Table 2. ODD and navigational parameters
Environment Traffic Own Ship Factors
Wave height Number of ships Motion (Roll/Pitch)
Wave direction CPA Speed
Wind speed TCPA UKC
Visibility Voyage Phase
Time of day Cross-track distance
Those parameters can be seen as the restraining
settings for any autonomous ship. The narrower the
range of action or limit for each parameter is set, the
lesser the range of possible action is for an
autonomous system. Restraining the parameters
means to set some boundaries, in which the
autonomous system is allowed to freely operate. Each
parameter limit thereby has different impacts on the
navigation. To illustrate this in more detail and to
provide an example, the parameters including their
sub-parameters are described further in the following.
3.2.1 Categorization of Environmental Parameters
Wave height was named as one restricting sub-
parameter for the B0 | BZERO project. As the wave
height varies regionally, seasonally and temporarily, a
ship might encounter all ranges of wave heights on its
voyage. This sub-parameter directly influences the
ship’s motion and can result in heavy rolling or
structural load onto the ship’s hull. Additionally,
increasing ship motions could cause damage to the
cargo, when inappropriately secured. It is anticipated
that the wave height is an essential sub-parameter, as
an autonomous system needs to react to areas of
extreme wave heights, or better to avoid them in the
first place. A system needs to monitor the ship’s
motions, while keeping track using the ship’s engines
and rudder.
A related sub-parameter is the wave direction
relative to the ship. During unfavorable wave
directions and periods, the ship can encounter heavy
motions, which can have severe consequences both for
the crew (when manned) and the ship. Heavy ship
motion can lead to severe motion sickness for the
crew and to parametric rolling [4] followed by
capsizing of the whole ship [16].
Besides wave height and direction, wind speed
was also called as one of the sub-parameters, as wind
speed can cause damage to cargo and loading. Severe
wind speeds in terms of storms and gusts can
influence the course-keeping abilities of the ship.
Wind speed is directly related to wave height, as the
latter is affected and caused by the former and by the
time of exposure to those winds [10].
Another important sub-parameter, originating
from the COLREGs [6], is visibility, which can be
reduced because of fog, dust, sandstorms, heavy rain
or snow. Visibility affects which navigation rules
apply, since they depend on whether another ship is
in sight or not. These human-centered regulations are
currently also in force for automated and autonomous
ships, although those may be more capable than
humans to navigate without optical eye-sight.
However, during the B0 | BZERO project that
parameter was rated as still to be considered while
designing the autonomous system.
Another challenge for automated and autonomous
systems is the time of day. The optical representation
of a ship during daytime is its silhouette, which can be
seen as soon as the ship arrives at the other ship’s
horizon. The silhouette decreases with fading daylight
and at night only the ship’s navigational lights are
visible. At night, it is more challenging to determine
the heading of the other ship and thereby the risk of
collision. Similar to visibility, time of day is a very
human-centered indicator, and during the project
work it was manifested, that the autonomous system
has to identify and react to this parameter.
The previously mentioned environmental sub-
parameters are split into six sections each and can be
seen in Table 3. It can be stated that low range sections
restrict the ship’s autonomy to a higher degree than
upper range sections, whereas upper range sections
allow more decision and reaction freedom for the
autonomous system. For the sub-parameter time of
day, the entries are used twice to cover all six sections
due to a shortage of possible options. The
environmental restrictions are independent from each
other, which means that a heterogenous distribution is
possible and expectable. The sections are used as the
scale on the vertices of the spider chart.
Table 3. Environmental restriction parameter sections
Scale Wave Wave Wind Visibility Time of
height direction force day
[m] [Bft] [nm]
1 < 2 none < 2 15+ Day
2 2-4 head 2-4 12-15 Day
3 4-6 bow 4-6 8-12 Twilight
4 6-8 beam 6-8 6-8 Twilight
5 8-10 quartering 8-10 2-6 Night
6 10+ following 10+ 0-2 Night
In the following three different random application
cases of different restrictions due to environmental
sub-parameters are shown in Figure 3 and explained
in the following. The vertices (scale of sections) of
each sub-parameter in the use cases create a polygon.
The smaller the area of the polygon is, the lower the
degrees of freedom for the autonomous system are.
Application Case 1. No environmental restrictions
apply. The ship system is free to maneuver within all
environmental conditions. This means that the ship’s
system has to be able to navigate in every wave height
and direction, at every wind speed, as well as during
limited to no visibility and at every time of the day.
The area of the polygon is the biggest area in this
application case compared to the other two.
Application Case 2. Medium restrictions apply.
This application case is taken from the B0 | BZERO
project, where a safe maneuvering frame is developed
for a real application on a ship. Safe operating limits
are determined to be wind speeds up to 8 Bft and
wave heights up to 6 m. Wave direction, visibility and
daytime are unrestricted. Since in comparison to case
1, wind speed and wave height are restricted, the area
of the polygon is smaller indicating a lower overall
autonomy level.
Application Case 3. Large restrictions apply. The
autonomous system is only entitled to maneuver
inside very narrow limits of wind speeds up to 4 Bft,
wave heights up to 4 m, and wave directions only