of interaction (fitting stops - fittings), is ensured at
lurch angles up to 240.
1. The dynamic loading of a tank container placed on
a roll-trailer during transportation by a railway
ferry has been determined. For this, a
mathematical model has been created that takes
into account the movement of the railway ferry
around the longitudinal axis. It was found that in
the absence of movements of the roll-trailer
relative to the deck and the presence of movements
of the tank-container on the roll-trailer, the
maximum accelerations acting on the tank-
container are equal to 0.46g.
2. The stability of the tank container placed on a roll-
trailer during transportation by rail is determined.
It was found that the stability of a tank container
on a roll-trailer, taking into account the typical
interaction scheme, is ensured at lurch angles up to
To ensure the safety of combined transport in
international traffic, it is important to clarify the
regulatory documents, which indicate the loads acting
on vehicles. At the same time, it is necessary to note
additional conditions for loading tank containers
when transported on roll trailers by rail ferries. The
results obtained can contribute to the creation of
recommendations for the design of tank containers.
This publication was issued thanks to supporting the
Cultural and Educational Grant Agency of the Ministry of
Education of the Slovak Republic in the project No. KEGA
036ŽU-4/2021: Implementation of modern methods of
computer and experimental analysis of properties of vehicle
components in the education of future vehicle designers.
The research is also supported by the state budget of
Ukraine from 2020 within the framework of the scientific
theme of young scientists "Innovative foundations for the
creation of resource-saving wagon constructions by taking
into account the refined dynamic loads and functional
adaptive flash concepts", which is performed at the expense
of the state budget of Ukraine from 2020.
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