevalence of an updated
“digital twin” of the ships expert-system in the ROC
to allow as much as possible seamless situation
awareness during short communication glitches. And
finally the launching of a Quickly-getting-into-the-
loop display to help the operator achieve situation
awareness during alarm situations.
This research is conducted within the LOAS (Land-based
monitoring of autonomous ships) and the SFI AutoShip
projects, which are both funded by the Norwegian Research
Council, which is hereby gratefully acknowledged.
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