collision. As mentioned above, the installation of
virtual buoys may have improved safety in these
waters; however, given the fact that collisions have
occurred in waters with an OZT density of
approximately 0.01 [times/km
], it is necessary to
navigate these waters more carefully and prevent
collisions caused by human error.
In this study, a virtual buoy installed in Tokyo Bay (by
a study committee [13]), was analysed in terms of
collisions based on the OZT before and after
installation. The existence of OZTs within ±2° in the
bow direction was considered a hazard, and all
occurrences of OZTs encountered by the ship at that
time were included in the analysis. The OZT model
was changed from an SD model to an SD3 model, and
the OZT was converted to be viewed horizontally
from the perspective of the ship. The estimated OZT
was used to calculate the OZT density. The positional
relationship between the test ship and the target ship
in the OZT was used in the analysis. The estimated
OZT was used to calculate the OZT density, and the
positional relationship between the test ship and the
target ship, during the calculation of the OZT, was
used in the analysis. It was found that the OZT
density was approximately 0.01 [times/km
] in the
places where collisions had occurred in the past. It
was confirmed that the installation of virtual buoys
reduced the risk of collisions in the locations where
collisions had occurred in the past. It was also found
that the buoys facilitated in organising the flow of
marine traffic, making it easier to predict the
movement of ships. Three new passages were created
on the south side of virtual Buoy 1, two from south-
east and south direction to Uraga Suido, and a third
from Buoy 1 to the south. After the installation of the
buoy, the OZT density in this area increased from
approximately 0.005 [times/km
] to approximately
0.01 [times/km
], which is the density observed
around past collision sites before the installation of
virtual buoys, suggesting that a more detailed analysis
is needed in this area. Since there are few analyses
that use the location of ship collisions, the results of
the OZT density estimation were limited to analysing
the changes using the locations where collisions
occurred in the past as indicators. However, we were
able to demonstrate that the places where ships
collide are not necessarily the most congested areas
and not the places with the highest OZT density. In
the future, if we can develop an absolute index using
OZT density, we will be able to make quantitative
evaluations and contribute to the reduction of ship
The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude to
the Japan Coast Guard, who provided the AIS data used in
this study. This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI
(Grant Number: JP18K13960).
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