Friction is a critical factor when it comes to fuel
consumption of ships. The lower the friction the lower
the energy demand. Therefore, the EU project
aims at reducing hull friction to a
minimum. In water ferns, the Salvinia effect of a
micro-and nanostructured surface with hydrophobic
and hydrophilic characteristics allows for air retention
under water [1] and while the air spring effect
contributes to the air layer stability [6]. Inspired by the
Salvinia effect, the AIRCOAT project intends to
develop a biomimetic passive air layer technology.
The AIRCOAT project has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under
grant agreement N°764553.
With a passive air layer covering the hull, the contact
area between water and ship is decreased significantly
which reduces fuel consumption, carbon dioxide
emission as well as acoustic emissions [11, 12]. Water
flowing along a solid wall is subject to the no-slip
condition with a boundary layer where the fluid
velocity increases normal to the surface from zero
velocity to freestream velocity [17]. But if the fluid
flows along an otherwise liquid or gaseous interface
the conditions is expected to differ, which results in
friction reduction [10]. To better understand the
underlying mechanism of the friction reduction over
the hydrophobic AIRCOAT surface, Fraunhofer CML
(CML) built a flow channel that creates a stationary
turbulent flow driven by hydrostatic pressure. Water
is send in a circuit and the test section is a square duct
of 40 mm edge length. Made from acrylic glass it
allows for noninvasive measurement by a laser
Validation of a Flow Channel to Investigate Velocity
Profiles of Friction-Reducing Ship Coatings
J. Weisheit, V.E. Schneider, J.M. Serr, N. Hagemeister & J. Oeffner
Fraunhofer Centre for Maritime Logistics and Services CML, Hamburg, Germany
ABSTRACT: Reducing friction with specialised hull coatings or air lubrication technologies has a potential
reducing energy consumption and emissions in shipping. The EU project AIRCOAT combines both by
developing a passive air lubrication technology inspired by nature that is implemented on a self-adhesive foil
system. Besides validating the friction reduction it is of high interest to understand the underlying mechanism
that causes the reduction. Therefore, a flow channel was designed, that creates a stationary turbulent flow
within a square duct allowing for non-invasive measurements by laser doppler velocimetry. The high spatial
resolution of the laser device makes recording velocity profiles within the boundary layer down to the viscous
sublayer possible. Determination of the wall shear stress τ enables direct comparison of different friction
reduction experiments. In this paper we validate the methodology by determining the velocity profile of the flat
channel wall (without coatings). We further use the results to validate a CFD model in created in OpenFOAM.
We find that velocities along the longitudinal axis are generally in good agreement between numerical and
experimental investigations.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 15
Number 1
March 2021
DOI: 10.12716/1001.15.01.24
doppler velocimeter (LDV). The device allows to
resolve the boundary layer and the evaluation of the
wall shear stress in the boundary layer which is
important when it comes to the assessment of wall
friction [4]. This study will explain the design and
methodology of the flow channel built to perform
measurements in a fully developed turbulent flow, the
experimental setup and measurements, performed
with a non-intrusive LDV device. To further validate
the experimental data a comparison with literature is
presented. This validation of flow conditions in the
test section and measurement technique acts as a
prerequisite to perform future measurements with the
novel air retaining surface to measure the slip
velocities over a hydrophobic wall. In order to better
understand the underlying principle of drag
reduction, the study further presents a validation of a
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model of the
channel. The motivation behind the numerical
investigations is crosschecking of the experiments as
well as creating a reference for modelling and
analysing novel coatings through separate developed
wall functions in a Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes
(RANS) simulation.
Figure 1. Cross-section of the flow channel duct with
removable cap
2.1 Channel Setup
The designed flow channel follows a simple and low-
cost but effective approach of achieving a fully
turbulent flow as well as a fully developed flow
profile over the channel height and width. The flow
channel setup resembles the setup of [15] and is of a
widely adapted setup for this kind of measurement.
The three main features to achieve a fully
developed and undisturbed (as much as possible)
flow for the presented setup are: 1) a flow induced by
hydrostatic pressure with an inflow tank based on an
overflow principle to minimise any influence of the
pump, which fills the inflow tank, 2) a nozzle in front
of the test section specifically designed to minimise
flow separation and 3) a test section with a length of
3000 mm and a square cross section of 40.00 mm
height and width resulting in the length to height
ratio of 75. The flow is driven by a constant water
column, which is depicted in the general flow tank
setup as vertical pipe in Fig. 2. A constant water
column is guaranteed by the design of the inflow tank,
separated into three compartments, with the vertical
pipe attached to the centre compartment. Water is
pumped into the left compartment, which will spill
any excess water into the centre compartment. When
the centre compartment is filled, excess water flows
into the right compartment. This last compartment is
connected to the basin from which the pump is
circulating the water back to the inflow tank, i.e. the
first compartment. As long as more water is pumped
into the elevated inflow tank than is flowing out of the
pipes connecting duct and inflow tank, the water
column is constant and producing a stationary flow
within the test section.
With the flow established, the water is directed
into the test section, which is accomplished by using a
specifically designed nozzle. Studies have shown that
specific geometries reduce the flow separation in
nozzles with the best results originating from
applying a polynomial of fifth order [18]. This
approach has been adapted for the cross-section
changing from a circular inflow into the nozzle to a
square shaped outflow from the nozzle into the test
section. By using additive manufacturing the complex
nozzle geometry, depicted in Fig. 2, has been printed
and adapted in several iterations to satisfy criteria
such as mechanical stability and water tightness. From
the nozzle, the flow enters the 3 m long test section
where according to [16] fully developed turbulent
flow can be expected after passing 70D. The test
section is made of acrylic glass and features a
removable cover, see Fig. 1. This removable cover
allows access over the whole length of the test section.
With this key feature it is possible to apply different
materials within the duct. In that manner different
materials, e.g. the aforementioned foil with
hydrophobic properties that can be utilised as ship
coating, will be tested regarding friction reduction.
The flat and transparent channel walls enable LDV
measurements, which is also the main reason for the
square cross section. A circular pipe would provide a
more preferable environment from a hydrodynamic
point of view but would interfere with the laser and
cause unwanted refraction and reflections, which
again leads to erroneous measurements. Being
transparent over the full length there are no
limitations to locating the LDV along the flow
2.2 LDV Measurements
With a LDV device it is possible to measure velocity
without intruding the flow. The device is mounted
perpendicular to the flow channel and the main flow
direction and the measurement volume (MV) is
oriented normal to the channel wall. The details of
LDV principle are well known and described in detail,
e.g. in [4]. Within this study the principle is only
summarised to explain the basics and why it is a
preferable technique for boundary layer assessment
based on [2].
Figure 2. Schematic overview of the flow channel with its main components: inflow tank, vertical pipe to build hydrostatic
pressure, L-pipe to direct the flow towards the duct, nozzle with changing cross-section as proposed by [18], test section,
small nozzle and valve for flow speed control, outflow tank to regulate water column behind the test section, basin with
excess water to feed pump and collect excess water from inflow tank.
Applying the two Doppler frequencies fD,1 and fD,2,
the velocity of the crossing particle can be determined
by Eq. 2. The utilised device has laser beams of
wavelength λ1 = 532 nm and λ2 = 561 nm meeting
under an angle of 16 degrees.
( )
2sin / 2
Other than measurements with a conventional
LDV, which obtains velocity values for the entire MV,
a Profile Sensor allows a higher spatial resolution and
the velocity as well as the position of a particle
crossing the MV can be obtained. The position, z, of
the tracer particle can be determined by the frequency
quotient and the calibration function,
, which is
provided by the manufacturer [7]. With a known z-
position the actual fringe spacing and velocity can be
derived [3]. For measurements close to wall - as it is
intended in our work to analyse the boundary layer
flow - the Profile Sensor is of advantage. The LDV
Profile Sensor by ILA R& D [8] offers a spatial
resolution up to 1% of the measurement volume
length. With a determination of particle positions
within the MV the boundary layer, with its linear
velocity gradient, can be observed.
An LDV device allows only for a quasi-point
measurement of flow velocity. Therefore, to record a
velocity pattern across the channel height or width
multiple measurements need to be performed. After a
quasi-point measurement is completed the MV is
moved to different location by mechanical traversing
and new measurement is started. Afterwards the
recorded data from one MV is stitched together to
present a flow pattern or near-wall velocity profile.
Figure 3. Fringe System of two crossing laser beams. By the
combination of two different wave lengths (green areas: λ1
and λ2), the known fringe distances d along with a
calibration function the velocity and the position of a
crossing particle can be calculated. At a particle crossing the
MV causes a change in fringe distance and two Doppler
Table 1. Physical constants for CFD simulation
Quantity Unit Value
Density kg/m
Viscosity kg/ms 0.001005
In order to quickly transfer experimental results to
technical implementation and estimate the
performance of surface or hull coatings, e.g. the
aforementioned passive air layer, in real world
applications, the use of CFD simulations is envisaged.
However, to be able to use these tools with
confidence, they have to be validated by experimental
results. Furthermore, CFD simulations can be used for
sanity checks of experimental results. If numerical and
experimental results are sufficiently similar it is easier
to exclude methodical flaws or systematic measuring
errors. Consequently, the internal features of the flow
channel described above have been replicated in a
Computer Aided Design (CAD) environment to feed
into the simulation pipeline.
3.1 Numerical setup
In this study a finite-volume approach is used which
utilises the OpenFOAM v1806 package [13]. Only one
half of the channel is modelled taking advantage of
the symmetry in order to reduce the computational
effort. The computational domain is depicted in Fig. 4.
The setup at hand utilises the Reynolds-Averaged-
NavierStokes-Equations with k-ω-SST turbulence
model according to [9] to simulate the effects of
turbulent flow while limiting the computational
effort. Since the flow is gravity driven and assumed to
be steady, the buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam [14] solver
and second-order accuracy schemes have been
selected. Physical constants were defined according to
Table 1.
Due to unknown turbulence properties of the flow
at the inlet, initial turbulence parameters were
estimated based on the preliminary study and the
assumption of fully developed flow with isotropic
turbulence at the inlet as given in Table 2. A
turbulence parameter study was not conducted as not
to distort the validation through false optimisation of
input quantities.
Table 2. Initial turbulence parameters
Quantity Units Value
κ m/s
1.0070 10
ω s
ν m
/s 0.01059
3.2 Preliminary study
A preliminary study has been performed to estimate
the flow velocities in different parts of the flow
channel, namely the vertical pipe, the L-pipe, the
nozzle, the test section, the small nozzle and the
outflow tank. For this purpose a simple base grid was
developed as follows. The maximum cell size was set
to 0.011 m. The cell size was halved at the nozzle,
which leads into the test section and then halved
again for the section stretching from the beginning of
the second nozzle through the outflow pipe into the
outflow basin. To capture the boundary layer prism
cells were applied on the walls. Since the actual local
flow velocities were only known for the test section at
this stage from the experiments, the thickness of the
wall layer was kept constant throughout the domain,
which resulted in a variation of y+ values throughout
the domain. However, for estimation of the local
velocities this seemed to be sufficient. Fig. 4 shows the
magnitude of the velocity in the channel’s symmetry
plane for the base grid configuration.
Figure 4. Velocity magnitude in channel symmetry plane,
with water flowing from the inlet at the top left into the
vertical pipe and onwards into the L-pipe, accelerating
inside the nozzle before entering the test section with a
maximum velocity of approx. 0.3 m/s, exiting the test
section into the second nozzle and finally reaching the
outflow tank.
The water enters the inlet at a velocity of about
0.01 m/s and on close inspection flow separation can
be spotted on the inside of the sharp 90 degree angle
turn inside the L-pipe. The velocity stays
approximately constant until it reaches the nozzle
before the test section. Moving through the nozzle
into the test section, the flow accelerates to close to 0.3
m/s in the centre of the duct. After passing the test
section the flow accelerates further in the small nozzle
due to the reduction in cross section and exits the
outlet pipe into the outlet tank as a distinctive jet.
3.3 Grid study
Based on the results of a preliminary study, a grid
study has been performed to study the sensitivity of
the results regarding the spatial resolution of the
geometry. For this study the maximum cell size was
systematically varied by factor of 1.5 to derive one
more coarse and two finer grids. The target y
was set
to ≤ 1 to accurately model the boundary layer which is
of prime importance for the planned application of
the channel. This means that the number of boundary
layer cells varies between the grids. There were no
significant differences found between the different
grids with volume fluxes, mean and maximum
velocities as well as velocity profiles at the 70D
position in the experiment found to be in good
agreement. The data presented in the following
belongs to the grid with a base size of 0.0103 m, which
corresponds to the preliminary mesh (base size = 0.011
m) with a minor adjustment to increase the mesh
quality to allow for the changes in the boundary layer
4.1 Velocity Patterns of Experiments and Numerical
Velocity patterns are presented for one longitudinal
location along the flow channel at 70D, in which D is
the hydraulic diameter of the duct. With the current
setup and under given circumstances of chosen
equipment the Reynolds number is Re = 11.400 in
reference to D. The measurements were conducted at
one Reynolds number and under the assumption of
stationary flow. The normal axis for each pattern is in
the centre of the duct for the smallest influence
possible by the walls. Presented are velocity patterns
across the duct’s height, z-pattern, as well as width, y-
pattern, in Fig. 5.
The experimental results are 1D measurements and
presented are mean values from four measurements.
The different markers indicate the z-pattern and y-
pattern, respectively. Moreover, an error bar
represents the standard deviation for experimental
results. The LDV device allows for two parallel
measurements at the same time since the two laser
beams can record velocities independent from each
other, although a measurement event is only valid if
the two laser beams detect the same particle. A
repetition of that process is performed afterwards.
CFD results are presented by dashed and dotted lines,
From Fig. 5 can be seen that the velocity is
symmetric at the respective centre line over the height
as well as width, which implies a full turbulent flow.
Furthermore, a good agreement with CFD results is
clearly visible. Especially the centre line flow shows
good agreement for z-pattern as well as y-pattern.
Mean velocities are similar to CFD results and the
standard deviation for the mean values is small. The
measurements closer to the respective channel wall
show that turbulence increases and uncertainties of
the measurement increase as well. This becomes also
visible from the comparison of selected values in
experimental data close to the wall. With the different
velocities for the points closest to the wall for z-
pattern and y-pattern it becomes visible that the
experimental data is highly depending on a thorough
set-up and fussy alignment of laser device and flow
Figure 6. Velocity profile close to the wall with a linear fit
(blue line) to determine wall shear stress. The fit curve is
forced through zero to imply zero velocity at the wall.
Contrary to CFD results, experimental results do
not show zero velocity, since a measurement close to
the wall is time consuming and requires high effort.
Still, to get an idea of flow conditions a rather coarse
measuring grid is sufficient. The comparison shows
that the flow at 70D is fully turbulent and the
respective pattern is nearly symmetric. Furthermore,
the y-pattern differs from the z-pattern due to the
orientation of the MV that hasn’t been changed during
the experiments. A measurement to assess the
velocities close to the wall, that allow the
determination of wall shear stress, is presented in 4.2.
4.2 Near Wall Measurements
A near wall measurement is performed to estimate the
possibilities of boundary layer investigations and
determination of wall shear stress, τ, within the
current channel construction and setup. The MV is
located so close to the wall that half the MV is inside
the channel and the other half disappearing in the
channel wall. After the successful measurement of
10000 particles crossing the MV, the MV is moved
step wise away from the wall. Subsequently all
recorded MVs are stitched together to build a near-
wall flow profile over half the duct (δ = 20 mm). Fig. 6
depicts the near linear increase of velocity between
200 and 800 micrometre wall distance. A linear fit
curve is added to distinguish the intended area. For
velocity values further away from the wall, a non-
linear gradient becomes visible. Also, clearly visible
are the limits of the LDV device, which allows no
detection of particles slower than 0.025 m/s (see Sec. 5
for further discussion). Therefore, the linear fit curve
is forced to go through zero, since a point directly at
the solid wall has zero velocity. The slope of the
straight line, or the gradient of the velocity profile
near the wall, is assumed to represent the near wall
shear stresses from the channel wall [17]. From the
relation in Eq. (4), τ can be calculated and can serve as
a variable for further boundary layer evaluations with
η being the dynamic viscosity of water and ∂u/∂y the
local shear velocity [16]. The determination of τ is
highly depending on water carefully recorded
velocity and a constant temperature, since small
deviations have a strong impact on the result. Fig. 6
indicates room for improvement. Ideally all grey dots
would match the blue line.
Figure 5. Velocity patterns at 70D. y pattern is the velocity
pattern across the channel width, whereas z pattern is the
velocity across the channel height. Horizontal error bars
denote the standard deviation of the respective point
The velocity profile across half the channel duct
recorded with a spatial resolution in the near-wall
area is presented in Fig. 7, in a semi-logarithmic plot
with dimensionless values u
over y
(with u
= u/uτ
and y
= (y ∙ uτ )/ν).
From this depiction the non-zero velocity from
experimental data becomes visible as well. The blue
line represents the area of the linear increase and the
green line the log law based on u
= 1/κ
) + C
with κ 0.41 and C
5.2. The logarithmic part of the
profile is represented better than the linear portion.
This again points out the need for high profoundness
in terms of near-wall experiments. Other than that a
general agreement between experimental data,
theoretical values and literature data, approves the
measurement concept and the procedure to determine
τ. Although, leaps and irregular values for
experimental data implies partly erroneous
measurements. This can be ascribed to the stitching
process of the MVs and the recording on different
days. Moreover, the determination of wall shear
stresses is prone to changes in temperature. This is not
considered sufficiently within the selected approach.
Nonetheless, the linear part is distinguishable from
logarithmic area and therefore determination of slip
velocity seems realisable. Results from own numerical
calculations are not presented due to the fact that the
selected RANS approach uses wall functions. These
wall functions are boundary conditions which
presume predefined turbulence parameter and
velocity profiles normal to the walls, which are
derived from the law of the wall. Hence, the
compliance to the law of the wall is inherent.
Figure 7. Velocity profile across half the channel duct in
comparison with theoretical values and CFD data from [19].
The green line crosses exp. data in the logarithmic layer,
whereas the blue line crosses exp. data in the viscous
The general methodology and the proof-of-concept of
how to assess the friction reducing capabilities of an
air retaining surface were presented. The fundamental
principle of the passive air lubrication AIRCOAT
surface is to mimic the air retaining properties of the
Salvinia fern on a foil system, which has both
hydrophilic as well as hydrophobic characteristics.
One goal of the AIRCOAT project is to prove the
friction reducing properties of such an artificial foil in
order to validate its potential as a sustainable future
ship hull coating. This study serves as the prerequisite
for the long term goal to identify and investigate the
slip velocity active over a passive air layer. Here, the
methodology was validated in a controlled steady
environment by investigating a flat surface.
The construction of a flow channel driven by a
constant water column, the measurement with a LDV
Profile Sensor and the implementation of
corresponding CFD simulations were reported. The
flow channel follows a low-coast approach with the
goal of a fully turbulent flow. One Re number was
chosen to compare physical experimental results to a
CFD simulation. A comparison of experimental data
and CFD results of vertical and horizontal flow
patterns showed close resemblance across the square
Measurements close to the wall showed the
advantage of the LDV Profile Sensor that yielded high
resolution measurements within the boundary layer
and the near-wall area. The linear increase in velocity,
i.e. the local shear velocity, was identified and the
mean wall shear stress τ determined.
The performed experiments concluded that well
controlled flow conditions and a thorough
experimental setup are utterly important to use the
full capability of the high spatial resolution achievable
with a Profile Sensor, e.g. sturdy construction or
temperature monitored fluids.
For future measurements a Profile Sensor with
carrier-frequency technique to better identify particles
with a near zero velocity is preferable [5]. Such a
sensor has the advantage of enabling the
determination of flow speeds close to the wall reliably
and thus leads to an improved the determination of
wall shear stresses.
In future experiments the presented methodology -
and validated for flat surface with no air layer - will be
used to assess turbulent flow above a structured
surface with air layer - to identify the velocity profile
and the slip velocity. Furthermore, comparing the
measured wall shear stress, τ, of flat and structured
surface can give a drag reducing capabilities of
passive air retaining surfaces.
Introducing air into the system will bring new
challenges. The phase flow regime with the air layer
under water will introduce reflection of the laser
beam due to different refraction indices of water and
air. A reflecting surface is detrimental in achieving a
strong LDV measurement signal. Nonetheless, a
comparison of these future measurements with the
herein presented methodology and reference
measurements allow to achieve a valuable
contribution in assessing and validating biologically
inspired friction reducing ship coatings or surfaces.
The flow channel will further enable the
development and validation of custom wall functions
for RANS CFD simulations that can subsequently be
used to extrapolate the effect of novel coatings such as
AIRCOAT to large scales such as ships or the inner
walls of pipes and tubes.
The study was performed as part of the AIRCOAT project.
The AIRCOAT project has received funding from the
European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
programme under grant agreement 764553. Special
thanks goes to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Schlüter and his team
from the Institute of Multiphase Flows of the Hamburg
University of Technology for giving advise during flow
channel design and for lending the LDA Profile Sensor.
Furthermore, we thank Prof.(i.R.) Dr. Wolfgang Mackens
and his team from the "DLR School Lab" of the Hamburg
University of Technology for laboratory access.
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